Dental bridge and periodontal pockets. Gingival pocket - inflammation: causes, treatment. Reasons for the formation of pathology

A gingival pocket is a recess that separates the gum from the tooth. With a disease of periodontal tissues, it increases, due to which particles of food fall into the recess, soft plaque accumulates and tartar is deposited. These unfavorable factors cause inflammation of the gums and, if left untreated, lead to loosening and gradual loss of teeth. You can prevent their loss by seeking medical help in time.

Normally, the pocket in the gum is deepened by no more than 3 mm. The small depth of the neck formed from soft tissues does not prevent its self-cleaning. Progressive deepening and inflammation of the gum pockets is a characteristic symptom of periodontal disease. The gum between the teeth swells, begins to hurt, and pus may appear from it. The initial stage of the development of the disease is gingivitis. At this stage, it is quite easy to remove inflammation - you need to carefully monitor oral hygiene, regularly undergo professional teeth cleaning with the removal of soft and hard plaque, rinse your mouth with antiseptics and herbal infusions.

Further development of the inflammatory process is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of bacteria. The enzymes secreted by them negatively affect the periodontal fibers, gradually causing their destruction. At this stage, the gum pockets undergo a series of changes and become periodontal. The activity of the inflammatory process increases, the soft tissues affected by it bleed when touched, erosion occurs on the gums.

The cavity between the tooth and the gum becomes deeper, the connective tissues that ensure the integrity of the dentition are affected by inflammation and weaken.

In the absence of treatment and cleaning of the gum pockets, the process will spread not only to the fibers of the periodontal ligaments, but also to the jaw bone tissue.

Receding gums lead to gradual exposure of the tooth. Destroyed tissues are not able to secure the top of the root in the hole and at some point it falls out.

At the initial stage of the disease, pockets in the gums are washed with an antibacterial agent once a year. In addition, daily application of drugs to the affected areas, rinsing the mouth with medicinal compositions is prescribed. In case of moderate periodontitis, the method of curettage is effective, in case of severe course of the disease, photodynamic, surgical methods and cable-stayed splinting are used.

Types of curettage, indications for the procedure

There are open and closed types of curettage. This technique provides effective removal of tartar, food debris, affected gum tissue and softened tooth cement. For closed curettage, a diode laser or an ultrasonic scaler is used. This method of treating pockets in the gums is used in cases where the depth of the cavity surrounding the tooth does not exceed 5 mm. The deepening is cleaned, the tooth root is processed and polished, the affected tissues are removed. This helps to restore the connection between teeth and gums.

Open curettage is a surgical intervention using local anesthesia. During the operation, the tissue in the area of ​​the interdental papillae is dissected, the tartar is removed, the gingival pocket is thoroughly cleaned of deposits. Then a drug is applied that accelerates the growth of the epithelium and suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic microbes. The tooth root is polished for a tighter fit of the mucous membrane to it, and the wound is sutured. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is two weeks, after its expiration, patients report positive results - the gum does not bleed, does not hurt, hyperemia and swelling go away, the depth of the pocket decreases.

Indications for curettage are:

  1. the depth of the pocket of exfoliated gingival tissue exceeds 3 mm;
  2. accumulated a large amount of solid deposits;
  3. the gum is affected by the inflammatory process.

Photodynamic method

A non-surgical way to treat an advanced or severe form of periodontal disease can be with the help of photodynamic therapy. Before the procedure, it is performed, after which the gums are treated with chlorophyll obtained from spirulina algae. In response to its application, epithelial cells begin to produce photosensitizer substances. After 30 minutes, the doctor sends a laser beam to the diseased tissue. Its radiation leads to the decay of photosensitizers with the release of active oxygen.

Under the influence of the oxidative process, the microbes that caused inflammation are completely destroyed. The doctor removes damaged areas of tissue and closes the gum pocket. The advantage of this method of treatment is a sparing, painless effect and high efficiency - a single procedure is enough to eliminate inflammation and bleeding. A film is formed on the gums that prevents the penetration of infection and the recurrence of the disease. The use of osteogenic preparations and amino acids helps to restore the affected tissues.

