Green garlic (young) - its benefits and harms, as well as cooking recipes. Young green garlic - the first spring delicacy

Garlic is one of the most popular crops among countries around the world due to its pungent taste and specific smell. Garlic was first discovered in Central Asia. The closest "vegetable relative" is the onion, in fact, from a variety of one of which it originated. China is the main producer of garlic in the world. It is the domestic consumption of garlic in China, its use in traditional cuisine provides this country with leadership. The average Chinese eats a head of garlic a day. In Russia, the share of garlic consumption is also quite large, but significantly lower than in China.

The bulb of garlic has an average of 10 cloves with hard scales in the axils of the scales. The number of cloves (cloves) can differ significantly from plant variety and reach up to 50. The color of the bulbs is usually white with a purple tint. Before eating, the cloves are peeled.

The main purpose of garlic as a cultivated crop is its use in food, to a greater extent, as a condiment. At the same time, it is actively used in medicine, both folk and traditional. Few people know, but there is even a "garlic diet", which really has a short-term focus and adherence to it.

The chemical composition of garlic

Garlic is almost 60% water. It contains a large number of polysaccharides (30g carbohydrates). It is thanks to this fact that we see that the fingers stick together when garlic juice gets on them. Relatively high calorie content for a similar product (~ 150kcal) - also the merit of carbohydrates. The pungent smell and pleasant taste are due to the essential oil present in the bulb. Oil is also present in the leaves of the plant, but in a much smaller percentage.

Garlic contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and other components, including: salicin, caffeic acid, phytic acid, phloroglucinol, geraniol and many others.

Useful properties of garlic

The benefits of garlic for the human body

Garlic and onions have always been advised to use as a preventive measure for flu and colds. Even the smell of garlic has tangible benefits for the human body. Among all the vitamins, it is worth noting the significant presence of vitamin C, which is the main assistant in the fight against any disease against the background of a weakened immune system.

New research by Chinese experts has shown that eating garlic at least a few times a week can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 44%.

The presence of allicin in the composition of garlic helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. But its use as a component that absorbs atherosclerotic plaques is performed only in the short term (a couple of first months, no more). Therefore, it is not used as the main means in cleansing blood vessels.

Special Benefits of Garlic for Men and Women

The fact that garlic is beneficial for male potency is well known. The main reason is considered to be vasodilation during its use, but this explanation is not the only one in this case. In addition, regular consumption of this vegetable in food has a positive effect on activity. prostate, has a preventive effect on education malignant tumors. No other vegetable can boast a 50% reduction in the risk of prostate cancer when eaten regularly.

Another of the features of garlic and its benefits for the body of men is that it will help get rid of even bad habits. Addictions to alcohol and smoking are reduced if there is garlic.

Garlic helps fight infertility. And it's not just about increasing potency in men. Regulating the blood supply active ingredients garlic struggle with a multitude infectious diseases which are often the cause of infertility.

For women, garlic is no less useful than for men. For the fair sex, this vegetable is known as one of the main natural anti-aging agents. It is garlic that is part of the "elixirs of youth". Indeed, garlic contains the so-called "female minerals", namely: selenium, zinc and germanium.

Garlic is widely used in cosmetics. With the help of garlic get rid of corns, warts. It has a beneficial effect on the hair roots, helps stimulate hair growth, cope with baldness.

Young green garlic - the benefits and harms

Considering such a topic as "the benefits and harms of garlic," it must be borne in mind that the quality of the product also depends on its state of maturity. There is an opinion that young garlic is less useful. The amount of nutrients is directly proportional to the sharpness (bitterness) of the vegetable. This is wrong. Young green garlic- it's a treasure trove useful elements and vitamins. Garlic is known as a strong antioxidant and immune remedy, thanks to vitamin C, which is quite abundant in the vegetable. So, it is precisely when the fetus is at the stage of formation (there is still no division of the head into cloves) in garlic the most ascorbic acid.

Young green garlic is useful because it contains lysic acid in its composition. In terms of thiamine content, young garlic surpasses all other vegetables. And the content of iodine and iron is comparable to green apples. Green garlic is highly bactericidal. Growing the plant next to other crops can even prevent diseases of the latter.

