Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVR) - what you need to know about this method. Indications and contraindications for ultraviolet treatment What is an ultraviolet procedure

To overcome some physiological ailments, not only pharmacological preparations, but also physiotherapy procedures allow. Such techniques are widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of diseases. One of the most common methods of physiotherapy is UV radiation. Next, we will consider in detail what it is, how the procedure is carried out, and how effective it is in certain pathologies of the nasopharynx.

The essence of the technique

Ultraviolet technique, or as it is also called UFO, is a method of therapeutic exposure to electromagnetic waves on a specific area. Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen with the naked eye. This method is actively used to combat pathologies of inflammatory etiology. The influence of electromagnetic rays allows the release of biological substances such as histamine and others. Subsequently, entering the circulatory system, these elements contribute to increased blood flow to the irradiated area, thereby ensuring the movement of leukocytes to the lesion.

The main effects that the procedure has:

  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • analgesic effect;
  • the ability to actively restore tissues, accelerate their regeneration after receiving various kinds of injuries;
  • disinfection. Quartzization kills pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the lesion and in the wound area;
  • normalization of various types of metabolism, such as protein, lipid and others.

It is important to remember that UVI is prescribed for children to combat rickets. It acts on the skin and stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is very often deficient in babies, especially in winter.


The versatile effects of ultraviolet radiation can be used to treat various diseases. The most widespread use of this technique is observed in the therapeutic treatment of ENT diseases. It is recommended to carry it out in such cases:

  1. With sore throat or sore throat in the first few days, especially with the so-called catarrhal form. During this period, the patient should not have fever and purulent raids. At this stage, the active effect of the rays on the enlarged tonsils prevents the spread of infection. In addition, the procedure is recommended at the stage of rehabilitation, when the inflamed tonsils have already been cleared of ulcers and the patient's condition has stabilized. Irradiation then allows to reduce the rehabilitation time and speed up the recovery process.
  2. With various manifestations of sinusitis and sinusitis. Electromagnetic waves are prescribed during the catarrhal period of the disease, during the period when there is no stagnation of purulent formations, or at the rehabilitation stage, to accelerate the regeneration processes.
  3. With an increase in adenoids in young children. This method reduces swelling and disinfects the mucous membrane. Course manipulations work to prevent the spread of edema and inflammation.
  4. With rhinitis. It is prescribed for bactericidal control at any stage of the development of the disease.
  5. For the treatment of hearing organs. UVR is used, in particular, for the treatment of purulent otitis media. This allows you to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the inflammatory process.
  6. With pharyngitis or damage to the posterior wall of the nasopharyngeal region. It is used in the acute period, as well as in the chronic form.

It is important that electromagnetic radiation is prescribed to enhance the response of the local immune system, especially during seasonal exacerbations, as well as to eliminate vitamin D deficiency. In addition, there are a number of conditions for which doctors prescribe additional physiotherapy.

Before starting, a clear diagnosis should be made and the cause of the lesion of the nose and pharynx should be established. In addition, this technique has a number of features and limitations that can harm and can contribute to the development of severe exacerbations.

Contraindications for prescribing

When prescribing, it is worth considering not only a huge number of positive effects, but also a number of serious contraindications for use:

  • all types of oncological pathologies;
  • autoimmune lupus and other manifestations of high susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation;
  • the presence of abscesses, intoxication, fever and fever;
  • anatomical predisposition to bleeding and diagnosed vascular fragility;
  • with established diagnoses - tuberculosis, and others.

It is worth considering the limitations and possible consequences, so the UFO should be prescribed by a qualified specialist. The appointment of physiological therapy during pregnancy is allowed upon agreement with the attending physician. These exposure techniques are allowed to be used by the expectant mother with the development of inflammation in the nasopharynx only after consultation with an ENT doctor.

