Hormonal influence. What influences the production of ghrelin? Climax and hormones

Female sex hormones are synthesized by the female body and determine the differences between women and men. Thanks to them, the girl's body acquires specific feminine features. They depend on breast enlargement and breast growth, the formation of female internal and external genital organs, a regular menstrual cycle. Carrying a pregnancy, birth and breast-feeding healthy baby also unthinkable if the levels of female sex hormones are far from normal.

Estrogens - the flagship of hormonal levels in women

Estrogens are steroids , which are synthesized mainly in the ovaries in women and are produced in small amounts by the adrenal cortex, bone and adipose tissues, hair follicles, skin and even the brain. By the way, in men, a certain amount of estrogen is produced by the testicles.

The role of estrogen in female body without exaggeration can be called global. They conduct the whole orchestra physiological functions. Not only the reproductive system, but also the central nervous, cardiovascular, broncho-pulmonary, bone, urinary and other systems depend on the activity of estrogens.

We can say that they create an invisible dome that protects the fair sex from many ailments: atherosclerosis, thromboembolism, heart attacks and strokes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cystitis, obesity, depression and other disorders. And of course, pregnancy is impossible without estrogen. Cessation of menstruation and start of menopause associated with a drop in estrogen levels.

Estrogens include estradiol(the most active and significant hormone for women), estrone and estriol. Interestingly, they are all formed from male sex hormones - androgens. In particular, estradiol is obtained by the action of aromatase on testosterone, so it is also a very important hormone, although it is considered male.

Why female sex hormones estrogen can be called youth hormones?

  • Estrogens govern both the formation of the entire female reproductive system and its main functions. It is they make a woman reproductive, and with a decrease in their number, the ability to conceive and bear children disappears.
  • Regulate lipid metabolism , reducing blood levels bad cholesterol(low-density lipoprotein) and increasing the level of good (lipoprotein high density). This prevents the development of atherosclerosis, keep blood vessels in good condition, which ensures good conductivity of nutrients to all organs and tissues.
  • Participate in protein metabolism: stimulate the production of globulin, protein, fibrinogen, etc.
  • Prevents increased blood clotting (thickening) and thrombus formation.
  • Maintain normal water-salt balance .
  • Thanks to the above support .
  • Estrogens support fine: inhibit the activity of bone cells-osteoclasts, which are responsible for resorption (destruction) bone tissue and stimulate bone growth. That is why one of the pronounced negative consequences of menopause is this.

Progestins - pregnancy hormones

Progestins– steroid , whose main role is to ensure conception and pregnancy. They are also called gestagens or progestogens. The corpus luteum of the ovaries is responsible for their production, partly the adrenal cortex and the placenta during pregnancy. In men, progesterone is produced by the tissue of the testicles and the adrenal cortex in small but constantly maintained amounts. In women, the level of progestin depends on the period menstrual cycle or pregnancy.

It is the gestagens that prepare the uterus to receive and fix the fertilized egg. Then they stabilize the metabolism, creating comfortable conditions for the fetus; strengthen the muscles that will be involved in childbirth; provide lactation.

They are also involved in the formation of the mammary gland, contribute to the transformation of the breast from a conical shape in girls to rounded in women. So if the chest is your special pride, you should thank the gestagens.

Progestins reduce estrogen activity, which sometimes carries a number of threats to the female body. So, if estrogens can contribute to the dangerous growth of the endometrium and mammary glands, up to oncology, then gestagens prevent these processes. A normal level of progestins reduces the risk of cystic fibrosis of the breast, mastopathy, hyperplasia and endometrial cancer, breast cancer. In addition, they normalize blood sugar levels.

Lack of gestagens may feel like painful periods chronic inflammation reproductive organs, non-menstrual uterine bleeding, miscarriage or prolonged pregnancy, fetal underdevelopment. An increase in their level is also dangerous: it is fraught with cycle disorders, bleeding, cysts. corpus luteum deterioration of kidney function, wrong development placenta.


Ovarian hormones inhibins are not steroidal, but peptide in nature. Them normal level important for maintaining the viability of eggs and their ability to fertilize. A decrease in the amount of inhibins can lead to miscarriage, polycystic ovaries, and, with the onset of menopause, to the development of tumors. Inhibin deficiency may be caused by strict diets, anorexia. These are not specifically female hormones, they play in men important role in spermatogenesis.

