Astheno-depressive syndrome, anxiety, anxious-depressive syndrome. Depressive syndromes

Very often, we interpret fatigue and increased exhaustion as the result of banal overwork and believe that fatigue will disappear after rest. However painful weakness often indicates the development dangerous pathology- astheno-depressive syndrome.

Astheno-depressive syndrome, in its essence, is an independent variety of atypical affective disorders, and is often found in the literature under the name "depression of exhaustion" or "asthenic depression". Although in the traditional sense astheno-depressive syndrome can not be attributed to "pure" depressive disorders, this pathology significantly worsens the standard of living and threatens to turn into severe intractable depression.

With astheno-depressive syndrome, the organs and systems of the body "work" at the limit of their capabilities. The emergence of many different unpleasant symptoms- a kind of warning sign that requires a person to reconsider their lifestyle and make the necessary adjustments to the usual rhythm of activity.

Causes of exhaustion depression

Almost always, astheno-depressive syndrome is not an independent isolated disorder, but acts as a concomitant link in the framework of severe chronic somatic and neurological diseases. Symptoms of this atypical affective disorder may occur if a person has a history of:

  • chronic infectious and viral diseases;
  • intracranial neoplasms;
  • severe cardiovascular anomalies;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • various endocrine disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • syndrome of acute and chronic autointoxication.

Genetic predisposition to affective states and congenital constitutional features of the central nervous system also contribute to the occurrence of astheno-depressive syndrome. The abuse of medications and the uncontrolled intake of substances that stimulate mental activity. Domestic drunkenness, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction also push to the development of astheno-depressive status.

Often the foundation for the onset and aggravation of exhaustion depression is an unbalanced menu, a chaotic diet, and the consumption of low-quality products. An incorrectly composed diet, the habit of eating irregularly and at different time intervals, the purchase of the cheapest products, the presence of various preservatives, stabilizers and dyes in the composition of dishes leads to the fact that the body is overloaded with harmful substances and lacks useful building material. All organs and systems, including nervous tissue, do not receive the required nutrients, which leads to a deterioration in the endurance of the body and a decrease in the productivity of its functions.

How does asthenic depression manifest itself?

Astheno-depressive syndrome is characterized by feelings of irritable weakness, a decrease in the ability to overcome difficult situations, and excessive tearfulness. The patient indicates a decline in performance, rapid exhaustion, earlier onset of fatigue from typical work. Patient complaints also include a feeling of loss of strength, lack of energy, physical impotence, moral emptiness and "worn out". They point to a lack vitality, which was previously inherent to them.

A person indicates that vigor and freshness does not arise in him even after a long sleep or a long rest. Typical symptom disorders: the weakness that a person feels after waking up. It is the overly painful experience that the feeling of fatigue is the leading symptom of astheno-depressive syndrome and distinguishes this disorder from other types of depression.

It becomes difficult to do the ordinary physical work and template mental work. To perform banal deeds, a person with astheno-depressive syndrome needs to make significant volitional efforts and overcome his own weakness. Patients complain that they do not have the required "mental resources" to perform standard tasks.

At the same time, any activity does not bring satisfaction and does not give pleasure. The individual does not experience joy and other positive emotions. characteristic symptom astheno-depressive syndrome - the occurrence of indifference to environmental events. A person loses a healthy passion for activity. He does not want to leave the cozy sofa and leave the house, because nothing interests him.

In some patients, symptoms of pessimism do not come to the fore. The subject describes his past from a negative perspective. He also sees the present in black tones. Regarding the future, he is dominated by ideas about its futility.

With astheno-depressive syndrome, the actual symptoms affective disorders uncharacteristic or minimally expressed. Irrational anxiety, unreasonable fears, anticipation of a catastrophe are almost never determined in astheno-depressive syndrome.

