Why is my chest swollen. Causes of swelling and soreness of the mammary glands in women. Wrong underwear

Pregnancy certainly affects the entire body. But the most obvious change is in reproductive organs and chest. The mammary glands will become a source of nutrition for the baby, and they need to be prepared for this. And if a pregnant woman has chest pains, the sign of pregnancy should not scare her. All expectant mothers endure this.

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What causes changes in the mammary glands

With the birth of a new life in the body of a woman, it seeks to create an embryo ideal conditions for development. They are provided by hormones, the main of which is. Under its influence, the uterine mucosa is loosened to accept the embryo, it also makes it problem-free to hold it in the cavity, increase blood supply to enhance nutrition.

Nature's care for the baby is not limited to the prenatal period of its existence. After his birth for a long time will need mother's milk. Therefore, the body is preparing for its appearance, and the signs of pregnancy in the chest become one of the obvious. But the hormone prolactin also works here, causing the most noticeable of the new manifestations of the condition.

What changes happen first

Unusual sensations in the mammary glands may be the first to signal pregnancy. They are even stronger than PMS, which is very pronounced for some, which sometimes causes anxiety and a desire to run to a mammologist.

If a woman is already aware of the changes awaiting her, then she will probably be interested in the question: does the chest hurt at the first signs of pregnancy? After all, everyone knows that sensation is a symptom of dysfunctional development. But in this case it is rather an indicator of health and means that the mammary glands are preparing to perform the main function.


The breast shows the first signs of pregnancy early. Its magnitude is still the same, but it becomes very sensitive skin. Any contact causes trembling and rejection, with the development of the situation, soreness is felt.

After conception, the concentration in the body increases significantly female hormones. The body is not accustomed to such a volume of substances. Therefore, the reaction of the mammary glands can be quite acute. It also depends on the amount of estrogen and progesterone. Those who have it very high, call the sensations in the chest hard to bear. Others are comparable to PMS symptoms. But in any case, the sensitivity of the mammary glands will increase, even the touch of linen to the skin will become noticeable.


Chest pain is a sign of pregnancy unpleasant, but indispensable. Its root cause is change hormonal balance, but not only. The presence of substances is necessary for the breast to ensure the production of milk. Each gland is made up of lobules connective tissue and ducts through which it will go to the nipples. A woman feels that her breasts are swollen, a sign of pregnancy at first can be perceived as premenstrual. Under the influence of hormones, blood rushes to all areas, due to which the vessels also stretch. This means an increase in the burden on nerve roots, which becomes a direct cause of pain. The feeling gradually leaves the woman with the development of pregnancy, but it is quite strong at the beginning, until the body has adapted to the new state.

During the same period, some find that they have hot breasts, a sign of pregnancy can be scary, as it does not occur in everyone. This is caused by an increase in body temperature, sometimes characteristic initial phase states. But you need to be careful, because pregnancy does not prevent the occurrence of inflammation in the mammary glands, which causes a symptom. The skin turns red and the pain intensifies.

Size matters

Another manifestation of the new position is an enlarged breast, a sign of pregnancy becomes visible by about 4 weeks. A woman discovers that her underwear, which was recently in time, has become tight. This is natural due to the expansion of the milk lobules caused by the work of hormones. Food for the unborn baby is formed in them.

A woman will also notice how her breasts fill up, a sign of pregnancy is indicated by the fact that it becomes heavier, firm to the touch, dense. It seems that the glands are already filled with fluid, although in fact, there is nothing like that yet.


While waiting for a baby, some feel that their chest itches (a sign of pregnancy is less common than others, but due to the same reasons). Itching is caused by an increase in the size of different parts of the mammary glands. Their skin stretches, loses some collagen. In the future, this may be manifested by the appearance of characteristic non-disappearing marks on it. And do not forget about the role of hormones in the process. Their growth can cause an allergic-like reaction, but soon the body gets used to it, and the desire to itch disappears by the first third of the term.

Vascular reticulum

Became visible veins on the chest as a sign of pregnancy are observed in most expectant mothers. Progesterone should be “blamed” for this, without which it is impossible to bear the fetus normally. The hormone provokes an increase in the size of the glandular tissue, which would not have happened without the participation of blood vessels. Through them, blood is directed to the cells, its amount increases. Naturally, the paths to the tissues, that is, the veins, also expand. Their walls stretch, translucent through the skin.

