Tablets to sleep. Topical hypnotics for the treatment of insomnia. Side effects of sleep medications

A decrease in physical, an increase in neuropsychic and mental stress has led to the fact that insomnia has become a constant companion of people in the modern world. Regular lack of sleep adversely affects the health and performance of people. Sleeping pills can be bought at the pharmacy with a prescription, but they, as a rule, have many contraindications. What can be done to improve the quality of life? Not everyone knows that today a number of mild over-the-counter sleeping pills are being produced that can regulate sleep without compromising health.

About sleep aids

Light hypnotics are basically sedatives (sedatives) that relieve excitation in the central nervous system (CNS) without increasing inhibition processes. They have the following effects on the body:

  • well relieve irritability, aggressiveness, anxiety, increased tearfulness;
  • regulate the work of the autonomic nervous system; this contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm, the restoration of normal digestion, etc.;
  • eliminate the increased excitability of the central nervous system, which helps to eliminate insomnia;
  • adapt a person to stress, change of time zones, etc.

Sleeping pills are divided into prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Non-prescription drugs, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Synthetic
  2. vegetable
  3. Combined - have several active ingredients
  4. homeopathic

Indications and contraindications for use

Indications for the use of light sleeping pills is insomnia.

Sleep disorders can be different: some people have a disturbed process of falling asleep, others often wake up in the middle of the night, and still others suffer from early morning waking. Therefore, before going to the pharmacy for a medicine, it is better to visit a doctor: he will recommend the most suitable remedy.

Most mild sleeping pills can also be used as sedatives. In this case, they are taken during the day. You should not just forget that after taking such a drug, you should not drive.

Some medicinal substances from these groups have adaptogenic properties (Melaxen): they are able to adapt the body to stress, a sharp change in time zones, etc.

Contraindications for different drugs are different. Their side effects are minimal. A general contraindication for use is only individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Insomnia is a condition that sooner or later leads to neurosis. Medications for insomnia can solve this problem, but before using them, you should consult a neurologist.

Light prescription sleeping pills

These drugs have a mild sleep-regulating effect. But they have contraindications for use, so they must be prescribed by a doctor. These include:

Aminophenylbutyric acid - tablets of 250 mg. A drug from the group of nootropics that improves metabolism in brain cells and cerebral circulation.

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves the process of falling asleep
  • Does not cause lethargy and drowsiness upon awakening.

It is used in courses of 2 - 3 weeks. Side effects are minor: some people have lethargy, irritable weakness, nausea the next morning after taking it. With prolonged use and very large ones, it can have a negative effect on the liver. Do not take the drug in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 2 years of age.

Doxylamine - tablets of 15 mg.

  • Has a calming effect
  • Normalizes sleep, falling asleep
  • Improves the duration and quality of night rest.

The action lasts up to 8 hours. Side effects: daytime sleepiness, dry mouth, constipation, palpitations, visual disturbances, urinary retention. An overdose is possible, so use as directed by a doctor. Contraindications: urinary retention, increased intraocular pressure, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, age up to 15 years.

OTC drugs of synthetic origin

Melatonin, other trade names Melarena, Melarithm, Sonnovan - 3 mg tablets. Synthetic analogue of the pineal hormone melatonin.

  • Regulates the processes of sleep and wakefulness
  • Adapts a person to changes in the external environment and stress
  • Improves the quality of the night's rest
  • Causes fast sleep
  • Reduces the number of night awakenings.

It is especially effective after 55 years, when the secretion of natural melatonin decreases. It is well tolerated, but sometimes gives side effects in the form of headaches and nausea.

Contraindicated in severe kidney disease, autoimmune diseases, blood diseases, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

It is prescribed only for adults an hour before bedtime.

Fabomotizol 5mg tablets. Light tranquilizer.

  • Eliminates anxiety
  • Improves memory
  • Reduces depression

Virtually no side effects (except for allergic reactions). Do not appoint pregnant women, nursing mothers, children. Applied at night.

Sublingual tablets 100 mg. Normalizes metabolism in neurons.

  • Relieves emotional stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Restores sleep
  • Invigorates in the morning
  • Enhances cognitive abilities.

Apply at night.

These are herbal medicines. A feature of herbal medicines is a complex effect on the body: soothing, relieving depression and emotional stress, often antispasmodic (relieving spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels) and tonic.

  • Medicinal substances with valerian(tablets of 200 mg, tincture) - used for increased excitability at night
  • Medicinal substances with motherwort(tablets of 14 mg, tincture, grass in filter bags) - the effect of motherwort is close to valerian. Take 3-4 times a day for a month; motherwort's peculiarity is the increase in efficiency within three weeks
  • Medicinal substances with St. John's wort(capsules Negrustin, Deprim, dragee Gelarium Hypericum) - improves mood (antidepressant effect), calms, regulates night rest. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12 years of age. Of the side effects known photosensitivity - the development of sensitivity to light. Applied in accordance with the instructions;
  • evasive peony extract(tincture) - a sedative, anti-anxiety, normalizing sleep remedy. Contraindicated in violation of liver and kidney function, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age; drink at night.

The medicine should be selected individually, depending on the existing violations, since each drug has its own characteristics.

