Eczema photo symptoms and treatment in adults: ointments and folk remedies. Eczema on the fingers and palms How to treat chronic eczema on the hands

Eczema on the fingers and palms is a disease that has an inflammatory-allergic nature and occurs on the surface of the upper limbs due to contact with an allergen, on nerves, exposure to external factors and chronic diseases. A characteristic feature of the pathology is the long-term course of the process with alternating periods of remission and the acute phase of the disease.

Specialists distinguish several varieties of eczema, classifying the violation according to the reason that causes the lesion.

Among the most common symptoms of pathology are:

  • redness of the affected areas of the skin,
  • the appearance of rashes, swelling and small blisters on them.

In this case, the patient experiences severe itching, in the absence of treatment, the disease transitions into more complex forms with the appearance of cracks on the hands and the death of part of the integument.

Causes of the appearance of pathology

Photo: Manifestation of the disease

Despite the fact that in a fairly large percentage of cases, specialists find it difficult to determine the cause, medicine knows both the factors contributing to the development of the disorder and the conditions provoking its appearance. The reasons include:

  • Damage to the body by one of the types of chronic infection
  • The patient has pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, the presence of helminths in it, or diseases such as intestinal dysbacteriosis, gastritis or enterocolitis.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, such as adrenal dysfunction, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, thyrotoxicosis.
  • A genetic predisposition in which the presence of damaged DNA structures causes a weakness in the human immune system.
  • Pathologies, the appearance of which is associated with deviations in the psychosomatics of the patient or the work of his central nervous system.

The defeat of the skin occurs in the presence of internal prerequisites and the impact on the body of such external factors as:

  1. Pathogenic microflora, which includes various types of bacterial and fungal microorganisms.
  2. Allergens entering the body
  3. Medicines, if the patient has an individual intolerance to its components
  4. Use of low-quality cosmetics.
  5. Skin contact with synthetic detergents, paint, varnish, oil or thinner.
  6. Prolonged wearing of latex gloves.
  7. Prolonged exposure to atmospheric factors, such as prolonged exposure to sunlight, wind, etc.

In this regard, there are a number of specialties that have a high risk of developing hand eczema. According to statistics, in almost 4/5 cases, the appearance of eczema between the fingers, on the tips and on the fingertips, in the back of the hand and on the palms is associated with professional activities.

Photo: The initial stage of eczema on the knuckles

More than others, the appearance of pathology is prone to:

  • chemists and employees of research laboratories;
  • hairdressers;
  • painters and artists;
  • cleaners;
  • employees of enterprises engaged in metal processing.

To prevent the occurrence of skin diseases, people who are at risk due to their professional activities are advised to follow the preventive measures prescribed by the instructions.

Is eczema contagious?

With the contact method and interaction with a person, eczema is not dangerous. The exception is possible cases of transmission of infection through the blood in everyday life.

Classification of eczema on the fingers and palms

Depending on the nature of the disease, the surface of the skin may appear:

Photo: Dyshidrotic eczema on the finger
  1. dyshidrotic eczema;
  2. microbial eczema;
  3. allergic eczema;
  4. idiopathic eczema.

There are also types such as:

Type of eczemaCharacteristicA photo
Weeping eczema on the hands

The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of hyperemia of the skin and edema, in the place of occurrence of which watery vesicles later form.

Within a short period of time, the vesicles are destroyed, resulting in cracking of the skin on the hands and areas of damage to the structure, called erosions. After some time, the erosions are covered with a crust, on the surface of which the skin begins to peel off.

At this stage, interdigital eczema manifests itself in the fact that the patient experiences burning and severe itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamaged skin.

Dry eczemaThe characteristic features are:
  • skin roughness,
  • the presence of cracks and nodular rashes on the surface of the affected areas.

This type of disorder is characterized by gradual development, lesser severity of itching, and the absence of erosions and vesicles on the surface of the skin.

However, this classification is not exhaustive, since wet and dry forms of pathology can be combined during the development of the disease. In order to determine the stage of the disease, on which the course of necessary therapy measures depends, it is practiced to divide eczema into:

  1. acute form, the characteristic features of which are the development of the disease according to the weeping type;
  2. chronic eczema that occurs when the disease enters the stage of remission and has the characteristic features of a dry variety.

The combination of varieties and the individual course of the disorder can represent a picture of a pathology of mixed genesis, therefore, after detecting the characteristic symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis to determine the nature of the disease and prescribe an adequate course of individual treatment.

Symptoms of the disease and photo manifestations

Depending on the variety of how eczema looks on the fingers, experts distinguish characteristic symptoms.

True form in the acute stage accompanied by:

  • inflammation
  • edema,
  • hyperemia of the affected areas, followed by development of the type of weeping eczema.

For idiopathic variety characteristic:

  • severe pain on the affected surfaces of the fingers,
  • burning and itching, having a distinct intensity.

Development of pathology in a chronic form accompanies:

  • the appearance of edema,
  • skin thickening,
  • its acquisition of a red-blue hue,
  • the formation of scales with pronounced manifestations of itching.

Dyshidrotic eczema manifests itself:

  • in the formation on the lateral surfaces of the fingers of many pimples with severe itching on the surface of the diseased areas.

Occupational eczema can proceed, combining the signs of the disease of the weeping and dry types.

  • In the process of the development of the disease, dryness of the skin first appears, after which an area of ​​the lesion is identified on one of the fingers, which is an inflamed area.
  • Over time, the space occupied by the lesion expands with the penetration of inflammation deep into the layers of the dermis, as a result of which cracks appear on the hands.
  • At any stage, manifestations of a dry variety of pathology can be supplemented by signs of a weeping form.

Microbial pathology characterized by:

  • asymmetric damage to the surface of the hands, occurring against the background of strong inflammatory processes affecting the deep layers of the dermis,
  • the subsequent appearance of vesicles with suppuration, flaky crusts, characterized by a yellow tint.

Photo: Nummular eczema is one of the varieties of microbial

Since at home it is rather problematic to determine the type of eczema of the hands by the characteristic features of its course, if these symptoms are detected, the patient is advised to seek the advice of a qualified dermatologist.

