What vitamins for hair loss. How to solve the problem of hair loss? List of the best vitamins for beautiful and thick curls. Inexpensive vitamins for hair loss

In the difficult conditions of modern life, premature hair loss is often observed not only in men, but also in women. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. In this article, we will identify them and talk about the methods of treatment. Including about which vitamins for hair loss are most effective.

Why does hair loss start?

First of all, you should understand what led to alopecia. There are many causes of the disease. They can be divided into internal and external.

When the root cause of hair loss is identified and eliminated, you can choose which vitamins to drink and begin to actively restore your hair.

Vitamins against hair loss

The human body requires a number of macro- and microelements and vitamins. Let us dwell in more detail on those of them that support in healthy condition follicles and prevent strands from falling out.

You can saturate the body with the listed vitamins in different ways:

  • by using products containing them;
  • taking vitamins in various forms: solutions, tablets, powders or capsules;
  • using healing masks, conditioners, balms.

Products with a high content of vitamins for hair

Among the reasons for the loss of vegetation on the head, trichologists often name malnutrition. Therefore, you should pay attention to your usual diet and include in it more products with vitamins that benefit hair.

As you can see, many products from this list contain several vitamins from hair loss at once. Therefore, one should pay attention Special attention right on them. The diet should always include:

  • milk, cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • oatmeal and cereals, peanuts, walnuts;
  • liver, meat, eggs and fish;
  • cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, greens, mushrooms;
  • citrus fruits, apricots, dates, apples, dried fruits.

Unfortunately, even with a complete revision of nutrition, it is not always possible to completely negate the problem of loss hairline. The fact is that vitamins, getting into the body with food, are not always completely absorbed by it.

If the problem of alopecia is very acute, you should buy vitamins in a pharmacy.

Complex vitamin preparations

Any of the vitamins individually can help strengthen hair and roots. But a much better result can be achieved if they are used in combination.

When purchasing any vitamin complex, you need to remember:

Let us dwell in more detail on some popular preparations for restoring hairline.

Vitamin masks

An indispensable tool for the prevention and treatment of alopecia are vitamin masks for hair. It must be said that in order to achieve best result you should simultaneously apply a mask with therapeutic shampoo and balm. In this case, all funds must be from the same manufacturer. If you use products from different companies, you may not achieve the desired effect due to the incompatibility of the compositions.

Currently, a number of companies offer to purchase cosmetics already ready. Let's take a few examples.

  • The “Restoring” mask from the “One Hundred Recipes of Beauty” series contains olive and pumpkin seed oil and lemon juice, which nourish the hair and restore its structure. Recommended for use simultaneously with Pepper Balm. It warms up the hair follicles, restoring their vitality.
  • "The Power of Arginine X 3" from "Loreal" effectively fights baldness. It is recommended to use together with the spray for two months.
  • "Fort" from the company "Krem-Beauty" restores hair and completely eliminates alopecia in a few applications.

You can also make your own hair mask. Home masks in many cases are not inferior in effectiveness shop drugs. Plus, they cost a lot less.

DIY hair masks can be divided into 2 groups:

  • containing only products and plants useful for hair;
  • mixtures of foods and individual vitamins.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most successful recipes.

Anti-hair loss mixtures based on vitamin-rich foods.

Yeast should be diluted warm to room temperature milk to a pulp. Leave to ferment in a warm place for about half an hour. Combine honey with cognac and whipped egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply it to the hair. Wrap your head in a towel and keep the nutrient mixture for 2 hours. Treatment can be carried out 2 to 3 times a week.

Homemade masks with vitamins

Soak the crumbled bread in a warm herbal infusion, then add vitamin E to the mixture. Leave the mask on your hair for 1.5–2 hours.

Bread hair mask - video

To gain from the application of masks greatest effect, you should use some recommendations:

Herbal infusions and decoctions

Infusions and decoctions can provide significant assistance in hair restoration. medicinal herbs. You can make your own or purchase them from pharmacy network. Used by these proven by many generations folk remedies as the last treatment after washing your hair.

Here are some examples of medicinal herbal decoctions, effective in the loss of curls.

Thus, to solve the problem of hair loss, there are a number of effective means external and internal use. At the same time, the best result can be achieved by using in a complex products rich in useful substances, cosmetics and ready-made products. vitamin complexes.

Lack of vitamins in the body is one of the most common causes of hair deterioration. If you do not address this problem in time, this can lead not only to temporary hair loss, but also to baldness.

What vitamins help with hair loss?

If you notice that your hair has begun to fall out, you don’t need to buy the first vitamins that come across! It’s better to first figure out which ones are good for hair.

B vitamins

These vitamins are very important role in the life of the hair.

  • IN 1- has a positive effect on work nervous system. Considering that stress is very common cause hair loss, this vitamin is extremely important.
  • IN 2- promotes the regeneration of damaged hair roots, reduces irritation of the scalp.
  • AT 3– restores the metabolism in the hair roots.
  • AT 5- penetrates into the hair follicle (follicle), strengthening it from the inside.
  • AT 7- one of the most important vitamins for hair! Responsible for the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  • AT 9– promotes cell regeneration, removes dead skin cells of the scalp.
  • AT 12- promotes oxygen saturation.

Vitamin A

Normalizes metabolism, promotes tissue regeneration, slows down skin aging.

