Types of plants with astringent action. Other names: serpentine, cancer necks, bistorta, highlander, uneven grass, turtle dove, crustaceans, snake root, crooked potion, wild buckwheat. Astringent medicines

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State budget educational institution

Higher professional education

"Novosibirsk State Medical University"

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

(GBOU VPO NSMU Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia)

Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany


medicinal plants and medicinal plant materials,


Completed by: Volkova Alina Sergeevna

student of the 3rd year of the 1st group

Faculty of Pharmacy

Checked by: teacher

Novosibirsk 2011

Introduction ______________________ ______________________________ ___3

Main part of work:

  • Classification of tannins _______________________ ___5
  • Physical and chemical properties ______________________ ____9
  • Localization of tannins in plants and their biological role

Characteristics of LRS

  • Oak bark ______________________________ _______________14
  • Badana rhizomes _____________________ __________________17
  • Rhizome serpentine ______________________________ _______19
  • Burnet rhizomes and roots _________________________ ___21
  • Bird cherry fruits ______________________________ ___________23
  • Blueberry fruits, blueberry shoots ________________________ ____25

Modern methods of standardization of medicinal plant raw materials containing tannins ______________________ __33

Conclusion ____________________ _____________________________ 35

List of used literature ____________________ _________36


Relevance of the topic. “Currently, the range of herbal medicines in Russia is more than 40%. Medicinal plant materials (MPR) containing tannins are widely used to obtain drugs that have astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effects.

Shredded HR containing tannins is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription for the preparation of infusions and decoctions at home. MPS must be standardized and comply with high standards pharmacopoeial requirements.

Relevant is the development and improvement of methods for the identification of VP, including crushed and powder, determination of the content of active substances; creation of drafts of modern regulatory documentation for VP containing tannins.”

Objective. To study medicinal plants and medicinal plant materials containing tannins.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

chemical composition, its standardization and application.

Main body of work

General characteristics of the class of chemical compounds

Tannins are a group of high molecular weight plant polyphenols with molecular weight 500-3000 capable of forming strong bonds with proteins, alkaloids and salts heavy metals besieging them, as well as possessing astringent action.

"The name "tannins" has developed historically, thanks to the ability of these compounds to tan the raw skin of animals, turning it into a durable skin that is resistant to moisture and microorganisms." This ability of tannins is based on the interaction with the skin protein - collagen, leading to the formation of structures that are resistant to decay processes. Polyphenolic compounds with a molecular weight of less than 500 do not have tanning properties, but are precursors of tannins. They are called tannins. "They are found in vegetables and fruits and give them an astringent taste." In order not to confuse such substances with genuine tannins, they are often referred to as "food tannins" or "tea tannins". And polyphenolic compounds with a molecular weight of more than 3000 do not tan the skin, since they do not penetrate between the fibrils.

The term "tannins" has 2 hypotheses of origin: from the French. "tanner" - "to tan the skin" and from the alleged word "tan" - tanning bark. Initially, this was the name of a mixture of substances extracted with water from the bark and oak wood, at present, the term "tannins" is used to name hydrolysable tannins, as well as especially industrially significant Chinese and Turkish tannins.

“Tanning, characteristic of all tannins, is a complex physical and chemical process in which the phenolic groups of tannins interact with collagen molecules. The final stage of this process is the formation of a stable cross-linked specific structure due to the occurrence of hydrogen bonds between collagen molecules and phenolic groups of tannins. But such bonds can only form when the molecules are large enough to attach adjacent collagen chains and have enough phenolic groups to cross-link."

Classification of tannins

Tannins are derivatives of pyrogallol, pyrocatechol, phloroglucinol and other phenolic compounds.

There are 2 classifications of tannins:

  1. According to G. Procter (1894) - based on the nature of the decomposition products of tannins at 180-200 degrees Celsius
    • Pyrrogallic
    • Pyrocatechin
  1. According to G. Povarnik (1911) and K. Freidenberg (1920) - based on the chemical nature of tannins and their relationship to hydrolyzing agents
    • hydrolysable
    • Condensed

hydrolysable tannins

These are mixtures of esters of phenolcarboxylic acids with sugars and nonsaccharides. In aqueous solutions, they are hydrolyzed under the action of acids, alkalis and enzymes on fragments of phenolic and non-phenolic nature (phenolic fragments are gallic, metadigallic, ellagic, hexahydroxydiphenic, quinic, chloragenic, etc. acids, and the non-phenolic fragment is most often glucose monosaccharide)

"Hydrolysable tannins are in turn subdivided

  • Gallotannins
  • Ellagotannins
  • Non-saccharide esters of carboxylic acids

Gallotannins are esters of hexoses (usually D-glucose) and gallic acid. There are mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and polygalloyl ethers.

Representatives: 1) D-glucogallin isolated from rhubarb root and eucalyptus leaves 2) Chinese tannin obtained from galls (growths) of Chinese sumac 3) Turkish tannin isolated from Turkish galls formed on dyed oak leaves.

“Ellagotannins are esters of D-glucose and hexahydroxydiphenic, hebulic and other acids that have a biogenetic relationship with ellagic acid.

They are complex in structure and are found mainly in tropical and subtropical plants.

Found in pomegranate fruit peel, eucalyptus bark, walnut peel, oak bark, alder seedlings.

Gallotannins and ellagitannins can occur simultaneously in plants.

"Non-saccharide esters of carboxylic acids are esters of gallic acid with quinic, hydroxycinnamic (chlorogenic, coffee, hydroxycinnamic) acids, as well as flavans."

Representatives: 1) galloyl esters of quinic acid were found in the bark of angustifolia oak.

2) Esters of gallic acid and catechins are found in tea leaves, for example - catechin gallate. Theogallin has been isolated from green tea leaves.

Hydrolysable tannins are found in the leaves of sumac and skumpia, in the fruits of alder, in the rhizomes of burnet, bergenia.

This group of tannins is widely used in medicine, but it is a good breeding ground for microorganisms.

condensed tannins

"These are compounds that form condensation products that do not decompose under the action of acids, alkalis, enzymes." Under the influence of acids, they are even more compacted and form more complex water-insoluble, amorphous compounds - flobaphenes.

These substances are mainly polymers of catechins (flavan-3-ol) or leucocyanidins (flavan-3,4-diol) or copolymers of these two types of flavonoid compounds. All fragments are connected to each other. friend s-s connections. Unlike hydrolysable tannins, condensed tannins contain few carbohydrates.

There are 2 hypotheses of the mechanism of formation of condensed tannins.

  1. According to K. Freidenberg

Condensation is accompanied by rupture of the heterocycle (-C 3 -) and leads to the formation of linear polymers or copolymers of the "heterocycle ring - ring A" type with a large molecular weight. In this case, condensation is considered not as an enzymatic process, but as a result of the influence of heat and an acidic environment.

  1. According to D. Hathway

Polymers are formed as a result of oxidative enzymatic condensation, which can proceed both in the head-to-tail type (ring A - ring B) and in the tail-to-tail type (ring B - ring B). It is believed that this condensation occurs during the aerobic oxidation of catechins and flavan-3,4-diols by polyphenol oxidases, followed by the polymerization of the resulting o-quinones. For example, tail-to-tail polymerization.