The sex hormone can also include hormones that are not produced by the reproductive system, but are involved in the regulation of its functions. It:

  • Gonadorelin (gonadoliberin) produced by the hypothalamus. It enhances the synthesis by the pituitary gland of the so-called gonadotropic hormones - luteinizing and follicle-stimulating.
  • themselves gonadotropic hormones- luteinizing and follicle stimulating produced by the pituitary gland and chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta. The function of the first two hormones is the regulation of the activity of the gonads in both women and men. And chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is normally produced only in pregnant women from the beginning of conception, reaching its peak around the end of the second month of pregnancy. After 11 weeks, hCG levels drop. Detection of hCG in men or non-pregnant women may indicate a tumor.
  • Prolactin It is produced by the pituitary gland and affects mainly the mammary glands: it participates in their growth and formation, provides lactation. Interestingly, receptors for this hormone are scattered throughout the body. They are in the heart, lungs, liver, uterus, kidneys, skin, skeletal muscles, pancreas, skin, central nervous system, etc. However, their role there is not entirely clear to modern science.

When a newborn is first attached to the mother's breast, it is prolactin that enters the bloodstream in large quantities and gives the order to produce milk. Interestingly, in babies, droplets of colostrum can also stand out from the papillae, which are popularly dubbed "witch's milk". This is a consequence of the fact that the mother's body has shared its prolactin with the fetus. Men also have prolactin in their bodies. For both sexes, it helps to achieve orgasm.

We have reviewed the main . With a stretch, this group can also include melatonin, somatostatin, insulin, glucocorticoids, thyroid and other hormones that indirectly affect the work of the reproductive system. However, their main functions are not related to reproduction, so they will remain outside the scope of this.

How to normalize hormonal background at a woman?

Hormonal disruptions due to overload, illness, menopause can put women under serious blow. Fortunately, not only hormones affect us, but we can also influence them. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of a method for correcting hormonal levels, since not all of them are safe.

Modern medicine boldly invades the natural endocrine mechanisms due to the fact that science has learned to synthesize artificial hormones. (HRT) promises to even out the balance of hormones, prolong youth, restore bone strength, etc. However, HRT has two significant drawbacks:

  • the introduction of ready-made hormones disables the mechanisms of their own production, therefore, if hormone replacement is abandoned, the situation worsens and all diseases attack with even greater force;
  • negative HRT include oncological diseases reproductive organs, cardiovascular pathologies, increased thrombus formation, etc. (for more information about HRT, see).

How, if necessary, to increase the level and balance in a safe way? An alternative hormone replacement method was proposed by the Russians. It turns out that there is already a natural substance rich in hormonal precursors, from which the human body itself draws exactly as much material to create its own hormones as it needs. It has been used for centuries in the East - a donor of entomological estradiol (up to 847.9 nmol / 100 g), prolactin (up to 475.4 nmol), progesterone (up to 60 nmol) and testosterone (up to 0.322 nmol).

As you can see, this bee product is extremely rich in material for creating female estrogens. It also increases testosterone, which was established in a study described in the dissertation of L. A. Burmistrova. Note that it is testosterone as an anabolic hormone that plays a decisive role in restoring bone formation in - typical manifestation menopause.

Drone brood not only supplies the body with prohormones, but also acts on the pituitary gland, stimulating own production hormones. This is a fundamentally different mechanism of action than hormone replacement. There is no question of a withdrawal syndrome or a dangerous “side effect”. This is a soft correction endocrine system, and not a rough invasion with a passing breakdown of natural hormonal mechanisms.

While biochemists are struggling to invent a bicycle already created by nature (that is, safe hormone substitutes), you can already normalize your hormonal levels today with the help of unique preparations based on drone homogenate. and help you not only improve endocrine functions, but also strengthen bones, teeth, hair and, as well as in general, will heal the body and avert the approach of old age.



No one thinks about how to avoid pain in the joints - the thunder did not strike, why put a lightning rod. Meanwhile, arthralgia - this is the name of this type of pain - affects half of people over forty years old and 90% of those who are over seventy. So preventing joint pain is something to think about, even if you…

For treatment a wide range diseases, various hormonal preparations are very often used, which, in addition to high efficiency have a number of side effects.