Vitamin C

Strengthens the overall human immunity which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

It has useful properties against hair loss, it contains vitamins PP and B3.

Nicotinic acid allows not only to stop hair loss, but significantly strengthens them, makes them stronger and shinier.

In addition, it improves blood circulation, so that the hair roots are better saturated. nutrients and oxygen.

Vitamin E

Plays an extremely important role in hair loss. This vitamin restores the work of inactive cells, thanks to which new hair appears, and old ones begin to grow faster.

Foods for hair loss

Knowing what vitamins are needed to improve the condition of the hair, you can properly compose a diet.

Dairy(milk, sour cream, butter, cream, cheese, cottage cheese) - will saturate your body with a complex of vitamins - A, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, B12.

Fish contains such useful vitamins: A, B2, B5, B6.

Meat no less useful for hair. Use it to compensate for the lack of vitamin B3, B5. AT pork contains vitamins B1, B6, B12. Beef rich in vitamin B12.

AT beef and chicken liver contains vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B7, B12.

It is important that the diet is satiated vegetables and fruits. Vitamins for hair are found in such fruits: avocados, citrus fruits, melon, apricot, kiwi, apples, peaches.

Vegetables useful for hair: carrots, cabbage, red pepper, tomato, broccoli.

In addition, the diet should include cereals and legumes, nuts, dates, honey.

The best vitamin complexes against hair loss

Pharmacies offer a wide range of vitamin complexes. Let's take a closer look at the most effective of them.


Pantovigar - complex vitamin composition, which restores the structure of the hair from the inside, strengthens the hair and promotes their growth.


  • medical yeast;
  • Vitamins B1 and B5;
  • cystine;
  • Keratin;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid.

It can also be used to prevent hair loss, to improve the condition of hair and nails.

It is necessary to take a vitamin complex from 3 to 6 months. A noticeable effect appears after about 2 months.

The average cost of a vitamin complex - 1500-1700 rubles per package (90 capsules).

Buyer Feedback

Galina, 45 years old
I had serious problems with loss - diffuse alopecia, the doctor said that ordinary vitamins would not help, you need to buy exactly pantovigar. There were no results for two months. I already began to think that they just wanted to take from me more money, but no. Then the effect appeared and I got rid of this problem. The main thing is not to panic at first.

Merz special dragee

Merz - German vitamin complex against hair loss.


  • Vitamins A, C, E;
  • Biotin;
  • beta carotene;
  • L-cystine;
  • B vitamins;
  • Yeast extract;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron.

For hair restoration hypo- or beriberi or if there is not enough gland in the body.

Cost: Prices vary 500-700 rubles per pack (60 capsules).


Alla, 24 years old
I was prescribed merz when my hair started to fall out after the birth of a child. He did a great job with the problem, but now I think that more could have been found. cheap drug with similar indications.


Revalid is a complex of vitamins and minerals for hair.


  • Methionine;
  • cystine;
  • Vitamins B1, B5, B6;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • millet extract;
  • wheat germ extract;
  • medical yeast;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper.

The vitamin complex compensates for the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. He is appointed:

  • with hair loss from hypo- and beriberi;
  • in hair loss from mechanical damage (at, stacking devices, etc.).
  • to restore the hair structure.

A course of treatment: 2-3 months.

The result should be noticeable within the first month of taking vitamins.

There are quite a few tools that stop falling out and.

Read more about these tools and features of their use on our website.

Cost: Average price for revalid vitamins 300-400 rubles(for 30 capsules), for a pack of 90 capsules - 700-900 rubles.


Anna, 30 years old
I took Revalid when my hair began to fall out badly. During combing and washing, shreds just climbed. After a month or so, the condition of the hair improved a lot, I was surprised, because I was afraid that it was not very expensive remedy may not help.


Perfectil is a multivitamin composition with minerals and herbal ingredients for hair restoration.


  • beta carotene;
  • Vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, D3, E, C;
  • Folic acid;
  • Biotin;
  • Nicotinamide;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • cystine;
  • Burdock extract;
  • echinacea extract;
  • Selenium;
  • Chromium;
  • Silicon.

Important!!! Perfectil should be taken only during or after meals and washed down enough water (1 glass). Do not take it on an empty stomach.

Price: average price for the drug 400 rubles for a pack of 30 capsules.


Svetlana, 40 years old
At first, I was frightened by what was written about side effects - nausea and headaches. But I didn't have any problems. I took it for two months, my hair stopped falling out and now this effect persists, although three months have already passed.

Complivit Radiance

Complivit Shine - a complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals for the beauty and health of women's hair.


  • Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H, D, K, P, F;
  • Calcium;
  • Silicon;
  • Selenium;
  • Iron;
  • Copper;
  • Magnesium;
  • Zinc;
  • Green tea extract;

Complivit is advised to take an insufficient amount of vitamins in the daily diet during the season.

It's inexpensive, but effective vitamins.

Since many vitamins of this complex contain daily allowance for the body, they should not be taken without objective reason, namely a clear lack of vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes vitamin support is not enough to stop hair loss.

Rogaine, based on - one of the most popular medicines against hair loss.

Complivit radiance provides removal of toxins from the body, accelerates regeneration tissues and collagen production, providing a general strengthening effect.

