Household alcoholism: signs of household drunkenness and differences from alcoholism. Biological causes of alcoholism. On the video, the causes of development and symptoms of domestic alcoholism

The vast majority of people see absolutely no difference between the concepts of "drunkenness" and "alcohol". These definitions are considered similar and are used colloquially as synonyms. And in fact, what difference can there be between people who recklessly drink alcohol?

Such a word as "drunk" is used by the townsfolk as an abusive "compliment". It is applied both to persons suffering from alcohol dependence, and to ordinary drunkards. It was not in vain that we distinguished both concepts - after all, there is a rather significant difference between alcoholism and drunkenness.

There is a big difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard.

To understand how drunkenness differs from alcoholism, it is worth knowing and understanding the meaning attached to these two concepts. If a person has a pronounced dependence on alcohol and no longer thinks of the purpose of his existence without drinking, this is the main sign of alcoholism.

In the medical community, people are considered alcoholics, completely (on the mental and physical level) dependent on alcohol. This pathology requires a thorough and integrated approach in treatment.

Whereas drunkenness is much lower in terms of danger to the individual and human health. This is a social phenomenon that has, albeit indirectly, relation to alcohol addiction. It can be said that the drunkard confidently walks along the road, ultimate goal which is alcoholism.

Drunkenness irreversibly leads to the development of alcoholism

How to determine that you are a drunkard? To determine the cohort to which drinking man, there are some rules. So, just a drinker:

  1. Can drink both with a reason and without a reason.
  2. Drinking alcohol for such individuals is, first of all, a pleasant pastime.
  3. Basically, drunkards drink in the companies of the same drinking buddies who are passionate about alcohol.
  4. Although such a person gets great pleasure from drinking, he is able to easily refuse another glass if there is an important matter on the agenda.
  5. Drunkards can allow themselves to drink "to death", but they are quite capable of controlling the dose of alcohol they consume. And they do not exceed it if the next morning they need to appear somewhere “in uniform”.

To find out in practice what alcoholism and drunkenness are, what is the difference between these concepts, as you can see, is quite simple. It’s just that the drinker does not have an addiction to alcohol, if desired, such a person may not drink at all, without feeling any discomfort.

Drunkenness and alcoholism are national ills of the world scale

His passion for drinking is wicked and very bad habit, the origins of which are ordinary promiscuity. But there is a fine line between a drunkard and an alcoholic. If just a drinker does not pull himself together and refuse to drink, he will have a fate that brings alcoholism.

Who are alcoholics

But with alcoholics it's not so simple. Is different this species personalities from ordinary drunkards in that they no longer enjoy drinking alcohol. They drink because the body requires it. It's a total addiction internal systems in alcoholism, they function only after they receive the next dose of alcohol.

While ordinary drunkards are picky enough in their choice of alcoholic beverages, alcoholics do not particularly care what they drink. It is important that the liquid contained ethyl alcohol.

Alcohol addiction is like a drug addiction: human body without the usual dose of alcohol is not able to function normally. AT medical practice there is even a term-concept "alcohol withdrawal". Such symptoms develop when an alcoholic is deprived of the opportunity to take another dose.

Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal (withdrawal syndrome)

Alcohol withdrawal develops some time after the last dose. It looks like this:

  • sweating increases;
  • there is a severe migraine;
  • febrile states are noted;
  • observed severe nausea up to uncontrollable vomiting;
  • attacks of aggressive and inappropriate behavior develop.

Against the background of a lack of alcohol in the patient's body, alcoholic delirium(in common " delirium tremens"). To come in more or less normal condition, a patient with alcoholism must constantly take alcohol. Such people can no longer give up addiction on their own.

Drunkards never experience the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal". This is a privilege only for alcoholics.

People who are addicted to alcohol do not need cheerful company. They drink alone, not needing a good snack or quality drink. Having drunk alone with themselves, alcoholics fall into prostration, losing consciousness. Individuals with addiction literally “suck out” all the money from their loved ones.