With a periodontal pocket depth of more than 4–5 mm, a patchwork method is used. During the operation, the gum is separated from the surface of the tooth, the contents of the pocket are removed, the cleaned cavity and root are treated with an antiseptic. The soft tissues of the gums are then fixed in the correct position with sutures. In most cases, the method gives positive results. Its disadvantages include the stress experienced by the patient and a long recovery period.

Cable-stayed splinting

This method of treatment allows you to strengthen teeth that have begun to loosen. Splinting technology consists in tying the moving units of the dentition with aramid thread, which is particularly durable. Thin grooves are drilled along the perimeter of adjacent teeth, after laying the thread is covered with a reflective material. The color of the filling matches the shade of the teeth, so it is almost invisible.

The cable-stayed splinting method prevents the loosening of the dentition, while at the same time ensuring the natural mobility of the teeth, preventing the jaw bones from atrophying. Fastening with aramid thread does not disturb diction and does not cause discomfort in the patient. To restore the voids of the dentition in place of lost teeth, it is advisable to use prostheses not made of metal ceramics, but combining ceramics and glass or titanium in their composition, so as not to overload the jaw.

At the initial stage of periodontal disease, to improve the condition of the gums, you can use preparations made from herbal ingredients according to traditional medicine recipes. They inhibit bacteria and improve wound healing. Additionally, it is useful to massage the gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush, followed by rinsing the mouth with infusions of chamomile, oak bark or sage.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by the following means:

  • Peel of unripe walnuts infused with olive oil (1 tablespoon per 250 ml). For infusion, the mixture should be placed in the refrigerator. Periodically you need to get a jar and shake it. After a week, strain and use to lubricate the gums 3-5 times a day.
  • Infusion or juice of plantain. To prepare the infusion, pour 20 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water. Use for mouthwash. The juice squeezed from the fresh leaves of the plant is applied to the diseased areas of the gums 3 times a day.
  • Compresses from grated fresh beets. The mass, without squeezing, is wrapped in gauze and kept on the gum for 15 minutes. Frequency of use - 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of grass highlander kidney. Pour a spoonful of crushed vegetative parts of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 min. Use 2 times a day, applying tampons moistened with warm infusion to the gums.
  • Gruel from crushed sea buckthorn berries. Wrap the mass of fruits in a two-layer piece of gauze and apply to diseased areas 2 times a day for 20 minutes.
  • Tincture of viburnum fruits with honey. It is necessary to mix 500 g of berries with the same amount of buckwheat honey and 500 ml of 70% ethyl (medical) alcohol. Put in a dark place for 2 weeks. How to use: 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. Taking the remedy helps to strengthen the immune system and cure periodontal disease. Additionally, cotton swabs moistened with tincture can be applied to the gums.

Prevention of the development of periodontal disease

To prevent inflammation of the gums and deepening of the gum pockets, regular brushing of the teeth, rinsing the mouth after each meal, the use of floss (special thread) to clean the interdental gaps allows. Periodically, but not constantly, pastes containing abrasives should be used to remove hard deposits. High-quality removal of tartar will provide professional teeth cleaning using ultrasound.

For the timely detection and elimination of pathological processes occurring in the oral cavity, it is recommended to visit the dentist 2 times a year.

Periodontitis: definition, causes, symptoms

Improper oral care leads to the appearance of plaque and stones. As a result of pathological processes, inflammation begins. At first, his symptoms are fairly harmless. There is mild swelling and sometimes pain. Gradually increases, the appearance of a purulent secret is possible. At this stage, they are already talking about advanced periodontitis. For the treatment of this disease, curettage of the periodontal pocket is used. What is the procedure? What other methods are used to combat the disease? You will find answers to these questions in today's article.

Brief description of the problem

Against the background of the inflammatory process, the bone tissue is gradually destroyed and replaced by granulation tissue. The latter consists mainly of osteoclasts and microbial elements. Day by day they spread to more and more new areas, leading to even greater atrophy of the alveolar bone. There is a free area where there is no attachment of the gum to the surface of the tooth root.

