Tablets for the pain of the frontal part of the head. Headache in the frontal part: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Severe pain in the frontal part of the head

Pain in the frontal part of the head was felt by every person at least once in a lifetime. I must say that this feeling cannot be called pleasant. Naturally, there are many reasons for the appearance of such a pathology localized in the frontal region, so it should be thoroughly understood here. In addition, headache in the frontal region has a different intensity and duration.

Reasons for the development of a pathological condition

In order to prescribe an effective treatment, the doctor must determine the causes that provoked it. So, we can name such factors that contribute to the appearance of a headache in the frontal part of the head:

  • Excessively. In this case, the pain syndrome is caused by jumps in blood pressure. In addition to the fact that the headache covers the frontal region, there is also a feeling of pressure in the eyes. The headache can be quite severe.

  • Stress, physical overwork, psychological or emotional stress. Despite the fact that the main localization of the headache here is, it can spread to the forehead and temples. In this state, a person may feel nausea, dizziness. The pain in this case is monotonous, it presses on the frontal part of the head. This reason for the development of a pathological condition is the most common, since a modern person does not know how to rationally distribute the time of work and rest.
  • Sinusitis. In addition to the pain syndrome, the patient has a feeling of nasal congestion, smell disorders, purulent discharge from the sinuses appears. , frontal part of the head. The patient may also experience chills and fever. In addition, constant, dull.

The neurologist, Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling, tells about this reason:

  • Infectious diseases. This reason is also quite common.
  • Migraine. Here discomfort is felt in the forehead. However, with migraine, it affects more often one half of the head. The headache is very severe. If you do not seek medical help in time, the disease will provoke serious complications. This reason is also quite common.
  • The use of a large number of nutritional supplements or malnutrition.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses. The headache is sharp, paroxysmal.
  • Poisoning. Moreover, it can be household (food, chemicals) or industrial. A common cause of a headache in the frontal part of the head is the excessive use of medications.
  • Frontit. The presented pathology causes discomfort in the forehead area. Moreover, the maximum intensity of symptoms manifests itself in the morning.
  • encephalitis, meningitis. These diseases provoke inflammatory processes affecting the membranes of the brain. In addition to the pain syndrome, these diseases are also characterized by other symptoms: loss of consciousness, neurological signs, headache spreads to the eye area. Treatment of these infectious diseases is a must!

  • Pathologies of the nervous system (inflammation of the nerve endings).
  • Head injury, and any part of it.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which are accompanied by jumps in blood pressure.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the pathological condition is caused by the fact that the overgrown bone tissue presses on the nerve roots and blood vessels. If therapeutic measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the functionality of the brain deteriorates significantly.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • Vegetative disorders in the forehead.

These reasons are not the only ones, but they provoke the development of a pathological condition most often.

Features of diagnostics

In order for the treatment not to harm even more, it is necessary to find out exactly why the discomfort is felt in the frontal part of the head. To do this, you should undergo a thorough examination, in which the following procedures are applied:

  1. Radiography.
  2. MRI and CT.
  3. Dopplerography (examination of the blood vessels of the brain and cervical spine).

Dopplerography allows you to assess the state of the vessels of the neck and brain with any neurological symptoms

  1. Electroencephalography.
  2. Angiography.
  3. Laboratory tests of blood and urine.

In addition, it is necessary to appear to such specialists: a neurologist, a therapist, a cardiologist, an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist. If the patient has recently been injured, then you need to additionally consult with a traumatologist.

Frontal headache treatment

If it became known why, treatment can begin. It provides for the following measures:

  • If a person has tension pain, then it needs to be stopped with the help of analgesics, and then try to relax.
  • To stimulate the brain, you can use methylxanthines: "Guaranine", "Theobromine".
  • In the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, it is necessary to use NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Paracetamol.

  • To improve blood circulation in the brain, you can use ergotamine preparations: "Ergometrine". However, they are not sold without a prescription, as they have a large number of side effects.
  • To eliminate muscle spasm, you can use tools such as "", "Spazmolgon".
  • Vasodilation can be achieved with the help of beta-blockers: "Atenolol".

Treatment with medications should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. In addition, self-administration of pills can only eliminate the symptom, not the cause.

You can also use non-traditional methods of therapy: hirudotherapy, reflexology, massage, manual therapy, acupuncture. Whatever method of treatment is chosen, it should be performed by an experienced specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

For the treatment of pain that is localized in the frontal region, not only pharmaceutical drugs can be used. Great help and. The following recipes will be useful:

  1. Ointment based on essential oils of geranium, lavender, grapefruit and mint. With this remedy, you need to rub the place where the pain is localized.
  2. Chamomile decoction. It should be taken orally 1/3 cup before meals.
  3. If the cause of the pathological condition is not colds, then it can be eliminated with a cold compress. Although in some cases it can cause vasospasm.