  • Recorded throughout the day diurnal biorhythm changes. In the morning, a patient with astheno-depressive syndrome feels oppression, depression, and painful melancholy. After dinner in his emotional state"enlightenment" comes. Also, the patient may experience impatience, restlessness, capriciousness. Very often, a symptom of astheno-depressive syndrome is abnormal disruptions in sleep-wake mode. In the evening hours, the person cannot fall asleep. But it is even more difficult for her to wake up on time and get out of bed, even if she was sleeping. enough hours. In the morning and daytime patients with astheno-depressive syndrome are drowsy and lethargic.
  • Among clinical symptoms disorders present phenomena hyperesthesia - abnormal high sensitivity to various stimuli. Almost all patients with this disorder have high sensory sensitization. People suffering from astheno-depressive syndrome can be disturbed by the sound of dripping rain or the sound of running water. They painfully perceive the ticking and chiming of the clock, the grinding of the lock, the creaking of the doors. For them, the crying or loud laughter of children, the barking or meowing of animals, the signals of a car siren are unbearable. They suffer from bright sunlight and cannot stand the flickering of the monitor screen.
  • Another symptom of astheno-depressive syndrome is change in sensitivity to natural physical processes. A person feels the "mad" beating of his heart. He dislikes the movement of food through the esophagus. He seems to be breathing very loudly. A common symptom of astheno-depressive syndrome is abnormal tactile sensitivity. The patient painfully perceives the touch of the tissue to his skin. He suffers from the standard washing and combing of his hair.
  • Often, with astheno-depressive syndrome, patients develop headache and discomfort in the chest. People describe cephalalgia in different ways, most often they interpret headache like squeezing, tightening, squeezing sensations. Often pain syndrome in the region of the heart, they are interpreted as signs of a serious cardiac pathology.

Symptoms of astheno-depressive syndrome do not allow a person to maintain the usual rhythm of the working day. The patient cannot perform his duties due to the inability to focus on work and fatigue. It is difficult for him to study, because he cannot listen carefully to the material from beginning to end. Difficulties arise in memorizing, storing and reproducing information.

How to overcome astheno-depressive syndrome: treatment methods

Treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome is focused, first of all, on the elimination of the underlying somatic or neurological disease. Therefore, all persons who have symptoms of asthenic depression should be examined and consulted by narrow specialists: a neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist. Recommended computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral vessels. After the cause of astheno-depressive syndrome is discovered, the treatment is carried out by the appropriate specialist doctor and psychiatrist.

If the connection of astheno-depressive syndrome with the disease was confirmed visceral organs or a neurological problem, the direct treatment of the symptoms of the disorder involves the use of natural adaptogens that activate the body. The patient is recommended in the morning to take tinctures of ginseng root, Schizandra chinensis, Eleutherococcus, radiola rosea. However, the above agents should be used with caution in people with hypertension. To saturate the body with vitamins necessary for the coordinated work of the central nervous system, intramuscular injections thiamine and pyridoxine.

The program for the treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome also contains natural amino acids that stimulate energy production at the cellular level, for example: the drug Stimol (Stimol). They also use metabolic activators that improve performance immune system, for example: medicine Meridil (Meridiltim). The treatment regimen for astheno-depressive syndrome involves the use of nootropics. Nootropics improve cognitive functions and have a positive effect on brain performance. One of effective drugs in the treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome is Noobut ​​IC (Noobut ​​IC). The use of antidepressants in the treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome is not advisable, since the severity of affective disorders is insufficient for the appointment of such drugs.

An important condition for achieving success in the treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome is the implementation of the following recommendations:

  • observance of the regime of work and rest:
  • compulsory leisure during the daytime;
  • adjusting the diet and including healthy foods in the menu;
  • ensuring reasonable physical activity;
  • elimination of stress factors.

Although the symptoms of astheno-depressive syndrome are often ignored and ignored, asthenic depression requires urgent treatment. complex treatment to avoid the risk of transition to major depressive episodes.

depressive syndrome- This is a complex of mental disorders, the main feature of which is melancholy, despondency, apathy, melancholy. All this happens along with violations of the somatic and autonomic functions. nervous systems, mental disorders. Although the diagnosis of "depression" around the world arose not so long ago, in no case should you brush aside the detected signs. With this disease, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor and begin treatment.

