How to use salbutamol for inhalation correctly. Salbutamol, aerosol for inhalation, dosed Salbutamol dosage form

In bronchial asthma, it is important to quickly stop attacks, especially in children. Therefore, doctors often prescribe Salbutamol as a bronchodilator. However, its use by children has a number of features.

Release form

"Salbutamol" is most often produced in the form of an aerosol for inhalation. Pharmacies sell a metal inhaler with a metering valve. This is the most popular form of "Salbutomol" because it is very convenient for continuous use outside the home or hospital. The inhaler is designed for 200 doses.

Also in pharmacies are sold tablets "Salbuomol" 2 and 4 mg and prolonged action - 4 and 8 mg. Smaller dosages are used in children. In addition, capsules with powder for inhalation and injection solutions in 2 ml ampoules are produced.

One of the forms of release is a syrup with salbutamol. The syrup is sold in 100 ml bottles and is a viscous liquid with a lemon smell.


The main active ingredient of all drugs is salbutomol sulfate, which is a white crystalline powder that dissolves well in water. It belongs to beta-adrenergic stimulants - substances that can influence the course of many processes in the human body.

Syrup with salbatomol also contains auxiliary components: stabilizers, citric acid to give taste and smell, sucrose, ethanol, and purified water.

In pharmacies there are combined syrups containing salbutamol. For example, Ascoril also contains mucolytics, bromhexine and guaifenesin. Three active components complement each other, contributing to a quick recovery from coughing.

You need to understand that such a syrup will not help with sore throat and other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

Operating principle

"Salbutomol" has an effect on beta2-adrenergic receptors located in the bronchi and blood vessels, relieves spasm and increases the amount of oxygen that a person can inhale.

During a spasm, this parameter is sharply reduced, the amount of oxygen entering the blood decreases, which affects all internal organs and systems, including the brain and heart. After using the inhaler, the effect is achieved after 5 minutes. The action of "Salbutamol" lasts up to 3-5 hours. During this period, the recurrence of seizures is unlikely.

The negative consequences of taking "Salbutamol" include its ability to lower the content of potassium in the plasma. However, at recommended doses, it does not harm the cardiovascular system.

It is important that "Salbutamol" does not accumulate in the lungs and is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract and in the urine.


The main indications for the use of "Salbutamol" in children are various forms of bronchial asthma. The drug helps to eliminate the attack in severe, moderate or mild, as well as cough forms of the disease.

Also, "Salbutomol" is able to prevent the occurrence of bronchospasm in a short period of time after contact with the allergen. For example, if a child inhaled some substance (toilet water, perfume, paint), then rapid use of the inhaler will prevent bronchospasm from developing.

"Salbutomol" is recommended for use before the upcoming physical activity: running, walking in the year, climbing stairs. It is important to ensure that, using Salbutamol as needed, the child does not exceed the maximum daily dosage.

"Salbutomol" is also prescribed on a regular basis as one of the components of comprehensive support for children with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. "Salbutomol" is also effectively used in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis.

Salbutamol-based syrup helps children with severe coughs.

At what age are they prescribed?

According to the instructions for the use of "Salbutomol", syrup is not prescribed for children under 2 years old, and inhalers - up to 4 years. Young children 3-4 years old are not always able to use the inhaler correctly, so they are recommended to use special devices.


With individual hypersensitivity to the drug, treatment with Salbutomol is contraindicated for a child. Sometimes the drug is allowed to be used in children with heart disease, for example, severe heart failure, high blood pressure.

Side effects

With frequent use of "Salbutomol" in children, the head may hurt and feel dizzy, tremors and convulsions may appear. If a child uses an inhaler, then the signs of side effects are cough, dry mouth. In rare cases, various skin reactions occur - dermatitis, rashes, itching.

Blood and urine tests also reveal such side effects of Salbutomol as hyperglycemia - an increase in blood glucose levels, hypokalemia - a lack of potassium in the blood, as well as an increased level of leukocytes. In rare cases, "Salbutomol" causes paradoxical bronchospasm.

Instructions for use

The dosage depends on the age of the patient and the purpose of the application. So, if it is necessary to stop an attack, children under 12 years old need one dose of inhalation, over 12 years old - two doses or 200 mcg of the drug. The number of doses may be increased during a severe attack. Before physical exertion or after contact with an allergen - two inhalations.

Children under 12 years of age can do no more than two inhalations at the same time, the exception is only in rare cases, if the course of the attack is severe. Children over 12 years of age can apply up to 3-4 inhalations at the same time. Adults are not allowed to do more than 12 inhalations per day, children under 12 years old - more than 8.


It manifests itself with the same symptoms as with side effects, but more acutely. Palpitations, tremor of the hands and head, hyperreactivity should attract the attention of parents. During examination, there are also changes in blood tests - the content of potassium is less than normal, and glucose is more.

If an overdose occurs, you need to seek medical help, decide with your doctor about the cancellation of treatment, and instruct the child, especially at the age of 3-4 years, on the frequency of using the inhaler.

Interaction with other drugs

Clinical trials show that salbutomol preparations can interfere with other medications, such as increasing the effects of stimulants.

Simultaneous reception with antidepressants can be dangerous, because it leads to a sharp decrease in pressure, up to loss of consciousness. The action of "Salbutomol" is enhanced by diuretics and Berodual.

Terms of sale and storage

"Salbutomol" is released in pharmacies only by prescription.

Salbutomold-based preparations should be stored at an air temperature not exceeding 30 C. They should not be frozen or left in the sun. The shelf life is 2 years. The inhaler must not be disassembled.

Composition and form of release of the drug

Aerosol for inhalation dosed in the form of a suspension that leaves a white or almost white spot on a glass slide when sprayed.

Excipients: oleic acid - 11.5 mcg, ethanol - 4.3 mg, tetrafluoroethane - 73.5 mg.

90 doses (7.02 g) - containers (1) (aluminum aerosol cans) complete with a plastic applicator - packs of cardboard.
200 doses (15.2 g) - containers (1) (aluminum aerosol cans) complete with a plastic applicator - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Beta-agonist with a predominant effect on β 2 -adrenergic receptors (localized, in particular, in the bronchi, myometrium, blood vessels). Prevents and relieves bronchospasm; reduces airway resistance, increases lung capacity. Prevents the release of histamine, a slow reacting substance from mast cells and neutrophil chemotaxis factors. Compared with other drugs in this group, it has a less pronounced positive chrono- and inotropic effect on the myocardium. It causes expansion of the coronary arteries, practically does not reduce blood pressure. It has a tocolytic effect, lowering the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium.


When using an aerosol, rapid absorption of salbutamol into the blood is observed; however, its blood concentrations, when used at recommended doses, are very low or below the limit of detection.

After oral administration, salbutamol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Plasma protein binding is 10%. Metabolized during the "first pass" through the liver and possibly in the intestinal wall; the main metabolite is an inactive sulfate conjugate. Salbutamol is not metabolized in the lungs, thus its final metabolism and excretion after inhalation depends on the route of administration, which determines the ratio between inhaled and inadvertently ingested salbutamol.

T1 / 2 from blood plasma is 2-7 hours. Salbutamol is rapidly excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites and unchanged substance; in small amounts excreted with feces.


Prevention and relief of bronchospasm in all forms. Reversible airway obstruction in chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema, broncho-obstructive syndrome in children.