Price: average cost vitamin complex - about 300 rubles.


Olga, 38 years old
I was recommended to take vitrum vitamins, but when I came to the pharmacy, the price played a decisive role in the choice. Complivit costs almost twice as much, but the result, it seems to me, is no worse. After about a month, the hair stopped falling out, so I'm satisfied.

Vitrum Beauty

Vitrum Beauty is a balanced complex of a large number of vitamins and amino acids (perhaps the most large composition of all the described drugs).

Renders similar action- replenishment of the lack of vitamins, improvement of the condition of the hair.


  • Vitamins: D3, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, C;
  • Folic acid;
  • Biotin;
  • Nicotinamide;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium, boron;
  • Horsetail extract;

Vitrum Beauty is used to improve the overall condition of the hair, against hair loss.

Plus this vitamin complex - the course of admission is usually 1-1.5 months. Noticeable improvements should appear after 1-2 weeks.

Cost: on average, prices vary within 500-700 rubles.


Natalia, 34 years old
I took Vitrum Beauty at the beginning of spring, as my hair was exhausted from frost after the winter, and spring beriberi made itself known. After about a week and a half, I noticed improvements: my hair began to fall out and break less, it became easier to comb and shine more. It took me a month to get my hair back to normal.

All these vitamins contain a basic composition that helps fight hair loss and strengthens hair. It is worth choosing, focusing on the cost of drugs or additional ingredients and their properties.

Our hair is a sensitive indicator that instantly reacts to the adverse effects of the external environment, the intense rhythm of life, high stress load. If the hair has thinned, the curls have become dry, lifeless and do not fit into the hair, it's time to take vitamins for hair growth and hair loss.

Even the most thorough care can not always return hair former beauty, strength and attractiveness. The most expensive and high-quality shampoos, masks and cosmetic oils will not solve the problem if the cause lies in beriberi. Not always essential vitamins and minerals a person can only get from food.

The lack of these vital substances is accompanied by weakness, apathy, and negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Special vitamin and mineral complexes will help prevent hair loss and make them thick, strong and silky again. a wide range presented on the shelves of pharmacies.

To the main vitamins responsible for vitality, thickness and health of hair include:

  • Vitamin A (retinol). Responsible for normal course metabolic processes in the hair follicles, prevents hair loss and prevents the formation of dandruff. With a lack of retinol, hair growth slows down, they split, weaken and begin to fall out.
  • Vitamin C ( vitamin C). Improves the supply of the scalp with nutrients and oxygen, as it maintains the tone of the capillaries and activates the processes of blood circulation. In addition, this vitamin has antioxidant properties, helps restore hair structure, restores vitality, makes it strong and silky.
  • Vitamin E for hair (tocopherol) is the main growth activator. Improves the nutrition of the roots, regulates the secretion of sebum. Tocopherol is necessary for hair to protect against adverse external factors (temperature changes, solar radiation). This vitamin relieves the scalp from dryness, irritation, makes hair strong, shiny and silky.
  • Vitamin H (biotin) - prevents the development of seborrhea, prevents increased dryness, brittleness and hair loss.
  • Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) - responsible for regeneration processes, promotes quick recovery, is responsible for color saturation and hair growth rate.
  • Vitamin B6 for hair (pyridoxine) - is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes and the preservation of the structure of the hair shaft. The lack of this vitamin leads to dandruff, dryness and irritation of the scalp. The strands fade, split, become thin and brittle.
  • Vitamin B12 for hair (cyanocobalomin) is necessary for the density of hair. With its lack, the hair quickly becomes thinner, split and fall out intensively. If the vitamin enters the body in sufficient quantities, the curls will be strong, elastic and shiny.

The poor condition of the hair depends on many reasons, not only external factors, but also chronic diseases. With your problem, you need to contact a specialist - a trichologist, undergo an examination and pass an extended blood test. If it is confirmed that the deficit is to blame beneficial vitamins and trace elements, the doctor will explain which vitamins for hair growth and hair loss will do their job better and recommend best option drug.

How to choose the right vitamin complex?

How to find a good multivitamin complex for hair growth and strengthening? Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the drug. In addition to the main set of vitamins, it should include essential trace elements- calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, antioxidant complexes, unsaturated fatty acid Omega 3 or medicinal plant extracts.

The main vitamins for hair growth and hair loss in women are biotin, B vitamins, antioxidants E and C, and retinol. In the "male" complexes, the emphasis is on the predominance of vitamins A, H, E, B1, B3.

Today, vitamin preparations are available in different forms- in the form of tablets, capsules, oil mixtures. A very convenient form - vitamins for hair growth and hair loss in ampoules, on the basis of which you can make hair masks. Pharmacies always have ampoules containing vitamins E, A, B6 or B 12 in stock.

At home, it is enough to open the ampoule and add its contents to the a large number of shampoo before shampooing. The effect of the use of such vitamins is almost instantaneous - the hair becomes smooth, silky and obedient, easy to style and looks shiny and healthy.

But this method is more suitable for emergencies. If you want to achieve a long-term healing effect, it is better to take vitamin complexes containing the optimal set of essential vitamins and minerals. They have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and eliminate the problem from the inside, replenishing the deficiency of the most important substances necessary for hair growth and strengthening.

