Treatment of basal caries of the anterior teeth. Treatment at the initial stage. Causes of root caries

A specialist can easily diagnose pathological process in the root region, as the affected areas are well visualized during clinical examination. Defects in the form of whitish or yellowish-brown spots of irregular shape are determined on the surface of the tooth.

In modern dental practice special reagents are also used. They are applied directly to the damaged tooth or the patient is asked to rinse the mouth with a dye solution. This substance is not absorbed into intact enamel, but gives a certain shade to areas poor in calcium. This effect is due to the increased porosity of the demineralized surface of the dental tissue. The dye is absorbed into carious areas and remains in them for several hours. At the same time, the dentist identifies the affected areas and eliminates the defect.

Therapy for root caries

The method of treatment directly depends on the degree of damage to the tooth. If caries is only a whitish demineralized spot, then specialists usually resort to pharmacological therapy.

Attention! When revealing deeper lesions that led to the destruction of enamel or dentin, instrumental intervention is necessary.

Therapy for demineralized spots

The therapy of whitish spots involves the use of various medications, the effect of which is aimed at restoring the balance of minerals in the tissues of the tooth. Specialists prescribe special means to the patient with high content active calcium and fluorine. AT modern dentistry apply the following gels, pastes and liquids:

  • Elmex - a paste that has a restorative and strengthening effect on the enamel;
  • Apacare is a liquid based on hydroxyapatite, which fills microcracks and the smallest chips on the surface of the tooth and prevents pathogenic microflora from entering them;
  • Fluoride varnish is a drug that saturates the surface of the teeth with fluoride and protects them from plaque and acid attack.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a thorough instrumental cleaning of the oral cavity. The dentist, using various devices, removes plaque, hard deposits and foreign inclusions from the surface of the patient's teeth.

After applying the gel or paste, the doctor teaches the patient proper care for cured teeth and gives recommendations for the prevention of caries.

Attention! Regular brushing and proper nutrition- a guarantee of a long-lasting effect after remineralization.

Treatment of basal caries in the destruction of enamel

The therapy includes the following:

  1. Removal of plaque and tartar - it is necessary to remove plaque of a soft consistency, as well as hard. Most often, this process is carried out by means of brushes and paste with an abrasive effect.
  2. Evaluation of the shade of the tooth enamel on which the filling will be placed - it is rational to adequately select the shade of the material for filling, it should correlate with the natural individual shade of the patient's enamel.
  3. Preparation of a carious focus - the process is carried out by means of a drill, the extraction of damaged tooth tissue occurs.
  4. Branches carious tooth from saliva - competent specialists use a rubber dam for this purpose, the device makes it possible to completely isolate a carious tooth from saliva and the patient's moistened breath. This is necessary so that the filling lasts as long as possible, otherwise it can fall out quite quickly.

The rubber dam is represented by a latex plate, holes are made in it for several teeth, on which it is stretched. After installing the rubber dam, it is fixed with a metal clasp. It is necessary in order to fix the device directly to the gums.

Cleaning the tooth cavity with an adhesive substance - both dentin and enamel must be treated with an adhesive agent before the stage of filling the filling material. It is advisable to do this in order to create a strong contact between the filling and dental tissues.

Filling installation - in a previously cleaned cavity affected by caries, a filling material is introduced in order to replace the lost part of the tooth. The tooth is given a physiological shape. The introduction of the material is carried out in layers, all layers are illuminated with a lamp with the effect of photopolymerization, as a result of which the material hardens.

Grinding and polishing - the process is carried out thanks to disc-shaped parts with a fine-grained surface and boron. These devices are needed to give the tooth a complete outline and to ensure its smooth surface.

Video - Cervical caries: what is it and how to treat it?


In acute pain syndrome, it is advisable to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) and non-narcotic analgesics (Ketorolac, Ketonal). good effect give infusions of sage, calendula, chamomile, oak bark.

Attention! It is necessary to timely seek help from a dentist, otherwise there is a high probability of developing purulent complications up to septic disorders.

To prevent the development of a carious process, several rules must be observed. Ensuring permanent cleanliness of the oral cavity - using brushes, pastes and threads after any meal.

Attention! If brushing is not possible, the minimum is to floss and then chew sugar-free gum for five minutes.

It is advisable to refrain from snacking - the abuse of sweet, carbonated drinks, confectionery without providing a five-minute brushing of the teeth after that increases the likelihood of developing a carious process.

Attention! Preventive checkups a dentist-therapist - twice a year it is necessary to undergo a medical examination of the oral cavity, a rational protective measure is the treatment of teeth with a calcium-containing substance in order to ensure the strength of tooth enamel.

There are many types of caries. One of the most unpleasant and difficult to treat is root caries. This problem It can occur in both adults and young children. It is important to notice the first signs of the disease at an early stage., as this will help facilitate the treatment process in the future.

What is cervical caries?

This type of caries occurs in the basal part of the tooth, closer to the gum. Main danger caries of this type - almost complete asymptomatic in the early stages. The problem is detected only when a person begins to be disturbed by discomfort and pain when in contact with external stimuli. Moreover, it is important to note that the basal layer of enamel is much thinner than on the rest of the tooth surface, in connection with which the disease is of a rapid nature and has more serious consequences and complications.

Cervical caries in the photo

Deep cervical caries.
Photos before and after treatment cervical caries.

Causes of root caries

There are many reasons that can provoke the development of radical caries. The most common include:

  • a thinner layer of dentin in this part of the tooth;
  • insufficient level of oral hygiene. The fact is that basal part it is very difficult to completely clean the tooth from plaque with the help of regular brush and pastes, as a result of which deposits begin to accumulate in the cervical region, which are a favorable environment for the development of carious bacteria;
  • enamel demineralization. Natural destruction of enamel can occur as a result of a lack of vitamins and trace elements, for example, as a result of frequent adherence to mono-diets;
  • formation of gum pockets. Most often, this problem is formed in the elderly or as a result of any chronic disease;
  • lack of timely treatment when chalk spots are detected.

Important! If you start treating radical caries at an early stage, you can stop the carious process completely and save the tooth. In advanced situations, the treatment of this type of caries is one of the most difficult.