Harm from young garlic, perhaps, can be felt only when it is overeating. In these cases, diarrhea and flatulence occurs, and in rare cases possible internal bleeding.

The benefits of pickled, boiled and dried garlic

The fact that fresh garlic is useful, almost everyone knows. But what if the garlic is heat-treated or pickled? Will all of his beneficial features? Of course, if you buy pickled garlic in a store or even cook it at home (boil or pickle) on your own, then there will be less vitamins in it than in fresh. But even after heat treatment vegetable, its antioxidant properties remain unchanged. Ajoene and allicin, which contribute to the production of hydrogen sulfide in the human body, are preserved during cooking. Trace elements remain in the vegetable also in large quantities.

certain positive property pickled garlic is that it leaves little to no odor in the mouth after eating it. You can eat pickled garlic in large quantities without fear for the freshness of your mouth.

Dried garlic does not lose its medicinal properties over time. You can be sure that all vitamins and minerals will remain in it even after long-term storage. The main thing is to comply with the necessary conditions for this.

The benefits of husks and leaves (arrows) of garlic

In addition to the bulb itself, garlic leaves and even the peel from the bulb also have useful properties. Arrows of garlic are no less useful than the root crop itself. They also contain the vitamins and minerals present in the bulbs. They are not used mainly because they quickly turn yellow. And the green arrows of garlic are in a state ready for eating or for use in medicinal purposes only 2 weeks. However, even for this short term lovers cook a variety of dishes using garlic leaves: fried arrows, garlic arrows in tomato, etc.

Garlic husks are not used directly as food, but this is not a reason to throw them away. The same "elixir of youth" is made from the husk - a drink of longevity and health. One has only to fall asleep a handful of husks hot water and insist for 7 hours, until it cools down completely - a valuable drink is ready.

Alcohol tinctures are also made from garlic husks, which save from many ailments, in particular, from frequent noises in the head.

Benefits of garlic milk

Crushed garlic added to milk will help to cope with insomnia. Add a tablespoon of honey to the drink and drink before going to bed. A similar recipe is used to get rid of a cough.

In the fight against arthritis, milk with garlic is also used. It is necessary to take 10 drops of garlic juice with milk. Along with this, in order to ease the pain and reduce the swelling, a compress of garlic gruel was applied to the affected area. But this method should be treated with special attention, because. you can get burned.

What are the benefits of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach?

The fact that garlic has an extremely beneficial effect on the human body, perhaps, no one doubts. But what if you practically do not use it in your dishes, and you don’t quite like the taste of garlic? Easy way out! You can just take and eat a whole clove of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach, without chewing (it is also not necessary to drink). On an empty stomach, at first, such techniques can cause a slight burning sensation, but after just a few days of regular use, this will pass. As you guessed: in this case, you also don’t have to be afraid of bad breath.

Harm of garlic. Contraindications

Despite all the benefits this product still has contraindications for use. And it's not just bad breath. They should not be abused in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Try to avoid the use of garlic suffering from epilepsy, tk. it can provoke an attack. It is not recommended to take garlic for women during pregnancy and lactation.

A separate point should be mentioned about the dangers of garlic for the brain. The sulfanyl-hydroxyl ion contained in the composition has an inhibitory effect on the brain. Special attention on this issue was given by Dr. Robert Beck, who in the 70s at Stanford found that garlic significantly upsets the functions of thinking. For people who were frivolous about his research, he suggested that they feel the inhibition of reaction and thinking on themselves after the abundant consumption of garlic dressings at dinner.

The benefits and harms of garlic: a summary

Benefits of Garlic at a Glance

  1. Extremely beneficial for the immune system, thanks to a protein that produces antibodies, as well as shock dose vitamin C.
  2. Has powerful antibacterial properties
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels
  4. Is wonderful prophylactic heart disease
  5. Helps Prevent Cancer with Allicin
  6. Improves male potency helps with infertility
  7. Used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and hair, helps with baldness
  8. Helps to get rid of bad habits
  9. Garlic - powerful remedy against worms, combined with milk
  10. Made from garlic husks medicinal decoctions and tinctures

The harm of garlic briefly

  1. Bad smell
  2. Contraindicated in stomach ulcers chronic gastritis, liver and kidney disease
  3. Contraindicated in epilepsy. May provoke an attack
  4. Do not recommend the use of garlic during pregnancy while breastfeeding
  5. Not recommended for hemorrhoids
  6. The special harm of garlic for the brain has been proven. Sulfanyl-hydroxyl ion has an inhibitory effect on brain function

Almost all ancient medical sources featured garlic as a remedy for many diseases.

