The most unreliable methods of contraception - what let you down? New generation contraceptive methods

Contraceptives are drugs used to prevent pregnancy. The purpose of contraception is family planning, the preservation of the health of a woman, and partly her sexual partner, the realization of a woman's right to a free choice: to become pregnant or refuse to do so.

Why are all types of contraception necessary:

  • any method of contraception reduces the number of abortions - the causes of gynecological diseases, premature birth, maternal and infant mortality;
  • protection helps to plan the appearance of a child, depending on the living conditions of the family, the health of the parents and many other factors;
  • some effective methods of contraception at the same time help fight gynecological diseases, osteoporosis, and infertility.

The effectiveness of contraceptives is assessed by the Pearl index. It shows how many women out of a hundred who used the method during the year became pregnant. The smaller it is, the higher the protection efficiency. Modern methods of contraception have a Pearl index close to 0.2-0.5, that is, pregnancy occurs in 2-5 women out of 1000.

Classification of contraceptive methods:

  • intrauterine;
  • hormonal;
  • barrier;
  • physiological (natural);
  • surgical sterilization

Consider the listed types of contraception, the principle of their action, effectiveness, indications and contraindications.

intrauterine methods

Use foreign objects placed in the uterine cavity. Intrauterine contraception is widespread in China, Russia, Scandinavian countries.

The method was proposed at the beginning of the 20th century, when it was proposed to introduce a ring of different materials into the uterine cavity to prevent pregnancy. In 1935, intrauterine contraception was banned due to the large number of infectious complications.

In 1962, Lipps proposed the famous device made of curved plastic with an attached nylon thread for removing a contraceptive, the Lipps loop. Since then, intrauterine contraception has been constantly evolving.

Intrauterine devices are divided into inert and medical. Inert ones are not currently used. Only medical contraceptives containing metal supplements or hormones are recommended, including:

  • MultiloadCu-375 - F-shaped coil, copper-plated and designed for 5 years;
  • Nova-T - a device in the form of the letter T, covered with a copper winding;
  • CooperT 380 A - T-coil, designed for 6 years;
  • - the most popular spiral to date, gradually releasing levonorgestrel into the uterine cavity - a progesterone derivative that has a contraceptive and therapeutic effect.

Mechanism of action

The intrauterine contraceptive has the following effects:

  • the death of spermatozoa that have penetrated the uterus due to the toxic effect of the metal;
  • increased viscosity of cervical mucus due to the hormone, which prevents spermatozoa;
  • endometrial atrophy under the influence of levonorgestrel; ovulation and the effect of estrogen on the female body is preserved, and menstruation becomes shorter, less frequent or completely disappears;
  • abortive action.

The abortion mechanism includes:

  • active movement of the tubes and entry into the uterine cavity of an immature egg;
  • local inflammatory process in the endometrium, which prevents the attachment of the embryo;
  • activation of uterine contractions that eject the egg from the genital tract.

The Pearl index for spirals with a copper content is 1-2, for the Mirena system 0.2-0.5. Thus, this hormonal system is the best method of intrauterine contraception.

The introduction of a contraceptive

The intrauterine device is installed after an abortion or removal of an old one, 1.5-2 months after the birth of a child, or six months after a cesarean section. Before this, the patient is examined, paying attention to signs of infection.

After 7 days, the woman visits the gynecologist. If all went well, she should see a doctor at least once every 6 months.

The contraceptive is removed at the request of the patient, with the development of complications or at the end of the period of use, by pulling on the "antennae". If the "antennae" broke off, the removal is carried out in a hospital. It happens that the spiral grows into the thickness of the myometrium. If a woman does not have any complaints, she is not removed, and the woman is advised to use other methods of protection.

Complications and contraindications

Possible complications:

  • perforation of the myometrium (1 case per 5000 injections);
  • pain syndrome;
  • bloody issues;
  • infectious diseases.

If you experience severe pain in the abdomen, cramping sensations with bleeding, heavy menstruation, fever, heavy discharge, "falling out" of the spiral, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The introduction of the spiral is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy, infection or tumors of the genital organs. It is better not to use it if the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there is endometrial hyperplasia, anatomical features of the genital organs, blood diseases, large ones, allergies to metals, severe concomitant conditions. Women who have not given birth can use intrauterine contraception, but the risk of pregnancy pathology in the future is higher.

The advantages of this method of contraception are the possibility of using during lactation, the absence of side effects caused by estrogens, and less impact on body systems. Disadvantages - less efficiency and the likelihood of metrorrhagia.

Injectable contraceptives and implants

This method is used for long-term protection against unwanted pregnancy. The Depo-Provera preparation is used, containing only the progestogen component, it is injected into the muscle 1 time per quarter. Pearl index 1.2.

Benefits of injectable contraception:

  • fairly high efficiency;
  • duration of action;
  • good tolerance;
  • no need for daily pills;
  • you can take the drug for uterine fibroids, and other contraindications for drugs with an estrogen component.

Disadvantages of the method: the ability to conceive is restored only after 6 months - 2 years after the last injection; a tendency to the development of uterine bleeding, and subsequently to their complete cessation.