You will find more recipes for folk treatment if you watch the video:

  1. An infusion made from lilac flowers, cornflower, and thyme herb will help eliminate discomfort. You need to drink it three times a day.
  2. Clay applications. It is enough to put them on the place where discomfort is concentrated for 15-20 minutes.
  3. You can eat 2 teaspoons of honey 30 minutes before meals. Your health will improve soon.

It is better to check any folk remedy first, because herbs may contain natural allergens. In addition, it is better not to mix several decoctions or infusions.

If the front of a person’s head hurts, it is very difficult for him to concentrate, work and even rest. Naturally, this condition must be treated. However, it can be warned. The following tips will help with this:

  • You need to drink enough liquid: plain water, fruit drinks, fresh juices, compotes.
  • It is better to stop smoking, significantly limit the amount of alcoholic beverages taken.
  • Sleep must be complete. That is, in the evening it is not worth tiring the mind much. In addition, the normal duration of a night's sleep is 8 hours. More or less than this time to sleep is not recommended.

  • The diet is also important, which should be enriched with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements.
  • Fresh air is the main rule of successful prevention.
  • Timely treatment of infectious, viral or somatic diseases will help to avoid various complications.
  • You need to try not to get into stressful situations or develop emotional and psychological resistance to them.

Timely treatment, as well as prevention, will avoid serious complications that can be provoked by a headache in the frontal part of the head.

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Headache in the forehead torments not only those who accidentally hit and earned themselves a "bump". Problems in the frontal part arise due to serious causes, such as infectious diseases, tumors, migraines. However, one should always hope for the best, the pain should pass soon if its cause lies in the usual overwork.

Factors that provoke frontal pain

For better or worse, but unlike other lobes of the skull, in which, if a headache occurs, you don’t know who to turn to, pain in the frontal part has only four groups of stimuli. By the method of elimination, starting from this, it is possible to determine the causes of the onset of the disease in the forehead:

Vascular diseases

A large part of the blood supply system is located on such a large area. Therefore, in 60% of headaches in the forehead are provoked by problems associated with vascular diseases. These include:

  • Migraines due to neuritis, arteritis, etc.
  • Infectious diseases and inflammation of the vessels.
  • Stroke pain and ischemic vascular disease.
  • Rupture of a vein or artery.

Accompanying pain symptoms in the frontal part are vegetative abnormalities: vomiting, nausea, pallor, weakness. The nature of the pain is described in two ways - sometimes it manifests itself in a stable, aching way, sometimes it pulsates in the forehead.

It is not surprising that with such strong deviations in the body, a person loses his ability to work, up to the acquisition of disability. It is difficult for him to concentrate, the brain located in the frontal part, it is almost impossible to return to normal work. Often there is paresis or paralysis, problems with the speech apparatus. Finally, a headache in the forehead provokes an increase in intracranial pressure and fluid accumulation. So sometimes surgery is required.

Viral and infectious diseases

The next group belongs to those very dangerous causes that we discover too late to cure with ordinary aspirin. These are viruses and bacteria that spread through the blood throughout the body. According to statistics, SARS is considered the most common viral disease that causes forehead pain, followed by influenza or tonsillitis.

Pain also occurs with sinusitis, tonsillitis, or a rarer form of infection of the maxillary sinuses - frontal sinusitis, which is also distinguished by light intolerance, pain in the eyes and exacerbation of pain in the morning.

Since the entire space of the face and frontal part is infected, there is pressure and severe pain, while any movement, even the movement of the eyes, can provoke a new push.

The abuse of antibiotics and drugs of some groups in the treatment of sinusitis also leads to headaches. Therefore, the treatment should be combined, include washing and warming up, and in no case should the dosage of drugs be increased without the knowledge of the doctor.

Muscle and osteochondrosis pains

The cervical spine is often affected by a disease such as osteochondrosis. It occurs as a result of prolonged deformation and being in the wrong position of the head and neck. For example, during office work. As a result, a headache can appear in any part of the head, including the forehead.

No less common are situations when an employee, schoolchild, student experiences constant stress and stress, the body, as it were, puts on a protective shell and squeezes the muscles. There is an overstrain, which is characterized by pain in the collarbone, neck, and last but not least the head in the frontal part.

Gamers and computer scientists often suffer from pain precisely because of overexertion.