Currently, nutritionists consider this vegetable one of the most useful foods in the diet.

Initially, garlic began to be grown in Asia, and later throughout the world, with the exception of Greece and Ancient Rome.

A vegetable is valued by people not only for its ability to give dishes a specific pleasant aroma, but also for its healing and beneficial properties for the human body.

Young garlic and its varieties have a rich chemical composition, including vitamins, a set of micro and macro elements, as well as useful chemical elements and minerals. In large quantities, garlic contains carbohydrates, represented by fiber and sucrose.

Among minerals presented:

  • sodium,
  • manganese,
  • iron,
  • magnesium and potassium, which help to cope with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Except rich mineral composition, there are many useful things in garlic essential oils and phytoncides, giving it a special flavor.

Among the vitamins large quantity:

  • group B,

Young garlic contains more nutrients and nutrients, respectively, it differs in chemical and mineral composition.

The most useful are green garlic leaves, while they have not yet been divided into cloves. They contain maximum amount ascorbic acid, and vitamin K.

The bulb of a young vegetable contains thiamine and the vital essential lysine amino acid.

Wild garlic is one of the relatives of domestic garlic. The greenery of a wild plant is rich in vitamins and complex mineral salts absent in home grown garlic.

Glycosides combined with fluorine and zinc allow wild garlic to fight many serious diseases.

All varieties of garlic are low-calorie foods. Therefore, nutritionists recommend its use for cooking and as the main link in the diet.

It contains only 40 calories per 100 grams of product.

The benefits of garlic in medicine and use in treatment

This vegetable due to the unusual composition and combination of sulfur with various chemical elements has a specific smell and large spectrum therapeutic action.

However, it also contains harmful and toxic compounds, which in large quantities can lead to backfire and human health problems.

Garlic is considered the strongest natural antibiotic.

This is due to the fact that the sulfides that make up its composition are able to fight many bacterial and viral, infectious and dangerous diseases.

In this regard, the action of garlic extends to almost all metabolic and vital necessary processes person.

  • Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.

In ancient times, garlic infusions were used against the plague and lotions were made from it on the affected areas of the skin, as it is able to restore dead skin. skin person.

  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Many cardiologists prescribe regular garlic intake to almost all of their patients.

Garlic is able to enhance the work of the heart, while not loading it.

In addition, due to glycosides, it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and expands blood vessels which is a prophylactic varicose veins veins.

With a cold, the use of garlic helps to thin the sputum and calmly remove it from the bronchi and lungs. In addition, it helps to reduce swelling of the mucosa, which alleviates the patient's condition and allows you to safely swallow food and saliva.

Many experts believe that regular use of garlic contributes to the protection human body from the appearance of malignant tumors.

In addition, the allium in garlic kills the affected cells, preventing them from multiplying.

Traditional medicine equates the use of this vegetable with regular chemotherapy.

  • Immunity boost.

It encourages work immune system and helps protect the body from adverse factors external environment.

Due to the specific aroma and taste, it enhances the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion, facilitates the absorption of heavy food and promotes its speedy digestion.

  • For the liver, garlic is also very useful, as it normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

In this regard, stones and malignant neoplasms do not form in the bladder.

  • Benefits of garlic for women and men.

Scientists around the world have conducted studies in which they proved that garlic is able to influence the production of sex hormones by the glands.

By increasing testosterone in men, it enhances potency and prevents the development of prostatitis and other inflammatory diseases genitourinary system person.

In addition, the beneficial substances that make up garlic are processed in the body and excreted through the ureters, disinfecting them from infection and microbes.

  • The most famous way to treat helminths is to eat fresh garlic.