Threatening premature birth with contractile activity of the uterus; childbirth before 37-38 weeks; isthmic-cervical insufficiency, a decrease in fetal heart rate depending on uterine contractions during periods of cervical dilatation and expulsion. For prophylactic purposes during operations on the pregnant uterus (imposition of a circular suture in case of insufficiency of the internal os of the uterus).


The threat of miscarriage in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding or toxicosis in the III trimester of pregnancy; children's age up to 2 years; hypersensitivity to salbutamol.


Inside as a bronchodilator for adults and children over 12 years old - 2-4 mg 3-4 times / day, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 8 mg 4 times / day. Children aged 6-12 years - 2 mg 3-4 times / day; children 2-6 years old - 1-2 mg 3 times / day.

With inhalation, the dose depends on the dosage form used, the frequency of use depends on the indications and the clinical situation.

As a tocolytic agent, it is administered intravenously in a dose of 1-2 mg.

Side effects

From the side of the cardiovascular system: transient expansion of peripheral vessels, moderate tachycardia.

From the side of the central nervous system:, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

From the side of metabolism: hypokalemia.

Allergic reactions: in isolated cases - angioedema, allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, urticaria, arterial hypotension, collapse.

Others: tremor of the hands, internal trembling, tension; rarely - paradoxical bronchospasm, muscle cramps.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of salbutamol with non-cardioselective, mutual suppression of therapeutic effects is possible; with theophylline - the risk of developing tachycardia and arrhythmia, in particular supraventricular extrasystole, increases.

With the simultaneous use of salbutamol and xanthine derivatives, corticosteroids or diuretics, the risk of developing hypokalemia increases.

special instructions

Use with caution in tachyarrhythmias and other rhythm disturbances, arterial hypertension, myocarditis, heart defects, aortic stenosis, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, acute heart failure (subject to close medical supervision).

An increase in the dose or frequency of salbutamol intake should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Reducing the interval is possible only in exceptional cases and must be strictly justified.

When using salbutamol, there is a risk of developing hypokalemia, therefore, during treatment in patients with severe bronchial asthma, the level of potassium in the blood should be monitored. The risk of hypokalemia increases with hypoxia.

Pregnancy and lactation

Salbutamol is contraindicated in case of a threatened miscarriage in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding or toxicosis in the III trimester of pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use salbutamol during pregnancy, the expected benefit of treatment for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus should be correlated. Currently, there is insufficient data on the safety of salbutamol in early pregnancy. Salbutamol is excreted in breast milk, therefore, if necessary, use during lactation should also evaluate the expected benefits of treatment for the mother and the possible risk to the child.

Dosage form:  

dosed aerosol for inhalation


Composition for 1 bottle / 1 dose:

active substance: micronized salbutamol sulfate (in terms of 100% anhydrous substance) - 0.030125 g (equivalent to 0.025 g of salbutamol) / 120.5 μg (equivalent to 100 μg of salbutamol);

Excipients: rectified ethyl alcohol * - 0.340 g / 1.36 mg, propellant tape HFC-134 a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) -

14.630 g / 58.52 mg.

* The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol is not less than 96.3%.

Description: The drug is a white or almost white suspension under pressure in an aluminum monoblock cylinder with a metering valve, equipped with an inhaler nozzle with a protective cap; the drug is sprayed in the form of an aerosol jet upon exiting the balloon. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Bronchodilator - selective β-2-agonist ATX:  

R.03.A.C Selective beta-2-agonists

R.03.A.C.02 Salbutamol

Pharmacodynamics:is a selective β2-adrenergic receptor agonist. In therapeutic doses, it acts on β2-adrenergic receptors of bronchial smooth muscle, with little or no effect on myocardial β1-receptors. It has a pronounced bronchodilating effect, preventing or stopping bronchospasm, reduces resistance in the airways. Increases the vital capacity of the lungs. Increases mucociliary clearance (in chronic bronchitis up to 36%), stimulates mucus secretion, activates the functions of the ciliated epithelium.

In the recommended therapeutic doses, it does not adversely affect the cardiovascular system, does not cause an increase in blood pressure. To a lesser extent, compared with drugs of this group, it has a positive chrono- and inotropic effect. Causes expansion of the coronary arteries. It has a number of metabolic effects: it reduces the concentration of potassium in plasma, affects glycogenolysis and insulin release, has a hyperglycemic (especially in patients with bronchial asthma) and lipolytic effect, increasing the risk of acidosis.

After the use of inhalation forms, the action develops quickly, the onset of the effect is after 5 minutes, the maximum is after 30-90 minutes (75% of the maximum effect is achieved within 5 minutes), the duration is 4-6 hours.


After inhalation, 10-20% of the dose of salbutamol reaches the lower respiratory tract. The rest of the dose remains in the inhaler or is deposited in the oropharynx and then swallowed. The fraction deposited in the respiratory tract is absorbed into the lung tissues and blood, but is not metabolized in the lungs.

The degree of binding of salbutamol to plasma proteins is about 10%.

Once in the blood, it is metabolized in the liver and excreted mainly in the urine unchanged and in the form of phenolic sulfate. The swallowed part of the inhalation dose is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and undergoes active metabolism during the "first pass through the liver", turning into phenolic sulfate. Unchanged and conjugate are excreted mainly in the urine.

Administered intravenously has a half-life of 4-6 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys partly unchanged and partly as an inactive metabolite 4 "-O-sulfate (phenolic sulfate). Only a small part of the administered dose of salbutamol is excreted in the feces. Most of the dose of salbutamol administered in the body is excreted by intravenous, oral or inhalation route within 72 hours.


1. Bronchial asthma:

Relief of attacks of bronchial asthma, including exacerbation of severe bronchial asthma;

Prevention of attacks of bronchospasm associated with exposure to an allergen or caused by exercise;

Use as one of the components in long-term maintenance therapy of bronchial asthma.

2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), accompanied by reversible airway obstruction, chronic bronchitis.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

Management of preterm birth.

Threatened abortion.

Children's age up to 2 years.


Carefully:Use the drug with caution if patients have a history of tachyarrhythmia, myocarditis, heart defects, aortic stenosis, coronary heart disease, severe chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, decompensated diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, seizures, renal or hepatic failure, simultaneous reception of non-selective β-blockers, lactation period. Pregnancy and lactation:

Contraindicated during pregnancy.

During lactation, it is prescribed only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs any possible risk to the child.

Dosage and administration:

Salbutamol-MCFP aerosol for inhalation dosed 100 mcg/dose is intended for inhalation only.

Only a doctor can decide whether to increase the dose or frequency of the drug.

Adults and children over 12 years old.

Maximum daily dose: 1200 mcg (12 inhalations).

Children up to 12 years old.

Maximum daily dose: 800 mcg (8 inhalations).

Rules for the use of the drug:

Preparation for the first application:

Before the first use of the drug, you should: put on the cylinder and the valve stem an inhaler nozzle equipped with a protective cap, remove the protective cap from the inhaler nozzle. Then shake the can vigorously with vertical movements, turn the can upside down with the inhaler nozzle and make two sprays into the air to make sure that the valve works adequately. With a break in the use of the drug for several days, one spray into the air should be done after thoroughly shaking the can.


1. Remove the protective cap from the inhaler nozzle. Make sure that the inner and outer surfaces of the inhaler nozzle are clean.