Description of cervical caries

Stages of cervical caries

Like any other type of caries, cervical caries goes through four stages in its development. Dentists distinguish the following stages of the development of the disease:

  • spot stage. In this case, a stain is formed in the cervical region of the tooth. At the very beginning, it has a white chalky color, but over time, under the influence of bacterial waste products, it acquires a brown and even black tint. Pain sensations at this stage are absent even under the influence of external stimuli;
  • superficial caries. At this stage, a depression forms on the surface of the enamel, which occurs in the center of the stain. In addition, the dentist can detect a change in the texture of the tooth in the damaged area. The main symptoms include the appearance of pain that occur when direct contact with hot or cold food. Also, some patients report pain while brushing their teeth;
  • average caries. The deepening in the enamel becomes even larger, its inner content is filled with softened dentine. At the same time, median caries does not come into contact with the pulp of the tooth, and therefore, painful sensations are of a short-term nature;
  • deep caries. The carious cavity becomes deep enough, it is surrounded by overhanging edges of the enamel. at this stage, the development of pulpitis is possible. The patient almost constantly feels unpleasant and painful symptoms that occur under the influence of stimuli. Often food remains accumulate in the recess, which leads to a more rapid progression of the disease and causes quite serious complications.

Treatment of cervical caries

Important! Treatment of cervical caries should be carried out exclusively in a dental clinic under the supervision of a specialist. Home remedies can be used as an additional treatment.

The method of treatment is selected based on the stage of the disease, the presence of certain complications and individual features patient.

Treatment of caries in the stain stage

The most effective methods to stop the destruction of enamel include:

  • ICON methodology - in this case the porous structure of the tooth is covered with a special compound that penetrates deeply and fills any changes;
  • remineralization - coating of the tooth special means, which saturates tissues with fluoride. The most popular drugs include Remodent, Gluftored and Belagel;
  • enamel coating with fluorine varnishes.

Icon set.

Treatment of the disease at a later stage

In the event that the disease has gone too far and it is no longer possible to stop the carious process without consequences, specialists resort to drilling and filling. The filling process is carried out in several stages:

  • Initially, the dentist performs a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity and teeth from plaque and tartar;
  • after that, the gums are pushed back. This is a necessary procedure in this case, since it is impossible to get close to the root part of the tooth in other ways;
  • then the carious cavity is cleaned from softened dentin and destroyed tissues, the color of the filling material is selected and the filling itself is applied;
  • at the end, the sealed surface is polished.

In some cases, the dentist may choose several types of filling material at once. The method of treatment of the anterior teeth is no different from the filling of the molars, however, in this case, special fillings can be selected, which later, after grinding, completely merge with the color of the enamel and do not stand out.

How to treat at home

At home, you can stop the development of the disease only in the early stages. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • home fluoridation. For this you can buy special pastes With high content this element. In addition, you can enrich the diet with foods containing fluorine;
  • application medicinal herbs. On the basis of medicinal herbs, decoctions and infusions can be prepared, with which you should rinse your mouth after each meal and after brushing your teeth. Herbs with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties include sage, chamomile, chinese lemongrass and calamus;

In addition to all of the above, it is important to learn the rules of brushing your teeth. If you buy products with medicinal components, remember that their assimilation by enamel tissues and gums begins only after 3-5 minutes of being in the oral cavity. That is why you need to devote at least 5 minutes to oral hygiene in the morning and evening.

What to do if a tooth hurts after cervical caries treatment

Hypersensitivity and soreness after treatment of cervical caries occurs in every third patient. Fine given state should pass in 1-2 days. If the pain does not go away, then most likely the treatment was performed with errors. In order to relieve pain, you must:

  • take painkillers. In this case, you can use medicines in the form of tablets, gels or ointments;
  • rinse your mouth with decoctions of herbs.

In addition, pain may indicate damage to the gums during treatment. In this situation, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs. It is important to ensure that the purulent process does not begin.

Possible complications:

  • poor quality filling;
  • the beginning of a new inflammatory process as a result of insufficient disinfection of the carious cavity;
  • pulpitis development.

Elimination of these problems is possible only in the course of dental treatment. That is why experts recommend a more careful approach to choosing a dentist.

The best prevention dental diseases - proper hygiene.

Prevention of cervical caries

Since cervical caries is quite difficult to treat, doctors recommend paying special attention to its prevention. The most effective prevention methods include:

  • regular and proper cleaning teeth using preventive and therapeutic pastes;
  • visiting the dentist and conducting professional cleaning of the oral cavity at least 1 time in 3 months;
  • reducing the consumption of sweets;
  • normalization of nutrition and the intake of additional vitamin complexes;
  • giving up bad habits, especially smoking.

How to choose the right toothpaste?

Special pastes with preventive and healing effect, allow not only to prevent cervical caries, but also reduce the risk of relapse after treatment. There are several types of toothpastes:

  • pastes with fluorine and calcium - these pastes help to strengthen tooth enamel and suppress the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity. These are especially effective in detecting initial stage enamel remineralization;
  • pastes containing antiseptics - the action of these pastes is aimed directly at the destruction pathogenic microorganisms causing caries. The active ingredient may be chlorhexidine or lysomycin or any other substance;
  • papain pastes are a kind of pastes that allow you to fight plaque and tartar, so they not only destroy the breeding ground for bacteria, but also keep your smile white;
  • pasta with herbal ingredients - this means designed to treat and strengthen the gums. They reduce the risk of gum pockets, and hence the risk of cervical caries;
  • pastes to reduce the sensitivity of teeth - have the ability to fill the porous structure of the tooth, restoring its resistance to external stimuli.

When choosing suitable paste concentration must be taken into account. active ingredients. If you want to purchase a product for a child, remember that it is best to give preference to children's lines.

In addition, you can purchase pastes that combine several active ingredients at once.

Important! The use of whitening pastes at any stage of caries, as well as with hypersensitivity teeth are unacceptable. The fact is that the abrasive particles contained in their composition thin the tooth enamel, making it even more vulnerable to external negative influences.

Cervical caries is one of the most difficult types of disease to treat. In this case, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. In order to avoid the problem, it is necessary to follow simple preventive actions and visit the dentist regularly.

Almost everyone in his life knew what a toothache is. A visit to the dentist is a rather unpleasant event, but when you cannot fall asleep or go about your business due to excruciating pain, then there is nothing to do, you have to go. may vary, and pain most often provoked by destructive processes that began in the tooth. Almost everyone who goes to the doctor with pain is diagnosed with caries, it happens different kind, but let's look at what basal caries is and how to deal with it.

What is this pathology

Such a name this species got caries because of its location. Defects develop at the very border with the gum. Destruction begins quite close to the root of the tooth.

The process proceeds quickly, since in this part the tooth enamel has a minimum thickness, and in the place where the transition to the root begins, it does not exist at all. Any pathology of the teeth requires therapy, and basal caries of the front teeth in particular, as it spoils their appearance, and a person begins to be embarrassed even by his smile.

Reasons for the development of basal caries

Most often, this type of pathology begins to develop after 30 years, and at retirement age, it is through his fault that the patient often loses teeth. With age, even healthy enamel becomes much thinner. If destructive processes begin, they proceed very rapidly.