Eczema on hands and fingers: photo gallery

Differential Diagnosis

In most cases, when contacting a dermatologist, there is no need for additional tests. However, given the fact that a significant part of the manifestations of eczema on the fingers resembles the symptoms of a fungal infection, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Photo: Scabies

After the examination, the doctor will offer the patient to undergo a diagnosis in order to determine the nature of the disease.

This can be done using methods such as:

  1. Biopsy;
  2. Taking a skin sample to determine the allergen using microscopy methods;
  3. Analysis of urine and blood to determine the presence of infection in the body.

After determining the nature and stage of the lesion, the attending dermatologist prescribes an individual course of therapy.

Methods for treating eczema on the hands

Photo: Inexpensive ointment for eczema on the fingers

Depending on the type of pathology, the state of the patient's immune system and the stage of development of the disease, complex therapy may include:

  • Calcium-based medicines;
  • Glucosteroid drugs hormonal type to eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • Antibioticsused to destroy pathogenic microflora with a microbial type of lesion;
  • Sedatives and antidepressants to normalize the work of the nervous system of the patient;
  • Antihistamine medicines to relieve symptoms of itching on the surface of the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments and creams hormonal type without steroids, are prescribed to eliminate symptoms in the acute stage of the disease, for example, cheap Sinaflan ointment.
  • Combined action ointments containing hormones and antibiotics are used to treat microbial-type eczema.
  • Preparations based on ichthyol and birch tar are used to treat a dry variety of pathology in order to activate the processes of regeneration of the skin.

Is it possible to cure eczema on the hands forever?

Yes, with the professional nature of the disease, subject to the timely start of treatment and compliance with all prescribed procedures. In other cases, it is possible to achieve a transition to the stage of stable remission or, if the diet is followed, to the phase of complete recovery.

Folk remedies

Carrying out therapy with folk remedies is intended to reduce the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms of pathology.

Aloe juice

One of the cheap and effective treatments is the use of aloe. You will need:

  • plant leaf.

It is necessary to grind the leaf, squeeze out the juice and apply a napkin with the drug to the area of ​​​​weeping type.


Another method is to apply to the surface of the affected areas the juice of grated raw potatoes with small holes or periodically moisten the dry areas with sea buckthorn oil.

diet therapy

  • green fruits and vegetables,
  • dill, parsley,
  • cucumbers,
  • carrots,
  • watermelon,
  • dairy products,
  • porridge cooked in water.

At the same time, it is necessary to limit the intake of:

  • coffee,
  • products containing dyes and preservatives,
  • carbonated drinks.


To speed up healing, the transition of the disease to the stage of remission and reduce the likelihood of the consequences of eczema, a dermatologist may recommend physiotherapy, the most popular of which are:

  • mud baths,
  • acupuncture.

The use of complex therapy, with the fulfillment of the main condition - limiting contact with the allergen, leads to a fairly rapid transition of the disease to the stage of remission.

Can you wet eczema?

Before entering the remission phase, it is desirable to limit contact with water, using various nourishing creams and oils to perform hygiene procedures.

Features of therapy in pregnant women and children

Due to the weakened immunity of the mother and the underdeveloped immune system in the child, the treatment of eczema on the fingers requires:

  1. Adjustment of the diet of a nursing mother and child, restriction of milk intake, consumption of green fruits and vegetables and fermented milk products. At an older age, it is necessary to exclude flour products, smoked meats and foods high in salt from the child's menu.
  2. Taking vitamin complexes to support the immune system of a pregnant woman.
  3. One of the recommended measures is to limit contact with household chemicals and water.
  4. Use of antihistamine ointments or dermatotropic agents. For example, Bepanthen and Sudocrem

For the treatment of children, drugs such as:

  • Performing lotions based on Furacilin and Boric acid
  • Taking calcium-based preparations, given the reduced content of this trace element, characteristic of this pathology in children.
  • The use of ointments containing antibiotics, such as Lorinden, is practiced to relieve symptoms when the infection is severe.
  • The use of antihistamines to reduce the intensity of itching, such as Fenistil and Zirtek.

A set of measures aimed at the recovery of the mother and child should include the observance of personal hygiene standards and the maintenance of the sanitary condition of the premises.

Eczema is a common non-infectious skin disease that is characterized by various kinds of rash, burning and itching. It can affect a person's elbows, palms, or appear on a finger. Allocate acute and chronic forms of the disease. According to statistics, the appearance of eczema accounts for 10% of people, which makes it a very dangerous and important enemy of humanity, posing a question to people - how to get rid of eczema. Recently, some modern doctors began to consider eczema not so much as a separate disease, but as a separate symptom that describes malfunctions in the digestive, urinary, endocrine and nervous systems of organs.

Hand eczema can be extremely painful.

Classification of eczema on the hands

Before wondering how to treat eczema on the hands, you should consider what eczema is and what it is. There are the following types of eczema on the hands:

idiopathic or true

This form of the disease is characterized by swelling and redness of the skin. Over time, the skin becomes covered with vesicles and nodules - papulovesicles, which rapidly transform into so-called serous wells - erosions that ooze serous exudate. When they "empty", the serous exudate forms a yellowish crust at the site of erosion, under which the skin regenerates. However, the acute form of idiopathic eczema can become chronic.


It develops mainly around abrasions, wounds, scratches and other damaged areas of the skin by the ingestion of microorganisms. It has many subspecies, but on the hands there is usually a coin-shaped, or nummular, microbial, which is also called plaque. It is characterized by the formation of coin-shaped spots, swelling and redness.

Microbial eczema occurs at the site of skin lesions


By its nature, it is similar to the microbial type of the disease: it develops on damaged areas of the skin when fungi enter there. Usually is chronic.


It is characterized, in contrast to the previous species, by a weaker reddening of the skin, the formation of so-called sago grains and bubbles, which over time can combine into one large bubble. It usually develops on the palms, that is, if the patient began to develop the disease from the fingers, he does not fall under this species. Dyshidrotic eczema can flow into idiopathic.


This type of ailment is caused mainly by contact of skin areas with harmful chemicals. Usually develops against the background of allergic dermatitis. Therefore, the questioning of the patient is of particular importance in diagnosing. The cured person in the future should try to avoid contact with the irritant.

Classification according to the location of the foci of the disease

Also, the classification of eczema on the hands is usually distinguished by the location of the lesions:

  • Plaques on the fingers.
  • Plaques on the palms.
  • Plaques on the elbows.