Vitamins in capsules and tablets are very convenient to use, they can be taken at any time. convenient time and anywhere (at work, at home, on a trip).

In order to prevent vitamin complexes can be taken twice a year, it is especially useful to drink treatment course in the autumn-winter season, when the hair is most exposed to adverse effects environment. It is better to take vitamins in the first half of the day with a sufficient amount of liquid and combine their use with firming masks and medicated shampoos for hair.

The best vitamins for hair growth and hair loss

Do right choice a short review will help, in which we have included the most popular and effective vitamin complexes designed to strengthen hair.

A vitamin preparation in capsules from a Hungarian pharmaceutical company, created specifically to prevent hair loss caused by the influence of mechanical or chemical factors (unsuccessful perm, dyeing, lightening, etc.).

In addition, Revalid helps fight against early gray hair. The complex, in addition to B vitamins, includes brewer's yeast, extracts of millet and wheat germ, L-cystine and chelated (easily digestible) trace elements - calcium, copper, iron, zinc.

The action of the drug is aimed at improving the trophism of the hair follicles, activating metabolic processes, normalizing the structure and appearance of the hair, eliminating their dryness and brittleness. Revalid is taken for 2-3 months, in the amount of 3 capsules per day.

It is best to take vitamins before meals or during meals. If the hair falls out very intensively, the dosage can be doubled and the capsules can be taken according to this scheme for a month. In the future, you can switch to taking the drug in a standard dosage.

Revalid will not help if hair loss is caused by hormonal disorders. Do not take the drug in case of hypersensitivity to the components, as it is possible to develop allergic reactions. The price of Revalid is on average 1200 rubles for a pack of 90 capsules.

A popular vitamin preparation for restoring hair. Its effectiveness is so high that it allows you to fight focal alopecia (if hair loss is not associated with hormonal failure). Yellow gelatin capsules with a green cap contain vitamins B1 and B5, medical yeast, cystine and keratin complex.

Taking vitamins helps accelerated growth and structural restoration of hair, effectively protect the hair from destructive action dyes and chemicals, ultraviolet irradiation. A positive result and improvement in the appearance of the hair is observed after 2-3 weeks of taking vitamins. The drug should be taken for a long time (from 3 months to six months), three capsules per day.

Pantovigar is especially recommended for hair loss under the influence of stress factors, intoxication of the body, vitamin deficiency, postoperative period during pregnancy and lactation. A contraindication to taking multivitamins is only individual intolerance to individual components. The only drawback of the drug is considered high price. The price of a package of 90 capsules is 1800 rubles, a package of 300 capsules costs from 4000 rubles.

This drug contains the richest set of vitamins and minerals. Each gelatin capsule contains:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid(AT 9);
  • vitamins E, C, A, D3;
  • biotin;
  • trace elements (magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, chromium, copper, manganese, silicon).

The vitamin set is complemented by plant extracts isolated from burdock and echinacea. Thanks to this unique composition Perfectil complex is considered one of the the best drugs to restore and strengthen hair.

Vitamins and trace elements have a positive effect on the condition of the scalp and hair structure, providing them with the nutrients necessary for growth and strengthening, promote the process of cell regeneration, accelerate blood microcirculation, remove toxins and others. harmful substances, detrimental to hair follicle ov.

Perfectil reliably protects the hair from the effects of sunlight and other negative factors, helps fight alopecia (baldness), dandruff, seborrhea, manifestations of eczema, psoriasis and other diseases of the scalp. Perfectil take 1 capsule daily with plenty of water. The duration of the course is individual, depending on the neglect of the process and the speed of hair restoration.

This vitamin preparation has a number of contraindications that limit its use. Perfectil should not be taken autoimmune diseases, the presence of neoplasms, during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies to the components that make up the drug.

You can not prescribe vitamins for hair growth in the presence of the following diseases:

  • kidney failure,
  • hypervitaminosis,
  • rheumatism,
  • tuberculosis,
  • multiple sclerosis.

Before buying Perfectil, be sure to consult your doctor and find out possible contraindications. The price of the drug is from 700 rubles for 30 capsules.

A versatile vitamin preparation designed to maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. It contains a complex of vitamins B (B1, B5, B6, B12), vitamins A, E, C, PP, biotin, the amino acid cystine, trace elements calcium, silicon, zinc and iron. As a supplement, Merz dragees contain yeast extract and Castor oil positively affecting the structure of the hair.

The drug effectively eliminates the deficiency essential vitamins and acts from the inside, restoring and strengthening hair, preventing hair loss. Dragee Merz is recommended for beriberi, against which there is a deterioration in the appearance and condition of hair and skin. For achievement positive result it is necessary to drink the vitamin complex in a course of 2-3 months, 2 tablets per day.

Vitamins for hair growth Merz - one of the safest complexes, which many call "beauty vitamins". There are practically no restrictions on admission, except for individual sensitivity and excess content of vitamins A and D in the body. The price of a package containing 60 tablets is an average of 730 rubles.

The popular vitamin complex contains 18 active components needed for hair growth and strengthening. A feature of the drug is a unique double formula "day and night".