Features and nuances

UVI can be performed in a hospital or emergency room. For this, specialized equipment is used, which is capable of delivering the required level of radiation. A special portable ultraviolet emitter has been developed for home use. It is much more compact than a stationary device and can be used to treat both adults and children.

Features and Highlights:

  • local irradiation is carried out using special sterile tubes, which come in various shapes and sizes;
  • to stabilize the parameters, the lamp warms up for several minutes;
  • quartzing starts with a couple of minutes, then increase the time in several stages;
  • after completion, the device is turned off, and the patient needs to ensure a state of rest within half an hour.

The determination of the area of ​​quartzization is carried out depending on the disease. For example, when diagnosing acute pharyngitis, the back wall of the pharynx is subject to radiation. It is done daily or every other day, gradually increasing the biodose from 0.5 to 2x. With tonsillitis, in particular chronic, a special beveled tube is used to warm both tonsils, alternately. With otitis, the external auditory canal is treated, and rhinitis requires the introduction of a tube into the sinuses. For preventive measures, it is enough to do quartzing several times a year.

The Betterton Hearing Center offers a wide range of ENT procedures. More on the site

Not all modern methods of treatment are associated with the use of medications. So, an innovative and promising way of complex effects on the human body is photohemotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation of blood. To date, the method has not been sufficiently studied, but its speed and effectiveness have been proven. Exposure to ultraviolet light has a long-term effect and is recommended for many diseases.

We will talk about the essence of the methodology, its strengths and weaknesses.

UV blood - what is it?

Ultraviolet cleaning is based on the ability of the light flux to correct the composition of the blood at the cellular level.

During the procedure, the following changes occur in the blood:

  • The amount of hemoglobin is growing;
  • Pathogenic bacteria and viruses die;
  • The antioxidant properties of the blood are improved;
  • Metabolic processes are activated;
  • The acid-base balance is restored.

Thus, there is a complex normalization of blood levels of formed elements and chemical compounds. These changes help to strengthen the immune system, improve tissue nutrition, reduce blood viscosity, which means restoring microcirculation and resolving blood clots. UVR is often used in medicine to enhance the effect of classic drugs.

How is UFO done?

The procedure is carried out in a specially equipped sterile room.

The device can be used to influence the patient's blood:

The technique of setting a needle in the first case or a light guide in the second is no different from setting a dropper.

It includes the following steps:

  • Treatment of the skin with a disinfectant solution;
  • Penetration of the skin and vessel wall with a disposable sterile needle (light guide);
  • Fixing the element near the installation site.

The standard UVR course includes 8-12 sessions lasting about 1 hour each. For the period of the course, the patient is advised to carefully monitor the daily routine, eat hearty, not limiting himself in carbohydrates and glucose, and also refrain from bad habits and stress. The procedure rarely causes side effects, however, with individual intolerance, slight local redness is possible.

Indications and contraindications of doctors

The main indications for the use of ultraviolet blood irradiation are:

  • Intoxication when harmful substances enter the body;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system associated with the course of inflammatory processes or allergic reactions;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemic disease, arterial thrombosis, hypoxia, spasms, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • Diseases of the digestive system, primarily chronic gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • Violation of the generation of hormones, if it is caused by diabetes, obesity or other complications;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the joints;
  • Infertility, sometimes - impotence and pathological menopause;
  • Dermatitis and some sexually transmitted diseases (UVR is especially effective for herpes, skin rashes, chlamydia).

In some cases, the method is recommended to relieve symptoms of intoxication during pregnancy, as well as to prevent possible complications. Despite the wide possibilities of the procedure, in some diseases the result may be doubtful, and sometimes even contribute to the development of complications.

Therefore, ultraviolet therapy is categorically contraindicated in such cases:

  • The patient has HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • The presence of malignant tumors;
  • Violation of blood clotting;
  • Post-stroke period;
  • mental disorders;
  • Epilepsy.

A special case in which you should refrain from UVI is taking drugs that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. There are no age contraindications for the procedure.