Regardless of the place of manifestation of the disease, whether it is a rash on the inside of the hands or eczema between the fingers, treatment depends primarily on the type of disease and the specific situation of the patient.

Eczema located on the elbow

Symptoms of the disease on the hands

Eczema of the skin of the hands may differ in signs depending on the type of the ongoing disease, if you know what eczema looks like on the hands, it is not difficult to determine the type of ailment.

So, the idiopathic appearance is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • rashes in the form of bubbles and nodules, forming erosion, which eventually flow into serous wells;
  • redness of the skin, and dryness - eczema on the elbows;
  • severe itching;
  • skin lichenification.

Symptoms of microbial coin-like type:

  • the lesions are rounded and resemble coins in their appearance;
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • mild itching.

Mycotic symptoms:

  • lesions are covered with purulent and serous papules;
  • there are weeping erosions;
  • severe itching;
  • redness of the skin.

Symptoms of dyshidrotic:

  • vesicles - vesicles with a diameter of 1 to 5 mm;
  • severe itching;
  • bubbles can form erosions, which, when healed, remain in the form of age spots.

Occupational symptoms:

  • the clinical picture is similar to the manifestations of the idiopathic type of the disease;
  • It is characterized by a chronic form: remission begins at the time of cessation of contact with the allergen, exacerbation - when exposed to it.

Bubbles crack, leaving wounds and erosion

Causes of eczema on the hands

If a person is convinced that he still has eczema on his hands, the reasons should worry him in the first place. Different types of the disease are associated with different provoking factors, so the causes and treatment are closely related.

The main cause of the idiopathic type of the disease has not yet been established. However, doctors identify a number of factors that can contribute to the development of the disease:

  • diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • disorders in the mental system;
  • weak immunity;
  • stress.

It is with stress and lack of sleep that eczema on the hands after childbirth is usually associated.

In the chronic form of the idiopathic type of the disease, the following factors can contribute to the exacerbation:

  • toxic substances;
  • wool;
  • wrong diet;
  • infectious diseases.

What exactly causes microbial nummular eczema, as idiopathic, is currently unknown, but a number of scientists believe that the disease is caused by the presence of a chronic infection in the body. However, this is still at the level of a hypothesis.

The causes of mycotic eczema are explained quite simply. If the skin is damaged, pathogenic fungi can enter the wound.

Given that they are alien to us, like the products of their metabolism, the body begins to actively fight this. But if the immune system is disturbed or weakened by another factor, it produces an excessive amount of antibodies, resulting in an allergic reaction.

The root of dyshidrotic eczema remains a mystery to researchers, but a number of irritants have been proven to influence the development of the disease:

  • pathology of the endocrine and digestive systems of organs;
  • weakened or impaired immunity;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • food allergy;
  • allergy to household chemicals;
  • disruption of the nervous system.

Researchers believe that dyshidrotic eczema correlates with other diseases, most notably atopic dermatitis, hay fever, and bronchial asthma.

The professional type of the disease develops under the influence of allergic sensitization, that is, with frequent repetitions of exposure to the toxin on the skin. As with other types of ailment, occupational eczema is also associated with disorders of the digestive, endocrine and immune systems.

Ordinary wool can provoke an exacerbation of the disease

eczema treatment

How to treat eczema on the hands and how to treat eczema on the hands are the fundamental and most exciting questions of patients. Naturally, treatment primarily depends on the type of disease and its form. Therefore, only after knowing the specific situation of the patient and determining what kind of eczema is on the hands, it can be correctly prescribed. Usually, in order to be cured, they use drug complex therapy, but even it is not always able to help people who are wondering how to cure eczema on their hands forever. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a long-term remission.

Treatment of idiopathic eczema on the hands

Treatment of idiopathic eczema on the hands seems to be a difficult task, but feasible if you deal with the disease comprehensively and protect your hands from all sorts of irritants. Moreover, it is very significant not to be limited to the treatment of eczema itself, but also to use drugs aimed at improving the functioning of other organ systems in order to neutralize the root of the disease.

Medical treatment of idiopathic eczema

Treatment of acute and chronic forms differs in methods. In the first case, it is recommended to use potent glucocorticosteroid and antihistamine drugs. Hormonal ointments may also be involved. To dry the serous wells and speed up healing, anti-exudative drugs containing fluocinolone acetonide, hydrocortisone, clemastine and loratadine are used.

Baths with eczema on the hands with an extract of oak bark and chestnuts have a good effect.

In the treatment of the chronic form, additional funds are included: Losterin and creams with natural ingredients. Physiotherapy and magnetotherapy are usually prescribed, and a radon bath may also be involved. If this is allergic eczema on the hands, you should decide on a diet and remove food components that can cause irritation.

"Losterin" will help with the chronic form of the disease

Treatment of idiopathic eczema with folk remedies

When eczema is found on the hands, "how to treat?" is a very exciting question. St. John's wort oil tincture can come to the rescue.

To prepare the extract you will need:

  • oil (you can use sunflower, almond or olive);
  • St. John's wort color;
  • bottle.

It is very easy to prepare and use. To prepare butter, the following algorithm is performed:

  • The bottle is tightly filled with St. John's wort flowers, leaving about five centimeters from the neck. You can use other parts of the plant, but in this case the effect will be weaker.
  • After filling the vessel with flowers, it is poured with oil.
  • Leave to infuse under the rays of the Sun for two weeks, shaking the bottle every three days.
  • It is recommended to collect St. John's wort in places remote from industrial facilities, roads and other polluted locations.

If a person suffers from eczema on the fingers or eczema on the elbows, the oil is carefully smeared on the appropriate place.

St. John's wort is the basis of an effective oil tincture

Treatment of microbial nummular eczema

Treatment of nummular eczema is a difficult task, but it can be done and requires an integrated approach. Usually it is not possible to completely cure it, but it is possible to achieve a stable remission, in which the disease will not bother for a long time.

Medical treatment of microbial nummular eczema

Usually, prescribing treatment, special attention goes to drugs containing corticosteroids. At the beginning of treatment, drugs with a high concentration of these substances are used, but as they recover, the concentration is lowered. Phototherapy with ultraviolet rays of type B or, if necessary, type A is also involved.

