Delusional Syndromes. What is paranoid psychosis

A constant stay in a near-delusional state for patients with a diagnosis of "paranoid syndrome" is natural. Moreover, people with such a disorder are divided into two types: those who can systematize their delusions, and those who are not able to do so. In the first case, the patient clearly understands and can tell others when he noticed that he was being followed; can name the date of the onset of a stable feeling of anxiety, in what way it manifests itself, and moreover, he even names a specific person from whom he feels danger.

Most of the patients, unfortunately, cannot systematize the delirium. They understand their condition in general terms and create conditions for the preservation of life: they often change their place of residence, observe increased security measures in different situations lock the doors with all locks.

Most known breach a person is schizophrenic - a paranoid syndrome in which thinking is partially or completely disturbed, and does not correspond to natural.

Causes of the disease

Physicians find it difficult to name exact reason or their complex, which can provoke a violation psycho-emotional state person. The etiology can be completely different and is formed under the influence of genetics, stressful situations, congenital or acquired neurological pathologies or due to changes in brain chemistry.

Some clinical cases of the development of paranoid syndrome still have a clear established cause. To a greater extent, they arise under the influence of psychotropic and narcotic substances, alcohol.

Classification and symptoms of the disorder

Doctors agree that paranoid and have similar symptoms:

  • patients are mostly in a state of secondary delirium, which manifests itself in the form of various images than in a state of primary delirium, when they do not understand what is happening to them;
  • in every clinical case the predominance of auditory hallucinations over visual phenomena was noted;
  • the state of delirium is systematized, which allows the patient to tell the reason and name the date of the onset of disturbing feelings;
  • in most cases, each patient clearly understands that someone is following him or following him;
  • the looks, gestures and speech of strangers are associated with hints and a desire to harm them;
  • sensory is broken.

paranoid syndrome can develop in one of two directions: delusional or hallucinatory. The first case is more severe, because the patient does not make contact with the attending physician and relatives, respectively, setting accurate diagnosis is not possible and is postponed indefinitely. Treatment of delusional paranoid syndrome takes more time and requires strength and perseverance.

Hallucinatory paranoid syndrome is considered a mild form of the disorder, which is due to the patient's sociability. In this case, the prognosis for recovery looks more optimistic. The patient's condition may be acute or chronic.

hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome

This syndrome is a complex disorder of the human psyche, in which he feels the constant presence of strangers who are shadowing him and wanting to inflict physical injury, up to and including murder. He is accompanied frequent occurrence hallucinations and pseudohallucinations.

In most clinical cases, the syndrome is preceded by the strongest in the form of aggression and neurosis. The patients are in constant feeling fear, and their delirium is so diverse that against its background, the development of automatism of the psyche occurs.

The progression of the disease has three stable stages, following one after another:

  1. A lot of thoughts are swarming in the patient’s head, which now and then emerge on top of those that have just disappeared, but with all this it seems to him that every person who sees the patient clearly reads thoughts and knows what he is thinking about. In some cases, it seems to the patient that the thoughts in his head, not his, but strangers, are imposed by someone by the power of hypnosis or other influence.
  2. At the next stage, the patient feels an increase in the rhythm of heart contractions, the pulse becomes incredibly fast, convulsions and withdrawal begin in the body, and the temperature rises.
  3. The climax of the state is the realization by the patient that he is in the mental power of another being and no longer belongs to himself. The patient is sure that someone controls him, penetrating into the subconscious.

Hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome is characterized by frequent appearance pictures or images, blurry or clear spots, while the patient cannot clearly characterize what he sees, but only convinces those around him of the influence of an outside force on his thoughts.

Depressive-paranoid syndrome

The main cause of this form of the syndrome is the most complex traumatic factor experienced. The patient feels depressed, is in a state of depression. If in initial stage do not overcome these feelings, then subsequently a sleep disorder develops, up to total absence, a general state characterized by retardation.