If used incorrectly, they can be very dangerous, and can also aggravate the patient's condition.

Harm of hormonal drugs: truth or myth ^

Hormones are products internal secretion, which are produced by special glands or individual cells, are released into the blood and carried throughout the body, causing a certain biological effect.

In a healthy person, hormones are continuously produced by the endocrine glands. If the body fails, synthetic or natural analogues come to the rescue.

Why you shouldn't be afraid of hormones: benefits and harms

Treatment with hormones has been used in medicine for more than a century, but people still treat it with fear and distrust. Despite the fact that the use of drugs containing hormones can reverse the course of a serious illness and even save a life, many consider them harmful and dangerous.

Patients of endocrinologists are often terrified of the word "hormones" and unreasonably refuse to take hormonal drugs, fearing the appearance of side effects, such as weight gain and hair growth on the face and body. Such side effects, indeed, took place during the treatment with first-generation drugs, since they were of low quality and contained too large doses hormones.

But all these problems have long been in the past - pharmacological production does not stand still and is constantly developing and improving. Modern medicines are getting better and safer.

Endocrinologists, in accordance with the results of the tests, select optimal dose and a regimen of taking a hormonal drug that mimics the function of the gland as in a healthy person. This allows you to achieve compensation for the disease, avoid complications and ensure good health patient.

Today, hormonal preparations are produced as natural (having a structure similar to natural hormones), and synthetic (having an artificial origin, but a similar effect). Depending on the origin, they are divided into several types:

  • Animals (obtained from their glands);
  • vegetable;
  • Synthetic (composition similar to natural);
  • Synthesized (not similar to natural).

Hormonal therapy has three directions:

  1. Stimulating - is prescribed to activate the work of the glands. Such treatment is always strictly limited in time or applied in intermittent courses.
  2. Blocking - is necessary when the gland is too active or when unwanted neoplasms are detected. Most often used in conjunction with radiation or surgery.
  3. Substitution - is required for diseases that inhibit the production of hormones. This type treatment is often prescribed for life, as it does not affect the cause of the disease.

The most common misconceptions about hormone therapy

Truths and myths about the dangers of hormones

Myth 1: Hormonal drugs are prescribed only as contraceptives

In fact, these drugs effectively fight many pathologies: diabetes, hypothyroidism, skin diseases, infertility, oncological neoplasms and other ailments.

Myth 2: When your health improves, you can stop taking hormones.

This misconception often undermines long work doctors and provokes a rapid return of the disease. Any changes in the schedule of admission must be agreed with the attending physician.

Myth 3: Hormone therapy is prescribed as a last resort in the treatment of severe ailments.

In modern pharmacology, there are many drugs of a similar composition to get rid of diseases that do not pose a threat to the patient's life, for example, from acne in teenagers or erectile dysfunction in men.

Myth 4: It is contraindicated to take any hormones during pregnancy.

In fact, expectant mothers are medicines prescribed quite often, and self-refusal of them can lead to serious consequences. For example, when carrying out tocolytic measures or with hypofunction thyroid gland(replacement therapy).

Myth-5: When replacement therapy hormones accumulate in tissues

This opinion is also wrong. Correctly calculated dosage does not allow excess of these substances in the body. But in any case, they are easily destroyed and cannot remain in the blood for a long time.

Myth-6: Hormones can be replaced with other drugs

If a deficiency of a certain hormone is diagnosed, then it is he who must be taken to restore health. Some plant extracts have a similar effect, but they cannot fully replace endocrinological drugs. In addition, their long-term exposure is undesirable due to the risk of allergic reactions.

Myth 7: Hormones make you fat

Excessive fullness does not arise from hormones, but from hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders, as a result of which nutrients begin to be absorbed by the body incorrectly.

Myth 8: In the spring, the level of sex hormones increases.

Human endocrine functions are subject to both seasonal and daily cycles. Some hormones are activated at night, others - during the day, some - in the cold season, others - in the warm.

According to scientists, the level of human sex hormones does not have seasonal fluctuations, however, with an increase daylight hours in the body, the production of gonadoliberin, a hormone that has an antidepressant effect, increases. It is he who can cause a feeling of love and euphoria.

