Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android: possible failures and methods for their elimination. WiFi connected but internet not working

It is impossible to remember a tablet from the 2010s without a Wi-Fi module. Fast wireless Internet is a mandatory feature of portable smart devices. It is all the more offensive when it does not fulfill its task and does not provide access to the Internet.

We do not consider the case where the device does not turn on Wi-Fi at all. Here there can be only one recommendation: to carry the tablet to the service center faster. Another unpleasant option is more common: it seems that the device finds the desired Wi-Fi, but cannot connect to the Internet.

Let's try to describe the most common Wi-Fi connection problems and how to solve them. Some of them will require only changing the settings of the tablet or router. Others will force you to spend a certain amount, but incomparably less than to repair the tablet (or even buy a new one).

Why Wi-Fi can not perform its function?

Problems with the signal or channels. Although the smartphone/tablet connects to Wi-Fi, there is no wireless Internet access.

How to solve: enter the router settings and change the Wi-Fi channel (say, instead of automatic selection, assign a static 6th channel). Choosing a different network mode also helps: instead of 11bg mixed, put 11n or 11g. This method is applicable when you have problems with your own router and you have full access to it.

Bad signal. Formally, there is a Wi-Fi connection, but it is impossible to connect to the Internet through it. Reason: interference, especially if the router is behind a wall or several.

How to solve: bring the tablet close to the router and check the connection. If everything works without obstacles, you'd better move the router or use a signal repeater. Today, repeaters are inexpensive enough to be installed in one or more problem rooms.

The router does not connect to the Internet. Reason: the cable is damaged, the provider has technical problems, or you are late in paying for the Internet.

How to solve: Go to your personal account: usually providers leave access to it, even if your account is in deep red. If the bill is in order, call the provider.

Unknown router failure. It happens.

Solution: Restart your router. Most of the time it helps. If you are not at home, but in a public place, ask an employee for such a service.

You are connected to an internal network, in which access to the Internet for "stray" is not provided. Usually this happens in cafes, restaurants, hotels, and other public institutions.

How to decide: ask employees which of the available networks is intended for customers.

Password entered incorrectly. It is unlikely that you noticed this when entering (then you would have corrected it). Some networks don't report it right away if the password is wrong, but simply refuse to give you access to the Internet.

How to solve: talk to the owner of the house / employee of the institution and clarify the correct spelling of the password.

The proxy server on your tablet is incorrectly configured. A fairly rare reason in our time, when almost all networks can do this automatically. But you may have your own reasons for entering proxies manually: bypassing the ban on access to certain sites, impersonating a resident of another region, etc. In this case, the side effect may be the inability to connect to the Internet at all.

How to solve: Go to Settings, select Wireless networks / Wi-Fi, there find the network to which you are currently connected, and go to its settings. On Android, this menu usually opens with a long tap on the network. Try to find the “Proxy” section in the settings, and if some proxy server is registered in it, disable it by selecting the “No” option. Now the proxy will be automatically assigned by the provider, which will most likely solve the problem.

Incorrectly configured date. This is unlikely to prevent you from visiting sites through a browser. And here are other Google apps (if you use Android) can go on strike due to violation of the regime. Now such a problem is rare, but it still happens on exotic tablets from China.

How to solve: go to Settings, find the Date / Time section and set the correct data.

The MAC address of your device is blacklisted on the network. This can happen if you are in a high security facility where only approved devices can connect to the network. Or you personally annoyed the administrator with something, so that he takes revenge on you.

How to solve: buy a bottle of whiskey and go to the admin to resolve the issue. In some cases, beer will also help.

We hope our tips have helped you set up high-quality Wi-Fi on your tablet.

If this does not help, then the malfunction lies in the hardware and it will not work to fix it at home.

Of course, on the network you can find videos and descriptions of how the owners of a non-working device “baked” Wi-Fi modules in the oven, after which they came to life. But this method is not a panacea, and it cannot eliminate all malfunctions. In practice, an ordinary user creates even more breakdowns by trying to disassemble the tablet, not to mention the successful repair by “folk methods”. So, if the hardware breaks down, a visit to the service center is necessary.

