Pain in the left kidney treatment. The kidney hurts on the left side: symptoms and treatment. Aching pain in the kidneys

Pain that occurs in the kidneys is not always associated with them. Often the focus of the disease is some other pathology, so it is important to find out real reason. This article highlights the main diseases that cause kidney pain on the left side, symptoms, treatment and diagnostic methods.


The anatomical location of the left kidney makes it difficult to diagnose the causes of pain, since the spleen or other neighboring organs are located in the same area. Therefore, it is important to undergo simple examination procedures that will help identify the real cause of the pain. These procedures include physical way examination by palpation. An experienced doctor can determine the presence of a tumor, displacement of the kidney, its enlarged size and other abnormalities.

Of the analyzes, a blood and urine test, urography, biopsy, and ultrasound are prescribed. An x-ray is also used to obtain data on the symmetry of the organs, their size, the presence of stones in the pelvis of the kidney or in the ureters. Usage contrast agents significantly improves the quality of the obtained images and allows you to identify even those stones that are not detected by conventional x-rays. In addition, the usual measurement blood pressure makes it possible to learn about the disease, because often the phenomenon of hypertension is directly related to kidney diseases.

Why does the left kidney hurt - reasons

Chronic diseases can manifest themselves in different ways, most often these are pains of varying severity. But the strongest pain occur in acute conditions.

  1. Intensive pains appear with renal colic, when a foreign formation moves along the passage of the ureter - a stone or a clot. With the reverse return of urine, an increase in intrarenal pressure is possible, which occurs due to the hydrostatic effect. This leads to swelling and an increase in the size of the kidney, which is compressed by a dense fibrous membrane. This is what provokes an increase in pain.
  2. With urolithiasis, pain in the left kidney is also possible, symptoms in this case can also be quite serious. Simultaneously observed heat, difficulty urinating, discomfort in the region of the left hypochondrium, tension abdominal wall and disruption of the bowel. If the ureter is blocked and the outflow of urinary fluid stops, intoxication develops very quickly, which is accompanied by nausea, frequent vomiting, weakness and intestinal disorders.
  3. Unbearable pain may result from renal artery thrombosis, the patient experiences pain shock or even lose consciousness. This condition is characterized by suddenness and is a serious threat to health. After the thrombus clot enters the arterial lumen and blocks it, there is a strong jump in pressure, the temperature rises, there is a feeling of nausea, vomiting, frustration digestive system and urine stops flowing into the bladder cavity. If the nature of how it hurts left kidney and the symptoms at the same time are very reminiscent of thrombosis, emergency hospitalization is necessary.
  4. The inflammatory process is often the reason that the kidney hurts on the left side - the symptoms do not take on a periodic, but a permanent character. Such diseases include pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, pyelitis, glomerulonephritis and other inflammations of the kidneys. In parallel, there are signs of intestinal upset, nausea and vomiting. Often there is swelling, a decrease in the amount of urine and signs of intoxication.
  5. A developing tumor manifests itself as aching pains, which are aggravated by movements and changes in body position. As the size of the formation increases, the pain becomes more intense. Among the symptoms of the disease are chills with elevated temperature, great weakness, sensation of pain in the bones, a sharp decline weight and constant high blood pressure.
  6. also accompanied by pulling painful sensations. Displacement and prolapse of the kidney causes pain, which increases with vertical position body and decreases when horizontal. If this disease is diagnosed and at the same time the kidney hurts on the left side, treatment includes the use of special bandages, strengthening agents and the buildup of fat.

It is known that a disease of one organ can cause painful symptoms in a completely different place, even in the most remote parts of the body - this phenomenon is called radiating pain.

If there is pain in the kidney on the left, the symptoms will help determine whether this disease is actually associated with the kidneys or whether the cause lies in the pathology of another organ.