Combined funds

These drugs contain several components that enhance the effect of each other, so they can be used in smaller dosages. This is the most numerous group of medicinal substances, they can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.


Corvalol - drops for oral administration. Ethyl bromisovalerianate, which is part of them, acts like valerian, suppressing excitation processes in the central nervous system. The second component - phenobarbital is a hypnotic that enhances the sedative effect. Mint relieves spasm of internal organs and walls of blood vessels. Contraindications: severe kidney and liver disease with impaired function. Assign 30 drops at night for no more than 10 days in a row.

If you use Valocordin for a long time in high doses, symptoms of bromine poisoning (lethargy, low mood, runny nose, redness of the eyes, unsteady gait) and the development of drug dependence may appear.

Drops for internal use. The composition and action are similar to Valocordin.

Phytotablets containing valerian, lemon balm, mint. Relieves excitability, causes rapid falling asleep. Do not prescribe hypotension, with stones in the gallbladder, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under the age of 12 years. Side effects: bronchospasm and constipation may occur. For insomnia, take at night.

Tablets for internal use. Contains extracts of sedative herbs and guaifenesin. Herbs have a calming effect, enhanced by the tranquilizing (anti-anxiety, relieving emotional stress) properties of guaifenesin. Do not prescribe for lactation and the age of 12 years. Side effects: lethargy, dizziness, nausea. Drink at night.

Phytotablets for oral administration. Contains valerian and hawthorn. It has a sedative effect, relieves emotional stress, promotes falling asleep. Contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. When used in large doses, lethargy, decreased performance are possible. Take one hour before bedtime.

Dietary supplement, drops for oral administration. The composition includes hawthorn, motherwort, oregano, mint. It has a sedative effect, helps to restore a good night's rest. In the morning, after taking the day before, there is no lethargy and drowsiness. Take 10 - 15 drops at night under the tongue (hold in the mouth and swallow).


An instant tea with a soothing, sleep-improving effect. Contains orange blossom, lavender, lemon mint leaves, licorice root, hop cones, valerian roots. Apply a teaspoon to a glass of water at night.

Tincture for internal use. Contains motherwort, hops, oats, lemon balm, hawthorn, coriander, sweet clover. Eliminates the effects of stress, relieves anxiety, restores normal sleep. Contraindications: bleeding disorders, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 12 years. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure. Take 1 teaspoon at night for 3 to 4 weeks.

homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic medicines are good for functional disorders of the nervous system, one of the symptoms of which is insomnia. As a rule, they relieve nervous tension well, eliminate the effects of stress and mild anxiety.

Homeopathic granules for oral administration. Has a sedative effect. Assign only to adults, 8 granules under the tongue at bedtime. Normalizes sleep well.

Drops for internal use. Soothes, relieves stress, regulates the process of falling asleep. Do not prescribe to pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 6 years of age. Apply 15 drops (children 10) three times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Sublingual homeopathic tablets. Promotes fast falling asleep, normalizes all phases of sleep. Do not prescribe under the age of 3 years. Apply under the tongue three times a day one hour before meals for 2 to 3 weeks.

Homeopathic drops for oral administration. It is used for increased nervous excitability and insomnia. Take 10 drops (5 for children) three times a day half an hour before meals for 1 to 4 months.

Homeopathic granules. Soothes, improves sleep. Not prescribed for children. Take 15 granules half an hour before bedtime.

The video presents the types of drugs for insomnia and indications for their use.

Light sleeping pills can significantly improve the quality of life. But it is better to take them as directed by a doctor. In addition, these drugs require individual selection: a large selection allows you to choose a remedy that is right for this particular person.

Insomnia for a modern person is actually a familiar condition, which manifests itself due to constant stress and the irrational distribution of work and free time. In some cases, the disorder turns into a form that requires mandatory treatment, since the patient cannot fully sleep for a long time. Usually, treatment begins with over-the-counter drugs, which have fewer contraindications and side effects than prescription drugs.

The drug does not have a direct effect on sleep phases, which helps to establish quality sleep with minimal impact. Using Donormil significantly improves the quality of sleep, the patient falls asleep much faster and at the same time can fully sleep up to nine hours.

In case of disorder, the patient is recommended to take one pill of the drug, which is dissolved in 0.1 liters of liquid. For minor problems with sleep, the dosage can be reduced to half the dose, and if insomnia has already become serious, you should drink two pills at once.

Donormil is taken just before going to bed. It is possible to use the medication for the treatment of insomnia only for two weeks, after which a one-month break is necessary and the full course can be repeated again. If, after two pill regimens, the patient still complains of a problem with falling asleep, another drug should be selected.

Donormil should not be used in patients who have prostate, kidney and liver diseases. When using the medication, patients have difficulty concentrating, severe dry mouth and a feeling of drowsiness during the day.

Attention! This sedative is strictly forbidden to use up to 15 years, during the period of bearing and feeding a child, as well as in the presence of an allergy to any component of Donormil.

Melaxen for insomnia

The uniqueness of this drug lies in the fact that it is a complete synonym for a hormone that is responsible for high-quality and full sleep. The drug most accurately affects the body, delimiting the cycles of wakefulness and sleep.

Melaxen acts on the nerve centers of the patient, after which the natural process of falling asleep begins. At the same time, in the daytime, patients have no problems with concentration, they feel completely rested.