The main reasons why wifi does not work on the tablet

After the “opening”, the specialist will announce the cause of the breakdown. It could be:

  • Natural wear of the module: in this case, it simply changes to a similar one.
  • The ribbon cable connecting the wireless module to the tablet system board is worn out. In this case, it must also be replaced.
  • Water ingress into the case. An extremely dangerous situation, as other equipment may fail after Wi-Fi.

All these problems are easily eliminated by service center employees. The sooner you get help, the better for you and your tablet.

It is impossible to remember a tablet from the 2010s that does not have a Wi-Fi module. Fast wireless Internet is a mandatory feature of portable smart devices. It is all the more offensive when it does not fulfill its task and does not provide access to the Internet.

We do not consider the case where the device does not turn on Wi-Fi at all. Here there can be only one recommendation: to carry the tablet to the service center faster. Another unpleasant option is more common: it seems that the device finds the desired Wi-Fi, but cannot connect to the Internet.

Let's try to describe the most common Wi-Fi connection problems and how to solve them. Some of them will require only changing the settings of the tablet or router. Others will force you to spend a certain amount, but incomparably less than to repair the tablet (or even buy a new one).

Why Wi-Fi can not perform its function?

Problems with the signal or channels. Although the smartphone/tablet connects to Wi-Fi, there is no wireless Internet access.

How to solve: enter the router settings and change the Wi-Fi channel (say, instead of automatic selection, assign a static 6th channel). Choosing a different network mode also helps: instead of 11bg mixed, put 11n or 11g. This method is applicable when you have problems with your own router and you have full access to it.

Bad signal. Formally, there is a Wi-Fi connection, but it is impossible to connect to the Internet through it. Reason: interference, especially if the router is behind a wall or several.

How to solve: bring the tablet close to the router and check the connection. If everything works without obstacles, you'd better move the router or use a signal repeater. Today, repeaters are inexpensive enough to be installed in one or more problem rooms.

The router does not connect to the Internet. Reason: the cable is damaged, the provider has technical problems, or you are late in paying for the Internet.

How to solve: Go to your personal account: usually providers leave access to it, even if your account is in deep red. If the bill is in order, call the provider.

Unknown router failure. It happens.

Solution: Restart your router. Most of the time it helps. If you are not at home, but in a public place, ask an employee for such a service.

You are connected to an internal network, in which access to the Internet for "stray" is not provided. Usually this happens in cafes, restaurants, hotels, and other public institutions.

How to decide: ask employees which of the available networks is intended for customers.

Password entered incorrectly. It is unlikely that you noticed this when entering (then you would have corrected it). Some networks don't report it right away if the password is wrong, but simply refuse to give you access to the Internet.

How to solve: talk to the owner of the house / employee of the institution and clarify the correct spelling of the password.

The proxy server on your tablet is incorrectly configured. A fairly rare reason in our time, when almost all networks can do this automatically. But you may have your own reasons for entering proxies manually: bypassing the ban on access to certain sites, impersonating a resident of another region, etc. In this case, the side effect may be the inability to connect to the Internet at all.

How to solve: Go to Settings, select Wireless networks / Wi-Fi, there find the network to which you are currently connected, and go to its settings. On Android, this menu usually opens with a long tap on the network. Try to find the “Proxy” section in the settings, and if some proxy server is registered in it, disable it by selecting the “No” option. Now the proxy will be automatically assigned by the provider, which will most likely solve the problem.

Incorrectly configured date. This is unlikely to prevent you from visiting sites through a browser. And here are other Google apps (if you use Android) can go on strike due to violation of the regime. Now such a problem is rare, but it still happens on exotic tablets from China.

How to solve: go to Settings, find the Date / Time section and set the correct data.

The MAC address of your device is blacklisted on the network. This can happen if you are in a high security facility where only approved devices can connect to the network. Or you personally annoyed the administrator with something, so that he takes revenge on you.

How to solve: buy a bottle of whiskey and go to the admin to resolve the issue. In some cases, beer will also help.