The vascular network can become visible on the face. But neither there nor on the chest is it dangerous and not painful. Appearance skin will recover after childbirth.


Another manifestation that did not exist before -. The sign of pregnancy is again caused by an increase in progesterone. In addition to its indispensable beneficial effect on the body future mother it provokes an increase in the greasiness of the epidermis. glands that produce sebum, a lot on the chest and face. Since the first is in contact with clothing, there are more chances for rashes to appear there.

Poor quality can also play a role in the occurrence of pimples. Women in position develop an addiction to food that clogs pores and increases the production of sebum: sweet, spicy, salty.

Nipples and areolas

Noticeable signs of pregnancy nipples show especially clearly and in the first place. They can be divided into several groups.

Changes in the nipples How changes appear and what they mean
Color change Before conception, the nipples are pink or light brown color(in dark-skinned), the same can be said about the areoles. Due to the rush of blood to them after conception, this area acquires a bright shade, thanks to the coloring pigment melanin.
Sensitization, tension These early signs Pregnancy nipples become visible shortly after conception. At this stage, prolactin is quite active, which causes the milk ducts to expand. The nipples become denser, become more convex, regardless of touching them. This is a necessary phenomenon for the formation of an organ in such a way that the child can completely capture it with his lips when feeding.
Pain in the nipples as a sign of pregnancy The most common and earliest. In the presence of an increased volume of prolactin, the milk ducts expand, especially in this area. And available here nervous tissue does not keep up with their development, is squeezed. Normally, under other conditions, this does not happen and therefore it is considered a fairly accurate symptom. When the nipples hurt in the first days, a sign of pregnancy is also caused by a rush of blood to them through the dilated vessels. Sensations are also transmitted to them due to the growth in the volume of tissues of the entire gland, which is closely packed in the shell. The areolas also expand several times, and the tubercles become convex on them. If the nipples hurt, the first sign of pregnancy of this plan can be supplemented by burning and tingling of the skin, a feeling that it “bakes” in them. The symptoms go away soon enough, and although they cause discomfort, they do not pose a threat.
Discharge from the nipple is a sign of pregnancy Occurs for over late stage when there is no doubt about its presence. This symptom indicates a good readiness of the mammary glands for feeding. The fluid secreted from the nipples, called colostrum, is cream-colored or clear with white inclusions. It looks sticky and quite thick. If the discharge from the milk ducts contains blood, this means problems with the health of the glands, not related to the new condition.

It is important to keep in mind that when at the nipples, the sign of pregnancy should not torment the woman until it is completed. Usually it passes by the end of the first third of the term. By this time, the skin becomes quite rough, the body adapts to hormones, ceases to be sensitive to all changes.

Changes that affect the nipples are the first sign of pregnancy that needs to be special attention. Their health will provide the newborn with quality nutrition, reliable protection and alignment. immune system, and for a woman, the painlessness of the feeding procedure. But for this it is necessary to eliminate all possibilities of damage to the nipples, due to which cracks can form on them. Sufficient hygiene is needed, underwear that does not tighten the chest without coarse seams.

If a woman has chest pains, this sign of pregnancy can only be considered together with its other manifestations. Moreover, in some they are not clearly expressed, comparable to what is felt on premenstrual days. If changes in the chest are the only thing that makes you suspect pregnancy, you should not be sure of this unconditionally. Symptoms similar to those mentioned here are fixed with mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands.

It is imperative to find out the reason for such changes. This can be due to stress, medication, and even malnutrition. In any case, it is necessary to establish the cause of what is happening. It is advisable to contact a qualified gynecologist with this question. Timely therapy will help prevent many diseases and pathologies.

Breast swelling is normal condition before menses. This happens due to hormonal changes. In the second phase of the cycle, progesterone levels rise, which leads to breast swelling. If a woman is healthy, then by the end of the cycle, the balance is restored, after which everything returns to normal. Many women during PMS, in addition to headaches, heart pain, have swelling of the mammary glands.

If before critical days the breast increases, seals are felt in it, or strong pain, then it is already serious occasion see a doctor.

If this happens after menstruation, then a specialist consultation is also necessary, as this may indicate severe hormonal disorders or diseases. For example, one of the first is breast augmentation before and after menstruation, as well as small seals in her.

