Hospital notes. Quick Operation Guide (for Patients) Don't put your hat on the table

There are certain folk signs before the operation, which you must definitely listen to. If they are ignored, then surgical intervention can have negative consequences for both the patient and the doctor.


When a person goes to the hospital and is threatened with an operation, a feeling of panic and fear immediately arises. To get rid of these unpleasant sensations, you should listen to folk signs.

  1. The patient should not take new wardrobe items with him. If they are new in the closet, put them on at least once and walk around the house. The sign indicates that the dead must be buried in new things. If you put on new clothes, the operation may not be very successful.
  2. The patient should not ask the doctor to move to another place (couch or ward). If you ignore this belief, you will have to spend more time in the hospital than you expected.

Go to the hairdresser before surgery

We attract good luck in treatment

Go to the hairdresser. A new haircut or hairstyle will help get rid of negative feelings. Folk signs indicate that while cutting hair, part of the negative energy is cut off.

Prepare in advance all the things you need before the operation. Do not take with you the ones you will need at checkout. It is better if someone from close relatives will bring them to you later. If you take things for discharge with you in advance, you can stay in the treatment room.

Actions of relatives

Folk signs about operations indicate that relatives should not wish good luck to the doctor who performs the operation. Ignoring this prohibition can lead to the fact that luck turns away from the surgeon, and the operation goes badly.

Relatives should not be nervous before the operation

It is forbidden to bring signs of gratitude - money or gifts - to the doctor until the patient is discharged. Early gifts can lead to a large number of complications. As our ancestors believed, by your actions you have a positive result after the operation.

Relatives are not allowed to be nervous before the operation. They can move to the patient. As a result, the internal organs will be in tension, and complications may arise during the operation. It is impossible to bring flowers of white or red shades to the patient. They bring bad luck and misfortune.

Red and white flowers cannot be taken to the hospital

Signs after the operation

There is a certain list of folk signs that are mandatory after the operation:

  • If you want to avoid returning to the hospital, after the operation, go around the building in which you were lying in a clockwise direction. The sign indicates that by such actions you close the energy field, and the hospital will no longer attract you to itself;
  • based on signs, forgotten things in the hospital contribute to a quick return to it, and the reason will lie in your irresponsibility. It is better to pack all things in advance and not forget anything;
  • if a woman who was operated on during childbirth wants to have a baby, then it is enough for her to leave some of her things in the ward.

Superstitions for doctors

Instruments should not be dropped in the operating room. If the doctor noticed that some instrument has fallen, you should immediately pick it up and knock on the operating table three times, otherwise the patient may experience complications after surgery.

It is impossible for doctors to change places during a surgical intervention. Folk signs indicate that this leads to complications and a long stay in the operating room.

You should never operate on a patient on Friday or Friday. This will cause the anesthesia to not work on the patient and complications will arise.

An experienced doctor will never operate on his colleague. This will lead to complications in the patient, and the medicines will not give any result.

Folk signs are not only in determining weather conditions or the future of a person. With their help, you can influence the state of your health. Signs before operations are especially popular. With their help, the patient can prepare for surgery and reduce the number of side effects.

Fear of illness and hope for healing contribute to the emergence of numerous signs associated with health. A significant part of the superstitions accompanies both the stay in the hospital of patients and the work of doctors.

Signs of the sick

Being in a medical institution for most people is associated with a lot of negative emotions. After all, as a rule, we get there in connection with some kind of ailment, causing suffering of the body and spiritual experiences. That is why almost all the signs of patients are aimed at shortening the duration of treatment, safely getting rid of the disease and avoiding doctors again for as long as possible.