How alcoholism develops

They are expelled from the service, abandoned by their wives, tired of the sight of a constantly drunk spouse. After all, alcoholics become literally words by the dregs of society. Becoming useless, people, in pursuit of the necessary alcohol, commit crimes varying degrees gravity.

If you do not deal with the problem of alcohol addiction in time, this disease will lead to complete degradation of the personality. Alcoholics generally do not live long. The suffering organism, dependent on alcohol, gradually stops its activity. Internal organs fail, severe diseases develop.

Drunkenness and alcoholism: similarities and differences

To clearly understand the similarities and differences between these two concepts, use the table below. But, no matter what stage a person is at, if appropriate measures are not taken, the result is one thing - dependence, leading to the complete destruction of the personality.

Drunkenness Alcoholism
similarity both categories of people regularly abuse alcohol and do not admit that they have a problem that needs to be dealt with and closely treated
Differences while drinking alcohol, a person is able to control the level and dose of the drink, he can stop in timedoes not realize the amount of alcohol taken, drinks until all bottles are empty or passes out
can completely refuse to drink alcohol, if there are good reasons and reasons for thatunable to forget about drinking, they drink constantly, even knowing full well that the result could be a fatal outcome
manages with the amount of alcohol that is on hand at the momentto get the desired effect, you need to regularly increase the dose, each time the alcoholic needs to drink more and more
tend to drink in a cheerful company, with a good snackcan drink alone without needing companions or snacks
carefully select their alcohol, use only their favorite drinks or try exclusivedo not pay attention to the quality of alcohol, in the absence of such drinks, they can switch to other liquids containing alcohol (household and automotive chemicals, colognes, medical tinctures)

As a rule, drunkards consider themselves just drinkers. They naively believe that at any moment they can stop, give up drinking and start sober, healthy life. But alcohol is tricky and dangerous. At any moment, the thin line between drunkenness and alcoholism can collapse.

And quite unexpectedly for drunkards, a moment may come when, of their own free will, they will no longer be able to refuse a glass of vodka.

Despite such big difference, drunkenness and alcoholism can be considered twins. That is why the townsfolk do not particularly distinguish between what a drunkard is and who is an alcoholic. The fate of both of them is sad and irreversible if the problem is not recognized in time and treatment of such people is not undertaken.

19.12.2017 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Perekhod 0

What is domestic drunkenness and how is it different from alcoholism?

A glass of wine at dinner, beer and snacks in front of the TV, a drop of balm in tea. This is how household alcoholism begins, you seem to be able to give up alcohol, but the evening will be ruined. Gradually, the dose and degree of intake will increase, soon the general tone and rhythm of life will depend on a significant amount of alcohol. First you drink wine, then it drinks you.

According to general directory psychiatric diseases, domestic alcoholism is the regular use of alcoholic beverages without drug addiction. That is, a person wants to drink, but can relatively easily refuse alcohol. Home alcoholic prefers good company and a tasty snack, he rarely drinks himself unconscious, claims that at any moment he can arrange a fight against drunkenness. Most often, in the morning, a drunkard feels a sense of shame in front of loved ones. The feeling is accompanied by psychological discomfort - something seemed to be wrong, but what?

Almost half of household alcoholics, on the contrary, become overexcited, aggressive and embittered in the morning. Independently, it is almost impossible to assess the difference between domestic and chronic alcoholism. And most often the drinker does not listen to others, considering it possible to stop drinking at any time.

Signs to worry

First you need to understand the differences between a mild state of domestic drunkenness and chronic alcoholism.
The main difference is that the drunkard knows his dose and rarely exceeds it. That is, if your husband buys a couple of bottles of beer every day on his way home, while he knows that the third will be superfluous - most likely we can already say that this is the first sign of domestic alcoholism.

An important difference between the two states is the degree of personality degradation. That is, if after the third bottle the family notices that dad is becoming inadequate, it is already necessary to sound the alarm. Chronic alcoholism is primarily drug addiction. main feature chronic course diseases - total loss consciousness and memory during intoxication. That is, if the fourth bottle makes the husband fall asleep soundly, and in the morning he swears that he does not remember anything, you need to seek medical help.