On the other hand, pain can also occur due to a shock, a nervous breakdown, or prolonged brain function. Remember in childhood we often heard “you will think a lot - your head will hurt”. Indeed, there is a connection in this. Pain from mental stress differs in a girdle character, it also radiates to the temples and does not recede quickly. Some describe it as an iron hoop that binds the skull. From here those types of migraines develop, which are not hereditary.

Traumatic nature of pain

Of course, the same “bump” that we stuff on the forehead, as on the most protruding frontal part of the skull, provokes pain. And this is at best a bruise and swelling, which disappear in a couple of days. But there are also serious injuries that create ruptures of nerve tissue and internal bleeding. In this case, the doctor sends for examination with a detailed X-ray and MRI and makes a diagnosis up to a concussion, which must be treated accordingly.

There are also causes of headache disease that are not associated with any of the listed groups. As the most surprising of them, let's call nutritional supplements. Few people know what he actually eats, forehead pains and nausea suddenly appear, and we have to “dig out” the truth. So read and remember - substances that can cause pain in the head and especially in the frontal part:

  • Monosodium glutamate - often added as a preservative to raw foods, especially dangerous in sushi.
  • Nitrates are common in fresh vegetables and fruits as additives that "increase" growth and volume.
  • Histamine is abundant in alcohol, especially in beer and red wine. In small amounts, histamine is even useful, but it is important to know the measure.
  • Tyramine is also needed in small doses and is found in chocolate, nuts, and some cheese varieties.
  • Caffeine is a mental stimulant and antioxidant. But you can not drink more than a cup of coffee or green tea per day. Caffeine is found in Coca-Cola and many energy drinks.

How to treat forehead pain

The most common question that interests us is how to get rid of these unpleasant sensations in the forehead, because you need to somehow live on and concentrate on work. If the old methods - a cold compress and a glass of cognac, which saved Pushkin's characters, do not help, then the cause needs to be eliminated more seriously.

So, if you passed a blood test or underwent another kind of examination, and the doctor diagnosed the presence of a viral disease, you need to get rid of the pathogens. Pain in the frontal part, as an accompanying symptom, passes by itself as soon as the pus is removed from the sinuses or ARVI passes, etc. Aspirin and paracetamol, drugs that reduce fever and inflammation in the body, are used to slightly alleviate the symptoms.

In case of traumatic pain, discomfort in the forehead due to osteochondrosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of rehabilitation exercises and massage. Also, massaging the shoulder girdle and acupressure of the frontal part will help remove muscle pain, stress and overexertion pain. Massage may involve the use of analgesic ointments or balms based on essential oils.

Oils such as mint, lemon balm, grapefruit, geranium, lavender are known for their miraculous properties - they relax and relieve pain, increase the state of tone in the body.

Do not be surprised, but sometimes the way to cure lies in the simplest - rest. If stressful pains and migraines interfere with doing work, rather than doing it poorly, take a vacation for a couple of weeks and don’t do it at all. Completely give up worries and bad thoughts, “retreat to the fullest” and, most importantly, get enough sleep. By the way, a person needs to sleep no more than 6-7 hours a day, the rest of the time also adversely affects the body. And if the head hurts from lack of sleep, then from “oversleeping” it will hurt no less.

The most important advice that we will leave in the end - do not self-medicate. You do not need to make yourself the most terrible diagnosis of all agreed and run to the pharmacy for potent drugs. It is better to consult a doctor and start treatment with the most gentle measures. Then there is a chance that the pain will go away once and for all, leaving no bad consequences.

Pain in the frontal part of the head occurs in many people. For someone it is intense, cutting, for someone it is pulsating or pressing. Different symptoms point to completely different causes. Unfortunately, painkillers help for a short period of time. And the person is again tormented by headaches in the frontal part, the causes of which can be anything. Therefore, it is necessary to begin treatment precisely with finding out the causes of headaches in the frontal part. It is impossible to do this without the help of a specialist. Therefore, you still have to visit the clinic.

Why does my head hurt in the frontal part every day

Doctors have done a lot of research on why there are headaches in the frontal part. The reasons identified as a result of such studies were 9 main factors, which we will consider in more detail. It is easier to fight the disease when the nature of the headache in the frontal part is revealed.

