Nuclear bomb in minecraft - craft and use

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to make a nuclear bomb in Minectaft without special mods, cheats and other miscellaneous tricks.

First, of course, we turn on the game, then I advise you to try to start in creative mode, because it's best to experiment where there are endless materials. So, you entered the game, from the inventory we take the material we need. The materials we need include: any block (smooth sandstone, stone, clay, sand, etc.), an ordinary rail (you can use an energy rail), a minecart with dynamite and a red torch - all the necessary materials. Then we choose a territory convenient for us (a nuclear bomb will not take up much space). After that, we put one rail, and on both sides the block that you have chosen. Only these two blocks should stand opposite each other. After, above the (energy) rail we place another block so that the two blocks that are on the sides should hold it. And we get some kind of mini-turret of three blocks, and under this tower there is a rail. So, why did we take the dynamite cart? And we took it in order to put this trolley on the rail. We put as many carts with dynamite under the blocks as possible (the more, the more our nuclear bomb will thunder and the less will remain around). After all these actions, you should have got: a lot of minecarts with dynamites, surrounded by blocks on both sides and one block above the minecarts. Then, on any side with which we have blocks (except the top block), we will put our red torch at a distance of one block. Well, we are almost at the end, then we break all the blocks and we should be left with dynamite carts and a red torch. And we approach the trolleys and push them towards the red torch, while we ourselves move as far as possible to observe this spectacle.

I hope you did everything as I explained to you. If you did everything as I explained to you, then you should have left a big hole. Just imagine how long it would take you to dig this hole, and then you built a nuclear bomb and you're done! Good luck!

Video how to make a nuclear bomb in Minecraft without mods

Sometimes in Minecraft there is a need for a good explosion - then you will definitely need knowledge about creating explosives. Because it is with its help that you can inflict maximum damage over a large area. The most popular explosive in Minecraft is dynamite, but this only applies to the original game. If you have the common Industrial Craft add-on installed, then here you have a much wider choice. And the most powerful explosive is the nuclear bomb, which must be used very carefully. In this article, you will learn how it is done and how it is used in Minecraft. Since this is a very dangerous item, you need to take every possible precaution both when crafting and when using it.

Nuclear bomb craft

So, the first thing you need to do is find out exactly how it is created in Minecraft. There is a special recipe for this that you need to remember. First, collect the necessary components that you have to use. At the center of everything will be an improved case mechanism, to which you will need to add two improved chips, as well as six thicker neutron reflectors. From all this you will get a full-fledged nuclear bomb, which can be used immediately after production. It is worth noting that in earlier versions the recipe was different - there you had to combine gunpowder with Therefore, if you can’t get a bomb in Minecraft, then you should check which version of the mod you have installed. And in accordance with this information, choose the desired recipe.

Bomb use

As in the case of dynamite, a nuclear bomb in Minecraft is activated very simply. You can turn it on manually, but you will only have fifteen seconds to leave, which is very short, since the area is extremely large. Therefore, it is recommended to use various devices to activate the bomb - for example, you can turn it on with a redstone wire or blow up dynamite next to it. In general, you have several options for activating this type of explosive at once, but in any case, you should definitely take care of your safety, because if you find yourself in the affected area without a special suit, you will instantly die. You can also build a wall two blocks high of reinforced stone - then the bombs in Minecraft will not bring you such much damage.


A nuclear bomb in Minecraft 1.5.2 and other versions is a very powerful weapon that has a huge kill zone and destroys absolutely everything in its path. Of course, you can use it to extract resources, but you should understand that three-quarters of the blocks that are blown up will be completely destroyed without bringing you any loot. Moreover, a very impressive crater remains from a nuclear bomb, and it will be impossible to restore the earth. Therefore, use the nuclear bomb wisely, as it is too powerful and causes great destruction.


In the latest version of the mod, the nuclear bomb received a very impressive improvement. Now you can control the power of the explosion by enriching it with a different number of elements. The minimum number is eight, it is suitable for a small (relative to the power of a nuclear bomb) explosion. As much as possible, you can supply one bomb with 64 elements at once to get an explosion of incredible power. If there are less than eight elements, then the bomb simply will not explode. Thus, you decide how powerful your bomb will be.

This guide is aimed at those who like to blow something up, and therefore we will consider the most powerful explosive in minecraft - a nuclear bomb. Of course, in the original game (without add-ons) it is impossible to build not only a nuclear bomb, even a nuclear reactor cannot be built there. This is possible in the add-on (in the mod) Industrialcraft 2. This modification contains various interesting mechanisms, but we will talk about this in another article.

So, nuclear bombindustrial craft 2- a very powerful explosive that destroys a huge area, while destroying about 75% of all blocks that fell during the explosion. What might it be for? This question is difficult to answer, because in the first place it depends on the player who built it.

Let's start from the very beginning - the most important ingredient for building this wonderful cracker is enriched uranium, due to the fact that it is much more difficult to manufacture. We also need gunpowder and a workbench on which we will collect our toy. You can see the recipe in the picture below.

ATTENTION! This recipe is only valid until version 1.115Beta, crafting was changed in subsequent versions (became more complex).

But you ask: how to get enriched uranium? After all, it is not so easy to get it in its pure form. To do this, you will have to try a little and get four pieces of uranium ore, which can be found in the open spaces of minecraft. It will take a long time to search, but it's worth it. We will also need compressor, we put uranium ore into it, and at the output we get an enriched uranium ingot. We arrange all the obtained ingredients as in the figure above.