We hope our tips have helped you set up high-quality Wi-Fi on your tablet.


Today, wireless networks help to stay in touch and keep in touch, opening up access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection with various devices. And although Wi-Fi has almost reached perfection during its existence, it still remained a rather capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in this regard are almost identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without access to the Internet, there is no access to sites if there is a connection, and the phone or tablet does not connect to the Wi-Fi router.
Today, wireless networks help to keep a close eye on and stay connected all the time, opening up access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection with various devices. And although Wi-Fi has almost reached perfection during its existence, it still remained a rather capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in this regard are almost identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without access to the Internet, there is no access to sites if there is a connection, and the phone or tablet does not connect to the Wi-Fi router.
How to connect the tablet to a Wi-Fi router? To do this, you must perform the following steps:
1. Check the Wi-Fi settings on the router itself, making sure that the wireless network is activated and the DHCP server is connected. This will avoid the need to write an IP address on each subsequent connection.
2. We go into the tablet settings, turn on Wi-Fi, hold down the “WI-Fi” icon for a few seconds and go to the wireless network settings.
3. In the list of available networks, select the router (if necessary, enter the password).
4. Click "connect".
If for some reason it became necessary to manually enter the IP settings, you must check the "advanced" line. This will open access to advanced settings. Then, opposite the "IP settings", select "custom". In the window that opens, you must specify the IP of the router, which in this subnet will act as a DNS server. After that you can connect.
If you did everything right, and a Samsung tablet or another does not connect to a wifi router, then there are several ways to solve this problem.
If the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi before contacting a service center, you can:
1. Check if Wi-Fi is connected on the tablet itself.
2. Check if power is supplied to the access point.
3. Check whether the device filtering function by MAC address is activated in the router settings.
4. Connect to an open access point after disabling WPA encryption.
There are situations when the tablet "loses" connection with the Wi-Fi point. Of course, for every user, this is a rather unpleasant situation. As a rule, it happens at the most inopportune moment. A few recommendations will allow the user to deal with this problem on their own.
If the connection between the tablet and the Wi-Fi point is interrupted, you can:
1. Switch to another Wi-Fi point. If after that the problem disappears, then the cause of the trouble lies in your access point. In this case, you can change the network settings or update the firmware of the connected device.
2. Connect to any other open access point, for example, to a neighbor or select a less used channel.
3. The reason may be in the device adapter. In some cases, a faulty adapter creates interference, which is the reason for the “loss” of communication between the router and the tablet.
We hope that these recommendations will allow you to avoid a situation where the tablet does not connect to the wifi router zyxel, rostelecom, beeline or asus, and if such a nuisance happens, deal with it yourself.

We live in a time when almost any operation can be performed using a smartphone or tablet. When on the Internet you can find absolutely any information in a matter of seconds. When sitting at home, at work or even while on the road, you can listen to any music or watch any video ever uploaded to the network. What in our time can confuse us or upset us the most? Only the moment when, unexpectedly for us, the phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, and we do not have the opportunity to access the Internet. Why sometimes a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, why errors occur when trying to connect and how to deal with them, we will consider in this material.

There can be many reasons why the device does not connect to the wireless network.

It is worth immediately clarifying that this small collection of guides is of equal value both for those who go online using a phone and for those who use a tablet for this purpose. The Wi-Fi module in these devices works identically, so if you have problems connecting to the Internet, the solution is most often the same for all users and devices.

Most often, problems when accessing the network occur among Android users, but the system itself provides much more information about a particular problem that occurred when connecting. That is why we will consider the problems of connecting to Wi-Fi using the example of Android.

When a user connects to Wi-Fi, an Android phone may display error messages containing various text. It is this text that will help us determine why the device cannot connect to the Internet, and also help eliminate the cause of this problem.

After selecting one or another access point, the phone may display the following messages:

  • "Obtaining an IP address..."
  • "Authentication..."
  • "Disabled".
  • "Saved, WPA/WPA2 security."

And also there is a situation when the connection was successful, but the pages still cannot be opened.

