How to relieve pain in a vertebral hernia. What hurts with a hernia of the spine

The spine reduces the quality of life of the patient, chained to the bed, do not allow to move. Pathology develops in humans different ages under the influence of adverse internal and external factors. For elimination unpleasant symptoms applied drug method, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, methods traditional medicine, and with the inefficiency of the above - the operation. The tactics of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the results of the diagnosis.

What is an intervertebral hernia?

AT human body 24 intervertebral discs varying in size. They have a similar structure: the nucleus pulposus (semi-liquid substance), surrounded by an annulus fibrosus. Under the influence of internal and external factors, the disks “wear out”, go beyond the limits of two vertebrae. So there is an intervertebral hernia, bringing pain, stiffness of movements.

According to statistics, most often the pathological process occurs in the lower back, because. this area accounts for maximum loads. In second place in terms of “vulnerability” is the cervical region, and the third is the thoracic region. Average age patients with hernias - 30-60 years.

The reasons

As the disease progresses pain syndrome at intervertebral hernia becomes stronger, reminiscent of "lumbago". It does not leave the patient in the "lying" position. growing muscle tension, changing the posture of the patient, stiffness of movements appears.

With a hernia in the lower back, sensitivity decreases lower extremities, the pelvic organs are affected. Pathology cervical region causes frequent migraines, dizziness, decreased visual acuity, hearing.


If the patient experiences pain during vertebral hernia he should see a doctor. Diagnosis begins with an oral conversation that determines the nature of the pain, the presence accompanying symptoms, and external inspection.

Radiography - unreliable way studies, because the hernia is not visible on the pictures. The following methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  • contrast myelography.

Depending on the clinical picture, the patient may need to consult a cardiologist, conduct an ECG, gastroscopy, and other studies.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the need for the use of medications to eliminate back pain and general technique treatment.

How to relieve pain?

How to relieve pain with a hernia of the lumbar spine? To eliminate discomfort, bed rest is recommended for the first 3-5 days of exacerbation. The patient needs to use orthopedic sleep aids.

You should abandon a long stay in a “sitting” position, lifting weights, making any sudden movements that can provoke an attack of pain.

The use of medicines

Removing pain from a hernia of the spine is carried out by two main methods:

  • passive approach - based on compliance bed rest, accompanied by the reception of the complex medicinal products prescribed by a doctor, visiting physiotherapy, massage.
  • Active approach- pain relief is achieved by stretching the spine, carried out by a doctor on special equipment. The load on the vertebrae decreases, the nerve endings are no longer subjected to compression, the pain recedes.

The treatment method applicable to a particular case, the complex of medications used are determined solely by the doctor based on the results of the diagnosis. The doctor takes into account contraindications, age and condition of the patient.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are the basis of medical treatment. These are universal painkillers for hernia of the spine, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize blood flow in the damaged area.

There are the following NSAID pills for back and lower back pain: Diclofenac, Movalis, Ketorolac and others. Funds are often used as ointments, gels or injections.

NSAID treatment should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, because these drugs have negative impact on the digestive system patient. They are contraindicated in pregnant women, the elderly and children under six years of age.


The patient's discomfort can be so strong that non-narcotic painkillers for spinal hernia are ineffective. They give a short-term result or do not relieve the patient of discomfort.

To cope with pain, the patient needs treatment with narcotic drugs- Morphine, Tramadol and others. The danger of funds is that they can be addictive, so their sale in pharmacies is possible only by prescription. A single use of medications is recommended - to stop an attack.

Under the influence of drugs brain activity slows down, the muscles relax, and the patient falls into a narcotic sleep.

Non-narcotic analgesics

To remove pain of moderate intensity with a hernia, you must use non-narcotic analgesics- Baralgin, Analgin, Indomethacin and others. They reduce the activity of brain cells responsible for pain sensitivity and are not addictive. Means are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

A side effect of analgesics is an increase in the production of toxins in the body, so they must be used in strict accordance with the instructions and on the recommendation of a doctor.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants, special medicines that relax spasmodic muscles, help to anesthetize a spinal hernia.

Their reception gives following effects:

  • elimination of muscle hypertonicity that provokes pain;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • normalization of tissue nutrition.

As a rule, muscle relaxants are used in complex therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Muscle relaxants have side effects, so they are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The most common means of this class include: Sirdalud, Mydocalm, Tolizor and others.