This method is recommended for women who need long-term contraception (which is, however, reversible), while breastfeeding, with contraindications to estrogenic drugs, and for patients who do not want to take daily tablet forms.

According to the same indications, it is possible to install the implantable drug Norplant, which is 6 small capsules. They are sutured under local anesthesia under the skin of the forearm, the effect develops during the first day and lasts up to 5 years. The Pearl Index is 0.2-1.6.

barrier methods of contraception

One of the advantages of barrier methods is protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, they are widely distributed. They are divided into chemical and mechanical methods of contraception.

Chemical methods

Spermicides are substances that kill sperm. Their Pearl Index is 6-20. Such drugs are produced in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, creams, foams. Solid forms (candles, films, vaginal tablets) are inserted into the vagina 20 minutes before sexual intercourse so that they have time to dissolve. Foam, gel, cream act immediately after application. With repeated coitus, it is necessary to re-introduce spermicidal agents.

The most common means are Pharmatex and Patentex Oval. Spermicides slightly increase protection against sexually transmitted diseases, since they have a bactericidal effect. However, they increase the permeability of the vaginal walls, which increases the likelihood of contracting HIV infection.

The advantages of chemical methods of contraception are the short duration of their action and the absence of systemic effects, good tolerance, and protection against sexually transmitted diseases. The disadvantages that significantly limit the use of such drugs include low efficiency, the risk of allergies (burning, itching in the vagina), as well as the direct connection of the use with coitus.

Mechanical methods of contraception

Such methods hold the spermatozoa, creating a mechanical obstacle on their way to the uterus.

The most common are condoms. They are for men and for women. Men's should be worn during an erection. Female condoms consist of two rings connected by a latex film forming a cylinder closed at one end. One ring is put on the neck, and the other is brought out.

The Pearl Index for condoms ranges from 4 to 20. To maximize their effectiveness, you must use these accessories correctly: do not use oil-based lubricants, do not reuse the condom, avoid prolonged intense acts during which the latex can break, and pay attention to expiration date and storage conditions of the contraceptive.

Condoms protect quite well against sexually transmitted diseases, but do not completely protect against infection with syphilis and some viral diseases transmitted by skin contact.

This type of contraception is most indicated for women with infrequent or promiscuous sexual intercourse.

Which method of contraception to choose for the most complete protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases? In this case, a combined method is recommended - taking hormonal contraceptives and using a condom.

Vaginal diaphragms and caps are not widely used. These devices are worn on the cervix before sexual intercourse, and are removed 6 hours after it. They are usually used together with spermicides. They are washed, dried, stored in a dry place and reused if necessary. The use of these tools requires training. They are not used for deformation of the neck, vagina, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The undoubted advantage of such devices is their reusable use and low cost.

Mechanical methods of contraception have the following advantages: safety, protection against sexually transmitted diseases (for condoms). Cons associated with insufficient effect and the relationship between application and coitus.

Natural Ways

Natural methods involve abstaining from sexual intercourse on days close to ovulation. The Pearl index reaches 40. To determine the fertile ("dangerous" period), the following methods are used:

  • calendar;
  • measurement of temperature in the rectum;
  • examination of cervical mucus;
  • symptothermal.

calendar method of contraception

It is used only in women with a regular cycle. It is believed that ovulation occurs on the 12-16th day of the cycle with a duration of 28 days, the sperm cell lives 4 days, the egg cell - 1 day. Therefore, the "dangerous" period lasts from 8 to 17 days. These days you need to use other methods of protection.

The question of the effectiveness and safety of a particular type of contraception is relevant from antiquity to our time. Despite the advanced technology, we are still puzzled by the problem of choosing a way to prevent pregnancy. To help all those who suffer, in the article we have given a complete description of all methods of contraception with their comparison and characteristics.

Coitus interruptus

This method is one of the very first "inventions" of thought, its efficiency ranges from 45 to 50%.

The essence of the method is that the man does not allow ejaculation in the woman's vagina, after removing the penis.

One of the most unreliable ways, because in the process of intercourse, spermatozoa still penetrate the vagina. Few people know, but their pre-seminal fluid contains a fairly large number - from 10 to 20 million, which suggests that such contraception is not able to protect you from unwanted pregnancy.

calendar method

The method belongs to the natural ones, the time of its discovery is several decades ago.

The meaning of contraception is that a woman can become pregnant only on certain days, in particular - before, during and after ovulation (which happens on the 11-15th day of the cycle). The scientists who discovered the method believed that the rest of the time it was extremely difficult for a woman to conceive a child.

But the truth is that great minds were wrong, because the viability of spermatozoa is very high and is about 9 days (in the vagina). In addition, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is extremely rare, and even completely “cyclical” girls have failures, so it is extremely difficult to calculate the “sterile” period.

Contraceptive effectiveness: 45-50%.

Vaginal douching

Contraception in this way unfairly long enjoyed great confidence among many women a couple of decades ago. Some, on the advice of grandmothers, still use it.