The wake-up call should be constant desire drink. Do not get drunk, namely, take a small dose. This means that alcohol is already beginning to enter the systemic work of the body as a necessary component.

How and why?

Considering household systematic drunkenness as a social phenomenon, psychologists have established two of its main causes - the environment of a person and lack of employment. Moreover, the first reason most often makes you go down a slippery path.

  1. The social component includes: family or national traditions, regular drinking without a reason, avoiding a general depressive environment and high alcoholization of society. Simply put, society itself does not see alcohol as a problem.
  2. The second reason for domestic drunkenness was established on the basis of a study of the situation in the so-called economically depressed regions. Scientists have found a direct relationship between unemployment and drunkenness. The more free time a person has, the higher the risk of starting to drink.
  3. The third reason for the emergence of domestic drunkenness is common to all forms of addiction. Most often, a depressed person reaches for a bottle. Alcohol is the most accessible substance with pronounced effect euphoria.

According to surveys, up to 90% of the adult population of the planet uses alcohol as a cure for blues. But drinking causes only a complication of the condition - physiological ones are added to the psycho-emotional problems.


To determine the degree of damage to the body by narcologists, a special table of an alcoholic was developed. It reflects the amount and frequency of alcohol intake. Statistical data can also be used for self-diagnosis.

  1. The first group of moderate drinkers includes those who drink alcohol no more than once a month. So to speak, a glass for special occasions. Already at this stage, every third drinker is found to have minor damage to peripheral nerves.
  2. The second group of occasional drinkers includes people who drink 1-3 times a month. For this group, there is no difference in the degree of the drink, it can be wine, beer, cocktail. Surveys of such people show organic lesions not only the nervous, but also the cardiovascular system.
  3. For the third group, the strength of the drink is already a determining factor. Therefore, those who like to drink 200-300 ml of vodka, cognac, moonshine, etc. 1-2 times a week belong to systematic drinkers. For these people, ethanol has become an obligatory participant in the organic processes of all systems.
  4. The fourth group, which is extreme before chronic alcoholism, is habitually drinking. These are those who consume every 2-3 days from 300 to 500 ml of strong alcohol. At the same time, they still do not show the beginning of personality degradation.

Based on this table, experts have identified four stages of domestic drunkenness. They will differ not only in the amount of alcohol consumed. Despite the fact that this table is applicable to both sexes, experts emphasize that female household alcoholism passes through all periods faster. A man is more clearly able to control his alcohol consumption and often stays in the third or fourth group for many years.

But, psychiatry calls to distinguish between domestic drunkenness and alcoholism. A person from any group is able to independently refuse alcohol, even if the domestic alcoholic is a woman.

Children's household alcoholism

The table is designed only for adult category. Due to the fact that the young organism actively resists pernicious influence alcohol, the difference between teenage domestic drunkenness and alcoholism is very thin. The classification of drunkenness depending on the quantity and regularity of the intake is not possible.

Often, only a specialist can recognize the first signs of domestic alcoholism in a child. Narcologists have developed a special test that helps to identify the first symptoms of the manifestation of teenage domestic drunkenness. Because transitional age usually accompanied by many psychological problems, this study rather reveals the possibility of regular drinking.

Common reasons for this behavior are family traditions. If a child sees how his loved ones constantly drink and do not consider it shameful, most likely he will also begin to consume alcohol. First because of interest, then he can no longer refuse. Children from dysfunctional families are several times more likely to enter treatment with the third and fourth stages of drunkenness.

Any teenager is characterized by a craving for experiments, this also applies to alcohol. Do not focus on a one-time such experience. But if drinking beer, energy drinks, or something stronger has become regular (at least once a week), you should be wary of such behavior.

In the fight against teenage drinking is very important people's control. You should not dissuade the child from the wrong friends, most likely he will not listen to you. It will be more effective to involve his entire company in this type of activity when alcohol becomes a hindrance.

