Doubling of the kidney. What is the essence of the problem of a doubled kidney Echosigns of a duplication of the left kidney

A double kidney is a congenital anomaly of development. Normally, a person has two kidneys - one on the left, the other on the right side. With impaired fetal development, they can double in one or two lobes, or form as a third or even fourth kidney (with complete bilateral defect). Girls are more susceptible to this feature, in boys the anomaly is much less common.

According to statistics, the mutation occurs in one newborn child out of 150. As a rule, duplication of the kidneys does not pose a threat to life, in most cases the patient learns about the defect by chance, for example, during an examination. However, in some cases, doubling may contribute to the appearance of secondary diseases of the urinary system and require treatment.


Many people are frightened when faced with a diagnosis of “doubling of the kidneys” in themselves or in loved ones, and try to understand what it is, how much this condition poses a threat to life and health.

Most often (in 80% of cases), incomplete doubling of the left or right kidney is observed. In this case, the division of the organ does not occur, there is an increase in it and a bridge in the sinus region, dividing the kidney into two sections that have a single pyelocaliceal system (PCS). Each lobule is fed by separate arteries. Visually, the lower part of the double kidney is larger than the upper one.

Sometimes CHLS is formed in both departments, but the vascular system in such a kidney is common. The ureters, with incomplete duplication, depart from the pelvis and join into a common urinary stream.

Much less often (in 10% of cases) a diagnosis of "complete doubling of the kidney" is made. The left-sided anomaly is somewhat more common than the right-sided one. The development of a separate organ with its own PCS and blood flow is noted. Sometimes doubling the PLS of the right kidney or the left kidney leads to functional changes. In some cases, doubling of the pelvis is accompanied by underdevelopment of one of them. The ureter of the double kidney is separate, having its own mouth in. Sometimes the ureter connects not to the bladder, but to the large intestine, and in females, to the vagina. In this case, urine has an exit through the corresponding organs, which requires surgical intervention.

Doubling of the kidneys is one of the types of anomalies that are not pathological. Often, the diagnosis is made already by adults who have not experienced problems with the urinary system throughout their lives.

Reasons for the appearance

The defect is laid during intrauterine development. It can lead to:

  1. Genetic factor (including hereditary). In families where the parents themselves or their close relatives have congenital, the risk of a child with the same defect is high.
  2. Taking medications during pregnancy that have a teratogenic effect, leading to deformities and abnormalities in the fetus. It is necessary to be attentive to all medications taken in this crucial period.
  3. Irradiation with ions, staying in places with high radiation.
  4. Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals in the body of a pregnant woman.
  5. Drug addiction, smoking, drinking alcohol during the period of bearing a child.


As a rule, partial doubling does not cause any special problems in life and is not accompanied by functional changes. Full doubling is a more dangerous feature, it is often accompanied by an incorrect physiological structure and requires mandatory monitoring by a specialist throughout life. Complicates the situation if there is a doubling of the right kidney and the left at the same time.

Often, the first signs of a special structure can appear during an increase in the load on the body, for example, during pregnancy in women, as well as during hypothermia or after lifting weights in men. In other cases, an anomaly of the structure due to vulnerability gradually leads to diseases of the urinary system and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • violation of urination - urinary retention, pain and pain, weak stream;
  • pain in the lumbar region at the back, which is aggravated by tapping with the edge of the palm;
  • urinary retention - a threatening condition that may be accompanied by symptoms of intoxication - nausea, vomiting, weakness, body odor;
  • an increase in body temperature from subfebrile (37º-37.5ºC) to high values;
  • hypertension - blood pressure above age norms;
  • swelling (legs, body, face);
  • earthy complexion.

These signs are accompanied by both diseases of the genitourinary sphere, and violations of functional abilities (for example, insufficient outflow of urine due to doubling and underdevelopment of CHLS). With double kidneys, you should take care of your body, follow the doctor's recommendations. In children, these symptoms can be acute, and therefore require immediate hospitalization. Pregnant women should undergo regular monitoring of the condition of the baby's organs.

With an incorrect structure of the kidneys, primary diseases of the urinary system or exacerbation of old ones can be provoked by:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
  3. Wrong lifestyle: bad habits, violation of sleep and rest.
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. Hard physical work.
  6. Sports activities associated with weight lifting or overload.
  7. Abuse of drugs that affect the activity of the kidneys.
  8. Insufficient consumption of clean water.
  9. Urinary tract infections.

Diagnostic measures

Timely assessment of the state and structure of organs in case of unilateral and bilateral defects allows to identify deviations in functioning and, if necessary, to prescribe therapy. If the anomaly does not affect the state of the body, does not cause malfunctions in the urinary system (with incomplete doubling of the kidney), then the attending physician gives recommendations on lifestyle and diet and prescribes an annual examination. In other cases, medication is recommended, and sometimes surgical treatment of kidney problems.

If a malformation is suspected, as well as during an annual examination of doubling, the following set of diagnostic measures is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics with the study of the blood supply of the organ (Dopplerography). Modern equipment allows not only to find out the location and structure of the kidneys, but also to evaluate their structure, as well as the slightest changes in it. Doppler ultrasound determines the blood flow in the organ, assesses the state of the vessels. The procedure requires preparation: drink 0.5 liters of water in an hour - the bladder should be full, do not eat 8 hours before the study, exclude flour products and bread from the diet for a day or two, as well as sweets, raw vegetables, and milk. The fact is that some foods cause excessive gas formation in the large intestine, which can distort the results of the study. An acceptable diet before an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is cereals, soups, boiled meat and fish. Young children and people suffering from flatulence are advised to take carminative drugs before diagnosis. Children are advised to drink water already in the ultrasound room, because due to physiological characteristics it is difficult for them to restrain the urge to urinate.
  • X-ray with the introduction of a contrast agent. It is prescribed for pain, as well as for suspected or chronic processes. It is indispensable for complications - urolithiasis, the presence of tumors and others. The procedure is as follows: the patient is given an intravenous injection (or drip infusion) with a contrast agent, then a series of x-rays is taken to identify the excretory condition. Preparation for the study is the same as for ultrasound.
  • A modern and more informative method is computed tomography using a contrast agent. Thanks to her, the pictures are three-dimensional, clear, with their help you can see the condition of the kidneys, as well as the vessels that feed them. CT and X-ray are contraindicated in pregnant women, in order to avoid violations of the formation of the fetus.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - gives an idea of ​​the structure of the organ, its functioning, the state of blood circulation, the presence of tumors, doubling, stones and other neoplasms. It is by far the best method for in-depth research. It is prescribed for controversial diagnoses, suspected complications. The procedure is quite long - about 40 minutes. During the study, the patient is placed in a special closed tube, so people with claustrophobia, as well as those suffering from diseases of the nervous system and psyche, MRI is not suitable. The procedure, if indicated, can be performed on pregnant women.
  • Cystoscopy is an instrumental type of diagnostics. It involves the introduction of a special catheter with a camera at the end into the urethra and bladder. Gives an idea of ​​the state of the mucous membrane of these organs. It is carried out to clarify some diagnoses -), tumors, cystitis and urethritis.