Most often in plants, oxidative polymerization of catechins occurs in dead parts (bark, wood), as well as condensation under the action of enzymes (in leaves).

Condensed tannins are found in the bark of oak, chestnut, blueberries, bird cherry, in the needles of coniferous trees, in the rhizome of the serpentine, cinquefoil.

On the division of plants according to this classification, one can speak only with some approximation, since only very few plants contain one group of tannins. Much more often, the same plant contains condensed and hydrolysable tannins together, usually with a predominance of one or another group. In addition, the composition of the mixture of these tannins includes simple phenols: resorcinol, pyrocatechin, free phenolcarboxylic acids (gallic, ellagic).

Often the ratio of hydrolysable and condensed tannins changes greatly during the vegetation of the plant and with age.

Physical and chemical properties

Tannins are amorphous compounds of yellow or yellow-brown color, odorless, astringent taste, hygroscopic.

1. They dissolve well in water with the formation of colloids, in ethyl and methyl alcohols, acetone, ethyl acetate, butanol, pyridine.

2. Insoluble in non-polar solvents: in chloroform, benzene, diethyl ether.

3. Optically active

4. Easily oxidized in air

5. Able to form strong intermolecular bonds with proteins and other polymers (pectic substances, cellulose).

6. Under the action of the tanase enzyme and acids, hydrolysable tannins break up into parts, and condensed ones become larger.

7. Easily bind to alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, cardiac glycosides.

8. Precipitated by solutions of protein and alkaloids.


Objective. To study medicinal plants and medicinal plant materials containing tannins.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
Collect and analyze information about medicinal plants and medicinal plant raw materials containing tannins.
To study the characteristic features of raw materials,
chemical composition, its standardization and application.

Main part of work:
General characteristics of the class of chemical compounds __________4
Classification of tannins ________________________________5
Physical and chemical properties ________________________________9
Distribution in the plant world _______________________ 10
Localization of tannins in plants and their biological role
Characteristics of LRS
Oak bark _____________________________________________14
Badana rhizomes _____________________________________________17
Rhizome serpentine _____________________________________19
Burnet rhizomes and roots ____________________________21
Bird cherry fruits _______________________________________________23
Blueberry fruits, blueberry shoots ____________________________25
Alder seedlings (alder cones) ____________________________30
Modern methods of standardization of medicinal plant raw materials containing tannins ____________________________33

List of references _____________________________36

"Medicinal vegetable raw materials of astringent,

enveloping action":

1. In the plant Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow officinalis), the raw materials are:

A. Fruits B. Leaves V. Roots G. Flowers

2. In the plant Linum usitatissimum (cultivated flax), the raw materials are:

A. Seeds B. Seed fruit C. Roots D. Grass

3. The cork layer at the roots of Althea is removed:

A. Before drying B. After drying C. Do not remove at all

4. The drug "Mukaltin" get:

A. From the roots of marshmallow B. From the grass of Althea

5. The raw materials of Marshmallow officinalis have the effect of:

6. Raw flax seed has the effect of:

A. Astringent B. Enveloping C. Diuretic D. Sedative

7. Life form of Marshmallow officinalis:

B. Tree

G. Subshrub

8. Life form of flax seed:

B. Tree

9. The family to which marshmallow belongs:

A. linaceae B. malvaceae(malvaceae) B. Asteraceae D. Polygonaceae

10. The family to which cultural flax belongs:

A. linaceae(flax) B. Malvaceae C. Asteraceae D. Polygonaceae

11. In the plant Polygonum bistorta (mountain snake) raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Flowers B. rhizomes G. Leaves

12. In the plant Padus racemosa (common bird cherry), the raw materials are:

A. Fruits B. Grass C. Rhizome D. Grass

13. In the plant Alnus incana (alder gray, fluffy), the raw materials are:

A. Seeds B. Infructescence C. Grass D. Leaves

14. In the plant Vaccinium myrtillus (common blueberry), the raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Grass B. Fruits G. Flowers

15. The plant Quercus robur (common oak) is harvested:

A. rhizomes B. Koru C. Grass D. Leaves

16. The plant Potentilla tormentilla (cinquefoil) is harvested:

A. rhizomes B. Bark C. Grass D. Leaves

17. In the plant Sanguisorba officinalis (burnet officinalis), the raw materials are:

A. Rhizomes B. Rhizomes with roots B. Rhizomes and roots G. Grass

18. The plant Bergenia crassifolia (thick-leaved bergenia) is harvested:

A. Grass B. rhizomes C. Roots D. Rhizomes and roots

19. Potentilla erecta (Potentilla erect) differs from other species on a diagnostic basis:

A. Fruit type - achene B. Fruit type - drupe

B. Flower structure - 4-petal corolla D. Flower structure - 5-petal corolla

20. Serpentine curved, with annular thickenings, even pinkish or pinkish-brown fracture, strongly astringent taste - this is rhizomata (rhizomes):

A. tormentillae B. bistortae(mountaine snake) V. Bergeniae

21. Drupes of spherical or ovoid shape, wrinkled, without a peduncle, with a white scar at the site of its fall, inside one dense bone, black color - this is fructus (fruits): A. Myrtilli B. padi (bird cherry)

22. Indefinite shape, hard, heavy, on the surface there are pitted traces of cut roots, the taste is strongly astringent - this is rhizomata (rhizomes):

A. tormentillae (cinquefoil) B. bistortae B. bergeniae

23. False berries, on top of the rest of the cup in the form of an annular rim, inside

numerous seeds, black color - this is fructus (fruits):

A. myrtilli(blueberry) B. padi

24. Pieces of a cylindrical shape, with scaly remains of leaf petioles and rounded traces of roots on the surface, a granular break, light pink - this is rhizomata (rhizomes):

A. tormentillae B. bistortae B. bergeniae (bergenia)

25. Pharmacological action of blueberry shoots:

A. Astringent

B. Reduce blood sugar levels

B. Expectorant

26. Raw burnet officinalis has the effect of:

27. Plants whose raw materials are fruits:

28. Potentilla raw materials are harvested from the type:

A. Gusinaya B. erect B. Silver

29. Rhizomata Tormentillae (Potentilla rhizomes) harvest:

A. At the beginning of the growing season B. During the summer

B. During the flowering period D. At the beginning of the growing season and during the ripening period

30. In the plant Quercus robur (common oak), raw materials are harvested:

A. During the flowering period B. During the summer

B. During the period of sap flow D. In autumn at the end of the growing season

31. Raw cinquefoil erect dried:

32. The raw material of the coil is dried:

33. Raw burnet officinalis dried:

34. Raw bird cherry dried:

35. The fruits of blueberries are harvested:

A. All day long B. Morning or evening B. Time of day is not taken into account when collecting

36. The fruits of blueberries are dried:

37. Raw materials for bird cherry are:

A. Fruits with stalks B. Fruits without stalks

38. Raw blueberries contain:

A. Tannins, pectins, trace elements, vitamins

B. Anthraglycosides, flavonoids, trace elements, vitamins

B. Polysaccharides, flavonoids, vitamins

39. The rest of the branch in the seedlings of alder:

A. Up to 15 mm B. Up to 20 mm C. Not standardized

40. Received oak bark - pieces of various lengths and up to 3 mm thick with wood residue on the inner surface:

A. Quality raw materials

B. Raw materials are of poor quality, collection deadlines are violated

41. Common oak belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae B. fagaceae(beech) G. ericaceae

42. Highlander snake belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. polygonaceae(buckwheat) B. Fagaceae D. Ericaceae