The root zone is quite difficult to good care, therefore, there are all conditions for the development of the pathogenic process and the accumulation of bacteria. It is in this part of the teeth that tartar is formed, which only contributes to the creation of favorable environment for microorganisms.

Doctors also note the following reasons for the development of basal caries:

Why is the root zone vulnerable?

If you do not take care of your oral cavity and do not keep it clean, then caries can develop absolutely anywhere, but the root zone is the most vulnerable. And here are the reasons why:

  1. When we chew food, this part of the tooth does not take an active part in this process, which means that self-cleaning does not occur with solid pieces of food.
  2. With the help of a toothbrush and with surface cleaning, it is not possible to get rid of food debris from the root zone.
  3. If it is wrong to make movements with a toothbrush, then periodontal pockets are filled with plaque.
  4. Brushing with a hard brush leads to injury to this part of the tooth, thin enamel quickly becomes thinner and rubbed.
  5. If there is periodontitis or periodontal disease, then the root of the tooth is exposed, and this good condition to develop root caries.
  6. If there is an inflammatory process on the gums, then this contributes to the accumulation of plaque in pockets in large quantities.
  7. If there is a crown or filling, then under their edge a carious defect occurs over time.
  8. A crown that is not the height of the tooth also serves as a place for bacteria and plaque to accumulate.
  9. If you have to impose fixed dental structures, then this makes it very difficult to clean this area, and it takes very little time for the development of radical caries.

As you can see, basal caries has quite extensive reasons for its development. Only regular visits to the dentist will help you avoid this pathology or, if it is detected in time, competently get rid of it.

Signs of the disease

Many of us sit until the last moment, until severe pain forces us to visit a doctor. But the problem is much easier to deal with if it is detected at the very beginning of its appearance. Radical caries, the photo demonstrates this, begins to show its symptoms like this:

All these symptoms can be observed at the very beginning of the development of pathology, if caries has already gone far, then the patient experiences:

  • Sharp pain while brushing your teeth.
  • There are pain sensations with temperature changes.
  • When eating sweet or sour foods, pain also occurs.

If even in this state of affairs you do not visit a doctor, then you can completely lose a tooth.

How to diagnose basal caries yourself

You can recognize the problem without even visiting a dentist, just look in the mirror at your teeth. But it must be borne in mind that not all defects of the teeth in the root region can be attributed to caries.

There are wedge-shaped lesions that are often localized in this area. They have the shape of a wedge, the top of which is located towards the center of the tooth.

The surface of the dentin, if the teeth are in order, should be hard and smooth. If during examination you find irregularities, gums moving away from the root of the tooth, an inflammatory process, then this is a direct indication of the need to visit a doctor.

Do not puzzle over the question: if basal caries is found, what should I do? Only a competent specialist will save you from this pathology, and you will again smile with a snow-white smile.

Visit to the doctor

As a rule, it will not be difficult for an experienced specialist to accurately diagnose. Difficulties can arise only if the pathology is located on the contact surface and is covered by an adjacent tooth.

The doctor examines the oral cavity and pays attention to the color and transparency of the enamel. Probing the oral cavity can take place without pain, and may be accompanied by severe pain.

Records in the patient's chart will help the doctor to distinguish caries from the inflammatory process. If there is chronic periodontitis and there have already been pains of this nature, then we can assume an exacerbation of the pathology. You can verify this by taking an x-ray.

Dentists have their own diagnostic methods every year. One of them is transillumination. Its essence is to examine the oral cavity under a powerful source of cold light. If there is basal caries, then a focus with pronounced contours with abnormal darkening is visible.

There are also caries markers - their use is possible not only in the dental office, as they are completely safe for humans. Staining allows you to quickly identify the carious area.

Pathology therapy

If a hilar is detected should begin immediately. Therapy of such a pathology practically does not differ from the treatment of ordinary caries. The chosen method of disposal will depend on the degree of the disease.

The treatment of this type of caries requires experience and professionalism from the doctor, since this area is quite sensitive and is very close to the gum. Also, the dentist should take into account that in this place, as a rule, it does not hold well, so it is worth choosing one that has high adhesion.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of caries

In stock recipes traditional healers There are also those that will help to cope with caries:

Of course, traditional medicine may well help get rid of pain and inflammation for a while, but only a competent specialist knows how to treat root caries, so you should not postpone a visit to him.

Prevention of caries

It is better to prevent the development of caries than later long time treat him. To preventive measures can be attributed:

Only careful oral care will help you avoid various problems and never experience excruciating toothache. Do not delay the visit to the doctor. If you apply in the early stages of the development of pathology, then the treatment process, as a rule, does not cause pain and discomfort.

It is no coincidence that cervical caries is classified as one of the most dangerous diseases teeth, because it affects their weak spot - the base. The process affects the cervical zone of the tooth: neck and area bordering the gum. This form caries is quite common, especially in people over thirty.

inaccessibility and anatomical features tooth enamel of the basal area create all the conditions for the rapid spread of the carious process. An infection that does not manifest itself initially, very quickly affects all channels.

If the process is started, then it will not be possible to save the tooth. That is why it is so important to diagnose this pathology in a timely manner.


Symptoms that indicate the presence of cervical caries are:

  • enamel darkening in the area of ​​the neck of the tooth;
  • formation carious cavity on the neck;
  • increased sensitivity to various kinds irritants: mechanical, chemical, temperature;
  • pain syndrome, which in this type of caries has short-lived and usually resolves as soon as the stimulus stops.

Development mechanism

In its development, the cervical carious lesion goes through several stages with a clinical picture characteristic of each of them.

Spot stage or initial

leaking asymptomatically. The sensitivity of the tooth to external stimuli remains at the same level, although some people may experience some discomfort, a feeling of soreness.

The enamel becomes thinner, becomes matte, but remains smooth. On it only a white or pigmented carious spot appears without roughness.


A zone of roughness appears in the area of ​​the formed spot, enamel starts to break down. There is a short-term sensation of pain from exposure various stimuli : temperature, sweet, sour or salty foods, drinks. At this stage, the disease progresses quite quickly.


The process affects the dental tissue, is formed carious cavity and the defect is already difficult not to notice visually. Pain syndrome intensifies.


Destruction penetrates deeper into the tissues and lesions can become critical, affecting the channels and pulp. The pain becomes unbearable. At this stage, it can provoke, in addition to the above, mechanical impact, inhalation of cold air.

Clinical symptoms often appear individually, so sometimes it is not easy to determine which stage the caries lesion has reached. Especially when it comes to superficial or primary, secondary or deep stages, the transition is so smooth.