In cases where the patient has allergic reactions, antiallergic drugs are prescribed: Claritin, Zirtek, Cetrin and others.

In the presence of a secondary infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Zyrtec is taken against allergies

Treatment of microbial nummular eczema with folk remedies

Treatment of hand eczema with folk remedies for this type of disease can be done using an ointment made from eggs and vinegar.

How to prepare ointment at home:

  • A fresh chicken egg is driven into an empty small jar (200-250 ml). You need to try to break it so as to divide the shell in half, in order to later use it as a measuring container.
  • Vinegar and water are added to the jar with a full shell twice. That is, the volume of vinegar, water and eggs is correlated as 2:2:1.
  • Whipped.

The liquid can be applied if the patient has eczema of the hands, including the palms. Lubricate the damaged area before going to bed and put on cotton gloves. It is especially important to use gloves if eczema on the fingers is being treated. This procedure is carried out six to ten times.

Eggs and vinegar are rubbed to a state of ointment, after which they are applied to the affected area.

Treatment of mycotic eczema

As in cases with other types of this disease, mycotic eczema on the fingers is treated in a complex way, because the disease affects the entire body and usually its causes are associated with a violation of other organ systems that also need to be diagnosed and treated.

Treatment of mycotic eczema with medication

Considering that this type of eczema is primarily associated with fungal microorganisms, it is treated with antimycotics, and antihistamines and sedatives of plant origin are used to combat the manifestations of allergies and calm the immune and nervous systems, respectively.

In the case of the chronic form of mycotic eczema, which is accompanied by disruption of the endocrine system, corticosteroids are usually prescribed.

Treatment of mycotic eczema with folk remedies

There are several different folk methods to get rid of eczema on the hands, including on the hands or if the disease has affected the elbow. The most successful of them are the following:

  1. The affected part of the skin is smeared with a self-prepared ointment of petroleum jelly, lanolin and cranberry juice. The ratio of components is 1:1:2, respectively.
  2. The lesion is covered with 15% tincture with the seeds of Chinese magnolia vine.
  3. They make therapeutic hand baths with yarrow, string and aloe. From the same components, you can make decoctions for compresses.

Healing areas to improve the effect and speed up the process are usually smeared with sea buckthorn oil.

To obtain an ointment, cranberry juice is mixed with petroleum jelly and lanolin.

Treatment of dyshidrotic eczema

Treatment, regardless of the location of the lesion, is prescribed individually for each patient: whether it is interdigital eczema or lesions on the palms. Particular attention is paid to the everyday life of the patient.

Medical treatment of dyshidrotic eczema

Before starting the treatment of eczema on the hands, it is determined what caused its development in order to eliminate the root of the disease.

Of particular importance are antihistamine and anti-exudative drugs that help relieve swelling and promote the speedy healing of the skin. In severe cases, glucocorticosteroid drugs are usually prescribed, but treatment with such drugs should not last long. Otherwise, addiction and new difficulties may arise.

For small rashes, hormonal ointments are usually used, but in cases with exacerbation of external symptoms, lotions with a solution of amidopyrine, ethacridine lactate, Burov's liquid and furacilin are prescribed.

It is useful every day during the treatment period for 20 minutes to use therapeutic baths in a decoction with oak or chamomile.

Furacilin solution is used for lotions

Treatment of dyshidrotic eczema with folk remedies

Alternative treatment of eczema on the hands can also come to the aid of those suffering. It offers the following methods:

  • A good remedy for lotions is tincture of eucalyptus. Four tablespoons of eucalyptus are brought to a boil in 500 ml of water and boiled for the next 30 minutes, stirring regularly.
  • Damaged skin is usually smeared with sea buckthorn oil daily.
  • Wipe the skin with a tincture of blackberry leaves: if the patient has eczema on the palms, the treatment is carried out accordingly by wiping the palms. For cooking use 100 grams of vegetation and 2 liters of water.

Treatment of occupational eczema

The treatment of this type of disease is no different from the treatment of idiopathic eczema. However, stimulus avoidance is of particular importance. Usually people have to change jobs or get rid of exposure to the allergen in a different way to avoid sensitization. Otherwise, it is impossible to heal.

Update: October 2018

Eczema belongs to a group of widespread skin diseases and is a chronic inflammation of the surface layers of the skin of a neuro-allergic nature. Eczema is characterized by polymorphism of rashes, a tendency to weep and a very persistent course, therefore, with eczema on the hands, treatment should be comprehensive, individual,

The disease brings significant psychological discomfort to its owner, since the rashes are most often localized on open areas of the body (feet, hands and face). The disease proceeds cyclically, with periods of remission and exacerbation. The question of how to treat eczema on the hands is relevant, since many therapeutic areas have insufficient effectiveness, and the disease reminds itself again and again.

Why does eczema occur on the hands?

Some doctors still classify eczema as an idiopathic disease, i.e. with unknown etiology. Indeed, the true causes of the development of eczema have not yet been fully understood, but there are a number of factors that have been proven to play an important role in the occurrence of one or another type of eczema:

idiopathic eczema just is the type of eczema, the exact cause of which has not yet been established. There is an opinion that various internal and external factors play a certain role in its occurrence, such as:

  • emotional and mental stress
  • traumatic situations
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • thyroid disease
  • diabetes
  • diseases of the digestive system
  • hereditary factor

atopic eczema occurs in people with a significant tendency to allergic reactions (allergy to plant pollen, food, animal hair). Also at risk for this type of eczema are people with a hereditary predisposition to atopic diseases (for example, with bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, see).

Occupational eczema develops with prolonged negative effects on the skin of certain chemicals - chromium, nickel, formaldehyde, dyes, detergents. Occupational eczema initially manifests itself in a typical place of skin contact with a chemical irritant - on the hands, and then can spread to other areas of the skin.

microbial eczema affects areas of the skin with a long-term inflammatory process of microbial or fungal etiology.

There are also such types of eczema as seborrheic, which develops against the background of the persistent fungus Malassezia furfur on the scalp, and varicose eczema, which is localized on the skin of the lower extremities and develops due to poor blood supply against the background of varicose veins. As well as children's eczema, which is most often localized on the skin of the forehead, cheeks, chin. But these types of diseases very rarely occur on the hands.