2. Shake the balloon vigorously with vertical movements.

3. Turn the balloon upside down with the inhaler nozzle, hold the balloon vertically between the thumb and middle and index fingers so that the thumb is under the inhaler nozzle.

4. Exhale as deeply as possible, then place the inhaler nozzle in your mouth between your teeth and cover it with your lips without biting.

5. Starting to inhale through the mouth, press the top of the balloon to dispense a dose of the drug, while continuing to inhale slowly and deeply.

6. Hold your breath, remove the inhaler nozzle from your mouth and remove your finger from the top of the balloon. Continue to hold your breath for as long as possible.

7. If you need to perform the next inhalation, you should wait about 30 seconds, holding the balloon upright. After that, perform inhalation in accordance with the instructions in paragraphs 2-6.

Close the inhaler nozzle with a protective cap. IMPORTANT:

Perform actions in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 slowly. It is important to start inhaling as slowly as possible just before the dose is given. The first few times you should practice in front of a mirror. If a “cloud” appears on the sides of the mouth, you must start again from point 2.


The inhaler nozzle should be cleaned at least once a week.

1. Remove the protective cap from the inhaler nozzle, and remove the inhaler nozzle from the cylinder.

2. Thoroughly rinse the inhaler nozzle and protective cap under warm running water.

3. Thoroughly dry the inhaler nozzle and protective cap inside and out.

4. Put the inhaler nozzle on the balloon and the valve stem, close the free opening of the inhaler nozzle with a protective cap.

Do not place the can in water!

Side effects:

By frequency, side effects can be divided into the following categories: very common ( > 1/10), frequent ( > 1/100 and< 1/10), нечастые (> 1/1000 and< 1/100), редкие (> 1/10 000 and< 1/100), очень редкие (< 1/10 000).

From the immune system: very rarely - hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, rash, bronchospasm.

From the side of metabolic processes: rarely - hypokalemia, an increase in free fatty acids in the blood. Severe hypokalemia could potentially result from β2-agonist therapy.

From the nervous system: often - tremor, headache; very rarely - hyperactivity.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: often - tachycardia; rarely - rapid heartbeat; very rarely - arrhythmia, including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, extrasystole, arterial hypotension and collapse; rarely - expansion of peripheral vessels.

From the respiratory system: very rarely - paradoxical bronchospasm.

From the gastrointestinal tract: rarely - irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx.

From the musculoskeletal system: rarely - convulsions.

Overdose: Symptoms: more frequent - hypokalemia, lowering blood pressure, tachycardia, muscle tremor, nausea, vomiting; less frequent - agitation, hyperglycemia, respiratory alkalosis, hypoxemia, headache; rare - hallucinations, convulsions, tachyarrhythmia, ventricular flutter, peripheral vasodilation.


In case of an overdose of salbutamol, cardioselective β-blockers are the best antidotes. However, β-adrenergic blockers should be used with caution in patients with a history of bronchospasm.

The use of large doses of salbutamol can cause hypokalemia, therefore, if an overdose is suspected, the level of potassium in the blood serum should be monitored.


Salbutamol is not contraindicated in patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

In patients with thyrotoxicosis, it enhances the effect of stimulants of the central nervous system, tachycardia, increases the likelihood of developing extrasystole while taking cardiac glycosides.

Theophylline and other xanthines, when used simultaneously, increase the likelihood of developing tachyarrhythmias; means for inhalation anesthesia, - severe ventricular arrhythmias.

Simultaneous administration with anticholinergics (including inhalation agents) may increase intraocular pressure.

Diuretics and glucocorticosteroids enhance the hypokalemic effect of salbutamol.

Special instructions:

Patients should be instructed on the correct use of the drug Salbutamol-MCFP aerosol for inhalation dosed at 100 mcg / dose (200 doses). It is necessary to use the drug correctly and strictly follow the instructions in order to ensure that salbutamol enters the bronchi. At the beginning of treatment, the drug should be used under the supervision of medical personnel and after training in front of a mirror.

As with the use of other inhalation drugs, the therapeutic effect may decrease when the balloon is cooled. Therefore, before use, the balloon with the drug should be warmed up to room temperature (warm the balloon with your hands for several minutes, you can not use other methods!).

The contents of the cylinders are under pressure, so the cylinders must not be heated, broken, pierced or incinerated, even when they are empty.

In case of discomfort in the mouth and sore throat after inhalation, the mouth should be rinsed with water.

Bronchodilators should not be the sole or main component of the treatment of unstable or severe bronchial asthma.

If the effect of the usual dose of the drug becomes less effective or less prolonged (the effect of the drug should last at least 3 hours), the patient should consult a doctor. Increasing the dose or frequency of salbutamol intake should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. Reducing the interval between taking the following doses is possible only in exceptional cases and must be strictly justified. An increase in the need for the use of inhaled β2-adrenergic agonists with a short duration of action for the treatment of bronchial asthma indicates an exacerbation of the disease. In such cases, the patient's treatment plan should be reviewed. Taking high doses of salbutamol during an exacerbation of asthma can cause a "rebound" syndrome (each subsequent attack becomes more intense). In case of a severe attack of suffocation, the interval between inhalations should be at least 20 minutes.

The risk of complications increases both with a significant duration of treatment, and with a sharp withdrawal of the drug. Long-term use of salbutamol should be accompanied by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for basic therapy.

Sudden and progressive worsening of bronchial asthma can pose a threat to the life of the patient, so in such cases it is necessary to urgently address the issue of prescribing or increasing the dose of glucocorticosteroids. In such patients, daily monitoring of peak expiratory flow is recommended.

Salbutamol should be used with caution in patients with thyrotoxicosis.

Therapy with agonists (β2-adrenergic receptors, especially when administered parenterally or when used with a nebulizer, can lead to hypokalemia. Particular caution is recommended in the treatment of severe attacks of bronchial asthma, since in these cases hypokalemia may increase as a result of the simultaneous use of xanthine derivatives, glucocorticosteroids , diuretics, and also due to hypoxia.In such cases, it is necessary to control the level of potassium in the blood serum.

Influence on the ability to drive transport. cf. and fur.:In the reference literature, there are no data on the effect of inhaled use of salbutamol on the patient's ability to drive a car and / or other mechanisms. The content in one dose of the drug 1.36 mg of rectified ethyl alcohol is so small that it cannot affect the ability to drive a car and / or other mechanisms. Release form / dosage:Aerosol for inhalation dosed 100 mcg / dose (200 doses). Package: 200 doses in aluminum monoblock cylinders with internal protection, sealed with a metering valve and equipped with an inhaler nozzle with a protective cap. Each balloon, together with an inhaler nozzle and a protective cap, as well as instructions for medical use, is placed in a pack. Manufacturer:   Information update date:   18.08.2015 Illustrated Instructions

Composition and side effects

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Salbutamol. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Salbutamol in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Salbutamol analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of bronchial asthma and relief of bronchospasm in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The composition of the drug.

Salbutamol is a selective beta2-adrenergic antagonist. In therapeutic doses, it acts on beta2-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, providing a pronounced bronchodilator effect, prevents and relieves bronchospasm, and increases the vital capacity of the lungs. Prevents the release of histamine, a slow reacting substance from mast cells and neutrophil chemotaxis factors. It causes a slight positive chrono- and inotropic effect, dilates the coronary arteries and practically does not reduce blood pressure. It has a tocolytic effect: it lowers the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium.