Treatment and prevention

It is impossible to cure congenital structural features with drugs. The kidneys double during fetal development due to genetic or heredity failures, or due to external factors affecting the mother-to-be.

Medicines are used to relieve pain in case of complications, as well as to eliminate infectious processes. For this purpose, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed.

In the presence of stones in the organs of the urinary system, drugs are prescribed that dissolve or remove them.

If doubling leads to severe disorders that lead to a significant decrease in kidney function, then surgery is performed. They are as follows:

  1. nephrectomy - removal of part of the kidney or organ completely;
  2. antireflux surgery - plastic of the urinary tract, used for stagnation of urine;
  3. connection of the ureters with the bladder by excision and creation of a seam, as well as the creation of artificial partitions. It is used when there is an improper outflow of urine, for example, into the intestines, and also when urine is thrown back into the bladder.

To reduce the load on the organs of the urinary system, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle: exclude the use of alcohol and tobacco, professional sports, weight lifting, hypothermia. In order to avoid infection in the organs of the genitourinary system, it is important to observe the hygiene of sexual life - protect yourself with unfamiliar partners with a condom, and if sexually transmitted diseases are detected, both partners should be treated in a timely manner.

The diet of patients with duplication of the kidney should not contain products that irritate the mucous membranes. You should also refuse food that retains fluid in the body. Therefore, people with kidney abnormalities should consult a nephrologist before consuming the following products:

  • pickles and smoked meats;
  • fast food, sausages, spicy dishes;
  • mineral water with gas.

To support the activity of the urinary system, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, drink vitamin complexes in spring and autumn (only after consulting a doctor, since some minerals that make up the complexes are contraindicated in urolithiasis). Overloads, both physical and psycho-emotional, should be avoided.

The activity of the kidneys is extremely important for the whole organism. With serious complications of renal diseases, the patient may die in a few days due to intoxication of the body. Therefore, it is important to carry out diagnostics of organs in a timely manner, to comply with all the instructions of a specialist. Ultimately, this can save a life.

The intrauterine formation of the human excretory system is complex and multi-stage. This circumstance creates favorable conditions for the relatively frequent birth of babies with defects in the urinary organs. Such anomalies deserve close attention due to the fact that congenital inferiority of the intrarenal circulation, coupled with the accompanying urodynamic disorders, creates a suitable ground for the development of serious inflammatory diseases, such as chronic pyelonephritis. The most common pathology of kidney development is their one- or two-sided doubling; most of those suffering from this defect have the first of them. This anomaly occurs in about 1 in 150 newborns.

What is kidney duplication

The doubled kidney is much longer than the normal one. Like other anomalies in the development of the urinary organs, this defect is three times more common in women than in men. The embryonic structure of the kidney is sometimes preserved even in an adult. The lower half of the doubled organ is in all cases larger than the upper. Such kidneys are located in their usual place.

There is both complete and incomplete doubling. In the first case, each of the halves has its own ureter and pelvic-cup system. The pelvises are placed one above the other and, despite the fact that they are united by an isthmus of connective tissue, they do not communicate with each other.

With complete doubling, each half of the kidney has its own pelvicalyceal system and its own ureter

The additional ureter is completely separated from the main ureter, in this case both of them are connected to the bladder separately and each has its own mouth. In this situation, they speak of a complete doubling of these organs. The mouth of the lower half is always located higher on the bubble than the mouth of the upper half.

However, incomplete duplication of the ureters is also possible, when they are connected in one place in one direction and end in the bladder with a common mouth. Most often, the fusion occurs in areas of physiological narrowing, but it can also occur on any segment of the trunk. Even with preserved anatomical patency of the junction of the ureters, there is a violation of the passage of urine in this segment; in this case, the upper half of the kidney suffers. The outflow of urine from the upper pelvis is difficult because its ureter merges with the lower ureter at an acute angle; this delays the continuous flow of biological fluid and partly contributes to the hydronephrotic change in this section of the double kidney (excessive expansion and stretching of its hollow parts).

Throughout its length, the main and additional ureters can cross once or twice. It happens that one of them ends blindly or opens outside the bladder triangle: into the back of the urethra, into the intestines, into the neck of the bladder, in addition, in men - in the seminal vesicle or in the vas deferens, and in females - in the uterus or into the vagina.

Each half of a fully double kidney, in terms of anatomy and physiology, is an independent organ. However, her lower pelvic-cup system is formed normally, and the upper one is lagging behind in development. Occasionally there is a dividing furrow between them, but usually it is almost imperceptible.

The incomplete form of the anomaly is a doubling of the parenchyma and vascular network of the organ with a normal number of pelvises and cups.

In the scheme of incomplete doubling of the kidney, the numbers indicate: 1 - parenchyma; 2 - large blood vessels; 3 - pelvis

Both halves of the kidney are supplied with blood by two arteries. The circulation of lymph in each part of the doubled organ is also separate. The diameter of the arteries supplying the upper and lower parts of the kidney is proportional to the volume of the flesh supplied by them.

Doubling of the kidneys and ureters occur in various combinations

Causes of pathology

  • intrauterine simultaneous formation of both ureters from their two rudiments;
  • bifurcation of a single ureteric embryo in the early stages of embryogenesis.

The first circumstance explains the occurrence of an incorrect position of the mouth of any of the ureters, and the second - the bifurcation (or partial doubling) of its trunk. In different patients, both types of impaired embryonic development are observed with the same frequency. Sometimes this anomaly is inherited from parents.


Functional and anatomical failure of the kidney with doubling of its structural elements, difficulties in the passage of urine create all the conditions for the development of a chronic inflammatory disease. If similar pathological phenomena do not occur in the abnormal organ, then the patient has no clinical signs and complaints. Therefore, duplication of the kidney is often discovered by chance, when examining a patient in a medical institution for some other ailment or urological problems on the other side of the body.

In the case of a complete duplication of the ureter and the location of an additional mouth in an unnatural place, for example, in women in the uterus, in the vagina or in the urethra, a characteristic and very unpleasant symptom is observed: constant involuntary urination, while the ability to an independent act of urination and urge to it remain. Not knowing about the existence of an additional excretory opening, the phenomenon is mistaken for urinary incontinence caused by weakness of the external bladder sphincter.

If one of the ureters of a doubled kidney ends not in the bladder, but, for example, in the urethra, then there is a constant leakage of urine.