Drugs used in complex therapy

To relieve the pain of a hernia of the spine, the doctor prescribes complex therapy to the patient.

In addition to those listed above, it includes the following drugs:

The composition of complex therapy is selected by the doctor based on the results of the diagnosis. Attempts at self-treatment can give the opposite effect to the expected one.


Physiotherapy procedures have long proved in practice their effectiveness in the treatment of intervertebral hernia. They allow you to reach following results:

  • stimulate metabolic processes in the affected area;
  • accelerate the recovery processes in the affected tissues;
  • struggling with oxygen starvation spinal cord;
  • help relieve pain;
  • eliminate muscle spasm.

Physiotherapy is applicable in cases where the patient is contraindicated drug treatment(eg, pregnant women, the elderly).

To combat pain with a hernia, the following types of procedures are prescribed:

The type of physiotherapy, the duration of the course and the frequency of their use is determined by the attending physician, taking into account individual features specific case.

Novocaine blockades

For elimination radicular syndrome used for hernia different types blockade. It's an injection medicines in deep tissue around the spine. Injections have a powerful analgesic effect.

The most common type of procedure is novocaine blockade. Novocaine has an analgesic effect, corticosteroids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, are additionally introduced. The maximum concentration of drugs is observed near the hernia, they gradually spread throughout the body.

Depending on the type active ingredient blockades for pain are anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and mixed. The drug is injected into the area of ​​the spine where the patient feels the most discomfort, the skin is pre-treated with anesthetics. The task of the doctor is not to affect the nerve endings and spinal cord.

exercise therapy

To take off discomfort with intervertebral hernia, are used physical exercises. They can be used at the stage when acute pain is stopped by medicines. As a rule, this occurs 4-8 weeks after the start of treatment. With the help of gymnastics, many therapeutic goals are achieved.

The complex is selected by the doctor on an individual basis. As a rule, a doctor prescribes two types of activities: stretching (relieve pain) and strengthening (return lost activity).

With intervertebral hernia, the following types are effective exercise therapy exercises:

  • light aerobic activity (jogging, walking, cycling, swimming);
  • yoga;
  • stretching exercises;
  • power training.

A task therapeutic gymnastics– teach the patient to cope with pain independently, relax spasmodic muscles, maintain the anatomically correct position of the spine in everyday life, strengthen muscle corset. Regular exercise increases the tone of the body and improves general well-being patient.

Folk methods

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on how to relieve the pain of a herniated disc. folk methods. Before using them, be sure to coordinate plans with your doctor. Remember: Alternative medicine improves the patient's condition integrated approach, i.e. in combination with drugs, physiotherapy, right mode day and rest.

Exist following methods elimination of pain in vertebral hernia at home:

  • red clay. The original product must be soaked with water, wrapped with gauze, heated to 40 degrees and applied to the sore spot. The compress is covered with polyethylene and a warm scarf. It must be kept until the clay dries.
  • Saber tincture. 50 g of plant roots are combined with 500 ml of vodka, infused in a dark place for three weeks. The finished composition is filtered and taken in 1 tbsp. l. before meals until the pain disappears.
  • Beeswax. Four st. l. the original product is combined with a glass pork fat, mix thoroughly and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The finished composition is applied to sore spot 1-2 times a day.
  • Mumiyo - 5 tablets of the remedy is combined with enough water and 100 g of liquid honey. First, the affected area is covered with fir oil, then the finished “ointment” is rubbed into it.

Folk remedies relieve pain and eliminate stiffness, but it is important to approach their use consciously. Be sure to consider if you are allergic to the components of the formulations, and discuss the chosen method with your doctor in advance.


Painkillers for spinal hernia


An intervertebral hernia can significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. In order not to become a hostage to pain and stiffness, you need to take care of prevention in a timely manner.

Doctors suggest the following preventive measures:

  • rejection bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • balanced diet rich in animal protein, calcium and ascorbic acid;
  • refusal of food "harmfulness": smoked and canned food, fatty foods;
  • Maintaining your normal weight overweight bodies - a huge load on the spine;
  • physical activity: preventive exercises 3-4 times a week, swimming, yoga, Pilates will help to avoid a hernia;
  • enough long sleep- during an 8-hour night's rest, the human spine has time to "rest";
  • right choice mattresses and pillows for sleeping;
  • the right choice of shoes: the rejection of high heels and shoes with completely flat soles;
  • control of one's psychological state: regular stresses negatively affect the condition of the spine.