Often pain occurs due to the following reasons:

  • sciatica - manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process on nerve endings in the lumbar region. Characterized by severe weakness neurological disorders, sharp pains lumbar with increased loads, as well as painful sensations radiating to the buttocks or legs;
  • cholelithiasis - the presence of stones and their movement provoke the appearance biliary colic or jaundice;
  • osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine with progressive development. It manifests itself in the form of numbness, decreased sensitivity of body parts, severe fatigue, frequent dizziness and headaches;
  • pancreatitis also causes pain similar to kidney symptoms. Its signs are fever, the inability of the body to properly digest food and constant feeling ailments.

Sometimes you can distinguish what comes from the kidney from others internal organs, for this it is important to know its location in the body. If a painful symptom is felt in the area between the pelvic and costal bones, it is likely that this comes from the kidney. In addition, there is chills, nausea, pain on palpation, frequent emptying.

Pain in the left kidney - what to do

If the left kidney hurts - what to do? It is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of the pain, because even experienced doctor required additional tests and research to find out the real picture of the disease. Such severe symptoms, how sharp pain or the presence of blood in the urine, indicate an urgent need for medical attention.

Periodically, pregnant women experience soreness of the kidney, because the increase in the fetus compresses it and prevents the normal passage of urine. Although this is a temporary symptom, it is still necessary to be under constant control doctor.

Most often, treatment takes place in stationary conditions where procedures are performed to eliminate inflammation and other major symptoms. Antibiotics are prescribed and an individual nutrition program is drawn up, with large quantity liquids. Usually after a week you can see improvements, and after full recovery The patient is advised on preventive methods. They consist in correct mode day, protection from viruses and colds, enough water and light meals.

The kidneys are a paired organ that works for the benefit excretory system. That is, together with the lungs and liver, the urinary organs remove all metabolic products, protein breakdown, toxins, etc. from the body. That is why the kidneys must be protected from hypothermia, overwork, excessive use of heavy and poor quality food. And if suddenly the patient realizes that his left kidney or right kidney hurts, it is urgent to go to a urologist who will conduct accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Important: if you ignore the pain in the left kidney (as well as in the right one) and hope for a chance, then, in the end, development may begin kidney failure. And this is an irreversible process and very dangerous for human life.

It is worth knowing: if the kidney hurts on the left side and no more suspicious symptoms appear (there is no blood in the urine or its visible turbidity, there is no burning sensation during urination and diuresis is not disturbed), then the pain may not be related to the kidneys in principle. Perhaps failures occurred in the spleen, large intestine or ovaries. Such pathologies can often radiate to the left side of the lower back /

Signs of kidney pathologies

If the left kidney hurts and at the same time the patient reveals certain additional signs listed below, it means that there is a renal pathology

If the left kidney hurts and at the same time the patient reveals in himself certain additional signs listed below, then it is precisely the renal pathology that takes place, which causes pain syndrome. Overt symptoms renal failures are:

  • Increased or decreased urination;
  • Turbidity of urine or a clearly visible admixture of blood in it;
  • Fever and chills;
  • Body aches;
  • Skin rash;
  • Puffiness (especially face and limbs);
  • Constantly high blood pressure, which is not corrected by antihypertensive drugs.

In this case, if you have at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately apply for medical care. Delay can make a person at least disabled for life, at most - cost the life itself. Therefore, if the left kidney hurts and you don’t know what to do, then there is only one way out - urgently see a general practitioner or urologist for further treatment.

Possible causes of pain in the left kidney

In most cases, if the kidney hurts on the left, then the pathology can be triggered pathological processes occurring in the human body

In most cases, if the kidney hurts on the left, then the pathology can be triggered by such pathological processes occurring in the human body:

  • Pyelonephritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the renal pelvis due to bacteria that have penetrated there. Bacteria, in turn, can enter the body in two ways - through respiratory system in the form of staphylococcus or through urinary tract in the form of ureplasma, coli etc. Having reached the pelvis of the left kidney with blood or urinary tract, such bacteria provoke inflammatory process. As a result, pain, fever, frequent urination weakness, nausea and vomiting reflex. But here it is worth understanding that with pyelonephritis the left kidney does not hurt unilaterally. Pyelonephritis usually affects both organs. Unilateral pathology is a rare phenomenon, but it should not be excluded either.
  • Stones in the kidneys. Such a pathology can cause pain in the kidney on the left if the stones are localized in the left organ. Intensive sports, driving with jolts, bumps or excessive physical exertion can cause stone movement. Thus, there is pain in the region of the left kidney. But, as a rule, such a pain syndrome is pronounced and looks like renal colic. Also, the condition may be accompanied by fever, fever and radiating pain in groin and in the genitals. In this case, blood may be found in the urine, and the process of urination itself may be difficult.
  • Nephroptosis (prolapsed kidney). As a rule, such a pathology occurs due to a sharp weight loss of the patient and a weakening of the fatty capsule that holds the kidney. The ligamentous apparatus is weakened and the kidney goes down. Such an unusual position and pressure on the kidney of neighboring organs causes pain in it. With the vertical position of the body, the pain intensifies, in the horizontal position it subsides. Nephroptosis can occur after hard hit into the peritoneum or along the lower back, and also because of the strong and sharp physical activity.
  • Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys). With such a pathology, the kidneys cannot cope with blood filtration and, against this background, visible red blood cells are found in the urine. The condition is also characterized moderate soreness and nausea.
  • Hydronephrosis (overflow of the pelvis with urine). This condition can occur if the outflow of urine from the pelvis is difficult due to a stone that clogs the exit and it. This condition threatens to rupture the kidney. Hydronephrosis is indicated by a decrease in the daily volume of urine, severe swelling, high blood pressure and nausea.
  • Cyst. Such benign education in most cases, it does not manifest itself in any way and is diagnosed during an ultrasound scan. However, if the growth of the cyst is positive, then the left kidney may be subjected to tissue compression by such a formation. That is, the cyst grows and presses on neighboring tissues. As a result, the patient may feel constant aching pain in the left side of the lower back.
  • Oncology. This pathology is not initial stage does not manifest itself, however, with the growth of the tumor in the patient's urine, blood will be detected, general state will be characterized by weakness and weight loss. In this case, pain appears only when the tumor has already gained sufficient size and begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissue.

Basic principles of treatment for pain in the left kidney

It is necessary to treat the patient exclusively in the hospital

It is necessary to treat the patient exclusively in the hospital. In this case, the tactics of therapy are selected in accordance with the diagnosis. But before going to the hospital, every patient who has an aching left kidney should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not overload yourself physically and do not lift weights as well;
  • Do not take any medicines;
  • Protect yourself from hypothermia;
  • Restrict visiting places large cluster people, especially during the season of outbreaks of viral epidemics;
  • Observe the average drinking regime (at least 1 liter of water per day);
  • Switch to light vegetable and fermented milk food(completely exclude marinades, pickles, smoked meats, chocolate and fast food).

Treatment of renal pathologies


Pyelonephritis is treated strictly in a hospital to avoid the transition of the acute phase of the course of the disease into a chronic one.

Pyelonephritis is treated strictly in a hospital to avoid the transition of the acute phase of the course of the disease to the chronic one. Because the chronic pyelonephritis over time leads to kidney failure and shrinkage of the kidney. As a rule, the tactics of treatment are as follows:

  • Diet therapy;
  • Compliance with bed and drinking regimen;
  • Taking medications to relieve the symptoms of the disease (high blood pressure, reduced diuresis);
  • Antibacterial therapy against a bacterium that provoked inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Important: after suffering pyelonephritis, the patient should be observed by a urologist for another year. All this time, the patient should avoid hypothermia, severe physical labor, sports.


Kidney prolapse, depending on the stage of the pathology, can be treated conservatively or surgically. At stages 1-2, the patient is shown a regimen, wearing a corset that maintains the position of the organ is normal, classes physical therapy, massage, diet therapy aimed at thickening the fat capsule. If nephroptosis is diagnosed in a patient in stage 3, then surgery is indicated. During the operation ligamentous apparatus kidneys are fixed.

Urolithiasis disease

This type of pathology is treated depending on the type of stones detected.