To obtain an adequate therapeutic result, one tablet should be taken one hour before bedtime, which is equal to 3 mg of the active ingredient. The duration of treatment with Melaxen is three weeks. You should not drink these pills if you have problems with the kidneys and diagnose any autoimmune diseases. Even with a multiple increase in the dose of the drug, not a single side effect was detected, which indicates the complete safety of the active substance.

When using Melaxen, one should not be afraid of the destruction of the natural mechanisms of sleep, since the medication, on the contrary, “helps” the body to remember how to put a person to sleep. The drug is excreted quickly and does not leave behind any traces.

Sonmil to normalize sleep

It is also a fairly good drug that is normally tolerated by patients of various groups. Some studies speak of its greater effectiveness and safety than the popular Donormil. For best results, take half a tablet before going to bed. The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 2 tablets.

The drug does not affect sleep phases, guarantees a healthy nine-hour sleep. It is not worth using the drug for more than eight weeks, since there is a possibility of developing addiction, which will require a new selection of a drug against insomnia.

Attention! In rare cases, patients have reported severe morning sleepiness, mild dizziness, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. If such symptoms are noted, the dose of Sonmil is reduced or it is completely canceled.

Herbal preparations for normal sleep

A traditional remedy that allows you to improve sleep without a direct effect on the brain. The drug reduces excitability, normalizes the psycho-emotional background. To obtain an adequate therapeutic result, it is recommended to take 30 drops of tincture half an hour before meals. The number of daily doses is three. The recommended duration of treatment is 10 days, after which it is mandatory to take a break of at least four weeks.


For the treatment of sleep disorders, a plant extract is used, which can affect the nervous system, significantly relieving arousal and anxiety. Treatment with Passiflora continues for four weeks. To get a good result, you need to take 30 drops of the active substance with plenty of water. It is better to take the medication before the main meal. For a day, you should drink 90 drops of Passiflora.

Attention! These drugs, despite the natural composition, can also cause a fairly large number of side effects and have serious contraindications. You can find out about them from your doctor.

Combined remedies for insomnia


This tool is different in that it also affects the emotional background of the patient, allowing him to relax and get rid of increased anxiety. Novo-Passit is not addictive and has an exclusively natural composition. Under the constant supervision of the attending physician, it can be used during pregnancy. To eliminate the symptoms of insomnia, take two tablets of Novo-Passit three times a day with meals. The duration of therapy is 14 days.


This drug has a specific line of tablets that are aimed at suppressing insomnia. Persen is distinguished by the possibility of a sufficiently long use, the course of therapy can be 6-8 weeks, taking into account the degree of sleep disorder. To obtain an adequate therapeutic result, the patient should drink two tablets of the drug one hour before bedtime, drinking the drug with a small amount of pure water. Not allowed during pregnancy.


A good sedative drug that is prescribed to simultaneously reduce the nervousness and excitability of patients with sleep disorders. You can take Dormiplant from the age of six. Patients are advised to take two tablets of the drug half an hour before going to bed. Do not chew and divide the tablets, so as not to violate the integrity of the active substance. The duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient.

Attention! Before using these drugs, you should first consult with your doctor, as they can cause side effects such as vomiting, skin rash and diarrhea.

Cost of sleep medications

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in BelarusPrice in Ukraine
Donormil 300 rubles9.6 rubles123 hryvnia
Melaxen 700 rubles22.4 rubles287 hryvnia
sunmil 150 rubles4.8 rubles62 hryvnia
Peony tincture

Insomnia or scientifically insomnia is a complex and dangerous disease that, if left untreated for a long time, causes serious health problems. Frequent awakening at night, bad and depressed mood, long falling asleep in the evening - all this characterizes the course of the disease.

Today, various types of remedies for insomnia have been created - at home, they help to quickly and safely overcome the problem for health, as well as return a person to a sound and healthy sleep. You should take drugs according to the doctor's indications, since many of them have contraindications and side effects.

However, if the disease occurs only at the initial stage of its own development, it is permissible to take certain remedies without the doctor's testimony. Usually such drugs are herbal preparations, consisting only of natural plants and herbs. What is the best medicine to take and how to do it correctly?

Medicines that can cure insomnia differ in their therapeutic effect on the body, but their “work” is carried out according to the same principle. The entire list of drugs for insomnia is capable of:

  • slow down and muffle the activity of the brain, as well as remove excessive excitability from it during the daytime;
  • relieve muscle tension, which does not allow the body to relax;
  • eliminate nervous tension, which, in case of excitability, will constantly give signals to the brain, preventing it from resting and relaxing.

Thanks to this action of drugs, it is possible to relax a person and calm down all the processes occurring in the body - this contributes to a good night's sleep. As a rule, the effect of such therapeutic agents lasts all night - which means that a person will be able to sleep normally, and his body - to rest and recharge.

Today, pharmaceutical companies produce different types of drugs that can restore a night's sleep.

Short acting sleep medications

These types of sleeping pills eliminate the difficulty of falling asleep in a person, and also do not disturb the phase of sleep. Therefore, when taking medications, the patient's biological rhythms will not be disturbed, which is considered an undoubted advantage.

