Where is rutin found in foods. Amazing vitamin properties of rutin - why should meat be eaten with vegetables and herbs? Rutin: Ascorbic acid

Vitamin P (hesperidin, rutin, quercetin)

Who discovered vitamin P and why is it called that? Can bioflavonoids affect cancer cells? How else do they work? Interaction of rutin with ascorbic acid, aspirin and sulfonamides. Daily dose, indications, consequences of deficiency and overdose.

Vitamin P combines a group of natural compounds, which include about 150 bioflavonoids (coumarins "esculin", hesperidin, anthocyanins, kahetins, etc.). In action, they are similar to ascorbic acid and are able to be rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes it is called "rutin", but to be more precise, rutin is a biologically active substance that has the properties of vitamin P.


In 1936, the American biochemist A. Szent-Györgyi isolated it from the peel of a lemon (learn about the calorie content of a lemon). The name comes from English. "permeability", which means "permeability", since this substance reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels. It was originally used to treat guinea pigs from scurvy and people from hemorrhagic diathesis.


Quercetin and rutin have an effective antioxidant effect, as well as tocopherol. But unlike the latter, they bind to metal ions, so they have a more protective effect. They protect the cells of the body destructive action harmful substances, strengthening the immune system, keeping the body young and preventing the appearance of various diseases.

Vitamin P regulates the formation of collagen, so it is considered beneficial for blood vessels and skin. Thanks to this connection, the walls of the capillaries become stronger, more elastic and durable, and their narrowing (sclerosis) is prevented. Flavonoids dilate blood vessels, which normalizes blood pressure reduces swelling and prevents varicose veins.

The use of products with bioflavonoids can have a good effect on fat metabolism, prevent the deposition of cholesterol, thereby minimizing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Vitamin P is anti-cancer: it prevents the development of tumor cells, especially blood cancer and breast tumors.

It normalizes the digestion of food and is included as additional drug in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Able to control arterial pressure(expands central and peripheral vessels), improves function thyroid gland, reduces the manifestations of allergies, has a good effect on the musculoskeletal system.


Enhances the properties of ascorbic acid. The dual use of these vitamins (P + C) is desirable when taking aspirin and sulfonamides, since the latter have a negative effect on capillaries.

What foods contain vitamin P

Since vitamin P is quickly destroyed by high temperatures, it is best to eat raw foods:

  1. all citrus fruits - lemons, oranges, tangerines;
  • some types of berries - rosehip (to make tea), blackcurrant, black Rowan, raspberry, honeysuckle. blueberries, blackberries;
  • all varieties of grapes, apples, apricots and plums;
  • tomatoes, bell pepper, lettuce, cabbage, garlic, sorrel.
  • Daily dose P

    For an adult, the need for rutin is 30 mg, hesperidin - 100 mg, quercetin - 15 mg.

    Consequences of deficiency and excess

    Hypovitaminosis can occur in inflammatory diseases digestive tract because vitamin P is not sufficiently absorbed by the intestinal wall.

    Deficiency signs:

    • Weakness, fatigue
    • Periodontal disease, bleeding gums
    • Nosebleeds
    • Joint pain
    • Bruises on the skin that appear with slight pressure
    • Sudden appearance of acne
    • Hair loss

    These symptoms occur mainly during the off-season, when the consumption of fruits and vegetables is sharply reduced.


    Rutin is not able to accumulate in the body, as it is soluble in water and excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, excess will not pose a threat to human health.


    • swelling with frostbite and injuries;
    • increased capillary permeability;
    • hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, infectious diseases;
    • intense extravasation of the liquid part of the plasma (drugs venoruton and troxevasin);
    • exudative inflammation of the vascular wall;
    • for the treatment of children with measles, scarlet fever, toxic influenza, diphtheria.

    Rutin is sometimes used as a choleretic and mild antihypertensive agent.

    Rutin is the same vitamin P, refers to bioflavonoids. It is the substance that gives plants their color. It can perform protective functions. In its true form, rutin has a yellow-green or yellow. When viewed under a microscope, needle-like crystals can be seen. The composition of vitamin P-rutin includes a disaccharide and quercetin.