The essence of the method consists in washing the vagina with the help of various solutions (most often potassium permanganate, less often miramistin, chlohexedine, intimate spray). Unfortunately, they do not give the expected effect. The only argument in favor of this kind of washing is the disinfection and killing of a number of infections that a woman can contract during sexual intercourse.

No matter how good you are inspiring, if you have an ovulation period, then pregnancy will come, because there are usually a lot of spermatozoa, and they are thrown out in such a powerful stream that can get to the egg faster than you carry out the procedure.

Flaws: too frequent use kills the desired microflora of the vagina.

Efficiency: 10-15%.


Alas, doctors assure that contraception with a condom is not the most reliable method. You will probably be surprised, but the truth is that they can be protected, but only from sexually transmitted diseases.

The disadvantage of a condom is that it is ... rubber. Let's draw an analogy: remember how, after inflating and deflating a rubber balloon, stripes appear on it, remaining from excessive stretching. Exactly the same phenomenon occurs with a condom with constant friction. Active spermatozoa can easily leak through these strips, which will cause pregnancy. Note that the risk group includes mainly men with a large penis.

Reliability: 50-65%.

Diaphragm (vaginal cap)

This method was invented by Mensing in 1887. In another way, the method is called the "female condom". The vaginal cap is a soft and elastic rim, on which a very thin rubber is stretched, which is designed to block the flow of spermatozoa.

Like all contraceptives, the diaphragm can be of different quality and sizes. The size of the diaphragm is determined by the gynecologist, which determines its reliability. You can buy at the pharmacy.

The cap is put on just before sexual intercourse, and removed after 3-4 hours after it. When used correctly, contraception in this way can be very effective. In some cases, the use of a hormone-containing gel is recommended.

In no case should you determine the size yourself, because with the wrong selection, the risk of pregnancy increases significantly, and contraception, in turn, is rapidly approaching zero.

Flaws: difficulty in putting on a cap, can not be used for women with erosion and nulliparous.

Efficiency: 70-80%.

Intrauterine devices

One of the most reliable, but unsafe means of protection. The bottom line is the introduction of a foreign body (spiral) into the uterine cavity, which prevents the uterine cavities from closing. The contraceptive effect is achieved by copper, which braids the "leg" of the spiral. Copper causes a local reaction similar to an inflammatory one, in connection with which, the sperm loses its ability to be fertilized.

The spiral is introduced on the 2-3rd day of the menstrual cycle. The “shelf life” is 5 years, after which it must be removed and replaced during menstruation with a new one.

Flaws: the risk of infection, the likelihood of painful and prolonged menstruation, the occurrence of infections, intrauterine pregnancy and endometriosis.

Contraindications: erosion of the cervix, chronic infections of the same and its appendages, tumors of the uterus.

Degree of efficiency: 75-80%.

Hormonal birth control pills

Birth control pills - a tool much more perfect than all the previous ones, but this does not mean that we recommend it. According to statistics, more than 50% of European women prefer this method of contraception. In Russia, however, mainly due to the myths and fears surrounding oral contraceptives, pills are not very popular.

We can assure you - fears of getting terribly fat or covered with hair come from the 60-80s, when this area was not so well developed. Then there really were reasons for concern, because the dosage exceeded the current one by 2-5 times. Today, ideal microdoses have been developed, and the pills themselves are not only contraceptive, but also therapeutic.

The principle of action is to influence the body with hormones that block ovulation, that is, the egg does not mature and is not excreted from the ovaries.

Flaws: do not guarantee protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Contraindications: all kinds of thrombosis, embolism, myocardial infarction, the risk of thrombosis, obesity, migraines, problems with heart valves, significant surgical interventions, liver and kidney diseases, etc.

Efficiency: from 95 to 100%.

Which method of contraception to choose is up to you, but children are the flowers of life, and women love flowers so much! After all, the hour is not far off when the number of women who can get pregnant so far will decrease to a critical level, hurry up to be among them!

Thanks to modern medicine and pharmacology, there are many ways to help protect yourself without suppressing the sensations, and at the same time, providing complete protection for the female body. Oral contraceptives have become increasingly popular in recent years. What are the safest birth control pills out there, and how do you choose them?

Types of contraception

The issue of contraception today is very relevant, since the number of unwanted pregnancies is increasing every day. Nowadays, there are many different methods of protection, and they all differ significantly from each other. Main types:

  • hormonal pills;
  • suppositories;
  • spirals;
  • barrier means;
  • natural ways.

It is the hormonal group of drugs that has recently been gaining more and more popularity, due to the ease of use and the result itself. If even 10 years ago hormonal pills were not so safe, and their range left much to be desired, today pharmacology has taken a significant step forward.

In the modern world, contraceptive drugs exist not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of:

  • plasters;
  • vaginal rings;
  • injections;
  • candles.

Oral contraceptives are the most effective, the level of protection against such drugs is about 99%. Moreover, in addition to the function of protection, such drugs are often prescribed for therapeutic purposes. Recently, cases have become more frequent when they are prescribed to restore or normalize the menstrual cycle, to eliminate polycystic ovaries and for the rebound effect.

Interesting fact:

Scientists have proven that such drugs are absolutely safe and harmless to the female body.