Prevention of intervertebral hernia includes a timely visit to the doctor in situations where pain occurs in the back or neck, maintaining normal immunity. Preventive measures easy to make part of your daily life, but they help to avoid the need for long and expensive treatment.

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A network runs along the spine nerve endings. They go to various internal organs and provide them normal work. And if the normal state of the spinal column is disturbed, then this affects the health of the person as a whole. One of these negative factors is pain in the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar.

Features of pain

Pain with a hernia of the lumbar begin immediately after the occurrence of deformation of the spinal column and the formation of an intervertebral hernia at the site of destruction.

The following features of these pain sensations are distinguished:

  1. Most often, the pain is localized in the lower back, but can spread to the entire back.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the damaged vertebra usually increase towards the end of the day. During working hours, a person stands on his feet for a long time, sits in forced posture or carry weights. This negatively affects the lower back. When you bend your back or lie down, the pain usually subsides.
  3. The pain never completely goes away. The nature of the pain ranges from pulling to stabbing, from aching to dull. Heaviness is constantly felt in the lumbar region. This leads to a change in posture, as the person is constantly looking for a position that will relieve pain.
  4. Full tilts forward or turns to the side are not possible. At sudden movements or lifting weights, lumbago or backache may appear. A sick person involuntarily leans forward, mobility is limited.
  5. When squeezing the nerve endings, the pain goes to the sacrum and groin area, it can even give to the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

The different nature of pain may depend on the individual characteristics of the person and the degree of the course of the disease.


A herniated disc is a very serious health problem and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The presence of pain. Appears in the lower back, passes into the buttocks, then in the direction of the nerve down to the legs.
  • The lower limb becomes numb or tingling appears in it.
  • Pain in the legs are noted some time after the appearance of this symptom in the lower back. The gap between these two indicators is individual.
  • With any movement of the spine, the intensity of pain becomes higher.

READ ALSO: hernia after surgery, incisional hernia after

These symptoms cause considerable discomfort to a person, but are not particularly dangerous. The situation is exacerbated when the nerve processes are damaged. Then there are more serious signs:

  1. the lower limb weakens;
  2. disruption is observed Bladder;
  3. there are problems with bowel movements;
  4. there is a feeling of numbness in the perineum;
  5. impaired sensitivity in the limbs;
  6. there are problems with coordination of movement and gait.

If these symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor. In the absence of medical care, there may be complications. Timely treatment will save you from surgical intervention.

What to do during an attack

Pain with a hernia of the lumbar spine can take a person by surprise. This may be the performance of ordinary household chores or work duties. If the attack is very strong, it is necessary to call an ambulance. While they are on their way, do the following:

  1. Give absolute rest to the sore spot. To do this, you need to put a person on his back, bend his legs at the knees, put small rollers made of towels, blankets, etc. under his knees and head.
  2. Severe pain can be relieved a little with painkillers. They are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription and therefore are in every home. When using painkillers to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the drug, which is prescribed in the instructions. If necessary, you can consult with the doctors of the ambulance station.

The paramedics who came to the call will examine the patient, find out what hurts. If necessary, according to the state, the patient will be provided health care at home. The doctor will decide on hospitalization.

Self-removal of pain syndrome with a hernia

Pain in the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar can be removed independently. But this method can be resorted to if it is not possible to consult a doctor.

Pain relief from a hernia of the spine can be carried out by the following activities:

  1. Bed rest.
    You can lie down, but no more three days, otherwise the muscles of the spinal column will weaken, and the pain will be more intense.
  2. Cancel all physical exercise.
    For a week after the onset of pain, it is not recommended to play sports and perform heavy physical work. However, it is necessary to include swimming, calm cycling and race walking. At the same time, you need to monitor your feelings. If the pain intensifies, you need to stop exercising.
  3. Taking medication.
    It is necessary to take painkillers for a hernia very carefully. Two points in particular deserve attention: an allergy to a medicine and correct dosage. If everything is chosen correctly, then such drugs will be beneficial.

    Also, people who are diagnosed with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers, etc.) should be wary of taking such drugs. In this case, the tablets should be replaced with ointments and gels.

If you treat the problem responsibly, then the pain syndrome can be removed. But at the first opportunity, it is still better to see a doctor.