In girls, they may swell during puberty, when again they occur hormonal changes. After the menstrual cycle is established, swelling will occur only on certain days.

If during pregnancy, it is considered normal process. During this period, a woman's production of hormones increases, due to which changes occur with the mammary glands. The greatest discomfort for the expectant mother is caused by breast changes in the first trimester.

Another reason why the breasts swell is fluid retention. This may be due to poor diet or lifestyle, excessive consumption of salty, fried foods or caffeinated drinks. Wearing a bra that doesn't fit your breasts can result in your underwear being loose and comfortable.

Reception medicines can lead to changes in the body, including an increase in the mammary glands. If there is a relationship between breast enlargement and the use of medications, then you should definitely consult with your doctor. Only he can help you properly. As a rule, in similar situations diuretics are prescribed to excess liquid from the patient's body.

Taking hormonal contraceptives is another reason that the breasts swell. In this case, you need to consult a specialist.

In any case, the condition of the breast depends on the work of the whole organism. If the mammary glands have changed their size without visible reasons, and besides, there were painful sensations, then be sure to visit a gynecologist in order to establish the disease in time and in as soon as possible bring health back to normal.

The state in which mammary glands swell, touching them causes pain, familiar to every woman. Regularly such sensations appear before menstruation. But not always the causes of swelling of the glands and pain in them are harmless. In the event of such symptoms, a woman, as a rule, doubts whether to go to the doctor. You can not risk your health, it is better to trust a specialist. Knowing possible reasons such an anomaly, many complications can be prevented.

The development of external sexual characteristics (breast growth, body shape change female type) occurs after about 11 years of age, when puberty and the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries is enhanced. To the offensive reproductive period the chest is fully formed. With the onset of menopause, the reverse development (involution) of the mammary glands occurs. The ongoing processes are directly related to the changes hormonal background, are often accompanied by such a symptom as swelling of the mammary glands, the occurrence of pain in them.

Swelling of the glands in newborns

Often, in newborns, on the 3-4th day from birth, the mammary glands become swollen, milk is secreted from them. This happens with children who were born at due time and have normal weight. This phenomenon is explained by hormonal processes occurring in the body of a newborn.

At the end of pregnancy, maternal hormones pass through the placenta into the blood of the fetus. After birth, they enter the baby's body along with breast milk. Under the influence of hormones in the mammary glands of a newborn child, the same processes occur as in the mother, as a result they swell, milk is formed. This condition can be observed within 2-4 weeks, after which the phenomena completely disappear. They do not have any effect on the subsequent development of the mammary glands and the health of the baby.

The diameter of the compacted area is about 3 cm, there are no changes in skin color and pain. At improper care after the child, infection of the glands and the occurrence of an inflammatory process (mastitis) are possible. The symptoms of this condition are:

  • an increase in the size of the swelling area;
  • difference in the size of seals on both sides of the chest;
  • redness of the swelling area;

If such a pathology occurs, the baby should immediately be shown to the doctor and anti-inflammatory treatment should be started.

Causes of painful breast changes in adolescents

Girls adolescence swelling of the mammary glands is associated with a sharp increase in the content of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Ovarian maturation does not occur immediately, therefore, within 1-2 years after the onset puberty the hormonal background fluctuates, which leads to the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, the occurrence of incomprehensible pain in the chest.

Under the influence of hormones, the breast grows, milk ducts form in it, the network branches out blood vessels, the thickness of the fat layer increases (the size and shape of the breast depends on it). The stretching of the ligaments, which occurs with an increase in the volume of the glands, as well as the accumulation of secretory fluids (blood, lymph) in them, leads to swelling and pain. The pain is intermittent, comes on when touched, it seems as if there is a bruise in the chest.

After the hormonal background improves, the cycle is established, a slight swelling and soreness will appear only on the eve of menstruation.

Video: Causes of breast swelling in children of different ages

Breast changes before period

This phenomenon is observed in most women a few days before menstruation. Already on the 3-4th day of menstruation, the condition returns to normal. The reason for the swelling of the mammary glands during this period is an increase in the blood levels of hormones such as progesterone and prolactin. Progesterone regulates the processes in the body associated with the preservation of the embryo, and prolactin is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for lactation.

In connection with the possible onset of pregnancy in the mammary glands, the growth of a network of ducts, vessels and capillaries begins. The accumulation of blood and lymph leads to an increase in intracellular pressure. Irritation of nerve endings is transmitted to the brain, appear pain.