Since garlic enhances the immune system, it also affects hypo- and beriberi due to the rich mineral complex in its composition.

It is believed that this vegetable copes well with immunodeficiency states and scurvy.

Therefore, since ancient times, garlic was taken with them on board ships departing for long journeys, and polar explorers in the far north.

Possible contraindications to the use of garlic

Since the composition of the vegetable contains a large amount of essential oils, phytoncides and glycosides, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities.

This can lead to inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes in the human body, causing pain and discomfort in the observed patient.

  • People prone to allergic reactions and with individual intolerance to the product.
  • People with stomach ulcers or duodenum or gastritis. Since it irritates the mucous membranes and can cause a relapse of the disease.
  • With great care and small quantities garlic should be consumed by people with heart palpitations.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, you should also refrain from eating garlic in any form.

Recipes in folk medicine

Folk healers try to use the benefits of garlic and its husks in almost every recipe for many serious diseases.

  • In the old days, they got rid of warts with grated garlic mixed with internal lard.

This gruel was applied to moles and warts regularly until they were completely destroyed.

  • To remove helminths from the human intestines - pinworms, roundworms and worms, peeled garlic cloves are poured with milk brought to a boil and left to infuse.

In the future, microclysters are made with this solution every day at bedtime.

  • At colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  • In the treatment of angina, gargling with garlic broth is prescribed.

To prepare it, one clove is placed in heated water, insisted and filtered.

  • With angina pectoris and palpitations, a special mixture is prepared with honey, garlic and lemon.

All the juice is squeezed out of 10 whole lemons, five heads of the vegetable are rubbed and all the ingredients are mixed with a kilogram of honey. The prepared mixture is covered with a tight lid and cleaned in a dark, cool place for a couple of weeks. The prepared mass is recommended to use three teaspoons once a day.

  • People with overweight and patients with diabetes can easily get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

To do this, take garlic and lemon in equal proportions, grind through a meat grinder or chopper. The resulting mass is poured cool water and cover with a lid, wrap in dark paper and clean in a dark, cool place for several days.

How useful is garlic?

An ideal remedy for medicinal purposes is fresh garlic and its herbs.

If you eat one vegetable clove a day, a person's immunity increases, the likelihood of fighting infections, inflammation increases, and the likelihood of myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis decreases.

Garlic in raw form medicinal properties compared to antibiotics a wide range actions - tetracycline. However, during heat treatment, it loses almost all of its healing properties.

This is due to the fact that in the process of cooking, drying or pickling, essential oils, useful substances, sulfur-containing compounds and glycosides are evaporated from garlic. By heating the most useful antibiotic - garlic oil, it completely loses its unique composition.

Garlic is highly valued not only as a food product and seasoning for food, but also as natural medicine. Few people know that a vegetable can cause minor harm to the body. Let's take a closer look at garlic, its benefits and harms.

photography of garlic

The benefits of garlic for the body are explained by a variety of bio chemical composition. Energy value 100 g of the product is 149 kcal. It contains nutrients, micro-, macroelements, vitamins. Nutrients:

  • proteins - 6.4;
  • fats - 0.5;
  • carbohydrates - 29.9;
  • acids - 0.2;
  • dietary fiber - 1.5;
  • ash - 1.5;
  • water - 60.

Minerals are represented by sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, and many other chemical elements. Garlic contains a lot of B, PP, C, D vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils.

Video about the benefits and harms of garlic

Sulfur compounds, which are more than 100 in a vegetable, have interesting properties. Due to sulfides, garlic juice fights against staphylococci, pathogens of typhoid, dysentery, pathogenic fungi and yeast. Sulfides "stick together" poison molecules, neutralize them and reject them.

The plant contains such compounds useful for the human body as adenosine, allicin, diallyl trisulfide. As a result of experiments on mice, it was found that diallyl trisulfide prevents the destruction of heart tissue and prevents heart attacks. Adenosine regulates the formation of platelets, blood clotting. Allicin gives the vegetable a pungent taste and a specific smell. Allicin:

  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces arterial pressure;
  • normalizes the lipid composition of the blood;
  • helps reduce cholesterol levels;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • facilitates the absorption of glucose;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • has an anti-cancer effect;
  • is a natural antibiotic.

photo of garlic

The benefits and harms of garlic are explained by the presence of biochemical compounds that make up its composition. Vegetables should be consumed in moderation due to the presence of toxic substances. So, let's look at the benefits of garlic.