Another frequent companion of a doubled ureter is a ureterocele - a sac-like protrusion of its end into the bladder. It is usually formed in the region of the mouth of the accessory ureter of the upper part of the doubled kidney. This pathology may not cause any inconvenience to the patient, but if the formation has reached a large size, it can put pressure on nearby large vessels and cause pain that radiates to the leg, besides, in women, it can mimic the prolapse of the bladder (cystocele). The ureterocele is characterized by a two-stage urination: having barely relieved a small need, the patient immediately feels the urge again. Due to congestion in the bladder, there is a high risk of formation of stones in its cavity.

The ureterocele interferes with the normal emptying of the bladder, so it occurs in two stages

Clinical practice shows a high frequency of various urological pathologies on the side opposite to doubling. In the case of a bilateral defect, an abnormal structure of the urinary organs, prolapse of the kidney (nephroptosis), and urolithiasis are often found.

On the side opposite to doubling, pathologies and abnormal positions of the kidney are often observed.

Why does a double kidney cause pain

You should be aware that doubling the kidney, even in the absence of an inflammatory process, can cause severe back pain; this indicates the presence of phenomena of the reverse flow of urine, in medicine called reflux. The biological prerequisites for such a violation of urodynamics in an abnormal organ are:

  • moving the mouth of the ureter down or sideways;
  • shortening of one or both trunks of a bifurcated ureter;
  • ureterocele in the vesical region of one of the ureters.

With the anomaly of the kidneys under consideration, the following types of reflux occur:

  1. Interureteric. Fluid is thrown from one ureter to another at the point of their articulation.
  2. Urethral-ureteral. Occurs when the ureter in men flows into the back (deepest located) part of the urethra. In this case, the ureterocele, which overlaps the neck of the bladder, in some patients leads to the reflux of urine into the accessory ureter or into two trunks at once on the side of the lesion.
  3. Vesicoureteral. Usually occurs in the ureter belonging to the lower part of the doubled kidney. This trunk, as a rule, has a shorter intravesical part. The additional ureter opens into the bladder below the main one, i.e. closer to the neck. Reflux is promoted by the ureterocele of the accessory trunk, which damages the closing apparatus of the mouth of the main ureter due to stretching of the bladder in this place. Along with the return of urine to the lower part of the doubled kidney, its reflux into the ureter of the upper half of the organ is observed when its mouth is located in the region of the bladder neck. Or in both trunks, if their holes are shifted downwards and are close to each other.

With vesicoureteral reflux, urine does not enter the bladder due to any obstacle, but returns through the ureter back to the pelvis, expanding and deforming it

Clinical symptoms of complications of a double kidney

A double kidney is much more likely than a normal one to undergo various diseases. This is predetermined by circulatory and urodynamic disorders in the abnormal organ.


One of the most common complications in duplication of the kidney is pyelonephritis, the occurrence of which is due to the combination of vesicoureteral reflux with a congenital malformation of the organ. Despite ongoing drug treatment, this inflammatory disease with duplication of the kidney is characterized by a long, persistent chronic course with frequent exacerbations. Standard antibacterial therapy for pyelonephritis brings the patient only short-term relief. The clinical symptoms of inflammation of a double kidney do not differ from those typical in a normal organ:

  • pain above the lower back;
  • bacteria and high leukocytosis in the urine;
  • soreness and burning during urination, frequent urge to it;
  • difficulty in trying to empty the bladder;
  • temperature flashes.

Hydronephrosis and hydroureteronephrosis

Often accompanying doubling of the kidney reflux, ureterocele, narrowing of the accessory ureter and incorrect location of its mouth are important factors causing the development of hydronephrosis or hydroureteronephrosis. The first disease is a progressive expansion of the pelvis and cups against the background of difficulty in the normal outflow of urine from them. Without treatment, it results in complete atrophy of the parenchyma and the extinction of renal activity. In the second disease, the ureter of the pathological organ is also involved in the expansion process.

This is what a doubled left kidney with hydronephrosis of both halves looks like on an excretory urogram

The clinical symptoms of these two ailments are characterized by the same signs as in pyelonephritis, and may differ in the presence of a large palpable formation in the lower hypochondrium, sometimes with blood in the urine. Sometimes hydronephrosis with doubling of the kidney is almost asymptomatic, and only prolonged leukocyturia (a large number of leukocytes in the urine) indicates the disease.

A characteristic clinical sign of hydroureteronephrosis that has arisen against the background of an incorrect (extravesical) localization of the ureteral opening is a constant leakage of urine from birth, while the normal act of emptying the bladder is preserved.

Hydroureteronephrosis of the upper half of the right and lower half of the left doubled kidneys

Urolithiasis disease

In connection with the stagnation of urine caused by violations of urodynamics, calculi (stones) are often formed in the organs of the urinary system. Urolithiasis with doubled renal pelvis and ureters is interesting in that pyelonephritis very often joins it.

Table: diseases that occur against the background of doubling the kidneys

Is pregnancy possible

Naturally, every young woman who has a duplication of kidneys is interested in the question: is she destined to know the joy of motherhood? Observations of doctors have established that yes, pregnancy and childbirth with such an anomaly is quite possible. However, the most complete and detailed urological examination of patients who want to have a child is necessary. Knowledge by the attending physician of the type of anomaly and the condition of the urinary organs of the future mother is of great importance for preventing the occurrence of serious complications during pregnancy, when the kidneys work under conditions of increased stress. It is impossible not to take into account the high risk of developing pyelonephritis during this period. But if the doubled kidney does not manifest itself in any way and does not bother the woman, then she will be able to carry the pregnancy to the end and give birth to a healthy baby without any special difficulties.

In the case when the anomaly is accompanied by hydronephrosis, significant narrowing of the ureter, leakage of urine or other complications requiring urgent intervention, family replenishment can be planned only after surgical correction of the defect. If the doubling of the kidney was first detected against the background of an already onset pregnancy, then the issue of continuing and maintaining the latter is decided by the obstetrician-gynecologist together with the urologist.


Diagnosing duplication of the kidneys is not difficult and is usually available on an outpatient basis in a polyclinic. The diagnosis is made on the basis of ultrasound, cystoscopic methods and X-ray excretory urography. Sometimes, a renal angiogram, the study and evaluation of blood vessels, may be needed. Of great importance for correct diagnosis are the patient's complaints about urine leakage while maintaining normal urination. They give reason to suspect the presence of an additional ureter, which opens into organs adjacent to the bladder.


Ultrasound scanning currently does not lose its relevance in identifying defects in the urinary system. However, only with its help it is impossible to reliably diagnose a duplication of the kidney. Ultrasound can only suspect this anomaly due to an increase in the length of the organ, as well as detect possible complications.

