The influence of chess on intelligence. Chess - why the game is useful and what it develops

Good day, dear friend!

Habit is second nature, I apologize for the hackneyed phrase. What we do shapes our personality in many ways. Let's discuss the impact of chess on a child's development from this point of view.

There is an opinion that chess develops memory. It really is. However, it is far from the most important thing, and the development of memory is only a small part of the whole range of useful qualities and skills that the ancient game gives.

Development of thinking

We talked about how chess affects the development of thinking in the article. Let me repeat briefly:


Having become familiar with chess, the child will quickly understand that victory does not come by itself. The game must be won, and for this it is necessary to think and make decisions.

The child unconsciously begins to comprehend logic and comparative analysis, generalizes information and tries to highlight the main thing.

Concentration of attention

In life, it is important to concentrate on the main thing, separating it from the secondary. And keep this important in sight.

Research ( N.Grekov) showed that absent-mindedness sharply decreases after children become familiar with chess.

Discipline of thought

Time is one of the most important factors of reality. Time management is a necessary skill.

It is important for a chess player to allocate the allotted time for thinking so as not to get into time trouble. Neglect of time, its irrational use leads to sad consequences.


In life, people often miss favorable opportunities just because they are not used to trusting their intuition. However Intuition is based on experience and knowledge. The habit of trusting intuition is also a skill . And chess develops this habit.

This is a simulator for creative research, a creative laboratory. By the way, let's not forget that any classes, training, especially a child, are best done under the guidance of a specialist.

You don't have to go far. The Chess with Zhorik chess school is literally one click away from you.


Obviously, the environment is important for development. A common cause brings people together like nothing else. As is known:

Friends don't grow in a garden

I will say for myself: childhood friends - chess players were my best friends. We are friends to this day, although fate scattered us to different jobs and even cities. But we have a special connection. We are “ours” and will always help each other like no one else.

And one more thing: chess can become a “pass inbuildingcareerat work . Personally, this has happened to me a couple of times. What I was talking about.

Life Skills

Chess educates and develops important life skills:


Over the board, the chess player is alone with both opportunities and threats. Help someone. The result of the game is the fruit of only one's own decisions.

The result of the game depends on the player. You can lose or win only as a result of your own decisions, and even taking into account the opposition of your partner.

A responsibility

Self-reliance creates responsibility. The habit of seeking and making one's own decisions and being responsible for them makes a person reliable and responsible.

Emotional intellect

The ability to understand one's own emotions and the emotions of others. And manage them.

A chess player watches his partners automatically during the game. Who is more, who is less. Who drills a partner with a devastating look, who glances furtively.

He tries to recognize his condition and learning to influence . And it is also a valuable life skill.

Sports qualities

“Chess is a prototype of life's struggle... They are useful for learning the struggle that pervades life. We must develop in ourselves the forces necessary for activity in the conditions of confrontation.

The party sometimes turns into a rather tough confrontation between two people who want to win. But it is impossible for both to win. Someone wins, someone loses, or a draw. That's how the game works.

Envy, suspicion, excessive aggressiveness can appear in sports as well as in life. And this happens in chess.

In the right direction

It is important that the passion for sports and chess, among other things, develop important and useful qualities, and not those that we mentioned in the paragraph above.

It is known that in martial arts, at first they explain something like the "moral code" of the athlete. This is the task of a mentor, a coach.

Chess also has rules for "gentlemanly conduct" and fair play. It is important that the child hears them from the lips of the parent or.

Moreover, it is impossible to play alone. Yes, and it is also desirable to study in the community of "one's own kind" In the section, circle. Or remotely. Online School "Chess with Zhorik" provides all learning opportunities, including membership in the community of chess players.

Teach your child chess. Classes pay off a hundredfold, the "game of the wise men" will generously repay love and devotion.

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Good day, dear friend!

A smart far-sighted person makes decisions in a balanced way. And before engaging his child in chess, he will certainly ask himself: What does chess give to children and adults?

How will they influence the development of a small person and what can they bring to him in the future when he grows up?