  1. Day formula. Capsules white color contain vitamins B1, B9, E, C, beta-carotene and a number of trace elements (selenium, iron and magnesium). They should be taken in the morning during breakfast with 100 ml of water.
  2. Formula Night. Red capsules contain a different set of vitamins - B2, B6, B12, D3, biotin, the amino acid cystine and mineral complex from calcium, zinc and chromium. Accordingly, they should be taken in the evening, during dinner, drinking plenty of water. Such a separate reception improves the assimilation useful substances and increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Alerana well eliminates dryness and irritation of the scalp, fights dandruff, regulates the production of sebum. It is recommended to take a vitamin complex for hair loss, thinning, split ends, in order to enhance their growth and improve their appearance.

After a course of treatment, hair from dry and lifeless again becomes thick, elastic, acquires a silky sheen and strength. Vitamins for hair growth and hair loss Alerana can help even in advanced cases, with non-hormonal alopecia. The course of treatment takes an average of 4 weeks, it can be repeated up to three times a year.

But there are a number of contraindications in which it is impossible to use this remedy. These include individual intolerance to the components, dermatoses of the scalp, as well as age over 65 years. Before buying a complex, consult your doctor, as this drug can provoke adverse reactions, including systemic, from the nervous and of cardio-vascular system. The cost of vitamins averages from 450 rubles for a package of 60 tablets.

biologically active, remedy from Italian manufacturers, designed to stimulate hair growth and combat baldness. The vitamin-cosmetic complex is produced in ampoules, which include embryonic and placental cells, peptides, special proteins, antioxidant vitamins, extracts of wheat germ, nettle and red capsicum.

The use of a vitamin-protein complex restores the keratin structure of the hair, making it strong, shiny and manageable. Positive effect noticeable after a week of use. Half an ampoule is enough for one application.

A special brush is included in the package, which facilitates the application of the drug. After opening the ampoule, the therapeutic agent is applied to the roots with a brush and the hair is evenly combed over the entire length with a massage brush. The composition does not need to be washed off. On average, the course of treatment takes 1-1.5 months, Polypant should be used 1-2 times a week, after washing the hair. The cost of a package containing 12 ampoules is 1800 rubles.

Other effective vitamins for hair growth and hair loss

Overview of the most popular vitamin preparations you can continue. Among the most effective complexes, characterized by low cost, users name the following drugs:

  • Evalar Hair Expert;
  • Vitamins Centrum for women;
  • Alphabet Cosmetic;
  • Complivit "Shine";
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Lady Formula etc.

When choosing the best option be sure to pay attention to the composition, look for the optimal combination of vitamins and minerals that can strengthen the hair structure from the inside, restore their strength, health and attractive appearance.

Doctors-trichologists assure that normally a person loses about a hundred hairs from the head per day. But if this figure is much higher, the hair is falling in clumps and noticeably, then this situation needs to be urgently corrected.

In this article, we will help you find the right vitamins for hair loss.
But remember that first you need to establish and eliminate the very cause of the loss.

Why does hair fall out?

The most common causes of hair loss are:

  • Stress
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Hormones
  • Wrong care
  • Drying hair with blow dryers and curling irons
  • Hypothermia of the scalp in the autumn-winter period
  • Improper nutrition, diet
  • Too tight tail, bun, pigtails
  • The wrong hair dye
  • Chem. perm
  • Infection
  • Long course of antibiotic treatment
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements
  • Diseases: enteritis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, cancer, thyroid problems

To return the former hair, it is imperative to identify the cause of the loss and eliminate it. If the cause is a disease, then you need to see a doctor for treatment.

Vitamin deficiency can also be the cause of hair loss, in which case you need to choose the right vitamin complex.

If you are in a state of stress, then it is worth asking the therapist to prescribe medications that are suitable for you, which will help the body cope with this condition.

What vitamins affect hair loss?

So, the main vitamins, due to the lack of which you can lose your luxurious curls, are: A, B5, B6, C, E, F. The body may need one of the above components, or several. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Responsible for the blood supply to the scalp, due to which the hair is saturated with oxygen, the body absorbs more vitamins and nutrients. With a lack of vitamin B2, the ends of the hair look dry and the roots greasy.

Nicotinic acid (vitamins B3, PP, nicotinamide)

Necessary for a better supply of useful substances to the hairline, metabolic processes are accelerated, which prevents hair from falling out. The lack of such substances affects the form of slow growth and dry hair.

Panthenol (Vitamin B5)

It penetrates into the hair follicle, strengthening it and normalizing the processes occurring in it. Getting further into the hair itself, it strengthens it from the inside, which makes this vitamin indispensable in the fight against hair loss.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Effective against dandruff, itching and hair loss. It normalizes the processes occurring inside the hair, improves its structure. With a lack of vitamin B6, hair grows slowly and quickly turns gray.

Biotin (Vitamin H)

Normalizes work sebaceous glands gives hair shine and strength. Thanks to the normalization of all metabolic processes in the scalp, roots and hair.
With its deficiency, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, the hair quickly becomes greasy.

Folic acid

Strengthens useful action B vitamins, helping the body replace old cells with new ones that are strong and healthy. Such regenerating processes can not only stop hair loss, but also accelerate their growth.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Vitamin helps nourish the hair roots, bringing the capillaries of the scalp into tone. After all, it is through the capillaries that useful substances with blood enter the hair follicles.
With an insufficient amount of ascorbic acid, increased hair loss is observed.