This is how hydronephrosis of the lower half of the right doubled kidney looks on the ultrasound image

Video: the doctor talks about doubling the kidneys and about the ultrasound diagnosis of the anomaly

Cystoscopy and chromocystoscopy

Cystoscopic examination - examination of the bladder cavity through the urethra using an optical apparatus (cystoscope) - will provide invaluable support in the diagnosis of complete doubling of the ureters and kidneys. During it, with a one-sided anomaly, three are revealed, and with a two-sided - four mouths. Often this study is enough to detect such a pathology.

Cystoscopy can be performed with either a hard (in women) or a soft (in men) cystoscope.

If the interpretation of the data obtained is difficult, then to clarify the diagnosis, an additional chromocystoscopy is performed - an examination of the inner membrane of the bladder in combination with the determination of the evacuation and secretory functions of the kidneys. The doctor observes the mouths through a cystoscope, and at this time the nurse injects a dye - indigo carmine - into the patient's vein. After 2-3 minutes, blue urine appears almost simultaneously from all openings of the ureters.

Excretory urography

Excretory urography allows you to judge the state and functions of each part of the duplicated organ, to see the anatomical and structural transformations in the kidney. In connection with the frequent thinning of the parenchyma of the upper half, for its full-fledged study, it is necessary to inject a double amount of an iodine-containing radiopaque substance into the patient's vein.

The image obtained by excretory urography shows a complete bilateral doubling of the pelvis and ureters

Before the procedure, the individual sensitivity of a person to such drugs should be checked. Excretory urography helps to detect duplication of the pelvis and ureter when the main and additional trunks merge before they flow into the bladder, which cannot be seen in any other way.

The survey urogram shows the shadow of the kidneys, increased in length. Several images taken one after another with a certain time interval make it possible to come to a conclusion about the anatomical location, structural changes and functionality of the top and bottom of the doubled kidney. Even if one of its parts does not work at all with this anomaly, based on the state of the cavity of the other, functioning half, doubling of the pelvis and ureter can be suspected.

With the help of excretory urography, both complete and incomplete doubling of the urinary organs can be determined: this picture shows how the two left ureters merge into one

With a pronounced decrease in the function of one of the parts of the organ and changes in it, retrograde (ascending) pyelography is used - an X-ray examination performed after the injection of a contrast agent into the kidneys from the bottom up, through the urethra and ureters.


All people with a double kidney can be divided into 3 groups according to the degree of need for treatment:

  1. Patients who do not need therapy: in them, the anomaly did not manifest itself in any way and was discovered by chance.
  2. Patients without gross urodynamic disorders, but with associated pyelonephritis, who need drug therapy with antibiotics.
  3. Patients who urgently need surgery.

Hydronephrosis and hydroureteronephrosis with a double kidney are treated exclusively by surgery. During the intervention, the cause that caused these complications should be eliminated. If, in case of damage by hydronephrosis, the presence of stones in the pyelocaliceal apparatus, or a significant expansion of the ureter due to reflux, it becomes necessary to remove the pathological part of the organ, then the operation is performed as early as possible, regardless of the patient's age, in order to save the healthy part of the kidney from death. The intervention should be as organ-preserving as possible. Kidney removal (nephrectomy) in young people, and even more so in children, is performed only in case of its complete irreversible non-viability.

In the absence of function of the affected part of the doubled kidney, heminephrectomy (cutting off the dead half of the organ) or resection (removal of part of the kidney) is performed along with the complete elimination of the refluxing ureter, because if at least a small remnant of it remains, vesicoureteral reflux will persist and progress.

With age, the size of the stump increases, a closed cavity is formed at its end, in which pus accumulates, and patients have to undergo complex surgical intervention again.

With complete duplication of the ureter and the preserved function of the upper half of the kidney, it is possible to perform one of the following plastic surgeries:

  • ureteroureteroanastomosis - the surgical organization of the fusion of the pelvic part of the accessory ureter with the main one;
  • ureteropyeloanastomosis, in which the main ureter is dissected and sutured to the additional pelvis of the top of the doubled kidney.

During such plastic surgery, the extra ureter, which has an extravesical location of the mouth, is completely removed, and the upper half of the kidney, from which it departed, is preserved. Sometimes a patient undergoes a ureterocystoneostomy - transplantation of a pathologically opening ureter into the bladder, while a new mouth is formed for him there.

These interventions are carried out with hydronephrosis of one of the halves of the doubled kidney in order to eliminate the reverse reflux of urine into the pelvis. The tactics of the operation and the time of its implementation for each specific patient are selected individually.

Photo gallery: schemes of operations on the ureters performed to eliminate reflux

Ureteropyeloanastomosis involves the formation of a single ureter for both pelvises of a doubled kidney During the operation of ureteroureteroanastomosis, the upper ureter merges with the lower one near the pelvis Ureterocystoneostomy: 1-5 - stages of the operation of transplanting the ureter into the bladder with the formation of its mouth in the form of a nipple


Owners of a double kidney outwardly do not differ from ordinary people and, if complications do not join, they can lead a normal life. They have to be registered with a dispensary, often visit a urologist and undergo examinations from time to time, but this is not a big problem. In a number of cases, a double kidney will never disturb its carrier during a lifetime.

The danger of this anomaly lies in the frequent development of inflammatory diseases in such patients, which are fraught with chronic kidney failure. If this happens, then only a transplant of a donor organ can save a person's life.

Among those who died from chronic renal failure, doubling of the kidneys in any form was in every 125 of them.

Do they take with a double kidney into the army

Since army service is associated not only with the defense of the Fatherland, but also with colossal almost round-the-clock physical exertion on the body, and if the kidneys are doubled, complications can appear at any time, few of the young men of military age who were born and raised with this anomaly, and their mothers do not care about this topic. To find out if they take soldiers with such a defect, one should refer to the "Schedule of Diseases", which lists the diseases and categories of a young man's suitability for military duty in each case. It is this document that guides the draft board, passing a verdict on the possibility of attracting the future defender of the motherland to serve in the army.

Doubling of the kidneys refers to violations of the urodynamics of the upper urinary tract and is included in the list of diseases listed in paragraph "b" of Article 72 of the "Schedule of Diseases". Therefore, a conscript with this feature belongs to category "B" - limitedly fit for military service. This means that the young man has an incurable disease with a moderate disorder of body functions, and in accordance with the law "On military duty and military service", he is subject to exemption from conscription for health reasons, but is sent to the reserve. Simply put, in the event of hostilities, such a person, along with everyone else, will be involved in the performance of a soldier's duty, taking into account his current education and skills. For example, he will be able to work in a factory for the manufacture of parts or household items for the front or in a hospital to care for the wounded.