This type of pathology is treated depending on the type of stones detected. Smaller and softer can be dissolved special diet and drinking regimen to the state of sand, and then excreted from the body along with urine. Larger and harder stones are crushed using ultrasound machines or shock wave machines, and then also excreted from the body in the urine. If the stone is very large and has sharp edges, then its removal is carried out promptly. In this case, several methods are used:

  • Laparoscopy. Stone removal through a small puncture in the kidney area and its removal using micro video and surgical equipment. This operation is minimally invasive, and recovery after it is fast.
  • Strip operation. A full-fledged surgical intervention is performed with tissue dissection on the way to the kidney. This intervention is carried out individual indicators(features of the structure of the kidney, the location of the stone in it, its size and shape).

Cyst treatment

As a rule, a small cyst is not touched, but only observed. But if education has reached large sizes and already compresses the surrounding tissues, then removal of the cyst is indicated. It is important to remember that a cystic mass is never biopsied to avoid puncturing the cyst and distributing its contents into the parenchyma. Only after the removal of the formation is it sent for histology.

In most cases, the cyst is removed laparoscopically, that is, through skin punctures. And only in the event that the cyst is very large and the doctor has a suspicion of its degeneration into a malignant one, a full-fledged strip operation is performed. It is even possible to remove the entire kidney or part of it if the doctor's assumptions are confirmed during the operation.


The best solution in this situation is to remove the tumor and the part of the kidney affected by it. However, as a complete therapy without surgical intervention may be assigned:

  • Chemotherapy;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • hormone therapy;
  • Gene therapy;
  • immune therapy.

These same types of treatment can also be used as preparatory measures before a full-fledged operation. Such techniques prevent the growth of malignant tissues.

Important: whatever the alleged cause of the pain in the left kidney, it is imperative to seek help from professionals. Timely diagnosis and staging accurate diagnosis guarantee the patient a full and healthy life.

Diagnosis of pain in the left kidney is quite difficult, because it is easy to confuse it with pain that occurs in the colon or in the spleen, located on the left side of the body. The kidneys perform the function of making urine in the body. This process takes place in three stages:

    The kidneys work in filtering mode;

    reabsorption occurs.

    completion of the urine production.

Pain in the left kidney is quite difficult to diagnose, as it can easily be confused with pain that occurs in the colon or spleen, located on the left side of the body. If any diseases occur, the activity of these most important organs is disrupted, as a result of which a person experiences pain in the kidneys.

Causes of pain in the left kidney

Pain in the left kidney may be the result of chronic inflammatory diseases, for example:

    Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis);

    cancer of the left kidney;

    nephroptosis of the left kidney;

    urolithiasis disease;

    adenoma and fibroma;

    hydronephrosis of the left kidney.

Each of the above diseases can somehow affect the pain in the kidneys. Particular attention should be paid to urolithiasis is another reason for the development pain in the left kidney. Stone formation is due to metabolic disorders in the body. The development of the disease is climatic conditions in which a person lives, as well as:

    vitamin deficiency;

    bone disease, trauma;

    lack of ultraviolet rays;

    geographic factor;

    organ diseases genitourinary system and kidneys;

    severe dehydration of the body;

    chronic diseases intestines and stomach;

    fibroma related to benign tumors of the left kidney;

  • hydronephrosis of the left kidney.

Experts are convinced that it is rather difficult to understand that you have problems with the left kidney, because pain in kidney diseases can be similar to diseases of the spleen, large intestine.

Most frequent signs of inflammatory diseases of the left kidney:

    Severe pain in the left side and lower abdomen;


    sensitivity to touch;


  • frequent urination.

Often, pain in the left kidney can also indicate diseases that are not directly related to the kidneys, so it is better to immediately, at the first symptoms, contact a urologist to find out the causes of pain. Symptoms of kidney disease:

    Pain in the kidneys, lower back;

    a sharp decrease in the amount of urine excreted per day;

    cloudy urine, the presence of blood, sand, small stones in the urine;

    frequent urge to urinate with the release of a small amount of urine;

    burning sensation when urinating;

    blurred vision;

    skin itching.