Myth-9: Hormonal failure does not threaten young people

Violation hormonal balance in the body can occur at any age. The reasons are various: stress and excessive loads, past illnesses, not healthy lifestyle life, taking the wrong drugs, genetic problems and much more.

Myth-10: Adrenaline is a “good” hormone, its sharp release benefits a person

Hormones cannot be good or bad - each is useful in its own time. The release of adrenaline really stimulates the body, allowing it to cope with stressful situation. However, the feeling of a surge of energy is replaced by a state of nervous exhaustion and weaknesses, because adrenaline directly affects the nervous system, sharply putting it on alert, which necessarily causes a “rollback” later.

Suffering and the cardiovascular system: rising arterial pressure, the pulse quickens, there is a risk of vascular overload. That's why frequent stress, accompanied by an increase in adrenaline in the blood, can lead to a stroke or cardiac arrest.

What are hormonal drugs

According to the method of exposure, hormonal drugs are divided into:

  • Steroid: act on sex hormones and substances produced by the adrenal glands;
  • Amine: and adrenaline;
  • Peptide: insulin and oxytocin.

The most widely used in pharmacology are steroid drugs: they are used to treat serious illnesses and HIV infections. They are also popular with bodybuilders: for example, Oxandrolone and Oxymethalone are most often used to give the body relief and burning. subcutaneous fat, and Stanozolol and Methane - for gaining muscle mass.

In both cases healthy people drugs cause irreparable harm, therefore, without indications, they are not recommended to be taken. AAS is based on the hormone testosterone, and for women they are the most dangerous: with prolonged use, they may develop primary male sexual characteristics (virilization), and the most common side effect is infertility.

What are the side effects of taking hormones?

Most often side effects hormonal drugs appear in the first two weeks after the start of admission in the form of the following ailments:

  • dizziness and nausea;
  • sweating;
  • Shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • Tides;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Deterioration of the composition of the blood;
  • Virilization (when women take steroids);
  • Hypertension;
  • Intestinal dysfunction.

In very rare cases long-term use"hormones" or their abuse can cause the development of oncology. To avoid this, it is necessary to periodically take tests and do liver tests to monitor your health.

Side effects of hormonal drugs in women: what to be afraid of ^

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives

When choosing hormonal method contraception, it is important to take into account all the features of the hormonal status of a woman. Find out which hormone levels in the body predominate: estrogen or progesterone, whether there is hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones), which ones accompanying illnesses etc..

This method of contraception is used by women quite often, because. considered one of the most effective. In most cases negative reactions does not occur, but exists side effects contraceptive pills, which can be with prolonged or improper use in violation of the instructions:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Anemia;
  • Acute renal failure;
  • Porfiria;
  • hearing loss;
  • Thromboembolism.

most popular birth control pills are considered: Clayra, Regulon, Jess, Tri-regol. For the treatment of infertility, on the contrary, Duphaston is most often used.

microdosed hormone pills

Side effects of hormonal ointments

Most often, such ointments are used to treat skin diseases: dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, lichen, as well as allergies with manifestation external signs. What side effects can occur due to ointments:

  • Stretch marks, acne;
  • Atrophy of the treated skin;
  • Expansion of blood vessels;
  • The appearance of spider veins;
  • Skin discoloration (temporary).

The safest and most effective is Prednisolone, which is available in the form of tablets or ointments.

Hormonal drugs for menopause

Hormone therapy for menopause helps improve lipid metabolism, alleviate hot flashes, reduce anxiety, increase libido and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, but should only be done under medical supervision. What kind negative impacts may occur with self-treatment:

  • A sharp increase in weight;
  • Fluid retention in the body, the appearance of edema;
  • Breast engorgement;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Stagnation of bile.

Hormonal drugs for bronchial asthma

Treatment this disease hormones are prescribed in very rare cases for several reasons:

  • Hormonal dependence and withdrawal syndrome may occur upon discontinuation of therapy;
  • Significantly reduced immunity;
  • Increased bone fragility;
  • The production of insulin and glucose is destabilized, which is fraught with the development of diabetes;
  • Worried about hair loss;
  • Weaken muscles;
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Fat metabolism is disturbed.