While serving in the army, soldiers have to experience significant physical exertion, endure cold and heat, endure heavy loads; All this requires good health and stamina.

If a young man with a double kidney graduated from a higher educational institution that has a military department and is preparing to defend his homeland as a reserve officer, then he will be classified as “B”, that is, the commission recognizes him as fit for military service with minor restrictions . The issue of belonging of this citizen to category "B" is decided individually. The same applies to conscripts who go into the army on a contract basis. After all, you can learn such a military profession, thanks to which the young man will take part in the defense of the Fatherland, without overstraining physically and without risking his health. So, the owner of a double kidney will never become a paratrooper or submariner, but service in the signal troops is quite accessible to him.

Video: how to get the category "B"

The doubling of the urinary organs is a congenital feature, which in general is incorrectly called a disease. A person born with three or four kidneys is in any case more fortunate than one who has this organ in the singular. However, a double kidney obliges its bearer to pay double attention to their well-being: in view of the increased risk of developing diseases, such people should immediately consult a doctor at the first symptoms of malaise.

Now quite often there is such a thing as incomplete doubling of the kidney. This term describes one of the forms of abnormal development of one of the organs of the pyelocaliceal system of the urinary tract. Doctors do not consider this a disease, since it does not have pronounced symptoms, but such a pathology makes the patient quite vulnerable and prone to various inflammatory diseases that have chronic features.

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Often, doctors do not classify this kidney disease as dangerous and do not make a special clinical conclusion about this. But when doubling the pyelocaliceal system and ureters, a dangerous situation arises for the patient. Therefore, to clarify the entire clinical picture, excretory type urography can be prescribed.

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General information

The abnormal structure of the kidneys is laid in the prenatal period. According to statistics, one in 150 newborns has a double organ. In the risk group for the development of the disease - girls, in boys the diagnosis is confirmed 2 times less often. Doubling on the one hand occurs in 89% of cases, and for unclear reasons, doubling of the right kidney is more often diagnosed. Anomaly on both sides occurs in 11% of cases.

Visually, a duplicated organ differs from a healthy one and looks like two kidneys fused at the poles, each with its own blood supply. Despite the irregular structure, the doubled organ performs the main functions of purifying the blood and removing harmful substances from the body.


In addition to one- and two-sided doubling, pathology is classified according to the forms:

  • complete doubling - a kind of abnormal kidney, in which the organ is presented in the form of 2 independent structures connected into one; from an anatomical position, the structure of the kidney with complete doubling is organized, as in 2 separate organs - both elements have their own blood supply system, the presence of a doubling of the renal PCS (pelvicalyceal system) is characteristic;
  • incomplete duplication of the kidney - a kind of anomaly, when one renal element integrates into the tissues of another; a characteristic feature of this form is associated with the presence of a single PCS; with incomplete doubling, the organ greatly increases in size; incomplete doubling of the left kidney is more often diagnosed.


In medicine, there is no exact information about the causes of the onset of the disease. Equally important is the hereditary factor - if one of the parents or other close relatives has a diagnosis, the likelihood of an anomaly increases. Another significant reason is associated with the impact on the female body during pregnancy of negative factors in the form of:

  • ionizing radiation;
  • work in hazardous conditions;
  • transferred bacterial and viral infections;
  • drug intoxication, poisoning with poisons;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • alcohol and nicotine intake;
  • severe forms of hypovitaminosis.

As a result, two foci of kidney growth appear in the developing embryo, and conditions are created for the development of 2 PCS. Complete separation of the PCS does not occur, the doubled kidney is covered with a common fibrous layer. Occasionally, in an abnormal organ, the vessels intertwine, penetrating from one element to another, which complicates the possibility of future operations.


People with kidney duplication usually don't have negative symptoms. Confirmation of the diagnosis occurs by chance, during an examination for other diseases. Negative symptoms become clinically significant only with the imposition of complications. With full doubling, the complications are more serious than with incomplete doubling. In both cases, with a long course of anomalies, there are:

  • frequent inflammatory processes prone to recurrent course;
  • hydronephrosis - a condition in which the renal pelvis expands and the excretion of urine is disturbed;
  • backflow of urine from the ureters.

Additionally, the presence of anomalies may indicate:

  • aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • pain when tapping the lower back;
  • rise in temperature;
  • attacks of renal colic;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • weakness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the face and limbs.

Survey Tactics

To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental studies are organized:

  • echography with color Doppler mapping - a method that allows you to identify the presence and assess the condition of independent PCS;
  • cystoscopy - necessary to visualize the mouths of the ureters, their number and localization;
  • excretory urography - a method that allows you to assess the condition of the ureters, the presence of expansions and doublings of the PCS;
  • MRI - will allow you to reliably examine the pelvicalyceal system in a three-dimensional projection.

Laboratory diagnostics is carried out to identify inflammatory processes in the urinary organs and evaluate the effectiveness of their work. For this apply:

  • general urine analysis;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • biochemical blood test with the determination of the concentration of creatinine, urea, albumin, uric acid, ions (potassium, chlorine, sodium);
  • smear from the urethra for bacanalysis.


There are no specific methods of treating pathology. But patients with duplication of the organ are subject to systematic observation and examination to monitor the functioning of the renal system. For prophylactic purposes, diuretics and phytopreparations are prescribed. With the development of complications, therapy is symptomatic:

  • taking broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • antispasmodic and analgesic drugs;
  • a balanced diet with limited salt, fat;
  • taking special kidney teas.

Surgical intervention for anomalies of the renal system is performed for a number of indications:

  • chronic recurrent pyelonephritis;
  • vesicoureteral reflux;
  • functional or anatomical destruction of an organ and its segments.

Types of surgical interventions:

  • nephrectomy - excision of the affected renal segments; when complications are imposed in the form of a tumor, the impossibility of separating the kidneys, a complete nephrectomy is performed;
  • anti-reflux operation - the creation of artificial gaps for the free flow of urine;
  • excision of the ureterocele with interrupted sutures and suturing of the ureters to the walls of the bladder;
  • kidney transplantation, hemodialysis are indicated in the event of acute kidney failure against the background of doubling.

The course of pregnancy in pathology

A woman with a doubling of the kidney can become a mother - pathology is not a contraindication to pregnancy. The only contraindication is the severe course of the anomaly with the need for surgical intervention, or the renal failure that has arisen against the background of doubling. Preparation for pregnancy should be thorough, with a comprehensive examination and treatment (if necessary) of detected foci of infection.

A possible risk for a pregnant woman is associated with squeezing by the growing uterus of an abnormal kidney and a violation of its filtering ability. Therefore, a woman throughout the entire gestation period should be observed not only by a gynecologist and therapist, but also by a nephrologist (at least once every 2 months). If complications from the renal system appear, the pregnant woman is subject to hospitalization in the urological department to correct the condition.