Modern medicine recommends various painkillers for spinal hernia. The choice of drugs is so huge that the question of how to alleviate the patient's condition no longer arises. On the other hand, the choice the right medicine from a hernia must be done absolutely consciously. The experience of attending physicians shows that the treatment of pain in the pathologies of the spine at home can significantly damage the body.

To correctly understand how to relieve pain from a hernia of the spine and choose more effective drugs, it is necessary to understand why such phenomena occur. The spine consists of 33-35 vertebrae, which are combined into 4 sections - cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. Normally, each vertebral bone is separated from the neighboring one by an intervertebral disc. It consists of the so-called nucleus pulposus, which is surrounded by a dense membrane - the annulus fibrosus.

If destructive processes begin to develop in the vertebra, then the structure begins to collapse. As a rule, this occurs on the background of injuries or as a result of a long physical impact on the spine (during hard work).

The sequence of stages of destruction of the vertebral bones is as follows:

  1. First due to constant pressure the contents of the nucleus begin to press on the fibrous ring.
  2. When the ring is severely damaged and deformed, similar condition called protrusion. This is not an intervertebral hernia, but if no action is taken, the destructive processes will continue.
  3. When the contents of the nucleus pulposus continue to put pressure on the fibrous ring, the patient's condition worsens - the affected area hurts very often, and symptoms from other organs may also develop.
  4. Finally, if you leave everything as it is, at some point the pain in the lower back or in other parts of the spine will become unbearable. This is explained by the fact that the fibrous ring is destroyed in some part completely. The content begins to put pressure on the nerve fibers of the spine in which they pass.
  5. The complete destruction of the ring is called a hernia of the spine. It can occur in any department - sacrum, lumbosacral, cervical, thoracic.


The described processes take place gradually, therefore, at the most early symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor. If the patient often feels sharp pain in the lower back when changing posture, as well as in other areas of the back, this is a signal for immediate examination.

Any violation of hernia manifests itself as tangible pain, which can be very diverse:

  • sharp;
  • burning, intolerable;
  • aching;
  • regular and non-systematic;
  • giving in the arm, leg;
  • localized in a specific section of the spine or passing through the entire column (the whole back hurts);
  • associated with a change in posture and not related;
  • accompanied by other symptoms (eg, tingling in the leg, numbness of the arm) or not accompanied.

PAY ATTENTION - The description of the pain syndrome in a herniated spine is very important point, since the diagnosis of a doctor begins precisely with an external examination and collection of complaints. So it's better to reproduce own feelings very accurate.

Before understanding how to relieve the pain of a herniated disc, it is important to determine the affected area. From what parts of the spine were subjected to pathological process depends on the condition of the patient and the symptoms of the disease. So, with pain in the back of the cervical spine clinical picture often very different from that observed with an intervertebral hernia in the lower back. Accordingly, the removal of pain syndrome can be carried out by different methods.

affected part of the spinethe most characteristic symptoms
  • severe jumps in blood pressure;
  • dizziness and noise in the head;
  • pain in the shoulder girdle and in the arms;
  • pain in the head;
  • visual and hearing disorders;
  • loss of balance;
  • numbness of the hands, especially the fingertips.
  • violations internal organs: pneumonia, pleurisy of the lungs;
  • angina, ischemic disease hearts;
  • tumors of internal organs;
  • scoliotic or kyphoscoliotic posture disorder.
  • numbness in the groin;
  • pain radiating to the hips and less often to the lower leg;
  • numbness of the toes;
  • chronic low back pain (several months).

Before figuring out how to relieve pain from a hernia of the lumbar spine or any other, it is important to undergo a diagnosis in a hospital, which almost always includes not only an external examination, but also instrumental studies:

  • x-ray;
  • CT scan.

After that, put specific diagnosis and treatment is prescribed, aimed at the simultaneous achievement of several goals:

  • how to remove pain (pain relief with medication, massage and other methods);
  • how to slow down inflammation;
  • how to recover damaged tissue(in advanced cases with hernias developing long time, the question of the operation is raised).

Treatment is almost always complex:

  1. Medications (drugs for hernia of the spine for pain relief and anti-inflammatory).
  2. Physiotherapy procedures.
  3. massage sessions.
  4. Therapeutic gymnastic exercises.
  5. Operation (removal of a hernia).