It has a number of metabolic effects: it reduces plasma potassium, affects glycogenolysis and insulin release, has a hyperglycemic (especially in patients with bronchial asthma) and lipolytic effect, increases the risk of acidosis.

The action of the drug begins 5 minutes after inhalation and lasts for 4-6 hours.

Salbutamol sulfate + excipients.

After inhalation, 10 to 20% of the dose enters the respiratory tract. The rest stays in the device or settles in the oropharynx and is then swallowed. Part of the dose that remains in the respiratory tract is absorbed by the tissues of the lungs, without being metabolized in the lungs, and enters the bloodstream. When it enters the systemic circulation, it can be metabolized in the liver and excreted mainly in the urine unchanged or in the form of phenolic sulfate. The degree of binding of salbutamol to plasma proteins is 10%. Part of the dose that enters the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed and undergoes intensive metabolism during the "first pass" through the liver, turning into phenolic sulfate. The unchanged drug and conjugate are excreted primarily in the urine. Most of the dose of salbutamol administered intravenously, orally or inhaled, is excreted within 72 hours.

  • prevention and relief of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema.

Aerosol for inhalation dosed 100 mcg (sometimes erroneously called a spray).

Tablets 2 mg and 4 mg.

Instructions for use and dosage

Adults and children over 12 years of age: pomg (1-2 inhaled doses) for the relief of asthma attacks. To control the course of mild asthma - 1-2 doses 1-4 times a day and moderate severity of the disease - in the same dosage in combination with other anti-asthmatic drugs. For the prevention of physical effort asthma - zamin before the load 1-2 doses per reception.

The daily dose should not exceed 800 mcg (8 inhalations).

Instructions for using the inhaler

Check the operation of the inhaler before using it for the first time, and also if you have not used it for some time.

  1. Remove the cap from the inhaler. Make sure the outlet tube is free of dust and dirt.
  2. Hold the can upright with your thumb on the bottom and your index finger on the top of the can.
  3. Shake the can vigorously up and down.
  4. Exhale as deeply as possible (without tension). Close the outlet tube of the can tightly with your lips.
  5. Take a slow deep breath. At the moment of inhalation, press the valve of the can with your index finger, releasing a dose of medicine. Continue to inhale slowly.
  6. Remove the inhaler tube from your mouth and hold your breath for 10 seconds or as long as you can without exertion. Exhale slowly.

If more than one dose of medication is required, wait about a minute and then repeat from step 2. Put the cap back on the inhaler.

When performing steps 3 and 4, take your time. It is important to inhale as slowly as possible when releasing a dose of medication. Practice in front of a mirror first. If you notice steam coming out of the top of the can or the corners of your mouth, start again from step 2.

The inhaler should be cleaned at least once a week. Remove the metal can from the plastic case and rinse the case and cap with warm water. Do not use hot water. Dry thoroughly, but do not use heating devices for this. Place the can back into the case and put on the cap. Do not dip the metal can into water.

  • tremor of fingers;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased excitability;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • insomnia;
  • expansion of peripheral vessels (hyperemia of the skin of the face);
  • the appearance of pain in the chest;
  • arthralgia;
  • angioedema;
  • hives;
  • nasal congestion;
  • bronchospasm;
  • muscle cramps;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dyspepsia;
  • cough;
  • excitement and increased motor activity in children;
  • the appearance of arrhythmias (including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia and extrasystole).
  • rhythm disturbances (paroxysmal tachycardia, polytopic ventricular extrasystole);
  • myocarditis;
  • heart defects;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • glaucoma;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • pyloroduodenal narrowing;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • simultaneous reception of non-selective beta-blockers;
  • pregnancy;
  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

Contraindicated in pregnancy.

During lactation, it is prescribed only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs any possible risk to the child.

Children from 2 to 12 years of age: with the development of an attack of bronchial asthma, as well as to prevent attacks of bronchial asthma associated with exposure to an allergen or caused by physical activity, the recommended dose is mcg (1 or 2 inhalations).

In patients with severe or unstable asthma, the use of bronchodilators should not be the main or only therapy. If the effect of the usual dose of Salamol Eco becomes less effective or less prolonged (the effect of the drug should last at least 3 hours), the patient should consult a doctor.

Frequent use of salbutamol can lead to increased bronchospasm, sudden death, and therefore, between taking regular doses of the drug, it is necessary to take breaks of several hours.

An increased need for the use of inhaled beta2-adrenergic agonists with a short duration of action to control the symptoms of bronchial asthma indicates an exacerbation of the disease. In such cases, the patient's treatment plan should be reviewed and the issue of prescribing or increasing the dose of inhaled or systemic glucocorticosteroids (GCS) should be decided.

Therapy with beta2-adrenergic agonists can lead to hypokalemia. Particular caution is recommended in the treatment of severe attacks of bronchial asthma, since in these cases hypokalemia may increase as a result of the simultaneous use of xanthine derivatives, corticosteroids, diuretics, and also due to hypoxia. In such situations, it is necessary to control the level of potassium in the blood serum.

The salbutamol canister must not be punctured, disassembled, or thrown into a fire, even if it is empty. Like most other aerosol inhalants, salbutamol may be less effective at low temperatures. When cooling the cylinder, it is recommended to remove it from the plastic case and warm it with your hands for several minutes.

To determine the reversibility of bronchial patency and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing therapy, samples with bronchodilator drugs (bronchodilators), such as Salbutamol, are used.

This medicine contains ethanol (alcohol). This fact must be taken into account when driving a vehicle.

MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants increase the effect of salbutamol and can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Salbutamol enhances the action of CNS stimulants, side effects of thyroid hormones, cardiac glycosides.

Reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs, nitrates.

Hypokalemia may increase as a result of the simultaneous use of xanthine derivatives, corticosteroids, diuretics.

Simultaneous appointment with anticholinergics (including inhalation) may increase intraocular pressure.

Analogues of the drug Salbutamol

Structural analogues for the active substance:

Salbutamol - instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues and reviews

Salbutamol is a drug that helps relieve asthma attacks in bronchial asthma, and is also a prophylactic against possible attacks of bronchospasm. The cause of such attacks may be exercise or exposure to allergens. The use of Salbutamol helps to relieve bronchospasm in people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Composition and form of release

Salbutamol is available in the following dosage forms and dosage:

  • tablets 2 and 4 mg;
  • long-acting tablets 4 mg (for children), 8 mg (for adults);
  • syrup in vials (5 ml-2 mg of active substance);
  • dosed aerosol Salbutamol (1 dose - 0.1 mg of the active substance);
  • powder for inhalation (1 dose - 0.2 or 0.4 mg of the active substance) in disks;
  • solution for inhalation Salbutamol (1 ml - 1.25 mg of active substance) in 2 ml ampoules;
  • solution for injection (1 ml - 0.1 mg of active ingredient).

The active ingredient of the drug is salbutamol.

Salbutamol instructions for use of the drug

The effect of Salbutamol on the body

Salbutamol is a selective beta-adrenergic antagonist. In a therapeutic dosage, Salbutamol acts on the beta-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, resulting in rapid and short-term bronchodilation in patients suffering from reversible airway obstruction.