There are a large number of methods used in the field of otorhinolaryngology for the treatment of pathologies associated with the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Traditional activities in combination with physiotherapy show good results.

One of the most common and often prescribed, for various diseases associated with the ear, throat, nose, is ultraviolet irradiation (UVI).

The physiotherapeutic procedure UVI is based on electromagnetic rays of various sizes. Their action range is 400 nm. The wavelength of ultraviolet radiation depends on the diagnosis of the patient:

In otorhinolaryngology, ultraviolet irradiation is used to treat a number of diseases associated with the nasopharynx, which include:

  • , ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed at the first stages, if there are no purulent formations and at the final ones;
  • sinusitis or, use UVR to improve the effect of drug treatment;
  • , the application of the procedure will have a disinfecting effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal passage and relieve swelling;
  • with a runny nose, UVR destroys bacteria and viruses at all stages of the development of the disease.

Physiotherapy with ultraviolet waves has proved to be effective in the treatment of pharyngitis. Both at the time of exacerbation and in chronic form.

When ultraviolet waves are prohibited

Local irradiation with UV rays triggers the processes of a chemical reaction in tissues, while a small amount of histamine, serotonin, a vitamin D metabolite is released. When they enter the bloodstream, they increase blood flow, which delivers leukocytes to the site of inflammation.

Attention. UVI is prescribed strictly according to clinical indications and with a certain time limit.

There are also contraindications in which ultraviolet radiation will not be acceptable:

Important. Before using UVR, it is necessary to consult a physiotherapist to prescribe an individual dosage.

Especially if the UVR procedure of the pharynx and nose is performed at home. The frequency of procedures is determined by the doctor as needed.

Physiotherapy nose procedure

Each physiotherapy room has a device that generates the necessary amount of ultraviolet radiation for UVR. Also, there are portable devices with attached instructions on how to do UVR of the nose and pharynx at home.

It can be used by both adults and children. Carrying out the procedure:

When using the UVR device for the treatment of pathology associated with the nasopharynx, it is necessary to take into account an important factor. People with light skin types (redheads or blondes) are less resistant to UV radiation. Therefore, the time for the procedure should be less.

There is no age limit for the use of ultraviolet irradiation, except in cases of contraindications.

How often can UVI of the nose and throat of a child be done so that the procedure is beneficial, and not harmful? Pediatricians recommend using the device during an exacerbation of the disease. Especially during the off-season period of viral epidemics. After consultation with the attending physician and strictly age-appropriate doses. In the presence of chronic tonsillitis, physiotherapy with ultraviolet light is carried out twice a year.

Possibility of the procedure during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy imposes restrictions on taking medications. If a woman is sick, and treatment with traditional methods can do more harm to the child than good to the mother. The question arises, is it possible to do UVI of the nose during pregnancy? It is possible, after consultation with the doctor, he will determine the time for the procedure, the sequence and the dose.

As a rule, if there are no concomitant diseases that are at risk, the parameters are the same as in ordinary patients.

Physiotherapy using UVR for a woman and an unborn child is completely harmless. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, bacteria and microbes are destroyed, so it will be a good alternative to nasal preparations. Many of them are contraindicated, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Physiotherapy UVR can benefit the body, enhance the effect of drug treatment. But when used correctly.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the appropriateness of the procedure, the dosage of radiation, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.

Treatment of sinusitis is a long, uncomfortable, and frankly, sometimes painful process. But do not despair, today there are techniques that can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery.

Procedures for sinusitis are the best way to help resolve problems associated with the inflammatory process. There are a lot of them and they are diverse, we have selected for you the most effective and affordable, so any technique that you like more can be applied in the very near future.


In physiotherapy, physical factors are used to obtain a positive result of therapy. In the treatment of sinusitis, in addition to drug treatment aimed at destroying the infection, physiotherapy is also actively used. Their tasks include stimulation of local blood circulation, which helps to reduce swelling and outflow of fluid from the sinuses, as well as thermal effects on tissues and pain relief. Physiotherapy is often used in pediatrics.