    When digesting food to a greater extent, it is converted into a special substance - quercetin, which is a flavonoid, antioxidant and plant pigment.

    Rutin slows down the aging process and can significantly improve capillary permeability, preventing vascular fragility. In addition, it gives the body health and activity in general. Many plants and foods contain rutin.

    Since the human body does not produce rutin, it must be consumed constantly in food. Moreover, it is best to eat raw foods than those that have undergone heat treatment. There is healthy foods foods that contain rutin - and there are a lot of them.

    Thus, it is important to know which foods contain vitamin P. It is also found in berries - from blackcurrant, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, and ending with mountain ash. If we talk about vegetables, then most of all it is present in red pepper, cabbage, tomato, lettuce, beets, garlic and sorrel. It is found in all types of citrus fruits.

    Especially in the place between the slices and from the inside of the peel. Moreover, there are rutins in all varieties of apricots, apples, grapes, cherries and plums. In addition, it is present in buckwheat and green tea.

    And chokeberry breaks records - it contains up to 2,000 mg of rutin per 10 ml of juice. Vitamin P in large quantities, which are used in the food and medical fields, is given by such plants as various varieties of larch, mainly Dahurian and Siberian.

    It is instantly destroyed under the influence of liquid, sunlight and heat, oxygen. If a person smokes, then this significantly lowers the vitamin content in the body.

    Experts have found that vitamin C and vitamin P rutin increase each other's effects. For this reason, doctors often advise eating foods that contain both of these vitamins.

    Usefulness of routine for a person

    Vitamin P is useful for people who suffer from hypertension, diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Experts believe that taking it continuously for 2 months can reduce the pressure inside the eyes. That is why it is often prescribed to those who suffer from glaucoma. It is also characterized by stimulating properties, coordinating the functioning of the adrenal cortex and influencing the rate of bile and urine excretion per day.

    It is worth knowing that routine is a set different compounds. Thus, depending on what it is extracted from, its specific effect on the human body is determined.

    In addition, he can:

    • Regulate the amount of sugar in the blood;
    • Prevent the formation of cataracts;
    • Reduce the level of unnecessary cholesterol in the blood;
    • Participate in reducing and oxidative reactions occurring in the body;
    • Maintain healthy hair condition;
    • Prevent all kinds of bleeding, for this reason it is often prescribed to women who are carrying a child;
    • Contribute to the speedy healing of tissues with different internal diseases- gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

    Taking vitamin P is recommended for myocarditis, coronary heart disease, endocarditis. In addition, it is known that it stands out for its most powerful antibacterial quality and can be used in therapy and as prophylactic with infectious and catarrhal ailments.

    Experts have yet to reach a consensus on daily dose routine. On average, it varies from 20 to 80 mg. If rutin is used in medicinal purposes, then the indicators are 100 - 160 mg. Of course, the intake of this substance must be monitored with the help of a doctor who will help with the preparation of the dose and the order of administration.

    properties of this vitamin

    1. Vitamin P plays a huge role in supplying the body with vitamin C. The properties of rutin affect the blood and support red blood cells so they don't stick together. Moreover, it contributes healthy state vessels, helping to prevent capillary bleeding.
    2. The properties of rutin make it suitable for those who are prone to bleeding gums. It makes it possible to prevent and cure the weakness of the vessels that are in the gums.
    3. What else is a routine good for? It is needed when common cold, it can be used to strengthen immune system- natural protection against infections and viruses.
    4. It is also considered a natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Helps to overcome serious ailments such as allergies, hypertension, ulcers and wounds.

    Indications for use

    As with many vitamins, rutin has its own indications - in which cases it will be useful for the body to receive vitamin P. It is especially useful when all kinds of ailments from thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins, and ending with swelling and traumatic pain. In addition, experts have noted positive results in the fight against cellulite.

    Shortage and excess

    When there is not enough routine in the body, changes such as:

    • Fragility of blood vessels;
    • Education under skin hemorrhages;
    • Feelings of pain in the forearms and lower extremities;
    • The appearance of small bruises;
    • Formation of malaise;
    • A state of loss of strength in general and soreness;
    • Hair loss;
    • Symptoms of periodontal disease.

    Excessive indicators of routine in the human body do not threaten with negative consequences, since all excess is excreted easily in a natural way.