Sleeping pills, endowed with a short effect on the body, increase the inhibition of active processes, and also relieve excitation from the brain and central nervous system. Thanks to this action, you can fall asleep quickly. After a full course of treatment, it will be possible to completely restore night sleep.

long acting drugs

Such a remedy for insomnia is often prescribed for adults and the elderly who have, and also often wake up at night and can no longer fall asleep. Such drugs are considered harmless only if they are prescribed to a sick doctor, since they should be taken in a strict dosage.

In addition, strong medicines have many contraindications, so not every person suffering from insomnia can drink them.

Attention! Each type of sleeping pill has a different chemical composition, and they also have a different effect on the body and the central nervous system. Therefore, it is dangerous to carry out treatment with such drugs without a doctor's testimony. Some of them can be addictive, which will adversely affect health.

The doctor has the right to prescribe treatment only after a complete examination of the patient's body and identifying the cause of insomnia. Indeed, in some cases (for example, with insomnia caused by alcohol intake or frequent stress), the patient will need to take several drugs at once, which, with the help of a complex effect on the body, will treat insomnia.

What causes chronic insomnia

Doctors say that taking medicines (except for homeopathy and herbal medicines) should only be for chronic insomnia. If the disease occurs in a mild or mild form, the problem is treated with natural remedies based on plants and herbs.

Factors and diseases that cause a person of any age:

  • a recent stroke;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding (a woman sometimes has to wake up often to feed a newborn, and this negatively affects the quality of night rest);
  • anxiety and stress;
  • alcoholism, in which the body of a drunkard is not able to relax and rest (it is problematic to treat insomnia during binge drinking - in this case, the patient will need the help of a psychiatrist);
  • depression, which is age-related (this means that not only adults, but also adolescents can notice the symptoms of insomnia);
  • human anxiety caused by psychological disorders;
  • pregnancy in the 1st and 3rd trimester;
  • menopause, which develops in a woman in an active form (during menopause, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body, which adversely affects the quality of night rest);
  • nervous state or frequent psycho-emotional breakdowns;
  • frequent hangover if a person abuses alcohol and his body has developed an addiction to strong drinks.

Such reasons are considered the main reasons why a person has problems falling asleep. In this case, only drugs can help overcome insomnia. Almost all of them contain the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the quality of night sleep.

However, in order to fall asleep normally and quickly again, the patient must necessarily undergo a comprehensive treatment of the disease, otherwise a good and lasting effect from therapy should not be expected.

Types of drugs to restore sleep

Doctors with the development of persistent insomnia prescribe to patients one or more drugs that are part of a certain group. To cure chronic insomnia, doctors prescribe the following groups of drugs to patients:


The most effective and effective drugs that are usually prescribed to patients with severe insomnia. Shortly after taking them, the person will feel sleepy and weak in the body. However, barbiturates can cause side effects such as headaches and muscle pain, irritability and lethargy.

Therefore, this group of drugs is prescribed to patients with insomnia only as a last resort, when a person cannot fall asleep for several weeks.

When barbiturates are taken for a long time, both men and women can become physically and mentally dependent. Also, you should not constantly take pills due to the fact that they shorten the human sleep cycle, and it is necessary to restore the normal activity of the central nervous system. Barbiturates are sold in pharmacies only on the advice of a doctor.


Such drugs contain a minimum amount of toxins in their composition, so they are not addictive and do not have negative side effects (this is observed only if the person takes the medicine correctly).

It is especially good to take tranquilizers with frequent anxiety, causing a disturbance at night. Adolescents are often prescribed this type of medication to combat the intense emotional stress that often occurs in people at this age.

Medicines containing natural melatonin

Medicines that have this component in themselves do not cause a violation of the sleep structure, cause early falling asleep, and also reduce the number of waking up at night. In the morning, a person feels active and alert, and also does not want to sleep.

In addition, melatonin-based drugs improve the emotional sphere, so they can be safely given to infants and young children who are forbidden to take other drugs due to their age. However, this must be done in a strict dosage, as otherwise it can cause serious health problems.

Medicines belonging to group Z

These include sedatives and sedatives, which are deprived of side effects. They safely normalize the quality of night sleep without causing post-somnic disorders in a person. After awakening in the morning, the patient feels normal, despite the fact that the drugs of this group are endowed with a long-term effect.

Taking medicines belonging to this group to cure insomnia is required carefully, as they are addictive.

Attention! It is most difficult for a doctor to choose drugs in case of constant intoxication of the body. In this state, it is required to take several types of medications, otherwise a positive result of therapy can not be expected. In this case, the basis of treatment is drugs that fight alcoholism, because it was because of him that a person developed insomnia.

Sleeping pills without a prescription

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are especially famous these days because you don't need to see a doctor to take them. As a rule, such drugs do not have side effects and contraindications, which means that by following the instructions exactly, it will be possible to quickly improve the quality of night sleep.

However, according to doctors, this method of treatment is used only at the initial stage of the development of insomnia, which manifests itself every day, but in an inactive form.

Based on the composition of the drug, over-the-counter sleeping pills are divided into 3 groups.


This group of sleeping pills includes Motherwort Forte, Persen, and so on. As the name of the group suggests, herbal medicines are based on plants. The substances that are present in them improve the mood of a person and the activity of the central nervous system, restore sleep, reduce anxiety, and also have a beneficial effect on the patient's psyche.