Patients with paranoid depression go through four stages of disease progression:

  • lack of joy in life, decreased self-esteem, impaired sleep and appetite, sexual desire;
  • the emergence of due to the lack of meaning in life;
  • the desire to commit suicide becomes stable, it is no longer possible to convince the patient of the opposite;
  • the last stage is delirium in all its manifestations, the patient is sure that all the troubles in the world are his fault.

The paranoid syndrome of this form develops quite long period time, about three months. Patients get skinny, disturbed arterial pressure and cardiac function suffers.

Description of manic-paranoid syndrome

Manic-paranoid syndrome is characterized by an elevated mood for no good reason, patients are quite active and mentally excited, they think very quickly and immediately reproduce everything they think. This state is episodic and is caused by emotional outbursts of the subconscious. In some cases, it occurs under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Patients are dangerous to others because they are prone to harassing the opposite sex for sexual purposes, with possible physical injury.

Quite often, the syndrome develops against the background of severe stress. Patients are sure that those around them are plotting criminal acts against them. Hence arises permanent state aggression and mistrust, they become withdrawn.

Diagnostic methods

If a paranoid syndrome is suspected, it is necessary to take the person to the clinic, where a thorough general medical checkup. This is the method differential diagnosis and makes it possible to exclude mental disorders associated with stress.

When the examination is completed, but the reason remains unclear, the psychologist will appoint a personal consultation, during which a series of special tests will be performed.

Relatives should be prepared for the fact that after the first communication with the patient, the doctor will not be able to make a final diagnosis. This is due to the reduced sociability of patients. Requires long-term follow-up and constant control symptomatic manifestations.

For the entire period of diagnosis, the patient will be placed in a special medical facility.

Treatment of patients diagnosed with paranoid syndrome

Depending on what symptoms the paranoid syndrome shows, in each clinical case, the treatment regimen is selected individually. AT modern medicine most mental disorders are successfully treatable.

The attending physician will prescribe the necessary antipsychotics, which, when taken in combination, will help bring the patient to a stable mental condition. Duration of therapy, depending on the severity of the syndrome, from a week to one month.

AT exceptional cases if the form mild disease, the patient can undergo therapy on an outpatient basis.

Medical therapy

The psychotherapist is the leading specialist in solving the problems of mental disorder of personality. In certain cases, if the disease is caused by exposure to drugs or alcohol, the specialist must work in tandem with the narcologist. Depending on the degree of complexity of the syndrome medical preparations will be selected individually.

For treatment mild form means shown:

  • "Propazine".
  • "Etaperazine".
  • "Levomepromazine".
  • "Aminazin".
  • "Sonapax".

Syndrome medium degree stop with the following drugs:

  • "Aminazin".
  • "Chlorprothixene".
  • "Haloperidol".
  • "Levomepromazine".
  • "Triftazin".
  • "Trifluperidol".

AT difficult situations doctors prescribe:

  • "Tizercin".
  • "Haloperidol".
  • "Moditen Depot".
  • "Leponex".

The attending physician determines which drugs to take, their dosage and regimen.

Recovery prognosis

It is possible to achieve the onset of a stable remission stage in a patient with a diagnosis of "paranoid syndrome" provided that the appeal for medical care was made in the early days of discovery mental disorders. In this case, therapy will be aimed at preventing the development of the stage of exacerbation of the syndrome.

It is impossible to achieve an absolute cure for the paranoid syndrome. This should be remembered by the relatives of the patient, however, with an adequate attitude to the situation, it is possible to prevent the aggravation of the disease.

Paranoid psychosis - severe disorder psyche, accompanied by delirium. The current is characterized by ideas of persecution, aggression. Hallucinations do not occur in paranoid psychosis.

The disorder can develop both independently and be the result of schizophrenia or alcohol abuse. It is more severe than paranoia, but milder than paraphrenia.