I believe that hardly anyone will dispute the positive impact of chess on the development of the intellect. In this matter, as a rule, everyone agrees. Both parents and specialists, and even people far from chess.

Less noticeable, to the uninitiated, is the influence of chess on the development of a child's personal qualities. We discussed this in . There is also a significant impact.

When to start?

The answer is:

If you don’t know how to play at the age of 20 or play poorly, you won’t be able to enter the chess elite.

There has only been one such case in history. Yefim Bogolyubov I got acquainted with chess at the age of 18.

However, it was a different time then. Today it is impossible. Alas, the train has left. I hope I didn't upset you too much.

From the point of view of the likelihood of achieving sports success, the principle is this: the sooner the better. 4-5 years old is quite the optimal age to get acquainted with chess. After six months or a year, you can move on to classes, preferably under the guidance of specialists.

In today's article, I would like to draw attention to another important aspect of chess passion: In addition to intellectual and personal development, they can be a kind of springboard in building a career in other areas.


Nothing brings people together like a common hobby.

My childhood friends, chess players, have remained best friends for life. Almost none of them became chess professionals, and we often crossed paths at work. But we always knew and know that we are “ours”. And support each other no matter what.

Even in a conversation with a hitherto unfamiliar person, if it suddenly turns out that we are both chess players, the conversation immediately becomes warmer.

About 15 years ago, your obedient servant came for an interview at a reputable company for the position of head of department. The conversation with the head of the vacancy was business-like and a little dry exactly until the moment when it accidentally turned out that we were both chess players. I am a master, he is an amateur.

The conversation immediately went on a wave of mutual understanding. In a conversation, in a relationship, chemistry is important. Mutual positive emotions. Chemistry arises on the basis of something in common that touches the strings of the soul. In this case, this is common - chess.

To my surprise, the manager made a job offer right at the interview, which is usually a rarity.

One more example:

As a student at the Polytechnic University, your obedient servant often came to his hometown. And he "rested" in the chess club, "knocking the blitz" with amateurs and dischargers right through. Somehow, after a rare "departure", sitting "on the bank" (in line for the game) I got into a conversation with one of my rivals.

He turned out to be a shop manager at Severstal. Famous person, specialist. Surname Ikkonen. Arnold Konstantinovich invited me to his workshop, to take a closer look, to get acquainted with the production. A year later, I graduated from high school. He also had a concomitant interest - I could significantly strengthen the workshop chess team.

We agreed to discuss what we were doing closer at my graduation from the Polytechnic University. Unfortunately, the plans did not come true. Arnold Konstantinovich passed away untimely.

There were a couple of similar cases in my working professional career. What are these stories for?

I know for sure that in my network of business contacts, chess players are a special network, they are “their” people. We speak the same language . No, it is no longer in the language of chess, but it is not so important. The important thing is that we are "ours".

A camel has two humps.... ,

Because life is a struggle

With this simple saying, you can agree or disagree. However, the reality of our life is such that fighting qualities do not interfere at all.

It is generally accepted that chess combines elements of art, science and sport.

Chess theory contains all the features of a scientific discipline. Aesthetically, the values ​​created by high-class, creative play have a strong impact on the spiritual sphere of a person.

But still. Most chess fans see the game primarily as a struggle.

The result is important. Without it, chess loses its appeal . To exclude elements of competitiveness, excitement, struggle means simply killing chess.

Emmanuel Lasker said:

“Chess is a prototype of life's struggle... They are useful for learning the struggle that pervades life. We must develop in ourselves the forces necessary for activity in the conditions of confrontation.

Serious chess is a tough and sometimes cruel struggle that mobilizes the entire spectrum of a person's spiritual and nervous forces.

Whatever the altruists say, the goal of the game is to achieve victory. It is impossible to win without the other side losing. And this fact can lead to difficult moral problems. Associated with the desire to "eliminate" the opponent.

And sometimes a chess player "goes too far" in choosing means.

Another "inflection" is excessive ambitions, not backed up by proper work on chess and on oneself. Or rather, not ambitions themselves, but “side effects” in behavior arising from unfulfilled expectations.

And this is also an "inflection".