Charity, sports, education, joint leisure will help not only to avoid addiction. This is a way to get as close as possible with a teenager. Show that you are actively involved in his life and are not ready to let go into a drunken pool.

How to avoid the transition to alcoholism?

Narcologists say the difference between an alcoholic and a drunk is noticeable in the morning. The main symptom of chronic alcoholism is withdrawal syndrome, which appears after each drinking of any alcohol. Healthy man able to process even relatively large doses alcohol. However, if in the morning in order to get on your feet, you need an anti-hangover pill, this is a good reason to seek help from a psychotherapist or narcologist.

For such people there is clinical concept- abstinent. According to the classification of domestic drunkenness, abstinents include people who voluntarily admit that they have problems with alcohol and accept medical help.

Most likely, in addition to psychotherapeutic treatment, you will be prescribed a drug to relieve alcohol dependence. It is important to understand that acknowledging the problem is half the cure. And strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Clinical experience shows that in the last decade a new kind of domestic drunkenness has appeared - hidden domestic alcoholism. With development social networks and the advent a large number lovers of healthy recreation, many began to hide their addiction. Drinking is becoming unfashionable, but the vast majority cannot imagine how to distract or entertain themselves. This secrecy has led to the emergence of a large number of chronic alcoholics. Instead of admitting a small weakness, people cover up the problem and end up in huge trouble.

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The concepts of the words "drunkenness" and "" have different definition, but they combine together all forms of the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Any of these definitions is negative impact on the state of human health, in addition, it leaves an indelible imprint on relationships with others, as well as on their professional and labor activities. Let's consider each concept in more detail.

How to distinguish household drunkenness from alcoholism?

Domestic drunkenness is a person's tendency to moderate episodic or systematic alcohol use without entering heavy and prolonged. At the same time, a person retains control over the amount of alcohol consumed. Drinking people can be divided into groups, according to the proposed E.E. Bekhel of the classification of domestic drunkenness: abstinents - people who abstain from drinking alcohol, but can drink under the pressure of others; casual drinkers - alcohol does not bring them pleasure, their intoxication is not significant, they control themselves and their actions; moderate drinkers - experience pleasure in a state of intoxication, show interest in drinking, but never organize it themselves; systematically drinking - people constantly increasing the dose of alcohol, their behavior will be disturbed, they develop certain style and lifestyle, there are negative social consequences , appears over time.

How to distinguish household drunkenness from alcoholism?

The use of alcoholic beverages is associated with a number of established customs, ceremonies, rituals, the so-called complex of drinking drinks containing alcohol. All this has been passed down and is being passed down through generations, has formed into an integral phenomenon in society, leaving, unfortunately, a catastrophically negative imprint on the worldview and the system of psychological and spiritual values. AT recent times the use of alcoholic beverages acquires the ability to rapid growth, due to the expansion of occasions, advertising, distribution and increase in the range of alcohol. The first sign when a drunkard is on the verge of transitioning into is the absence defensive reaction body - vomiting, even with a significant amount of alcohol drunk, this is the so-called addiction, because alcohol is undoubtedly a narcotic substance.

Drunkennessand alcoholism

, this is far from a habit, but the most that you can’t eat is a progressive disease. In the nineteenth century, the Swedish physician Magnus Hus placed in the dictionary medical terms the word "alcoholism", which is translated from Arabic "al kegol" - "intoxicating". And so alcoholism is a disease characterized by a painful addiction to the use of alcoholic beverages, leading to damage to internal organs.