Types of paranoid psychoses are differentiated depending on the delusional states accompanying the disorder:

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!
Delusions related to one's own greatness The patient can attribute to himself talents, superpowers, consider himself a brilliant inventor. Perhaps the development of a state associated with religious topics - in this case, a person can represent himself as a new prophet.
erotomanic It manifests itself in the belief that a certain person has romantic feelings for the patient. famous person. As a rule, there is no sexual connotation, and the person himself is not familiar with the celebrity.
Somatic With this form of disorder, the person is sure that he has a serious incurable disease or severe injury.
persecution The most common form of paranoid psychosis, in which the patient believes that someone is following him and his loved ones in order to cause harm.
jealousy It is also widespread, often developing on the background of alcoholic paranoid. In this case, the patient is sure of the betrayal of the spouse. The delusions of jealousy can refer both to the present time and to past events, and can be weighed down by a man's confidence that his wife has given birth to children from another person.
Unspecified variant It is manifested by a combination of the above options for delusions or other complaints that are not typical for standard options. There are many scenarios for the development of delirium, they are limited only by the patient's imagination.

The reasons

Paranoid psychosis has an organic origin. It occurs with pre-existing somatic disorders. As causal factors may act: brain injury, progressive syphilis of the brain, atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

The occurrence of this type of psychosis is influenced by external and internal factors.

It can be:

  • reasons related to metabolic processes in the body;
  • diseases caused external influence or internal pathological processes;
  • neuroendocrine factors (defeat nervous system and endocrine glands)
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the circumstances under which personality development took place.


In paranoid psychosis of any type, a typical clinical picture can be observed:

Suspicion, alertness
  • it hallmark paranoid psychosis.
  • All suspicions are illogical and devoid of common sense.
  • Actors can be both close and complete strangers.
  • The patient randomly forms a group of “pursuers” or chooses one person (it is enough to get out of the transport with him at one stop), and in the future any conversations or actions will be considered as confirmation of his conjectures.
Any information received is perceived as a threat.
  • And this applies not only to those people with whom the patient is in a conflict relationship, but also to everyone else.
  • It seems to the patient that they are looking at him too closely, a conspiracy is being arranged behind his back.
Suspicions of betrayal of friends and relatives If such a thought once arose in the patient's head, then it will not leave him.
Sharp and aggressive reaction to criticism
  • The slightest and quite logical attempts of another person to intervene cause a storm of negative emotions.
  • Moreover, even a sincere desire to help is seen as an attempt to harm.
Excessive resentment, vindictiveness
  • All grievances, including far-fetched ones, are a reason for constant reproaches.
  • The patient will never admit that he was wrong, but in general he will consider the situation as another try harm him.

In combination with schizophrenia, it is manifested by mental automatisms and pseudohallucinosis.

Sooner or later paranoid psychosis leads to self-isolation.


The diagnosis is made after examining the patient and talking with him. This should reveal an imbalance of personal positions and disharmony in behavior that affect several areas of the patient's life.

A specialist can fix inadequate protective reactions in a patient.

The final confirmation is the complete denial by the patient of his condition and the need for treatment even after discussing the negative consequences.


The peculiarity of the disease is that it passes into chronic condition, and without treatment, a person will behave the same way all his life.

The decision to hospitalize a patient with paranoid psychosis is considered individually. At aggressive behavior, suicidal tendencies, a threat to the life and health of others, the likelihood of damage, etc. – hospitalization is mandatory. Hospitalization is recommended in cases where additional examinations are required.

Some patients can be convinced of the need for treatment. If this is not possible, then involuntary hospitalization can be used after agreement with relatives.

Drug treatment is not always prescribed, but only in cases where the symptoms are excessively pronounced or in the presence of concomitant diseases.

With exacerbations of delusional states occurring against the background of motor excitation, tranquilizers are prescribed. Antipsychotics are used for maintenance therapy. The doctor may postpone treatment if there is a possibility that the patient himself may agree with the need for it.

To the complex medical measures necessarily includes psychotherapy. It is she who is the basis of treatment. At the same time, on initial stage main task doctor is to create a friendly environment and a trusting atmosphere.