Approximately % of the Salbutamol administered by inhalation enters the lower respiratory tract. The rest of the dose remains in the inhalation device or nasopharynx, after which it is swallowed. Part of the drug Salbutamol, from the amount that has entered the lower respiratory tract, is absorbed into the lungs, but is not metabolized in them. After that, it enters the systemic circulation. Metabolism occurs in the liver and is excreted mainly unchanged and in the form of a phenol sulfate metabolite by the kidneys.

That part of Salbutamol, which got to the digestive system from the nasopharynx, is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is metabolized in the liver to a phenol sulfate compound, after which it is excreted by the kidneys from the body. The predominant part of the drug will be excreted from the body within 72 hours. The drug is 10% bound to blood proteins.

The use of Salbutamol for the treatment of diseases

Salbutamol, as a bronchodilator, is prescribed for adults and children from 12 years of age in the following dosage: 2-4 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day. If the need arises, the dosage of Salbutamol can be increased to 8 mg at a frequency of administration 4 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years old are prescribed 2 mg 3-4 times a day. Children from 2 to 6 years old are prescribed 1-2 mg 3 times a day. If the drug will be used in the form of inhalation, the dosage is determined by the dosage form.

Aerosol Salbutamol is used to relieve bronchospasm or an attack of bronchial asthma once:

As a preventive measure against asthma attacks caused by physical exertion:

According to the same scheme, the powder for the preparation of inhalations Salbutamol is prescribed, but the dosage should be doubled. The solution for inhalation should be used 3-4 times a day, 2.5 mg each. If necessary, the dosage of the drug can be increased to 5 mg with a frequency of use 3-4 times during the day.

Indications, contraindications, side effects of Salbutamol

Indications for the use of Salbutamol

The instructions note that the drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma and bronchitis in the chronic stage.

Contraindications to the use of Salbutamol

There are no contraindications to the use of Salbutamol. With caution and only after consultation with the doctor, Salbutamol is allowed to be used for thyroid disease, arterial hypertension, heart palpitations, as well as during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Side effects of Salbutamol

Le rarely causes adverse reactions. When using the drug, such side effects from the organs and systems of the body are possible:

  • the immune system can react with hypersensitivity, which is manifested by swelling, urticaria, bronchospasm, collapse and arterial hypertension;
  • from the side of metabolism there may be hypokalemia;
  • from the nervous system: tremor, headache, hyperactivity;
  • on the part of the heart and blood vessels: cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia of an unknown nature, peripheral vasodilation;
  • from the respiratory system: paradoxical bronchospasm;
  • side effects from the gastrointestinal tract can be expressed in irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and mouth;
  • from the musculoskeletal system, muscle cramps are possible.

Salbutamol: overdose symptoms

If you strictly follow the instructions for Salbutamol, an overdose is impossible. Overdose symptoms are: hyperactivity, tachycardia, tremor, metabolic failures. In case of an overdose of the drug, there may be hypokalemia, so it is necessary to monitor potassium in the blood serum. Cases of lactic acidosis are also known, so it is also important to control the level of lactate in the blood serum and metabolic acidosis. Such control is especially important with persistent or increasing accelerated breathing, even if other symptoms disappear.

How long can salbutamol be used

The dosage, as well as the duration of treatment with the drug, is recommended to be agreed with the doctor individually. This will reduce the risk of unwanted side effects.

The use of Salbutamol during pregnancy

Animal studies have shown that the drug has a toxic effect on the reproductive system. As for studies on pregnant women, they have not been conducted. There are isolated cases of congenital malformations (disorders of the heart, limb defects). Some women also took many other drugs during this period. It is for this reason that only a doctor can prescribe Salbutamol during pregnancy if he considers that the mother will benefit from such treatment, and the risk to the fetus in her womb will be minimal.

Very carefully, the drug Salbutamol is prescribed during breastfeeding, because there is a possibility of it getting into breast milk. There are no data on the negative effects of the drug on the baby. If possible, you should stop using the drug during lactation.

Features of the use of Salbutamol

Interaction of Salbutamol with other drugs

If the drug is taken simultaneously with non-cardioselective beta-blockers, the drugs can suppress the therapeutic effect of each other. With the simultaneous administration of Salbutamol with Theophylline, the likelihood of developing arrhythmia and tachycardia increases. The risk of developing hypokalemia increases if Salbutamol is used simultaneously with corticosteroids, diuretics and xanthine derivatives.

The listed drugs can be called analogues of Salbutamol: Ventolin, Salbuvent, Proventil, Salbupart, Aerolin, Albuterol, Asmatol, Hungary, Salbumol, Bronchovaleas, Salbutan, Ventodisk, Sultanol, Venetlin, Astalin, Ventilan, Volmaks, Aloprol, Novo-Salmol, Salamol, Astakhalin , Steri-Neb Salamol, Ecovent.

If you need to replace the drug with any analogue, you must always consult with your doctor. This will reduce the risk of side effects.

The price of the drug in pharmacies

Check out the price of Salbutamol in 2018 and cheap analogues >>> The cost of Salbutamol in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components in the drug, and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain. But the important thing is that the difference in price between foreign and Russian counterparts remains virtually unchanged.

On the website, drugs are classified both alphabetically and by their effect on the body. We publish only the most relevant and new medicines. Instructions for use Salbutamol is regularly updated at the request of manufacturers.

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Producer: JSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" them. N. A. Semashko, Russia

ATC code: R03AC02

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Aerosol for inhalation.

Indications for use:

General characteristics. Compound:

Composition for 1 bottle / 1 dose:

excipients: cetyl oleate - 24.4 mg / 0.2 mg, fluorotrichloromethane (chladone-11) mg / 49.2 mg, difluorodichloromethane (chladone-12) mg / 88.5 mg.

Description: The contents of a metal canister with a metering valve is a pressurized suspension that forms a white spot when sprayed onto a glass slide.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Salbutamol is a selective beta2-adrenergic agonist. In therapeutic doses, it acts on the beta2-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, providing a pronounced bronchodilator effect, prevents and relieves bronchospasm, and increases the vital capacity of the lungs. Prevents the release of histamine, a slow reacting substance from mast cells and neutrophil chemotaxis factors. It causes a slight positive chrono- and inotropic effect on the myocardium, dilation of the coronary arteries, and practically does not reduce blood pressure. It has a tocolytic effect: it lowers the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium. The action of the drug begins 5 minutes after inhalation and lasts for 4-6 hours.

It has a number of metabolic effects: it reduces the content of K + in plasma, has a hyperglycemic (especially in patients with bronchial asthma) and lipolytic effect, increases the risk of acidosis.

Pharmacokinetics. After inhalation, 10 to 20% of the dose enters the respiratory tract. The rest stays in the device or settles in the oropharynx and is then swallowed. Part of the dose that remains in the respiratory tract is absorbed by the tissues of the lungs, without being metabolized in the lungs, and enters the bloodstream. When it enters the systemic circulation, it can be metabolized in the liver and excreted mainly in the urine unchanged.

Part of the dose that enters the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed and extensively metabolized during the first passage through the liver.

The unchanged drug and conjugate are excreted primarily in the urine.

Most of the dose of salbutamol is excreted within 72 hours. The degree of binding of salbutamol to plasma proteins is 10%.

The maximum concentration in blood plasma is 30 ng / ml.

The half-life is 3.7-5 hours.

Indications for use:

Prevention and relief of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Dosage and administration:

Adults and children over 12 years of age: salbutamol pomg (1-2 inhalations)

for the relief of asthma attacks.