According to statistics, every year 10-15% of the population with this disease make a suicide attempt due to untimely assistance. Probably, every person at least once felt incredible melancholy, indifference to everything, despair and anxiety.

Feeling some kind of ballast behind your back, unwillingness to change, negative thinking, a pessimistic attitude are the main manifestations of a depressive syndrome that appear when a “black stripe” occurs in a person’s life. Scientists have found that in 70% of cases, depression occurs in people with hypersensitivity perception. At the weaker sex this syndrome manifests itself twice as often as in men, also emit special kind female depression - depressive housewife syndrome.

Depressive syndrome is a complex of mental disorders, the main feature of which is melancholy, despondency, apathy, melancholy

In depression syndrome, patients experience suppression of instincts, defensive reaction, lowering sexual needs, inferiority complex, excessive concentration on their problems, inattention, suicidal tendencies. Without proper treatment, this can all turn into chronic syndrome depression. Mental disorders will continue and physical pathologies will be added.

Symptoms of a depressive disorder

The signs are:

  • Melancholy. It manifests itself from weak depression to the strongest apathy, with the realization of hopelessness and lack of meaning in life.
  • Sluggish brain activity. Obsessed with his experiences, the patient answers any questions with a long pause.
  • Inhibition of reaction and movements, sometimes reaching a shock stupor. At times, such slowness can be replaced by a lightning attack of sadness and despondency, in which the patient jumps up, beats his head against the wall, screams, howls, deliberately injures himself.

Depressive syndrome - causes

No clearly defined causes of this disorder have yet been found, but 4 main assumptions can be made:

  • genetic propensity;
  • nervous disorders and pathologies;
  • mental instability;
  • stress.

Stress can lead to this disease

Symptoms of depression usually occur in the morning or at night. It is at this time of the day that patients experience complete hopelessness, tragedy, hopelessness and commit suicide. Often you can meet the opposite feelings - "emotional apathy." The patient complains of his indifference, indifference and indifference to what is happening around him.


Types of depressive disorder:

  1. Manic-depressive - consists in a change in 2 phases: mania and depression. It is characterized by high dynamism, rapid gestures, agitated psychomotor, increased brain activity. During the period of enlightenment, the patient is very self-confident, feels like a genius, takes on what he does not know how and never did. At this stage, the patient pours out his emotions, laughs hysterically, actively chats. At the end of the phase, depression comes, which is longer. Here the signs are absolutely opposite - sadness, longing, despondency appear. Reactions, speech and brain activity are inhibited. Most often, this type of disease is inherited. Stress only provokes the disorder, but is not its main reason. A severe degree of the disease is treated inpatiently with the use of strong antidepressants and tranquilizers, mild stage possible self therapy and visiting a psychologist.
  2. Astheno-depressive - combines cumulative depressive symptoms:
  • irritation;
  • high sensitivity and emotionality;
  • slow speech, gestures and reactions;
  • anxiety;
  • headache.

The syndrome causes headaches

The reasons are external and internal. The former include a variety of ailments that reduce human activity: oncology, heart disease, trauma, infection, childbirth, etc. To internal factors should include mental pathology and stress. In a chronic course, the patient imposes a feeling of guilt on himself, he develops hypertension, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, imbalance hormonal background sexual desires decrease or disappear altogether. For a mild form of the disease, only a few sessions of a psychologist will be needed; in severe cases, antidepressants and sedatives are prescribed:

  1. anxiety-depressive- based on causeless fears and worries. Most often occurs in adolescents due to an unformed, sensitive psyche and a large amount of hormones released. It is very important to detect and help the child in a timely manner, otherwise everything will turn into chronic stage with different fears or suicide attempts. because of constant feeling anxiety arises persecution mania and increased suspicion of everything. The patient is prescribed psychotherapy and sedative medications. There are 2 forms this disorder: neurotic and suicidal. The latter appears after experienced dramas, tragedies, when a person is unable to survive all this, makes an attempt or kills himself. At this stage, the patient is placed in a hospital in order to avoid disastrous consequences.
  2. Depressive-neurotic- the main reason is a protracted neurosis. The symptomatology is slightly different from other stages of the disease in its calmness of the course, the presence of common sense, and the readiness for action aimed at eliminating the problem. Phobias, obsessions, hysteria also appear here, but the patient recognizes himself as a person and understands that he is sick.