First of all, it is necessary to convince the patient of the advisability of taking the drugs. Initially, it is not necessary to focus the patient's attention on the treatment of a delusional state. Since paranoid psychosis is manifested by mood swings, anxiety, it is better to treat these manifestations in the first stage.

When a patient is sick, it is better for relatives not to communicate with the doctor and not discuss the course of the disease, since these actions will be regarded as collusion. However, loved ones can help speedy recovery, controlling the intake of drugs, creating a normal atmosphere in the environment of the patient.

Paranoid psychosis is not always treatable. The task of therapy is not only to rid the patient of delusional ideas, but also to return the person to normal life achieving social adaptation.

Physiotherapy can also be prescribed - massage, balneotherapy, which help restore the nervous system.


Psycho-emotional overstrain, accompanied by constant suspicion, can cause various social and personal consequences:

  • relinquishing a sense of responsibility; the patient blames others for the disorder that has arisen, not wanting to take any actions aimed at recovery;
  • inability to endure stressful situations; usually manifested by a state of affect and severe depression;
  • develop addictions (alcohol, drugs);
  • categorical refusal of treatment.

Who is prone to paranoid psychosis

  • Most often, this diagnosis is manifested in young age, mainly men suffer from this disorder.
  • The condition greatly affects the socialization of a person, negatively affecting the quality of his life.
  • These people are scandalous, cannot stand criticism and rejection, and are arrogant.
  • The patient performs actions that seem inadequate to a healthy person, his reactions are unpredictable.

paranoid syndrome is not independent disease. Its occurrence is considered a manifestation mental disorder or intoxication with psychotropic substances.

The most effective therapy this disorder with early treatment to the doctor, when the disease is just beginning to manifest itself. Treatment of the acute phase should take place in a hospital under the systematic supervision of specialists.

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    What is paranoid syndrome?

    Paranoid (paranoid) syndrome is a symptom complex characterized by the presence of delusions, hallucinatory syndrome, pseudo-hallucinations, mental automatisms, obsessions of persecution, bodily and mental trauma in the patient.

    Delirium in this disorder is diverse. According to the patient, sometimes it is a well-planned surveillance scheme, and may not have any sequence at all. In both cases, the patient demonstrates an excessive focus on his own personality.

    Paranoid syndrome is included in the structure of the clinical picture of many mental illnesses, completely changing the behavior and lifestyle of the patient.

    The severity of the symptoms of the paranoid symptom complex characterizes the severity and depth of the disorder.

    Such specific manifestations this violation as incredulity, reaching the point of absurdity, increased suspicion of the patient, secrecy significantly complicate the diagnosis. In some cases, the diagnosis is based on indirect signs and results of careful monitoring of the patient.

    Reasons for the development of pathology

    It is difficult for specialists to unequivocally answer the question about the causes of this disorder. Diseases, which include this syndrome, have different etiology: they are formed on the base genetic predisposition, pathologies of the nervous system that are congenital in nature, or diseases acquired in the course of life, disorders in the metabolism of neurotransmitters.

    A common feature of such diseases is the presence of changes in biochemical processes in the tissues of the central nervous system.

    In cases of alcohol, drug or psychotropic drugs the reasons for the origin of the paranoid syndrome are obvious.

    In people under the influence of prolonged, strong, pronounced Negative influence on the psyche, stress is often recorded phenomenon of paranoia. At healthy people in case of isolation from stressful situation symptoms may gradually disappear on their own.

    At risk for developing paranoid syndrome are:

    1. 1. Patients suffering from mental illness in chronic form(most often it is schizophrenia).
    2. 2. Patients with organic lesions brain (encephalitis, neurosyphilis and others).
    3. 3. Persons with a habit of abuse large doses alcohol or taking narcotic or psychotropic substances.

    From the analysis of statistical data, it is known that most often paranoid syndrome is recorded in men.

    Symptoms first appear at a young age (20 to 30 years).