    Often, products containing it contain calcium. This substance has many positive properties. Calcium is good for metabolism. If it is not enough, then there is a failure of the metabolic processes of the body. Calcium significantly reduces the risk of most ailments, including colon cancer or diabetes. Calcium is found mostly in dairy products. Calcium is valuable for of cardio-vascular system, his required amount helps to ensure the normal functioning of the heart.

    Rutin for hair is quite useful. First of all, it strengthens the roots. Since it is important for hair, it is often included in hair care cosmetics.

    Food provides our body with energy to support life processes. Together with food, the body receives vitamins that help to properly absorb proteins, fats, carbohydrates, support metabolism and regulate the activity of all organs.

    What is vitamin P

    Important for normal operation body is vitamin P - it is a biologically active substance plant origin flavonoid groups. The complex of bioflavonoids contains over a hundred similar in structure and active action water-soluble compounds of bright color: hesperidin, catechin, quercetin, citrine, rutin. The name rutin is often used for the entire group of flavonoids.

    What is Vitamin P for?

    A feature of flavonoids is their association with vitamin C and the ability of these two groups to enhance each other's action. It is important for people to know what vitamin P is for:

    1. Prevents destruction hyaluronic acid that binds vascular cells. With the help of acid and vitamin, the process of reducing vascular permeability, strengthening their structure, maintaining elastic properties and the ability to expand is started. This mechanism prevents the fragility of blood vessels, the formation of hemorrhages, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.
    2. It prevents platelets from sticking together and thrombus formation, therefore vitamin rutin is used in the treatment of hypertension, heart disease, and varicose veins.
    3. It has a strong antioxidant effect, prevents the oxidation of vitamin C, binds free radicals, removes toxins from the body, maintains a good condition of the skin and hair, and slows down the aging of the body. The bioactive complex is beneficial in the treatment of cancer.
    4. It has the ability to influence the synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands, which stimulate defensive forces body to fight inflammatory processes in the body. When foci of inflammation occur, it promotes the outflow of blood from them, relieves pain and removes toxins (decay products). Catechin has the ability to restore cell structure.
    5. At allergic diseases, bronchial asthma accelerates and softens the process of the disease. The vitamin complex affects the immune system, regulates the production of histamine and serotonin and reduces the irritating effect of allergens.
    6. Has a light diuretic action, choleretic action. It is prescribed for diseases of the liver, gallbladder.

    What foods contain vitamin P

    Flavonoids are not synthesized by the human body, but are absorbed with food. Unlike vitamins of the PP group, rutin is found in foods of plant origin: vegetables, fruits, berries. Products with vitamin P have a bright color: green, yellow, red. It is useful for people to know which products contain rutin and other bioactive substances. A significant amount of substances of the flavonoid group is present:

    • in grapes;
    • in buckwheat;
    • in green tea;
    • in cabbage;
    • in citrus fruits (in lemons);
    • in raspberries;
    • in immature walnuts;
    • in rose hips;
    • in tomatoes;
    • in salad;
    • in berries black currant; chokeberry;
    • red rowan berries.

    The bioactive complex of flavonoids is found in raw foods. Its structure is destroyed elevated temperature, sunlight, freezing. Any processing of vitamin-containing foods is harmful useful properties bioflavonoids. Destructive substances for the bioactive complex are contained in nicotine and alcohol.

    Vitamin P deficiency

    Malnutrition without consumption raw vegetables, greens, fruits, factors that destroy the vitamin complex lead to a deficiency of bioflavonoids in the body. Lack of vitamin P leads to disruption of life processes and is accompanied by such signs:

    • hemorrhages on the skin;
    • pain in the legs and back;
    • fast fatigue;
    • the appearance of acne;
    • hair loss.

    Vitamin P hypervitaminosis

    Signs of an excess of the vitamin complex of bioflavonoids are not observed in practice. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin P does not harm human life. The complex of bioflavonoids and its decay products are not toxic to humans, they are quickly excreted from the body, so the content of rutin in the blood above the norm does not cause any consequences.