How the new generation birth control pills differ from their predecessors:

  • lower dosage of hormones while maintaining reliability and efficiency;
  • the use of new analogues of female sex hormones - ethanyl estradiol and levonorgestrel;
  • the use of new third-generation progestogens - norgestimate, gestodene, desogestrel;
  • a newer type appeared called mini-pills, which do not contain progestogen, and the amount of hormones is at a minimum.

It is worth noting that almost all modern contraceptive pills are combined. This means that they have two main components:

  1. Synthetic estrogen.
  2. Progestogen component, which is usually available in the form of various progestogens.

However, this is not all. Based on the dosage of the main components in the preparation, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • monophasic;
  • two-phase;
  • three-phase.

The new mini-pill contraceptive pills belong to the monophasic group, and are excellent not only for contraception before the first pregnancy, but also during lactation.

How hormonal contraceptives work

All combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain sex hormones (estrogens and gestagens). The main principle of their action is the suppression of the ovulation process, as a result, protection from unwanted pregnancy. What causes ovulation suppression?

First, it thickens the natural fluid that is secreted in the cervix and affects the penetration of spermatozoa. Due to the compaction and change of flora, it is quite difficult for spermatozoa to penetrate the cervical canal, and sometimes they can even die when they enter the vagina. In this case, their penetration into the uterus is excluded. Secondly, due to the entry of new hormones into the female body, the production of natural hormones is dulled, as a result of which the maturation of the egg does not occur.

In the process of protecting OK, the endometrium becomes much thinner. Because of this, even if the egg is somehow fertilized, it will not be able to attach. As a result, pregnancy does not occur.

To date, this method of protection is one of the most effective and safe.

Modern contraceptives do not have side effects, which is another definite plus. Scientists have noticed that taking COCs improves skin condition, disappears, hair becomes thicker, and the number of hair loss is significantly reduced, nails become stronger. Therefore, recently you can often hear that dermatologists prescribe such drugs to combat various dermatological problems.

Video "How to choose the right oral contraceptives?"

Informative video with advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist on the selection of oral contraceptives.

Mini-pill - what is it and the main advantages of the drug

Today, one of the best birth control pills are mini-pills. Their main advantage over hormonal preparations of various types is that only progestane is present in the mini-pills. Nevertheless, the effect of taking this kind of funds is no less positive.

The principle of operation is also similar to COC. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, mini-pills make cervical mucus thicker and the endometrium thinner, which prevents conception.

Despite the small amount of hormones contained in the preparation, it is categorically not recommended to prescribe them to yourself on your own. As in the case of COCs, mini-pills can provoke hormonal disorders, unplanned bleeding, as well as various gynecological pathologies. Therefore, it is impossible to start taking this kind of drugs without the recommendation of a doctor.

How to choose birth control pills?

In fact, the process of choosing oral contraceptives is quite simple and ideally this should be done by the attending physician. However, in the modern world, women quite often do not find time for additional examinations and visits to a gynecologist, and prescribe contraceptives for themselves.

In such cases, it is necessary to adhere to some important nuances when choosing a remedy:

Most often, choosing a remedy on their own, preference is given to combined contraceptives, as they do an excellent job of protecting against unwanted conception, as well as treating gynecological diseases and disorders. It is COCs that are most often prescribed by dermatologists. This is the safest and most effective option on the pharmacological market.

With existing contraindications, it is better to completely refuse to take OK. Contraindications include:

  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disturbed metabolism in the body;
  • malignant formations;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age over 40 years.

These are not all contraindications, a detailed list is in the instructions for each individual drug, before you start taking which you must definitely read this list.

Non-hormonal contraceptives

Since medicine does not stand still, today you can even find non-hormonal contraceptives. Unlike hormonal OCs, non-hormonal OCs can be used immediately after childbirth, during breastfeeding, and also for those women who have contraindications to taking COCs.

The main principle of their action is the destruction of spermatozoa penetrating the vagina, as well as the thickening of the mucus secreted by the cervix, and the formation of a protective membrane.

Interesting fact:

Non-hormonal contraceptives are based on spermicides, which also help slow down the speed of sperm movement.

It is also important that non-hormonal contraceptives are also a kind of protection for a woman from sexually transmitted infections. This is due to the available antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial actions.

This method of protection belongs to the barrier chemical type, is a fairly convenient and safe option. These are reliable birth control pills that do not contribute to hormonal disorders and are an excellent prevention against various sexually transmitted diseases. Even such more or less safe pharmaceutical products should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Contraceptive creams and suppositories

Also, in addition to the form of tablets, there are non-hormonal suppositories and creams to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Unlike hormonal drugs, local remedies are less effective, but recently this form is gaining particular popularity.

Many pharmacological manufacturers offer the form of suppositories, ointments and creams, the composition of which contains nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride. Benefits of local non-hormonal contraceptives:

  • ease of use;
  • the effect of additional lubrication from candles and ointments, creams;
  • only a few side effects;
  • protecting women from infections;
  • a wide range of products and the ability to use while breastfeeding, immediately after childbirth.