Of course, such a side effect does not always occur, but in order to avoid it, it is best to start treatment with weaker drugs.

It should be noted that almost all hormonal agents affect thyroid or adrenal hormones, so their use should be agreed with a specialist. In general, if the regimen is followed side effect occurs very rarely, however, such drugs are not prescribed unless absolutely necessary.

03/27/2017 . no comments

Female hormones and their effect on the body

Hormones have a direct impact on all processes occurring in the female body. If their level is normal, then the woman is healthy and beautiful. If the balance of hormones is disturbed, then health problems appear, appearance is not pleasing, and well-being worsens.

Among the main symptoms of hormonal imbalance are irregular periods, infertility, migraines, irritability, chronic fatigue, excess weight, hair loss, skin problems.

If you suspect hormonal disbalance do not delay and it is better to consult a doctor - an endocrinologist as soon as possible.

What are female hormones and how do they affect the body?

These are the most female hormones that are produced by the ovaries. These include estradiol, estrone, and estriol. Estrogens are responsible for rounded feminine forms, give the character softness, complaisance, in a word, femininity. Estrogens are also responsible for cell renewal and thus for maintaining youthful skin and hair. These hormones protect blood vessels from cholesterol deposits. Lack of estrogen leads to enhanced growth hair and premature aging. But an excess of these hormones is dangerous. It leads to fullness and uterine fibroids.

The hormone progesterone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Responsible for pregnancy. It stimulates an increase in the uterus, adjusts the body to the processes of gestation and childbirth.

A decrease in its level usually occurs due to diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. An increase in progesterone occurs during pregnancy, tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. He is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, for lactation. The level of prolactin increases in the female body during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The causes of an abnormal increase in prolactin levels are hypothyroidism, polycystic ovaries, and a lack of vitamin B6. A decrease in prolactin indicates a malfunction in the work with the pituitary gland.

Actually, this hormone is considered male, but in a small amount present in the female body. It is produced by the adrenal glands. Testosterone affects sexual attraction- libido, responsible for work sebaceous glands. If the level of testosterone in a woman's body is elevated, then the menstrual cycle fails, acne appears, and there are also difficulties with conception. With a lack of testosterone in a woman, the sex drive.

Hormonal background literally controls the female body throughout life. A lot depends on the excess or lack of this or that hormone: mood and well-being, the condition of the skin and hair, libido, and even the possibility of conception. Over the years, the body hormonal changes. How can it be alleviated and how to keep hormones under control, knowing what each of them is responsible for?

The effect of female sex hormones on the body: estrogen

We rarely think about how hormones affect our body. These chemical compounds are released in very small quantities. They cannot be seen or touched. However, a lot depends on their excess or lack.

The level of estrogen determines whether a woman can conceive and bear a child. In addition, it reduces the risk of heart disease, is responsible for the elasticity, cleanliness of the skin, the absorption of salts by the body and their excretion.

One of the best known sex hormones is estrogen. During puberty, there is sharp increase its production and content in the body, from which the figure becomes more feminine. In addition, it is responsible for firmness, elasticity and cleanliness of the skin, the appearance of acne, hair health, and mood. Reduced level hormone leads to irascibility and aggressiveness, nervousness, irritability and hyposexuality. The lack of the hormone is also reflected in the appearance, there is an increased growth of hair on the more typical parts of the body for men, overweight. High content estrogen, as a rule, is observed in women of short stature, active and temperamental. With an average estrogen content, the fair sex is balanced, calm and feminine, the skin is in excellent condition, without acne, menstruation passes without severe pain.

How do hormones affect a woman's appearance?

The most important beauty hormones are:

  • thyroxine - directly affects the fullness in women, regulates the work nervous system, and peace and harmony in the soul is the key to beauty appearance and well-being;
  • oxytocin - produced during uterine contractions; if we are talking about sexual pleasure, then a woman becomes attached to a partner, seeks to surround him with care; if it is childbirth, then the production of the hormone contributes to the awakening of love for the child;
  • somatotropin - is responsible for the harmony and flexibility of the body, maintains shape, promotes the development of muscle mass;
  • androgens - more male hormones, in the female body are responsible for arousal; elevated level provoke changes in the figure - breast reduction, weight gain and hairline.