    Daily value of vitamin P

    human consumption active substances flavonoid group depends on various factors. Daily rate vitamin P ranges from 20 to 50 ml. With the use of corticosteroids, aspirin, alcohol, radiation sickness, smoking harms the bioactive substances of the flavonoid group, and the required rate of the bioactive complex increases.

    Vitamin P preparations

    To complete the necessary human body the norms of bioflavonoids in the development of the disease are prescribed vitamin-containing medicines. Exist the following drugs vitamin P:

    • rutoside;
    • routine;
    • ascorutin;
    • urutin;
    • peflavit.

    Release form of rutin, ascorutin, peflavit - tablets, urutin - solution for injection, rutoside - tablets and gel. The rutoside formula is a quercetin glycoside. Instructions for use of the drug gives indications for the use of the drug: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, swelling.

    Bioflavonoid preparations are prescribed:

    • with arachnoiditis;
    • at arterial hypertension;
    • with hemorrhagic diathesis;
    • with glomerulonephritis;
    • with capillary toxicosis;
    • with measles;
    • with hemorrhages in the retina;
    • with rheumatism;
    • at septic endocarditis;
    • with scarlet fever;
    • with typhus;
    • with thrombocenic purpura.

    Video: what is routine

    Rutin is a popular remedy for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, while being strong and improving skin condition.

    Rutin is part of a complex of biologically active substances called flavonoids. The complex is represented by hesperidin, esculin, anthocyanin, catechin, rutin, quercetin and about 120 more substances.

    Vitamin P, which includes flavonoids (including rutin), is often referred to as vitamin C2 or rutin. He received the first version of the name due to the fact that he can close daily allowance, and the second option is wrong. Rutin is just one of the flavonoids included in the vitamin P group. However, this name is even more popular than the official one.

    The prerequisites for the discovery of vitamin P were studies on the decrease in vascular permeability with a lack of vitamin C.

    A series of experiments led to the fact that in the 30s of the 20th century, the American scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi was able to isolate a component from the lemon peel that increased the strength of the walls of blood vessels and had positive effect in the treatment of scurvy. Subsequent experiments made it possible to identify a number of substances with similar properties. The whole group was named vitamin P.

    Having entered the body with food, flavonoids dissolve in water, are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and are carried to organs and tissues with the bloodstream, while performing a number of functions:

    • Regulate the formation of protein filaments, which has a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels. The walls of the capillaries become more elastic and durable, do not narrow;
    • They act as antioxidants, removing oxidized substances from the body. This prevents premature aging and increases the body's resistance to adverse external factors;
    • Prevent the development of atherosclerosis: the substance quercetin prevents the deposition cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels by regulating the process of fat metabolism;
    • Prevent the growth and spread of malignant tumors;
    • Reduce intraocular pressure;
    • Normalize digestion by regulating the formation of bile;
    • Together with vitamin C, they provide antibacterial action by boosting the immune system. The body becomes resistant to various cold-related infections;
    • Regulate blood pressure due to the ability to influence permeability renal vessels, thereby normalizing the amount of fluid in the body. They can also dilate blood vessels. This is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.
    • Normalize hormonal background. Special influence exert on the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland. The hormones of the adrenal cortex (adrenaline and norepinephrine) play a very important role in the body. Adrenaline is the "engine" of processes in the body (increases blood pressure, sugar levels, etc.), norepinephrine improves brain activity;
    • By binding histamine and serotonin, they have an anti-allergic and anti-edematous effect, preventing the development bronchial asthma, food allergies, hay fever;
    • Render favorable influence on the joints, contributing to the production of lubricating fluid, so that the joints last longer.

    Vitamin Sources

    Flavanoids are vitamins that the human body cannot synthesize. You can get it only with food, usually of plant origin. Most of them are found in chokeberry (1500 mg / 100 g). All fruits of the citrus family are rich in vitamin P, apricots, cherries, plums, apples, rose hips, blueberries, black currants, bell peppers, tomatoes, beets, White cabbage, garlic, etc.

    Particular attention should be paid to green tea. It contains a large amount of catechin. These substances have an antioxidant effect by binding metabolic products and removing them from the body.

    It is important to remember that vitamin P is destroyed during heat treatment, therefore, to obtain the desired effect, it is desirable to consume fruits and vegetables raw. Also negative impact it is rendered sunlight, oxygen and nicotine.