External development factors: education, promotion and encouragement of alcohol consumption, advertising and availability of alcoholic beverages, and cultural characteristics and traditions of the people.
Alcoholism can be decomposed into several stages: prodrome, first stage, second stage and third stage.
Prodrome or zero stage, very close to the onset of alcoholism, but not yet a disease. A person still has the opportunity to stop the systematic use of alcohol, however, with daily drinking, after 6-12 months, the prodrome boldly passes into the first stage.
The first stage of alcoholism - addiction appears, in the absence of the opportunity to drink, the craving for alcohol disappears for a while. The patient becomes irritable, aggressive, but a critical attitude towards drunkenness does not appear, and each use of alcohol is constantly justified. Gradually, this state passes to the second stage.
The second stage of alcoholism is the stage of addiction, there is an increase in alcohol endurance, but self-control is weakening. Arises alcoholic psychosis accompanied by hallucinations, a person becomes dangerous to society.
The third stage of alcoholism - the body's forces are exhausted, there is a significant degradation of the patient's personality, irreversible violations in internal organs and nervous system.
All this in best case ends long-term treatment in the hospital, or at worst, fatal. L.N. Tolstoy best described the influence that alcohol has on a person: “Wine destroys the bodily health of people, destroys mental capacity destroys the well-being of families and, worst of all, destroys the souls of people and their offspring.

The first step in the treatment of drunkenness or alcoholism -

Drunkenness is usually called excessive uncontrolled consumption of alcohol, which negatively affects work, family life, the health of people and the situation of the whole society. Individual cases of intoxication are usually considered episodic drinking m.

It happens and systematic drunkenness, which is characterized by frequent (2-4 times a month or more) cases of intoxication and constant (2-3 times a week or more) use of small doses of alcohol that do not cause severe intoxication.

Drinking, both episodic and persistent, can lead to quite grave consequences- the development of pathological craving for alcohol, neurological and psychosomatic disorders, complete degradation of personality.

Drunkenness should be distinguished from alcoholism. Their main difference is that alcoholism is a disease wearing chronic, a drunkenness is not yet a disease, but bad habit, part of the lifestyle.

A person who is sick with alcoholism is completely dependent on alcohol (i.e. he drinks when he wants to drink, and drinks even if he does not want to). As for drunkenness, here already a person may drink, or may not drink, he is still quite capable of refusing to drink alcohol.

Also, the concept of drunkenness should be distinguished from the concept of drinking. Drinking most often occurs in the chosen good company, it is a kind of state of mind, and this does not happen often. Drunkenness is a completely different matter. a person drinks, no matter where, when, what and with whom. In this case, alcohol becomes the basis for everything else - both for friendship and for love, and the company becomes good and sincere after the second bottle.

Classification of people who drink alcohol

There is classification of people who drink alcohol, it is designed depending on how often and what doses of alcohol a person takes.

  • Withdrawals- these are people who do not like alcohol and do not drink it, or they use it, but very rarely, as they say, for very big holidays and in scanty quantities (up to 100 ml of wine 2-3 times a year). They, as a rule, do not drink, and if they do, it is only under pressure from others. For them, this is not a pleasure, but just a tribute to the established alcohol traditions.
  • casual drinkers- people who drink about 50-150 ml of vodka (or a maximum of 250 ml) from several times a year to several times a month. These people also do not experience pleasure when drunk, and therefore do not want to drink alcohol often. Their state of intoxication is negligible, they, even after drinking, are able to control themselves, the amount of alcohol they drink and retain common sense.
  • moderate drinkers– people who drink about 100-250 ml of vodka (up to a maximum of 400 ml) 1-4 times a month. Such people already experience some pleasure from the state of intoxication, but the voluntary desire to drink occurs in them extremely rarely, and the signs of intoxication are mild. Even if they show interest in a possible drink, they still rarely arrange it themselves.
  • Systematically drinking faces - people who consume 200-300 ml (maximum about 500 ml) of vodka 1-2 times a week. They are characterized by frequent drinking and increasing the dose. Intoxicated, they somehow cease to control themselves, they have behavioral disorders, a completely certain style and way of life is formed. Gradually, their drunkenness takes on more and more severe forms doses are increased and often negative results occur.
  • habitual drinkers- people who drink about 500 ml of vodka and more than 2-3 times a week, but do not have any clinical pronounced violations(Let's make a reservation - so far they do not have). Alcohol in their lives every year occupies an increasingly significant place, becomes the main source of pleasure, pushing out all the others. Ultimately, alcohol abuse habitually drinking people affects their professional level, personal life, their social status, leading, in the end, to alcohol addiction, and what is fraught with alcohol addiction we already know. Thus, although drunkenness is not yet alcoholism, it can lead to it.