Preventive measures

There are no specific preventive measures, which is associated with the mechanism of the formation of anomalies at the genetic level. A responsible approach to pregnancy planning and a healthy lifestyle for the expectant mother can reduce the likelihood of developing pathology. Proper nutrition, taking multivitamin complexes, following medical recommendations allows you to maintain your own health and ensure adequate organ formation in the fetus.

Persons with a confirmed diagnosis of "doubling of the kidney" must comply with elementary preventive measures:

  • optimal drinking regime, no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day;
  • rational nutrition with restriction of salty, bitter, spicy foods;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • hardening;
  • avoidance of hypothermia.

An adult, when an anomaly of CHLS is detected, should stop drinking alcohol and smoking - alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the renal system, undermining its work.

Doubling of the kidney is an anomaly in which negative manifestations may be absent throughout life. It is important to understand that an ailment can become a prerequisite for the development of other, more serious diseases. With a responsible attitude to health, the life expectancy of persons with a double kidney is identical to that of healthy people.

Doubling of the kidneys. What it is?

The kidneys in the human body are represented by a paired organ. They perform the function of removing toxins from the body. Everyone knows about it. But not everyone has heard that there is a doubling of the kidney. What it is? This is the division of an organ into two halves, fused together by poles. Each part has its own blood supply system. Outwardly, such a kidney is much larger in size. The development of pathology occurs during fetal development.

Doubling of the kidneys in children is the most common congenital anomaly of the urinary system. The altered kidney does not pose a danger to human life, but is often the cause of other diseases.

Structure of the renal pelvis

This funnel-shaped structure is formed by the fusion of the large and small calyxes of the kidney. It is in the pelvis that urine accumulates. The surface of the inner part of the pelvis is covered with a mucous membrane. In the wall of the pelvis there are fibers that make peristaltic contractions, as a result of which urine flows down the urinary tract.

Due to the impermeability of the walls of the pelvis and ureters, the liquid with substances dissolved in it never enters the peritoneal cavity, but always remains within the urinary system.

Complete doubling of the kidneys

Sometimes a person is diagnosed with a complete doubling of the kidney. What it is? This is an abnormal phenomenon when the kidney is divided into two parts by a groove. The upper and lower lobules stand out, and the upper one is most often underdeveloped and smaller in size. Each of them has its own artery and its own renal pelvis, which is usually underdeveloped in the upper half. There are also own ureters. Each goes separately and ends in the bladder with its mouth. Perhaps the confluence of one ureter into another.

So, instead of one, there are two separate kidneys. In itself, the complete doubling of the kidney does not bother a person, so it does not need to be treated. But it leads to other diseases.

Problems that occur when a kidney is duplicated

Often, some kind of disease can begin to develop in one half of a doubled organ. Complete doubling of the kidney can provoke pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, nephrosis, polycystic. It happens that the mouth does not flow into the ureter, but into some other organ. They can be the rectum, cervix, vagina. In this case, a person may feel like urine is constantly leaking from the ureter.

This pathology is observed when a person has one large kidney with clearly defined upper and lower sections. Each of them has its own renal artery. H, each part of the doubled organ does not have its own pelvicalyceal system, they have one for two departments. There are two ureters, but they are interconnected and flow into the bladder as a single trunk, as one.

In medical practice, cases have been recorded when incomplete doubling of the left kidney is more often observed, and not the right one. Most people with such an anomaly live until old age, unaware of its existence. Incomplete doubling of the kidney does not cause inflammatory processes in the organ.

Causes of duplication of the kidney

If the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, what happens when a person has an incomplete doubling of the left kidney or the right one - it doesn’t matter, you may not know about the abnormal development of this organ. It is discovered by chance, during an ultrasound examination of some other organ located next to the kidney. Doctors often diagnose doubling of the kidney in a newborn baby. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. Let's consider some of them:

  • Radioactive exposure of the fetus in the womb, if her labor activity takes place during the entire period of pregnancy at an enterprise whose production cycle is associated with exposure.
  • Hereditary predisposition if one or both parents have a duplication of the kidney. What it is is described above in this article.
  • Poisoning with drugs during childbearing, including hormonal ones.

  • The presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman: alcohol abuse, drugs, etc.
  • Often and regularly manifested beriberi during pregnancy. There are many places on our planet where vegetables and fruits do not grow due to harsh climatic conditions. But even there women live and give birth to children. So the expectant mother suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Well, if everything works out, and the child does not have such a disease as a doubling of the kidney. Of course, there may be other reasons, but this one can be excluded for the sake of the health of the unborn baby.


If no examination was carried out when a person was a child, kidney doubling is diagnosed, as a rule, after an inflammatory disease of the organ begins or accidentally, during a preventive examination using diagnostic devices. First you need to do an ultrasound. If this is not enough, the doctor prescribes other methods.

When a person does not have pathology, then in his body there are only two mouths of the ureter: one for each kidney. If the doctor suspects a duplication of the kidney, the patient is assigned a cystoscopy. With its help, it is determined how many mouths the ureter has: if three, then the diagnosis of "doubling of the kidney" was confirmed. To determine the size of the enlarged kidney and to identify the presence or absence of the third renal pelvis and accessory ureter, the doctor prescribes excretory urography.


Doubling of the kidney does not manifest itself in any way. It does not need to be treated until it causes some other disease of this organ. Signs of duplication of the kidney are different. Usually inflammatory processes are characterized by:

  • An increase in temperature.
  • Weakness and swelling.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Regular headaches.
  • An increase in pressure.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Reverse flow of urine.
  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Renal colic.
  • The occurrence of infection in the urinary tract.

Whether all the symptoms appear at once or each separately, will depend on the disease.


Doubling of the kidneys is characterized by complete or incomplete division of the organ into two parts. If it doesn't bother the person, nothing needs to be done. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo preventive examinations. This pathology provokes inflammatory processes in the kidney when it completely doubles. Even in this case, there is no point in doing a complex operation to correct the defect. He throughout life can not cause trouble to a person.

Therapeutic treatment is usually used when diagnosing some serious disease, for example, pyelonephritis, if it was caused by this anomaly. When the disease becomes chronic and cannot be treated with conservative methods, then they resort to surgical intervention, which is aimed at correcting the cause that caused the complication. But they always try to save the kidney. It is removed only when it has completely lost its performance.


If during the examination a doubling of the kidney was found, there is no need to panic. This diagnosis is not fatal. When the pathology of the organ does not bother, it will not affect the quality of human life in any way. You need to take better care of your health:

  • Give up bad habits, if any: stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs.
  • Change your job if it involves poisonous chemicals.
  • Urgently switch to a properly balanced diet.
  • Strictly monitor the regime of work and rest.