Cervical caries mainly affects the buccal (vestibular) and palatine (lingual) surfaces of the gingival areas of the anterior or lateral teeth, in rare cases- wisdom teeth.

With the development of pathology, the boundaries of the lesion increase, capturing the entire cervical region of the crown in a circle. In this case, we are already dealing with circular caries, which is sometimes conventionally called a "cervical complication".

This type of caries is considered more aggressive and, unlike cervical, has pronounced Clinical signs. It is also dangerous because it can lead to partial break off or break the whole crowns sick tooth.

The reasons

The gingival region has its own characteristics. On the one hand, plaque is collected here quite quickly, on the other hand, it is possible to operate with a toothbrush in this area without the risk of injury. soft tissues, difficult.

That is why plaque containing cariogenic microorganisms most often remains in the region of the neck of the tooth, and in large quantities.

The thickness of the enamel in this area is very small - 0.1mm. For comparison, we note that the same parameter in the region of the cusps of the tooth is 1.7mm, and the fissure is of order 0.6 mm.

It is obvious that what thinner layer enamel, the easier it is to damage it with a hard brush or abrasive pastes, the worse the enamel protects the tooth from exposure pathogenic bacteria living in the oral cavity.

This also partly explains the fact that cervical caries is predominantly a human disease. middle and more senior age.

We note a few more factors that contribute to the development of carious processes in the cervical region:

  • leftover food, crammed into peculiar pockets that form between the gum and the tooth. When they decompose, lactic acid is released, which demineralizes tooth enamel;
  • predilection for sour products;
  • abuse of food containing easily fermentable carbohydrates in particular sucrose. During the fermentation process, organic acids that "corrode" the enamel;
  • flaw some vitamins causing beriberi, for example, vitamin B 1;
  • medicines that increase the porosity of the enamel;
  • endocrine dysfunctions(cervical caries with endocrine diseases affects several teeth at the same time);
  • pregnancy.


It is extremely difficult to determine for yourself what the cause of the pain is or what the defects found in the cervical area are associated with. Dentists are well aware that spots, strokes, deformations localized in this area are characteristic of various pathologies:

  • most cervical caries;
  • diseases of non-carious origin, for example, wedge-shaped defect, fluorosis and another;
  • different options pigmented plaque, including the well-known "smoker's plaque".

Equipment for X-ray diagnostics

Therefore, when examining a patient, the dentist is not limited clinical diagnosis, but also resorts to other research methods. In particular, they use:

  • method spot staining, say, 2% solution of methylene blue;
  • radiography;
  • EOM;
  • radiovisiographic survey;
  • transillumination etc.

It is extremely important to correctly determine the diagnosis, because the choice of treatment tactics depends on this.

We must not forget that quite often under the cervical carious process in the initial stage can disguise various defects of deeper layers, or one of the most common complications of caries - pulp inflammation and periodontitis.


All types of caries have a similar method of treatment, which is selected in accordance with the stage of the disease. Nevertheless, cervical - has one feature: the treatment is carried out under the influence of an anesthetic.

The neck of the tooth is an extremely sensitive area, and any impact on it can be accompanied by severe pain.

Treatment at the initial stage

At the stain stage, while the surface enamel layer is not yet damaged, it is possible to carry out conservative treatment- remineralizing therapy. It provides:

  • surface cleaning teeth from stone and plaque;
  • application from fluorine-containing compounds or the application of special gels.

The use of drugs such as Gluftored, Belagel F or Ca / P, Fluoroden and others allows for several sessions to achieve complete regeneration of the outer layer of enamel and stop the development of caries.

In parallel, the patient is prescribed appropriate drugs and hygiene products for home use:

  • conditioners containing fluorides;
  • dental paste with fluoride(concentration: 1000 - 1500 ppm);
  • flosses containing fluorine;
  • fluoridated water and salt, etc.

Treatment at the superficial stage

Here it is necessary grinding carious area to remove the affected tissue. After that, you can carry out remineralizing therapy.

Treatment in the last stages

At the stage of medium caries delete damaged tissue , carry out the treatment of the cavity with appropriate preparations and install a seal.

The most difficult is the case of deep caries. The doctor has to additionally remove the pulp purify root canals and seal.

Most often, the carious cavity is clearly visible, and the doctor has a convenient approach to it. However mechanical restoration the area located on the gingival area delivers a mass problems, because the:

  • cavity of this defect inconveniently located for filling (in addition subgingival caries can further exacerbate the problem);
  • working field not protected from moisture;
  • same way gets blood flowing down from the edge of the injured gum.

How is it performed surgery? Let's list main stages of the process:

  • Anesthesia(anesthesia). Due to the proximity of the defect to the gum, any manipulation of the dentist can be very painful.
  • cleansing the affected tooth from deposits on its surface. The aim of the procedure is to reduce the infection load. At this stage, the dentist determines the color of the filling.
  • preparation for excision of darkened and affected tissues.
  • cavity formation considering the material of the permanent filling.
  • Treatment cavity formed by the adhesive. It promotes adhesion of the filling to the surface of the tooth.
  • filling. The material is introduced into the cavity in layers, acting on each with a photopolymerization lamp.
  • Filling correction. By grinding and polishing the filling, the tooth is given its natural shape.

Running stage

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the carious process at the stain stage can quickly develop into a surface defect. Further, the disease, as a rule, progresses according to the following scenario:

  • enamel and dentin continue to be actively destroyed, affecting the pulp;
  • caries turns into complicated form;
  • develops pulpitis, periodontitis or other severe consequences.

Thus, if the development of pathology is not stopped in a timely manner, then the diseased tooth is likely to be lost. For example, with periodontitis, it is removed immediately, and pulpitis involves nerve removal, and the “dead” tooth most often serves less.

The localization of the defect also creates conditions for the “spreading” of caries throughout the area around the neck, under the gum, etc. - the carious process eventually covers the diseased tooth round.

Modern filling materials

The formed carious cavity is localized very close to the edge of the gum, so moisture, gum fluid or blood can get into the working field.

Installing a quality seal in such conditions is quite difficult. Only the high qualification of the attending physician is not enough here, it is also important choose the right filling material.

Experienced dentists use for such cases glass ionomer cements. They are more resistant to moisture than composite materials light curing. Although the latter, of course, more aesthetically pleasing.

JRC VITREMER are distinguished by excellent characteristics: triple curing, increased strength and a wide range colors. In terms of aesthetics, such a filling is in no way inferior to a composite one.

Innovative technologies have made it possible to create especially efficient hybrid GICs, in which composite materials fit together with glass ionomer cements.