    Instructions for use

    Hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis P

    The main signs of hypovitaminosis are: the appearance pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin, weakness in the shoulders and legs, lethargy, weakness, fast fatiguability, acne, intense prolapse hair. Very rarely, failure can contribute to cerebral edema and cerebral bleeding, the cause is thinned capillary walls.

    Vitamin P deficiency is most common in winter and in early spring. To prevent it, you need to carefully plan your daily diet.

    Cases of hypervitaminosis P are not known, because. it is non-toxic and is very easily excreted from the body.

    Medicinal use and contraindications

    Flavonoids are prescribed additionally in the treatment coronary disease heart disease, atherosclerosis, allergies, diathesis, radiation sickness, rheumatism, myocarditis, hypertension, retinal hemorrhage, etc.

    The greatest effect is achieved with simultaneous reception vitamin C.

    Contraindications to treatment with flavonoids are thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, increased clotting blood, I trimester of pregnancy.

    daily routine

    Maximum allowable amount 400 mg/day.

    Side effects

    As a rule, vitamin P preparations are well tolerated. But sometimes insomnia can be observed, headache, increased blood pressure, bouts of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Vitamin P capsules

    To compensate for the lack of vitamin P in the body, you can use medications:

    1. Rutin is the most popular dosage form. Produced in the form of tablets. Strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases their elasticity. Prevents hemorrhages.
    2. Askorutin - tablets based on rutin and ascorbic acid.
    3. Quertecin - tablets. Antispasmodic, promotes vasodilation.
    4. Natural chokeberry juice.
    5. Tablets from the fruits of chokeberry - used in complex therapy for the prevention of capillarotoxicosis and bleeding.
    6. Tea tree leaf tablets.
    7. Tea leaf powder.

    Benefits of ordering a vitamin from iHerb

    In Russia, this vitamin is not very popular, but is sometimes found under the name "Rutin". If you decide to order vitamin P from the USA, then you can use the online store, where there are 3 excellent options for the routine, as well as several hundred vitamin complexes that include it.

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    Vitamin P (Rutin, Rutozid, vit. C 2, C-complex) is a representative of the class of water-soluble substances. In addition to Rutin, it includes many other bioflavonoids, natural biologically active substances from the flavonoid group. Bioflavonoids reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, strengthen the immune system, and have a positive effect on the state of internal organs.

    Rutin was first extracted from the subshrub Ruta fragrant, common in southern Europe. Hence the name. True, at that time the properties of Rutin were not studied, and such a thing as vitamins did not yet exist. At first, Rutin became known as a plant pigment.

    Vit. P was discovered by the Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi in 1936-1937, when the scientist isolated it from lemon peel. The new substance was a mixture of organic compounds, and was named Citrine. According to some physiological effects, Citrine was similar to Vit. C, Ascorbic acid.

    It had antioxidant properties, enhanced the effectiveness of ascorbic acid in the treatment of scurvy, and strengthened vascular walls, reduced their permeability. Therefore, this substance was called vit. P from English permeability, which translates as permeability. Due to commonality with vit. Since it was originally designated as vit. C 2 or C-complex. But these names were not fixed for the newly discovered vitamin.

    Later, biochemists isolated many other organic compounds from plant materials with a similar molecular structure and effect. They have also been included in vit. R. In 1952, these substances were given the term "bioflavonoids", i.e., flavonoid chemicals of natural, plant origin.

    However, their mechanism of action has not been fully understood. This happened a little later, in 1971, when, after many years of research, scientists found out how bioflavonoids affect physiological processes. Even later, in 1985, it was established how bioflavonoids are synthesized in plants, and their physiological role was finally studied.


    Thus, vit. P is a group of bioflavonoid substances, and Rutin is just one of them. In total, more than 6,000 thousand bioflavonoids are known. Among them:

    • flavones, isoflavones, flavonones and flavononols
    • anthocyanins and anthocyanidins
    • chalcones
    • aurons.

    Bioflavonoids include Hesperidin, Quercetin, Esculin, Ellagic acid, Campferol, and numerous tannins. Despite some, sometimes significant, differences in chemical structure, flavonoids are inherent common feature– the presence of benzene aromatic rings in the molecular structure.