    Paranoid syndrome is characterized by the following features:

    • constant increased suspicion towards friends, colleagues, acquaintances, relatives;
    • absolute conviction in a conspiracy against yourself of all those around you;
    • inadequate, excessive acute reaction on harmless remarks, the search for a hidden threat in them;
    • excessive resentment;
    • suspicions of relatives of betrayal, infidelity, the formation of delusional jealousy.

    Diagnosis is hampered by a number of specific features of the disorder: secrecy, suspicion, isolation of patients.

    Later, as the disease progresses, auditory hallucinations, signs of persecution mania, secondary systematized delirium are recorded (the patient is able to clearly explain how, by what means and on what day the surveillance of him was started, who is doing it, on what grounds he established this fact). Sensory disturbances also join.

    The progression of the paranoid syndrome occurs along a hallucinogenic or delusional path of development.

    delusional paranoid syndrome

    The delusional type of disorder is the most difficult to manage, is difficult to treat and requires long-term therapy. The reasons for such features lie in the patient's reluctance to come into contact with anyone, and even more so to be treated.

    hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome

    This type of disorder is characterized by hallucinatory syndrome and pseudohallucinations.

    Most often, the hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome develops after a strong affective shock. The patient has a pronounced constant feeling of fear. Crazy ideas are varied.

    The disorder in this type of paranoid syndrome has the following order:

    1. 1. The patient has no doubt that outsiders read his thoughts and can influence them.
    2. 2. The second stage is characterized by an increase in the patient's heart rate, the occurrence of convulsions, the development of hyperthermic syndrome, a condition similar to withdrawal.
    3. 3. The final stage is characterized by the formation of the patient's confidence in managing his physical condition and subconscious from the outside.

    Each of the stages of development is accompanied by hallucinations in the form of clear images or blurry spots. The patient finds it difficult to describe what he saw, but he is convinced that the visions are generated by an extraneous influence on his thinking.

    The hallucinatory variant of the paranoid syndrome can occur in the form of an acute or chronic disorder. It is considered to be a relatively mild form of it. The prognosis for the treatment of the hallucinatory variant of this pathology is relatively favorable. The patient is sociable, makes contact, fulfills the doctor's instructions.

    paranoid syndrome with depression

    The cause of such a violation is the complex mental trauma. A depressed state and depression that exists for a long period of time cause sleep disturbance, up to its complete absence.

    The patient's behavior is characterized by lethargy. The development of the disorder takes about 3 months. The patient begins to experience problems of cardio-vascular system loses body weight. Typical symptoms:

    1. 1. Gradual or a sharp decline self-esteem, loss of ability to enjoy life, lack of sexual desire.
    2. 2. The appearance of suicidal thoughts.
    3. 3. Transformation of inclinations into obsession suicide.
    4. 4. Formation of delirium.

    Manic variant

    The patient's condition is characterized by excessive excitement - psycho-emotional and often motor. The pace of thinking is high, the patient voices his own thoughts.

    Often the occurrence given deviation is a complication of alcohol intake or drugs or experienced severe stress.

    Treatment of paranoid syndrome should be carried out in a hospital in a psychiatric department. The patient's social circle, his relatives should understand that the success of therapy and the prognosis of the disease depend on the timeliness of the detection of pathology. This disorder does not progress on its own. Diseases in the structure of which it is found paranoid syndrome, characterized by a progressive course with an increase in symptoms.

    The therapeutic regimen is selected individually for each patient.

    In the appointments there are antipsychotic drugs (Aminazin, Sonapax and others) necessary to introduce the patient into a stable state of consciousness. The timing of the use of these medications depends on the severity of the disease and the dynamics of symptoms, they are usually used for a period of one week to a month. Nice results shows therapy started on early dates disease at the first manifestation of symptoms.

    With late visits to the doctor, treatment takes a long time, and the symptoms regress more slowly. Such a patient needs constant observation, control and care.