If there is no effect after 5 minutes, repeated inhalation is possible. Subsequent inhalation can be carried out no earlier than 2 hours later.

To control the course of mild asthma - 1-2 doses 1-4 times a day and moderate severity of the disease - in the same dosage in combination with other anti-asthma drugs.

For the prevention of physical effort asthma - zamin before the load 1-2 doses per reception.

Children from 2 to 12 years of age: with the development of an attack of bronchial asthma, as well as to prevent attacks of bronchial asthma associated with exposure to an allergen or caused by physical activity, the recommended dose is mcg (1-2 inhalations).

The daily dose of salbutamol should not exceed 1200 mcg (12 inhalations).

When using a metered-dose aerosol, the following instructions must be strictly followed:

1. Shake the can thoroughly before use.

2. Put the atomizer on the bottle, remove the cap from the atomizer.

3. Take a deep breath.

4. Turn the balloon upside down, clasp the mouthpiece with your lips, take a strong breath and at the same time press the bottom of the balloon. In this case, a strong release of the aerosol occurs. Hold your breath for a few seconds and, moving the mouthpiece away from your mouth, make a slow exhalation.

5. After use, cover the mouthpiece to prevent contamination.

Application Features:

In patients with severe or unstable asthma, the use of bronchodilators should not be the main or only therapy.

If the effect of the usual dose of salbutamol becomes less effective or less prolonged (the effect of the drug should last at least 3 hours), the patient should consult a doctor.

Frequent use of salbutamol can lead to increased bronchospasm, sudden death, and therefore, between taking regular doses of the drug, it is necessary to take breaks of several hours.

An increased need for the use of inhaled beta2-adrenergic agonists with a short duration of action to control the symptoms of bronchial asthma indicates an exacerbation of the disease. In such cases, the patient's treatment plan should be reviewed and the issue of prescribing or increasing the dose of inhaled or systemic glucocorticosteroids should be decided.

Therapy with beta2-adrenergic agonists can lead to hypokalemia. Particular caution is recommended in the treatment of severe attacks of bronchial asthma, since in these cases hypokalemia may increase as a result of the simultaneous use of xanthine derivatives, glucocorticosteroids, diuretics, and also due to hypoxia. In such situations, it is necessary to control the level of potassium in the blood serum.

Side effects:

By frequency, side effects can be divided into the following categories: very common (≥ 1/10), frequent (≥ 1/100 and< 1/10), нечастые (≥ 1/1000 и < 1/100), редкие (≥ 1/и < 1/100), очень редкие (< 1/10 000).

From the immune system: very rarely - hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, urticaria, erythema, nasal congestion, bronchospasm.

On the part of metabolic processes: rarely - hypokalemia, as well as reversible metabolic disorders, for example, an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

From the side of the central nervous system: often - tremor, headache; not often - dizziness; very rarely - irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbance, insomnia, fatigue.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely - a slight compensatory increase in heart rate, increased blood pressure; very rarely - arrhythmia, including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia and extrasystole, arterial hypotension and collapse; rarely - the expansion of peripheral vessels (hyperemia of the skin of the face).

From the respiratory system: very rarely - paradoxical bronchospasm, cough.

From the digestive system: infrequently - a change in taste sensations; rarely - dryness or irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx (pharyngitis), nausea, vomiting.

From the musculoskeletal system: rarely - muscle cramps.

Interaction with other drugs:

Theophylline and other xanthines, when used simultaneously with salbutamol, increase the likelihood of developing tachyarrhythmias; means for inhalation anesthesia, levodopa - severe ventricular arrhythmias.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants increase the effect of salbutamol and can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Salbutamol enhances the action of central nervous system stimulants, a side effect of thyroid hormones on the heart.

Increases the likelihood of developing glycoside intoxication. Reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs, nitrates.

Hypokalemia may increase as a result of the simultaneous use of xanthine derivatives, glucocorticosteroids, diuretics.

Simultaneous appointment with anticholinergics (including inhalation) may increase intraocular pressure.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, rhythm disturbances (paroxysmal tachycardia, polytopic ventricular extrasystole), myocarditis, heart defects, aortic stenosis, coronary heart disease, severe heart failure, decompensated diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, epileptic seizures, pyloroduodenal narrowing, renal or liver failure, pregnancy, simultaneous use of non-selective beta-blockers, children under 2 years of age.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, irritability, hallucinations, tachycardia, ventricular flutter, peripheral vasodilation, lowering blood pressure, hypoxemia, acidosis, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, muscle tremor, headache.

Treatment: drug withdrawal, cardioselective beta-blockers; symptomatic therapy.

If an overdose is suspected, serum potassium levels should be monitored.

Storage conditions:

At a temperature not higher than 30 °C.

Keep away from children. Keep away from heating system and direct sunlight.

Leave conditions:


Aerosol for inhalation dosed 100 mcg / dose.

90 doses (12 ml) of the drug in aluminum aerosol cans with a pressure metering valve, a spray for anti-asthma drugs and a cap. Each bottle with a sprayer, a cap and instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

Reviews about Salbutamol

Can you tell me if it can be used for lung cancer?

tell me how to order Simashko's salbutamol via the Internet in our city they say that it is no longer produced. but I better eat it with other drugs

Please tell me how to buy Salbutamol Semashka. I can't find it in Kazakhstan. A relative has asthma, and is allergic to salbutamol from other manufacturers.

Similar drugs

Bronchodilator drug - beta2-adrenergic agonist.

Bronchodilatory agent - b-2-adrenergic agonist selective.

A bronchodilator is a selective beta-2-adrenergic agonist.


Release forms

Shelf life: 24 months.

Storage: 15-25C (room temperature)

Shelf life: 48 months.

Instructions for salbutamol

Salbutamol is a bronchodilator, a selective beta-2-adrenergic receptor stimulant, which is used to relieve bronchospasm, incl. with bronchial asthma. It is no secret for people suffering from bronchial asthma that the fastest way to stop an attack is to take a bronchodilator drug. Until the middle of the 20th century, adrenaline was used for this purpose, which, along with the expansion of the bronchi, caused severe tachycardia and hypertension. This was due to the fact that adrenaline acted indiscriminately on both beta-1 receptors, "responsible" for the work of the heart, and on beta-2 receptors, "supervising" the bronchi. Such non-selectivity of action for many patients (primarily for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases) is unacceptable. This necessitated the creation of a group of drugs that would act primarily on beta-2-adrenergic receptors. The “flagship” of this group of drugs was Salbutamol, first synthesized by GlaxoSmithKline and given the trade name Ventolin. Subsequently, many companies began to produce Ventolin generics, incl. under the trade name "Salbutamol". Today, this drug is the first line drug for the elimination of symptoms of suffocation. The inhalation method of administering beta-2-adrenergic agonists in bronchial asthma is optimal: in this way, the active component of the drug enters directly into the area of ​​therapeutic effect - the respiratory tract. The advantage of this method of administration is the speed of development of the pharmacological effect, the insignificance of the therapeutic dose, and the reduced risk of developing unwanted side reactions. With the help of Salbutamol, it is possible to successfully stop bronchospasms, reduce resistance in the respiratory tract, and increase VC.