  1. The plant renders beneficial effect to the nervous system. Vitamin B1 provides normal work nervous system. It is involved in the processing of glucose, providing energy processes occurring in cells. Thiamine is destroyed by exposure to light and heat treatment. So that vitamins do not disappear, it is recommended to eat the vegetable raw.
  2. The use of garlic is the prevention of SARS. This property is inherent in a vegetable due to phytoncides that destroy viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  3. plant thanks to antiseptic properties prevents various intestinal infections. If you are in doubt about the quality drinking water or product, eat a clove of garlic.
  4. The product also helps correct work cartilage in the joints. It is recommended to eat it for patients with arthritis, hepatosis.
  5. In cooking, a vegetable is advised to add to fatty meals, as it stimulates the secretion of bile and improves the digestion of food.
  6. Due to the rich vitamin and chemical composition, the vegetable is necessary for the body in the spring.
  7. Garlic is useful for hypertensive patients, as it dilates blood vessels and reduces pressure.

Photograph of garlic

There are many known recipes. traditional medicine using garlic, but we will give just a few.

To get rid of warts, they are rubbed with garlic. The recipe will help - crush a slice, mix with interior lard and tie to warts until they disappear.

The plant will help expel pinworms. To do this, 10 g of peeled and crushed slices are poured into 100 ml of boiling water or fresh milk. The mixture is enough for 2 microclysters, which are done at night.

With a runny nose, sore throat, whooping cough, garlic aroma is inhaled, preferably throughout the day. To do this, you can make a garlic necklace by threading a string through 4-5 large peeled teeth.

With angina, gargle with an infusion of garlic. To do this, finely chop 1 clove, pour 200 ml of warm boiled water, leave for an hour, then filter through cheesecloth.

Photo of garlic with honey

For the prevention of influenza, a clove is crushed in a garlic crush, applied to cotton swab, wrapped in one layer of gauze, put into the nose.

For the treatment of angina pectoris with shortness of breath, it is recommended to use garlic with honey. For 5 garlic heads take 10 lemons, a kilogram of honey. Juice is squeezed out of lemons, mixed with grated garlic and honey. The mixture is stored in a closed container in a cool place for a week. The medicine is taken 4 small spoons 1 time per day. Between each spoon take a break of 1 minute.

To lower pressure, cleanse the blood vessels, alcohol tincture of garlic will help. The third part of the bottle is filled with finely chopped garlic cloves, poured with vodka or 50% alcohol, insisted for 2 weeks in warmth, shaking daily. The tincture is drunk according to the scheme: 5 drops are diluted in 1 small spoonful of cold water and drunk before meals 3 times a day.

Another recipe for lowering cholesterol levels: 4 peeled heads and 4 lemons with peel are scrolled through a meat grinder. The gruel is transferred to a decanter, poured with 3 liters of boiled chilled water, mixed. The vessel is closed with a lid, wrapped in dark paper, cleaned in the dark. After 3 days, the tincture is ready for use. Drink a large spoon 3 times before meals.

Photo of garlic tincture

The medicine prepared according to the following recipe is popularly called elixir of youth. For 350 g of crushed garlic cloves, juice of 24 lemons is taken, mixed, placed in a vessel with a wide neck, tied with sterile gauze, insisted for a day. The mixture is shaken before use. Take at night for 1 teaspoon in half a glass of water.

Due to the aforementioned ability to bring cholesterol back to normal, this vegetable is recommended for people with overweight and diabetics. It acts as a catalyst metabolic processes in the body, that is, it increases metabolism. It is recommended to add garlic to salads, the calorie content of the dish will not change much, but the fat-burning properties will increase.

Useful properties of garlic for men

Vegetable helps solve a lot male problems. It is used to treat prostatitis and increase potency. Here are some very good recipes time-tested.