Reasons for such pain:

  1. Viruses and infections. Pain in the frontal part of the head occurs with a cold, flu, acute respiratory infections, SARS. It is a headache that is a sign that intoxication of the body has occurred. First, the head hurts in the forehead, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, the back of the head, then it goes to the eyes, after a while other symptoms of a viral disease are added. The most dangerous are encephalitis, meningitis. Pain localized in the forehead area may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, a number of neurological signs. In such cases, mandatory complex therapy is required.
  2. Food. Eating semi-finished products, fast food, sausages, we often poison our body ourselves. It is because of the additives contained in such products that pain in the head can appear. Those who want to save their body should exclude dangerous foods from the diet.
  3. household poisoning. Toxic poisoning happens to many people. There are so many low-quality products on the market today, made with the addition of hazardous toxic substances, that many do not notice how they become victims of the modern chemical industry.
    We all furnish apartments with furniture, buy carpets and household appliances, not realizing that they can provoke a headache. After all, even children's toys are not environmentally friendly. If you want to understand what caused the pain, remember what you bought recently.
  4. Diseases of the ENT organs. This refers to sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, which, as a rule, are accompanied by severe headaches in the frontal part.
    The most severe pain with frontal sinusitis usually occurs in the morning. With sinusitis, the pain syndrome affects the temporal region, but there are also unpleasant sensations in the forehead area. Ethmoiditis is characterized by an inflammatory process in the ethmoid sinuses, which are located behind the nose, but in some cases there is pain in the frontal part. It is periodic.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. When blood pressure rises or falls significantly, pain often occurs in the head. Discomfort may be present in the temples, forehead, neck. Similar symptoms can also occur with a change in intracranial pressure: with an increase, the pain becomes bursting, with a decrease, it becomes squeezing.
  6. Diseases of the nervous system. Experience shows that cluster, beam pain is a fairly common phenomenon. Pain in the frontal part of the head is accompanied by a sharp pulsating discomfort, redness of the eyes, and lacrimation. Such pains appear sharply, and just as suddenly they disappear. Unbearable pain deprives a person of sleep. What causes such pain? The reason may be an addiction in the form of smoking, excessive passion for alcoholic beverages, a sharp change in the climatic zone.
    With neuralgia of the ternary, optic nerve, pain is stabbing in nature. It can be so sharp, shooting, that it is difficult for a person to do any business.
    No less common ailment is migraine, which affects every tenth inhabitant of the planet. Pain begins in the temporal region, after a while it passes to the eyes, forehead, nape. In addition, there is dizziness, nausea, weakness, noise in the ears.
  7. Head injury. Headaches in the frontal part can appear with any injury: bruises of the head, concussion. After an unpleasant incident, it is extremely important to monitor the appearance of symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and fainting. Their occurrence is a signal that you need to immediately consult a doctor.
  8. Cervical osteochondrosis. Any pinching or compression of the spinal cord can cause pain in the forehead area. At the same time, a very strong pain appears, pressing, aching, shooting. Additional symptoms of osteochondrosis are incoordination, tingling, goosebumps.
  9. Malignant tumors. Probably, there is no more terrible cause of a headache in the frontal part than a tumor.

Each of these factors deserves detailed study. By seeking help from a doctor, you will quickly cope with a headache in the frontal part. The reasons for it, as you now understand, can be not only overwork, but also a serious, dangerous disease. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a special examination.

If the frontal part of the head hurts a lot

First of all, you need to contact a neurologist if you are worried about pain in your head. The specialist will conduct the necessary diagnostics, identify the causes, prescribe treatment. If there is a head injury, the neuropathologist will examine you and, if necessary, send you for a CT scan, x-ray. In some cases, an MRI is prescribed. The treatment of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis is carried out by an ENT doctor. In these cases, radiography is also required.
CT, MRI, x-ray of the skull, angiography, ECHO-encephalography are prescribed in the presence of pain, which is caused by a change in intracranial pressure. Blood tests are also required. In this case, therapists, cardiologists come to the rescue.

Headache in the frontal part: causes and treatment of pathologies

Many are interested in what to do when the head hurts. Alas, no one can give you a clear, unambiguous answer without identifying the cause of the pain. Each individual case has its own therapy. Only a doctor can prescribe a suitable effective treatment.

In the event that your pain was short-term, did not have a pronounced character, then most likely you were overtired. It is important to observe the regime of the day, to avoid excessive physical exertion, emotional upheaval. In such cases, you can take painkillers that will help you quickly get rid of the pain symptom. When deciding to take another pill, remember that it will not cure your disease, but will only bring temporary relief.

If you suffer from severe headaches in the frontal part

Medicines must not be used uncontrollably. It is not for nothing that they say: we treat one thing, we cripple another. The selection of suitable medicines should be handled only by a specialist. No doctor will prescribe medicines without examination, necessary diagnostics. Be healthy! And don't let headaches in the frontal part bother you!

Almost everyone has experienced pain in the frontal part of the head. It is the most common reason for visiting a therapist. What it is?