The drug prevents the release of the mediator of allergic reactions histamine. The frequency and strength of heart contractions are only slightly affected. Arterial pressure does not decrease. Salbutamol in injectable form is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation, while its plasma content remains at a low, barely detectable level. When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed in the digestive tract. The drug undergoes metabolic transformations only in the liver, it is not metabolized in the lungs, and therefore its elimination depends on the route of administration. Half-life period. Elimination from the body is carried out by the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, by the intestines. The drug is contraindicated in a number of conditions associated with pregnancy, with hypersensitivity of the body to the active ingredient. If it is necessary to use Salbutamol in pregnant women, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the risks to the mother and fetus and correlate them with the expected benefits of pharmacotherapy. Increasing the dose and frequency of use of the drug is carried out under medical supervision. During the entire course of medication in patients with severe bronchial asthma, the content of potassium ions in the blood is monitored to prevent the development of hypokalemia, the risk of which increases with oxygen starvation. With the joint use of Salbutamol with non-selective beta-blockers, mutual leveling of pharmacological effects is possible. When combining the drug with theophylline, an increase in heart rate and rhythm disturbances is possible. Co-administration of Salbutamol with glucocorticosteroids increases the risk of hypokalemia.

Patient reviews about salbutamol

"Salbutamol" can be different, earlier it was possible to buy Moscow from us, now it has disappeared in pharmacies, there is Altai - "Altaivitamins". They differed slightly in price, the Moscow one was more expensive, they are almost the same in effect. Somehow I had to buy an Irish one (I didn’t have my own inhaler with me), it’s worse, with some kind of foreign smell. Asthmatics themselves know, but for those who first encountered a problem, I think it would not be superfluous to find out that this drug should be kept in mind just in case. Although it can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

I never thought that at some point in my life I would be diagnosed with bronchial asthma. “Salbutamol” was prescribed to me by a pulmonologist so that I could relieve asthma attacks. I won’t say that it helps me directly, with severe attacks I spray 5-6 times and there is no effect that I have to call an ambulance. But if the attacks are not strong, I cough or just do not have enough breath, then yes, it helps. The price is low, and by prescription it is always issued in clinics.

And “Salbutamol” does not help me with asthma anymore. The first time I used it, but very soon I noticed that the effect was minimal. Its action during attacks lasts a maximum of 5-7 minutes, and then that's it - it's hard to breathe again. Switched to Beredual N. Whether it is more powerful, or the composition is completely different, I don’t know for sure.

The Salbutamol inhaler helps me to live with such a severe chronic illness as bronchial asthma. I have suffered from asthma since childhood, attacks happen quite often. The inhaler is always in my purse, as an asthma attack can begin at any moment. The reasons can be completely different: physical activity, pet hair, smoke, strong smell, stuffy air. During each attack, I use an inhaler, do 1-2 doses. Relief comes in seconds, the asthma attack gradually disappears. I have been using this product continuously for over 20 years. I did not notice any side effects, except that my hands are shaking a little if I take a lot of breaths of this drug in a day.

The Salbutamol inhaler is always with me if I go to friends who have animals, since childhood I am allergic to the hair of all animals. The insidiousness of my allergy is manifested in the fact that an allergic attack almost instantly turns into an attack of bronchial asthma, a bronchospasm occurs and I begin to choke. At the same time, it is too late to take antihistamines, you need to restore breathing. "Salbutamol" very quickly relieves bronchospasm, which is a threat to life. I especially felt this during pregnancy, and in case of suffocation, it was necessary to take "Salbutamol" in order to prevent hypoxia of the child.

I have atopic bronchial asthma. Seasonal allergies, at the very peak of ragweed flowering, are complicated by suffocation. Salbutamol was prescribed to me by an allergist. And now, for several years in moments of exacerbation, I do not part with him. I had to use it a couple of times even while breastfeeding. Of course, during this period I tried to splash it as little as possible so as not to harm the baby, but I could not do without it at all. Mostly I buy Polish production. The doctor said that it is more effective. But our domestic help too. And it's a little cheaper. And sometimes I suffer from laryngospasms and often at night. In this case, "Salbutomol" also helps. For me, he is like a lifesaver.

A child at the age of 4 years constantly suffered from bouts of laryngitis, so much so that nothing helped to relieve suffocation. Constantly hospitalized, injected with hormonal drugs. Then one doctor recommended the use of salbutamol. I was worried because I read in the instructions that this is a very strong medicine and can be harmful to the child. But as the use progressed, all doubts disappeared - the attacks became easier, less frequent, and now we are already absolutely healthy and do not need the use of hormones.

While working at a chemical plant, giving nitrogen fertilizers to farmers, as a long service, I got a bunch of diseases. Coughing fits led to vomiting. I went to the doctors for an examination and the result was a list of 5 inhalers (Ventolin, Astalin, Evohaler, Beklazon, Berotek). Over time, it turned out that there is a domestic substitute for "Salbutamol" in terms of effectiveness, there are no complaints, but the price is much cheaper. Completely switched to the domestic drug.

Salbutamol is a very effective and proven drug for years! I have been suffering from allergic asthma since the age of 10 and believe me, I have tried a lot of pills and all sorts of sprays, many of them are hormonal and I began to gain weight, and from being overweight, the pressure began to rise. And once, at a therapist's appointment, after another attack of suffocation, I was prescribed to try salbutamol. It exceeded all my expectations - after the application of salbutamol, suffocation disappears within a minute. In the spring, this is my lifesaver, as everything begins to bloom and my asthma attacks become more frequent. For me, this is the best so far.

In my youth, I often suffered from asthma attacks, caused either by complications from respiratory diseases or by severe stress, so Salbutamol was vital for me. This medicine is very strong, addictive, should be used only if nothing else helps. Relieves spasm of the respiratory tract within a few seconds. I was madly afraid that I would have to carry Salbutamol in my purse all my life, fortunately, after 18 years, I said goodbye to this drug.

"Salbutamol" is a spray that needs to be sprayed into the patient's mouth, turning the can upside down. It is intended primarily for asthmatics, but is very effective for shortness of breath due to bronchitis or pneumonia. You should jump with a deep breath, and then hold your breath for 10 seconds. He has contraindications, for example, heart palpitations or headache. Children can take it from 2 years. But for pregnant women only in case of a threat to life. A couple of years ago, my mother, who has been suffering from asthma for several years, started using Salbutamol. Attacks, thanks to this medicine, we are now not afraid. Just a couple of injections, and breathing returns to normal. I myself used the drug when this fall I got shortness of breath as a result of a complication of the flu. Salbutamol really helped. I recommend it to those who have experienced similar diseases.

Instructions for use of salbutamol

pharmachologic effect

Beta-agonist with a predominant effect on β 2 -adrenergic receptors (localized, in particular, in the bronchi, myometrium, blood vessels). Prevents and relieves bronchospasm; reduces airway resistance, increases lung capacity. Prevents the release of histamine, a slow reacting substance from mast cells and neutrophil chemotaxis factors. Compared with other drugs in this group, it has a less pronounced positive chrono- and inotropic effect on the myocardium. It causes expansion of the coronary arteries, practically does not reduce blood pressure. It has a tocolytic effect, lowering the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium.


When using an aerosol, rapid absorption of salbutamol into the blood is observed; however, its plasma concentrations, when used at recommended doses, are very low or do not reach the limit of detection.