43. Burnet officinalis belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae

44. Potentilla erect belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae(pink) B. Polygonaceae C. Fagaceae D. Ericaceae

45. Common blueberry belongs to the family:

G. Ericaceae (Ericaceae)

46. ​​Common bird cherry belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae(pink) B. Polygonaceae C. Fagaceae D. Ericaceae

47. Badan thick-leaved belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Fagaceae G. Saxifragaceae (saxifrage)

48. Raw materials of thick-leaved bergenia are harvested:

A. Throughout the summer B. In early spring at the beginning of the growing season C. From November to

49. Raw materials of gray alder are harvested:

A. During the summer B. During the period of sap flow B. November to March

50. Serpentine Life Form:

B. Subshrub

B. shrub D. tree

51. Life form of erect cinquefoil:

A. Perennial herbaceous plant B. Subshrub

B. shrub D. tree

52. Life form of burnet officinalis:

A. Perennial herbaceous plant B. Subshrub

B. Small shrub D. Tree

53. Life form of common blueberry:

A. Perennial herbaceous plant B. Subshrub

B. Small shrub G. tree

54. Life form of bird cherry:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

D. A small tree or


55. Life form of gray alder:

A. Annual herbaceous plant V. shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Tree

56. Life form of badan thick-leaved:

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. tree

57. The drug "Strix" is obtained from raw materials:

A. St. John's wort B. Potentilla V. Blueberries G. Cheremukhi

58. The collection "Arfazetin" includes:

A. Blueberries B. Blueberry shoots B. Potentilla rhizomes

Test tasks for self-control on the topic "Medicinal plant materials that affect the efferent nervous system»:

1. The drug "Atropine sulfate" is obtained from raw materials:

A. Ephedra horsetail B. belladonna common B. Potentilla erectus

2. The leaves of belladonna contain:

A. Atropine alkaloid B. Papaverine alkaloid C. Ephedrine alkaloid

3. The plant Datura stramonium (common Datura) is harvested:

A. Roots B. Leaves C. Grass D. Flowers

4. The plant Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane) is harvested:

A. Roots B. Leaves C. Rhizomes D. Flowers

5. The plant Atropa belladonna (common belladonna) is harvested:

6. Life Form of the Common Demoiselle:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

7. A visitor turned to the pharmacy with a request to release him henbane leaves for making a collection at home. Pharmacist actions:

A. Ask for a prescription for henbane leaves B. Send to another pharmacy

B. Explain that henbane leaves are not released to the population

Test tasks for self-control on the topic "Medicinal plant materials that excite the central nervous system":

1. In the plant Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea - golden root), the raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Leaves C. Grass D. Rhizomes and roots

2. The plant Panax Ginseng (ginseng) raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Fruits C. Grass D. Rhizomes

3. In the plant Leuzea carthamoides (leuzea safflower-like), the raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Leaves C. Grass G. rhizomes c


4. In the plant Schizandra chinensis (Chinese magnolia vine), the raw material is:

A. Grass B. Fruits C. Seed fruit D. Rooted rhizomes

5. Horizontal rhizomes, often hollow inside with numerous thin adventitious roots, often there are roots with areas devoid of bark, the color outside is almost black, the break is pale yellow - this is raw material from the plant:

A. Schizandra chinensis B. Panax Ginseng

B. rodiola rosea G. Leuzea carthamoides(leuzea


6. From the raw materials of lemongrass get:

BUT. liquid extract B. Tincture V. "Novo-Passit"

7. Pharmacological action of Rhodiola rosea raw materials:

A. Sedative B. Increases appetite

B. Tonic G. Enveloping

8. Chemical composition of ginseng raw materials:

A. Triterpene saponins (panaxosides), essential oil, vitamins

B. Triterpene saponins (aralosides), essential oil, vitamins

B. Triterpene saponins (echinoxazides), essential oil, vitamins

9. Ginseng Life Form:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

10. Rhodiola Rosea Life Form:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

Test tasks on the topic "Medicinal plant raw materials of diaphoretic action":

1. In the plant Tilia cordata (linden heart-leaved), the raw materials are:

G. Flowers

2. In the plant Rubus idaeus (common raspberry), the raw materials are:

A. Fruits B. Rhizomes C. Roots D. Flowers

3. In the Sambucus nigra plant (black elderberry), the raw materials are:

A. Fruits B. Rhizomes C. Roots G. Flowers

4. In the plant Bidens tripartita (tripartite string), the raw materials are:

A. Fruits B. Rhizomes B. Grass G. Flowers

5. Raspberry fruits are harvested:

A. With receptacle B. Without receptacle B. The receptacle is removed after drying

6. Medicinal plants, the raw material of which has a diaphoretic effect:

7. The grass of the series is harvested:

A. During the budding period B. During the flowering period

B. During the flowering period before the formation of fruits

8. From what type of string is the raw material harvested:

A. drooping B. radiant B. Tripartite G. From all types of succession

9. In linden, the raw materials are:

A. Separate flowers B. Inflorescences with the remainder of the peduncle up to 3 cm

B. Inflorescences with bracts D. Flowers and fruits of varying degrees


10. Analogue for pharmacological action for elderberry raw materials:

A. Raw Linden B. Potentilla raw material C. Alder raw material D. Aralia raw material

11. Analogue for the pharmacological action of Flores Tiliae (linden flowers):

12. Raw elderberry has the effect of:

13. Grass of the tripartite sequence arrived - leafy stems up to 25 cm long with blossoming baskets and fruits:

A. Quality raw materials

B. Raw material needs work, cut the stems to the required length

B. Raw materials need to be improved, remove the tops with baskets and fruits

D. Raw materials are not eligible for acceptance

14. Grass Sequence Length:

A. Up to 15 cm B. Up to 20 cm C. Up to 25 cm D. Up to 30 cm

15. Raw raspberries are harvested:

A. Morning or evening B. All day long

B. During the day in dry hot weather

16. Drying raspberries:

B. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees. after pre-curing

B. At a temperature of 70-80 degrees. after pre-curing

17. Drying raw elderberry:

A. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

B. At a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

B. At a temperature of 25-35 degrees.

18. Drying of raw materials series:

A. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

B. At a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

B. At a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

19. Chemical composition of raw raspberries:

B. Essential oil, tannins, carotenoids

B. Flavonoids, pectin substances.

20. Chemical composition of lime raw material:

A. Organic acids, pectins, sugars

B. Alkaloids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamins

B. Flavonoids, essential oil, saponins, tannins.

21. The chemical composition of the raw material series:

A. Organic acids, pectins, sugars

B. Essential oil, tannins, carotenoids, pectins.

B. Flavonoids, carotenoids, essential oil

22. Life form of linden cordifolia:


V. shrub G. Tree

23. Life form of common raspberry:

A. Annual herb B. Perennial herb


V. shrub G. Subshrub

24. Life form of a series of tripartite:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Perennial herbaceous


C. shrub D. Subshrub

25. Life Form of Black Elderberry:

A. Annual herb B. Perennial herb


B. Shrub or small tree G. Kustarnicek

26. Pedicels of elderberry flowers are removed:

A. Before drying B. Thresh after drying B. Pedicels are not

27. Common raspberry belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae (pink) B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae D. Ericaceae