  1. Regular consumption of at least 5 g of the product reduces the likelihood of developing prostate cancer by 50%. This is the merit of the sulfur-containing substance allium.
  2. In the evening, 4 slices are crushed and poured with 3 cups of boiling water. The mixture is left to infuse until morning. Take in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, 50-100 ml for a month.
  3. With prostatitis, it is recommended to drink this vegetable with milk. In a glass of hot milk put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground cloves, put on a quiet fire for 20 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth, drink 2 tbsp. spoons after meals.
  4. The following recipe strengthens the prostate: 400 g of cloves are freed from the husk, poured with half a liter of alcohol, cleaned in a dark place. Start taking after 3 weeks in the morning and evening, 20 drops daily.

The beneficial effect of a vegetable on potency is explained by the fact that the substances contained in it dilate blood vessels and facilitate blood circulation.

Video about the beneficial properties of garlic


This product is not always beneficial. In some cases, it can be dangerous. It should not be eaten with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, duodenum, gastritis, anemia, pancreatitis. It is worth avoiding eating a vegetable during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, individual intolerance, diseases of the genitourinary system. Its excess can cause headache and an epileptic seizure. The product is also undesirable for pregnant women during lactation. Also, the vegetable is contraindicated in dieters, because it stimulates appetite.

Garlic, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we examined today, is excellent natural healer. But remember, this is not a panacea for all diseases.

Garlic, along with onions, is one of the most commonly eaten foods. vegetable crops. At the same time, garlic is loved on all continents, so you can enjoy its expressive taste in any part of the world. In general, cloves are used for food, but while the plant is young, it can be used in cooking completely: not only the spine, but also the arrow-leaves. Green garlic can bring both benefit and harm to the body, so you need to add it to your diet carefully, without exceeding reasonable amounts.

What are the benefits of green garlic?

In fact, the beneficial properties of young green garlic for the body are truly invaluable. Its vitamin and mineral composition is quite rich and it has even been proven that the use of young garlic is much healthier than drinking green onion. Of course, its main advantage is the antiseptic and bactericidal properties that make garlic indispensable assistant in the fight against colds, flu, worms and other microbes and viruses. If you include young garlic in your daily diet, then this will improve the work of the digestive system, as well as respiratory systems. In addition, green garlic will also benefit the sick. diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar levels, which is also an excellent prevention this disease. Science has also proven that this vegetable is the prevention of cancer.

Green garlic can harm people suffering from gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also garlic is pretty strong allergen, so all people with allergies should approach its use with caution. Do not include this vegetable in the diet and nursing mothers.

There is an ancient folk wisdom, which states that garlic ignites the hero's heart when it freezes. How wonderful garlic is, the beneficial properties of the plant were described back in the 1st century BC. Ancient Roman physician Dioscorides. An ancient scholar recommended using garlic to treat dyspepsia and exhaustion, take it with stomach colic. IN Ancient Greece garlic was considered magic potion and used against snake bites. The Slavs also called him " snake grass”and was used as an antidote for various poisonings, animal and insect bites. For many ancient peoples, garlic was almost the only remedy against cholera and plague. In Tibet, the plant was considered a good remedy to relieve fatigue in severe physical activity, with rickets and hypertension, it was often used as a remedy for oncological diseases and a remedy for.

What is useful garlic

How garlic is useful is described in books of herbalists and healers. Long before phytoncides were discovered, ancient Russian medicine used the volatile secretions of garlic to treat the common cold, whooping cough, festering wounds and long-term healing ulcers. It is known that during the 1st World War, garlic was diluted in water and used as antiseptic for the treatment of wounds. The benefits of garlic for immunity, recovery have been known since ancient times. vitality during and after long illnesses. A decoction of garlic with potatoes (1: 1) - effective remedy with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Besides traditional healers often used garlic infusions as a good diuretic, antihelminthic, antimalarial and stomachic. Nowadays, for the prevention of colds, not only traditional healers, but also doctors advise eating a few garlic cloves a day (especially in the cold season).

Such high characteristics and widespread use of garlic is due to the rich chemical composition of the plant. Garlic bulbs contain phytosterols, inulin polysaccharide, carbohydrates, salts, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, organic acids are rich in vitamins and microelements.