Depressive syndrome - what to do?

Distinguishing depressive disorder from others mental pathologies- schizophrenia, depressive-manic psychosis, vascular atherosclerosis. This is very important, because in this case it is necessary not only to localize depression, but also to fight the disease itself.

Medical treatment of the disease

The cure of the syndrome consists of the following types of therapy:

  • medication;
  • psychological;
  • non-drug.

At mild form prescribe psychotherapy and vitamins; in severe cases, sedatives are recommended medicines. The duration of the course should be from 2 to 4 weeks of medication to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

In especially difficult cases (hallucinations, delusions, inadequacy), neuroleptics are prescribed. They can also help physiotherapy, yoga, soothing compositions. Support is required from relatives and friends of the patient, because a lot depends on his emotions. If relatives are indifferent to the patient's problem, the treatment will not bring the desired result.

Depressive syndrome - ICD-10 code

International classification of diseases of the tenth revision - generally established systematization medical diagnoses. Depression is on the ICD-10 list of mental disorders. The difference of this section is that each ailment is prone to relapses, which are not predictable and uncontrollable, since in most cases they do not depend on the patient, but on the events that occur with him.

The average form of a depressive syndrome

Forms of manifestation of the disease:

  • Light. Usually 2-4 signs appear - depression, low activity, indifference to former interests.
  • Average. Expressed 4 and more symptom- decline in activity bad dream, pessimism, poor appetite, an inferiority complex.
  • Heavy. A person does not see the point in life, considers himself useless and useless to anyone, thoughts arise about committing suicide, the body's reactions are inhibited, in more complex cases, delirium, fever and hallucinations appear.

Modern medicine considers a depressive disorder in the psyche to be a serious illness that requires urgent treatment. Therapy methods include the use of drugs and other procedures:

  • taking psychotropic, sedatives, tranquilizers;
  • various types of psychotherapy, sessions of psychologists and psychiatrists;
  • comfortable conditions for the patient, which sometimes require a change of place of work or social circle;
  • getting rid of bad habits, The right way life;
  • normalized sleep, rest;
  • balanced diet;
  • physiotherapy: light therapy, healing sleep, music therapy and other soothing measures.

What causes depression?

Absolutely anyone can get sick with the syndrome. Not every individual is aware that he has signs of a mental disorder. He attributes all his problems to bad sleep, food, lack of time, etc. Such a disease does not go away on its own, and you definitely need to get rid of it.

Without assistance, the patient will feel worse and worse both psychologically and physically. In addition to the patient himself, his relatives will also suffer, because it is on them that he will compensate for his aggression, anger, pain, irritation and other emotions.

Symptoms of depression can also be observed in children and adolescents. They are slightly different from adults:

  • poor sleep or insomnia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • suspicion;
  • aggressiveness;
  • isolation;
  • persecution mania;

The syndrome can lead a person to withdraw

  • various phobias;
  • poor school performance;
  • difficulty in understanding with parents;
  • conflicts with classmates and teachers.

All this must be detected and treated in time. A protracted state of apathy can be life-threatening, because a large number of victims think about death. Remember that everything is curable, the main thing is the desire of the sick person and the help of a professional. A person with depression will be helped by psychiatrists, therapists, endocrinologists and psychologists.