It can be said that new material took them in best qualities. A hybrid filling is securely fixed and does not fall out much longer, it is durable and aesthetic.

Hybrid glass ionomer cement VITREMER with a triple curing mechanism


The cost of treatment depends on various factors, including the price of the materials used, the status of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor. The table below shows an example of calculating the amount of treatment:

Treatment of teeth with affected canals will cost more - only x-rays, cleaning, filling a 3-channel tooth costs an average of 2000 rubles.

Treatment at home

Many people are worried, is it possible to treat this caries at home? Yes, maybe, but only in stain stage. However, self-diagnosis is very risky. It is better to first consult a dentist - he will assess the degree of damage and give appropriate recommendations.

Usually home treatment involves the application gels and pastes containing fluorine and calcium. As a result of these procedures, the enamel is saturated with minerals, and the development of cariogenic bacteria stops. Among the drugs in this series should be noted:

  • President Unique;
  • Fluorodent;
  • Blend-a-med Anticaries and some others.

In addition to gels and pastes, you can use special preparations, for example, Ftorlak or Aikon. Also rinse your mouth aqueous solution sodium fluoride, accept calcium in tablets.

It is also important to brush your teeth. medical paste high content fluoride and calcium. It can be applied to the affected area or applied to the teeth.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk methods can also help with cervical caries. Here are some helpful recipes:

  • sage tincture. 1 tbsp. l. sage pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 60 minutes. Used for rinsing or for lotions on a tooth affected by caries.
  • Onion peel solution. 3 tsp husks are poured with half a liter of water and boiled. The broth is filtered through cheesecloth and allowed to infuse. After 7-8 hours, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction, preferably after eating.
  • lotion from fir oil . A cotton swab dipped in oil is applied for several minutes to the affected area, then to the side walls of the tooth.
  • Calamus tincture. Half a glass of crushed calamus rhizomes is poured with vodka (about 0.5 liters) and infused for at least one week. The mouth is rinsed before going to bed for several minutes, then the tincture is spit out.

You can also chew a small piece of calamus root or angelica well, hold it in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit it out.

The effect of the use of folk remedies is only superficial, and only at the initial stage of the disease. They help to reduce pain only for a while.

Be careful, this way you can mask serious changes and not notice that the carious process has already moved from the stain stage to a more complex one. It is important to understand that only a dentist can provide qualified assistance, and the sooner treatment is carried out, the more effective and painless it will be.


Preventing caries is easy. Take good care of your oral hygiene - use only a good brush (not too hard and not too soft) and quality pastes.

Clean interdental spaces with dental floss. Rinse your teeth vigorously between snacks. If possible, use irrigator for the oral cavity - it will provide complete care.

Make regular appointments with your dentist so that he can professionally remove dental deposits, carry out if necessary whitening and remineralizing Events.

Do routines at home every week that restore and regenerate tooth enamel: gum massage, rinsing with decoctions of herbs, applying to teeth special formulations(only on the recommendation of a dentist).

Eat right, use foods that contain calcium, rough and also in moderation solid food, vegetables, fruits and, conversely, strictly limit the consumption of foods that contain easily fermentable carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, etc.).

This type of tooth decay is the result of an existing problem in the body, only after the elimination of which, the progression of caries will stop. For example, it can be hormonal disruptions or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After treatment

Even a completely stopped carious process against an unfavorable background can re-evolve.

Treatment result

Caring for it does not differ much from the regular one, however, a healed tooth requires a more careful attitude:

  • Spend hygiene procedures more carefully and efficiently.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal, as hard-to-reach places often form between the filled and adjacent tooth.
  • If this is not possible, removing food debris will help sugar free chewing gum.
  • Regularly, at least times in half a year visit the dentist.

Patients who have been treated for cervical caries note that such a problem does not come only once. If a white spot has formed near the neck of one tooth, then in the future it will definitely appear on the enamel of neighboring crowns, if the cause of the disease itself is not detected and eliminated.


June 14, 2016 at 04:49 pm

I have had dental problems since a very young age. And each time she postponed the treatment for later. Now I have discovered that I have caries. Moreover, after reading the article, I began to understand how serious it is and what it threatens. So far, as I understand it, I have the initial stage of cervical caries. And in order not to run it, I decided to urgently seek help from specialists and begin treatment.

  • Marina

    June 16, 2016 at 10:35 am

    I have cervical caries of the front upper two teeth, it may have appeared during pregnancy. At first I did not pay attention, but when I saw dark spots, I turned to the dentist. I had a cleaning done and a filling put in. But the filling after a while was erased, and now it is necessary to go to the specialist again. I delayed for a long time, but after reading this article, I decided to take up dental treatment as soon as possible.

  • Radical caries is the most difficult in terms of treatment and dangerous in terms of its complications. This form of the disease develops in the root region. The reason for this type of caries is the anatomical features of this zone.

    The basal part of the enamel and dentin is thinner, due to which the pulp chamber is located very close to the tooth surface. When a carious process occurs, it very quickly spreads to the deeper tissues of the tooth and leads to the development of pulpitis. In addition, plaque accumulates more often in this area of ​​​​the oral cavity. The bacteria in it contribute to the development of the carious process.

    Symptoms of basal caries

    The main sign of the beginning of the process is the appearance pain syndrome. Pain occurs with every touch to the causative tooth, it is very sharp and short-lived. In addition, there is a change in the integrity of the enamel and its darkening. An unpleasant odor from the mouth is also noted.

    Diagnosis of basal caries

    At the initial stage of this disease, diagnosis is difficult. Most often, changes in the enamel are detected during professional teeth cleaning. In later stages, basal caries can be noticed by the patient himself. To do this, it is enough to carefully examine the basal region of the teeth.

    If a dark spot is found, caries can be suspected. In addition, using a toothpick, you can determine the presence of a cavity in the neck of the tooth. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately visit the dentist.

    The latest diagnostic methods can be used in the dental office carious lesions. The teeth are then illuminated with a fluorescent lamp. Affected areas are markedly different from healthy ones.

    Treatment of basal caries

    After the diagnosis is made, the doctor proceeds to treatment. Given the proximity of the nerve and the increased sensitivity in this area, root caries is always treated under anesthesia.

    After anesthesia of the causative tooth, you can proceed to the preparation. The cavity is cleared of softened tissues with maximum preservation of solid ones. In this case, it is recommended to use caries indicators.

    The further procedure depends on the depth of the process. With superficial caries, it is enough to apply a high-quality filling. Medium and deep caries are treated with medicinal and insulating materials.

    In almost all cases, the treatment takes place in one visit. The exception is very deep process when, before placing a filling, make sure that the pulp chamber is not opened.