As a result of the described changes, a periodontal pocket is formed. This space is equal in size to the area of ​​the destroyed bone. Its contents are represented by granulation tissue, food debris and purulent secretions. The size of the resulting gap is judged on the degree of tissue deformation. In a healthy person, the depth of periodontal pockets is no more than 3 mm, which makes it possible to easily clean the cavity from food debris. If this value exceeds the specified size, there are certain difficulties in caring for the oral cavity. The probability increases several times, which leads to the appearance of a stone and plaque. The result of active tissue destruction can be tooth loss.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out using X-ray examination or periodontal probe. The lack of quality treatment over time leads to a deepening of the pocket. The consequence of this process is the movement of the teeth into a "fan" position.

Reasons for pocket formation

The main reason for the formation of a periodontal canal is poor oral hygiene. Incorrect or lack of it leads to the accumulation of bacterial deposits in the area of ​​the crown. On the entire surface of the tooth enamel, microbes form a thin invisible film and begin to secrete their own waste products. This is how the periodontal pocket becomes inflamed.

Risk group

Among the factors provoking the growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora, one can note:

  • improper diet, consisting mainly of carbohydrate foods;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • bad habits;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • dental diseases;
  • malocclusion;
  • poor quality filling.

Symptoms of inflammation

The formation of a periodontal pocket for a long time can be asymptomatic. With the development of the inflammatory process, a characteristic clinical picture appears:

  • discomfort in the gum area;
  • bad breath;
  • swelling, bleeding and redness of the gums;
  • palpation may release a purulent secret;
  • expansion of interdental spaces;
  • deterioration in general condition.

If these problems occur, you should contact your dentist. The help of a doctor is required even if the inflammatory process has affected only one tooth. Every day the situation will only worsen, which can lead to the progression of the disease.

Treatment Methods

Before the start of therapy, a diagnosis is carried out, with the help of which the doctor determines the degree of neglect of the disease. If the periodontal pocket does not exceed 0.15 mm and there are no signs of inflammation, therapeutic methods are applied. The following procedures are commonly used:

  1. Hygienic cleaning with ultrasound. During the removal of stone and plaque, the gum is not damaged.
  2. Medical treatment. It is prescribed immediately after ultrasonic cleaning. With a mild degree of the pathological process, aseptic processing is used (baths, irrigation, rinsing). During the procedures, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is used. In especially serious cases, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. The following drugs are characterized by the greatest efficiency: "Amoxicillin", "Lincomycin" and "Azithromycin".

The listed procedures are ineffective if the pocket depth is more than 2 mm. The doctor will not be able to completely remove the accumulated stone. In addition, the likelihood of additional periodontal trauma increases. As a result of the manipulations, the inflammatory process and tissue destruction begin to progress.

In the complicated course of the disease, surgical intervention is recommended. This method of treatment involves the mechanical impact of dental instruments on the subgingival areas. Currently, the most effective procedure of this type is the curettage of the periodontal pocket. What it is? There are several types of manipulations: closed, open and patchwork operation. The procedure itself allows you to get rid of all the problems caused by periodontitis. Let's consider each of its options in more detail.

open curettage

Such an intervention requires high professionalism from the doctor. Therefore, this service is not provided in all medical institutions. The duration of the procedure is about 2.5 hours. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Teeth cleaning from tartar and plaque.
  2. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Splinting of mobile teeth.
  4. Dissection of the gingival flap with a scalpel.
  5. Removal of granulations and stones with ultrasound.
  6. Antiseptic treatment of tooth roots.
  7. Insertion of synthetic tissue into a pocket to enhance natural bone growth.
  8. Suturing and closing the damaged area with a gum bandage.

After about 1.5 weeks, the sutures are removed. After a few months, the final restoration of damaged tissues occurs. Gingival papillae can completely cover the spaces between teeth. In some cases, open curettage of periodontal pockets results in root exposure. Therefore, for some time it is recommended to stop eating hot, sour and cold foods.

Closed curettage

The operation is effective at a pocket depth of 3-5 mm. The intervention is not difficult. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Checking gums.
  2. Introduction of local anesthesia.
  3. Treatment of periodontal pockets without cutting the gums.
  4. Polishing of tooth roots.

The intervention can simultaneously affect 2-3 teeth. Wounds heal in one week, but final recovery takes about a month. So much time is needed for the formation of connective tissue and attachment of the gum to the tooth. The main disadvantage of the procedure is that the doctor at the time of the manipulation does not see whether all the pathological formations have been removed.