The common causes of eczema on the hands are the influence of internal and external stimuli, coupled with a specific predisposition of the skin of a congenital or acquired nature, as well as features of the epidermis, expressed in the tendency to develop microbubble epidermitis, which is characterized by an increased susceptibility of the body to a number of irritants.

Some researchers have established the following provoking factors that affect the occurrence and progression of eczema:

  • micronutrient deficiency
  • lack of vitamin B6
  • worm infestations (see,)
  • deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys of an exchange nature
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the gallbladder (see,)
  • immunodeficiency, both congenital and acquired

Symptoms of eczema on the hands

  • idiopathic eczema

characterized by a very palpable. Rashes are most often localized on open parts of the body, including on the hands - they can be erythematous, papular, vesicular and are characterized by symmetry. The acute process begins with small blisters, which merge and open during the chronicization of the process, forming point erosions. The chronic course of the disease leads to skin lichenification.

  • atopic eczema
  • For occupational eczema

exposed areas of the body at the site of contact with the irritant (neck, face, forearms, hands) are affected. The progression of eczema leads to the spread of lesions to other areas of the skin. The manifestations of the disease are typical and very similar to idiopathic eczema.

  • microbial eczema

most often acts as a complication of pustular skin disease and is localized around wounds, in places of burns, ulcers and fistulas. Initially, the process is limited - a unilateral lesion occurs with detachment of the horny part of the skin along the periphery and or exudate in the center, which then shrinks into crusts. Screenings of pustular elements appear near the main focus. With a long course of microbial eczema, symmetrical areas of the skin are typically affected. Itching is mild.


How to treat eczema on hands? Chronic eczema of the hands and other parts of the body is characterized by a long course. Treatment is prescribed individually for each patient and takes into account the type of eczema, the severity of the inflammatory process and the individual characteristics of the patient (age, general condition, treatment results, etc.). The question of how to treat eczema on the hands can be answered in one word - comprehensively.

General drug therapy

Pathogenetic therapy is the main type of treatment, without which it is impossible to cure eczema on the hands. This type of therapy is aimed at leveling or weakening the negative influence of the external environment or altered functions of internal organs.

When eczema on the fingers is diagnosed, treatment often includes non-specific desensitizing therapy: autohemotherapy, blood transfusions, hirudotherapy, lactotherapy.

In severe eczema, hemosorption, enterosorption and plasmapheresis are performed.

Biostimulants are prescribed: course injections of extract or placenta, 1.0-1.5 ml each.

In case of severe neurotic disorders, the following is prescribed:

  • the doctor may prescribe sodium bromide orally at 5-15 ml 3 r / day
  • Bromocamphor also three r / day for 2 weeks
  • only on prescription tranquilizers in small doses - Nozepam, Phenozepam, Chlozepid no more than 10 days
  • sedative herbal remedies - Novopassit, Persen, Valerian, Peony tincture, Sedasen

Enterosorbents and drugs to reduce intoxication:

  • Among the energy sorbents, one can single out Polyphepan, Multisorb, Enterosgel, Atoxil,) also in a short course of no more than 10 days
  • Intravenous injections of sodium thiosulfate 10-20 infusions of 10 ml. or calcium chloride
  • For mycotic eczema, hexamethylenetetramine solution
  • Calcium gluconate intramuscularly 10-20 injections

hormone therapy

Persistent eczema of the fingers, between the fingers is treated with hormonal drugs, which are used only as directed by a doctor, in a short course, with the gradual withdrawal of the drug and only in cases of emergency. Taking corticosteroids has serious side effects and a number of contraindications, it can contribute to the development of infectious processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, since it reduces immunity (see).

Especially dangerous is their prolonged or frequent uncontrolled use. When eczema is localized only on the hands, fingers, it can be limited to using only local hormonal agents, but in the case of generalization of the inflammatory process, oral hormone therapy can also be prescribed, it lasts no more than 10-15 days in moderate, controlled doses:

  • corticotropin 40 units daily (800–1000 units per course)
  • prednisolone 20-40 mg daily
  • triamcinolone 10 mg daily
  • dexamethasone 2.5 tablets daily

vitamin therapy

Vitamin therapy is indicated for the treatment of any kind of eczema on the hands. However, given the latest research by scientists, preparations containing synthetic vitamins should be treated very carefully (see):

  • Vitamin E (oil solution)
  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acid
  • Vitamins of group B in injections
  • Folic acid

Antihistamines are indicated for any type of eczema on the hands:

  • In an acute process, parenteral administration of diphenhydramine, chloropyramine, promethazine is indicated.
  • With moderate severity, 1 tablet orally for 2 weeks 3 r / day
  • Then you can use drugs of the 2nd and 3rd generation, such as ebastine (Kestin 300 rubles. 10 pcs), cetirizine (Cetrin 150 rubles. Zirtek, Zodak, Parlazin), Loratadin (Clarisens, Claritin, Lomilan, Loragexal, Loratin), fexofenadine (Telfast , Feksadin) desloratadine (Erius, Lordestin, Desal) see full.
  • It is also possible to use Ketotifen, a mast cell membrane stabilizer.


  • Phagocytosis stimulants, these include Polyoxidonium, Likopid, Prodigiosan
  • Thymomimetics are Timogen, Timalin, Immunofan
  • According to the indications, it is possible to use - Vitreous humor, Humisol solution, Plasmol, placenta extract, they can be used to treat eczema on the hands and body only in a chronic process.

With dysbacteriosis, indigestion

When eczema is combined with pancreatitis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroduodenitis, bile salts, enzyme preparations, pepsin are prescribed - these are Pancreatin, Ermital, Creon, Festal, Solizim, Enzistal, Panzinorm forte, Micrasim, Pangrol, Gastenorm, Pepfiz, Biozim. If eczema on the hands is accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora (see), courses of probiotics are used, such as Lactobacterin, (see).

For microbial eczema

In the presence of a purulent process with microbial eczema, antibacterial agents are used. For maximum effectiveness of the treatment, it is better to pre-sow the flora and determine the resistance and sensitivity of the eczema pathogen to specific antibiotics. Macrolides, 2nd generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides are commonly used. When a fungal infection is attached, either local treatment with antimycotics - ointments, creams is indicated.