28. A series of tripartite belongs to the family:

G. Asteraceae (Asteraceae)

29. Black elder belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae G. Caprifoliaceae(honeysuckle)

Test tasks for self-control on the topic "Medicinal plant raw materials of sedative action":

1. In the plant Polemonium coeruleum (blue cyanosis), raw materials are harvested:

A. During the summer B. During the budding period

B. During fruit ripening D. During the flowering period

2. In the plant Polemonium coeruleum (blue cyanosis), the raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Leaves C. Grass G. Rhizomes with roots

3. In the plant Valeriana officinalis (valerian officinalis), the raw materials are:

A. Roots B. Leaves C. Grass G. Rhizomes with roots

4. In the plant Leonurus cardiaca (motherwort), the raw material is:

A. Roots B. Leaves B. Grass G. rhizomes

5. In the plant Paeonia anomala (evading peony - Maryin root), the raw materials are:

9. Analogue for pharmacological action for valerian officinalis:

A. Common blueberry B. Schisandra chinensis

B. motherwort G. badan thick-leaved

10. Raw material of dried valerian:

A. At 35-40 degrees. after preliminary drying with a thick layer

B. At 35-40 degrees. without drying

B. At 50-60 degrees

G. At 70-80 degrees.

11. Motherwort herb length:

A. Up to 20 cm B. Up to 30 cm B. Up to 40 cm G. Up to 25 cm

12. Horizontal rhizomes, often hollow inside with numerous thin knotty adventitious roots, yellowish-brown color, weak smell, bitter taste - this is raw material from the plant:

A. Polemonium coeruleum(blue cyanosis) B. Paeonia anomala

B. Valeriana officinalis D. Leuzea carthamoides

13. Short thick vertical rhizome, with a loose or hollow core and

numerous thin adventitious roots, yellowish-brown color. The smell is strong

specific. The spicy taste is the raw material from the plant:

A. Polemonium coeruleum B. Paeonia anomala

B. Valeriana officinalis(Valerian officinalis) G. Leuzea carthamoides

14. Medicinal plants, the raw material of which has a sedative effect:

16. Raw Herba Leonuri has the action of:

17. Raw materials have a sedative and antispasmodic effect:

B. Rhizomata сum radicibus Valerianae

(horses with valerian roots)

B. Rhizomata et radices Rhodiolae

18. Analogue for pharmacological action for raw materials of valerian officinalis:

A. Zamanikha high V. Peony evasive

B. Manchurian Aralia G. Leuzea safflower

19. Herb motherwort heart has an effect:

20. Motherwort grass received - green leafy upper parts of the plant with pink flowers and buds 25 cm long, 3 mm thick, with a slight smell and taste:

BUT . Quality raw materials

B. Raw materials are of poor quality, collection deadlines are violated

C. The raw materials are of poor quality, the general collection rules are violated

D. Raw materials of poor quality, drying conditions are violated

21. Raw materials have a sedative and expectorant effect:

A. Rhizomata et radices Eleutherococci B. Rhizomata cum radicidus


(rhizomes with cyanosis roots)

B. Herba Leonuri D. Rhizomata сum radicibus Valerianae

22. Chemical composition of motherwort raw material:

A. Flavonoids, tannins, essential oil

B. Cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, essential oil

B. Tannins, saponins, mucus

D. Triterpene saponins, essential oil

23. Chemical composition of the raw material of valerian officinalis:

A. Essential oil (thymol), flavonoids, alkaloids

B. Essential oil (bornylisovalerianate), isovaleric acid, flavonoids

B. Triterpene saponins (panaxosides), tannins

24. Chemical composition of blue cyanosis raw materials:

A. Triterpene saponins, organic acids

B. Essential oil, tannins, glycosides

B. Steroid saponins, essential oil, organic acids

25. Life form of Valerian officinalis:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

26. Life form of cyanosis blue:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

27. Motherwort belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae B. lamiaceae(Laminaceae) G. Ericaceae

28. At the plant Mentha piperita(peppermint) raw materials are:

A. Leaves B. Grass C. Flowers D. Roots

29. Peppermint raw materials are harvested:

A. From a wild plant B. From a cultivated plant

B. From wild and cultivated plants

30. The drug "Menthol" is obtained from raw materials:

A. Peppermint B. Scotch pine

B. Eucalyptus vulgaris D. Common bilberry

31. From mint raw materials get:

32. Raw mint contains:

A. Essential oil (menthol), flavonoids B. Essential oil (thymol),


B. Essential oil (cineole), flavonoids

33. Peppermint Life Form:

A. Annual herbaceous plant V. shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

34. Leaves oblong-ovate or lanceolate, margin serrate with uneven sharp teeth, thin, brittle, strong specific smell - these are raw materials:

A. Mint B. Melissa V. Motherwort

35. Does not grow in the territory Sverdlovsk region in the wild:

A. Peppermint B. motherwort

B. cyanosis blue B. Valeriana officinalis

36. Life form of lemon balm:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

37. In the plant Melissa officinalis (melissa officinalis), the raw material is:

A. Roots B. Leaves B. Grass G. Rhizomes with roots

38. Chemical composition of raw melissa officinalis:

A. Essential oil (cineole), flavonoids

B. Essential oil (menthol), flavonoids

B. Essential oil (citral, linalool), flavonoids

39. Raw melissa officinalis has the effect of:

A. Sedative, improves digestion, hypotensive, antispasmodic

B. Sedative, astringent, cardiotonic.

B. Hypotensive, diuretic, antiarrhythmic.

40. Melissa officinalis belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae B. Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) G. Ericaceae

Test tasks for self-control on the topic "Medicinal plant materials that affect the cardiovascular system":

1. The plant Digitalis purpurea (purple foxglove) is harvested:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

2. The plant Gnaphalium uliginosum (sweet cudweed) is harvested:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

3. In the plant Adonis vernalis (spring adonis), the raw material is:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