If the pocket depth is more than 5 mm, closed curettage will only stop the progression of periodontitis. Partial removal of deposits and granulations allows you to get a temporary respite, but in almost all cases the disease resumes its development.

Flap operation

This surgery involves cutting the gums to gain access to the periodontal pocket. It is recommended if its dimensions do not exceed 4 mm.

First, the doctor makes two small incisions with a scalpel and peels off the mucoperiosteal flap. Then the standard mechanical cleaning of the pocket and polishing of the tooth surface is carried out. After completion of the processing of hard surfaces, they proceed to the preparation of soft tissues. The patches are placed in place. At the end of the procedure, an osteogenic medicine is applied to the affected area, and the gum itself is sutured. The whole operation lasts no more than 40 minutes, but involves the use of local anesthesia.

Some patients are additionally prescribed for external use (for example, "Furacilin"). Also recommend the use of ointments to stimulate the process of gum epithelialization ("Actovegin", "Solcoseryl").

Vacuum curettage

In the presence of purulent abscesses and deep pockets (more than 5-7 mm), vacuum curettage is used. Cleaning is carried out with the use of anesthetics. During this procedure, the doctor first scrapes off the deposits of the stone, and then polishes. After that, the specialist proceeds to remove granulations and damaged epithelium from the inner walls. The periodontal pocket is cleaned using a vacuum apparatus, which sucks necrotic masses from the bottom of the cavity along with stone fragments. At the final stage, washing with antiseptic preparations is mandatory.

Vacuum curettage is characterized by high efficiency. With the help of the procedure, the lymph flow in the tissues is restored, the depth of the gum pockets is reduced and all inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Postoperative period

In order not to open periodontal pockets, it is recommended to refuse food and drink within 10 hours after all manipulations. To obtain the desired result, you should gently brush your teeth, while using a brush with soft bristles. The problem area must be avoided. After a week, you can start rinsing. To do this, you need to use a weak saline solution or "Chlorhexidine".

With regard to nutrition, at first preference should be given to soft or pureed foods. It is strictly forbidden to drink cold or excessively hot drinks. For a week after curettage of periodontal pockets, it is recommended to abandon physical activity, sports, and sauna visits. In the postoperative period, it is important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. You can use hygiene products designed for sensitive teeth. If necessary, contact your dentist. The specialist will select procedures to reduce the sensitivity of the necks of the teeth.

Gingival pockets are one of the symptoms of many periodontal tissue diseases. Between the gum and the cervical part of the tooth, a space is formed in which plaque, food debris and bacteria accumulate. Gradually, inflammation develops, the teeth become mobile, and if left untreated, the risk of their loss increases.

What is a periodontal pocket and how is it formed?

The teeth are connected to the jaw bone with the help of periodontal - a special ligament. Periodontium acts as a shock absorber, thanks to which the teeth are held in place and the load during chewing is distributed evenly. In a healthy person, the tissues of the oral cavity are reliably protected from the penetration of pathogenic microflora.

When periodontal depressurization occurs, plaque accumulates in the cervical region of the tooth, which eventually turns into stone, since it is located in a hard-to-reach area and it is impossible to clean it from there on your own.


Patients rarely go to the dentist at the initial stage of the disease. Often people come to a specialist with an already advanced stage of pathology with pronounced symptoms. characteristic signs the presence of periodontal pockets:

  • bad taste and odor in the mouth
  • change in the shape and color of the gum mucosa,
  • bleeding and sore gums
  • tooth mobility,
  • discomfort while eating
  • gingival prolapse, exposure of the root part of the tooth,
  • excretion of pus.

The main diagnostic methods are probing and radiography. Shaded areas in the image are areas where the gum is moving away from the tooth. The stages of pathology are determined depending on the depth of the gum pocket:

Accelerate the formation of space between the gum and the tooth can be the following unfavorable factors:

  • the predominance in the diet of soft foods that do not require chewing,
  • systematic trauma to the gums with sharp edges of fillings, prostheses, braces,
  • often causes an uneven distribution of chewing load on different parts of the periodontium,
  • diabetes mellitus increases the risk of developing pathology,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • imbalance of the immune system.