UHF (Ultra High Frequency)

The properties of radiation allow dosed exposure to a limited area. The UHF device generates an electromagnetic field that causes local expansion of capillaries and increases their permeability.

The anti-inflammatory effect is due to stimulation of local blood circulation and lymph formation, tissue metabolism, reduction of exudation and elimination of puffiness. The procedure inhibits the vital activity of microbes, has a resolving and analgesic effect. UHF electromagnetic oscillations with sinusitis capable of heating tissues to a depth of 6 cm.

UV (ultraviolet radiation)

The positive effect of UV radiation is based on the fact that some of the molecules in the tissues of a living organism are able to completely absorb light waves, while releasing biologically active substances that enter the bloodstream. This stimulates the intensive migration of leukocytes to the focus of inflammation and phagocytosis (their enhanced fight against the pathogen). The UVI procedure of the nasal mucosa is carried out using tubes of different diameters.


Electrophoresis is based on the process of dissociation of a substance in an aqueous solution. This means that an electric current is passed through the drug solution, so the ions of the dissolved drug begin to purposefully penetrate the skin or mucous membranes.

Accumulating in the area of ​​application, they have a therapeutic effect. After that, they are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries the drug throughout the body, but the main amount remains at the injection site. The so-called works on this principle.

The electrophoresis procedure enhances local blood circulation, improves tissue trophism, has analgesic, draining and anti-inflammatory effects. That is why electrophoresis is often prescribed in the treatment of local inflammation.


It uses an alternating magnetic field that acts locally. Under the influence of a magnetic field, very weak electric currents begin to appear, activating redox reactions that stimulate enzymatic activity and local blood circulation. In this case, there is a decrease in mucosal edema, which leads to an improvement in the outflow of contents from the sinus, pain and inflammation decrease, infectious agents die.

UST (ultrasound therapy)

The ultrasound machine converts electrical energy and produces pulsed ultrasonic waves, which, in therapeutic doses, have a physical effect on tissues and muscle fibers. This is expressed in the form of tissue micromassage (cellular massage), which improves the diffusion of physiological fluid through the cell membranes, enhances metabolism, forms "deep heat", activates enzymes, and reduces pain. Ultrasound penetrates to a depth of 4 cm.

Nose and sinus cleansing activities

Washing the nose with antiseptic and saline solutions

Washing the nose at home:

Washing liquid at room temperature is poured into a container with a narrow neck (for example, a small teapot). Slowly pour the solution into one nostril, while the head is slightly tilted in the opposite direction. Then repeat the procedure on the other side. The solution flows out through the mouth and the other nostril along with discharge from the nose and sinuses.

Nasal lavage by the method of moving liquids according to Proetz ("cuckoo")

The essence of the procedure: the patient lies on the couch, and the doctor pours the irrigation solution into one nostril. At this time, the assistant brings the aspirator to the other nostril and removes this solution along with the contents of the sinuses. During the procedure, the patient repeats "cuckoo" so that the soft palate closes the entrance to the oropharynx and the liquid does not flow into the throat. Antiseptic solutions are used:

  • Furacilin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Diluted hydrogen peroxide;
  • Saline.

Yamik catheter

The essence of the procedure: The patient is in a sitting position. After preliminary anemization and anesthesia, the catheter is inserted into the nasal cavity. The posterior, then the anterior balloons of the Yamik catheter are inflated. And they create a difference in pressure, due to which the pathological contents come out of the sinus.

The patient lies on his side and the doctor injects an antiseptic or other disinfectant drug into the nasal cavity, which, under slight pressure, penetrates into the maxillary sinus.