  • If you want to leave the hospital as soon as possible, never move to a vacant bed in the ward, and even more so to another ward.
  • Patients consider the bird beating against the window of the ward to be the worst omen. Many believe that it portends the imminent death of one of the patients. Exactly the same consequences can occur if a nurse unknowingly puts a blanket on a chair.
  • The awkwardness of the medical staff, who accidentally knocked down a chair or stool in the ward, portends the sick to the appearance of a new comrade in misfortune.
  • Leaving the hospital, the cured must by all means bypass its building around in the direction of the Sun. It is believed that in this way it is possible to finally fix the positive result of treatment.
  • If you absolutely do not want to return to the hospital, carefully pack your belongings. After all, even an insignificant personal item forgotten in the ward can provoke an exacerbation of a previous disease or cause a new disease to appear.
  • The sign about the things left takes on a positive meaning if it concerns the return to the hospital. Young mothers who dream of having another baby are even recommended to specially leave something in the ward in order to return there again for sure.
  • Another sign that will not allow you to end up in the hospital again is the mattress turned upside down on the bed. It should be brought to this position just before the discharge itself, in order to forever forget the way to the hospital bed.
  • In order not to linger for a long time in a medical institution, never do needlework in a hospital ward. After all, sewing or knitting can “tie” you to this not very pleasant place for a long time.
  • Anyone who spends days in a hospital after an operation or restores health undermined as a result of an injury should not cut their nails until the very discharge. It is believed that this cosmetic procedure adversely affects the healing of postoperative sutures and other wounds, as well as the healing of fractures.
  • Relatives should keep in mind that flowers of scarlet and white shades should not be brought to the hospital. It is believed that these two colors bring misfortune to the patient, postponing the moment of final recovery.
  • Signs of doctors

    Physicians who deal daily with life and death are even more superstitious than patients. There are also many different superstitions in the medical environment.

    • You should never wish the doctor a good morning or a quiet watch. After all, the Aesculapius are sure that in this case they will certainly be overwhelmed with urgent work, or rather, with seriously ill patients.
    • Many doctors consider it bad luck to switch shifts, relax in a noisy company, or make love on the eve of how to go to work. It is believed that in these cases there will be a particularly difficult change.
    • Every experienced physician knows that every medical history must be handled with the utmost care. After all, if it accidentally falls, then the patient will inevitably face serious complications.
    • No surgeon will ever undertake to operate on his friend or relative. It is believed that in this case the result will be guaranteed to be sad, which is not surprising, given the special concern for the health of a loved one and the possible errors associated with this.
    • Among patients, it is customary to thank doctors for competent treatment and attentive attitude, expressing their gratitude in material terms. However, no doctor will accept a donation before an operation or a course of procedures, as this may adversely affect the result. A gift should be given only after a successful recovery upon discharge from a medical institution.

Ripe at last :)

I warn you:
1. Applies only to elective operations performed under general anesthesia.
2.Based on my own experience.
3. The option of carrying out the operation at the expense of the insurance company is being considered. How it happens for your money - I'm afraid to even imagine ...
4.Cannot and should not be taken as official guidance or recommendations.

Part 1. Do I need it?..

Usually it happens like this: an absolutely healthy person comes to the clinic for some garbage, for example, to Laura because of a cold. For some reason, the ENT sends a person to an ultrasound, they send him somewhere else with an ultrasound, as a result, after spending a day and running around the entire clinic, the person finds out that there is a defect in one of his internal organs, which is recommended by a specialist doctor to be eliminated by surgical intervention in a planned manner.

Option two, which happened to me: they bring a person (before absolutely healthy) to the hospital with an acute inflammatory process, the inflammatory process is successfully removed, but they discover the very defect of one of the internal organs, which is recommended by a specialist to be eliminated by surgical intervention in a planned manner.

I think other options are possible.

Should I trust the opinion of one doctor? Definitely not, if this is a specialist in a polyclinic or a private clinic, a therapist or a family doctor. Ambiguous, but yes, if you grope with your hand for a tumor in soft tissues and in other similar cases. The decision to perform the operation in any case should be taken only by the patient himself, to the best of his medical knowledge and understanding of the situation. Therefore - learn medicine, your mother! .. It is not required to give consent to a planned operation immediately after the announcement of this recommendation by a doctor, so you have time for: 1) consultations with other doctors; 2) improving the quality of the above-mentioned medical knowledge, I personally rummaged through the Internet, there are many medical forums and sites on the network describing similar cases.

Where exactly to operate, - again, you decide for yourself. My opinion: the larger the institution, the better, it is either a regional hospital or a specialized institute-center-hospital of the republican level. Find out about the reputation of the institution and the doctor you are going to be operated on.

My opinion: the operation should be done if the defect progresses or disrupts the normal functioning of the body, i.e. the negative consequences of non-intervention in absolute terms exceed the negative consequences of the intervention (probabilities should be taken into account in the calculation).

Part 2. Organizational

Do not flatter yourself with the thought that a planned operation is such a thing: you can do it in a month, and in a year, and in ten. The younger the body, the less the likelihood of complications, and the less you postpone the operation, the less your sore will progress. Therefore, if you have already decided that yes, you need to do the operation, do not postpone it indefinitely - negotiate with your doctor and your insurance company for the next date by which you can cure a cold, sort things out at work and write out your mother (or another relative who has enough strength and time), and get ready ...