4. In the plant Crataegus sanguinea (blood red hawthorn), the raw materials are:

5. In the plant Convallaria majalis (May lily of the valley), the raw materials are:

6. Medicinal plants, the raw material of which has a hypotensive effect:

7. Source for obtaining the drug "Korglikon":

A. digitalis purpurea B. convallaria majalis(May lily of the valley) B. Crataegus sanguinea

8. Lily of the valley leaves contain:

A. Triterpene saponins, flavonoids B. Cardiac glycosides,


9. The alkaloid reserpine contains:

A. Periwinkle small B. Rauwolfia serpentine

V. belladonna vulgaris G. May lily-of-the-valley

10. Raw cottonwort is used as:

11. Raw cottonwort was received - aerial parts of the plant, together with roots, collected during the flowering period:

A. Quality raw materials B. Raw material needs work, cut stems up to 20 cm

B. The raw material needs to be improved, the roots must be removed D. The raw material cannot be accepted

12. May lily of the valley leaves are harvested:

A. During the budding period B. During flowering C. After flowering D. During

13. Raw cottonwort is harvested:

A. During the budding period B. During the flowering period C. After flowering D. During

14. Raw materials containing cardiac glycosides are dried:

B. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees

B. At a temperature of 40-50 degrees. G. At a temperature of 70-80 degrees.

15. Dried hawthorn flowers:

16. Grass cudweed swamp dried:

17. Raw cottonwort contains:

A. Flavonoids, carotenoids, tannins

B. Flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, essential oil

B. Tannins, alkaloids, vitamins

18. Rauwolfia snake harvest:

A. Grass B. Kidneys V. Roots G. Flowers

19. Fruits of prickly hawthorn are dried:

20. Life form of cudweed marsh:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. perennial herbaceous plant

V. shrub

21. Life form of May lily of the valley:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

22. Blood red hawthorn life form:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub or tree

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

23. The drug "Vinpocetine" is obtained from raw materials:

A. Rauwolfia serpentine B. Woolly foxglove

V. periwinkle minor G. May lily of the valley

24. From the raw materials of May lily of the valley receive:

A. Liquid extract B. Tincture C. Infusion D. Decoction

25. May lily of the valley belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae G. Liliaceae (liliaceae)

26. Blood red hawthorn belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae(pink) B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae D. Liliaceae

27. Dryweed marsh belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae G. Asteraceae (Asteraceae)

28. Raw cottonwort from a pharmacy is released:

A. Prescription B. Without a prescription

29. Raw hawthorn blood red from the pharmacy is released:

A. Prescription B. Without a prescription B. Raw materials are not released to the population

30. Raw materials of spring adonis are harvested:

A. At the beginning of flowering B. During the flowering period before the fruit shedding

B. Throughout the summer

31. Raw adonis spring dried:

32. Raw adonis spring contains:

A. Saponins, flavonoids B. Alkaloids B. Cardiac glycosides, saponins

33. Life form of spring adonis:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. perennial herbaceous plant

B. Shrub or tree

34. Spring Adonis belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae G. ranunculaceae (buttercups)

Test tasks for self-control on the topic "Medicinal plant materials that affect the function of the urinary system":

1. Folia Uvae-Ursi (bearberry leaves) harvest:

2. Raw horsetail is harvested from the species:

A. Polevoy B. Lesnoy V. Lugovoi G. Bolotny

3. The leaves are dense, leathery, entire, oval with pinnate venation, with dark glands below - this is folia:

A. Uvae ursi B. vitis idaeae(common lingonberry) B. Vincae minoris G. Menthae

4. Leaves obovate, narrowed towards the base, short-petiolate,

entire, leathery, mesh venation, dark green color, lighter below - this is folia:

A. Uvae ursi (bearberry com.) B. Vitis idaeae B. Vincae minoris D. Eucalypti

5. An analogue of the pharmacological action for the fruits of common juniper:

A. Mint leaves B. Weed cudweed herb B. Birch buds D. Hawthorn fruit

6. Diagnostic signs of horsetail herb:

A. The branches are directed obliquely upwards, 4-5 faceted, without a cavity

B. Twigs horizontal, 3-sided

B. Twigs re-branch, down

G. The branches are directed obliquely upwards, 4-sided, hollow inside

7. Bell at the highlander bird:

A. Brown, appressed-hairy, with long cilia along the edge

B. Naked, silvery, dissected

B. Brown, naked, with short cilia along the edge

8. Pharmacological action of Flores Cyani (cornflower flowers):

A. Hemostatic B. Diuretic C. Tonic D. Sedative

9. Plants, the raw materials of which are used as agents that affect the function

urinary system:

10. Bearberry leaves have the effect of:

11. The plant Arctostaphylos uva ursi (common bearberry) is harvested:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

12. The plant Vaccinium vitis idaea (lingonberry com.) is harvested:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

13. In the plant Equisetum arvense (horsetail), the raw material is:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

14. In the plant Betula pendula (drooping birch), the raw materials are:

15. The plant Polygonum aviculare (highlander bird) is harvested:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots D. Flowers

16. The plant Juniperus communis (common juniper) is harvested:

A. Grass B. Buds C. Roots D. Fruits

17. In the plant Centaurea cyanus (blue cornflower), the raw materials are:

A. Grass B. Leaves C. Roots G. Flowers

18. Folia Vitis idaeae (lingonberry leaves) harvest:

19. Raw bearberry dried:

20. Raw lingonberries are dried:

21. Raw mountaineer bird is harvested:

A. During the flowering period

22. The chemical composition of the raw material of bearberry:

A. Phenolic glycosides, tannins of the pyrogall group

B. Phenolic glycosides, tannins of the pyrocatechol group

23. Chemical composition of raw lingonberry:

A. Phenolic glycosides, tannins of the pyrogall group

B. Phenolic glycosides, tannins of the pyrocatechol group

24. Raw mountaineer bird dried:

25. Chemical composition of raw mountaineer bird:

A. Flavonoids, silicic acid, vitamin K, tannins

B. Phenolic glycosides, tannins, vitamin K

B. Essential oil, triterpene saponins, flavonoids

26. Pharmacological properties herbs mountaineer bird:

27. Dry birch buds:

A. At a temperature of 35-40 degrees. B. Outdoors or cool


B. In warm rooms

28. Birch buds contain:

A. Essential oil, flavonoids, resinous substances

B. Phenolic glycosides, tannins

B. Flavonoids, vitamins, saponins

29. Pharmacological properties of birch buds:

30. Raw horsetail harvested:

A. During the flowering period B. During the summer C. Late growing season D. Early spring

31. Raw horsetail dried:

32. Chemical composition of raw horsetail:

A. Flavonoids, silicic acid B. Phenolic acids and their glycosides

B. Essential oil, resinous substances, flavonoids

33. Raw juniper is harvested:

A. During the summer B. During the flowering period B. In the period of full maturation for the 2nd year

34. Raw juniper dried:

A. At temperatures up to 30 degrees. B. At temperatures up to 40-50 degrees.

B. At temperatures up to 50-60 degrees.

35. Raw juniper contains:

A. Essential oil, resinous substances, sugars, organic acids

B. Flavonoids, vitamin K, organic acids

B. Phenolic glycosides, organic acids

36. Pharmacological properties of common juniper raw materials:

37. Raw cornflower blue is harvested:

A. During the flowering period B. During the summer C. At the end of the growing season

38. Raw materials for blue cornflower are:

A. Flower baskets B. Marginal funnel-shaped flowers and partially tubular

39. Pharmacological properties of blue cornflower raw materials:

B. Diuretic, expectorant, hemostatic

40. Pharmacological properties of kidney tea raw materials:

A. Diuretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory

B. Diuretic, anti-inflammatory

B. Diuretic, expectorant, hemostatic

41. Life form of bearberry:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. evergreen shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