However, this form of funds also has its drawbacks:

  • vaginal creams and suppositories can provoke a change in the microflora of the vagina;
  • itching and burning, allergic reactions and rashes may occur;
  • lower percentage of protection.

As a rule, topical remedies are used immediately before sexual contact, about 10 minutes before. The action of candles and creams lasts no more than 4 hours.

Rules for taking hormonal OK

Any oral contraceptives must be taken, adhering to certain schemes and rules. Usually they are indicated in the instructions for the drug. If the rules are not followed, unplanned bleeding is possible, as well as the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy, hormonal failure.

Usually, one package of the drug contains 21 tablets, this amount is calculated for one cycle. Basic rules for accepting OK:

  1. It is necessary to start taking on the first day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. It is necessary to take the tablets at about the same time, preferably in the evening. In order not to forget, you can set a reminder on your phone.
  3. It is necessary to take the tablets daily, without interruption, until the end of the tablets in the blister. After that, you need to take a break for 7 days, just at this time menstrual bleeding should begin.
  4. After a 7-day break, you need to start a new package, regardless of whether your period has ended or not.
  5. If suddenly you forgot to take a pill, then you need to restore the reception as soon as possible.
  6. The first two weeks it is also necessary to use a barrier method of protection (condoms).
  7. If you experience small spotting in the middle of the cycle, you should not stop taking the drug. In case of heavy bleeding, you should consult a doctor.

Also, you should not stop taking OK in the middle of the cycle, since this is fraught with consequences such as breaking the cycle and so on.

Are harmful OK?

With the right selection of OK drugs are absolutely safe for women. However, with the wrong selection, various side effects can occur, such as excess weight, hair loss, and so on. It is also worth paying attention to contraindications, in which case you can be completely sure of the safety of the remedy. If you have diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys, you should stop taking COCs.

You should not give preference to this method of protection even with the existing bad habit - smoking, since OK have a significant burden on the heart.

Interesting fact:

With regular use of OK, sexual activity may decrease. This is due to a decrease in testosterone production.

Contraceptive pills - which are better?

There is a certain rating of the most popular oral contraceptives, which are most often prescribed by gynecologists both for therapeutic purposes and for protection. Each drug contains different hormones, the dosage of which is also different.

Jess is a great option for reproductive age

Jess are the best oral contraceptives of the new generation, perfect for women of reproductive years. It is often prescribed by gynecologists to normalize the menstrual cycle, fight polycystic ovaries and hormonal disruptions. As a nice addition, it can be used to combat acne and other skin problems.

Jess contains estrogens and progestogens that block the ovulation process. This affects the pain during menstruation and PMS. Reduces anemia and discomfort, reduces the duration of menstruation, is prescribed for severe symptoms of PMS.

The main advantage over other drugs is the low concentration of active ingredients.

Jess plus - improved version

Jess plus is a more advanced version of Jess, which, in addition to the hormones responsible for the inhibition of ovulation, contains calcium leaomefolate. This is one of the varieties of folic acid, which is essential for women's health.

Despite the low concentration of hormones, Jess plus gives up to 99% guarantee against unwanted conception. If pregnancy does occur, then due to the folic acid present in the composition, the risks of disorders of the baby's nervous system are reduced. Can be taken from the age of 18 until menopause.

Yarina and Yarina plus - the most popular OK

The rating of birth control pills in the first positions includes a drug called Yarina. They contribute to the stabilization of the cycle, while they have a minimum number of side effects and perfectly perform their direct function of protection.

Unlike many other COCs, Yarina does not cause weight gain, it fights acne, other rashes and dermatological problems very well. However, it has a small drawback - with prolonged use, you can notice the occurrence of frequent headaches.

Just like Jess, it has a more advanced version - Yarina plus with folic acid in its composition. It is this drug that specialists often give their preference to, since it is Yarina plus that is easily tolerated by most patients, does not cause unplanned bleeding and contributes to the rebound effect.

Novinet - a drug with a minimum number of side effects

The main action of Novinet is the blocking of ovulation and the production of luteinizing hormone, which allows you to slow down the movement of spermatozoa. Tablets do not cause pain and discomfort during menstruation, they have a minimum number of side effects.

Nausea, sometimes vomiting, was most often observed during admission. Hair loss and migraines are partly possible. A feature and indisputable advantage can be considered the ability to take Novinet already 3 weeks after birth. However, do not forget that this is still a hormonal remedy and it can provoke an increase in milk secretion during breastfeeding.

Jeanine is a monophasic low-dose agent

Thanks to the main three actions, a contraceptive effect is provided: suppression of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of secretions from the cervical canal, and a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium. The drug can be attributed to a monophasic low-dose oral contraceptive. Most reviews of Janine are positive.

Regulon - COC, analogue of Jeanine

Quite often, Regulon is prescribed by gynecologists to normalize the cycle, as well as to eliminate unscheduled uterine bleeding. It is an analogue of Zhanin, the composition is similar, as are the actions. Many women who use Regulon note its quality and focus on reliability.

Often, gynecologists prescribe Regulon to young girls, even adolescence. Does not cause side effects even with prolonged use. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about the therapeutic properties of Regulon.