Retinol (Vitamin A)

Increases elasticity of hair, making them less brittle. It affects the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands.

Vitamin E

A real miracle remedy that helps to prolong the life of the cells of the body. One of the best antioxidants. In the context of hair care, it is responsible for activating the growth of hair follicle cells.

Vitamin F

Strengthens the hair structure, making them stronger and more durable, which helps to reduce hair loss.

B vitamins are essential in the fight against hair loss!

Pharmacy vitamin complexes for hair loss

Let's take a look at the best pharmacy vitamins from hair loss with reviews on their use. This list of vitamins is the most popular in our country and most often prescribed by trichologists.


Pantovigar is considered one of the most effective vitamin complexes for hair loss. It's a drug natural origin that improves the structure of the hair.

Composition of 1 capsule of vitamins against hair loss:

- B1-60 mg;
- B5-60 mg;
- cystine -20 mg;
- para-aminobenzoic acid-20 mg;
- keratin-20 mg;
– medical yeast-100 mg

Feedback on the application:

Julia, 23 years old:

I took pantovigar vitamins for about two months, hair loss finally stopped, after a couple of weeks new hair began to grow rapidly, as a result, I now have plus 10 centimeters to the original length.

Alice, 48 years old:

Pantovigar drank a course of 3 months, the hair stopped falling out, new ones grew, it has already passed since then more than a year but the effect is still there.


Merz - a complex of vitamins for hair, against hair loss. The composition of the vitamin complex includes:

  • cystine,
  • retinol,
  • beta carotene,
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C,
  • iron.

Olga, 33 years old:

I started my acquaintance with Merz after reading reviews and answering the question of which vitamins to drink for hair loss. The effect of each course of taking these vitamins is different for me, apparently depending on whether the body is weakened or not. If there are no health problems, then the result is amazing, and if stress or a cold, then apparently the vitamins go to maintain the body, but the hair still stops falling out anyway.


Revalid is a vitamin complex containing trace elements and vitamin D, which helps fight hair loss.

1 capsule contains:

  • B1-1.5 mg;
  • B5-50 mg;
  • B6-10 mg;
  • Vx-20 mg;
  • iron,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • trace elements,
  • millet extract,
  • wheat germ extract.

Reviews of trichologists about vitamins revalid for hair loss:

Oleg Petrovich Yarovoy, trichologist:

I have over 15 years of experience as a trichologist. AT positive action this drug verified in practice. The patient's hair was severely damaged due to multiple hair extensions over a period of five years, which caused profuse hair loss, after a month's course of taking the drug, a positive trend appeared: hair loss stopped, the hair stopped being brittle.


Perfectil - capsules containing useful macro and microelements. As part of the vitamin complex:
- iron,
- vitamin C,
- magnesium,
- silicon,
- vitamins of group B,
- calcium,
- riboflavin,
— PP,
- vitamin A.

Ksenia, 22 years old:

I bought perfectil vitamins, drank for 3 months, then took a break for two months, now I’m taking the course again, now my hair doesn’t fall out and grows very fast!


Alphabet for hair refers to inexpensive vitamins. This vitamin complex contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. These tablets contain all the necessary vitamins against hair loss.

Marina, 27 years old:

Due to the lack of vitamins in my body, my hair fell out. From fruits and vegetables right amount I didn’t get vitamins, I looked for reviews on the Internet on the topic: which vitamins are better for hair loss. I bought the Alphabet and all the problems with skin peeling and brittle hair passed, I'm satisfied. Moreover, these anti-hair loss vitamins are inexpensive!


Neurobex - good inexpensive vitamins against hair loss, they include:

  • B vitamins (B1, B6, B12),
  • folic acid,
  • vitamin C,
  • calcium pantothenate.

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex - vitamins in ampoules for hair loss.

  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin PP;
  • glycerol,
  • water for injections.

This drug is ideal for injection for hair loss, but it must be prescribed to you by a trichologist.


Aevit is another cheap vitamin for hair loss. The complex contains only two vitamins: vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E.

These vitamins regenerate the tissues and structure of the hair, improve metabolic processes.

Vitamins for pregnant women from hair loss

Pregnancy is difficult life span. Over the course of 9 months, tremendous changes are taking place with the body: all the nutrients and vitamins should now ensure the growth and full development of your baby.

Therefore, during pregnancy, it is especially important to replenish lost trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Despite the fact that pregnant women often drink a course of special vitamin complexes that they need and are designed for a certain trimester, certain components may not be enough or they may be poorly absorbed.

Stress is also an important factor, because during pregnancy the body blocks the body's metabolic processes, perceiving stressful situation as a threat, which also interferes with the full absorption of nutrients by the body.

The cause of your hair loss will be determined by your pregnancy doctor during a scheduled consultation.

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, the choice of vitamins is very limited. If your hair falls out, complexes that are safe for expectant mothers and their child are suitable, such as: "Elevit",
"AlfaVit Mom's health". But they should also be used only after consulting a doctor.