    Being plant pigments, they give flowers, berries and fruits of plants different colors: yellow, orange, red, blue, purple. Flowers colored with bioflavonoids become attractive to pollinating insects. The yellow and red color of the leaves in autumn is also due to bioflavonoids. No wonder the term "flavonoid" itself is derived from the Latin flavius, which means yellow.

    But it's not just beauty. Thanks to these organic compounds plants become more resistant to the damaging effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, as well as bacteria and fungi that cause decay. In addition, bioflavonoids in plants provide photosynthesis, the formation of other nutrients and renewal of dead plant tissues.

    Most bioflavonoids in plants are in the form of glycosides, compounds with carbohydrates. Rutin, together with its semi-synthetic analogue Rutozid, also belongs to glycosides. Here, the carbohydrate part is represented by glucose and the disaccharide rutinose. The aglycone (non-carbohydrate part) in Rutin is Quercetin, also a bioflavonoid.

    In appearance, Rutin is a small crystals of a greenish-yellow color. Although he is considered to be water soluble vitamins, it is practically insoluble in water. Very poorly soluble in chloroform, acetone, ethyl alcohol, benzene, and other organic solvents. Like other bioflavonoids, Rutin is not resistant to action. high temperatures and oxygen. Therefore, vit. P decomposes rather quickly when heated, on outdoors.

    Being a phenolic compound, it has an acidic reaction. Therefore, it also dissolves poorly in acids, but it dissolves well in alkalis. Chemical formula Routine: C 27 H 30 O 16. Nomenclature name: 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-3-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy]-4H-chromen-4-one.

    Physiological action

    Like vit. C and vit. E Rutin is an excellent antioxidant. Just like these vitamins, the antioxidant properties of Rutin are due to its ability to bind oxygen free radicals. Free radicals trigger lipid peroxidation (LPO) reactions, during which, due to damage cell membranes cell death occurs.

    But the antioxidant effect of vit. R does not end there. Rutin associates some metals with variable valency, incl. and iron. The antioxidant activity of Rutin in combination with iron is about 5 times higher than that of free Rutin.

    In addition, Rutin strengthens the walls of capillary vessels, increases their elasticity, makes them impervious to shaped elements blood and for its liquid part, plasma. Strengthening of the capillaries is achieved by the fact that Rutin stimulates the synthesis of collagen and prevents the destruction of hyaluronic acid, the main components that ensure the strength of the connective tissue.

    Rutin and other bioflavonoids, being antioxidants and vascular strengthening agents, have a positive effect on the state and functions critical systems organs:

    • The cardiovascular system
      By strengthening the walls of blood vessels, they prevent the appearance of edema and subcutaneous hemorrhages (hemorrhages). In addition, bioflavonoids regulate cholesterol levels and prevent the development vascular atherosclerosis. It also prevents thrombus formation in the arteries. As a result, the delivery of blood, and with it oxygen to the tissues, improves, the development of coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke is prevented. Vit. P not only strengthens blood vessels, but also expands some of them. By expanding small arteries, it regulates blood pressure, and thus prevents the development of hypertension. Its effect on the heart muscle as a glycoside is manifested by an increase in strength and a decrease in heart rate. Thus, the phenomena of heart failure are eliminated. Vit. P has a positive effect on the state of not only arteries and capillaries, but also veins. It prevents the formation of venous thrombi, pathological expansion and tortuosity of veins in varicose veins lower extremities and hemorrhoids.
    • The immune system
      Some of the bioflavonoids have direct antibacterial and antiviral action, which has great importance during the epidemic colds. They also activate many links of the cellular and humoral immunity. As a result, recovery with the participation of vit. P is faster. Also vit. R prevents the formation malignant neoplasms, and this too is largely due to its immune-boosting properties. After all, what stronger immunity, the faster atypical cells are recognized and destroyed, from which a cancerous tumor is formed.
    • Endocrine system
      Bioflavonoids bind sugars, and thereby reduce their level in blood plasma and prevent the development diabetes. They also stimulate the production of glucocorticoid hormones by the adrenal medulla. They also protect against destruction. free radicals another hormone, adrenaline.
    • Leather
      Increasing the amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid, vit. P makes the skin supple and elastic. The preservation of the skin is also facilitated by the fact that bioflavonoids block the release of certain mediator substances (serotonin, histamine, etc.) that trigger inflammatory and allergic reactions. Thanks to such skin without wrinkles, edema, hemorrhages, age spots and allergic rash the effect of rejuvenation is achieved.
    • urinary system
      Vit. P stimulates the release of fluid, increases diuresis (the volume of urine excreted). It also contributes to the elimination of edema and lowering blood pressure.
    • Digestion
      Vit. P enhances the secretion of bile by the liver. Thus, it ensures the breakdown and absorption of many substances in the duodenum, and the removal of toxins through the intestines. Prevents intestinal absorption of carcinogens cancer causing. Blocks the most important enzyme systems of intestinal helminths.
    • Eyes
      Vit. P reduces intraocular pressure, prevents the development of glaucoma and cataracts.
    • Musculoskeletal system
      Stimulates the formation of joint fluid.
    • Respiratory system
      By blocking the release of inflammatory and allergic mediators, bioflavonoids prevent the development of allergic bronchospasm and bronchial asthma.