Smokers are more prone to the formation of periodontal pockets. Nicotine resins settle on the enamel and in the subgingival area, creating a persistent plaque. Smokers must be regularly carried out for the prevention of periodontal tissue diseases.

How is the treatment carried out?

Periodontal gum pockets are not an independent disease, but only a manifestation, a symptom of pathologies of periodontal tissues. To get rid of them, it is necessary to cure gingivitis, periodontitis, or any other condition that caused the formation of gum pockets. Treatment is prescribed after evaluating the results of the diagnosis and begins with professional cleaning from plaque and stone.

If the pathology is at an early stage, professional cleaning can be limited. If the periodontal pockets are deep, the symptoms are pronounced, a deep cleaning is carried out - curettage. This is followed by treatment of the underlying and concomitant diseases (periodontal pockets are often formed in people with diabetes, for example).

For what reasons does it appear and how to get rid of it?

How is periodontal pocket curettage performed?

Curettage is a procedure for deep cleaning of periodontal pockets from plaque, granulation, pus, and dead cells. There are several options for the operation:

  1. - the main types of procedures.
  2. Vacuum.
  3. Laser.
  4. Cryo curettage.
  5. Chemical.

Closed curettage is carried out at the initial stage of periodontitis, while the depth of periodontal pockets should not exceed 4 mm. Open is used for advanced forms of periodontitis, pocket depth of 4 mm or more, detachment of the gums from the tooth and extensive accumulation of plaque.

Stages closed procedure:

  • the oral cavity is treated with an antiseptic,
  • the drug is injected
  • the contents of periodontal pockets (plaque, granulation, pus) are removed,
  • tooth surface is polished
  • repeated antiseptic treatment,
  • a drug is placed in the pockets to restore damaged tissues.

Open curettage is performed with an incision in the gingival mucosa, which allows the doctor to perform the deepest possible cleaning with a detailed overview of the treated area. The doctor makes a vertical incision in the gums, after which he cleans. At the end of the operation, the incisions are sutured.

: indications, benefits and cost of the procedure

The gingival pocket is the area of ​​depression between the tooth and the gum. In such a place, the elements of the gums form a kind of neck around the tooth. Such a pocket is a frequent epicenter of the accumulation of food particles, desquamated epithelium, and microorganisms. This can cause inflammation.

The gingival pocket in a normal state should have a depth of up to 3 mm. This size allows it to self-clean and be accessible for cleaning with a toothbrush. An increase in the depth of education is a dangerous condition. Too deep a pocket in the gum loses the ability to completely cleanse. It accumulates food particles, epithelial elements and microbes, which provoke serious damage to the periodontal ligaments.

As long as the depth of the pocket formation affects only the root and does not reach the connective structures of the tooth tissues, the disease is reversible. For recovery, simple medical procedures are enough.

When periodontal ligaments are involved in the process, pockets in the gums are already called periodontal. The process of destruction and erosion of the epithelium is accompanied by severe local inflammation. Even minimal manipulations provoke severe pain and bleeding.

The tooth pocket is an excellent environment for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Simple antibiotic therapy gives only a temporary effect. With such treatment, the main basis of the disease is not eliminated - the size of the defect. Damaged gum pockets will continue to accumulate harmful factors. Altered gingival structures make it much more difficult to clean the teeth from all kinds of deposits.

The only radical way to combat inflammation is surgical intervention (resection), which allows you to remove the exfoliated part of the gum.

Signs of pocket formation in the gum

The main signs of periodontal disease:

  • looseness of teeth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • the appearance of gaps between the teeth;
  • purulent processes in the near-tooth spaces;
  • soreness of the teeth.

An abscess is one of the factors that provoke the formation of a gingival pocket.

According to experts, the formation of altered pockets is based on poor oral hygiene. Incorrect, irregular cleaning leads to hardening of plaque. Food particles fall deep under the gum, causing inflammation, in which the connective tissue is affected. Such changes cause detachment of the gums from the tooth. Further progression of the disease leads to the spread of infection, damage to the periodontium, bone structures and root.

Anna Losyakova


Detachment of the gums is different. In severe cases, the entire tooth is exposed to the very top of the roots. A tooth without gum support cannot stay in the mouth and falls out. To prevent such phenomena, it is important to consult a dentist in a timely manner.