Logest - the minimum content of hormones

These are the best contraceptives of the new generation with a minimum content of hormones. In addition to the main contraceptive function, it has a therapeutic and preventive effect on female cancers. After its cancellation, reproductive functions are immediately restored. This allows as soon as possible.

Qlaira - natural OK

Qlaira is the first OK of the fifth generation. Thanks to the main active ingredient - estradiolavalerate, it perfectly fights the symptoms of menopause.

The main difference is the change in the order of administration, thanks to the unique dynamic dosing regimen. This is a four-phase hormonal drug, in the package of which there is:

  • 2 placebo tablets without active ingredient;
  • 26 tablets with an active ingredient and action, where the dosage of the substance is different.

During the reception, the dosage of estrogen gradually decreases, but the dosage of the progestogen, on the contrary, increases. Due to this, the effect of the reception is significantly increased. To date, Qlaira is a revolutionary drug with a high degree of protection and the ability to treat women's diseases.

Popular questions about birth control pills

Even the best birth control pills have their own characteristics of use, so quite often women who take them have a lot of questions about the effect of the drug on their body.

How long can you take OK?

Previously, hormonal contraceptives were strong enough drugs that could cause serious harm to the female body. In this regard, most of them could not be applied on a permanent basis. Today, OKs have been invented with a minimum number of side effects that can be taken for a long time.

However, taking contraceptives regularly is still not worth it. Periodically, you need to take breaks and change the drug taken. However, in the absence of side effects, OK can be used for quite a long time under medical supervision.

Is it possible to get pregnant after stopping contraceptives?

According to gynecologists, it can happen much faster. Even if before that it was not possible to conceive a child. After cancellation, the probability of pregnancy increases significantly several times. Sometimes doctors use the so-called rebound effect to treat infertility.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking OK?

Despite the fact that COCs are a fairly reliable method of contraception, pregnancy is still possible while taking them. However, this occurs quite rarely. Another thing is due to a violation of the reception scheme. If the interval between taking the tablets was more than 24 hours, then the effect of protection is significantly reduced.

The main function of OK also decreases due to the intake of other drugs - antibiotics, various herbal infusions, and so on. Doctors recommend using the barrier method for the first 2 weeks from the moment you start taking the remedy.

OK or spiral - what to choose?

Many women believe that the intrauterine device is a safer method of contraception. Moreover, it is safer both in terms of unwanted pregnancy and in terms of influence on the female body. However, according to gynecologists, this is far from the case.

All the same, it is worth remembering that the intrauterine device is a foreign body in the uterine cavity, which can provoke the appearance of inflammation. Tablets are the safer and more reliable option. In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, tablets are also the best option, since they do not pose any threat to the fetus, unlike the intrauterine device.

Each healthy woman is able to give birth to about 10-12 children. However, there are very few such heroines, and therefore every woman of reproductive age tries to find the most reliable method of contraception.

The effectiveness of contraceptives is measured in certain units using the Pearl Index: the number of unexpected pregnancies that occurred when using a particular method during the year per 100 women using it at the same time. It is called somewhat strangely - a woman-year. However, more and more often this value is given as a percentage for greater clarity.

How reliable are biological methods of contraception?

Methods are based on refraining from intimacy on "dangerous" days, when the risk of conception is especially high. As a result of counting calendar days (calendar method), only 55% efficiency can be achieved. If the calculation of days is also carried out taking into account the basal temperature (temperature method), then the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced by 65%. The most unreliable of biological methods is cervical. To determine the safe days of the cycle, you need to monitor the nature of the secretions daily, which do not always indicate the onset of ovulation, so its effectiveness is only 30%.

However, there are reliable methods of contraception in this group: coitus interruptus (70%) and symptothermal (95%), which combines elements of the calendar, temperature and cervical, which increases its effectiveness.

Reliability of barrier methods

The name speaks for itself. Prevention of pregnancy is provided by preventing the penetration of spermatozoa to the egg due to the creation of a barrier.

  1. The vaginal diaphragm is selected individually and strictly in size, which changes after childbirth or sudden weight loss, from 50 to 150 mm. The risk of unwanted pregnancy using the "cap" is 2 out of 100 women per year. But improper use of the diaphragm increases this figure to 25 women. That is, the reliability of contraceptives is 75%.
  2. Condom. It is the most commonly used contraceptive. However, clinical studies have proven its rather low effectiveness: 15-20 cases out of 100 women. Despite this, it is condoms that are the most reliable "protector" against STDs. Reliability - about 85%.
  3. The vaginal ring is filled with spermicide. Being in the vagina, every day it releases a minimum dose of hormones. The level of "protection" is 92%, so these are very reliable methods of contraception.
  4. The most reliable contraception is the intrauterine device. The efficiency of its use is 99.3%. Even if pregnancy occurs, it is not necessary to terminate it. In this case, the spiral is removed and the course of pregnancy is carefully monitored.
  5. Douching. Many women still believe that regular douching can prevent pregnancy. However, recent studies prove that the effectiveness of this procedure is only 53%.