All changes are suspended if fertilization does not occur and menstruation occurs. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women manifests itself with greater or lesser force, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Video: Swelling and pain in the chest before menstruation

Breast swelling during pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, the mammary glands prepare for subsequent milk production. In the body, the content of estrogens rises sharply, which leads to an increase in the mass of glandular tissue, the growth of ducts and a change in the appearance of the nipples. The growing ducts begin to fill with colostrum, the mammary glands increase, become heavier. Transparent highlights from the nipple may appear long before childbirth. Such changes are completely natural during this period, if there are no signs such as individual seals in the glands, asymmetry of the nipples, pains of a cutting or stabbing nature.

After childbirth, the mammary glands swell as they fill with milk. At the same time, the woman does not feel any discomfort. There is a slight tingling sensation in the overflowing chest. After emptying, it becomes soft and decreases in size. In order to avoid pathologies, a woman must follow the rules of feeding and carefully care for her breasts.

Addition: If the pregnancy is terminated for early term(a miscarriage occurs or an abortion is performed), then for a few more days, the compaction of the mammary glands and pain in them may disturb.

Breast swelling with menopause

With the onset of menopause and a gradual decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood, involution of the mammary glands occurs. The glandular tissue is increasingly being replaced by connective and adipose tissue. There may be discomfort in the chest, a feeling of pulling pain.

Often after the age of 50 there are endocrine diseases, metabolism is disturbed, women gain weight. Obesity increases the risk of hyperestrogenism. Pathology is associated with an abnormal, age-inappropriate increase in the content of estrogen, which begins to produce adipose tissue. Often this condition leads to serious illnesses mammary glands. Therefore, a woman in old age should be especially attentive to the appearance of such a symptom as thickening and swelling of the breast, the appearance of pain.

Causes of breast swelling, not related to physiology

Unpleasant and even painful sensations in the mammary glands may appear in the following cases:

  1. When using hormonal contraceptives or drugs containing hormones. An artificial change in the content of estrogen and progesterone in the body leads to a change in the overall hormonal background, which affects the state of various tissues. If pain and swelling of the mammary glands do not go away after 3 months after the start of their intake, you should contact a gynecologist and mammologist. Misuse or uncontrolled use of such funds leads to the most serious consequences up to breast cancer.
  2. During the use of diuretics for weight loss. desire to get rid of excess weight By removing fluid, it brings the body into a state of stress. Fluid begins to accumulate, especially in the tissues of the mammary glands, which leads to their swelling. The same reaction of the body occurs when using tranquilizers.
  3. In violation of blood circulation in the chest as a result of the use of tight underwear, sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
  4. If a woman is experiencing stress, nervous tension.
  5. After trauma to the mammary glands. Bruises and damage to the mammary glands cause pathological tissue growth, the appearance of various benign and malignant neoplasms.

Note: Mastodynia (soreness and a feeling of fullness of the chest) can occur with diseases of other organs, for example, with osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, and cardiovascular pathologies.

Breast diseases associated with swelling

The causes of the development of diseases of the mammary glands are, as a rule, hereditary predisposition, hormonal disorders in the body or injury. Manifestations of such pathologies in women are pain in the mammary glands, uneven swelling, the formation of seals, asymmetric arrangement of the nipples, discharge from them, and a change in the appearance of the skin.

Benign pathologies

Mastopathy. This disease is associated with wrong development breast tissue as a result of hormonal failure in the body. The formation of nodules and cysts filled with mucus leads to soreness and swelling.

Fibroadenoma. A tumor that looks like a rounded seal. It can occur both in one and in both glands, reaching a size of several centimeters.

Intraductal papilloma. It is characterized by the formation of growths (papillomas) both inside the milk ducts and in the nipple area.

Mastitis. Spicy inflammatory process, which most often occurs in women who are breastfeeding a child. It appears due to stagnation of milk during incomplete emptying chest, penetration into the mammary gland of infection through cracks in the nipples, hypothermia.

During treatment benign diseases both conservative (hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy) and surgical methods(cyst puncture, sectoral resection tumors).