Primary gum lesions are easier to heal. Pastes and rinses alone will not improve gum health. It is important to carry out more serious treatment aimed at the internal tissues of the oral cavity.

Changes in the gum pocket require professional help. Treatment of the disease begins when a significant depth of the pocket is detected. Often this is the very first and brightest. The disease progresses rapidly. If the altered structures are not removed, a person may lose several teeth at once.

Professional medical care

Curettage is one of the most popular and effective ways to treat pockets between the gum and the tooth. The technique is based on a thorough mechanical cleaning of the oral cavity from various types of deposits. Curettage is applicable in the following cases:

  • with detached gums;
  • in the presence of fossilized deposits;
  • with inflammation of the gum cells.

Stages of curettage

Anna Losyakova


Curettage is aimed at eliminating all deposits between the tooth and gum. It effectively fights tartar, altered tissues (granulations, soft dentin).

Depending on the severity of the disease, it is customary to use one of the types of cleaning:

  1. Closed curettage - cleansing with a specialized instrument, laser, ultrasound. Applicable for gingival pocket depths up to 5 mm.
  2. An open procedure is a surgical operation performed under general anesthesia. During the intervention, the gum is dissected, the pocket is thoroughly cleaned at the base of the recess, a special solution is applied for rapid growth, and the wound is sutured.

The video simulated the process of closed curettage:

Anna Losyakova


After a few weeks, you can judge the results of therapy. Patients notice a significant improvement in their condition immediately after the procedure: redness, swelling disappear,. The pocket becomes less deep, the gum stops hurting.

Changed gingival structures are removed only in dental institutions. If you have any concerns related to your teeth, you should immediately go to the doctor. Professional adequate assistance will stop the process, preventing various kinds of complications.

In the video, the doctor talks about how to treat a periodontal pocket:

folk therapy

There are folk remedies to combat various dental ailments. Gum disease is no exception. For therapy, wound healing agents are used. The most common of these include:

  1. Green walnut skin. It needs to be crushed and poured with warm olive oil. The solution is mixed and placed in a refrigerator. A week later, the product is ready for use.
  2. Plantain. The leaves are poured with boiling water, insisted and filtered. Infusion rinse your mouth up to 5 times a day. The juice of this plant has a wonderful effect. To obtain it, the grass is crushed and squeezed. Experienced people recommend simply chewing the leaves of the plant until the mass loses its taste. The results are noticeable after a few days of therapy.
  3. Eucalyptus oil. It is mixed with hot water and used as a rinse for one week. The therapy is strengthening.
  4. Warm water with hydrogen peroxide. Rinse your mouth with the solution twice a day for a week.
  5. Fresh red beets. Vegetables are crushed. The gruel is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected gum structures.
  6. Propolis and calamus. Herbs are poured with vodka and insisted for 2 weeks in a dark place. Rinse your mouth with this remedy every day before going to bed. A similar medicine is widely used for inflammatory changes, sore teeth and granulomatous changes in the gums.

With inflammation of the gum pocket, you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. The grass of the mountaineer is poured with boiling water. Half an hour later, a cotton pad is moistened in the infusion and applied to the affected structures twice a day. The course of therapy is a week. Before reuse, the infusion must be heated to a warm state.
  2. Comfrey root is poured with hot water, insisted all night. The resulting infusion is used for rinsing. Often the tool is used for lotions. A cotton pad is impregnated with infusion and applied to the area of ​​​​inflammation for 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 10 days.
  3. Leaves of a golden mustache are applied to inflamed places for a quarter of an hour daily before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts a month. In parallel, an infusion of this plant is used. The mustache is poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. The medicine is used for rinsing three times a day.
  4. Lemon peel is crushed, poured with boiling water. Infusion is used for rinsing.
  5. Fresh aspen sawdust is mixed with birch tar, wrapped in gauze and applied to inflamed areas.
  6. A clove of garlic is thoroughly crushed, honey, salt and hydrogen peroxide are added. The tool is used to brush your teeth after eating.
  7. Oak bark is poured with boiling water, infused for 2 hours. Allows the use of funds in the form of applications.
  8. An aloe leaf is placed in the refrigerator overnight, and used in the morning. The duration of therapy is 3 days.
  9. Fresh sea buckthorn berries are crushed, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the affected area twice a day for 15 minutes. The duration of treatment is at least a week.
  10. Viburnum berries are poured with dark honey and alcohol, insisted for half a month. The mixture is taken orally daily before meals for a month. The medicine improves immunity, relieves most dental problems. Often this tool is used for applications. A cotton pad is moistened with a solution and applied to the affected area. The duration of the procedures is one week.