Inflated self-esteem, suspicion, envy, arrogance - these character traits can appear in any activity. In the event that a young man is thrown to the mercy of fate in the stormy waters of confrontation. Including chess.

How to avoid "kinks"?

We all know that martial arts training begins with philosophy. The child is explained what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not. This is important just so that the hobby does not conflict with the outside world and people.

And this is what a mentor does.

The same is true in chess. It is important that the child is "under the supervision" of a specialist.

It is also important that the child be in the community of "one's own kind." This is what chess clubs and sections exist for. Our school "Chess with Zhorik" has an additional advantage - the possibility of learning online.

In conclusion, I will repeat the main idea of ​​the article :

Chess is multifaceted in its influence on a person and his life path. They can provide additional features even when you are not particularly expecting. .

Informal chess communities built on a common passion can be very strong and useful in various areas of life.

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Good day, dear friend!

I think doubts about whether chess develops brains and thinking are unlikely to arise in most people. The question is rather different: how does this happen and what aspects of thinking are developed. This is what we'll talk about today.

German philosopher Georg Claus wrote:

“Logical thinking is easier to train through a chess game than through textbooks. A person learns much more willingly and productively in the process of playing than with other methods of learning.

Textbooks and training are also needed. However, interest and emotional activity accelerate development.

Paying tribute to the wisdom of the philosopher, I note that the development of logic is far from the only aspect of thinking that develops when playing chess. I am not a philosopher, but let me add Klaus.

Generalization skill

Already at the first stages of familiarization with chess, a beginner quickly realizes that desire alone is not enough. It turns out that winning combinations do not arise from scratch, but after careful preparation .

The choice of a solution requires independence in the use of existing knowledge.

Classes with children of 5-7 years old show that already after 4 months they found typical combinations in positions with different arrangements of figures.

That is, without realizing it, children use comparative and logical analysis. The ability to generalize and highlight the main, key aspect of the situation appears.

And this is a serious skill, more than in demand in the coming life.

semantic memory

There is a misconception that a chess player operates with exact memorization of positions and variations. This is not true. For chess players, logical, semantic memorization prevails.

It is often asked: how can a chess player who plays blindly on several boards keep in mind the course of the struggle in several games, and even without looking at the board? Is this a manifestation of superpowers?

There is no magic here. It's just that a chess player memorizes in a special, selective way: not so much the exact position as the logical picture of the game.

If a pawn or a piece is “stealed” from a sessioner, he will notice this not because he remembers the “photo” of the position. But because his assessment of the position before and after the loss changes significantly. He discovers difficulties in the implementation of the previously planned plan, and then the "dismantling" begins.

Chess also develops mechanical memory, but to a greater extent logical, semantic.

attention, concentration

Consistent play can lead the party to a winning position, but as soon as attention is weakened, an advantage gained with difficulty can instantly disappear. Chess forms the ability to long-term concentration.

As well as the ability to distribute attention, which is important for life, to switch it to more important areas and objects in time .

Famous educator N.Grekov showed how a sharp decrease in absent-mindedness in children coincides with the beginning of serious chess lessons.

Discipline of thought

Chess clearly demonstrates the consequences of the irrational use of time.

Prolonged doubts and postponing “for later” are contraindicated. As well as haste.

A chess player must manage his time, distribute and measure according to the course of the struggle and the situation.

Here and now

In life, we often look back when it doesn't make much sense. Thoughts like “I should have…” arise automatically.

A person already in a new situation experiences the decisions of the past.

Chess quickly cures such unpromising lamentations. . The chess player at the game understands perfectly well that the move has already been made, the past cannot be returned and regrets are useless. Yes, and there is no time for that.


During the game there is a constant comparison of their calculations with the possible actions of the enemy. That is, the forecasting process is dynamic, connected with the imitation of the thoughts of the opponent's actions and the analysis of one's own reasoning.

In fact, the party is a simulator of scenario planning and forecasting skills.


Many positions that arise in the game do not have an exact, only correct solution.

Therefore, a chess player often makes a choice intuitively, relying not on a mathematical, but on a probabilistic assessment.