Pain in the left kidney may also appear due to diseases of the kidneys themselves. This is evidenced by such symptoms as a burning sensation when emptying the bladder, cloudy or bloody urine, sand in the urine, a decrease in the volume of daily urine, pain in the lower back, kidneys. With the above symptoms, it is urgent to contact a urologist for help.


Asking the question, for what reason, in one case or another, the kidneys began to hurt, initially, you need to try to carefully analyze and find out for yourself possible reasons leading to this unfortunate state. But for the most accurate diagnosis, doctors sometimes need the patient, first of all, to undergo special examination.

Specialized examinations usually help doctors in the future to select the most appropriate treatment options that will contribute to a complete and speedy recovery physiologically. normal functions this the most important body human body. To the question of what should be done in cases where the kidneys are very sore and disturbed, there is only one adequate answer - what to do in such situations can only be decided qualified doctor.

For treatment acute inflammatory diseases, causing pain in the kidneys, first of all, doctors may insist on conducting courses of powerful antibiotic therapy. In each case, the choice required drug will be individual and dependent on the type of primary causative agent of the disease, which can be easily determined by the results of simple urine tests.

In general, provided that the patient has kidney pain, doctors recommend such a remedy as strict diet. It provides for maximum possible reduction load on the affected organ. AT daily nutrition all kinds of spicy dishes, any spices, spicy seasonings, numerous spices, strong meat and even fish broths. Falls under the ban on coffee, any kind alcoholic drinks and even overly strong tea.

Achieve the desired results in treatment helps timely appeal to doctors, provided that you carefully follow the instructions of your doctor.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in left kidney

Normally, the human body has two kidneys. They are located on both sides spinal column at the level of the XI thoracic and III lumbar vertebrae. The right kidney is located slightly lower than the left, since it borders on the liver from above. The kidneys are bean-shaped. The dimensions of one kidney are approximately 10-12 cm long, 5-6 cm wide and 3 cm thick. The mass of an adult kidney is approximately 120-300 g.

The blood supply to the kidneys is renal arteries that originate directly from the aorta. From the celiac plexus, nerves penetrate the kidneys, which carry out nervous regulation kidney function, and also provide sensitivity to the renal capsule.

Each kidney consists of a strong capsule, parenchyma (kidney tissue) and a system for the accumulation and excretion of urine. The capsule of the kidney is a tight sheath of connective tissue covering the kidney from the outside. The kidney parenchyma is presented outer layer cortex and inner layer medulla, constituting inner part organ. The system of accumulation of urine is represented by the renal calyces, which flow into the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis passes directly into the ureter. The right and left ureters empty into bladder.

Urine formation is one of essential functions kidneys, which contributes to the maintenance of constancy internal environment body (homeostasis).

Urine formation occurs at the level of nephrons and excretory tubules.
In general, the process of urine formation can be divided into three stages: filtration, reabsorption and secretion.

What diseases cause pain in the left kidney:

Experts are convinced that it is quite difficult to understand that you have problems with the left kidney, because pain in kidney diseases can be similar to diseases of the spleen, large intestine, etc.

Pain in the left kidney most often accompanies such chronic diseases, how:
- pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis) strong pain, which is of a pressing nature, which is observed in the side, is more often bilateral.
- cancer of the left kidney
- nephroptosis of the left kidney (descent of the kidney)
- benign tumors left kidney (adenoma, fibroma)
- hydronephrosis of the left kidney
- urolithiasis disease.

Most frequent signs inflammatory diseases of the left kidney: increasing pain in the left side and lower abdomen, back pain, sensitivity to touch, high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination.

Often, pain in the left kidney can also indicate diseases that are not directly related to the kidneys, so it is better to immediately, at the first symptoms, contact a urologist to find out the causes of pain.