Such a group of sleeping pills acts on the patient's body gently, without "loading" it with toxins and other unsafe chemicals. It is permissible to take herbal medicines often, as they do not have side effects on the body, and are also endowed with a minimum number of contraindications.

Sometimes drugs are taken to prevent insomnia - this is especially common in infants and children from one year old, who previously could not fall asleep for a long time. If insomnia occurs in a pronounced stage, herbal remedies are used as an additional treatment.


This group includes Melaxen, Elenium, Phenibut and Reslip. Drugs improve the quality of night sleep, and are also not able to have a negative impact on the human psyche.

Due to the immediate effect and safety, synthetic drugs can be taken by anyone, regardless of age. The disadvantages of such drug therapy include the fact that the drugs are endowed with side effects.


These include Corvalol, Barboval and so on. The preparations of this group contain useful extracts of plants and herbs, as well as active medicinal substances. All components of the drug perfectly complement and enhance the effect of each other, due to which a powerful hypnotic effect is achieved. Therefore, patients are often prescribed only one type of combined remedy.

The drugs included in this group should be taken with not too serious neurotic disorders and sleep disorders. If a person has a chronic form of the disease, in addition to combined remedies, other types of medications will also be prescribed that will help eliminate irritability and make it easier for a child and an adult to fall asleep.


These include Passidorm, Nota and Hypnosed. Modern medicine says that homeopathy is considered the most harmless group of medicines that helps restore a good night's sleep. Due to the balanced composition, drugs of this group can cause the elimination of fear, relieve problems with falling asleep, and also overcome anxiety in the patient.

Homeopathy is not capable of causing a violation of biochemical processes, since its action is completely aimed at eliminating insomnia. In order to achieve a positive and lasting effect, patients should undergo a full course of treatment with drugs, the name of which will be told by the doctor. Medicines do not cause health effects, so they can be prescribed to any patient.

It is required to carry out home treatment strictly according to the instructions, regimen and recommendations of the doctor - only then will it be possible to fully restore a full-fledged night's sleep, which will not be able to provoke the re-development of insomnia. After all, it is known that if the disease is not completely cured, it can soon overtake a person again.

How to choose the right sleeping pill

To effectively treat insomnia, you need to take medicines that act safely on the human nervous system. Such drugs during the treatment of insomnia help to normalize sleep, restore a healthy heart rhythm, and also reduce nerve excitability.

In order for insomnia to stop tormenting the patient, it is not necessary to choose strong remedies - if you use sleeping pills correctly, as well as choose the right one for the patient, even the lightest medicine can give a positive result of therapy.

The list of the most famous and common medicines:


This is an analogue of melatonin - which is created from the pineal gland. It is suitable for people to take, regardless of age and quality of health. Thanks to the pills, it is possible to normalize biological rhythms, facilitate falling asleep, and also save the patient from irritability and lethargy in the morning.

Sometimes when taking Melaxen, the patient may experience swelling, nausea and pain in the head. If you take the medicine correctly, it can have a powerful therapeutic effect after 5 days, and after 2 weeks, fully restore full sleep. The main condition is to take the remedy strictly according to the instructions.


As part of the remedy, you can find mint, valerian and lemon balm, which have a calming effect on the body. Thanks to a carefully selected composition, it is possible to enhance the inhibitory processes occurring in the human brain and nervous system.

If you drink the medicine in a strict dosage, it will be possible to eliminate anxiety and irritability, remove depression and improve the patient's concentration. Especially often Persen is prescribed for overwork and stressful situations that adversely affect the quality of night rest.


These effervescent tablets are endowed with a powerful sedative effect, which allows you to quickly fall asleep and relax the body. Taking the medicine strictly according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor, it will be possible to extend the time of night sleep and normalize the work of the heart. Side effects of the drug, judging by the feedback from patients, include dry mouth, daytime drowsiness and lethargy upon waking.


Sublingual tablets lower the activity of the central nervous system, improve metabolism in the brain tissues, and also improve the quality of sleep at night.

The medicine should be taken by those people who have psycho-emotional disorders and increased excitability associated with mental problems. To avoid health problems, you should drink Glycine in the exact dosage prescribed by your doctor.


With the help of phenobarbital - the main active substance of the drug, it turns out to endow the body with an effect. This is done by normalizing blood circulation in the brain, as well as improving the state of the central nervous system. If you take Valemedin for a long time, the patient may develop depression and dependence on the remedy.


This medicine makes a person more calm, lowering the feeling of anxiety and excitement on a mental level. The drug, when used correctly, increases the depth and time of sleep, which allows a person to have a great rest at night. Thanks to the muscle-relaxing action, it turns out to relax the body, as well as give it a rest.


The most famous cure for insomnia, endowed with a unique and carefully selected composition. Thanks to Nitrazepam, it is possible to relax the body, as well as to “extinguish” the vigorous activity of human organs and systems. Proper intake of the drug over time will provide a person with a strong and healthy sleep, which will positively affect his health.


It has a powerful calming effect, reduces spasms in the digestive tract, and also dilates blood vessels, which helps to fall asleep quickly at night. The medicine should be taken according to the indication of the doctor in a strict dosage - then it will be possible to achieve a positive effect of the treatment.