In the case when an Android phone or tablet does not connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and constantly reports only that an IP address is being received, the simplest thing you can do is delete the network and its settings from the device’s memory and try to connect again. To do this, click on the name of the access point in the device settings and select the "Delete" option in the context menu. After a few seconds, try connecting again. In this case, your phone or tablet will require you to re-enter the password, so if you are not connecting to your home router, you should clarify in advance that the password is written correctly.


The reason why an Android tablet or phone may constantly display such a message is most likely in the password. First, you need to make sure that you entered all the password characters correctly and did not make a typo anywhere. If the Internet does not turn on for quite a long time, displaying a similar message, delete the network as described in the previous paragraph of the instructions and try to connect again. Secondly, if you are not connecting to the selected Wi-Fi network for the first time and previously the connection was without problems, you should clarify whether the password has changed since the last successful connection. This is true for cases when a smartphone or tablet is not connected to home Wi-Fi.

Problems not related to the mobile device

All the following tips that we will give you in this material are somehow related to the settings of routers, so they will be relevant in the first place when your tablet or smartphone has difficulty accessing the network directly at your home. That is, where you can independently change the settings of network equipment.

First you need to find out why your gadget does not work with the selected access point, why it refuses to connect to it, and then change some router settings by going to its control panel through any browser or through a mobile application, if provided by the manufacturer.

If your Android tablet or smartphone is unable to connect to the internet in your home, the reason may be simple. Although the router may visually appear to be working, its software may be in a frozen state. In this case, a reboot will help. Unplug the appliance and wait a few seconds (7-10). After that, plug it back into the network and make sure it works by checking the indication. After a few seconds, check if the mobile device sees the access point and try to connect again. If the gadget does not see the network, most likely the router is still turning on and you need to wait from a few seconds to a minute.

password change

If the gadget sees an access point, but you cannot remember the password for your wireless network located at home, you can change it at any time in the router settings. To do this, go to the appropriate settings section and set a new combination of symbols. There must be at least eight. Save changes and reboot your router. Please note that after this procedure, you will need to enter a new password in each device that works with this access point and receives a wireless signal through it.

Changing the type of encryption

In some situations (this is especially true for budget-class Android devices), it may turn out that the built-in Wi-Fi module does not work with some types of encryption. This leads to the fact that the device sees the access point, but only displays the error "Disabled" and does not connect to the Internet. To fix this problem, you will need to open your router settings and change the type of encryption that your mobile device works with. We recommend choosing between WPA/WPA2 and WPA-PSK types. These encryption standards are supported by the largest number of devices.

Channel change

For some situations in which the mobile gadget does not connect to the Internet via a wireless network, it will also be useful to change the channel through which the signal is heard. The reason for changing the channel may be the situation when the device sees the access point, but the connection does not occur. This is also due to compatibility issues between the network equipment and the Wi-Fi module. In total, you will find up to 12 channels in the router settings, but, as a rule, not a single budget gadget on Android works with a channel higher than the ninth. Consider this information when setting up your network.

Disabling MAC and IP filters

In a situation where the network equipment has been tested and functions correctly, the mobile gadget sees an access point, several similar devices enter the network through the same device, but the smartphone still does not connect to the target network, you should look into the MAC and IP address filter in the settings router. Sometimes network equipment is configured in such a way that only specific devices that are in your home, the MAC and IP addresses of which are registered in a special section of the control panel of the modem or other network equipment, can receive the right to access the Internet. Disable all unnecessary filters and restart the router. Do not forget - it turns on from a few seconds to a minute, and only after that it is worth checking whether the mobile device sees the access point.


As you could understand from our short instructions, almost any problem that you have when connecting a mobile device to a wireless network can be solved in a couple of minutes, having the necessary information and access to network equipment settings. We hope that our instructions have helped you in eliminating errors and now you can easily access the Internet from any of your gadgets. If this still does not work out, we recommend that you go through the entire list from beginning to end and try to use all the tips without exception.

1. Authentication error

This trouble is one of the most frequent, but easily solved.