    The task of the attending physician is to explain to the patient's relatives that a complete recovery is impossible, the task of those around the patient is to prevent a relapse of the disease. And in case of another exacerbation, promptly seek medical help. When treating with antipsychotics, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of their effects on the body and the possibility of interaction with other pharmaceuticals.

Hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome is a condition in which the delusions of persecution and influence, the phenomena of mental automatism are combined with pseudohallucinations. The delusions of influence are extremely diverse in content: from witchcraft and hypnosis to the most modern technical methods or devices - radiation, atomic energy, laser beams, etc.
Mental automatisms are “made” thoughts, sensations, movements, actions that appear, according to the patient, as a result of the influence of one or another external force on the body. Mental automatisms include sensual, ideational and motor components, manifested by a sense of mastery of some mental functions the patient, arising as a result of exposure to one or another type of energy.

In a patient, these automatisms are not necessarily observed simultaneously, in aggregate, but develop as the disease progresses, as a rule, in the sequence described below.

Ideational (associative) automatisms are the result of an imaginary impact on the processes of thinking and other forms of mental activity. The first manifestations of ideational automatisms are mentism (a non-stop, often rapid flow of thoughts, accompanied in some cases by corresponding figurative representations and a feeling of vague anxiety) and a symptom of openness, expressed in the feeling that the patient's thoughts are known to others. The sounding of thoughts also belongs to ideational automatisms: whatever the patient thinks about, his thoughts sound loudly and distinctly in his head. The sound of thoughts is preceded by the so-called rustle of thoughts. This type of automatism also includes the "echo of thought": others repeat aloud the thoughts of the patient. Subsequently, the following symptoms develop: withdrawal of thoughts (the patient’s thoughts disappear from the head), made thoughts (the patient’s belief that the thoughts that arise in him are fabricated by outsiders, as a rule, his pursuers), made dreams (dreams of a certain content, most often with special significance caused by external influences), unwinding of memories (patients, against their will and desire, under the influence of an outside force, are forced to recall certain events of their lives, and often at the same time the patient is shown pictures illustrating memories), the mood made, the feelings made (the patients claim that their moods, feelings, likes and dislikes are the result of external influences).

Senestopathic (sensory) automatisms - extremely discomfort arising in patients as a result of the imaginary influence of an extraneous force. These sensations made can be very diverse: a feeling of suddenly arising heat or cold, pain in internal organs, head, limbs. Such sensations are unusual, pretentious: twisting, pulsing, bursting, etc.

Kinesthetic (motor) automatisms: disorders in which patients have a belief that the movements they make are made against their will, under the influence of external influences. Patients claim that they are guided by their actions, move their limbs, cause a feeling of immobility, numbness. Kinesthetic automatisms also include speech-motor automatisms: patients claim that their tongues are set in motion in order to pronounce words and phrases, that the words they pronounce belong to strangers, as a rule, persecutors.

Pseudohallucinations are perceptions that occur, like hallucinations, without a real object. Unlike hallucinations, they can be projected not only outside, but also be “inside the head”, perceived by the “mental eye”. Unlike true hallucinations, pseudo hallucinations are not identified with real objects, they are perceived as made. The most significant difference: the patient feels that the pseudo-hallucinations are "made", "caused" by some external force, a cause. The structure of the hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome includes visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, visceral, kinesthetic pseudohallucinations.

Visual pseudo-hallucinations - "made" visions, images, faces, panoramic pictures that show the patient, as a rule, his pursuers using various methods. Auditory pseudo-hallucinations - noises, words, phrases transmitted to the patient by radio, through various equipment. Pseudohallucinations, like true hallucinations, can be imperative and commentary, voices - male, female, childish, belonging to familiar and unfamiliar faces. Olfactory, gustatory, tactile, visceral pseudohallucinations are identical in manifestations to similar true hallucinations; the only difference is that they are perceived as done.

Variants of the syndrome downstream. Acute hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome is characterized by great sensibility of delusional disorders with no tendency to systematize them, the severity of all forms of mental automatisms, the affect of fear and anxiety, confusion, transient catatonic disorders.