Inhalation treatment

Inhalation is a method of treatment that involves inhaling water vapor with a drug dissolved in it. The main advantages of inhalation for sinusitis are:

  • The medicine quickly enters the nasal cavity;
  • There are no complications, as when taking pills or injections;
  • It has a therapeutic effect on all parts of the respiratory tract;
  • A minimum of side effects and a mild, long-lasting effect;
  • Applicable for any age.

For steam inhalations with sinusitis, decoctions of medicinal herbs, mineral water, saline solutions, essential oils, steam from boiled potatoes in uniform, propolis are used.

Carrying out hardware inhalations allows the use of drugs in the treatment of sinusitis (immunostimulants, mucolytics, antibiotics, antiseptics, etc.).

Among the various methods of treatment, there are those that are associated with taking medications. UVR of blood is a procedure aimed at improving the overall health of a person. This method of therapy has not yet been studied enough, therefore it is considered new, but its positive effect on many functions of the body has already been proven.

Ultraviolet blood irradiation has gained popularity due to its effectiveness. The therapeutic effect of such manipulations persists for a long period, which is also important.

Why UFO is useful

Indications and contraindications for the use of this technique should be taken into account by physicians in each specific case. The procedure can not only bring tangible benefits to the human body, but also cause harm.

Use of the method:

  1. The level of acids and alkalis in the body is normalized.
  2. There is an increase in hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. The activity of leukocytes is activated.
  4. There is a detrimental effect on viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  5. UVR improves the functioning of red blood cells.
  6. There is an increase in immune defense.
  7. There is a decrease in the manifestation of allergies.
  8. There is a resolving effect on blood clots.
  9. The exchange of acids is balanced at the cellular level.
  10. The blood thins.
  11. The activity of any inflammatory processes is reduced.
  12. Edema is reduced.
  13. UVR promotes the renewal of cell membranes.

As statistics show, this method of influencing the human body can significantly improve many processes in it, although it is not well understood. In addition, when comparing the results of treatment with medications and the method of blood ultraviolet irradiation, it becomes clear that ultraviolet irradiation is much more effective, moreover, it does not have such a large number of side effects.

With a disease of any etiology, you can improve the patient's condition using this method of treatment. By improving metabolic processes, strengthening immune defenses and correcting many more body functions, any ailment can be cured much faster.

Therefore, drug treatment can be carried out simultaneously with UVI blood, this will accelerate the onset of the therapeutic effect.

When is this method needed?

Due to the fact that the technique affects the blood, it can be used in almost any disease. In addition, ultraviolet blood radiation is done as a preventive treatment if the patient suffers from chronic diseases, has a predisposition to any ailment.

What diseases are prescribed for:

  • urological diseases (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis);
  • gynecological pathologies (vaginitis, endometritis, colpitis) and others;
  • in proctology (perianal fissures, paraproctitis) and others;
  • diseases of ENT organs (tonsillitis, adnexitis, sinusitis) and others;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (as a prevention of heart attack and stroke);
  • in case of poisoning of various etiologies (alcohol, drugs);
  • ailments of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • skin problems.

Often UVR of blood is used to improve the condition of a person with sepsis, despite the severe course of this pathology, the effectiveness of ultrasonic blood irradiation is palpable.

Also included in the indications for use is a disease such as diabetes mellitus. Stimulation of the blood during this procedure improves the activity of the endocrine glands, which is necessary for diabetics.

Often, the use of this technique is prescribed to patients with impaired potency and menstrual disorders. Despite the fact that the cause of these ailments lies in hormonal failure, this method of treatment gives tangible positive results.

Many do not know about the existence of such a method of therapy or do not understand why they do this procedure. Only a doctor can provide all the necessary information about this, based on the health status of a particular patient.

How is the procedure carried out

To conduct a session of UVI blood, special equipment is required. The specialist uses an apparatus that performs ultraviolet irradiation of blood, which is a multi-wave irradiator operating in all light spectra.