A headache of this nature occurs in the forehead, that is, in that part of the body that is located from the eyebrows to the hairline at the top, and is limited to the temples on the sides.

Discomfort is caused by various reasons. It can be inflammation of the sinuses, dental problems, allergies, migraines, stress, etc. When making a diagnosis, doctors take into account the nature of the pain (throbbing, cutting, acute, pressing, long-term or short-term), as well as accompanying symptoms.

Why does the head hurt in the frontal part?

All the reasons why the head hurts in the forehead can be divided into 4 categories:

  • mechanical damage: concussion, fracture of the frontal bone, etc.;
  • diseases provoked by viruses and bacteria: ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, meningitis;
  • pathologies of blood vessels and heart muscle: hypertension or hypotension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, vegetovascular dystonia, malignant tumors, endocrine disruptions;
  • pathologies of the nervous system: neurosis, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia.

What else causes discomfort in the front of the head?

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • encephalitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • malaria;
  • colds, including influenza;
  • poisoning;
  • overwork;
  • hangover after heavy drinking.

Given the large number of probable causes that cause pain in the forehead area, they cannot be ignored and try to drown out with medications. The sooner you contact a specialist, the faster and more effective the treatment will be.

Of the above reasons, the most common are:


It is caused by the use of low-quality food products or contact with harmful, chemical components:

  • food poisoning. Products such as fast food, convenience foods, smoked meats and sausages contain harmful food additives that cause intoxication and cause discomfort. If you want to stay healthy, take care of a balanced and proper diet;
  • domestic poisoning. It occurs as a result of human contact with toxic substances. This can be household chemicals with aggressive components, paint and varnish products, or work in hazardous industries. Even low-quality children's toys can cause pain in the forehead. To understand what caused the discomfort, remember what you have recently bought.

Infections and viral diseases

With viral and infectious diseases, pain can be concentrated in any part of the head. In the forehead area, it occurs due to an increase in body temperature (above 37.2) or intoxication of the body caused by pathological organisms.

Dull pain in the frontal part of the head can be caused by the following diseases:

  • typhus, malaria, influenza - is intense;
  • acute meningitis - very strong, accompanied by vomiting and meningeal syndrome.

With influenza, pain is concentrated in the region of the temples, ear and superciliary arches and manifests itself at the very beginning of the disease, most pronounced when coughing. They are combined with myalgia, general weakness, chills. At high temperatures, fear of light and painful eye movements are characteristic.

Diseases of ENT organs: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis

With sinusitis in a tense sinus, there is a feeling of tension. Nasal discharge, congestion, lack of smell, lacrimation are observed. The pain is diffuse, occurs at the same time, is localized in the frontal part, increases when the head is tilted.

With frontal heaviness in the forehead area occurs mainly in the morning. It is often strong, acquires a neuralgic character. In advanced cases, there is heaviness in the eyes and loss of smell. After the coryza is eliminated, the pain subsides and comes again with difficulty in the outflow of mucus.

Problems with the nervous system

Often, frequent pain in the forehead indicates a dysfunction of the nervous system, in particular:

  • trigeminal neuralgia. This pathology is characterized by acute pain from the side of the nerve lesion. It always occurs spontaneously and lasts for 1-2 minutes. Sometimes it gives to the teeth, ears, eyes, nose, even the index finger may go numb;
  • neuroses. Pain in the forehead is the only symptom and can be associated with prolonged stress, neurasthenia, anxiety, hysteria. Treatment involves taking sedative medications, in severe cases, antidepressants are prescribed.
  • migraine is a chronic pathology of unknown etiology. Attacks occur periodically from 4 to 10 times a month, are characterized by very intense pressure in the temples. Often there are ripples and flies before the eyes, fainting, loss of consciousness. A migraine attack can be recognized by specific signs: a sharp flash of light in front of the eyes and pressure in the temples, gradually developing into acute pain.

Bruises and concussion

Mechanical damage due to bruises and falls can also cause pain in the forehead.
A bruise is an injury to soft tissues, in which there is a sharp pain that passes after a certain period of time. For several days, painful sensations of low intensity are disturbing.

With severe bruises, hematomas can develop, developing into internal inflammation and suppuration. This condition is accompanied by fever and chills, requires immediate treatment.

A concussion is another reason why there is pain in the head. At the same time, it does not subside, it becomes strong, accompanied by dizziness and impaired coordination.

With these diagnoses, it is impossible to undergo treatment at home, since a concussion can lead to serious consequences. If the patient loses consciousness, this indicates damage to the brain tissue.