Solution: enter the correct password

Yes, dear readers, such an error is associated with an error in the password. Try to check the spelling, case of letters, and whether you are connecting to the network from which you have the password.

2. Can't find wifi hotspot

The root of evil is the discrepancy between the data transfer mode used by the device and the router standard. Three modes can be used for communication with modern routers: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n. True, Wi-Fi mobile gadgets usually only function in one of them. If the tablet works with the 802.11b version, and the network, for example, with any other, then it simply will not see it.

Solution: change the broadcast standard

Fortunately, in most cases you do not even need to know which operating mode is set in your device. In any router, there is also a fourth standard, which is called 802.11b / g / n mixed, it combines all three options into one. When using it, any device will connect without problems and please its owner with access to the Internet.

In a nutshell, I'll tell you how to set up an access point. To do this, you need a computer that is already connected to the network you need. Type in the address bar of your favorite browser or, this will bring up the router page, which will require a password and login. Typically, the word "admin" is used on both lines. Once in the user interface, you need to find the item with control, there will be an option to change the mode of the wireless module.

3. Can't get network address

There may be such a situation when the device sees the access point, but cannot connect to it.

Solution: Specify a static IP

The solution to this issue is a bit more complicated, but the difficulties do not scare us. You need to go to the Wi-Fi settings on your tablet.

In the list of available connections, find the one you need, then press and hold on it until a pop-up menu appears. We are interested in the item "Change network" in it.

Check the "Advanced Settings" checkbox, and then change the "DHCP" option to "Static" in the "IPv4 Configuration" column. True, that's not all, check that in the paragraph "IPv4 address" the code fully corresponds to the bottom column "Gateway", except for the last number, you can think of it yourself, but only in the range from 2 to 255. Do not forget to check that all the numbers are separated by dots, like in this example: "".

I hope my simple tips helped you connect to Wi-Fi. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss my other posts. See you!

Often, users do not have problems when connecting a tablet to Wi-Fi: in the menu, you need to visit the appropriate section, select an access point, and then enter personal data. However, it happens that the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, and then there is cause for concern. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Below we will consider each problematic task and ways to solve it separately.

It's important to know! In most cases, the reason for the lack of connection to the Internet lies in the settings of the router or the gadget itself. Much less often, connection problems are caused by an inoperative built-in module.

The time and date settings are incorrect

Incorrect time and date settings often cause Internet connection problems for owners of various devices. So what to do in this case? First, look for opportunities to solve a problematic problem:

  1. First, visit the personal gadget settings section
  2. Now you need to go to the item "Date and time"
  3. Set the right settings
  4. Connect to a Wi-Fi network

If a Wi-Fi network appears, the tablet works, the problem is solved. But what if the device still doesn't work? Continue reading the instructions below.

Password difficulties

It happens that the tablet does not connect to the Wi-Fi network due to the user's carelessness: he can change the old password with a new one, while forgetting to specify the changes in the gadget's settings. In this case, the device will connect to the World Wide Web using the former password. Needless to say, such intentions of an electronic device will not succeed.

To get rid of the complexity, you will need Wi-Fi settings, and then deleting the old profile. Reconnect your gadget.

Software failure

The software may also experience crashes and malfunctions, which can also cause the tablet not to see the Wi-Fi network. It will be possible to eliminate such a nuisance with the help of a useful utility - Wi-Fi Fixer. In order to take advantage of the program's capabilities, download it to your tablet, then install and run the application.

The main page is where information regarding connection status is located. The Known item provides data regarding access points ever used to connect a particular device.

Now you need to restart your device.

Wrong device settings

There are other reasons why the tablet does not see Wi-Fi, one of which is the failure of some settings. To forget about this problem, you will need to make a radical decision and reset the settings. This path is the most cardinal, the most effective option for solving a complex problem.

It's important to know! Before you reset your tablet, you should back up your important information as they will all be deleted later.

You are required to visit the settings, where to select the "Backup and Reset" tab

The next item that should interest you is "Reset Settings"

Now try to find out as much system information as possible that appears on the tablet screen. Confirm the decision, try to connect to the Internet again.