42. Life form of lingonberry:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. evergreen shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

43. Life form of warty birch:

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Tree

44. Life form of common juniper:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Evergreen shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

45. Life form of highlander bird:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. evergreen shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

46. ​​Life form of horsetail:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Evergreen shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

47. Blue cornflower life form:

BUT . annual herbaceous plant B. evergreen shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

48. Cornflower blue belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae G. Asteraceae (Asteraceae)

49. Common lingonberry belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae C. Lamiaceae G. Ericaceae (Ericaceae)

50. Highlander bird belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. polygonaceae(buckwheat) B. Lamiaceae D. Ericaceae

51. Common juniper belongs to the family:

A. Rosaceae B. Polygonaceae B. cupressaceae(cypress) G. Ericaceae

52. Length of horsetail herb:

A. Up to 20 cm B. Up to 25 cm B. Up to 30 cm G. Up to 40 cm

53. The length of the grass mountaineer bird:

A. Up to 20 cm B. Up to 25 cm C. Up to 30 cm G. Up to 40 cm

54. Raw materials used in urolithiasis:

55. The composition of the drug "Fitolysin" includes raw materials:

A. Highlander bird

B. blue cornflower

B. common juniper

G. Common lingonberry

56. Raw materials of kidney tea are harvested:

A. From a cultivated plant B. From a wild plant

B. From cultivated and wild plants

57. On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region does not grow wild:

A. Highlander bird B. Orthosiphon staminate B. horsetail

58. Raw materials of bearberry were received - dense leathery leaves of an obovate shape with a serrated edge and reticulate venation, the color is dark green above, lighter below:

A. Quality raw materials

B. Drying conditions violated

B. Raw materials are rejected according to the indicator " External signs raw materials"

59. Raw lingonberries arrived - dense leathery leaves of an elliptical shape,

entire, blackened on both sides:

A. Quality raw materials B. Violated the terms of the collection of raw materials

B. Violated the rules for collecting raw materials D. Violated the temperature of drying raw materials

Test tasks for self-control on the topic "Medicinal plant materials that affect the function of the respiratory system":

1. The plant Ledum palustre (marsh rosemary) is harvested:

A. Shoots B. Leaves C. Roots D. Buds

2. In the plant Inula helenium (elecampane high), the raw materials are:

A. Grass B. Roots C. Leaves D. Rhizomes and roots

3. In the plant Plantago major (large plantain), the raw materials are:

A. Flowers B. Roots B. Leaves D. Fruits

4. In the plant Origanum vulgare (oregano com.), the raw material is:

A. Grass B. Roots C. Leaves D. Fruits

5. In the plant Pinus silvestris (common pine), the raw materials are:

A. Flowers B. Kidneys C. Leaves D. Fruits

6. In the Viola tricolor plant (tricolor violet), the raw material is:

A. Grass B. Roots C. Leaves D. Flowers

7. In the plant Glysyrrhiza glabra (licorice), the raw materials are:

A. Grass B. Roots C. Leaves D. Fruits

8. In the plant Anisum vulgare (common anise), the raw materials are:

A. Grass B. Roots C. Leaves D. Fruits

9. In the Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot) plant, the raw materials are:

A. Grass B. Roots B. Leaves G. Flowers

10. At the plant Thymus serpillum(creeping thyme) raw material is:

A. Grass B. Roots C. Leaves D. Fruits

11. Folia Farfarae (coltsfoot leaves) harvest:

A. During the flowering period B. After flowering in the first half of summer

B. During the fruiting period D. Throughout the summer

12. Raw materials of wild rosemary are harvested:

A. During the budding period B. During fruit ripening

B. During the flowering period D. During the summer

13. Grass and seeds of which plant are allowed for harvesting, but have different

pharmacological action:

A. Thermopsis lanceolata(Thermopsis lanceolate) B. Althaea officinalis B Thymus

14. The length of oregano herb is normalized:

A. Up to 15 cm B. Up to 20 cm H. Up to 30 cm D. Up to 25 cm

15. At the wild rosemary they prepare:

A. Aerial part B. Tops up to 20 cm long

B. Non-lignified shoots of the current year

16. Source for obtaining the drug "Glycyram":

A. Althaea officinalis B. Bergenia crassifolia C. Origanum vulgara D. Glycyrrhisa glabra (licorice)

17. Raw materials have expectorant and diuretic effects:

18. Raw anise is used as:

21. Medicinal raw materials received - whole and partially crushed leaves of coltsfoot with petioles up to 3 cm long, bare green above, white-felt below:

A. Quality raw materials

B. Raw material needs work, remove partially crushed leaves

B. Raw material needs work, trim leaf petioles

D. Raw materials are not eligible for acceptance

22. All raw materials are released from the pharmacy, except for:

A. Radices Althaeae B. Herba Origani C. Folia Plantaginis D. Semina Thermopsidis (Thermopsis seeds)

23. All raw materials are released from the pharmacy, except for:

A. Radices Althaeae B. Herba Origani C. Folia Plantaginis D . Herba Thermopsidis (Thermopsis Herb)

24. Life form of Thymus serpyllum (creeping thyme):

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

25. Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot) Life Form:

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

26. Life form of Thermopsis lanceolata (lanceolate thermopsis):

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

27. Life form of Origanum vulgare (common oregano):

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

28. Life form of Inula helenium (elecampane high):

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

29. Life form of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice):

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

30. Life form of Viola tricolor (violet tricolor):

A. Annual herbaceous plant V. shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

31. Life form of Plantago major (large plantain):

A. Annual herbaceous plant B. Shrub

B. perennial herbaceous plant G. Subshrub

32. Life form Ledum palustre (marsh wild rosemary):

A. Annual herbaceous plant V. shrub

B. Perennial herbaceous plant D. Subshrub

33. The period of harvesting raw elecampane high:

A. During the summer B. During the flowering period

B. In autumn, during the period of fruit ripening D. March to November

34. The period of harvesting the herb of lanceolate thermopsis:

A. During the summer B. During flowering and fruiting

B. During the flowering period before the appearance of fruits

35. The period of harvesting raw materials of plantain large:

A. During the summer B. During the flowering period

B. During fruit ripening D. During budding

36. The period of harvesting raw thyme:

A. During the summer B. In the fall B. During the flowering period D. During the period of sap flow

37. The period of harvesting raw oregano:

A. During the summer B. During the flowering period

B. In autumn, during the period of fruit ripening D. During the budding period

38. The period of harvesting raw materials of tricolor violet:

A. During the summer B. During the flowering period

B. In autumn during fruit ripening D. At the beginning of flowering

39. Ways of drying raw thyme:

40. Methods for drying raw licorice:

41. Methods for drying raw materials of wild rosemary:

42. Methods for drying the raw material of tricolor violet:

43. Methods for drying raw materials of plantain large:

44. Methods for drying raw oregano:

45. Methods for drying raw coltsfoot:

46. ​​Methods for drying raw elecampane high:

47. The presence of fruits in the raw materials of wild rosemary:

A. Allowed B. Not allowed

48. The rest of the petiole of the leaves of the coltsfoot:

A. Up to 3 cm B. Up to 5 cm B. Not standardized

49. The presence of fruits in the raw materials of violet tricolor:

A. Allowed B. Not allowed

50. The rest of the petiole of the leaves of plantain large:

A. Up to 3 cm B. Up to 5 cm B. Separately, the petiole is not standardized

51. Raw thyme is threshed:

A. Before drying B. After drying

52. The rest of the branch from the raw material of forest pine:

A. Up to 1mm B. Up to 3 mm C. Up to 5 mm D. Not standardized

53. Presence of fruits in the herb of lanceolate thermopsis:

A. Allowed B. Not allowed

54. Raw anise ordinary contains:

A. Essential oil (anethole), fatty oil, proteins

B. Essential oil, alkaloids, tannins

B. Alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids

55. Raw wood pine contains:

A. Essential oil, resinous substances, organic acids

B. Essential oil, flavonoids, vitamins

B. Triterpene saponins, organic acids, starch

56. Raw machka yellow contains:

A. Alkaloids (thermopsin) B. Alkaloids (glaucine) B. Alkaloids (codeine)

57. Raw oregano contains:

A. Essential oil (thymol), organic acids, flavonoids

B. Essential oil (menthol), organic acids, flavonoids

B. Essential oil (alantolactone), organic acids, flavonoids

58. Herb lanceolate thermopsis contains:

A. Essential oil (anethole), tannins, flavonoids

B. Alkaloids (thermopsin), flavonoids

B. Alkaloids (cytisine), flavonoids

59. Raw wild rosemary contains:

A. Essential oil (ledol), tannins, flavonoids

B. Essential oil (thymol), organic acids, saponins

B. Alkaloids, organ

For the treatment of inflammation, the main thing is to eliminate the causes of the disease, neutralize them (toxic substances, microbes, viruses). For this, it is effectively used antimicrobials(antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofuran drugs), disinfectant solutions and medicinal plants.

It should be remembered that the treatment of inflammation should be comprehensive and targeted. In the initial stage, when its development is undesirable (for example, with a burn), plants with an astringent effect should be used.

Astringents cause tissue thickening due to the precipitation of proteins and the formation of dense albuminates. Therefore, a protein film is formed on the surface of the tissue, which protects it. nerve endings and underlying layers from the effects of mechanical, bacterial and chemical irritants. As a result, the sensitivity of receptors decreases, a narrowing occurs blood vessels and a decrease in the permeability of their walls.

Vasoconstriction leads to a decrease in blood supply to capillaries and arterioles, as a result of which their walls become less permeable to plasma and blood. As a result, the formation of exudate decreases, which weakens the inflammatory process. This is also facilitated by the precipitation of microbial proteins.

Astringents of drugs reduce secretion, slow down intestinal motility, as a result, the intestinal contents thicken and move more slowly through the intestines, in addition, they decrease pain and reflex responses are weakened. Which leads to constipation. For this reason, astringents are prescribed for diarrhea.

After the termination of the action of astringents, the vital activity of the cell can be normalized. Astringents used in elevated concentrations cause changes in the properties of the protein of cells and have a cauterizing effect on them, from which sometimes the death of the cell itself occurs.

In plants, astringents (tannins) can accumulate in the bark, roots, and leaves.

Here is a list of known plants that have an astringent effect: common blueberry (berries), common oak (bark), horse sorrel (seeds, root), common blackberry (seeds, leaves), St. John's wort (grass), mountain ash (berries), mountaineer snake (rhizome), mountaineer (grass), viburnum common (bark), wild strawberry (berries), burnet (root, rhizome), calamus ordinary (root), agrimony (herb), Japanese sophora (fruits), astragalus hung flowered (grass), bird cherry (berry), thick-leaved bergenia (root), walnut (leaves), gray alder (cones), white mistletoe (grass), common aspen (buds), common bearberry (leaves), wormwood ( chernobyl) (grass), common tansy (flowers), marsh cudweed (grass), erect cinquefoil (root, rhizome), wild rosemary (grass), centaury umbrella (grass), sandy immortelle (inflorescences), common yarrow (grass), common barberry (bark, berries) , lingonberries (leaves), fragrant poplar (buds), cinnamon rosehip (berries), medicinal lungwort (herb), marigolds (calendula) (flowers), white lamb (leaves), etc.

Medicinal mixtures (fees) are also widely used for treatment. They include two or more components. As a rule, the number of components ranges from 3 to 7, but there are fees and 20 components. The collection includes plants that have the same effect or enhance and complement each other's influence. Mixtures are used both inside (decoction, infusion) and externally (poultices, washings, rinses, baths). Such multi-component fees as a rule, they have a stronger effect on the body of patients than the same plants but alone. The recipe for each collection should mention the number of parts by weight of each of the plants.

Section 2. Medicinal plant materials affecting the peripheral nervous system.

Topic 2.1. Medicinal plant materials that affect the afferent nervous system.

Medicinal plant raw materials of enveloping action.




Mature and dried seeds of a cultivated herbaceous plant of flax (common) - Linum usitatissimum, fam. flax - Linaceae.

External signs. Seeds oblate, ovoid, pointed at one end and rounded at the other, unequal, up to 6 mm long, up to 3 mm thick. The surface of the seeds is smooth, shiny, with a light yellow, clearly visible seed scar (10X magnifier).

Seed color from light yellow to dark brown. There is no smell. The taste is mucus-oily.



Harvested in autumn or spring, carefully cleaned from the ground and the cork layer and dried lateral and non-lignified taproots of wild and cultivated perennial herbaceous plants of marshmallow officinalis - Althaea officinalis and marshmallow

Armenian - Althaea armeniaca, fam. Malvaceae - Malvaceae.

External signs. Whole raw material. Roots peeled from cork, almost cylindrical or split lengthwise into 2-4 parts, slightly tapering towards the end, 10-35 cm long and up to 2 cm thick. fallen off or cut thin roots. The fracture in the center is granular - rough, fibrous on the outside.

The color of the root outside and in the fracture is white, yellowish white (Marshmallow officinalis) or grayish (Armenian Marshmallow). The smell is weak, peculiar. The taste is sweet with a slimy feel.

Medicinal plant material of astringent action.



Collected in early spring bark of overgrowth, thin trunks and young branches of common oak (pedunculate) - Quercus robur and sessile oak - Quercus petraea, fam. beech - Fagaceae.

External signs. Whole raw material. Bark pieces are tubular, grooved or in the form of narrow strips of various lengths, about 2-3 mm thick (up to 6 mm). Outside surface shiny, rarely matte, smooth or slightly wrinkled, sometimes with small cracks; transversely elongated lenticels are often noticeable. Inner surface with numerous longitudinal thin prominent ribs. In the fracture, the outer bark is granular, even, the inner bark is strongly fibrous, splintery.

The color of the bark outside is light brown or light gray, silvery, inside it is yellowish brown. The smell is weak, peculiar, intensifying when the bark is wetted with water. The taste is strongly astringent.