After a bruise, a fracture of the frontal bone is not excluded. The symptoms of this injury are similar to a concussion, but are also accompanied by severe hematomas, bleeding from the ears, deformity of the frontal bone and the release of cerebrospinal fluid. In a serious condition of the patient, convulsions and prolonged loss of consciousness are observed.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region

With cervical osteochondrosis, the overgrown bone tissue presses on the vessels and nerve endings, causing severe pain, shooting, aching and pressing. Additional symptoms are goosebumps, tingling in the neck, impaired coordination.
If appropriate measures are not taken in time, the functioning of the brain is greatly deteriorating.

Cardiovascular ailments

When low or high blood pressure is accompanied by a headache. Discomfort occurs both in the forehead and the back of the head.

Similar symptoms occur with an increase and a decrease in intracranial pressure. For high ICP, arching pain is characteristic, for low - squeezing.

Pressure fluctuations are caused by changing weather conditions, stress, excessive tension and fatigue.

Malignant tumors

With recurrent pain, the intensity of which increases, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Such discomfort is not excluded in malignant tumors in the brain.

The localization of pain depends on where the formation is located. Depending on the involvement of certain parts of the brain in the pathological process, accompanying symptoms occur:

  • mood swings;
  • visual impairment and servant;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • movement disorders, etc.

Most often, discomfort in the forehead is caused by the following localization of formations:

  • in the frontal lobe;
  • in the sinuses and bridge of the nose (frontal or maxillary);
  • in the frontal bone;
  • in the vessels of the brain;
  • in the pituitary gland;
  • in the cavity of the eye.

Eye diseases

Eye diseases that cause a persistent increase in intraocular pressure often provoke pain in the forehead.

One such disease is glaucoma. It occurs mainly in old age, but it can also be congenital, as well as in adolescence. In this case, it is called hydrophthalmos or dropsy of the eye.

With glaucoma, pain is concentrated in the temples, eyes, there is increased eye fatigue, especially when working at a computer, reading, being in a dimly lit room.


The pain that occurs when overexertion is called tension headache. It starts in the neck, spreads to the back of the head, temples, eyes, cheekbones, affects one or both sides. Often accompanied by nausea, dizziness, tinnitus.

The nature of the pain is squeezing or bursting, monotonous, squeezing.

Types of pain

When the temporal region and forehead hurt, you need to determine the type of discomfort. Based on the nature, duration and intensity of pain, doctors make a diagnosis and decide what to do for treatment.

Permanent (every day)

A constant, disturbing every day, headache not only brings discomfort, but prevents you from living a full life. Today it is not uncommon, so many do not attach much importance to it. Meanwhile, if the head hurts for a long time, this signals serious health problems. Why is this happening?

  • disorders of the central nervous system due to hematomas or brain tumors;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • poisoning by products of the chemical industry;
  • disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the brain due to problems with blood vessels.

Constant and prolonged daily headaches, what does it mean? They are dangerous, as they can indicate meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis, tuberculosis, even syphilis of the nervous system, tumors.

Headache and dizziness can occur in pregnant women. This must be reported to the doctor in order to control the blood pressure of the expectant mother.

Sharp and strong

Occurs suddenly or attacks. With her, a person is not able to do anything until the condition improves.

It often worries with migraines, pressure surges, traumatic brain injuries, infections and viruses, sinusitis. If the discomfort does not go away, but grows, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Sharp and severe pain is often caused by a spasm of cerebral vessels in osteochondrosis of the cervical region or a hypertensive crisis. The most dangerous conditions in which it occurs are intracranial hemorrhage or aneurysm rupture.
It is also not necessary to exclude stress, overwork, the use of harmful foods and certain groups of drugs.

Throbbing headache

The most likely cause of throbbing headaches in the frontal part on the right or left is a migraine. May also occur when:

  • glaucoma, otitis media, pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • sinusitis;
  • violations of the cerebrospinal fluid and venous outflow;
  • various infections.

The degree of danger of throbbing pain in the forehead depends on the intensity of pain and their duration.

Aching with nausea

If the head aches in the forehead area and feels sick, this may indicate:

  • increase or decrease in intracranial pressure;
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • tension headache;
  • development of brain tumors.

Diagnosis of ailments

When pain in the frontal part of the head causes inconvenience, you should consult a doctor. It is better to visit several specialists at once in order to reliably determine the cause:

  • therapist;
  • traumatologist (if there was a recent head injury);
  • neuropathologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;
  • otolaryngologist (ENT).