    Daily rates

    It is recommended to take 30 mg of Rutin, 15 mg of Quercetin and 100 mg of Hesperidin per day. Although there is no generally accepted daily intake of bioflavonoids. It is believed that at various diseases their income can be increased several times.

    Reasons for deficiency

    Because vit. P is present in plant foods, its deficiency in winter and spring contributes to hypovitaminosis P. In addition, the absorption of vit. R can be violated when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

    There are also a number of factors that increase the body's need for this vitamin:

    • cardiovascular diseases
    • infectious diseases
    • allergic reactions
    • smoking
    • alcohol abuse.
    • psychoemotional stress
    • injuries and burns.

    Each of these factors, and even more so their combination with each other and with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the winter-spring period with big share probability will lead to hypovitaminosis P. Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that hypovitaminosis P in an isolated form is rare. As a rule, it develops against the background of a deficiency of other vitamins.

    Signs of deficiency

    • The cardiovascular system

    atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease with angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertonic disease, thrombophlebitis, varicose disease veins of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids, arterial hypertension.

    • Leather

    Subcutaneous edema, hemorrhages, hematomas that occur even with slight pressure on the skin. Brittle hair and nails, unhealthy skin color, acne (acne), premature aging.

    • Nervous system

    General weakness, fatigue, irritability, sleep disorders. Further deterioration cerebral circulation fraught with stroke.

    • The immune system

    Frequent colds and other infectious diseases, as well as inflammatory diseases non-infectious nature. emergence allergic reactions on food products, insect bites, household and vegetable dust with a further expansion of the allergic spectrum. high risk malignant neoplasms.

    • Digestive system

    Stomatitis, bleeding gums. Pain, bloating, frequent diarrhea. favorable conditions for development intestinal infections, helminthiases.

    • ENT organs

    Nasal congestion, frequent nosebleeds.

    • Eyes

    Visual impairment, glaucoma, cataract.

    • Musculoskeletal system

    decline muscle strength, muscle and joint pain, mainly in the lower extremities, limiting range of motion.

    • Respiratory system

    Attacks of suffocation on the background of allergic bronchospasm.

    • female reproductive system

    Violations menstrual cycle, plentiful painful menstruation. The threat uterine bleeding. During pregnancy - the threat of miscarriage, complicated childbirth.

    What foods contain vitamin P?

    Bioflavonoids are not synthesized in humans and animals. They enter the body only in the composition food products vegetable origin. A large number of these substances contain fruits, berries, herbs and some vegetables.

    The amount of vitamin P in 100 g of various products:

    Product Content, mcg/100 g
    chokeberry 4000
    Black currant 1000-1500
    Rose hip 680
    oranges 500
    Lemons 500
    strawberries 180-210
    Potato 35
    strawberries 157
    Dill 159
    Quince 825
    grenades 700
    Apples 70
    Cherry 1500
    Sweet cherry 900
    Spinach 65-130
    White cabbage 60
    Cauliflower 40-80
    Buckwheat 450

    Berries and fruits should be eaten fresh. Canning or freezing leads to almost complete destruction of the vitamin. Therefore, in winter time reserves of vit. R should be drawn from apples, citrus fruits, cabbage, buckwheat porridge. The way food is stored is also important. With prolonged exposure to light or outdoors, bioflavonoids are destroyed. Bioflavonoids are not found in animal foods.