This is an important quality in life. Often people show indecision due to the fact that it is difficult to calculate the consequences, and they are not used to trusting intuition. And miss out on opportunities.

Intuition is sometimes called a sudden realization of the truth. However, these insights in chess (and in life too) do not arise from scratch. Intuition is always based on previously accumulated experience and knowledge.

The key ability that characterizes creative thinking is the ability to independently transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation.

All these qualities are formed in the process of playing chess. and, as studies show, they are noticeably expressed in chess players.

Valuable Skills Trainer

In chess, in contrast to many types of real activity, there is a higher concentration of problem situations. Almost every move is a solution to such a situation.

Chess is a kind of simulator of intellectual creative abilities.

Well, like any training process, it is better to carry out under the guidance of a competent specialist and not just anyhow, but according to a certain harmonious system.

For this, everything is already there and you don’t have to go far. School "Chess with Zhorik" is one click away from you. And this is my recommendation, which has been mentioned more than once.

Learn chess yourself, teach your child. The accompanying results in terms of intellectual development will pleasantly surprise you.

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Since chess is played by two opponents who are initially in an equal position, it becomes clear that you can only lose because of your own mistakes and ill-conceived moves. The board game has many followers of different levels of preparedness, so with extensive practice, defeats cannot be avoided.

Sooner or later comes the understanding of responsibility for their actions. Often you have to deal with problematic situations on the board. You need to do this on your own, without anyone's help.

In the course of chess games, a continuous calculation of variants is carried out in a game form. What helps develop memory.

Such independence increases the overall level of responsibility, without which the development of a full-fledged personality is unthinkable.

Logical thinking

In turn, the assumption of responsibility and defeats in games with a stronger opponent lead to the fact that the player begins to think over the steps (not only his own, but also the opponent's) several moves ahead. Such a sequence of thoughts, related actions and results, develop a coherent logic.

If a child is engaged in chess from an early age, then most likely he will not have great difficulties with mathematics and physics at school.


In the struggle of two opponents equal in strength, any, even the most insignificant, inaccuracy can decide the fate of the party. The desire to win intellectually mobilizes all available forces. Thus, the desire for error-free play increases, accuracy develops.

Development of creative activity

Many eminent were well-known creators. For example, the sixth world champion, Vasily Smyslov, played the piano perfectly. Mikhail Tal, a great combination player who also achieved success in the world chess arena, was an artist.

At the same time, the reverse picture is also true: many cultural figures found motives for creativity in the competition of minds on a black and white board. This is the director Stanley Kubrick, and the writer Vladimir Nabokov, and the poet-performer Vladimir Vysotsky. This list can be continued for a long time.

Chess also affects the picture of the human world. Many great chess players have a unique vision of politics and social processes. For example, the opposition Fisher, Kasparov.

In many ways, such help for creative people is achieved due to the associativity and infinity of chess strategies, the beauty of individual plots of the game.

“The horse walks with the letter “G!” – perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to chess. But this ancient wise game can become not only an exciting pastime for long winter evenings, but also - do not be surprised - help in raising children. Enroll your child in the chess section, and he will surely surprise you. He may not become an international grandmaster, but there will be enough reasons to be proud!

Chess: history and modernity

Chess itself is interesting because it combines elements of the game, art and sport. Chess is at least one and a half thousand years old. According to the most common version, chess, or rather the progenitor game, appeared in India, and then through the countries of Southeast Asia and the Arab East came to Europe and Africa. The standard rules of the modern game appeared in the 19th century with the beginning of systematic international tournaments.

The world has been playing chess for centuries. Among the fans of chess were the writer Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, and the chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, and the artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, and the musician Ray Charles. Your child will be curious to know that our contemporaries are fond of chess - for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a symbol of masculinity and strength.