It is a useful and safe medicine endowed with a sedative effect. It is actively used in the treatment of insomnia caused by nervous excitability, anxiety and stress. Due to the absence of side effects, the medicine can be used by people of any age.

Along with the use of medications, doctors also advise breathing exercises according to the Neumyvakin method. It will help to normalize night sleep faster, and also remove excitability from human organs and systems.

Additional medicines that have proven themselves well in the treatment of insomnia include:

  • Trioson;
  • Zopiclone;
  • Somnol;
  • Sonilyuks;
  • Rozerem;
  • Sonata.

Proper treatment of insomnia will help restore a normal night's sleep, as well as improve the general condition of a person. The main thing is to carry out the treatment strictly according to the instructions, which will not harm your health, as well as avoid side effects from drugs.

Pills for insomnia are very diverse. Medicines are presented in the pharmacy network in a wide range. These are “light” drugs that are not addictive, contain natural ingredients and are available without a doctor's prescription. Sleeping pills, which have a more pronounced hypnotic effect, but are also sold without a doctor's prescription.

And strong drugs, which are used in severe cases of insomnia, when lighter drugs do not cope with the patient's sleep disturbance. Such funds are prescribed only by a doctor and are purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. The dose and course of treatment for insomnia is determined by the doctor, who observes the patient and, if necessary, changes medications.

Tablets for insomnia and hypnotics available in the pharmacy network are conventionally divided into drugs containing certain components in their composition:

Separately, a group of non-drug drugs that have a mild hypnotic effect is presented:

  • herbs and fees according to traditional medicine recipes;
  • homeopathic remedies.

The mechanism of action of sleeping pills

The action of sleeping pills is conventionally divided into periods:

  1. Short - in this case, the drugs act depressingly on excitation, that is, they lower the threshold for excitation of the nervous system. Medicines with such a period of action are suitable for patients who have trouble falling asleep.
  2. Medium - drugs of this period of action simultaneously affect the processes of both excitation and inhibition. This type of sleeping pill is suitable for patients with intrasomnia when the depth of sleep suffers.
  3. Long-term action - drugs of this group have a more pronounced effect on the processes in the central nervous system. In this case, drugs of this period of action are suitable for patients with post-somnia, when there is a sleep disturbance in the form of early awakening.

It can be short-term, after stress or overwork. As a rule, to a greater extent, sleep problems stop on their own. To do this, it is enough to adjust your daily routine and limit your viewing of TV and games on your computer. But, if the sleep disturbance lasts for more than four weeks, then, in this case, there is insomnia.

Pathological disorders of insomnia

In the structure of insomnia, the following disorders are distinguished:

With such a pathology of sleep, there is a need for treatment with special drugs in order to normalize the patient's nightly rest. Any sleeping pills, acting on the central nervous system, contribute to the activation of the processes of inhibition and inhibition of excitation. Some drugs affect, to a greater extent, more active inhibition, while in others, the predominant effect is the phenomenon of inhibition of excitation.

Indications for the use of sleeping pills

Sleep disturbance is always a big problem for a person, as not only somatic health suffers, but also the psychological background. Determines the need for the use of sleeping pills, only a doctor. Depending on the objective data, he determines a specific sleeping pill and course of treatment, with a mandatory follow-up consultation after the end of treatment.

The main indications for prescribing drugs that restore disturbed night sleep are:

As a rule, the treatment of night sleep disorders begins with light drugs that act positively on the nervous system and restore the disturbed sleep phase. Sleeping pills are prescribed, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter insomnia pills have a mild but stronger effect, and, compared to herbal preparations, the therapeutic effect of which is more pronounced and, at the same time, not addictive. The most popular are the following drugs:

  1. Melaxen

Sleeping drug of synthetic origin, which is an analogue of natural melatonin, which is responsible in the body for the change of sleep and wakefulness. promotes a rapid transition to sleep and does not disturb the sleep phase. After using the drug, sleep becomes full and high quality. The drug does not accumulate in the body, due to its rapid excretion.

It is not addictive and does not give side effects. But with caution, the use of the remedy is shown to persons prone to allergic reactions. This drug is indicated for the elderly, as a remedy for the lack of natural melatonin, due to age-related changes in the central nervous system, which is responsible for regulating sleep phases. Successfully eliminates sleep disorders.

Reception of tablets is carried out, according to the instructions, no more than three weeks.

The analogue is the drug, and the active ingredient is doxylamine. This drug was previously used as an antihistamine drug that blocks the manifestation of allergy symptoms. But, having the properties of a powerful sedative action, it promotes fast falling asleep and good quality sleep.

Not addictive, but has side effects. When using the drug, there is daytime sleepiness, decreased concentration, dryness of the oral mucosa.

The use is contraindicated in patients whose profession is related to the concentration of attention, patients suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, patients with glaucoma and the elderly. Pregnancy is also a contraindication for taking donormil.

  1. Atarax

It has not only a hypnotic effect, but also contains ingredients that have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. This combined effect of the drug allows it to be used for patients with concomitant diseases accompanied by smooth muscle spasm (radiculitis, gastritis).

herbal remedies

These are light medications that contain environmentally friendly herbs that give a positive effect with a mild degree of night sleep disturbance without causing a negative reaction from the internal organs.