    In order to prevent the development of basal caries, it is enough to observe oral hygiene. In addition, foods rich in calcium and fluoride should be added to the diet. Eating solid foods and rinsing your mouth after every meal is also recommended. clean water. In addition, it should be remembered that any disease develops with a decrease in immunity, so great attention this type of prevention.

    Specially Bukreeva Olga

    Causes of basal caries

    The cause of cervical caries is the presence in the root zone favorable conditions for bacterial life. These bacteria secrete an acid that leaches calcium from the enamel, making it weak. Through damaged enamel, bacteria enter the internal tissues, the infection spreads further and eventually reaches the pulp - the neurovascular bundle.

    Risk factors

    • misuse toothbrush - the bristles should start moving from the gum to the cutting edge of the crown, and not vice versa (otherwise the plaque in the root zone is not removed);
    • brushing your teeth with a too hard brush that aggressively acts on the enamel and makes it vulnerable to germs;
    • lack of self-cleaning, the cervical part does not participate in the chewing process, which means it does not come into contact with other teeth and is not cleaned naturally- solid parts of food;
    • fillings and crowns that injure the gums and provoke inflammation;
    • gum disease, in which deep periodontal pockets are formed - gaps between the teeth and gums, in which plaque accumulates;
    • root exposure (with periodontitis and periodontal disease);
    • wearing orthodontic appliances, due to which it is not possible to thoroughly clean the teeth in the neck area.


    • The appearance of spots - first white and subtle, then brown, visible to the naked eye;
    • painful reaction to stimuli - temperature (to cold), chemical (sour, sweet) and tactile (touch with hands or brush);
    • sharp pains - involuntary and in response to hot food and drinks.

    If a lesion appears in the cervical region of an already depulped tooth (with a removed nerve), there will be no increased sensitivity and pain. Only spots and complaints about food getting stuck in the affected area.


    visual inspection

    Radical caries in the stage of a white chalky spot can be diagnosed even at home - dry your teeth with a napkin and carefully examine them in the mirror. Yellow-brown spots are visible even without drying, they are also visible to others.

    A visual examination by a dentist includes a mandatory differential diagnosis. To distinguish cervical caries from a wedge-shaped defect, the doctor examines the affected surface with a metal probe. If the enamel is affected by caries, it is softened and the probe will “get stuck” in it. During the study, patients may not experience any discomfort, however, in advanced cases sharp piercing pain is not ruled out.

    Thermal test

    To determine the depth of the lesion, they also resort to a thermal test - the effect on the crown of hot and cold water. The reaction to hot signals that the disease has affected the nerve.


    To understand how deep caries has spread, dentists recommend an X-ray examination. The lesion in the picture will be shown dark color. Such a diagnosis is relevant when the site of damage is hidden under the gum.

    Staining with caries markers

    Cervical caries in the spot stage is distinguished from fluorosis and hypoplasia by the method of using caries markers. Damaged enamel has large pores, and if after rinsing the mouth with methylene blue (magenta or other dyes) it stains, this indicates the presence of a carious process. The method also allows you to identify the boundaries of the lesion.

    Fiber Optic Transillumination

    When the surface of the teeth is “translucent” with bright light, healthy areas look white, and carious ones look dark. For fiberoptic transillumination, doctors use conventional cold glow lamps or ultraviolet light. The method is optimal for the study of anterior teeth.


    In most cases, resort to traditional treatment caries:

    1. Drilling the affected tissues with a drill.
    2. Etching the cavity with a liquid containing acid. Has a disinfecting effect.
    3. Application of an adhesive for secure fixation fillings.
    4. Sealing. The material is applied in layers, repeating the shape of the crown. Each layer is illuminated with a polymerization lamp, in the rays of which the filling mixture hardens.
    5. Grinding and polishing of fillings.

    If the carious defect is hidden under the gum, the doctor will lower its level before starting treatment. For this, retraction is carried out with special threads or surgical detachment gums from the neck of the tooth for the duration of treatment. When the filling is placed, the gum will return to its anatomical position.

    If the microbes have reached the neurovascular bundle and got into the canals, then between the second and third stages, the doctor will perform depulpation - removal of the nerve.

    Treatment with Sandman Futura

    Treatment without a drill

    If the patient turned to the dentist with caries in the stain stage that did not affect the dentin, treatment can be carried out without a drill. To do this, resort to methods such as:

    • Icon - the stain is treated with a special polymer composition that "seals" the diseased area and does not allow microbes to spread to neighboring tissues;
    • ozone therapy - the affected area is sterilized with ozone;
    • laser treatment - non-traumatic removal of damaged tissues with a laser beam.

    Prices for treatment

    • Installing a photopolymer filling costs 2000 rubles.
    • treatment Icon method will cost 800-1300 rubles,
    • ozone therapy - from 1000 rubles,
    • laser treatment - about 2500 rubles.

    Frequently Asked Questions from Patients

    Is it possible to cure folk remedies?

    No. Caries is treated only in dentistry. Homemade rinses (a solution of soda and salt, a decoction of sage, etc.) will help relieve pain for a short time, but will not solve the problem.

    What to do during pregnancy?

    If the damage to the enamel is significant, treatment cannot be postponed. If possible, therapy is preferably carried out during the second trimester.


    The basis of prevention is meticulous oral hygiene and regular check-ups at the dentist once every six months.

    At home:

    • brush and paste your teeth at least twice a day, and ideally after every meal;
    • every time after eating, use floss or brushes to clean the interdental spaces;
    • use anti-caries rinses with aminofluoride or sodium fluoride (fluorine concentration 250 ppm).

    Pastes with calcium (R.O.C.S., President Unique, Splat "Biocalcium", etc.) and fluorine (El-ce med Total Care, President Classic, Splat Arktikum, etc.). They should be alternated with each other.

    You can also protect crowns with the help of remineralization - the saturation of enamel with the minerals it needs for strength and resistance. Namely - calcium and fluorine. This procedure is carried out in dentistry: the doctor covers the surface of the crowns with varnishes and gels containing active calcium and fluorine ions.

    Read more about remineralization on our website.

    Causes of root caries

    Even if a person is very scrupulous about his health and brushes his teeth correctly and thoroughly, without missing a single cleaning, at home you can never completely get rid of plaque, which eventually turns into tartar. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly and carry out professional cleaning oral cavity.