If one of the relatives has a doubling of the kidney, what it is is known to the whole family. Therefore, when a woman from your family will bear a child, you need to treat this period with double attention. A child in the womb must develop, receiving the necessary vitamins. A woman is obliged to take care of her health and not take alcohol, drugs, medications that can cause poisoning of a child.

Causes of the anomaly

Double PLS of the right kidney - what is it? Surprisingly, this question began to appear quite often. This is due to the spread of unusual pathology. Incomplete doubling or doubling of one of the kidneys is the first stage of such an anomaly. It can occur during the development and formation of the fetus in the womb.

Due to the influence of various factors on a pregnant woman or if parents have altered genes during the formation of the urinary system, specific abnormalities may develop (doubling of the left kidney).

Among the factors affecting intrauterine development, several main ones can be distinguished:

  • various types of ionizing radiation;
  • lack of vitamins and essential minerals;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • bad habits: alcohol and smoking.

The disease can develop in two directions:

  • the kidney has two pelvises, which are supplied by one artery;
  • the excretory organ is supplied with two arteries and one pelvis, while the arteries have separate outlets from the aorta.

Basic concepts of partial doubling and variety

Partial doubling of the kidney can be called one of the types of doubling of the organ. Its characteristic feature is the special structure of the urinary organ. These kidneys have several bifurcated vessels and parenchyma. But the pelvis itself is not subject to such bifurcation.

Thus, the organ consists of two sections, independent of each other, and the renal sinus is separated by a bridge created from the parenchyma. Such a non-standard division makes the kidney more enlarged in size.

Often, doctors do not classify this kidney disease as dangerous and do not make a special clinical conclusion about this. But when doubling the pyelocaliceal system and ureters, a dangerous situation arises for the patient. Therefore, to clarify the entire clinical picture, excretory type urography can be prescribed.

Today, thanks to the achievements of science and new technical equipment, cases of the appearance of certain pathological abnormalities have become known, one of which is the abnormal structure of the organ. Such a pathology can have both partial and complete doubling of the urinary system.

Externally, the organ looks like two kidneys connecting to each other. But the uniqueness of the structure lies in the fact that each of them has its own independent blood supply. Quite often, such pathologies develop on the one hand, but there are doublings on both sides.

Such a term as complete doubling of the kidney is characterized by the peculiarities of its structure. Outwardly, the anomaly has a special difference - instead of one kidney, there are two. If the pathological development occurred on the left side of the body, then such a person has a doubling of the PCLS of the organ. Despite the outwardly correct features of these organs, their structure has an abnormal structure.

With such a doubling of the left kidney, one of its areas will have an inferior structure of the pelvis. The kidneys will have their own ureter for each pelvis. It may be located in a very unusual way.

Clinically, the disease is not particularly manifested.

A person can live their whole life with a double kidney and not even know about their unique body.

In the case when a complete doubling of the right or left kidney has formed, a partial emptying of the abnormal organ occurs.

This can lead to various inflammatory processes that provoke serious disorders and the development of dangerous diseases. With such processes, complications appear:

  • various changes caused by inflammation;
  • from the ureters there may be a reverse outflow of secretions;
  • urine accumulates in the pelvis and is retained for a long time.

For example, when doubling the PCS on the left or right, the patient may experience a feeling of pain in the lower back with a characteristic manifestation in the side where there is abnormal development. In addition to the characteristic aching pain, other symptoms may predominate: fever, unexplained weakness, swelling.

The patient may also experience frequent colic in the kidney area, the pressure rises sharply, and there are problems with urination.

Doctors do not treat doubling of PCLS, because they do not consider it a disease. But in the event of inflammatory processes with complications, standard therapy is used, selecting the necessary antibiotics with an extended spectrum of action.

With such an anomaly, kidney stones can appear, which cause colic of varying degrees. Therefore, doctors can prescribe analgesics, herbal remedies and painkillers. If drug treatment fails or severe stages of hydronephrosis appear, surgical intervention is possible.

Kidney duplication is a congenital pathology, which in most cases occurs in girls and is more often unilateral. The reasons for this phenomenon are very different. The doubling of the kidney begins to form and develop in the child even in the womb.

What it is?

The kidneys in the human body are represented by a paired organ. They perform the function of removing toxins from the body. Everyone knows about it. But not everyone has heard that there is a doubling of the kidney. What it is? This is the division of an organ into two halves, fused together by poles. Each part has its own blood supply system. Outwardly, such a kidney is much larger in size. The development of pathology occurs during fetal development.


Doubling of the kidney does not manifest itself in any way. It does not need to be treated until it causes some other disease of this organ. Signs of duplication of the kidney are different. Usually inflammatory processes are characterized by:

  • An increase in temperature.
  • Weakness and swelling.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Regular headaches.
  • An increase in pressure.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Reverse flow of urine.
  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Renal colic.
  • The occurrence of infection in the urinary tract.

Whether all the symptoms appear at once or each separately, will depend on the disease.


Doubling of the kidneys is characterized by complete or incomplete division of the organ into two parts. If it doesn't bother the person, nothing needs to be done. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo preventive examinations. This pathology provokes inflammatory processes in the kidney when it completely doubles. Even in this case, there is no point in doing a complex operation to correct the defect. He throughout life can not cause trouble to a person.

Therapeutic treatment is usually used when diagnosing some serious disease, for example, pyelonephritis, if it was caused by this anomaly. When the disease becomes chronic and cannot be treated with conservative methods, then they resort to surgical intervention, which is aimed at correcting the cause that caused the complication. But they always try to save the kidney. It is removed only when it has completely lost its performance.


If during the examination a doubling of the kidney was found, there is no need to panic. This diagnosis is not fatal. When the pathology of the organ does not bother, it will not affect the quality of human life in any way. You need to take better care of your health:

  • Give up bad habits, if any: stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs.
  • Change your job if it involves poisonous chemicals.
  • Urgently switch to a properly balanced diet.
  • Strictly monitor the regime of work and rest.

If one of the relatives has a doubling of the kidney, what it is is known to the whole family. Therefore, when a woman from your family will bear a child, you need to treat this period with double attention. A child in the womb must develop, receiving the necessary vitamins. A woman is obliged to take care of her health and not take alcohol, drugs, medications that can cause poisoning of a child.

Of the anomalies in the development of the kidneys, doubling of these organs is the most common. More often the problem is observed in girls on one side of the body, but sometimes it can be bilateral.

Kidney duplication - what is it?