Diagnosis involves a thorough examination, which includes the following procedures:

  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography (MRI, CT);
  • radiography;
  • dopplerography (examination of the cervical spine and blood vessels);
  • electroencephalography;
  • angiography;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • study of cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment of pathologies

Treatment of pain in the forehead area is individual and is prescribed after establishing the exact cause. Therapy involves the use of such measures:

  • relief with analgesics and home regimen - for pain caused by tension and overwork;
  • stimulation of the brain with methylxanthines;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What to take for cupping:

Name of medication Standard dosage Application period
NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen. Ibuprofen: 200-800 mg per day;

Diclofenac: 50-100 mg;

Naproxen: 500-1000 mg.

Short, no more than 5-7 days.
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) Up to 1000 mg per dose, not more than 3000 mg per day. The interval between doses is at least 4 hours. Maximum 5 days.
Paracetamol 200-500 mg per dose in adults, not more than 1200 mg per day. Not longer than 5 days.
Metamizole sodium 200-500 mg 2-3 times a day, not more than 1000 mg. Suitable for long-term use, but only under medical supervision.
Phenazone 250-500 mg, no more than 3000 per day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Ergotamines are used to improve blood circulation in the brain. They can only be prescribed by a doctor, since the list of side effects is very wide.

To eliminate vasospasm, antispasmodics are recommended, for example, Noshpa, Spasmolgon. Vasodilatation is achieved with the help of beta-blockers.
Drugs should be taken carefully, on the recommendation of the attending physician. It is important to understand that they help to level the symptom - a headache. But they don't fix the cause. How to treat this condition, the doctor must decide.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine also offers recipes to help relieve headaches in the forehead and temples. Here are some folk remedies:

  1. Valerian tincture. Pour boiling water over 20 g of plant roots and leave to burn for half an hour over low heat. Let it brew a little, strain and drink for 3 sets. The duration of admission is a week, after which take a break of several days.
  2. Let brew in chicory juice a few pieces of aloe. Drink 150 ml. It will quickly relieve a migraine attack.
  3. Pour 20 g of cinnamon in half a glass of hot water. After the infusion has cooled, add some sugar. Drink a couple of sips every hour.

Today, homeopathy is popular in the treatment of various diseases, but its effectiveness has not been proven.

Preventive measures

When the front of the head hurts, it is difficult to focus attention, work fully and rest, getting up in the morning turns into flour. Therefore, measures must be taken to avoid discomfort. The following tips will help with this:

  1. Drink more fluids during the day: clean water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes.
  2. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Get enough sleep, do not engage in mental activity shortly before bedtime. If you feel sleepy during the day, try not to sleep so that you can sleep soundly at night.
  4. Watch your diet. Enrich it with vitamins, micro and macro elements.
  5. Try to breathe more fresh air, especially before going to bed.
  6. Watch what pressure if you feel discomfort. Deviations from the norm (it is equal to 118/94) require consultation with a doctor.
  7. When sedentary work, sign up for a shoulder, neck and head massage to improve blood microcirculation and relax your muscles.
  8. Treat viral and infectious diseases in a timely manner to prevent complications.
  9. Avoid stressful situations, develop emotional resilience to difficult situations, drink a course of sedative medications to reduce suspiciousness and anxiety.

Timely treatment of headache and its prevention will help to avoid various complications.

Headache, regardless of its nature and origin, can significantly reduce the quality of life of a person of any age. It always acts as a warning that the body needs help - psychological (reducing overwork and stress) or physiological (fighting developing diseases and ongoing pathological processes). Headache in the temples and frontal part rarely appears as a single symptom, in most cases it is accompanied by other signs indicating the root cause of its occurrence.

Diseases as the cause of headache

The list of diseases that cause head pain as a concomitant symptom is quite large, but the most common of them can be divided into separate profile groups.

Diseases of the brain and vascular structures

Pain that develops against the background of impaired blood circulation in the vascular system of the body, dysfunction of the cerebrospinal fluid system or inflammatory processes occurring in the meninges can be a sign of the following pathologies:

  1. hypertension or hypotension;
  2. intracranial hypotension or hypertension;
  3. hydrocephalus;
  4. atherosclerosis of vessels in the structure of the brain;
  5. temporal arteritis;
  6. tumor-like formations and hematomas, regardless of the nature of their origin.

Diseases of the nervous system

The development of pain syndrome is a consequence of disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, which are caused by the influence of factors that irritate it or damage to nerve endings. As a result, pulsating, pressing or shooting pains develop, localized in the forehead and temples. These symptoms appear when:

  1. neuroses;
  2. neuralgia of the endings of the optic or trigeminal nerve;
  3. beam and cluster pains.