At the same time, anesthetize intervertebral hernia is the very first task. For this, drugs are used for a hernia of the spine. different categories(they are good for back pain).

One of the most common in modern medicine are the so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • ibuprofen;
  • amidopyrine;
  • ketoprofen;
  • liclofenac;
  • fluibuprofen;
  • indomethacin.

In fact, these are painkillers for hernia of the lumbar spine and other areas. As a rule, the course of treatment is short, because with long-term use drugs adversely affect the stomach, intestines and liver.

Highly powerful drugs with a hernia of the spine - analgesics. Their mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of specific areas of the brain that generate pain.

A similar remedy is also available in tablets, the most common medicines are as follows:

  • baralgin;
  • paracetamol and aspirin;
  • indomethacin;
  • dicloberl.

At long-term use can harm the processes of hematopoiesis and kidney activity, so the dosage and duration of the course are determined solely by the doctor.

Do not replace these or other drugs with a hernia of the spine with analgin. He gives a lot side effects on the different systems organs.

Narcotic drugs are the most powerful painkiller that is prescribed only in extreme cases when you need to relieve pain in a vertebral hernia very quickly. Released by prescription only:

  • tramadol;
  • morphine;
  • codeine;
  • fentatin.

Removing pain from a hernia of the spine with these medications is quickly addictive, so they are often used only one-time, as an emergency remedy.

Muscle relaxants

These drugs are aimed at relieving pain in case of spinal hernia by relaxing the muscles, which, due to sharp contractions (spasms), put pressure on intervertebral discs and increase pain.

With hernias, the following medicines are most often used:

  • baclofen;
  • mydocalm;
  • sibazon;
  • sirdalud.

Such a remedy acts as an anti-inflammatory and can effectively relieve pain in case of a hernia of the spine. They are used in severe cases, when nonsteroidal drugs do not give the desired effect.

At the same time, the development of pathogenic processes in the vertebral hernia in this case usually accompanied by complications hormonal preparations are also successful in:

  • decadron;
  • methylprednisolone;
  • corticosteroids.


Often, along with the question of how to anesthetize, doctors have to solve the problem of relaxing a person. Effectively soothe tense nervous system and to provide the patient with complete rest, antidepressants that have a sedative (relaxing) effect help.

If the question arises of how to relieve pain in the presence severe edema due to intense inflammatory processes, patients are given injections (intramuscularly and intravenously), using the following drugs:

  • novocaine;
  • mydocalm;
  • lidocaine;
  • movalis.

Particularly effective are the so-called blockades, when injections are administered pointwise - directly into the source of pain. In this case, it is important for the patient not so much to relieve back pain with a hernia as the duration of anesthesia. Blockades allow you to stop inflammation and relieve discomfort for a period of 15-20 days, which is quite enough for a full treatment.


Finally, if required urgent care at home, then the most obvious answer to the question is how to relieve pain if there is not very severe symptoms, is the use of ointments and gels:

  1. Fastum gel not only relieves pain, but also significantly reduces swelling.
  2. Voltaren emulgel has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and at the same time does not give any side effects.

Folk remedies for pain relief

Along with the above drugs, the question often arises of how to relieve pain at home.

To do this, you can use proven traditional medicine, for example:

  1. Compress based on horse fat (placed at night or for several hours a day).
  2. Rubbing based on any vegetable oil. St. John's wort oil is especially effective.
  3. Rubbing with honey (4 tablespoons) and mummy (1 tablet). Before starting the procedure, rub into the affected area fir oil, which is sold in any pharmacy. Then remove it with a clean rag and apply honey with pre-crushed and stirred mummy. Wrap your back in a warm cloth and hold for several hours.
  4. Can cook alcohol tincture based herbal ingredients(4 tablespoons of each): elecampane, cinquefoil roots, sweet clover grass and hemlock seeds (they can be taken 2 tablespoons more). The raw material is mixed with half a liter of vodka and infused for 3 weeks, after which it is regularly rubbed into the affected area for several hours.

In this way, modern medicine has developed and successfully uses a lot of drugs for pain relief, stopping inflammation and removing swelling. However, every patient should keep in mind that simple self-medication is not a substitute for going to the doctor. And the success of treatment largely depends on timely diagnosis.

The health of the spine directly affects the state of the internal organs that are associated with spinal column network of nerve endings.