However, this option was only valid up to the version indicated under the figure. Therefore, crafting an item nuclear bomb Industrial Craft 2 will be different, if you have a newer version, use the following recipe:

The picture shows: square plates on the sides - thickened neutron reflectors, a block in the center - an improved case of the mechanism, and the rest - improved electrical circuits. Since the craft was complicated, it would be best to show it in full, from beginning to end.

First of all, you need to craft a thickened neutron reflector. One such reflector will require four simple neutron reflectors and copper plates:

In this case, a simple neutron reflector is created as follows:

Let's calculate everything that we need to create six thickened neutron reflectors: coal dust- 96 pieces, tin dust- 96 pieces, copper plate-54 pieces. Tin and coal dust can be made with crusher, and the copper plate is made using hammer or compressor.

The next part of crafting nuclear reactorindustrial craft 2 is an improved electrical circuit. It is crafted from a simple electrical circuit and the following materials: Light Dust (2), Red Dust (2), and Lapis Lazuli (2).

To craft a regular microchip, you will need: insulated copper wire (6), red dust (2) and an iron plate. Copper wires are made from copper plates - they are cut with wire cutter, and the iron plate is created according to the same principle as the copper one.

We list everything you need to craft an improved electrical circuit: 3 copper ingots, 6 pieces of rubber, one iron ingot, 6 pinches of red dust, two pieces of lapis lazuli and two pinches of light dust. We multiply everything by two and get the exact amount of resources that will be required to create one bomb.

And last but not least is the improved case of the movement. To create it, you will have to spend the usual mechanism body, carbon fiber and composite. Let's consider everything in order:

Movement case


In this case, carbon fabric is created from ordinary coal (it needs to be crushed).


After you get the composite ingots, they should be compressed.
The recipe for an improved mechanism case is as follows:

Having collected everything you need, we move on to crafting a nuclear bomb.
A few words about the use of weapons of mass destruction in minecraft. Primarily intended for entertainment, however, it was later found that the bomb could be used as dynamite in mines. But I hasten to disappoint you - after the explosion, radiation will be released in this place.

In Minecraft, nuclear-type bombs have appeared relatively recently, but many advanced gamers are already actively using them. For example, they use them to collect ore. After all, in minecraft, a nuclear-type bomb gives a much better chance of being able to find it underground in large numbers. At the same time, this process takes much less time. After all, you don't have to do it all by hand. In addition, nuclear bombs are used in the battle with enemies, as well as to blow up the rocks that are on the way of the gamer. Each time, players find more and more applications for the nuclear bomb. Therefore, the relevance of its use is growing every day. And then the question arises, how to make a nuclear bomb in Minecraft? By and large, there is nothing difficult here if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

In order to make a nuclear bomb, one of two methods can be used. One involves the use of ingredients such as enriched uranium and gunpowder. The first one will need to be transferred to the transformation block in the amount of 5 pieces, and the second - 4 pieces. After they are crafted, you get a nuclear bomb. It will hit a very large area. Moreover, with the help of it it will be possible to destroy up to 75% of the dropped blocks. And as you know, such an effect can be achieved only from the explosion of a nuclear reactor. At the same time, he hits deep, while the bomb hits the radius. Therefore, the effect of its use is better. For this reason, gamers stop their attention on it. As for how to detonate a nuclear bomb of this type in minecraft, everything is very simple here, you just need to activate the switch.

If a gamer is interested in information on how to detonate a bomb in Minecraft, which would have significant power, then before learning about it, you should find out what it can be made of. And here the second method of making a nuclear bomb comes to the rescue. Here you will need to use the following to create it: a low-enriched fuel element, a uranium block, a mechanism case and an improved electrical circuit. All these elements are combined in a transformation unit, after which a nuclear bomb of considerable power will be obtained on the basis of them. The radius of its action will be much greater than that which is made only from gunpowder and uranium. Therefore, this point is very important to consider. As for how to explode a bomb in Minecraft made in this way, everything is as simple as possible, you need to hit the block with a stone or use a radio remote control.

The use of nuclear bombs made according to the first option using uranium and gunpowder should be used when it is necessary to neutralize enemies. They will become especially effective if you blow them up next to the Wither. Thanks to this, it will be possible to take away more than half of his health from him. As a result, the battle with him will take place in light mode. If these bombs are placed correctly, the Nether Star will become the property of the gamer in less than 10 seconds. However, you must immediately take into account that in the course of this, extensive destruction will not do. Therefore, whether the Star is worth it or not, the gamer must definitely decide before activating nuclear bombs from uranium and gunpowder. After all, you can try to use other equally effective methods.

Nuclear-type bombs made according to the second option should be used primarily in the extraction of ore. In addition, they are effective in facilitating the collection of uranium. You can use them to find diamonds and gold. At the same time, it is necessary to place a nuclear bomb at a height of about 17-20 blocks. The gamer himself should be away from the explosion site or put on a quantum or nano suit. You can also make a small shelter for yourself from 2 layers of reinforced stone. After that, you can activate the bomb by means of a radio remote control. A huge pit will be formed at the site of its explosion. It will be possible to find deposits of ore, gold, uranium, diamonds in it.

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