    Cervical caries is formed due to the fact that microorganisms actively proliferate in the mouth, which are responsible for processing food residues into acids of organic origin, which wash out calcium from tooth enamel and contribute to the formation of caries, destroying it . Before thinking about how to treat root caries, it is worth learning a little about the factors that contribute to its development. It could be:

    • Too frequent and large quantities of sweets.
    • Improper and insufficient care of the oral cavity.
    • Physiology of the tooth, too thin enamel by nature.
    • Use of poor quality water for drinking.
    • Wrong metabolism.

    Of all types of caries, radical is the most dangerous, as it destroys the teeth, their roots and canals, this phenomenon is especially often observed in elderly patients and leads to tooth loss. Patients often have questions about what cervical caries is, how to treat it and the causes of its occurrence, how it looks in the photo. Let's consider all these points in more detail.

    How to treat root caries

    The disease itself has several stages of development, each of them has its own symptoms and treatment procedures. The stages of the development of the disease can be as follows:

    • spot stage, characterized by no pain, a chalky spot on the tooth, no response to hot, sweet, sour, cold, or salty food. The treatment procedure at this stage of the disease is quite simple and painless. The dentist conducts remineralization of tooth enamel using preparations with fluorine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.
    • At the second stage diseases, there is superficial caries, which contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel, dark spot, pain when eating sweet, hot, sour, salty, cold. Treatment consists in the preparation and filling of the affected area.
    • Medium caries characterized by softening of the dentin, the growth of caries and increased pain when eating and drinking different temperatures and palatability. The dentist removes part of the overhanging enamel and part of the softened dentin and seals.
    • deep caries is the last stage of the disease, leading to depulpation and removal of tissues affected by caries; in some cases, tooth filling is possible. Deep caries is characterized by severe pain when eating food and drinks that differ in temperature and taste, a large area affected by caries, destruction of tooth tissues.

    Means for the treatment of cervical caries of folk origin

    Even at the initial stage, the patient is advised to seek medical help, but some people do not do this and look for answers to questions on their own, what is basal caries, what is its treatment, the reasons, how it looks in the photo. What to do and how to treat it with folk remedies, consider below:

    • Melissa infusion prepared by using four tablespoons of herbs soaked in boiling water and infused for an hour. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product after eating.
    • Infusion of sage prepared from three tablespoons of leaves filled with boiling water and infused for thirty minutes. Ready tool rinse the mouth.
    • Onion compress. Onion crushed to a mushy state and wrapped in gauze, then applied to the sore spot.
    • A decoction of valerian prepared from 20-30 g of chopped root boiled for ten minutes, then the product is filtered and cooled, then they can rinse the mouth.
    • Garlic, a small incision is made in a vegetable slice, and it is applied to the diseased tooth.
    • Salt in the amount of three tablespoons dissolves in a glass of warm water, then rinse the mouth with it.
    • Vegetable oil in the amount of one spoon, they are taken into the mouth and kept near the sore spot for a couple of minutes.
    • Compress from camphor oil is done with a piece of cotton soaked in it and applied to the aching tooth.

    But using folk remedies, it is worth remembering that they will not be able to provide proper treatment for cervical caries, as they can only temporarily drown out the pain, but not cure the disease itself. It should also be remembered that in the absence of treatment, caries will easily spread to other teeth.

    Prevention of basal caries

    To avoid treatment and pain in the event of cervical caries, it is worth following some measures for its prevention:

    • Gentle and thorough oral care with suitable toothpastes and brushes recommended by the dentist. Use mouthwash, floss and tooth powder.
    • Provide proper nutrition and a varied diet, eat foods containing calcium, vitamins, phosphorus and other equally important micro and macro elements.
    • Visit the dentist a couple of times a year.
    • Do not expose the tooth enamel to injuries, that is, do not gnaw nuts, seeds, or other foreign objects.
    • Rinse your mouth several times a week with herbal decoctions.
    • Eat solid foods, such as fresh cabbage, apples, pears, carrots.
    • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

    In the treatment of basal caries, the main thing is not to start it until the last stage. It is necessary to contact the dentist in time, seeing a tiny, barely noticeable spot on the tooth, and not wait until caries absorbs a fairly large area and begins to accompany with a feeling of discomfort and pain. It is known that caries is not a disease that will go away on its own or with treatment with traditional medicine, and if you have to visit a doctor anyway, then there is nothing to wait for more of its more neglected condition. In which the treatment will be much longer, more painful and more expensive.

    More about the disease

    Radical caries occurs near the root of the tooth, under the gum. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked until the advent of severe pain, and due to the fact that the thickness of the dentin is less at the roots, the destruction penetrates the pulp faster and passes into a more severe stage.

    Due to being hurt a large number of canals, the tooth often cannot be saved.

    Such caries can be located on the gingival parts or on the entire root zone, sometimes it is called circular.

    It is somewhat problematic to treat it, because the carious cavity appears immediately on the roots. Because of this, cases of tooth extraction are very common.

    The main causes of this type of caries are poor hygiene oral cavity and an abundance of bacteria in the root of the tooth.

    The first reason is untimely and poor-quality brushing of teeth, as a result of which plaque accumulates and tartar forms.

    As for the second, bacteria play the role here, which fall under the base of the tooth. Gradually they develop there and stretch minerals from enamel, which begins to gradually collapse.

    Sometimes the process of mineralization outweighs the leaching of vitamins, and sometimes demineralization is stronger. In this case, the destruction of the tooth occurs much faster, then you need to urgently carry out treatment.

    Another reason may be malnutrition when a person eats only pasta and does not get enough nutrients.

    Because of this, the enamel is not saturated with vitamins, as a result of which it becomes more vulnerable to bacteria.

    Like any caries, this disease has several stages - initial (when a stain appears on the enamel), superficial, medium and deep.

    The first sign of a carious cavity is a light or dark spot on the enamel. Then it becomes porous and can be easily stained with food coloring. This is the surface stage.

    After this, the middle stage begins, in which the teeth begin to react to temperature changes, alkalis and acids.

    Most people pay attention to this and quite by accident get to the dentist. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a very quick treatment.

    At this stage, the tooth can still be saved, but the risk of extraction is still very high.

    Then the carious cavity penetrates deeper and deeper, if timely treatment is not carried out on middle stage then it might be too late.

    If you start this type of caries, then the tooth can be removed, and the destruction can affect other teeth. Moreover, even if you start treating the disease on time, it still does not guarantee the complete safety of the tooth.

    In some cases, caries can be caused by diabetes and thyroid disorders.

    Then the treatment is carried out by a dentist and another doctor (depending on other problems in the body) in combination.

    How is the therapy carried out?

    The treatment of root caries is not much different from the treatment of caries of another type. The most difficult thing here is the inaccessibility of the location.

    If caries is in the initial or middle stage (stain or porosity), then the treatment can be quick and painless, you do not have to do anesthesia.