  1. Valerian tablets

The drug, which is based on natural raw materials and has a slight sedative and hypnotic effect. It is indicated for sleep disorders in patients in whom the mechanism of falling asleep due to stressful conditions suffers. A positive effect is a drug on the work of the heart muscle. Does not cause side effects and does not develop addiction. Well restores night sleep, but the use of the drug is indicated for a long time.

Produced in the form of alcohol tincture, filter - bags for the preparation of infusion. In addition to ingestion, the tincture can be used in the form of aromatherapy, inhaling its vapors before going to bed. The combined use of valerian tablets inside and inhalation of its aroma, gives a good effect in the treatment of insomnia.

  1. Motherwort

Herbal remedy, used in the form of an alcohol tincture or decoction of dry raw materials. It has the property of inhibiting the processes of excitation of the central nervous system, exerting a sedative effect on it. In addition, it helps to lower blood pressure, therefore it is a drug that is indicated for hypertensive patients, especially the elderly.

  1. Dormiplant

Herbal preparation , which contains valerian root and lemon balm leaf extract. The combination of these two components gives a pronounced sedative effect. Helps to fall asleep quickly and normalizes sleep. Does not affect concentration and does not cause daytime drowsiness.

  1. Persen

It is an analogue of Dormiplant, but in its composition it contains, in addition to valerian root and lemon balm, peppermint leaves. It is a mild sedative that not only has a hypnotic effect, but also has an antispasmodic effect.

This drug belongs to biologically active additives. This remedy for insomnia, which includes natural ingredients such as valerian, passionflower. The tool has a mild effect, relieves tension, irritability. Morning awakening is light, cheerful. Patient reviews are only positive. Well restores night sleep.

In addition to mild over-the-counter sleeping pills, there are drugs in the pharmacy network that can also be purchased without a prescription, but the composition of these medications has a stronger effect on the central nervous system.

All of these insomnia pills are available without a prescription. But, in any case, it is obligatory to consult a doctor, on the recommendation of which a certain drug is taken. Self-treatment, in this case, is unacceptable.

Sleeping pills by prescription

In some cases, when it is not possible to cope with insomnia with the help of mild drugs that give a sedative and hypnotic effect, they resort to stronger drugs that are prescribed by a doctor and are purchased only by prescription. The peculiarity of these drugs is that with prolonged or uncontrolled use, dependence on these drugs develops.

Currently, there are three generations of drugs that have a strong calming effect and eliminate insomnia:

  • barbiturates containing in their composition barbituric acid, chloral hydrate and antihistamines, giving a pronounced sedative effect;
  • hypnotics of the benzodiazepine series;
  • non-benzodiazepine hypnotics - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon.

These potent drugs are able to quickly restore sleep disturbance at night. But, due to the occurrence of a number of side effects, addiction and the development of a withdrawal syndrome, with the irrational intake of these dream books, the appointment and the necessary course of treatment are carried out only by a doctor.

  1. Barbiturates

The drug of this group - phenobarbital, acting at the cellular level on the central nervous system, suppresses the processes of excitation in the brain. The hypnotic effect of this remedy is very pronounced, and by its action causes a dream similar to a narcotic state.

It has side effects when used, such as headache, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea, vomiting, and intestinal dysfunction. An overdose of the drug is an emergency condition of the patient, when immediate help is required.

  1. Benzodiazepines

This group of drugs - nitrazepam, midazolam, act, like the barbiturate group, on the nervous system, but more gently. The effect of the treatment of insomnia depends on the dose of the drug. In small quantities, the tablets have a sedative effect, relieve anxiety. To normalize sleep, the dose of the drug must be increased. It has a number of side effects and contraindications for the appointment.

  1. Nonbenzodiazepines

These drugs - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon, are modern hypnotic drugs that are highly effective in achieving a hypnotic effect and a small list of contraindications. Due to the rapid excretion from the body, these medications are most effective in violation of falling asleep.

After using the tablets, there are no side effects during the daytime, and the patient feels normal. These are the main pills for insomnia.

The course of treatment for all sleeping pills is no more than three weeks. The last group of strong sleeping pills is currently the most effective and safest. But, the presence of various side effects and addiction, make these medicines available only on prescription and are used to treat chronic insomnia.

What to choose for treatment

Properly selected drugs for insomnia can effectively and quickly eliminate the problems associated with sleep disturbance. The main causes of insomnia can be pain syndromes, fatigue, fatigue, chronic stress.

A person stays in this state for a long time, as a rule, a month or two, and one cannot do without adequate treatment. But what medicines should be taken? How long will the course of treatment take? What pills are prescribed for the elderly? These questions disturb the patient, and this negatively affects his well-being and does not contribute to recovery at all.

The best drugs for sleep disorders

Currently, there are many drugs aimed at restoring good sleep. They are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. All of them have contraindications and have side effects.

Another thing is dietary supplements, which belong to the category of drugs for sleep disorders, the third generation. They are 100% plant-based, non-addictive, have minimal contraindications and virtually no side effects.

The best, safest and most effective drugs for sleep disorders:

  • Drops for insomnia;
  • dietary supplement with a measuring spoon;
  • - a similar tool.

Is it possible to take medicines without the guidance of a doctor?