Previous illness. The fibrous ring, in which microcracks form under compression of the vertebrae, can, and the gelatinous tissue of the nucleus rushes beyond the vertebrae, forming a hernia.

Depending on the direction of cartilage movement, different types of hernia are diagnosed: median, and others.

Patients often go to the hospital with complaints about the lumbar region, as this area is subject to daily heavy loads.

Pain with a hernia of the lumbar spine - common occurrence which turns a person's life into continuous torment.

Description of symptoms

On the initial stage the formation of a hernia, when the nucleus pulposus is squeezed out into the gap formed in the fibrous ring - the pain is dull and aching in nature.

It occurs due to compression of the disc protruding beyond the vertebrae, but the condition of the gelatinous cartilage does not yet affect the severity of these signs.

But when the hernial sac enters the area of ​​the spinal canal and into the lateral zones behind the vertebrae, the compression on the bundles of nerve endings increases significantly.

The pain syndrome “gains strength” and develops into a whole group of signs characterizing the severity of the lesion. Pain relief is possible only when the pressure on the vertebrae is relieved and the hernia is reduced.

Traditional methods can significantly improve the patient's well-being, but the hernia can only be completely corrected surgically.

What pains with hernias of the lumbosacral spine are manifested in advanced stage diseases? It:

  • Sharp painful pulsation at the site of inflammation or cutting, shooting pains with gradual irradiation pain in the buttock, thigh, shin.
  • Inability to make any movement. A person “freezes” for several hours in the position in which he was caught by an attack ().
  • Changes in the sensitivity of the soft tissues of the lower extremities. There may be hypoesthesia (a noticeable decrease in sensations on palpation), anesthesia (toes on the feet do not feel touch), hyperesthesia (tissue sensitivity increases and becomes painful)
  • Often diagnosed with the syndrome of "horse tail" - inflammation of a whole bundle of nerve roots extending from the spine in the lumbar region and associated with activity genitourinary system and lower limbs. There may also be bowel movements, kidney function. If you do not begin to treat the disease in a timely manner, inflammatory process in some cases it causes partial or complete paralysis of the legs.

The doctor receives a detailed description of pain from the patient himself during his urgent hospitalization. It is important to conduct an urgent and thorough diagnosis in order to establish exact reason leading to the development of severe symptoms.

Only after that the doctor will be able to prescribe effective complex measures for the treatment of the patient.

What to do during an attack

How to relieve back pain if it caught a person by surprise when he is at home or at work? Before the doctor arrives, you must:

  1. Immobilize the sick department. How is it done with a lumbar hernia? achieved when the person is in a prone position, legs are bent in knee joints, under the knees and head there are low rollers (you can twist small blankets, towels, etc. in the form of rollers).
  2. Removal of pain in lumbar partly occurs when taking painkillers, which are in home first-aid kits and are sold without a prescription. It is important to observe the allowable dosage of the medicine, which is indicated in the instructions (the ambulance doctor can tell you by phone which and how much analgesic is better to take before his visit).

The paramedic will listen to what and how it hurts the patient, will perform the necessary medical measures and decide on his further hospitalization.


Until it's over acute attack lumbar hernia, any movements are excluded and, moreover, . Treatment in stationary conditions includes:

  • Reception.
  • Application (it gives an excellent anesthetic effect).
  • Taking muscle relaxants (relax the muscle corset).
  • Delivery of valuable substances to the affected tissues is carried out when taking vitamin complexes.
  • Holding

A hernia may appear in the most different places body. It causes pain and discomfort. This is due to the fact that with a hernia, the contents of one part of the body penetrate the surrounding tissues or muscles. A hernia may appear on the abdomen, around the navel, in the groin area, on the thighs, or in the stomach. Hernia of the stomach (hiatal hernia) is often accompanied by hyperacidity and acid reflux. Fortunately, the pain and discomfort caused by a hernia can be alleviated with home remedies and lifestyle changes.


Part 1

Pain relief at home

    Use ice packs. If you experience relatively mild discomfort, apply an ice pack to the hernia for 10-15 minutes. With the permission of the doctor, you can do ice compresses 1-2 times a day. Ice packs will help reduce swelling and inflammation.

    • Never apply ice or an ice pack directly to the skin. Be sure to wrap the ice pack in a thin towel or other cloth before applying it to your skin. This way you protect your skin from damage.
  1. Take painkillers. Over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can be used to relieve moderate pain. Always follow the enclosed instructions for use.