Chronic hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome. In the clinical picture, there is no confusion, no brightness of affect, there is a systematization or (with the development of profuse pseudohallucinations) a tendency to systematize delusional disorders. At the height of development, phenomena of delusional depersonalization often occur (phenomena of alienation).

Structure options. hallucinatory version. Pseudohallucinations predominate in the picture of the state, a relatively small proportion of delusions of influence, persecution, and especially the phenomena of mental automatism is observed.

Brave variant. Crazy ideas of influence and persecution, as well as mental automatisms, come to the fore, and pseudohallucinatory disorders are relatively weakly expressed.

Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome in the structure of individual diseases. Hallucinatory-paranoid syndromes are observed in various mental illness: schizophrenia, occurring continuously and in the form of seizures, epilepsy, protracted symptomatic psychoses, chronic alcoholic psychoses, organic diseases of the brain.

With paranoid syndrome, in addition to delusions of persecution, other delusions may occur - poisoning, damage, physical harm, jealousy, surveillance, physical impact(see the full body of knowledge: Brad). The most common combination of delusions of persecution and influence. The patient believes that he is under the constant supervision of a criminal organization, whose members monitor his every action, persecute him, discredit and harm him in every possible way. "Pursuers" affect him with special devices, laser radiation, atomic energy, electromagnetic waves, and so on, and the patient is often convinced that the "enemies" control all his actions, thoughts and feelings, put in and take away thoughts from him, voice them.

The paranoid syndrome may be limited to delusions of persecution and ideational automatism. In more severe cases sensory (senestopathic) automatism joins these disorders. In the later stages of development of the paranoid syndrome, motor (kinesthetic) automatism arises.

The paranoid syndrome may various options. In some cases, the delusional component is more pronounced (delusions of persecution and physical impact), and the phenomena of mental automatism are poorly represented - the so-called delusional variant Paranoid syndrome In other cases, the phenomena of mental automatism, especially pseudohallucinations, are more intense, and delusions of persecution take a subordinate place - the hallucinatory variant Paranoid Syndrome In some cases, there is a pronounced anxiety-depressive affect with ideas of accusation (depressive-paranoid syndrome). In some cases, a hallucinatory-paranoid picture can be replaced by a paraphrenic one (see the full body of knowledge: Paraphrenic syndrome).

Paranoid syndrome often develops chronically, but can also occur acutely. In the first case, a gradually developing systematized interpretive delusion predominates, to which, at various intervals of time, often calculated over years, sensory disorders join. Acute Paranoid Syndrome is a combination of sensual, imaginative delusions with hallucinations (see full body of knowledge), pseudohallucinations and various symptoms mental automatism (see the full body of knowledge: Kandinsky - Clerambo syndrome) and pronounced affective disorders. Patients are in a state of confusion, vague fears, unaccountable anxiety. In these cases, there is no delusional system, delusional ideas are fragmentary and changeable in content, patients do not try to give them any interpretation.

The behavior of patients is determined by the delusions of persecution or influence: they are tense, often angry, they demand to be protected from persecution, they take measures to protect themselves from exposure, for example, rays; may commit socially dangerous acts.

In the formation of clinical features, pictures Paranoid syndrome important role plays the age at which the disease develops, and the level of mental maturity of the patient. Paranoid syndrome with systematized delusions and pronounced phenomena of mental automatism usually occurs in adulthood. In the elderly and old age The paranoid syndrome is characterized by the poverty of psychopathological symptoms, the narrowness and unfolding of the delusional plot, the predominance of ideas with the nature of the damage.

Paranoid syndrome usually occurs in chronic current diseases, such as schizophrenia, encephalitis.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

The prognosis depends on the characteristics of the underlying disease. The outcome of paranoid syndrome can be mental disorders, ranging from minor personality changes to a state of severe dementia (see the full body of knowledge: Dementia).

Shmaonova L.M.

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