    Synthetic analogues

    Vit. P in the form active substance Rutozida is presented nearby pharmaceuticals. The most famous of them is Rutin, which is produced in several dosage forms:

    • oral powder
    • tablets 20; 50 and 500 mg
    • capsules 500 mg.

    Rutozid is part of another, at least known drug under the name Venoruton, which is represented by the following dosage forms:

    • gel 2%
    • capsules 300 mg
    • forte tablets 500 mg
    • soluble effervescent tablets 1000 mg.

    Another semi-synthetic derivative of Rutin, Troxerutin, is produced in the form of the drug of the same name Troxerutin or Troxevasin. These drugs are intended for oral and external use, and are produced in the following dosage forms:

    • capsules 300 mg
    • gel 2%.

    Vit. R is produced under the names Farutin, Melin, Eldrin, Neorutin, Oxyritin, and many others. Along with these drugs is popular combination drug Askorutin. Ascorutin tablets contain equal amounts, 50 mg each, of Vit. C and vit. R, Ascorbic acid and Rutin.

    Rutin is present in many vitamin and mineral complexes, dietary supplements. Also, bioflavonoids are part of cosmetics for skin and hair care.

    Indications for use

    • hypertonic disease
    • myocardial infarction
    • thrombocytopenic purpura (Werlhof's disease)
    • hemorrhagic diathesis
    • retinal hemorrhage
    • diabetic retinopathy (retinal damage caused by diabetes)
    • varicose veins of the lower extremities
    • haemorrhoids
    • lymphedema with lymphostasis ( lymphedema lower extremities with stagnant lymph)
    • prevention and treatment infectious diseases, incl. and colds (flu, tonsillitis, pharyngitis), as well as childhood infections (scarlet fever, measles)
    • allergic reactions
    • glomerulonephritis
    • bronchial asthma
    • tendency to nosebleeds
    • radiation sickness.

    All medications containing Rutin and other bioflavonoids are absolutely contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. In II-III trimesters, as well as breastfeeding they are also taken with great care, and only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control.


    Bioflavonoids are rapidly absorbed into small intestine by diffusion, and are carried through the tissues with blood. Here in the course metabolic processes they transform into phenolic acid which is then excreted by the kidneys. Dietary proteins reduce the bioavailability of flavonoids, while fats, on the contrary, increase it.

    Vit. P does not accumulate in the body. With a massive intake of bioflavonoids, they can be removed unchanged or in combination with glucuronic acid, which is part of bile, as well as in the form of sulfates. These compounds are partly excreted in the urine and partly in the feces. However, the metabolic characteristics of bioflavonoids have been little studied, and may vary significantly among representatives of this large group.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Some of the drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, corticosteroids, salicylates and analgesics) destroy bioflavonoids. The same goes for alcohol and nicotine. Vit. R reduces heaviness side effects anticoagulant drugs that thin the blood.

    Rutin enhances the action of Ascorbic acid, and to some extent is able to compensate for its deficiency. Therefore, it is desirable to combine all preparations of Ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids.

    Also vit. P has a positive effect on iron absorption, enhances therapeutic properties zinc and selenium. Absorption of beta-carotene, a precursor of vit. And, with the participation of vit. R is getting better too.

    Vit. R goes well with succinic acid, L-carnitine (vit. B 11), as well as with omega-3-PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids).

    But with vit. In 1 (Thiamin) Rutin cannot be combined due to the weakening of its action. The combination of vit. R with vit. B 12 (Cyanocobalamin) is also undesirable. Cobalt, which is part of Cyanocobalamin, destroys bioflavonoids.

    Since Bioflavonoids do not accumulate, and their excess is removed from the body, hypervitaminosis P in vivo does not develop. AT rare cases, with a large overdose of synthetic drugs Vit. R, possible short-term symptoms general weakness, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea.

    We try to provide the most up-to-date and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the site site

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