Depressive syndrome is characterized by a depressive triad: hypothymia, depressed, sad, melancholy mood, slowing down of thinking and motor retardation. The severity of these disorders is different. The range of hypothymic disorders is great - from mild depression, sadness, depression to deep melancholy, in which patients experience heaviness, chest pain, hopelessness, worthlessness of existence. Everything is perceived in gloomy colors - present, future and past. Longing in some cases is perceived not only as heartache, but also as a painful physical sensation in the region of the heart, in the chest “precordial anguish”.

Slowdown in the associative process is manifested in the impoverishment of thinking, there are few thoughts, they flow slowly, chained to unpleasant events: illness, ideas of self-blame. None pleasant events cannot change the direction of these thoughts. Answers to questions in such patients are monosyllabic, there are often long pauses between the question and the answer.

Motor retardation is manifested in a slowdown in movements and speech, speech is quiet, slow, facial expressions are mournful, movements are slow, monotonous, patients can remain in one position for a long time. In some cases, motor inhibition reaches complete immobility (depressive stupor).

Motor retardation in depression can play a kind of protective role. Depressive patients, experiencing a painful, painful state, hopeless longing, hopelessness of existence, express suicidal thoughts. With pronounced motor inhibition, patients often say that it is so hard for them that it is impossible to live, but they have no strength to do anything, to kill themselves: “Someone would come and kill, and that would be wonderful.”

Sometimes motor inhibition is suddenly replaced by an attack of excitement, an explosion of anguish (melancholic raptus - raptus melancholicus). The patient suddenly jumps up, beats his head against the wall, scratches his face, can tear out his eye, tear his mouth, injure himself, break glass with his head, throw himself out of the window, while the patients scream heart-rendingly, howl. If the patient manages to be restrained, then the attack weakens and motor retardation sets in again.

With depression, diurnal fluctuations are often observed; they are most characteristic of endogenous depressions. In the early morning hours, patients experience a state of hopelessness, deep melancholy, despair. It is during these hours that patients are especially dangerous for themselves, suicides are often committed at this time.

The depressive syndrome is characterized by ideas of self-accusation, sinfulness, guilt, which can also lead to thoughts of suicide.

Instead of experiencing longing, depression can lead to a state of “emotional insensitivity”. Patients say that they have lost the ability to experience, have lost their feelings: “My children come, but I don’t feel anything for them, this is worse than longing, longing is human, and I am like a piece of wood, like a stone.” This condition is called painful mental insensitivity (anaesthesia psychica dolorosa), and depression is called anesthetic.

Depressive syndrome is usually accompanied by severe vegetative-somatic disorders: tachycardia, unpleasant sensations in the heart area, fluctuations in blood pressure with a tendency to hypertension, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, loss of appetite, weight loss, endocrine disorders. In some cases, these somatovegetative disorders can be so pronounced that they mask the actual affective disorders.

Depending on the predominance of various components in the structure of depression, sad, anxious, apathetic depression and other variants of the depressive state are distinguished.

In the affective link of the depressive triad, O. P. Vertogradova and V. M. Voloshin (1983) distinguish three main components: melancholy, anxiety, and apathy. Violations of the vdeatoric and motor components of the depressive triad are represented by two types of disorders: inhibition and disinhibition.

Depending on the conformity of the nature and severity of ideational and motor disorders to the dominant affect, harmonious, disharmonious and dissociated variants of the depressive triad are distinguished, which have diagnostic value especially in the early stages of depression.

Ideas of self-blame in depressive syndrome sometimes reach the severity of delirium. Patients are convinced that they are criminals, that their entire past life it is sinful that they have always made mistakes and unworthy deeds, and now retribution awaits them.