Reliable contraception: creams, gels, suppositories

Modern preparations - spermicides contain active surfactants. Their principle of action is based on the destruction of the cell membrane of spermatozoa. These include nonoxynol-9 (Patentex Oval N, Delfin), octooctinol (Coromex), benzalkonium chloride (Pharmatex), menfegol (Neosampuun). With improper use of drugs, the risk of becoming pregnant is 83%.

The most reliable contraceptives, or hormonal contraception

Combined oral contraceptives are the only way to prevent pregnancy with 99.99% effectiveness. Therefore, today it is the most reliable contraceptive. They are monophasic (Yarina, Diane-35, Janine), two-phase (Logest, Novinet) and three-phase (Tri-Mersi, Trikvilar). They differ in the content of synthetic analogues of the sex hormones estrogen and gestogens. The most reliable contraceptives are three-phase contraceptives, which are also the safest.

The latest reliable contraceptives

Today, hormonal contraceptives do not even have to be taken every day. Now they can be injected or sewn subcutaneously. The effectiveness of such methods is 97%.

Modern reliable contraceptives

  • Depo-prover ("protection" up to 12 weeks) and Noristerat (up to 8 weeks) - an injectable drug based on medroxyprogesterone acetate of prolonged action;
  • Norplant (up to 5 years) contains levonorgestrel, is injected subcutaneously as an implant;
  • Depot progesterone (norethisterone enanthate). Efficacy up to 8 weeks.

Voluntary sterilization

This is an irreversible method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, therefore it is the most reliable. However, the risk of possible pregnancy is still there and is 0.8%. Reliable contraceptives must meet all the requirements and be ideal for both you and your partner. Therefore, the choice of contraceptive method should be general.

Modern society and the family set themselves the task of maintaining reproductive health and ensuring safe motherhood. It can be solved by preventing unwanted pregnancy, reducing the number of abortions and the consequences associated with them. Modern female contraceptives successfully cope with this task.

Contraceptives are subject to the following requirements:

  • efficiency not less than 97%;
  • safety for the health of sexual partners;
  • restoration of fertility after the abolition of the contraceptive;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable price.

Unfortunately, there are no universal means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, they need to be selected individually, so only a doctor can choose a contraceptive.

The reliability of these funds is not less than 97%, since when they enter the body, they create a triple barrier. They have the following effect:

  • suppress ovulation;
  • contribute to the thickening of cervical mucus, preventing sperm from entering the uterus;
  • change the properties of the endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

Combined oral contraceptives

These are contraceptives for women that contain synthetic analogues of male and female sex hormones. They “simulate” an artificial state of pregnancy in the body. There are two-phase and three-phase preparations.

These include Rigevidon, Midiana, Lindinet, Triquilar and others. The advantages of these drugs are the stabilization of the hormonal background, antiandrogenic effect and effective protection against pregnancy.

Such contraceptives differ in the amount of hormones, that is, they are low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose (used only for therapeutic purposes), which allows them to be prescribed to women of any age.

Combined oral contraceptives with natural hormones

These are the best contraceptives for women today, containing analogs close to natural hormones and having a gentle effect on the female body. They can be monophasic or multiphase.

For example, Qlaira is a four-phase drug with a dynamic dosage regimen. It not only reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy and has a minimal effect on the body, but also has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the genitourinary system of a woman.

Mini - drank

These are monophasic preparations containing progestin. Unlike combined oral contraceptives, they have a milder effect on the body.

Mini-pills are used when taking traditional birth control pills is contraindicated.

Restrictions for receiving funds are not:

  • lactation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • smoking and age over 35.

The drugs of this group are Charozetta, Lactinet, Exluton. Among the advantages of the mini-pills, one can note the absence of an effect on libido and blood pressure, the rapid restoration of the ability to conceive after drug withdrawal.

The disadvantages of mini-pills provoke intermenstrual bleeding during the period of addiction to the drug and a lower contraceptive effect compared to combined contraceptive pills, due to the lack of estrogen in them.

Vaginal hormone ring

A transparent elastic ring with a diameter of 55 mm is inserted into the vagina once a month. Its action is based on combined hormonal contraception. The ring, being in the vagina, releases a small amount of hormones that enter the bloodstream through the mucous membrane.

Unlike oral contraceptives, the vaginal ring does not adversely affect the digestive tract, is convenient to use and does not require daily intake. The disadvantages of the vaginal ring are the same as those of estrogen-containing contraceptives.

Hormonal patch

It is a combined hormonal contraceptive. It is glued to the skin once every 7 days.

The patch releases hormones that enter the bloodstream through the skin barrier and have a systemic effect on the body: they suppress ovulation, contribute to the thickening of cervical mucus and cause changes in the uterine mucosa.

The patch is subject to weekly replacement with a 7-day break for menstrual bleeding. The advantage of the hormonal patch is the periodic replacement of the contraceptive. The rest of the pros and cons are the same as for other combined hormonal drugs.

Intrauterine contraceptives

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are female contraceptives, which are a plastic product with the addition of valuable metals. The spiral is inserted into the uterine cavity for up to 5 years. Modern IUDs contain synthetic analogues of hormones that are released in minimal amounts into the bloodstream and prevent ovulation.