Virus programs

This is another reason why the tablet cannot connect to the Internet. Why is this happening? Many users of Android OS devices tend to think that their gadgets are protected from viruses and malware, but this opinion is not true. Of course, it is unlikely that a large malware will cause your discomfort, but small pests that interfere with the correct operation of the device are not excluded.

In order for your tablet (Lenovo or another brand) to connect to the network, you need to download and install a special application for devices running on the Android operating system - an antivirus. There is nothing difficult and time-consuming in using an anti-virus program: run the application, scan the device for virus software. If you find suspicious files, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Router settings

If the tablet stops connecting to the Internet, a problem with the device's Wi-Fi connection may be the cause of the problem. Tablet not searching Wi-Fi? The router settings are probably incorrect. In this case, there is a sequence of actions:

  1. Device settings are the area of ​​interest to us in the first place. Connect to the equipment either wirelessly or with a cable. See the instructions that came with your specific router model for tips on the procedure. Often it is enough to enter in the address bar
  2. Now go to the "Wireless Settings" item, where some changes will be needed: "Mode" - "11bgn mixed", "Channel" - "Auto". Next is "MAC Address Filtering", select "Disabled"

Most likely, by following the instructions above, you will be able to get rid of the reason why the device does not catch the Internet. If the gadget still does not find a connection to the Internet, we recommend that you contact the service center to diagnose the problem and possible repair.

Let's analyze the problem situation when the phone connects to Wi-Fi, but there is no Internet. It looks like this: next to the name of the wireless network it says “Connected”, but when you try to open any site in the browser, an error is generated Web-page is unavailable or 404 Not found. Chrome still writes in such cases. The same goes for other software - all sorts of programs that use the Internet connection for their work, or at least check for updates on startup, will also give an error connecting to their web server.

In this article, we will detail how to solve the Internet problem on your computer, phone or tablet. Read carefully, follow all the steps and you will definitely find the reason why you do not have an Internet connection with a working Wi-Fi connection.

Collection of information about the problem

Before making any changes to the Wi-Fi settings of your router, computer, or phone, check the following points. This can make it easier to find the reason for the lack of Internet or narrow down the search:

  • Is the Internet paid for and are the funds on the account running out?
  • Is there access to the Internet by wire from a desktop computer?
  • Is it possible to access the Internet via Wi-Fi from other devices that use the same Wi-Fi router?
  • Does the problem with the Internet connection persist when connected to another Wi-Fi network?

Depending on the answers to these questions, it may already become more or less clear to you what the problem is most likely. For example:

  • if there is no Internet at all - neither by wire nor by Wi-Fi, then the reason may be either blocking access on the provider's side or a malfunction of the router. Next, we check with the provider whether everything is in order with the line and the account, and then we check the performance of the router.
  • if the Internet is on the PC via a wire, but not on any device via Wi-Fi, then the problem most likely lies in the wireless network settings of the router. The same conclusion can be drawn if the Internet appears and works without problems as soon as you connect to another Wi-Fi network from the same device
  • and if it turns out that all devices are in order, and only one does not have an Internet connection, then the problem is obviously in this “client”.

Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet is not working. What to do?

So, if your Wi-Fi is really “connected”, but there is no Internet (websites do not load, Skype and Viber do not connect, a yellow network icon is displayed on the laptop with the notification “No access to the Internet”), follow these steps to fix the problem. The steps are listed with a probability factor.

1. Restart your router

Sometimes the unexplainable happens failure on the router . At the same time, the local network and Wi-Fi work fine, but there is no access to the Internet. This can happen when the router is running for a very long time without reboots and when there are changes in the provider's network. Just in case: it is written how to reboot D-Link remotely.

2. Reboot the device where there is no Internet connection (phone, laptop)

Sometimes on a smartphone (tablet, laptop) a certain crash (glitch), which can cause a similar problem. Visually, everything seems to be fine, but there is no Internet for no apparent reason. In order to avoid such a failure, restart the device.