Local drug therapy

Various aqueous solutions, powders, suspensions, pastes and ointments are shown. The choice of a specific dosage form and method of local treatment of eczema on the hands is determined by the type of eczema and is based on the prevalence, localization and severity of inflammatory elements.

microbial eczema- with this type of skin lesion, the following solutions are applied to cortical formations, pustules:

  • Dyes - "brilliant green", a solution of gentian violet, methyl violet
  • It is possible to use aerosols and creams of polcortolone, panthenol, levovinizol (see list)
  • In extreme cases, a short course of treatment in the form of lotions with solutions of ethacridine lactate, resorcinol

With limited forms of eczema, for example, of the hands, weak astringents and anti-itching compounds with an anti-inflammatory effect in the form of dressings or lotions are indicated:

  • Burow's liquid
  • lead water
  • resorcinol solution 1–2%
  • zinc or copper sulfate solution 0.1%
  • silver nitrate solution 0.25%
  • 2–5% phenol solution
  • 0.5–1.0% menthol solution
  • citric acid solution 1%
  • podophyllin ointment for eczema on the hands 0.1%
  • diphenhydramine paste 2–5%

In the case of an acute process, powders made of white clay, zinc oxide, and wheat starch have a good effect. After the acute phase subsides, indifferent pastes and ointments, zinc oil are prescribed.

If there is edema, weeping, erythematous lesions, the presence of erosion, in addition to resorcinol, use lotions from solutions of galascorbin, boric acid, tannin, from medicinal herbs - decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile.

When the acute inflammatory process begins to subside, mixtures are used - Pasta Lassar, zinc paste, it is possible to add additional antipruritic, antiseptic agents to them, such as - naftalan paste, ichthyol, boron-zinc. In the case of chronic eczema on the hands, the following ointments can be added to the zinc ointment - boron-naftalan, methyluracil, dermatol, which enhance the anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, according to indications, corticosteroid ointments for eczema on the hands are used, among which are Elokom, Skin-cap (it contains a powerful corticosteroid drug, which is not indicated in the instructions), Celestoderm, Advantan, Flucinar (see the full list of all hormonal ointments with their side effects in the article). With microbial eczema, it is better to use not pure hormonal ointments, but with the addition of antimycotics, antibiotics or antiseptics - Lorinden C, Celestoderm with garamycin, Trimistin, Travocort, Kremgen.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapeutic techniques contribute to the resolution of inflammatory elements and are an important component of treatment. Apply:

  • 2-4-chamber baths
  • baths with mineral water
  • aerotherapy, electrosleep
  • diphenhydramine inhalations
  • general galvanization
  • diadynamic therapy
  • segmental exposure to ultrasound
  • ultraviolet irradiation
  • ultraphonophoresis of external medicines
  • , ozokeritotherapy
  • , ozone therapy
  • low frequency magnetic field
  • acupuncture
  • paraffin applications

diet therapy

It is recommended to give up spicy and salty foods, strong meat broths, egg whites, fried meats, game, smoked meats, preserves, cheeses, sausages, spices, coffee, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages. The preparation of protein products (meat, fish) should be carried out in a dietary way. In general, a light milk-vegetarian diet is indicated.

Folk remedies for eczema

When there is eczema on the hands, folk remedies are very effective and are used as an addition to the main treatment or act as an alternative to such treatment if it is ineffective.

  • Baths with salt

Dry hand eczema is well treated with salt water. Salt (preferably sea salt) is added to hot water, about 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Such baths for eczema on the hands are made in a basin with a solution and are there until the water cools down. You can do this procedure daily until a noticeable improvement occurs.

  • homemade emulsion

With weeping eczema, homemade emulsion helps. One chicken egg is driven into a small jar, 50 ml of vinegar (table) and water are added. This mixture is then thoroughly mixed until emulsified. The affected areas of the skin are lubricated with this mixture at night and covered with a cloth on top. In the morning, the dried film cannot be washed off, and in the evening it is necessary to repeat the procedure. Within about a week, weeping resolves and dry skin peels off.

  • Kalanchoe juice

A good therapeutic effect is provided by the juice of Kalanchoe officinalis, which should be regularly lubricated with the affected skin.

  • Coltsfoot

To relieve unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and treat eczema, coltsfoot helps, which must be passed through a meat grinder and fresh milk added to it. The affected areas are lubricated with the resulting composition at night and snatched with cellophane. Relief occurs after 2-3 procedures.

Anti-relapse treatment and prevention of exacerbations

During the period of remission, course treatment with histoglobulin is carried out. Impeccable observance of personal hygiene rules and timely treatment of intercurrent diseases are important. Compliance with the diet helps to significantly prolong the period of remission. Affected areas of the skin should be protected from any negative impact, both when doing household chores and in production.

Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases in humans and occurs at any age. Eczema, according to many sources, occupies 30-40% of all dermatoses, while it is prone to chronicity and recurrent course.

Surprisingly, this name - "eczema" (from the Greek eczeo - to boil), ancient doctors used even 200 years before our era. So they denoted acutely emerging skin diseases. What is eczema, why does it occur, how does it manifest and how is it treated?

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What is eczema?

This curious name is explained as follows: with this disease, many grouped small vesicles appear, which open with the formation of "wells" filled with serous fluid (see photo).

  • These bubbles are a bit like the surface of boiling water, and the ability to quickly burst open further enhances this impression.

Eczema can occur on any area of ​​the skin, but most often its manifestations occur on the hands, since it is the hands of a person that come into contact with various, including aggressive environments.

eczema on the hands - the initial stage of the photo

Causes of eczema on the hands + risk factors

The causes of the disease are complex and not fully understood. It is now believed that hand eczema is caused by a complex of different causes. It is based on both metabolic and endocrine and external factors.

In this regard, one can complain that in general, the etiology of all dermatoses, or skin diseases, is very poorly developed, since the skin is the largest human organ, which, performing a protective and trophic function, has so many connections with other organs and systems that it is impossible to trace them. until the end is not possible.

So at the very beginning of the disease, many researchers note an increased allergic background - the body responds to one allergen, but then the skin becomes multivalent to various types of allergies.

In general, this disease is characterized by the appearance of multiple and cross allergies, which is realized through a delayed type of response. Patients experience significant disturbances in the cellular link of immunity, the production of nonspecific protective factors decreases (the number of T-lymphocytes decreases, lymphopenia develops, and the activity of the T-suppressor link is suppressed).