Hair loss vitamins allowed while breastfeeding

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Vitamins from hair loss during lactation, the complex includes: retinol (vitamin A) 860 mcg; beta-carotene 1500 mcg; E-30 mg; D3 - 10 mcg; C - 120 mg; B1- 3 mg; B2 -3.4 mg; vitamin B5 -10 mg; vitamin B6 - 10 mg; vitamin BC - 800 mcg; vit. B12-12 mcg; PP-20 mg; vit. H - 30 mcg; Ca-200 mg; magnesium - 25 mg; iron - 60 mg; copper - 2 mg; manganese - 5 mg; iodine - 150 mcg; sodium molybdate - 25 mcg; selenium - 20 mcg; chromium - 25 mcg

sana sol

Vitamins are not contraindicated in lactation against hair loss.
The composition of the vitamin complex includes vitamins: E; A; D3; B1; B2; B6; FROM; folic acid, pantothenic acid.

Complivit Mom

Vitamins for nursing mothers that will help solve the problem of hair loss. These vitamins will also help get rid of hair loss during pregnancy.
They include vitamins of group B, as well as retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, vitamin D, PP calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium.


Multivitamin complex containing in its composition all the vitamins necessary female body to keep your hair healthy.

The healthy appearance of the hair depends largely on internal state organism. If the strands are thinning, the curls have faded and become brittle - these are signals that indicate a lack of nutrients. Avitaminosis is a common cause of signs of alopecia, which occur in both men and women.

To remedy the situation, you need to take vitamins against hair loss and good means that help strengthen the hair follicles. Often people who suffer from alopecia ask: "Advise on which complexes to take to avoid baldness." They are interested in the question of which vitamins are better to buy for hair loss, which drugs are effective, which products are suitable for men and which ones for women.

When to take vitamins for hair loss

Complexes that help against baldness, you need to drink:

  • If the strands are very thin.
  • After the treatment of diseases, which was carried out with the help of antibiotics and potent medications.
  • In the spring, when the body suffers from a lack of nutrients.
  • During the period, if the strands have slowed down growth, they need strengthening, nutrition, restoration.

Necessary minerals and vitamins for hair

To choose the right vitamins to combat hair loss, you need to know what effect the components that make up the complex have on the strands.


Treatment with this mineral contributes to the restoration of strands. If you take products that include silicon, then the curls will no longer be brittle. This mineral has a strengthening effect on the epithelium, saturates the skin with nutrients, which facilitates access useful elements to the roots of curls. The action of the mineral is directed against baldness. The higher the concentration of silicon in the body, the better the elasticity of the hair will be.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3)

If there are signs of alopecia, you need to look for vitamins against hair loss with nicotinic acid in composition. This component helps to retain moisture inside the strands, activates the production of pigments. It helps to make the properties of the other B vitamins work better.

It is also useful for making masks.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

it unique remedy, which not only eliminates the causes of alopecia, but also:

  • renders wide range actions aimed at strengthening and treating the structure of the strands;
  • responsible for the structure of proteins;
  • useful for growth;
  • helps to better organize the access of oxygen to the hair follicles;
  • eliminates the causes of oxygen starvation;
  • helps to cope with stress and painful condition, which has a positive effect on appearance hair;
  • promotes conduction of nerve endings.

Most effective complexes contain thiamine. If you drink them during periods when the body is weakened, they will help to cope with beriberi.


This component is included in vitamins for hair loss in women and men. Its deficiency causes anemia, against the background of this disease is often observed severe loss strands. Iron can be drunk separately and as part of complexes. The trace element helps to improve blood circulation near the follicles, which is favorable for the growth of strands.

Retinol (Vitamin A)

This component can be found in complexes for men and women. It has a wide range of activities:

  • regulation of the building function of the protein;
  • protection of strands from the action of radicals;
  • activation of collagen synthesis;
  • baldness protection;
  • resuscitation of the hair structure.

Products designed to make a woman more beautiful must contain retinol. Also use for the preparation of vitamin shampoo.

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

This component is often present in complexes for women and for men. Products containing cobalamin have strong impact on the condition of the recipients: reduce baldness, fight focal manifestations of alopecia. Thanks to them, cell division processes are accelerated in the epidermis of men and women, this is necessary to improve the structure of the strands. At the same time, the funds help to awaken dormant hair follicles and stimulate the appearance of new follicles. This increases the volume of the hair.


To stop baldness, you can take funds that contain this trace element. It acts as an enhancer of the action of B vitamins. Its strong antioxidant effect and the ability to fight focal alopecia make it an indispensable component in the complex against alopecia.

Tocopherl (vitamin E)

The action of this vitamin is aimed at slowing down the aging process. It regulates the pigmentation of the strands, this allows the hair not to turn gray. Vitamin E improves blood microcirculation, improves the condition of curls, and serves to prevent hair loss.

Vitamin H

One of the most important components any complex for strands. It provides beautiful healthy look curls, gives them strength. This is due to the fact that vitamin H helps maintain the optimal rate of metabolic processes, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the strands look greasy and fall out.

Folic acid

This component enhances the action of other vitamins that are included in the complex. It accelerates the growth of braids, slowing down or eliminating their loss. This is due to the fact that it activates the process of cell synthesis, promotes the replacement of old, worn out cells with new ones. If there is a lack of filic acid in the body, the strands begin to turn gray ahead of time.

Knowing about useful properties vitamins and microelements, realizing what effect the components have on the strands multivitamin complexes, you can choose the right drugs to slow down the loss of strands and accelerate the growth of curls.

If a woman's strands began to thin, she should pay attention to the intake of the following vitamins in the body:

  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C.