3. Reconnect to Wi-Fi network

This step is very important, despite its simplicity and boldness at first sight. You need to forget the Wi-Fi network, and then connect to it again by entering the password (security key). This may resolve the issue and restore your Internet connection, for example if network settings have been changed user or virus.

4. Set the correct date on your Android device

Wrong date may be the cause of the internet problem. In this case, sites will open, but Antivirus, Google Play Store, etc. may not work. .

5. Disable Proxy Server

If a proxy server is enabled on your computer or Android device, you may also experience a situation where Wi-Fi is connected but there is no Internet. Usually this problem occurs on Android.

6. Check the Internet connection settings on the router

Go to the WAN or Internet settings on the router. (). Check to be specified correct connection settings , such as:

  • type of connection with the provider (see the contract or on the provider's website);
  • login and password, if required (see in the contract);
  • whether the MAC address is correct (check in the contract. If you reset the router, you may have to go to the ISP's office with a passport and contract and ask to register a new MAC address of the router's WAN port).

If your provider uses a PPTP connection, and the settings on your router have gone wrong and now IPoE (dynamic IP) is selected instead of PPTP, then naturally the router will not be able to connect to the Internet. In this case, the sites will not open on any device.

7. Change your wireless channel

Wireless equipment that is in the vicinity and operates on adjacent channels may create interference your router. Try changing the Wi-Fi channel.

And it would be even better to first check which channels are freer. This can be done using the Android app or InSSIDer for Windows.

8. Install WPA2-PSK + AES encryption for your Wi-Fi network

The WPA2-PSK encryption algorithm is the most secure. AES encryption ensures high speed and security. Most devices, even not new ones, successfully work in WPA2-PSK mode with the AES algorithm.

Wi-Fi Connected But Internet Not Working: Other Causes of the Problem

Weak signal

If there is too much distance from the client device to the router, there may also be such a problem: the device received an IP address, but there is no Internet. Therefore, you first need to check if the Internet appears when approaching the router (if possible). Then - if the problem is precisely in the distance - somehow try to reduce it. If your router is yours, place it in the middle of the house.

Some organizations provide free Wi-Fi, but in order to be allowed on the Internet, you need to launch a browser, enter a password or go through some other authorization procedure. For example, specify a phone number and enter a code from SMS. It is better not to contact such networks and do not enter any information about yourself in order to avoid problems. It is much easier to find another access point without such nuances.

If you've done everything but still don't have an active Wi-Fi connection to the Internet, there's another option: set up a static IP address. This method is not a solution in the full sense of the word, but in some cases it helps to get around the problem and gain access to the Internet. To do this, on your smartphone, call the properties of connecting to a Wi-Fi network, check the box Show advanced options and select Static IP:

I hope this guide helped you identify and fix your Internet connection problem and now all your devices are online, both wired and wireless. Questions and additions to the article, please write in the comments.

A lot of users, when trying to connect their Android smartphone or tablet to a Wi-Fi network, face many different problems and errors. In this article, we will try to deal with the problem that appears after connecting an Android device to Wi-Fi. When Wi-Fi does not work on a smartphone or the same tablet. More precisely, the Internet does not work when connected via a wireless network. A very popular problem.

Connected your smartphone to your home Wi-Fi network, or at work, there is a connection, but the Internet does not work. Websites do not open in the browser, the Google Play Store does not work, other applications that need Internet access also refuse to work. True, there are exceptions when, for example, sites open in the browser, but the Play Store does not work, and YouTube videos do not play. As a rule, the Wi-Fi icon in such cases is gray and not blue, as it should be. We will also talk about this.

When many people write that Wi-Fi does not work on a smartphone, they have to enter exactly that Android connects to Wi-Fi, but does not load anything. If your mobile device does not see any Wi-Fi networks, or some errors appear when connecting, then this is a completely different topic, we will definitely talk about these problems in another article. Or, check your router if it is. Now we will consider exactly the case when an Android smartphone connects to Wi-Fi without problems, but there are problems with accessing the Internet.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons and solutions. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the problem can appear both due to some problems in the settings of the tablet or smartphone itself, and due to the settings of the router. We will first check whether the settings on the mobile device itself are correct, and if this does not help, then we will change the settings of the router.