Symptoms of kidney disease:
- pain in the kidneys, lower back;
- a sharp decrease in the amount of urine excreted per day;
- cloudy urine, the presence of blood, sand, small stones in the urine;
- frequent urge to urinate with the release of a small amount of urine;
- burning sensation when urinating;
- blurred vision, skin itching.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the left kidney:

Are you experiencing pain in your left kidney? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have pain in your left kidney? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register for medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date latest news and updates of information on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

If your left kidney hurts, this may not always mean kidney pathology: there can be a lot of causes of pain on the left side of the lower back. It can be pain in the spleen or in the large intestine, or you really develop urolithiasis and the discomfort is felt in the kidney.

In any case, a non-specialist will not be able to diagnose inflammation of the ureter or pyelonephritis, therefore, if there is pain in the left kidney, you should consult a doctor. However, the question arises: why does the left kidney hurt more often in kidney diseases? It is believed that this is due to the anatomical location of the organ. The fact is that right kidney is slightly lower than the left due to the fact that the liver is located above it. But this is only a hypothesis, not yet confirmed. medical research. Below are the main reasons and answers to the question of why the left kidney hurts.

The reasons

If your kidney hurts on the left side, then there are several main reasons for this:

  1. Pain can be a symptom of urolithiasis. The pain in this case is quite strong, sometimes occurs after physical exertion or with a sharp change in position, for example, from sitting to lying down and vice versa. This is due to the fact that the stone during exercise moved and migrated towards the urinary duct, and then clogged it. Due to the accumulated urine, the pressure in the kidney rises and the person experiences severe pain. In this case, pain may occur during urination, that is, the stone moves. Sometimes blood appears in the urine, this indicates that the migrating stone has damaged the walls of the urinary duct.
  2. Pyelonephritis is considered the cause of pain on the left side. Similar sensations from pyelonephritis can be on the right, and simultaneously on both sides. This disease can also be caused urolithiasis, that is, the inflammatory process began due to obstruction urinary tract or their damage. In this case, the temperature may rise and vomiting may occur.
  3. Pain on the left can cause cancer not only of the kidney, but also of the organs that are located next to it. In this case, the pain will be increasing, as the tumor grows, it will become stronger. Perhaps the appearance of blood in the urine, fever, weight loss. There may be jumps in blood pressure. At home, such a disease is not diagnosed, only in specialized clinics.
  4. Pain can occur due to nephroptosis, that is, prolapse of the organ. The reasons why the symptoms of pathology appeared are different. This may be an injury or weakening led to nephroptosis. abdominal muscles due to pregnancy. The wrong diet can also lead to kidney prolapse. In the case of nephroptosis, pain occurs only in an upright position. When a person lies down, the discomfort in the kidney area disappears.
  5. Cyst. Very often, the disease is asymptomatic until the formation reaches an impressive size. It begins to put pressure on the renal pelvis or ureter, which causes pain in the lower back on the left. The pain radiates to the abdomen or hypochondrium. Unpleasant sensations become more pronounced with physical activity. While the cyst is small, its presence can only be determined by the results of ultrasound or MRI.


Treat all kinds renal pathologies only specialists can, in this case it is a nephrologist and a urologist. If the pain does not stop and only becomes stronger, do not endure. call ambulance. After all, severe pain can cause pain shock and, as a result, death.

If the left kidney hurts, you should not contact folk medicine, none folk remedy will not relieve spasm as quickly as a modern drug.

The doctor prescribes treatment on the basis of observations of the patient, his examination and study of the results of the tests. If the therapy is medical and the pain is not strong, then it can be carried out at home, but in other cases the patient is left in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. So:

  1. If nephroptosis is diagnosed, then the patient is prescribed to wear a special bandage to return the organ to its anatomical position. right place. Also prescribed gymnastic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  2. Urolithiasis requires long-term drug treatment, diet and, in rare cases, surgical intervention when kidney stones are removed surgically. At drug treatment instructed to drink more fluids.
  3. With hydronephrosis, it is impossible to relieve pain with medicines. The causes of the condition are that urine has accumulated in the kidney. In this case, it is necessary to remove the accumulated fluid from the organ, so the patient is placed with a special catheter in urethra. This so-called
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