Malignant diseases

These include breast cancer and sarcoma. The difference between these diseases is that in cancer, the tumor develops from epithelial cells, and in sarcoma, from muscle, fat and connective tissues. Swelling of the mammary glands, increasing pain can be the first signs of the onset of pathologies. Treatment for such diseases is only surgical. It consists in removing the tumor along with surrounding healthy tissues (on early stages), either in complete removal mammary gland.

Diagnosis of any diseases is carried out using methods such as mammography, ultrasound, biopsy, blood tests for leukocytes, hormones, tumor markers. The appearance of discomfort in the chest should not be ignored, it is important to conduct regular self-examination of the mammary glands.

If the breasts are swollen, but do not hurt, this can make you worry, because many female representatives are faced with painful sensations and consider them normal. But swelling is not always accompanied by pain, and such cases should be considered in more detail.

At least once in a lifetime, every woman's breasts filled up, and her swelling is very common and absolutely normal symptom. The mechanism of its development is determined complex structure mammary glands, which include three types of tissues: glandular, fatty and connective. And if the connectives have a dense structure, they are contained in small quantities and form a kind of skeleton, then the glandular ones can undergo changes and are very dependent on the hormonal background. For example, they can grow under the influence of certain hormones.

But not only glandular tissues determine volumes and sizes. female breast, they are directly affected by body fat that make the mammary glands voluminous and attractive. And the more of them, the denser and more voluminous the considered part of the body.

Another factor that can affect the structure of the mammary glands is its filling with blood. When she rushes in given area, the vessels dilate, and, accordingly, the breast noticeably increases in size. But as soon as the blood supply becomes normal, the mammary glands also return to their normal state.

Possible causes of short-term swelling

Sometimes the breast swells for a short period of time, and then returns to normal. Such a short-term increase in size and change in structure may be due to the following factors:

  • Sexual arousal. The chest is an area hypersensitivity and main erogenous zone female body, which reacts sharply to any impact. When sexual desire arises or increases, not only the external genital organs are engorged with blood, but also the mammary glands, which are directly involved in the process and are more responsible for libido. That is why, when excited, the breasts seem to fill up, become more elastic and increase in size. Nipples can darken, harden and acquire a pronounced bulge.
  • Breast stimulation. First of all, it is observed when entering into sexual contact, but this is far from the only case of exposure. So, the mammary glands are stimulated by the child during feeding, and in this case, a signal is sent to the brain about the need to produce milk, which fills the ducts and, accordingly, noticeably increases the part of the body. A bra with prominent seams or other convex elements can also stimulate the zone. The impact is especially pronounced when active movements, provoking friction of the material on the chest.
  • Wearing a tight bra. In this case, the breast tissues are compressed and deformed, which often leads to swelling. And if the underwear does not squeeze the mammary glands very much, then the soreness may well be absent or be insignificant, practically not manifested and imperceptible.
  • Overheat. When overheated, blood rushes to the area in which the temperature is elevated, overflows the vessels and expands them, resulting in an increase in volume. Such changes in the structure of tissues can be observed when visiting saunas and baths, when staying in hot places, while tanning in a solarium or on the beach, as well as during procedures involving thermal exposure.
  • Hypothermia. Normal defensive reaction the body to reduce the temperature - this is the acceleration of blood circulation. That is why, after exposure to cold, the skin often turns red, and soft tissues as if pouring and swelling. Such changes will be observed in the chest if it has undergone hypothermia. A decrease in temperature may be observed during exposure to the cold or after certain procedures, such as cryotherapy.

Causes of prolonged swelling of the female breast

If the breast is swollen for more than a few hours and remains in this state for several days, then the reasons for these changes may be as follows:

  1. Approaching onset of menstruation. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the active production of the hormone progesterone begins, which is designed to prepare the breast for possible pregnancy. Under its influence, the mammary glands noticeably swell, become more dense and elastic, and increase. Soreness may be absent: it manifests itself with severe premenstrual syndrome(PMS). After menstruation, all symptoms disappear.
  2. Failure of the hormonal background. So, the breast reacts sharply to an increase in the level of estrogens, which stimulate the growth of glandular tissues. But if nerve endings do not irritate and are not squeezed, soreness may be absent.
  3. The onset of pregnancy. After conception, progesterone begins to dominate in the female body, the main task of which is to create optimal conditions to bear and give birth to a child. This hormone promotes the development of breast tissue.
  4. Weight set. fat cells are deposited not only on the abdomen, hips and cheeks, but also in the chest, and often with an increase in body weight, it increases and swells first. When losing weight, the size decreases.
  5. Taking hormonal drugs. The hormones contained in them can have the most direct effect on the structure of the mammary glands, including causing their obvious swelling and enlargement.
  6. Fluid retention in the body. Water that does not have time to be removed in time can remain in any tissues, provoking an increase in their size.