Android: Internet over Wi-Fi does not work. Solving a problem on a smartphone

If you have a tablet, then these tips will also work.

1 First of all, you can try turning off / on Wi-Fi on the device. Enable/disable flight mode. Restart smartphone. Sometimes it helps.

2 Checking the proxy server settings. If a proxy server is enabled on your smartphone, in the properties of your wireless network, then internet won't work. You need to check, and if it is enabled, then disable the manual proxy server setting. Go to settings, which displays a list of Wi-Fi networks, and the network you are connected to. Usually, you need to click on the desired network, and hold. A menu will appear in which you need to select something like Change network. Next, most likely you will need to check the box next to the item Additionally. The proxy server setting will appear. It must be disabled. See screenshots, yours may be slightly different.

If there is "manually", then the Internet on the phone will not work.

3 Check the date, time, and timezone settings. These are the parameters due to which the Play Store on Android most often does not work, gray wifi icon, and the Internet does not work in other programs.

Your phone or tablet should always have the correct date and time settings. And also, it is advised to use the 24-hour time format if you have it disabled. Be sure to check these settings on your device. You can set it to automatic.

After the correct settings, the Play Store starts working. It's been verified.

4 There is such an application - "Freedom". If you have it installed, then in the application itself you need to click Stop. And if you deleted it, then install it back, go to the application, click Stop and then you can delete it. I myself have not encountered this, and have not tested it. But, many write that it helps. The Internet is starting to work.

5 Setting automatic IP acquisition. When there are problems with IP, then Android usually does not connect to Wi-Fi at all. But, it doesn't hurt to check.

Open the Wi-Fi settings on the device and go to the properties of your network (as i showed above). Check the box next to Advanced (maybe you don't need to do this), you will see the item IPv4 settings, or something like that. Automatic IP acquisition should be set there - DHCP.

6 I saw reviews that helps a lot setting static DNS addresses. This method helps in cases where you have a gray Wi-Fi icon on your smartphone or tablet instead of blue, and the Market does not work. Also, not all sites may open.

Go to the properties of the desired Wi-Fi network, as I showed above. Check the Advanced checkbox (if it is needed) and find the item IPv4 settings (yours may be slightly different). You must select an item Manually, and find fields DNS1, and DNS2. Write down the following addresses:

DNS can also be changed in the router settings, if it makes it easier for you.

7 More can be done hard reset your android device. If you are not too lazy to set it up again, install applications, etc. But, if nothing helps, then you need to do a reset, this can solve the problem with the Internet.

8 Update. In the comments, they shared unusual tips that helped get rid of the problem with Wi-Fi on Android. The solution is really very strange, but you can try.

It is necessary in the phone settings, as the main memory, select built-in phone memory, not the SD card. I can not specifically suggest where this can be done on your smartphone. Maybe you don't have that feature at all. But look somewhere in the settings, in the "Memory" section.

We change the settings of the router if the Internet does not work on a smartphone (tablet)

Let me remind you once again that the Internet from your router should work on other devices. If it does not work at all, on any device, then you need to configure the router. Android has nothing to do with it. Basically, the tips that I will write below help in cases where the smartphone does not see the Wi-Fi network at all, or does not connect to it. By the way, before setting up, you can try to simply restart the router.

1 Try changing the channel in your router settings. Very often, it is because of the channel that there are problems connecting to Wi-Fi. There is a detailed article on this topic:. You don’t even have to look for a free channel (this is a long time), but simply set some kind of static one, for example - 6. In the article by reference, I showed how to change the channel on different routers.

2 On the same page where you can change the channel, you can usually change the region. These settings are usually located on the Wi-Fi network settings page. Set your region in settings.

3 Here you can also try to change the mode of the wireless network. These settings are available on any router. You can try different options. For example, put n only.

This is where you need to experiment. Don't forget to save your settings and reboot your router.

Ask questions, share your tips and solutions in the comments!

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