Hormones are the strongest natural regulators of body health and body beauty. All our systems are completely subordinate to the hormonal fund. In this regard, it is very important not to torture the body with diets, not to expose severe stress. You have to love and pamper yourself.

Harmony and health

Various nervous surges, experiences cause hormonal imbalance, so if a woman takes care of her appearance and health, first of all, she should find harmony in her soul. A healthy and happy body will repay in the same coin - beauty.

The effect of hormones on a woman's body: signs of their excess or lack

Hormones have a significant impact on a woman's libido and sexuality.


Per reproductive function answer:

  • progesterone - responsible for the development of the egg and its placement in the uterus; a decrease in the level will be indicated by the absence of ovulation, uterine bleeding, inflammatory processes, problems with bearing a fetus; about an overabundance - pain in the ovaries, violation of the cycle, prolonged depression;
  • luteinizing hormones (LH) - help the formation of the follicle; increased levels cause problems with the pituitary gland, kidney disease; decrease - disruption of the pituitary gland, anorexia;
  • FSH is the main component in the formation of libido; an increase or decrease in the level will be indicated by the absence of menstruation, or vice versa severe bleeding during menstruation, infectious diseases genital tract;
  • prolactin - responsible for the formation of milk and promotes the development of the sex glands; with an overabundance, the chest swells, aches, hurts, severe migraines, joint pains are observed; a shortage will be indicated by excessive sweating, thirst;
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, is responsible for the active functioning of the reproductive system, controls the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, and the nervous system; has a particularly significant effect on the ability of conception and gestation, its low content can lead to serious violations in the ovaries, miscarriage, infertility.

From a young age, our body is under the strongest influence of hormones. During menstruation, conception, premenopause, women experience strong hormonal surges.

How to check hormone levels?

Help to check the level of hormones in the female body special analyzes blood. If a deficiency or excess is detected, the endocrinologist prescribes treatment. During hormonal disruptions, insomnia or excessive hair loss can occur, so you should not rush to the pharmacy for sleeping pills and medicinal masks. It is better to visit a doctor who will prescribe a diet or drug treatment. For example, when there are noticeable signs of premenopause, it is recommended to use foods containing soy, as well as vitamin E. However, all this is individual and, first of all, depends on the characteristics of the body. Make an appointment with a doctor, take tests for the level of SHBG, TSH and others female hormones, to get the consultation qualified specialist you can follow the link

Text: Evgenia Bagma

We all know that hormones have a profound effect on our health, beauty, and even our relationships with the opposite sex. The question arises - how exactly and what hormones affect?

What exactly do hormones do?

Before understanding what hormones affect It's worth finding out where they come from. AT human body there are several endocrine glands that produce special chemical activators, hormones that have a strong influence on our health, controlling and regulating many processes. Hormones affect not only our physical state but also mental. In other words, how and in what ratio hormones are produced depend on such diverse characteristics as a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child, sexual desire, beauty, growth, the work of certain organs, temperament, and many others.

In general, hormones have several main functions. So what do hormones do? As we already know, first of all it is physical, mental and sexual development person. Another function is the adaptation of the body to certain conditions. For example, a person’s reaction to stress, temperature changes, etc. Thirdly, constancy depends on hormones. internal state organism, i.e. homeostasis. And, finally, hormones are a kind of signal substances for the body, since it is they who establish connections between organs and tissues, signaling certain changes and processes.

Dependence of physical and mental health on hormones

For example, we can consider specifically what hormones affect - at least some of them:

  • growth hormone (somatotropin) - as the name implies, determines the growth, as well as the proportions of a person;

  • thyroxine - affects the energy exchange of the body, mood, controls the work of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys;

  • glucocorticoids - regulate the metabolism of minerals and metabolism;

  • testosterone - is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men and his sexual desire;

  • acetylcholine - affects concentration;

  • vasopressin - regulates the water-salt balance, and is also a hormone of "feeling one's own attractiveness";

  • happiness hormone (serotonin) - the production of a hormone improves mood, reduces stress, brings a feeling of pleasure, and more. others

It must be said that the body is a complex system in which all processes are interconnected. So the definition of what hormones affect is rarely limited to any one function. For example, male hormones testosterone simultaneously increases libido, improves memory, maintains bone strength, slows down the aging process, and much more.

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