Is it worth sounding the alarm

If the mammary glands almost always hurt, but suddenly the soreness disappeared, and only swelling remained, then this will certainly not go unnoticed and, most likely, will cause alarm. But in most cases, you should not panic, since pain is far from always a normal symptom and in some situations signal abnormalities, the most common of which is mastopathy.

If the pain has disappeared, and the condition is absolutely normal, then this probably indicates a change in the hormonal background, and in better side, since in case of serious failures, a number of unpleasant symptoms. If everything is in order, then you should relax and just enjoy the absence of pain.

Pregnancy deserves special attention. frequent signs which are swelling of the breast, its increase in size, increased sensitivity and soreness. If the mammary glands have ceased to hurt, but retain their changed and normal structure for the gestation period, then the body is probably used to the changes, and the nerve endings have ceased to react sharply to them. But if, along with the swelling, other signs have disappeared, then you should immediately inform the doctor about this, since the causes can be serious and require prompt help.

Important: when swelling outside of pregnancy is provoked by some abnormalities, they must be eliminated if they are pathological.

Breast swelling without pain is normal in most cases. But sometimes a medical examination and help is required.

Every girl or woman noticed that somewhere in the middle menstrual cycles the mammary glands become slightly larger in volume, the breast has increased and hurts, there is discomfort and discomfort. Is this normal or should I go to the doctor?

Swelling at different cycle times

Often women complain that their breasts are full and sore during the period when ovulation occurs. The explanation for this is hormonal changes organism, resulting in the possibility of fertilization of the egg.

The dominant hormones - estrogen and prolactin, in the first half of the cycle, (approximately 12 - 14 days), affect reproductive system and mammary glands. Under the influence of these hormones, the maturation and release of the egg occurs. Under such action of hormones, the breasts swell.

The chest is swollen, and the nipples hurt in the middle of the cycle, possible causes:

  1. Hormone failure. It occurs as a result of experienced stress, abortion, menopause, inappropriate contraceptives.
  2. Incorrect proportions between hormones 1 and 2 halves: a large number of estrogen and prolactin, and a small amount of progesterone.
  3. Pregnancy. Swelling of the mammary glands occurs as a result of changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother.
  4. Nipple injury, even minor, can provoke inflammation and pain.
  5. The presence of benign and malignant tumors.

Also, wearing small-sized underwear can cause ailments and chest discomfort.

Changes during pregnancy

Almost immediately after fertilization, changes in the mammary glands begin. This is due to the restructuring of hormones in the body of the expectant mother. Pregnancy is one of the reasons why the mammary glands swell and hurt. It is also noted that the color of the nipple itself and the areola changes, they become darker. During this period, the nipples increase, the chest becomes heavier, small tubercles appear on the areolas.

As a rule, breast growth occurs in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and closer to childbirth. During these periods future mom notices that the breasts are swollen and the nipples are modified. The nipples become bulging, nodules begin to appear on the surface.

During such periods, the veins on the mammary gland itself become more noticeable, this is caused by an increase in blood circulation. Closer to the seventh month, discharge from the nipple may begin, do not be afraid - this is colostrum. Its appearance or absence is not a pathology.

lactation period

If increased breast and it hurts, the reason for this may be the lactation period. At the beginning breastfeeding the breast swells, it is filled with milk. When the mammary gland produces large quantity milk than the child is able to eat, and pumping is of poor quality and milk remains in the breast, milk stagnation may begin and lactostasis may develop. Such troubles can occur immediately after the birth of a child or in the first month.

The cure for this disease will be the baby himself, who will dissolve the breast and proper pumping after each feeding. One mammary gland may also increase, which may be caused by milk stagnation. It is worth noting the fact that if the baby is not properly attached to the breast, the nipples can swell and crack, this will also lead to pain and discomfort.

In addition, the occurrence of lactostasis should not be allowed due to the fact that excellent conditions are created for the progression and development of microbes. These factors can cause inflammation of the mammary glands and lead to mastitis.