Read about other classifications in the article.

Domestic drunkenness (domestic alcoholism) is usually called the way of life of people, the basis of which are incorrect settings and habits associated with alcohol. It's not a disease, but bad habit. Domestic alcoholism is based on the traditions that exist in society, as well as the attitudes adopted in a team close to the individual (colleagues, relatives, friends).

Alcohol can accompany a person throughout his life, while his allowable amount will stay at the same level. However, in some cases, the transition of domestic drunkenness into alcoholism is possible.

The emergence of domestic drunkenness may be due to different reasons:

Classification of domestic drunkenness

Depending on the amount and frequency of alcohol intake, scientists divide all people who take alcohol into several groups:

  • Moderate drinkers. This group includes people who drink alcohol no more than once a month on solemn occasions and in small quantities.
  • Occasional drinkers. Such people drink 1-3 times a month.
  • Regular drinkers. These are people who drink 200-300 milliliters of vodka 1-2 times a week.
  • Habitual drinkers. This group includes those who drink 2-3 times a week 300-500 milliliters of vodka.

All of the above groups belong to domestic drunkenness. The next group is chronic alcoholics who take at least a glass of vodka or other strong drinks every day.

Domestic alcoholism is characterized by the presence of a number of signs:

The difference between domestic drunkenness and chronic alcoholism

Domestic drunkenness and - this is not the same thing. There are several significant differences between these two states:

  • As already mentioned, domestic drunkenness is not a disease, unlike alcoholism, which requires mandatory treatment.
  • An alcoholic is not able to stop drinking or reduce the amount of alcohol on his own. A person who is prone to domestic drunkenness can easily refuse alcohol, guided by his personal desire.
  • With alcoholism, a number of changes occur in the patient's body, as a result of which, without the usual dose of alcohol, he becomes ill. Domestic drunkenness does not entail such problems.
  • After drinking, an alcoholic in most cases does not remember anything, but a person who is prone to domestic alcoholism is aware of the events that have occurred.
  • Alcoholism is a progressive disease, it will definitely develop, leading the patient to an invariable outcome - complete degradation of the personality. Domestic drunkenness remains for years at the same level. A person takes alcohol, but does not exceed a certain amount.

It is very difficult for a person to notice the difference between domestic drunkenness and alcoholism, especially if he does not know the signs of alcoholism. He may think of himself as a drinker, and yet be in the first stages of alcoholism.

By its properties, alcohol resembles narcotic substances because it evokes feelings of pleasure and well-being when taken. Accordingly, addiction can develop to it, which will entail the need to use more and more of it.

This is already becoming the first stage of alcoholism. A person is still able to keep the desire to drink under control, but cannot imagine free time without taking alcohol. For him, the only worthy pleasure is the achievement of a state of intoxication.

As already mentioned, distinguish initial stage alcoholism from domestic drunkenness can only be a qualified doctor. Noticing that the need for alcohol began to increase, you should immediately seek help, because on early stages alcoholism, like any other disease, is treated quickly enough.

How to avoid the transition of domestic drunkenness into alcoholism

To prevent the transition of domestic drunkenness into alcoholism, you need to give up alcohol or reduce the amount of alcohol taken. To achieve this goal, the following steps should be taken:

  • Consultation with a psychotherapist and a narcologist, as well as following their recommendations.
  • Combination traditional medicine with traditional methods.
  • Getting rid of excess free time that was spent drinking alcohol.

To achieve this goal, you can act in several directions:

  • Leading an active social and family life.
  • New hobbies, hobbies.
  • Sports.

Getting physical and mental relaxation without drinking alcohol will make life bright and rich, as well as avoid such a serious illness as alcoholism.

Domestic drunkenness is fraught with many pitfalls, it is dangerous and insidious. To avoid the sad prospects associated with it, it is best to try to stop on time, filling your life with worthy and interesting activities.

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