ROOMS OF THE serpentine

Harvested after flowering, cleaned of roots, remnants of leaves and stems, washed from the ground and dried rhizomes of wild perennial herbaceous plants of the mountaineer snake (serpentine) - Polygonum bistorta and mountaineer meat-red - Polygonum carneum, fam. buckwheat - Polygonaceae.

External signs. Whole raw material. The rhizome is hard, serpentine - curved, somewhat flattened, with transverse annular thickenings and traces of cut roots. Rhizome length 3-10 cm, thickness 1.5-2 cm.

Cork color is dark, reddish-brown; at the break - pinkish or brownish - pink, the break is even. There is no smell. The taste is strongly astringent.


rhizomes of Potentilla

Harvested during the flowering period, cleaned of roots, stem remnants, washed from the ground and dried, the rhizomes of a wild perennial herbaceous plant Potentilla erecta, of the pink family - Rosaceae.

External signs. Whole raw material. Rhizomes 2 to 9 cm long, at least 0.5 cm thick, straight or curved, often indefinite form, hard, heavy, with pitted traces of cut roots.

The color of the rhizome outside is from reddish-brown to dark brown, at the break - from yellowish to red-brown. The smell is weak, fragrant. The taste is strongly astringent.


(Associate Professor Ivanova N.I.)

Astringents protect the sensitive nerve endings of the mucous membranes and skin from exposure to irritating agents. Subdivided into organic substances (tannin and other tannins plant origin) and inorganic origin (metal salts). Binders from vegetable raw materials have low toxicity, have a weaker effect than inorganic ones. The latter cause an astringent effect only at a certain concentration (no more than 2%), with increasing concentration, the effect turns into an irritant, cauterizing and necrotizing effect.

Mechanism of action binders: in contact with tissue proteins of mucous membranes or damaged skin, they precipitate proteins with the formation of a film of dense reversible albuminates. This dense protein film protects the sensitive nerve endings of the tissue from the effects of irritating agents. Pain sensitivity is reduced or eliminated. The film, shrinking, occupies a smaller surface and mechanically compresses the vessels. The walls of the capillaries thicken, their lumen narrows, exudation decreases, bleeding from small vessels stops. The activity of enzymes in tissues decreases, the formation of inflammatory mediators slows down. There is an anti-inflammatory effect. Astringents have an antimicrobial effect: a dense protein film protects tissues from the penetration of microorganisms, and denaturation of protein structures of microbes leads to a disruption in the metabolism of microbial cells and a bacteriostatic effect. To obtain a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, it is necessary to use the drugs of this group repeatedly during the day (every 2-3 hours).

Tannin - Tanninum

Light yellow powder, soluble in water, alcohol, etc. According to the chemical structure, it is gallotannic acid. It is obtained from ink nuts (growths on young shoots of Asia Minor oak, skumpii, etc.). Used as an astringent and local anti-inflammatory agent. For rinsing, a 1-2% aqueous solution is used, for gingivitis, stomatitis - 2% aqueous or glycerin solutions. Tannin precipitates some alkaloids, glycosides and salts of heavy metals, so 0.5% aqueous solution is used for gastric lavage in acute poisoning. With fresh burns, you can lubricate the skin with 5% water or alcohol solution of tannin. At skin diseases 5-10% ointment is used.

Release form: powder.

The most widely used as astringents are oak bark, St. John's wort, serpentine rhizome, sage leaves, blueberries, alder cones, chamomile. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures, extracts are prepared from them.

Oak bark - Cortex Quercus

It is used in the form of an aqueous decoction (1:10) for rinsing with gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx.

Release form: crushed raw materials in cardboard boxes of 100 g.

St. John's wort - Herba Hyperici

It is applied topically as a tincture to lubricate the gums and rinse the mouth with gingivitis, stomatitis, orally as a decoction as an astringent for colitis.

Release form: in cardboard boxes of 100.0; in the form of briquettes; tincture in vials of 25-100 ml.

Blueberry fruits - Fructus myrtilli

Release form: in cardboard boxes of 100.0.

Grass succession - Herba Bidentis

Contains tannins, polysaccharides. It is used as an infusion in children's practice with diathesis, less often inside as a diuretic and diaphoretic for colds.

Release form: crushed raw materials in cardboard boxes of 100 g; in the form of briquettes.

sage leaves - Folia Salviae officinales

Contains essential oil and tannins. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent in the form of an infusion for rinsing the mouth with gingivitis, stomatitis.

Release form: cardboard boxes of 100.0.

From the leaves of sage, the medicinal preparation salvin ( Salvinum). It has an astringent, local anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect against gram-positive flora. Applied topically for chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, catarrhal and ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease. Assign in the form of 0.1-0.25% alcohol solution, prepared ex tempore, for lubrication, irrigation, applications, wetting turundas, introduced into the gum pockets, etc.

Release form: bottles with 1% alcohol solution of 10 ml.

Chamomile flowers - Flores Chamomillae

The active principles of chamomile flowers have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, regenerating, antispasmodic effects. Applied as an infusion (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) inside and in enemas for intestinal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea.

As an astringent, it is prescribed externally for rinsing, lotions, baths.

Release form: cardboard boxes of 100.0; in the form of briquettes.

Chamomile flower extract is included in the preparations rotokan (Rotocanum), romazulon (Romasulon), which have a local anti-inflammatory, deodorizing effect. Used in dentistry for rinsing, washing, applications in inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa ( aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, ulcerative necrotic gingivostomatitis). The astringent effect is inherent in many plants: angelica root, knotweed grass, celandine grass and roots, leaves and unripe fruits of Voloshsky walnut, juniper fruits, leaves and fruits of common chestnut, etc.

Of the inorganic binders, metal salts are used, standing on the left in the Schmideberg row (see Antiseptics). In contact with the surfaces of the body, they form dense albuminates. They have anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effects. In inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, 0.25-0.5% can be used water solutions lead acetic acid ( Plumbi acetas), 0.5-1% solutions of aluminum-potassium alum ( Alumen) for rinsing, washes, lotions and douches.

Alum is also used for cauterization in trachoma and as a hemostatic agent for cuts (during shaving) in the form of pencils ( Stylus haemostaticus)

Bismuth nitrate basic - Vismuthi subnitras

It has astringent and bacteriostatic effect. The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of bismuth compounds is associated with the blockade of thiol enzymes in the microbial cell, which leads to disruption of tissue respiration in it.

Bismuth subnitrate is used orally for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, enteritis, colitis) at 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 r / d; externally in the form of powder, ointment (5-10%) for inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Release form: powder, tablets of 0.25 and 0.5; ointment 10% on vaseline. For external use, other bismuth compounds are also used: xeroform ( xeroformium) in powders, ointments, liniments (3-10%); dermatol ( Dermatolum) in powders, ointments (10%).

Bismuth nitrate is the main part of the complex tablets “Vikalin”, “Vikair”, and bismuth subcitrate is part of the tablets “De-Nol” and “Tribimol”, which are used to treat peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum and hyperacid gastritis(See the section “Means affecting the function of the digestive organs”).

Zinc sulfate and silver nitrate (see Antimicrobials)

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