  • During a therapy session, the patient enters a sterile room, lies down on the couch, the doctor takes blood from his vein and adds a medicine called Hepatrin to it. This medicine is needed to keep the blood from clotting.
  • Through a special tube, blood enters a vessel called a "cuvette", which is located in the irradiator itself.
  • After a certain exposure, the blood flow returns back to the patient's vein.
  • The duration of the session is usually 1 hour. The course of such treatment should consist of 7-8 procedures.

Many people, not knowing how UVI is done, are afraid to go to such a therapeutic session, but these manipulations are painless, there are practically no unpleasant sensations.

Who is not eligible for this treatment?

Despite its beneficial effects on the human body, ultraviolet radiation can be dangerous. Only the doctor decides on the need to prescribe this method of treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's health.

The technique has contraindications, if ignored, it can harm the body.

Since this technique has not been fully studied, doctors fear that under certain circumstances, UVR of blood can provoke a negative reaction of the body, especially for serious human diseases. Since it remains unknown how the body will respond to such treatment in severe illness, the use of this therapy is best avoided.

Under what conditions is the use prohibited:

  1. Tumor formations of malignant and benign course.
  2. AIDS.
  3. Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  4. Syphilis.
  5. Problems with blood clotting (hemophilia).
  6. Disorders of a mental nature.
  7. epileptic seizures.
  8. Chronic bleeding.
  9. Hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke.
  10. There are medications that cause sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, which also serves as a contraindication to the use of this therapeutic method.

Due to the ambiguity of the consequences of the method of ultraviolet blood under such circumstances, this method of treatment is not used.

Sometimes there are people who have an individual intolerance to this kind of impact on the body, they are also included in the group of patients with a contraindication to UVI blood.

Is it possible to undergo UVI blood for pregnant women?

In gynecology, the method of ultraviolet blood is most often used. Sometimes drug treatment is ineffective, so doctors prescribe ultraviolet irradiation. Diseases such as uterine fibroids, genital endometriosis, infertility, menopausal disorders and many others are an indication for this method of therapy.

The period of bearing a child can also be complicated by ailments. Often there are problems associated with late toxicosis, when a woman feels very unwell. In addition, placental insufficiency threatens the life and health of the fetus, which is also considered a complication of this period.

In such cases, women are prescribed treatment by ultraviolet irradiation. Among other things, such procedures are actively used if complications arise after childbirth.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the appointment of UVI blood, provided that the procedure is done by a professional. Today, such therapy is quite often prescribed to women in position in order to improve their condition, well-being, and also prevent pathology of fetal development and the threat of miscarriage.

Complications and consequences

Any method of treatment can not only help, but also harm. Side effects from ultrasonic blood irradiation are extremely rare, but they do exist. Often, complications of this method of treatment are allergic reactions that appear on the background of taking certain medications.

What drugs can not be taken with UVI blood:

  1. Phenothiazines.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Sulfonamides.
  4. Fluoroquinolones.

These drugs are photosensitizers, so simultaneous treatment with these drugs and ultrasonic irradiation is not possible.

Sometimes an overdose of ultraviolet radiation occurs, to which the body can respond by inhibiting the excretory function of the adrenal glands, as well as inhibiting the activity of the spinal cord.

Such a treatment procedure should be carried out only in a medical institution and only by a specialist in this field, then the risk of any side effects can be reduced to zero.

Today, UVR is gaining more and more popularity, people are looking for safe methods of treatment so as not to harm the body. Such procedures can be considered as such if they are carried out correctly. Importantly, ultraviolet blood irradiation can be performed on children without fear for their health.

What is it - UVI blood, described above. Accurate scientific data on the benefits of this method of therapy is enough to actively use it. These procedures will relieve many ailments, including those that arose during pregnancy, but one should not rely entirely on ultrasonic irradiation, this is not a panacea.

In any case, before treatment, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes a complex of medications, and UVI blood can become an additional method of therapy.

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