By doubling the kidney, modern medicine recognizes a congenital pathology, in which the presence of a complete or partial doubling of the renal system is noted. The anomaly accounts for more than 10% of all malformations of the urinary system, occurs in about 150 cases of post-mortem autopsy, and in newborns - in 1 case out of 140 children born. Unilateral doubling accounts for 88% of all registered pathologies, doubling of both kidneys - 12%. The ICD-10 code is Q63.8 (Other congenital anomalies of the kidney).

When doubling, the kidney visually looks like two organs, each with its own blood supply.

The abnormal kidney, of course, is much larger than the normal one. The double kidney itself does not cause physical problems and serious inferiority of the system function, but contributes to the development of a number of diseases during life.

The reasons

Pathology can be exclusively congenital, it is laid in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Often, hereditary disposition matters when one of the parents and close relatives has a similar anomaly. Also, a number of factors can have a pathogenic effect on the body of the mother and fetus, as a result of which a kidney with structural defects is laid during embryogenesis.

Among these factors are:

  • Getting radioactive, x-ray exposure.
  • Work in hazardous industries.
  • Poisoning with drugs, poisons, intoxication.
  • Taking drugs with a teratogenic effect.
  • Severe avitaminosis.

The result of the action of such factors is the appearance of two foci of kidney growth, when 2 pyelocaliceal systems are formed. Their final separation does not happen, so the double kidney is covered with a common fibrous membrane. The vessels depart separately from the aorta, or have a common trunk, which is then divided into two parts and approaches each kidney individually. Sometimes the arteries inside a doubled kidney penetrate from one abnormal organ to another, which can create certain difficulties during the operation.
On the video about what a doubling of the kidney is:

Forms of pathology

As already noted, the anomaly is unilateral and bilateral.

But in medical practice, the differentiation of pathology into such forms is also of great importance:

  1. Full doubling. Both the left and right kidneys have their own ureter, their own pelvicalyceal system. The pelvises are located in parallel, connected only by a small isthmus of connective tissue. The calyx that is at the top, as a rule, is underdeveloped, and the lower pelvis functions fully. Each of the doubled kidneys, in fact, is a separate organ.
  2. incomplete doubling. With this anomaly, the parenchyma of the organ is double, its vessels are also doubled. The pelvicalyceal system develops without doubling. The top of the abnormal kidney is smaller than the bottom.

The most common is incomplete doubling of the left kidney. The right organ is affected much less frequently. The underdeveloped part of the double kidney resembles the state of the organ in dysplasia.

In the photo, the form of a doubling of the kidney


Manifestations of incomplete duplication of the kidney in the newborn and in people during life are usually absent. Sometimes a person is unaware of the existing anomaly at all, and learns about it by accident. Incomplete doubling does not cause any consequences for life and a decrease in its quality.

Full doubling also does not lead to the appearance of symptoms, but only as long as various complications are not superimposed on it. It can occur at any age, but is less commonly diagnosed in children under 8-10 years of age.

Usually, with prolonged existence of anomalies without surgery, the following are observed:

  • Regular inflammation;
  • Hydronephrosis with accumulation of urine in the pelvis;
  • Reverse flow of urine from the ureters.

Symptoms of complete doubling of the kidney can be:

  • Pain in the lower back;
  • Pain when tapped on the lower back;
  • Sometimes - an increase in body temperature;
  • swelling;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent renal colic;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Occasionally - urinary incontinence.

The infection can go downstream to the bladder, urethra with the appearance of a characteristic clinic of cystitis, urethritis.


Usually, anomaly detection happens as planned. Due to mandatory screening in children under one year old, duplication of the kidney is often detected in a child already on ultrasound at 1-6 months. Thus, ultrasound of the kidneys is the main diagnostic method that suggests this anomaly.

  1. Radiography, MRI, CT. They allow you to examine in detail the shape and structure of the kidneys.
  2. excretory urography. Helps to see the ureters, expansion and doubling of the pelvicalyceal system.
  3. Doppler scanning. It is used to evaluate the vessels that feed the kidneys.
  4. Cystoscopy. The specialist visualizes the orifices of the ureters, their number and location.

Inflammatory changes in the urinary system and the effectiveness of its work are confirmed by tests. Apply:

  • General urine analysis;
  • Urinalysis;
  • "Renal" blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of a smear from the urethra for bakposev, etc.

Often, an experienced specialist can assume the presence of a doubling of the kidney in the fetus during pregnancy. Ultrasound at 25 weeks and later may well provide the necessary information. Separately, it must be said about pregnancy with a double kidney. Such women are necessarily carefully observed by a nephrologist, urologist during the entire gestation period, they regularly undergo a number of laboratory and instrumental tests. In the presence of renal failure, indications for surgery, pregnancy is contraindicated.
Double kidney on ultrasound:

Treatment and prognosis

There is no specific conservative treatment for this anomaly. But due to the increased risk of developing various complications, it is important to exercise dynamic control over the health of a person with a double kidney. As a preventive measure, they take diuretics, herbal remedies and other drugs prescribed by a specialist, as well as regularly give urine and perform ultrasound of the kidney. A diet with reduced amounts of salt, spicy foods, smoked meats and other foods that can overload the kidneys is important. Be sure to stop smoking, drink alcohol in minimal quantities.

When complications occur, treatment is symptomatic and pathogenetic.

Acute and chronic inflammation and obstruction of the outflow of urine are treated by taking:

  • antibiotics;
  • Antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • Herbal preparations (kidney tea, corn stigmas, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.).

In the presence of severe, often exacerbating chronic pyelonephritis, as well as severe vesicoureteral reflux, surgical treatment should be planned. Also, one half of the kidney or ureter is removed with stones, hydronephrosis, lack of functioning of the organ, and the operation (heminephrectomy) is performed at any age. The appearance of a tumor or the lack of technical feasibility of separation of the kidneys becomes an indication for a complete nephrectomy. Kidney failure will require a kidney transplant from a donor or hemodialysis.
On the video about the causes and treatment of anomalies in the development of the kidneys:

What threatens?

A prerequisite for the development of complications is the presence of renal dysplasia and impaired urodynamics due to a double ureter. As a result, incomplete emptying of the pelvis is observed in the underdeveloped part of the kidney, urine stagnates, which causes a variety of diseases.

The most common inflammation of the kidney is pyelonephritis, which is especially common with complete doubling, combined with ectopia of the ureteral opening, ureteral reflux, cystic reflux, uregerocele. Pyelonephritis is observed in 24% of cases of doubling.

Other possible consequences:

  • Kidney stones - 21%;
  • Hydronephrosis - 14%;
  • Nephroptosis - 3%;
  • Kidney tuberculosis - 36%;
  • Tumors - 2%.

A kidney with an anomaly is highly vulnerable, in addition, the infectious process in it often passes to a healthy organ. Therefore, it is important for the patient not to overcool, eat right, immediately treat all inflammations and infections in order to maintain health at a high level.

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