Medical scientists have repeatedly explained how garlic is useful for the human body. In the course of research, it was found that a plant with a pungent aroma and pungent taste increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, improves the functioning of the heart and digestive organs, dilates blood vessels, has diuretic and mild diaphoretic properties, and has antiseptic and antiscorbutic characteristics. It's no secret that when eaten, garlic stimulates the appetite.

Allicin, which garlic cloves contain, has a strong bactericidal effect, obviously this property of the plant has been known for a long time, so many people today lay out peeled garlic in the house during flu epidemics and in the presence of infectious diseases, one of the household members.

Statistics show the benefits of garlic in the prevention against tumor and cancer. What is useful garlic brought clinical researches, phytoncides significantly inhibit the activity of some enzymes of neoplasms. Some scientists recommend the use of garlic photoncides in diets for tumor processes. Aliphids contained in garlic, according to researchers, can be included in the complex therapeutic agents at the disease of atherosclerosis complicated by hypertension. Many modern drugs on the basis of garlic inhibit the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, stimulate secretion and intestinal motility, reduce blood pressure and have a detrimental effect on pinworms. Garlic juice is part of drugs against anemia, dysentery, colitis and intestinal atony. Many medicines that include garlic are useful and indispensable for hypertension and gastritis, atherosclerosis and even diabetes.

If we talk about the aspect of garlic benefits and harms, then garlic is harmful for patients suffering from certain kidney diseases. With epilepsy, garlic is also contraindicated and can lead to epileptic seizures.

The benefits of garlic in cosmetology and cooking

In cosmetology, garlic has also found application and is used to strengthen hair. A tool called "" has long been used in Tibet. Alcohol tincture garlic is useful for cleansing blood vessels and rejuvenating the body.

Garlic has also been widely used in cooking. Most often, crushed garlic cloves are used as a seasoning for meat dishes, especially from lamb, game, goose. Garlic soups are very useful. The use of garlic in food fills dishes beneficial substances and significantly increases taste qualities, and the pungent smell stimulates the appetite. Garlic is an indispensable seasoning for canning, pickling mushrooms and vegetables. The recipe for pickled garlic, which came from distant Siberia, is known all over the world today; pickled garlic as a seasoning for bread with butter, hard or fresh cheese is rightfully considered a delicacy.

Our great-grandmothers also knew how useful young garlic is. Young garlic appears in the garden much earlier than other vegetables and has long served as an excellent remedy for beriberi. After a long winter, tender young leaves and snow-white teeth, which have not yet acquired the persistent pungent smell of ripe garlic, go well with any spring salad, filling it with valuable vitamins and microelements.

In spring, green arrows of garlic are healthy and nutritious, they are used not only as a seasoning, but also for cooking individual dishes. Juicy green arrows with a pungent odor are fried, stewed, marinated for the winter. A spicy green vegetable contains many trace elements, valuable vitamins and nutrients serves as an exclusive decoration holiday table in any season. Green arrows of garlic are not recommended for people who have a stomach ulcer, if they have cholelithiasis, anemia, kidney disease.

Who is garlic good for?

Every mother knows how useful garlic is for children. This is the first remedy for various viral and colds, everyone also knows the benefits of garlic for immunity and improving appetite, as an antihelminthic and antibacterial agent.

For the elderly, the benefits of garlic are also well known. In addition to these properties, it actively suppresses the destruction of neurons (brain cells), restores and stimulates the growth of new cells. When eaten, garlic reduces the intensity of heart attacks, helps people who have had a heart attack.

The question often arises that healthier garlic or . The fact is that spicy vegetables that are completely different in taste have many similarities in terms of the components that make up their composition, so they are often used to prevent and treat similar diseases. Of course, the use of a particular product to a greater or lesser extent is associated with individual taste and perception, so different families use garlic and onions in different ways.

Today, new varieties of garlic appear on the shelves of vegetable shops, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders in some species, instead of many small teeth, we meet one whole onion. The teeth have become larger and juicier, the composition of the substances that garlic contains has been supplemented with new elements, but garlic, whose beneficial properties are preserved, is still used in various branches of medicine and cooking. This amazing vegetable still brings the aroma of health and vitality, beauty and “eternal youth” to our homes.

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