What are the benefits of chess for child development

So, it's cold outside, the child spends much less time on the street, and does not leave the computer at home? Let's go to the chess section! Here are some problems and tasks that chess will help to solve:

  1. Development of perseverance and concentration. Chess is a board game and assumes that the child will devote some time to a quiet activity. He will need to learn a lot of new information: the location of the pieces on the board and the rules of the game, many options and combinations of moves. At the same time, the child will not be bored: he will at least have a playmate and a mentor. In a small company, in the process of communication, the child will more easily learn to focus on learning something new and solve specific problems without jumping up and without being distracted.
  2. “Think first, then do” attitude. Chess will teach your child to think about their move before making it. He will better understand that his act, like a move in a chess game, will lead to certain consequences. This will work much more effectively than teachings like: “Think before you act!” Realizing that wrong steps can sometimes fatally change the situation on the chessboard and the course of the game as a whole, the child will gradually begin to use this model of behavior in life. Help him - lead him to the idea that before doing something, it is necessary to analyze the situation, not to rush to act.
  3. Reaction speed training. The paradox of chess is that the situation on the board sometimes changes rapidly and requires quick and decisive action. Chess will teach a child to react faster to changing conditions and circumstances, to act more decisively.
  4. Developing the ability to deal with a situation of failure. Often in the course of a chess game, players have to sacrifice less significant pieces in order to save more significant ones. It is very important to focus the attention of a small player on this: using a visual example of the game, it will be easier for him to understand that there are main and secondary things in life, that for the sake of something big and very important, you sometimes have to give up something desirable, but not so significant. Draw analogies with chess, and the child will see the situation of a necessary refusal in a slightly different light and perceive it less painfully.
  5. The development of the "internal clock" and the ability to navigate in time. Time control has been used in chess games since the 19th century. The need to take into account the time to think about a move, make a decision and act will give the child a clearer understanding of time limits. It will become easier for him to determine how long this or that business will take him. This will greatly simplify the observance of the daily routine, make the child more organized, collected.
  6. Training memorization and use of accumulated information. Chess perfectly trains memory and develops attention. This is not only memorizing the options and schemes of the game, but also putting them into practice. Thus, chess will not only help the child learn to keep many details in his field of attention at the same time, but will also teach you how to quickly “extract” and use the knowledge gained before.
  7. Development of thinking and logic. Chess, no doubt, develops logical thinking. During the game, the little chess player will have to analyze the situation on the board more than once and draw conclusions. Over time, he will complicate the task for himself: he will try to look at the course of the game through the eyes of an opponent, to calculate his possible response moves. Such a logical analysis is doubly useful, as it is subject to immediate practical verification. In turn, this encourages the child to analyze their mistakes. Agree, such skills will be useful to him more than once both at school and in adulthood.
  8. Increase self-esteem. Children often experience self-esteem issues for a variety of reasons. Relationships with parents, teachers, peers are not always cloudless, and academic success is fickle. Sometimes a child may think of himself worse than he deserves, overdramatize quarrels with friends, assessments and comments of teachers, criticism of parents. The kid can withdraw, or, conversely, show ostentatious aggression. Often, children with low self-esteem grow insecure, afraid to dream and make plans for the future, consider themselves unworthy of the love of their parents and the respect of friends. Without extolling or overpraising your beloved child, nevertheless let him understand that “chess is a game of smart ones”, that if he is inferior to his friends, for example, in physical strength or dexterity, then perhaps he surpasses them in the speed of analysis and assessment of the situation. Gently and in time, letting the child understand that he is better, smarter than he was inspired or he is used to thinking about himself, you will thereby give him a winning attitude: “If you play such a “smart” game as chess, then correct the three in mathematics for you a mere trifle! Victories in the game will give the child an incentive to achieve victories in school, and losses will teach him to perceive failures as indications of weaknesses that need to be “tightened up”.
  9. Improving academic performance in school subjects. Observations have shown that children who play chess also improve performance in other subjects. Tell your child about the great historical figures who played chess, give examples from books - feeling their involvement in them through chess, the child will certainly show an increased interest in both history and literature.
  10. New friends and acquaintances. New friends with whom the child shares common values ​​are always good. Not only in the section itself, but also at competitions, the young chess player will meet interesting people of different ages, which will greatly enrich his horizons, vocabulary and life experience.

So is it worth enrolling a child in a chess section? Of course, it is worth it, and may the quiet game bring many loud victories!

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