Anxious depression. It is characterized by a painful, painful expectation of an inevitable specific misfortune, accompanied by monotonous speech and motor excitement. Patients are convinced that something irreparable must happen, for which they may be to blame. Patients do not find a place for themselves, walk around the department, constantly turn to the staff with questions, cling to passers-by, ask for help, death, beg to be let out on the street. In a number of cases, motor excitation reaches frenzy, patients rush about, groan, moan, lament, shout out individual words, and may injure themselves. This condition is called “agitated depression”.

apathetic depression. For apathetic, or adynamic, depression, the weakening of all motives is characteristic. Patients in this state are lethargic, indifferent to the environment, indifferent to their condition and the position of their loved ones, are reluctant to make contact, do not express any specific complaints, often say that their only desire is not to be touched.

masked depression. Masked depression (laurel depression without depression) is characterized by the predominance of various motor, sensory or autonomic disorders by the type of depressive equivalents. Clinical manifestations this depression is extremely varied. Often there are various complaints of disorders of cardio-vascular system and digestive organs. There are attacks of pain in the heart, stomach, intestines, radiating to other parts of the body. These disorders are often accompanied by sleep and appetite disturbances. themselves depressive disorders are not clear enough and are masked by somatic complaints. There is a point of view that depressive equivalents are initial stage in the development of depression. This position is confirmed by observations of subsequent typical depressive attacks in patients with previously masked depression.

With masked depression: 1) the patient is treated for a long time, stubbornly and to no avail by doctors of various specialties; 2) when applied various methods research does not reveal a specific somatic disease; 3) despite failures in treatment, patients stubbornly continue to visit doctors (GV Morozov).

depressive equivalents. Under depressive equivalents, it is customary to understand recurrent conditions characterized by a variety of complaints and symptoms of a predominantly vegetative nature, replacing bouts of depression in manic-depressive psychosis.

is a steady decline in mood for more than two weeks.

- this is independent disease, at which clinical picture dominated by depression.


When making a diagnosis, the Kraepelin triad is used:

  1. Decreased mood.
  2. Slow thinking.
  3. Motor braking.

Moreover, it is necessary to consider this triad in this order, since it is in this order that the symptoms occur. And with effective treatment, they disappear in the opposite direction: motor disorders to mood.

The reasons

endogenous depression- occurs as a result of a deficiency in the body of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine. Often occurs when neurological diseases(for example, Parkinson's disease).

Psychogenic- arise as a result of a strong mental trauma(disability, loss loved one etc.). It is characterized by an excessive focus on the traumatic factor and delusional ideas of self-abasement, self-flagellation and inferiority.

Somatogenic- Occurs in disease internal organs and conditioned general intoxication organism.

Interesting fact!

Endogenous depression is sharpened in the morning and by the evening the symptoms become easier. Psychogenic, on the contrary, is easier to tolerate in the morning, but in the evening the patient becomes worse.


The term has come out of psychiatry into general usage and is often used to refer to a bad mood.

Depression is serious disease, which requires professional treatment and does not go away on its own.

In addition to depression of mood, thinking and motor skills, such people have the Protopopov triad, named after the famous Soviet psychiatrist. It denotes somatic disorders in depressive syndrome:

  1. Tachycardia.
  2. Dilated pupils.
  3. Constipation.

Other symptoms may differ depending on the type of depression, which will be discussed below.


There are the following types of depression:

Melancholic (dreary, endogenous)classic version depression, which is characterized by the Kraepelin triad, as well as: painful sensations in the region of the heart (“precordial anguish”). The patient sees everything in gloomy colors, loses the meaning of existence and any activity. Outwardly, such a patient looks much older (a decrease in the turgor of skin cells, which causes wrinkles), a suffering facial expression (“mask of grief”), a depressive stupor and a thoughtful look that is directed to the floor.

Daily mood fluctuations are characteristic - in the morning it is much worse than in the evening.

Interesting fact!

This depression is most acute at 4 am. It is at this time that most suicides occur among patients with this disease.

Sometimes there are violations heart rate, sudden weight loss, algia, amenorrhea.

anxiety depression- in addition to the classic symptoms, there is strong feeling anxiety and motor excitation (agitated depression). A person can run around the ward, rush about, not find a place for himself. There comes an acceleration of the pace of thinking, impaired attention, verbigeration.