In addition, eczema has been linked to major histocompatibility system (HLA) antigens. In the pathogenesis of the disease, a change in the state of prostaglandins, which mediate inflammatory reactions, plays a role.

  • In patients suffering from chronic eczema, changes in the central nervous system are revealed, manifested by the activation of unconditioned reflexes, as well as an imbalance between the sections of the autonomic nervous system.

There is an activation of the parasympathetic department in the skin, as well as a relative insufficiency of the pituitary-adrenal system.

All this leads to an increase in the permeability of skin vessels, the reaction of vascular smooth muscle cells to all kinds of endogenous and exogenous (including bacterial) factors. As a result, a chronic inflammatory process develops in the skin, which leads to the disease.

The risk factors for eczema that contribute to its development in children are as follows:

  1. Complicated course of pregnancy (toxicoses and nutritional errors, extragenital pathology);
  2. Artificial feeding with frequent change of mixtures;
  3. Early introduction of improper complementary foods.

In adults, eczema of the skin of the hands, as well as other areas, can occur after a nervous breakdown, against the background of emotional shock, due to a cold, an allergy attack, as well as when changing the place of residence and living conditions.

And, of course, the disease develops on the basis of contact dermatitis in contact with aggressive environments.

Types of eczema on the hands, stages and photos

There is no single classification of the disease. Along the course, there is acute, subacute and chronic eczema of the hands. According to the characteristics of the course, true, microbial and professional eczema with its varieties are distinguished. In this section, we will review and describe the types of disease. But first you need to talk about the dynamics of the rash with eczema.

Stages of eczema

The entire "life cycle" of this dermatosis consists of several successive stages:

  • The initial stage of eczema on the hands manifests itself in the form of erythema. There are red spots that do not rise above the skin, and tend to merge with each other;
  • Then there are tubercles, or papules, also of a bright color, which have clear boundaries;
  • The tubercles turn into vesicles, or vesicles. They do not exceed the size of a pinhead, and are filled with serous contents;
  • Then the opening of the bubbles begins, and the formation of "serous wells", from which the exudate is pulled up. There is a stage of weeping eczema;
  • The serous fluid contains protein, which dries up to form crusts. Their color is yellow-green, and under them there is a gradual restoration of the skin;
  • After the crusts fall off, the last stage occurs - peeling. With a long-term process, coarsening of the skin pattern of the palms is possible. Lichenification occurs.

Since hand eczema is a chronic disease, different stages of the process can exist at the same time. As a result, a polymorphic picture appears, similar to a "geographical map".

Types of eczema and symptoms on the hands

There are several types of disease. The most common form is the true or idiopathic form. In this case, there is a pronounced polymorphism and variegation of rashes on the skin. A bizarre alternation of unaffected areas of the skin with the affected ones is characteristic, in the form of an “archipelago map”.

  • With a long course, a corn-like keratinization with cracks is formed, the skin can dry intensively, and dry eczema on the hands can form.

Varieties of the idiopathic form are pruriginous and dyshidrotic variants. The main distinguishing feature of the first of these are uncontrollable bouts of itching (prurigo), which poisons the patient's life.

And the second form is distinguished by the appearance of bubbles dense to the touch on the lateral surfaces of the palms, and sometimes the soles. The bubbles are located deep, and appear through the epidermis, resembling semi-cooked rice grains.

  • Microbial eczema may also occur, which is initially associated with the colonization of the skin by pathogens, sometimes with the addition of fungal flora.

This species is characterized by an asymmetric lesion of the rear of the hands, with fringed borders. There are serous - purulent, yellow - green crusts and erosion. Areas free from crusts are stagnant red, bleed easily, with the development of punctate weeping.

In addition, a nummular form occurs, with the appearance of rounded, clearly delimited and elevated foci above the skin, as well as a varicose form of dermatosis. But it appears only on the legs, and only in connection with varicose veins, around the affected veins.

  • There is also seborrheic eczema, but it does not occur on the hands, but happens mainly on the scalp.

How to treat eczema on hands? - drugs and ointments

Treating eczema is a complex process. First, they make sure which allergen caused the disease, and eliminate it from the body. They treat foci of chronic infection, endocrine diseases. For eczema are shown:

  1. Hyposensitizing therapy: intravenous use of calcium chloride, sodium thiosulfate, magnesium sulphate;
  2. Desensitizing drugs: ketotifen, zaditen, suprastin;
  3. To reduce tissue edema, soft vegetable diuretics are recommended (a decoction of bear ears);
  4. To block the action of immunoglobulins E (mediators of allergic inflammation in the skin), histaglobulin is administered intramuscularly;
  5. Conduct courses of immunotherapy (timalin, T-activin);
  6. Apply sedatives and mild sedatives (Fitosedan, Novo-Passit, valerian and motherwort preparations.

In severe cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Ointment for the treatment of eczema on the hands should heal and stimulate reparative processes: bepanten - cream, methyluracil ointment.

How to treat the initial stage of eczema on the hands? First of all, you need to do an analysis for the presence of microbial inflammation. In the event that there are pyogenic microbes on the skin that caused eczema, then the use of hormonal ointments will only worsen the condition, since they reduce immunity.

Active hormonal ointments and creams (Akriderm, Advantan, Betazon) should be used only during exacerbation, and for eczema, which is not microbial.

In the treatment of weeping eczema, drying lubrication (Castellani paint) is used, zinc ointments are used. Salicylic acid (more precisely, salicylic ointment) removes excessive keratinization and crusts.

Contagiousness of a patient with eczema

The question is often asked: “Is eczema contagious”? No, it's not contagious. But in the case of microbial eczema with severe inflammation, such a patient can be dangerous for young children, and until cured, he cannot work in educational institutions, children's hospitals, and also in the catering department.

What is eczema? Eczema (dermatitis) is a chronic inflammatory process of the surface layer of the skin with periods of exacerbation and remission, which occurs in response to the impact on the body of various factors of the internal or external environment (see photo).

Eczema of the skin of the hands in most cases is caused by an allergic reaction and is most common in dermatology. The disease affects adults and children equally often, but the latter are more prone to eczema, as they are characterized by increased skin sensitivity.