ENT diseases

Inflammatory processes that occur in the maxillary, ethmoid sinuses, as well as the frontal lobes and the structure of the ear, are accompanied by fever and intense pain in the temples and frontal part of the head, aggravated by head movement. The main diseases that cause these symptoms include:

  1. sinusitis;
  2. rhinitis;
  3. frontitis;
  4. otitis;
  5. ethmoiditis.

Diseases caused by infections and viruses

Headaches in the eyes, forehead and temples occur under the influence of infectious agents against the background of fever and general intoxication of the body. Diseases that are associated with such pain include:

  1. influenza virus;
  2. angina;
  3. SARS;
  4. encephalitis;
  5. viruses and fevers that develop in tropical countries, tourists are at risk.

Ophthalmic diseases

Headache in the temples and frontal part occurs as a result of damage or destruction of the nerve endings of the fundus, as well as the course of the inflammatory process in the visual organ. Diseases associated with these symptoms include:

  1. cataract;
  2. conjunctivitis;
  3. astigmatism;
  4. vision dysfunction, manifested in myopia or hyperopia;
  5. uveitis;
  6. inflammation of the optic nerve.

Other factors affecting the pain in the temples and frontal part

Pain in the frontal and temporal parts is not always caused by pathologies or pathogenic processes, quite often its occurrence is provoked by other factors:

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

  • prolonged stress, as well as psycho-emotional stress;
  • low mobility during the day due to the peculiarities of professional activities (for example, working at a computer in the office) or bouts of laziness (long-term TV viewing);
  • painstaking work, during which there is an overstrain of the muscles of the shoulders, neck and temporal zone of the head;
  • malnutrition or an improperly formed diet with a predominance of substances such as histamine, nitrites or caffeine;
  • mechanical injuries of the temples or forehead;
  • toxins contained in poor-quality building materials, children's toys or furniture;
  • hormonal surges, toxicosis or vascular dystonia caused by pregnancy in women;
  • a sharp change in atmospheric pressure and weather.

By reducing the impact of these factors on the body as a whole, you can get rid of the appearance of pain attacks without medication.

Methods of treatment

Diseases and pathological disorders, against which pain in the temples and frontal part develops, are treated in the following ways:

  1. medications;
  2. massage procedures and reflexology;
  3. physiotherapy;
  4. folk remedies.

To remove the pain syndrome itself, depending on the nature and cause of its origin, the following medications are used:

  • Painkillers (, Tempalgin). Suitable for pain relief in the absence of inflammatory processes or pathologies.
  • Antispasmodics (Spazmalgon,). Helps to get rid of spastic pain syndrome.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ketorol, Ibuprofen). Reduce pain caused by acute infectious or inflammatory processes.
  • Drugs that improve brain activity and metabolic processes (Piracetam, Glycine, Aminalon).
  • Vasodilators (Nitroglycerin, Artezin). They improve blood flow and thus ensure oxygen saturation of the brain.
  • Diuretics (Furosemide). They help to remove excess fluid from the body, which helps to reduce the headache that occurs with cerebral hypertension.

The intake of chemical medications should be made only in agreement with the doctor, since it is the specialized specialist who can determine the true cause of headaches and select the drug individually, taking into account contraindications and side effects.

Folk remedies for pain in the frontal part of the head

Before taking chemical painkillers, you can try to relieve head pain with folk generally recognized remedies:

  • Apply a cold compress to the area of ​​pain, while adding a mixture of lemon and lavender essential oil to the water. Cold compresses are not recommended for colds.
  • Make an ointment based on rosemary, lemon balm, grapefruit and lavender oil in advance, rub it into the temporal or frontal zone in case of attacks. The prepared composition can be used for a relaxing massage of the neck and back to improve blood circulation, provide enough oxygen to the brain and get a calming effect.
  • Brew pharmacy chamomile or a mixture of lilac flowers, cornflowers and thyme. Drink the decoction as a tea, preferably after a meal.
  • Apply a clay compress to painful places and lie down for 20 minutes, then remove it and wash. Also, aromatic oil of lemon balm or mint can be added to the clay mass if the feeling of discomfort is caused by stress or tension pain.
  • Drink a tincture of propolis or eleutherococcus and drink green mint tea (tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy ready-made or ordered to be made in the form of drops).
  • Perform inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil if the pain is one of the manifestations of a cold or acute viral infections.
  • At the initial stage of pain, eat a spoonful of honey. In case of intense pain syndrome, honey should be mixed with an infusion of elderberry color or grated viburnum.

Folk remedies for headaches in the temples and frontal part are effective and safe in the syndrome of mild and irregular etiology. Pain that is a symptom of severe illness and acute inflammatory processes must be treated with medication in conjunction with the main diagnosis.

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