In this case, self-medication is not allowed. If you can’t get rid of insomnia for a long period and you can’t do without taking pills, only a doctor can prescribe effective drugs. He will draw up an individual course of treatment with one or another drug, correctly determine the dosage of its intake. If you abuse the medication you are taking, unwanted side effects may occur, your well-being may worsen, and your sleep structure may be disturbed.

The occurrence of insomnia often occurs against the background of some other disease. It can also be one of the signs of an underlying ailment. If the underlying disease is diagnosed, the tablets are prescribed only for the period of its treatment.

What to take to sleep

What to drink for insomnia?

Drugs that are prescribed during the treatment of insomnia are of chemical origin and herbal. Of course, preference should be given to medicines that are made from natural ingredients.

Preparations based on herbal ingredients

Allocate such popular remedies for the treatment of insomnia, which are made from natural ingredients.

  • Ortho-Taurine. The drug consists of: magnesium; taurine; succinic acid; vitamins of group B. In the course of taking it, there is a very rapid recovery in the duration and quality of sleep, and an increase in working capacity.
  • Neurostabil. This medicine is presented in the form of tablets, is widely used to eliminate insomnia. During the reception, the structure of sleep is restored, immunity increases. Neurostabil has in its composition: motherwort; hop; fireweed; oregano; peony; B vitamins.The disadvantage of this medicine is that it is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
  • Biolan is an expensive tool, but very effective. In the course of treatment, the work of the central nervous system is restored, sleep improves, and immunity increases. The composition contains various amino acids and peptides.
  • Balance. If a sleep disorder has arisen against the background of overwork, this medicine will be very helpful. He is appointed to representatives of professions whose work is conducive to the occurrence of chronic stress. The preparation includes: Ginko Biloba extract; magnesium; lecithin; selenium; tyrosine.

Chemicals for the treatment of insomnia

Pharmacy funds

Medicines for insomnia, that is, chemical preparations for the treatment of insomnia, which are dominated by chemicals, allow you to cope with the disease very quickly.

In contrast to herbal medicines, these drugs are taken only on prescription. Chemical components provide high efficiency to these preparations. But their intake can cause various kinds of allergies, introduce an imbalance in the work of one or another organ or system of the human body.

Effective pills for insomnia

  • Ambien. Released with a doctor's prescription. It is a sedative drug that is prescribed for short-term use, usually up to ten days.
  • Lunesta. Promotes a healthy 8 hour sleep, it is no less effective than Ambien.
  • Rosem. The drug is a new generation, it can be taken for a long period, because it is not addictive. Helps restore the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Sonata. The drug does not cause side effects, it is quickly excreted from the body.
  • Zolpidem, as a rule, is well tolerated by the body, is prescribed to patients who have prolonged insomnia. But sometimes side effects can be nausea, a feeling of intoxication, headache.
  • Zaleplon. Quickly induces sleep, maintains vigor, promotes good health.
Released by doctor's prescription

Tranquilizers for insomnia belong to the class of psychotropic drugs. They improve and improve the activity of the central nervous system. These drugs reduce anxiety, relieve symptoms of depression, restore sleep and appetite. In most cases, phenazepam is prescribed, as it is considered one of the most effective drugs. Released only by prescription. The main component of phenazepam isepine, and auxiliary lactose, talc, starch, calcium stearate.

Phenazepam has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, adolescents, with pulmonary diseases and depression, people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism.

Side effects can be dizziness, nausea, lethargy, disorientation, drowsiness, heartburn, allergies.

Herbal, chemical based insomnia drugs and tranquilizers are very effective. But in order to experience this or that medicine on yourself, you need to seek professional advice from a doctor. If you decide to take the drug on a natural basis, study the composition of its components in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Treatment of insomnia folk methods

There are certain categories of people for whom it is preferable to treat insomnia with folk remedies. Indeed, for the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, adolescents, many drugs are contraindicated. And traditional medicine can also restore the psycho-emotional state, improve the structure, duration and quality of sleep. In this case, the occurrence of side effects is practically reduced to zero. Folk remedies for insomnia will also help in cases where sleep disturbance has not developed into a protracted phenomenon, but occurs in one-time cases as a result of stress and unrest.

Motherwort from insomnia

Motherwort tincture is sold in a pharmacy, but it can also be prepared at home. To do this, you need to buy or collect the necessary herbs yourself. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused throughout the day. Ready tincture is taken at bedtime.

Lily of the valley drops for insomnia

They can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are very effective for sleep disorders. 30 drops of tincture are diluted with half a glass of water and taken at bedtime.

A mixture of tinctures

A mixture of tinctures is considered a very effective folk remedy against insomnia. To prepare it, you need to pour the contents of the vials with tincture of motherwort, hawthorn, peony, valerian and corvalolol into one container, mix everything thoroughly. You need to take the resulting remedy one teaspoonful with plenty of water. Within half an hour, a sound and healthy sleep will come.

It is very dangerous to take drugs for insomnia during the period of alcohol or drug intoxication. After taking medication for insomnia, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

If sleep disturbances accompany symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, headaches, try DreamZzz insomnia remedy. This herbal preparation not only copes with sleep disorders, but also improves the functioning of many organs.

And remember, insomnia is a disease, as a rule, occurs as a result of constant stress, depression, overexcitation. In order to successfully cope with this disease, it is necessary to eliminate its true causes!

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