    • If you need to take painkillers longer than a week, see a doctor. He may prescribe stronger drugs for you.
  2. Take reflux medicine. Hiatal hernia (hernia esophageal opening diaphragm) is often accompanied by increased acidity, or the so-called reflux. In this case, to reduce the output gastric juice Both over-the-counter antacids and doctor-prescribed proton pump inhibitors can be taken.

    • If your reflux symptoms do not improve within a few days, you should see your doctor. In the absence of proper treatment acid reflux threatens with serious damage to the esophagus. Your doctor will be able to prescribe the right medicines for you to get rid of reflux and heal your digestive system.
  3. Wear a support bandage or hernia bandage. If you have inguinal hernia you may need to wear a special support bandage that will also help reduce pain. Talk to your doctor about a hernia bandage similar to a support band. underwear. You can also wear support belts to help hold the hernia in place. To properly secure the straps or brace, lie down and tie them tightly around the hernia.

    Try acupuncture. This traditional medical practice allows you to regulate the flow of energy in the body with the help of thin needles that are stuck into various special points of the body. Hernia pain can be controlled by stimulating those points that relieve pain. Talk to qualified specialist an acupuncturist who has experience relieving hernia pain.

    • Acupuncture helps reduce pain, but it does not cure a hernia.
  4. In case of severe pain, contact your doctor immediately. If you suspect you have a hernia, experience unusual heaviness in your abdomen or groin, or hyperacidity and heartburn, make an appointment with your doctor. In most cases, a hernia is diagnosed as a result of medical examination and symptom analysis. If you've already seen a doctor and your symptoms haven't improved a few weeks after that, make an appointment for a follow-up appointment.

    • If you are experiencing unusual severe pain and you have been diagnosed with an abdominal, inguinal, or femoral hernia, call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately, as this may be a medical emergency.
  5. Do the operation. Although the pain can be relieved at home, the hernia itself does not heal. Discuss with your doctor the possibility surgical operation. Your doctor may be able to recommend a suitable operation to bring the protruding muscles back into place. It is possible that a less invasive procedure is also suitable, when a mesh of synthetic material is inserted into small incisions to hold the hernia.

    • You are unlikely to be recommended surgery if the hernia does not bother you often, and the doctor thinks that it is small.

    Part 2

    Lifestyle change
    1. Eat smaller portions. If you are experiencing heartburn due to a hiatal hernia, try to reduce the load on your stomach. To do this, reduce the amount of servings. In addition, eat slowly so that food is easier and faster to digest in the stomach. This will also help relieve pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, which is already weakened.

      Release pressure on your abdomen. Wear clothes that do not press on the abdomen and stomach. Avoid tight clothing and belts and wear loose clothing around the waist. If you do wear a belt, adjust it so that it does not restrict your waist.

      • Pressure on the stomach and abdominal area can cause a hernia to flare up and increase the acidity of the stomach. As a result, gastric juice can again rise into the esophagus.
    2. Lose excess weight. Overweight creates additional pressure on the muscles of the stomach and abdominal cavity. This extra pressure increases the risk of developing another hernia. In addition, it promotes the rise of gastric juice into the esophagus. This can lead to reflux and acidity.

      • Lose weight gradually. Try to lose no more than 0.5-1 kilogram per week. Talk to your doctor about diet and exercise.
    3. Do exercises for the corresponding muscles. Because you can't lift or overexert yourself with a hernia, do exercises that strengthen and support your muscles. Lie on your back and try the following stretching exercises:

      • Bend your legs slightly and lift your knees. Place a pillow between your legs and squeeze it, tensing your thigh muscles. Then relax your muscles again. Repeat the exercise ten times.
      • Place your hands on your belt, bend your knees slightly and lift them off the floor. Move both feet in the air as if you were pedaling. Keep doing the exercise until you feel the tension of the abdominal muscles.
      • Bend your legs slightly and lift your knees. Put your hands behind your head and lift your torso at an angle of about 30 degrees. Bend your body to your knees. Hold this position for a while, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
    4. Quit smoking. If you have reflux, try to quit smoking. Smoking increases the acidity of the stomach, which makes reflux worse. In addition, if you are planning surgery to get rid of a hernia, your doctor will likely advise you to stop smoking a few months before surgery.

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