There are several types of eczema:

  • True - characterized by an acute course with severe itching of the skin and the formation of bubbles with liquid on its surface;
  • Microbial - is a complication of atopic or true eczema and occurs as a result of the addition of a secondary bacterial infection;
  • Atopic - occurs most often in children with a genetic predisposition to allergies, in artificial babies, in people with bronchial asthma;
  • Seborrheic - characterized by the formation of yellow crusts on the skin, as a result of which the patient has severe itching and scratching;
  • Professional - occurs in persons who are forced to contact with aggressive substances (it is replaced by scratching and wetting of the skin).

Causes of eczema on the hands

Doctors cannot name the exact causes of the development of hand eczema, however, there are a number of factors that provoke inflammation of the surface layer of the skin. These factors include:

  1. Prolonged skin contact with detergents or irritants, such as gasoline, thinner, acetone, varnishes, paint, and others;
  2. Allergic reaction to synthetic clothing, dust, animal hair, plant pollen;
  3. Bacterial or fungal infection of the skin.

Chronic hand eczema is most common in people who suffer from:

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Chronic diseases (tonsillitis, dental caries, kidney disorders);
  • Constant stress;
  • Forced to take any medications;
  • They have a hereditary predisposition.

photo, initial stage

The inflammatory process of the skin is triggered by special substances - prostaglandins produced by the human immune system. It is under the influence of prostaglandins that mediators (provocateurs) of inflammation - histamine and serotonin - are released into the blood, which leads to the appearance of various rashes and swelling on the skin.

formation of dense crusts, photo

The initial stage of eczema on the hands is characterized by the appearance of increased dryness of the skin, peeling and a feeling of tightness. As histamine and serotonin accumulate in the blood, the clinical picture progresses, and the following symptoms are added to the above symptoms:

  • Redness of skin areas in the places of localization of the pathological process;
  • puffiness;
  • Intolerable itching, which intensifies at night;
  • The formation of small bubbles filled with liquid - when combing these bubbles, weeping erosions form on the affected areas of the skin.

Eczema of the hands significantly limits the patient in his actions, since even ordinary hygiene procedures cause pain, itching and severe discomfort.

There are three stages of inflammation of the upper layer of the skin:

  1. Acute - the appearance of edematous foci with severe redness and the formation of seals and vesicles filled with liquid. As the bubbles progress, they burst, a clear liquid is released from them, and yellow dense crusts form in their place;
  2. Subacute - the occurrence of thickened hyperemic skin lesions with a change in the skin pattern;
  3. Chronic - the formation of dense hyperemic thickened foci, on which pigmentation is disturbed over time.

If there are signs of skin inflammation, the patient should consult a dermatologist. Treatment of eczema on the hands begins, first of all, with the exclusion of the causes and factors that could provoke the development of the disease. After determining the stage and identifying the likely causes of the disease, the doctor will determine how to treat eczema.

Significantly improve the condition of the skin with eczema of any kind will help to follow the general recommendations:

  • Exclude from the diet foods that are potential allergens and can aggravate the course of the disease (chicken eggs, citrus fruits, honey, red caviar, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, strawberries);
  • Avoid skin contact with detergents, in particular with washing powder, dishwashing gel, fabric rinses (it is recommended to wash things with laundry soap, carefully ironing them on both sides);
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to open sunlight;
  • Wear underwear only from natural fabrics;
  • Do not come into contact with animals, plant pollen, carry out daily wet cleaning at home (it is recommended to remove carpets and other dust collectors);
  • Take vitamin complexes, lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Eliminate stress, ensure a full healthy sleep at least 8 hours a day.

At the initial stage, eczema on the hands should be treated only together with a doctor, since self-medication can lead to an aggravation of the course of the disease and the transition of inflammation to a chronic form.

In the acute period, with the appearance of severe clinical symptoms, conservative treatment is carried out:

  • Lotions from furacillin and other local antiseptics - when the affected areas get wet, to prevent a secondary bacterial infection and dry the scratches;
  • Hormonal ointment - eczema on the hands in the acute period can be treated with local preparations, which include Prednisolone or Dexamethasone, but they can only be used as directed by a doctor;
  • Antihistamines (tablets, drops, injections) - block the release of histamines and eliminate skin itching;
  • Quartz on weeping areas in severe cases of the disease.

When a bacterial infection is attached, the patient must be prescribed a course of antibiotics. After achieving a stable remission, sanatorium-and-spa treatment is recommended.

Eczema on the hands during pregnancy - features

Pregnancy itself is a serious test for the female body. The properties of the immune system are aimed at the successful bearing and development of the child. If a woman suffered from any allergic skin diseases before pregnancy, it is highly likely that dermatitis will again make itself felt.

In addition, after the attachment of the fetal egg inside the uterus, serious hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, prostaglandins are intensively produced, which are necessary to relax smooth muscles. These factors can become provocateurs in the development of the inflammatory process of the skin.

Expectant mothers note that during pregnancy the skin becomes drier, sensitivity increases. Using the usual shower gels, soaps and creams can cause eczema to develop.

To prevent such a nuisance, cosmetics and hygiene products should be replaced with hypoallergenic ones, and also, starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the skin must be nourished with baby oil or special milk for expectant mothers - this will eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as tightness, dryness and peeling.

Every pregnant woman, faced with eczema, worries: will the disease affect the development of her baby? Experts say that dermatitis itself does not pose any threat to the intrauterine development of the fetus, however, itching of the skin, irritability of the woman and insomnia against the background of unpleasant sensations can lead to negative consequences.

Is eczema on hands contagious or not?

Dermatitis is not contagious to other people, however, a patient suffering from this disease should use personal hygiene items so as not to be at risk himself.

Weeping areas are the entrance gate for bacteria, and with dermatitis of any kind, the immune system weakens, which makes the patient's body vulnerable.

Do I need a diet for eczema on the hands?

Compliance with a diet for eczema can improve the course of the disease and significantly reduce its clinical manifestations. Therapeutic nutrition is especially important if the dermatitis is caused by a food allergy or the cause of the disease has not been established.

Sharp spices, seasonings, canned food, sausages, red products (tomatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, etc.), honey, nuts, fish are excluded from the diet.

Preference is given to fermented milk products, cereals, fresh vegetables and green fruits.

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