    When caries is at the initial stage, the dentist performs a professional cleaning of the teeth, removes plaque and tartar, and, if necessary, varnishes the enamel.

    After such therapy, special remineralization gels containing fluorine and calcium may be prescribed.

    When the disease is treated in the early stages, the integrity of the enamel can be restored in a few months.

    If root caries has penetrated deep into the tooth and hit the dentin, then anesthesia is used, because it will be necessary to drill and see how far the carious cavity has gone.

    A tooth may look healthy on the outside but be completely destroyed on the inside. Treatment in such cases is very painful and involves the use of painkillers.

    If the tooth can still be saved, then the root necrosis is artificially caused, the canals are cleaned, treated and a crown or filling is applied. In such cases, arsenic is sometimes used.

    However, even after treatment, the carious cavity may reappear very soon, so you need to carefully monitor oral hygiene.

    Treatment takes place in several stages. First, anesthesia is applied so that the patient feels less discomfort. Then comes the preparation of the tooth: cleaning from plaque and calculus.

    The main treatment is to remove dead tissue and root canals. After that, a filling or crown is applied.

    If filling is done, then the material is poured carefully, layer by layer. The filling is then polished and ground. To make a crown, the tooth must have at least one root.

    However, after therapy, you do not need to relax much. At home, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis for the entire oral cavity in order to completely eliminate the causes of the disease and not have to treat caries again.

    Prevention of caries

    To avoid the need for a long and painful treatment, you need to carefully monitor the oral cavity and the condition of the teeth.

    It is necessary to brush your teeth regularly, use rinses and floss.

    If a person has already had such caries, then it is advisable to purchase an irrigator to clean hard-to-reach places. It must be remembered that it is necessary to clean the cheeks, tongue and gums, and not just the teeth.

    In addition, you need to choose the right toothpaste. If the enamel is very sensitive, then you need to choose a product with a low content of chemicals, without fluoride.

    But at the same time, it must be remembered that once a week it is still necessary to brush your teeth with a fluoride-containing paste so that the tooth is saturated with minerals.

    In addition, you need to pay attention to the gums. It is recommended to occasionally massage the gums and thoroughly clean the soft tissues in the morning and evening.

    Still need to pay attention to the brush. It happens that it is too hard - this causes irritation of the gum tissue, which can lead to periodontal disease.

    In addition, in inflamed gums, bacteria start up faster and cavities form. It is better to get a brush with soft bristles.

    In addition, it is necessary that the bristles are artificial, because natural ones are made from pig wool, and in it with more likely bacteria will start.

    In addition, you need to add more cottage cheese and dairy products to the diet, because they contain calcium, which is very important for enamel. Can be bought vitamin complexes, which contains all useful material for teeth.

    It is also important that there is more solid food in the diet, because it tones the gums and teeth.

    Biting off pieces speeds up metabolic processes, and oral cavity becomes healthier. Therefore, you need to eat raw fruit and whole vegetables.

    In addition, you need to check with a dentist every six months, especially if you have already had root caries.

    It is also advisable to go for professional cleaning at least once every 3-4 months, because home cleaning is not very effective.

    All this is desirable to do in a complex, then there is a chance that the disease will not start again.

    Teeth in danger

    The causes of root caries are similar to the factors that provoke the development of other dental pathologies. The main reasons include:

    • lack of oral hygiene;
    • frequent eating of confectionery;
    • disturbed metabolic processes;
    • drinking low-quality water;
    • malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

    Call to action

    An alarm bell, indicating that a person develops basal caries, is the darkening of the enamel and the manifestation of a specific spot white color. Over time, it changes its shade and penetrates deeper and deeper.

    Pathology is developing rapidly. When untimely treatment there is a risk of losing a tooth affected by caries.

    Specific features

    The symptoms of root caries include the following manifestations:

    1. Pain (character is sharp, short-term), which occurs both when eating, and during even light touches on the tooth.
    2. A noticeable darkening of the enamel, a change in its integrity.
    3. The appearance of a specific "hollow" in the tooth.


    The question of how to treat basal caries can only be answered by a qualified dentist. Seek help as soon as you notice symptoms. The sooner a person turns to a doctor, the more guarantees that the procedure will be painless and the tooth will remain intact.

    The clinical picture of radical caries is as follows:

    • a white spot is formed;
    • superficial tissues become inflamed;
    • moderate caries progresses;
    • dentin is deeply affected.

    The first stage is often asymptomatic. Only with a thorough examination of the teeth, you can notice some changes in the basal area of ​​​​enamel: transforming into a matte, it loses its luster.

    Of all types of inflammation, the most dangerous are deep and medium. A person suffers from unbearable pain and risks losing the affected tooth.

    How to recognize the enemy "by sight"?

    On the eternal question, "what to do", can only be answered after a correct diagnosis has been established.

    The insidiousness of dental pathology lies in the fact that at the most easily curable, initial stage, it is quite difficult to diagnose it. In most cases, specific changes in tooth enamel are found during a dental procedure.«>

    In order to establish a diagnosis, a qualified dentist uses:

    1. Fluorescence (teeth are illuminated by ultraviolet flux).
    2. Radiography.
    3. Laser equipment that allows you to determine the degree of density of the enamel of the affected tooth.
    4. Staining (relevant for diagnosing a carious process on a wisdom tooth).

    After detecting the degree of pathology, the doctor will be able to correctly answer the question of how to treat radical caries.

    Most serious complication disease is pulpitis.


    Treatment of basal caries has no fundamental differences from the elimination of other carious pathologies.

    Treatment at the first stage

    If the patient is lucky to detect the disease at the very first stage, then the question of what to do in order to get rid of it as soon as possible unpleasant symptoms, not only a dentist can answer, but also an endocrinologist. This is true if the pathology is rapidly spreading to neighboring teeth.

    Treatment of basal caries at an early stage involves remineralization. This procedure is carried out under the influence of painkillers, as well as phosphorus and calcium-containing drugs.

    Treatment of progressive disease

    In the case of the rapid progression of the disease, when the destruction of the dentin occurs, the use of means conservative therapy. Most often, the doctor decides on filling problematic tooth. After liquidation pathological formations surface is restored with filling materials. If the doctor diagnoses too deep defeat, then the filling of the tooth occurs after the removal of the pulp and the thorough cleaning of the dental canal.

    Preventive actions

    This type of carious pathology does not imply any special preventive measures.

    It is important to remember about the correct care of the oral cavity and the obligatory, thorough treatment of the gums. Nutrition should be correct, balanced. lean on confectionery and alcoholic drinks should not, but eat large quantities of juicy fresh fruits the patient needs.

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