Possible pathologies

Pathologies include diseases such as tumors, inflammation, dyshormonal changes, injuries, developmental disorders.

Congenital malformations

Painful sensations can cause congenital malformations:

  1. Polythelia - the presence of an "extra" nipple.
  2. Polymastitis - the presence of additional glands, which are often located in the armpits.
  3. Atelia is the absence of nipples.
  4. Amastia is the absence of the mammary gland on one or both sides.



  • bruises, as a result of which the chest swelled and hurts;
  • burns;
  • infection and suppuration.

Breast diseases

Diseases that cause pain:

  • hypomastia - underdeveloped breasts;
  • mastopathy - a seal in the chest, as a result of which the mammary glands swell and hurt;
  • calf - inflammation of the nipple;
  • hyperthelia - hypertrophy of one or two nipples;
  • galactorrhea - spontaneous secretion of milk;
  • tuberculosis and syphilis of the chest;
  • actinomycosis - a disease caused by fungi;
  • echinococcosis - the appearance of a rounded cyst on the chest;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

These diseases can also be the reasons why the mammary glands swell.

Additional factors

Why are my breasts swollen and sore?

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Adolescence. Swelling and pain manifests itself when the breast is just beginning to grow.
  2. Wrong linen can be the reason why the breast is poured. This is due to insufficient blood circulation in the chest area and causes it to swell.
  3. Hormonal imbalance can cause various diseases. Hormonal contraceptives, can be the reason why the breast swells and hurts.
  4. Pain may result from received injury.
  5. It starts to hurt and the breasts increase in volume before menses.
  6. Excess weight, from which there are superfluous male hormones- androgens. These cells have the ability to accumulate in fatty tissues and increase the risk of developing tumors in the mammary glands.

All of the above affects the body and leads to breast enlargement in women.

How to relieve symptoms at home

Helps with some pain hormonal preparations. Thanks to them, many women experience a decrease in pain. Medicines help, for example, with mastopathy. These drugs have different composition, therefore, it is worth choosing hormonal components individually in order to avoid symptoms when the mammary glands swell and hurt.

With mastopathy, they use mild antitumor, sedative, cleansing and immuno-restoring tinctures, herbs, vitamins, medical nutrition. Salt and herbal compresses based on akionite, celandine and hemlock help.

Also, changes in the diet can reduce pain when the mammary glands are swollen, although this has not been scientifically proven, but relief is noted. Eliminating caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee, energy drinks, sodas) from the diet reduces pain.

  1. It is undesirable to consume a lot of salt.
  2. Minimize the amount of fat consumed.
  3. Provide the body with vitamins by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Introduce foods rich in fiber, phosphorus, iodine into the diet.

With premenstrual syndrome, when the breasts have enlarged and hurt, evening primrose oil will help. It relieves inflammation from the tissues of the mammary glands and makes them less sensitive during the cycle.

On the basis of such herbs as: peony, red root, licorice, a tincture is made. It has a positive effect on all female body especially for diseases of the mammary glands.

If your chest is swollen, they will help you:

  • agrimony;
  • immortelle;
  • cinquefoil;
  • sagebrush;
  • cabbage;
  • Birch;
  • burdock;
  • elder.

Properly prepared decoctions and tinctures will relieve pain.

Diagnosis and need for treatment

To check the breasts, it is necessary to do a mammogram, especially if the mammary glands are swollen and sore. A mammogram is a chest x-ray that can determine if there are any changes in the mammary glands, as well as their size, prevalence and nature.

With the help of such a study, it is possible to detect breast cancer and eliminate the problem, even at the beginning of its appearance. This procedure lasts only 5-10 minutes, but if the chest is filled, then this will be accompanied by slight discomfort.

Medicine does not stand still, and a mammograph with a stereotaxic attachment for biopsy was invented. The method consists in the fact that several tissue samples are taken with a needle from different places tumor seals.

This procedure provides:

  • accurate results of the study, as in a surgical biopsy;
  • no use of general anesthesia;
  • efficiency, work safety;
  • maximum access to the mammary glands.

All of the above in the article gives answers to the questions: why the breast has increased, what are the common causes of chest pain. If any seals, hardenings have been noticed, you do not need to self-medicate, you should immediately go to the doctor. Timely diagnosis and properly selected treatment will help to successfully cope even with serious diseases.


What to do with pain in the mammary gland, you will learn from our video.

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