After oral administration, salbutamol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Plasma protein binding is 10%. Metabolized during the "first pass" through the liver and possibly in the intestinal wall; the main metabolite is an inactive sulfate conjugate. Salbutamol is not metabolized in the lungs, thus its final metabolism and excretion after inhalation depends on the route of administration, which determines the ratio between inhaled and inadvertently ingested salbutamol.

T1 / 2 from blood plasma is 2-7 hours. Salbutamol is rapidly excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites and unchanged substance; in small amounts excreted with feces.

Release form, composition and packaging

90 doses - aluminum aerosol cans with a dosing valve (1) - packs of cardboard.

Dosing regimen

Inside as a bronchodilator for adults and children over 12 years old - 2-4 mg 3-4 times / day, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 8 mg 4 times / day. Children aged 6-12 years - 2 mg 3-4 times / day; children 2-6 years mg 3 times / day.

With inhalation, the dose depends on the dosage form used, the frequency of use depends on the indications and the clinical situation.

As a tocolytic agent, it is administered intravenously in a dose of 1-2 mg.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of salbutamol with non-cardioselective beta-blockers, mutual suppression of therapeutic effects is possible; with theophylline - the risk of developing tachycardia and arrhythmia, in particular supraventricular extrasystole, increases.

With the simultaneous use of salbutamol and xanthine derivatives, corticosteroids or diuretics, the risk of developing hypokalemia increases.

Side effect

From the side of the cardiovascular system: transient expansion of peripheral vessels, moderate tachycardia.

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

From the side of metabolism: hypokalemia.

Allergic reactions: in isolated cases - angioedema, allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, urticaria, arterial hypotension, collapse.

Other: tremor of the hands, internal trembling, tension; rarely - paradoxical bronchospasm, muscle cramps.


Prevention and relief of bronchospasm in all forms of bronchial asthma. Reversible airway obstruction in chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema, broncho-obstructive syndrome in children.

Threatening premature birth with contractile activity of the uterus; childbirth before weeks of pregnancy; isthmic-cervical insufficiency, a decrease in fetal heart rate depending on uterine contractions during periods of cervical dilatation and expulsion. For prophylactic purposes during operations on the pregnant uterus (imposition of a circular suture in case of insufficiency of the internal os of the uterus).

Contraindications for use

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Salbutamol is contraindicated in case of a threatened miscarriage in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding or toxicosis in the III trimester of pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use salbutamol during pregnancy, the expected benefit of treatment for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus should be correlated. Currently, there is insufficient data on the safety of salbutamol in early pregnancy. Salbutamol is excreted in breast milk, therefore, if necessary, use during lactation should also evaluate the expected benefits of treatment for the mother and the possible risk to the child.

Use in children

special instructions

Use with caution in tachyarrhythmias and other cardiac arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, myocarditis, heart defects, aortic stenosis, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, acute heart failure (subject to close medical supervision).

An increase in the dose or frequency of salbutamol intake should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Reducing the interval is possible only in exceptional cases and must be strictly justified.

When using salbutamol, there is a risk of developing hypokalemia, therefore, during treatment in patients with severe bronchial asthma, the level of potassium in the blood should be monitored. The risk of hypokalemia increases with hypoxia.

Aerosol - 1 dose: salbutamol 100 mcg.

200 doses of 12 ml - aluminum aerosol cans with a dosing valve (1) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Beta-agonist with a predominant effect on β2-adrenergic receptors (localized, in particular, in the bronchi, myometrium, blood vessels). Prevents and relieves bronchospasm; reduces airway resistance, increases lung capacity. Prevents the release of histamine, a slow reacting substance from mast cells and neutrophil chemotaxis factors. Compared with other drugs in this group, it has a less pronounced positive chrono- and inotropic effect on the myocardium. It causes expansion of the coronary arteries, practically does not reduce blood pressure. It has a tocolytic effect, lowering the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium.


When using an aerosol, rapid absorption of salbutamol into the blood is observed; however, its plasma concentrations, when used at recommended doses, are very low or do not reach the limit of detection.

After oral administration, salbutamol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Plasma protein binding is 10%. Metabolized during the "first pass" through the liver and possibly in the intestinal wall; the main metabolite is an inactive sulfate conjugate. Salbutamol is not metabolized in the lungs, thus its final metabolism and excretion after inhalation depends on the route of administration, which determines the ratio between inhaled and inadvertently ingested salbutamol.

T1 / 2 from blood plasma is 2-7 hours. Salbutamol is rapidly excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites and unchanged substance; in small amounts excreted with feces.

Clinical pharmacology

Bronchodilator drug - beta2-adrenergic agonist.

Indications for use Salbutamol

Prevention and relief of bronchospasm in all forms of bronchial asthma. Reversible airway obstruction in chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema, broncho-obstructive syndrome in children.

Threatening premature birth with contractile activity of the uterus; childbirth before 37-38 weeks of pregnancy; isthmic-cervical insufficiency, a decrease in fetal heart rate depending on uterine contractions during periods of cervical dilatation and expulsion. For prophylactic purposes during operations on the pregnant uterus (imposition of a circular suture in case of insufficiency of the internal os of the uterus).

Contraindications to the use of Salbutamol

The threat of miscarriage in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding or toxicosis in the III trimester of pregnancy; children's age up to 2 years; hypersensitivity to salbutamol.

Salbutamol Use in pregnancy and children

Salbutamol is contraindicated in case of a threatened miscarriage in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding or toxicosis in the III trimester of pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use salbutamol during pregnancy, the expected benefit of treatment for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus should be correlated. Currently, there is insufficient data on the safety of salbutamol in early pregnancy. Salbutamol is excreted in breast milk, therefore, if necessary, use during lactation should also evaluate the expected benefits of treatment for the mother and the possible risk to the child.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age.

Salbutamol side effects

From the side of the cardiovascular system: transient expansion of peripheral vessels, moderate tachycardia.

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

From the side of metabolism: hypokalemia.

Allergic reactions: in isolated cases - angioedema, allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, urticaria, arterial hypotension, collapse.

Other: tremor of the hands, internal trembling, tension; rarely - paradoxical bronchospasm, muscle cramps.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of salbutamol with non-cardioselective beta-blockers, mutual suppression of therapeutic effects is possible; with theophylline - the risk of developing tachycardia and arrhythmia, in particular supraventricular extrasystole, increases.

With the simultaneous use of salbutamol and xanthine derivatives, corticosteroids or diuretics, the risk of developing hypokalemia increases.

Dosage of Salbutamol

Inside as a bronchodilator for adults and children over 12 years old - 2-4 mg 3-4 times / day, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 8 mg 4 times / day. Children aged 6-12 years - 2 mg 3-4 times / day; children 2-6 years old - 1-2 mg 3 times / day.

With inhalation, the dose depends on the dosage form used, the frequency of use depends on the indications and the clinical situation.

As a tocolytic agent, it is administered intravenously in a dose of 1-2 mg.

Precautionary measures

Use with caution in tachyarrhythmias and other cardiac arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, myocarditis, heart defects, aortic stenosis, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, acute heart failure (subject to close medical supervision).

An increase in the dose or frequency of salbutamol intake should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Reducing the interval is possible only in exceptional cases and must be strictly justified.

When using salbutamol, there is a risk of developing hypokalemia, therefore, during treatment in patients with severe bronchial asthma, the level of potassium in the blood should be monitored. The risk of hypokalemia increases with hypoxia.

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