Get ready to defend your decision! For from the day it is accepted and communicated to relatives and employees, those who wish you health and longevity will try with all their might to dissuade you. The main arguments will be: 1. If you do not urgently, then you can wait, maybe it will pass by itself. 2. Let's try conservative treatment. 3. An operation is a serious intervention in the body, it does not pass without a trace.

Use the time left before hospitalization to good use - sleep and eat.

On the appointed day, come to the hospital with things, an insurance policy and your mother. Of the things you must take with you: a mobile phone with a supply of replenishment for 3-4 months (you won’t lie down for so long, but talk, and if not, then it will still come in handy later), a towel (they will give you sick leave, but one of the towels is placed under the tourniquet in front of intravenous drug administration), toothpaste, toothbrush, laundry soap (toilet will be given in the hospital, but it doesn’t wash a damn thing), shampoo, cleansers and spreads (creams, gels, lotions), shaving accessories, toilet paper and napkins (again but they tend to run out on Saturday in the absence of the hostess), a cup and a spoon (the hospital cup is small and the spoon is aluminum), slippers, socks, 2 changes of underwear, pants, 2 T-shirts or T-shirts, a sweater ( if this is the case in winter), the book is smarter (so as not to be read too quickly). If you have red hair, it would be nice to fade - honor medical signs. According to the same signs, before the operation, remove all gold-silver and other jewelry from yourself. If you are afraid for their safety, give them to your mother.

Part 3. Preoperative.

Surgery is usually scheduled a day or two after admission. Since you have decided to do it, then love your doctor as yourself, trust him completely and do not even doubt the smooth course of the operation and postoperative recovery. It, of course, may not be entirely smooth, but the medical staff already has enough worries, except for calming overly nervous patients. And in general, try to perceive it all as an exciting and informative game in which you need to strictly follow the rules and smile more - it's easier that way.

Several times a day, all doctors and nurses who are entitled to this by rank will come to your ward (doctors: head of the department, on duty, attending, operating - if it does not match the attending, nurses - on duty and senior, as well as a nurse on duty) and ask if you're afraid. Please note: a negative response puts them on guard and prompts them to come back in a few hours! By this they interfere with: healthy daytime sleep; chatting on the phone; watching your favorite series; taking a shower, etc. Then their curiosity starts to strain you: if fear, according to experienced people, is normal, but you are not afraid, then you are not a normal person? So let them know you're a little afraid, they'll smile with satisfaction, tell you it's normal for a normal person to be afraid, and leave you alone. Actually, it's not scary at all.

In the afternoon, a person will come to you and immediately take your blood pressure and examine your teeth. This is not a therapist or an orthodontist, this is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. He will ask you questions that you should know the answer to: medications you take (including vitamins, dietary supplements, weight loss products, birth control pills, sedatives, painkillers, mouth rinses and gum gel), allergies to food and medications (check in advance my mother, I didn’t know that I had an allergy to Moroccan oranges in my childhood), illnesses suffered in childhood (again, it’s better to check with my mother), blood type (here it doesn’t hurt to take an extract from the medical history with you, if you were sick in the same hospital) and will be very happy if it turns out that you do not smoke.

Lunch will feed you, dinner - not a fact. Even in the evening and in the morning they will clean your intestines (instant weight loss by 3 kg) and let you gargle with some kind of yellow muck (because then they will put a tube into this very throat through which you will breathe in forced mode, this is intubation) . You can drink in the evening, in the morning before the operation you can not. If you forget something, the anesthetist and nurses will remind you. At night, you will be injected with a sedative, and in the morning, again, everyone will come in with the question "how did you sleep." Please people - answer that you slept very well.