The spiral reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy due to the following aspects:

  • affects the speed of movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes, reducing it;
  • thickens cervical mucus, preventing the penetration of spermatozoa;
  • changes the structure of the mucous layer of the uterus, preventing the attachment of a fertilized zygote.

The efficiency of the spiral is close to 98%. It can be used during lactation, since even from the hormonal IUD, hormones do not enter the milk. You can install a spiral at any time, regardless of the menstrual cycle, immediately after an abortion or childbirth.

The advantages of the intrauterine device are:

  • high efficiency;
  • minimal impact on the body;
  • rapid recovery of childbearing function;
  • lack of control over the regular use of contraceptives;
  • economy.

The disadvantages of the intrauterine device include:

  • painful procedure for the introduction of a spiral;
  • the possibility of use only in patients giving birth;
  • limited duration;
  • lack of protection against genital infections.

Barrier contraception

Barrier contraceptive methods create a "mechanical" barrier, protecting a woman from unwanted pregnancy. That is, they prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity.

These are affordable and easy-to-use products that can be a worthy alternative to hormonal contraceptives. These include:

  • female condom;
  • vaginal diaphragm;
  • neck cap.

Made from latex or silicone. The cap covers the entire cervix, the diaphragm and the condom line the upper part of the vagina during intercourse.

The sizes and models of caps and diaphragms vary, so a gynecologist should choose them for a woman. Female condoms are one size fits all and can be purchased without a prescription. Recommended for women aged 30-50 years.

Disadvantages of barrier contraceptives:

  • they should always be at hand, you will have to carry them in your purse to avoid unprotected intercourse outside the home;
  • training is needed to learn how to use the remedy correctly, otherwise an incorrect installation before intercourse can result in an unwanted pregnancy.

Advantages of barrier contraceptives:

  • availability;
  • no need to depend on a man for contraception;
  • high protection efficiency - up to 99% when used correctly;
  • The female condom protects against sexually transmitted infections.

Chemical contraception

This type of contraception is based on the action of chemicals. Local preparations - suppositories, tablets, gels are introduced into the vagina before intercourse. They are not absorbed into the blood, so they do not affect the hormonal background of a woman.

The effectiveness of the method directly depends on the correctness of its use. Vaginal tablets and suppositories should be inserted into the vagina at least 10 minutes before sexual intercourse.

The dissolving spermicidal component will create the necessary barrier that will not allow sperm to enter the uterus.

The disadvantage of such drugs is their uneven distribution in the vagina, which can affect their effectiveness.

Spray and gel are sold complete with a special dispenser, which makes it possible to achieve a more even distribution of spermicide in the vagina.

The active ingredient in chemical contraceptives paralyzes and kills sperm. You can buy birth control pills and gels without a prescription. Recommended at any age - from 20 to 50 years.

Advantages of chemical contraceptives:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • no side effects, subject to the tolerability of the drug;
  • good protection against pregnancy with the correct use of the candle (at least 80%).

Disadvantages of chemical contraceptives:

  • must be administered a certain time before sexual intercourse;
  • 2 hours before sexual intercourse and within 6 hours after it, soap should not be used in the intimate area so as not to disrupt the contraceptive effect of the candle or pill;
  • must always be kept on hand or carried in a purse;
  • possible allergic reactions to suppositories and tablets in both partners;
  • high risk of pregnancy if the candle is used incorrectly - in 50% of cases.

Age-appropriate contraception for women

Contraception up to 30 years

In the absence of contraindications, all young women are advised to take low- and medium-dose hormonal contraceptives, which are easy to use, have anti-inflammatory and high contraceptive effects.

Chemical and barrier methods of protection (candles, condoms) at this age are not recommended, since in practice almost 30% of women become pregnant, despite the use of these funds during intercourse. But at the same time, condoms help protect a woman from genital infections, which is important if she does not have a permanent sexual partner.

An intrauterine device is not placed before the birth of a child, since the body of nulliparous women rejects a foreign body. The spiral can cause local inflammation, which, if not treated in time, can lead to infertility. Thus, women under the age of 30 are advised to use hormonal contraception and condoms.

Contraception from 30 to 40 years

It is advisable for women over 30 to give up hormonal contraceptives, since at this age the risk of heart and vascular diseases, in particular thrombosis, increases.

In addition, the female body after 30 years reacts more sharply to hormones - estrogens and gestagens, which are part of birth control pills. They provoke heaviness and pain in the chest, migraines, intestinal discomfort, increased blood pressure and the development of a depressive syndrome.

Contraception after 40 years

After the age of 40, a woman's fertility steadily declines. Many have already abandoned oral contraception due to contraindications that have arisen - impaired metabolism, cardiovascular pathologies or high blood cholesterol.

At this age, women tolerate the IUD worse. Therefore, most of them switch to barrier and chemical contraceptives (candles, condoms).

Every woman should give preference to exactly those contraceptives that suit her for health reasons, degree of protection and age.

Contraceptives cannot be selected independently; only a gynecologist can choose them. A suitable and effective method of contraception will help to avoid unwanted pregnancy and maintain health.

Useful video about contraceptive methods


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