Verbigeration is the constant repetition of a word or short phrase over a certain period of time.

At the height of depression, patients can inflict severe injuries(pull out eyes, bite off fingers, etc.) up to suicide. At the same time, patients have full anesthesia, sensations return after psychosis.

Apathetic depression- the first to appear is a decrease or complete absence motivation for something. Sometimes anergy (anergic variant) or insufficiency of volitional impulses to do something or make some decision (abulic variant) is possible.

Astheno-depressive syndrome- the depressive triad is weakly expressed, asthenic disorders come to the fore ( fast fatiguability, irritable weakness, hyperesthesia). Often seen in non-psychotic illnesses.

Depressive-hypochondriac syndromecommon symptom many diseases, in which the Kraepelin triad is also poorly expressed, but somatic symptoms of depression appear. Patients are sure that they suffer from a severe disease, which is why they often pass medical examinations and consult a doctor.

Depressive-paranoid syndrome- the triad has varying degrees severity - from slight to complete lethargy, but it is accompanied by delusional ideas of persecution, poisoning, etc.

Cotard's syndrome is a complex depressive syndrome that can be characterized as a nihilistic-hypochondriac delusion with ideas of grandiosity.

Patients believe that they are rotting alive, that they have no heart, that their lungs have died, and so on. They can consider themselves the greatest villains of the world who have infected all people on the planet with some kind of disease, etc. At the same time, ideas of denial of the external world prevail in the syndrome, they often believe that everything around has died, only they and their sufferings remain.

Depressive-depersonalization syndrome- one of the types of depression, which is accompanied by depressive depersonalization.


Depressive depersonalization is a condition that patients characterize as a loss of feelings for loved ones, work, hobbies. This is accompanied by a loss of emotion, motivation, and the ability to enjoy (hedonia).

Atypical depression (masked)- the specificity of this species is that Bad mood absent at all or mildly (depression without depression). Somatic masks come to the fore - algia and senestopathy. The pain comes unexpectedly and does not correspond to the innervation zones. When taking analgesics, there is no effect, while a course of treatment with antidepressants gives a positive effect.

This type of depression is very important to know for doctors of any specialty, since such patients turn to them and often they are treated symptomatically for a long time and unsuccessfully!


Depressive syndrome may accompany the most various diseases:

  • schizophrenia;
  • somatic diseases;
  • heavy infectious diseases and intoxication;
  • psychopathy (especially susceptible);
  • epilepsy;
  • stroke;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • side effect medicines (neuroleptics, hormonal, etc.).

The diagnosis of depression is made when the depressive syndrome develops on its own or it dominates the clinical picture of another disease: for example,.

Depressive syndrome is a manifestation of a person's psychopathological state, characterized by the presence of three symptoms - a decrease in mood by the type of hypothymia, i.e. decrease in emotional and motor activity, inhibition of intellectual actions and hypobulia, i.e. inhibition of volitional and motor activity.

With a depressive syndrome, inhibition of instinctive actions, self-protective reactivity, a decrease in sexual needs, low self-esteem, a focus on one's own experiences, a lack or decrease in concentration, the appearance of thoughts and actions of a suicidal nature are noted.

Chronic depressive syndrome leads not only to further mental disorders, but also to physical pathologies.


Depressive syndrome is characteristic of schizoaffective disorder and itself.

In addition, depressive syndrome may occur as a result of somatic diseases- with brain injuries, psychosis different nature, stroke, tumor and endocrine diseases, beriberi, epilepsy and other diseases.

This syndrome can also develop side effects from taking some medical preparations, for example, analgesics, antibiotics, antihypertensives and hormonal drugs or neuroleptics.

Most people perceive the disease itself as some kind of "romantic" definition of melancholy, apathy or boredom. But this is a completely wrong approach to the disease. Depressive syndrome is a serious mental disorder, sometimes severe consequences and sometimes leading to death. Therefore, patients with such a diagnosis must be treated more sensitively, avoiding ridicule and helping a person cope with the disease.