Highlander Comfrey Root Golden Mustache Plant Lemon Peel Birch Tar Peroxide with Garlic, Honey and Salt Oak Bark
Aloe Sea buckthorn Kalina

The use of herbal cathedrals

Especially popular are special herbal rinses. Among them:

  1. Chamomile, sage, nettle. Herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted for one hour. The solution is recommended to rinse your mouth every 50-60 minutes. The remedy reduces pain and relieves inflammation.
  2. Chamomile, calendula, sage. Plants are mixed, poured with boiling water and infused for 10-12 hours. The infusion is used three times a day.
  3. Mix in equal parts sage and oak bark. The mixture is poured with water and boiled over low heat for half an hour, and then insisted for another half an hour.
  4. Combine one part of plantain, chamomile and calamus root. The collection is poured with water and boiled in a water bath. Insist 2-3 hours.

Anna Losyakova


During the use of such funds, it is important to monitor your well-being. If within 3 days there is no improvement, you should definitely contact a specialist.

To prevent complications after curettage, it is recommended:

  • brush your teeth regularly;
  • if necessary, use dental floss;
  • buy pastes with abrasive properties, which, due to mechanical action, quickly remove deposits and polish teeth;
  • regularly visit the dentist;
  • perform preventive hygiene at the doctor.

Treatment of periodontal pocket depends on the degree of development of the disease. If the process has just begun, and the tissues have not started, prescribe conservative therapy for the underlying disease. For example, with periodontal disease (non-inflammatory systemic damage to the periodontal tissues), a whole range of therapeutic measures is used. They include the removal of plaque and deposits using ultrasound. After that, anti-inflammatory drug therapy is prescribed. The course of treatment may include antiseptic rinsing of the mouth and applying a special gel to the inflamed gums. In moderate to severe periodontal disease, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to constantly observe thorough oral hygiene.

For the successful treatment of periodontitis and periodontal pockets, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity, that is, to cure or remove teeth affected by caries.

In the future, if dangerous symptoms appear, such as blood while brushing your teeth, pain and burning sensation, you should contact your dentist for a consultation. The cause of the disease of the periodontal tissues can also be an unsuccessful form of an artificial crown. After its adjustment and a set of measures aimed at eliminating inflammation, it will stop.

Curettage - a surgical method for the treatment of periodontal pockets

With a far advanced process, a periodontal pocket should be treated with a surgical intervention called curettage. It is prescribed if the pathological depth of the periodontal pocket is more than 3 mm, if there is inflammation of the gums, abundant deposits of tartar and plaque. Depending on the depth of periodontal pockets and the nature of the operation, there are 2 types of procedures: closed and open curettage.

Closed curettage is used if the depth of periodontal pockets is up to five millimeters. In this case, the procedure is performed without cutting the gums and includes the following steps:

- performing local anesthesia,
- cleaning of periodontal pockets with special instruments without damaging the gum tissue,
- polishing of tooth roots.
Closed curettage completely closes small periodontal pockets and effectively reduces deep ones.

If closed curettage was not very effective or in the case when the depth of pathological pockets turned out to be more than 5 mm, open curettage is performed. In this case, a surgical dissection of the gums is performed, the operation includes the following steps:
- diagnosis of the condition of the gums,
- local anesthesia,
- cutting the gums to access the base of periodontal pockets (flap surgery),
- cleaning of pathological pockets with special tools,
- application of osteogenic preparations to the damaged part to stimulate the growth of bone tissue,
- suturing gums.

One and a half to two months after the operation, a second dental examination is performed to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

If the tissues holding the tooth are damaged during the operation, bone grafting can be performed. It allows you to fix the tooth in the hole, contributes to further recovery by the forces of the body.

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