And then the morning came, the doctor on duty and the attending physician came to you, the nurse on duty took your temperature, your mother arrived, but everyone does not take you and does not take you for an operation. This is where the jitters begin ... In terms of intensity, it resembles the jitters before the exam in the fourth year of the university, when you want to pass quickly and go away to drink beer, but everyone doesn’t call you, and those who pass in the audience don’t come out and I don't understand why they take so long. Finally, the aunt comes, injects you with an injection, you gargle again, strip naked, lie down on a gurney (only head first !!!), they cover you with a blanket and roll you into the operating unit. On the way, you meet an operating doctor, for some reason he feels his forehead and asks how you are. Again, please the person: say that everything is fine, but for some reason you want to sleep.
In the operating room, you will be transferred to another gurney, covered with a non-woven sheet and rolled into the operating room itself. Here you will be transferred to the operating table, and then everything depends on how the anesthesia affects you. I remember that I was surprised that the table was so narrow that there was nowhere to put my hands, then they tied my left hand, looked for veins on it for a long time (what is it, is it my fault that the veins are on the right?), My doctor wound circles around and said to they took the thinnest threads, then they tied my right hand ... and then I came to my senses. Meanwhile, they also laid me on my side with some kind of rollers, and also tied my legs. As they say, a well-fixed patient does not need anesthesia :).

Part 4. Operating room

The patient does not have to be present at his own operation. Therefore, show signs of life as soon as you come to your senses - perhaps it will be just in the middle of cutting you in half. With me, thank God and the anesthesiologist, this did not happen.

Part 5. Postoperative

Here, someone already has how to do it. Usually, after the operation, they are taken to the intensive care unit for a day, and the next day they are already imprisoned. I was kept in the supine position for 5 days. If you are not so lucky, then know that the first place you go when you get up is not to smoke and not to tell the doctor everything you think about him is the toilet. Also, be prepared for the fact that you will be beaten off your back against the ship and there will be no one to move you from the edge of the bed to the middle so that you do not fall to the floor (the only one who is capable of this feat is your doctor, which is why I prefer male surgeons: )). The best joy for you and your doctor will be the rumbling of your stomach and the accompanying phenomena.
You will feel nauseous for several days after the operation. State it loudly and warn, and ask for a bowl - so, just in case, so that you don’t make the bed later.
I don’t know how after lying down for a day, but it’s hard to get up after a five-day one. You begin to understand why walking is so difficult for children - they are kept in a lying position for almost a year;) Walking skills are fully restored in two days.
By the end of your stay in the hospital, you no longer want to leave. What for? You lie there all day long, you smoke bamboo, no worries: they feed you, clean up after you, everything is decided for you ... A kind of return to childhood. But all good things come to an end :)

Surgery is an extremely unpleasant procedure. It is quite natural that every person experiences excitement and even is in a state of shock before the operation. Even if doctors say that for them this is a trifle, routine work and there is nothing difficult in the operation, a normal person will still experience some fear.

Despite all the assurances from the doctors, they strictly observe signs and believe in omens. This is especially true for surgeons, who most often perform operations. Surgeons are generally considered the most superstitious people.

  1. One of the common signs concerns surgical instruments. It is believed that if any of them fall to the floor, then this is an unfavorable sign. The operation in this case will take a long time, even if it is trifling. Another option is the difficulties that suddenly arise during the procedure. Also, fallen tools can warn that after the planned operation there will immediately be another one. In any case, this omen concerns the work of the surgeon and brings trouble to him. To get rid of unpleasant consequences, you need to quickly pick up the fallen tools and knock each of them on some object three times.
  2. Another sign concerns directly the doctors themselves. It is considered a bad omen to change places for surgeons. For example, requests for replacement surgery by surgeons are most often denied, as it portends a long and unsuccessful procedure.
  3. Another sign concerns the time of the operation. Perhaps patients have noticed that operations are never scheduled for Friday, as something will definitely go wrong on that day. Also do not perform operations on the full moon. In this case, abnormal phenomena are possible, for example, anesthesia may not affect the patient.

Patients have their own superstitions. For example, before going to surgery, many people like to go to the hairdresser. This is related to one of the signs. When you find out about the upcoming operation, you experience a shock. A haircut will help remove the negative effect, get a boost of good energy and distract from the upcoming procedure. A haircut, as it were, renews you and throws all the negativity into the past.

Another sign says that in no case should you thank the doctor until the patient moves from intensive care to a regular ward. Even if the operation was successful, do not say thank you ahead of time. It is better to thank the surgeon at the discharge. It is believed that gratitude expressed in advance always leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, even if there are no prerequisites for this.

And do not wish luck to the surgeon, as this capricious lady will certainly turn her back on him. This does not only apply to patients. Even colleagues, when communicating with each other before the operation, never want it to be successful.

All these superstitions may seem absurd. However, almost all surgeons follow them. To believe in omens or not is your business, but in order to avoid a bad mood, doctors should not wish him luck.

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