These vitamins are taken both together (as part of multivitamin complexes) and separately.

Before using any vitamin complex, you should consult your doctor.

As complexes, doctors offer women multivitamins for healthy skin, hair, nails:

  • Complivit Radiance.
  • Complex "Skin. Hair. Nails".
  • VitaCharm.
  • Cosmetic alphabet.
  • Gerimacus.
  • wellwoman.
  • Qi-Klim.
  • Pharmamed for women.
  • Woman formula.

This is often observed due to a deficiency of nutrients in the body. Especially for those who are breastfeeding breast milk. In this situation, you can take:

  • Supradin.
  • Pregnacare.
  • Elevit Prenatal.
  • Undevit.
  • Theravit Pregna.
  • Multi-Tabs Perinatal.
  • Megadin Pronatal.
  • Materna.
  • Alphabet Mom's health.
  • Vitaspectrum.
  • Vitrum prenatal.
  • Gendevit.
  • Vitaress.

If the strands are thinning in a man, this indicates a deficiency of vitamins: H, A, E, B1.

How long a man takes vitamins for hair depends on how quickly changes in better side clinical picture. The usual course of taking the drug for men is 2 months. After that, take a break, then repeat the course.

Men are prescribed complexes:

  • Pikovit Plus.
  • Perfectil.
  • Centrum Silver.
  • Centrum with Lutein.
  • Pantovigar.
  • Merz.
  • Duovit for men.
  • wellmen
  • Bioactive minerals.
  • Aminodar.
  • Biorhythm alphabet.

Popular complexes against baldness

Treatment of alopecia should be carried out by taking multivitamins - complexes that have a rich composition. This allows you to better address the problem. They eliminate the causes of the disease (deficiency of nutrients).

On the pharmacology market, there are various complexes to prevent alopecia:


This complex is very popular and has many positive feedback which can be read on the forums. It is taken to prevent atrophy of the hair follicles. Assign Pantovigar if the strands have been dyed chemical compounds, were permed. The vitamins that make up the composition strengthen the strands, help eliminate harmful effects influence of ultraviolet and other negative environmental factors.

Users who took the drug note positive trends:

  • Strengthening the braid structure.
  • Reducing the amount of hair falling out per day.
  • Accelerating the growth of curls.

Improvement appeared after 1 month of taking the remedy. Full course admission is 3 months. During this time, the complex helps to completely cope with the deficiency of nutrients.

The cost of the complex ranges from 1500 to 1700 rubles for a package of vitamins for 1 month.

As side effects that the drug has (rare) are:

  • Weight gain (minor).
  • Nausea.
  • Increase in body hair.


This tool is a specialized complex, the action of which is aimed at preventing alopecia. In addition, vitamins help improve the structure of the strands.

Depending on the personal characteristics of the body and changes in the clinical picture, choose the duration of the drug. The time of admission can vary from 2-3 weeks to 3 months.

There is practically no information on the forums from people who did not notice positive changes in the state of the hair after taking the complex.

The price per package is 350 rubles.

Do not take the drug to people with mental or hormonal disorders.


This composition is designed specifically to strengthen nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin.

Action on the hair:

  • stimulation of the appearance of new hairs;
  • stopping the loss of strands;
  • growth acceleration.

Consumers who took the complex noted that a positive clinical effect was noticeable after 2-3 months of regular use.

You can buy the drug in pharmacies, the average cost is 400 rubles per pack.


On the network you can find a large number of positive reviews about the Complevit Shine multivitamins, which are intended to improve the condition of nails, skin, and hair.

The main argument in favor of taking the complex is prompt termination hair loss or a significant decrease in the number of hairs falling out per day.

Another pleasant observation is that the reception of this complex does not cause discomfort and side effects. It does possible application drug in people with hypersensitivity to pharmaceuticals.

The average price for a package of funds is 250-300 rubles.


This tool was developed by English trichologists, doctors and cosmetologists. Its feature is a good combination of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. The composition of the drug includes extracts of echinacea, burdock.

This drug not only improves the condition of the hair, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. Thanks to its rich composition, which includes 25 components, it has the following properties:

  • dermatoprotective;
  • regenerating;
  • antioxidant.

The cost of a package containing 30 capsules is 650 rubles.


The drug is taken orally and applied externally (as a component). The use of the product improves clinical picture both in women and men. The result of the application is visible after 2-6 weeks.

The advantage of the drug is considered to be a low price: for a package in which 50 capsules - 75 rubles.

How long to take vitamins

To get a stable result, you need to drink a course, the duration of which is usually 30 days.

Baldness - serious illness, which is unpleasant for men and brings great discomfort to women. It cannot be cured quickly. You can slow down the course of the disease by taking vitamin complexes, making special masks and using products to restore strands, accelerate the growth of curls.

Often, a trichologist or immunologist suggests drinking vitamin complexes in several courses. Between courses you need to take a break (from 2 weeks to a month).

In case of a difficult situation and if there is severe deficit the intake of nutrients into the patient's body, there is no need to take a break between courses: you can take funds for several months in a row.

When purchasing a complex for the growth of strands, you need to carefully read the instructions. Many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy or have contraindications. If you have any doubts about which remedies for hair loss in women are better to take and which ones are suitable for men, you need to consult a doctor.

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