Varieties of depressive syndrome

There are three main types of depressive syndrome: anxiety-depressive syndrome, manic-depressive and astheno-depressive.

Manic-depressive syndrome: causes

A complex mental state is noted in manic-depressive syndrome. The essence of the disease lies in the alternation of the indicated phases - manic and depressive.

Between phases, periods of enlightenment can be observed.

Symptoms manic phase expressed by increased energy, active gesticulation, psychomotor overexcitation, acceleration of mental activity.

During this period, patients have increased self-esteem, feel like brilliant artists, actors, great people, and often try to do what they real life they are unable to. In this phase, patients splash out emotions without limit, laugh a lot, talk a lot.

When the first manic period ends, depression sets in.

Manic-depressive syndrome in this stage manifests completely opposite symptoms. Patients experience depression and longing, movements become stiff, thinking is inhibited.

The phase of depression has a longer course and the frequency of their occurrence is individual for each patient. For some it can last a week, for others a year or more.

The causes of manic-depressive syndrome are most often an autosomal dominant type of inheritance through the maternal line. The result of this inheritance is a violation in the cerebral cortex of the processes of inhibition and excitation.

It's believed that external influence(stress, nervous tension etc.) is only a risk factor for development, and not true reasons manic-depressive syndrome.

Sometimes, patients themselves are aware of their condition, but cannot change it on their own. Treatment of the severe stage syndrome is carried out in a hospital with the help of potent antidepressants. Light degree syndrome can be corrected on an outpatient basis.

Astheno-depressive syndrome

Astheno-depressive syndrome is characterized by common signs depression. Mental disorder this type is accompanied by a weakening of the whole organism, anxiety, headaches, inhibition of thoughts, actions, speech function, increased emotional sensitivity.

The reasons, causing the syndrome are divided into external and internal.

To external reasons include various diseases that reduce the potential of the patient, such as oncological and cardiovascular diseases, severe injuries, childbirth, infections, complicated operations, etc. diseases. The internal reasons for the development of the disease are emotional pathology and stress overload.

A chronic depressive syndrome of this type develops a guilt complex in the patient and the development of diseases such as disorders in gastrointestinal tract, women are disturbed menstrual cycle decreased libido, etc.

A mild degree of the syndrome is successfully treated with psychotherapy sessions, but for the treatment of a severe degree, it is necessary to additionally undergo a course of antidepressant and sedative therapy.

Anxiety-depressive syndrome

In accordance with the name of the disease, the main symptoms in this case are panic fears and anxiety.

Similar violations mental state more commonly seen in adolescence. It's connected with hormonal changes body, increased emotional background and vulnerability of adolescents in this period. A disease not cured in time often turns into a chronic depressive syndrome, accompanied by various phobias and sometimes leading a teenager to suicide.

Anxiety-depressive syndrome often provokes persecution mania, suspicion.

Treatment is carried out with sessions of psychotherapy and sedative drugs.

There are several other types of depression. Of these, it should be noted depressing neurotic syndrome and suicidal.

Depressive suicidal syndrome, which often occurs after severe emotional experiences, sometimes ends in suicide or an unsuccessful attempt.

The causes of depressive-suicidal syndrome are often such mental illness how delusional syndrome, acute panic disorder, twilight state of consciousness, etc. In addition, the psychopathic development of the personality can also serve as a factor contributing to the development of a depressive-suicidal syndrome. Treatment of such a syndrome is best done in a hospital setting.

Depressive-neurotic syndrome

The main cause of neurotic depressive syndrome is a protracted form of neurosis.

Signs of a neurotic depressive syndrome are somewhat different from other forms of the disease by the mildness of the course and the presence of self-awareness, the desire to correct and take actions to correct an existing defect. In addition, during the course of the disease, the presence of phobias and obsessions, sometimes manifestations of hysteria, are noted.

In addition, this type of syndrome is characterized by an ambivalent attitude towards suicidal views, the preservation of the main features of personality and awareness of one's illness.

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