Old Slavic massage of the abdomen and back at home. Visceral massage of the abdomen and internal organs

Several are currently used in medicine. different types massage. One of the most popular and sought after among them is visceral massage, which is a type of manual therapy that involves the impact on the organs. abdominal cavity(e.g. stomach) using the deep pressure method – this improves and general state. Such therapy should only be carried out by a knowledgeable and qualified specialist.

Visceral Therapy - What is it?

Visceral chiropractic or visceral therapy is a specialized technique that involves the physiological impact of hands on deep-lying tissues of the body and internal organs. This type of massage is a method of manual (manual) correction of organs. The purpose of the technique is to normalize peristalsis, the functioning of organs and blood circulation.

Visceral manual therapy provides an opportunity to restore the anatomically correct position internal organs patient. The fact is that diseases associated with the structure of the skeleton, inflammatory processes And surgical interventions lead to various changes in the area of ​​the ligamentous apparatus and displacement of organs inside the abdominal cavity. Indications for treatment include:

  • skin diseases;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • gynecological problems(prolapse of the uterus, violation menstrual cycle);
  • hernia in the navel, inguinal, white line of the abdomen;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver;
  • ENT diseases;
  • prevention diabetes and pancreatitis;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, Bladder, respiratory tract;
  • migraine.

Visceral abdominal massage

Abdominal therapy with the help of hands in our time is gaining its second life as one of the varieties of the Old Slavonic medical culture, which at one time was not accepted from outside. official medicine. The gap in these two directions widened during the antibiotic march. However, old diseases have been replaced by new ones, as a result of which there is a need for some old methods of treatment.

Visceral massage according to Ogulov, which was developed by chiropractor Alexander Ogulov, is an old Slavonic massage suitable for both men and women. female body. It differs significantly from many manual methods, because. in many other methods, the impact is carried out on the muscles, joints, nerve endings of the back and limbs.

Before performing an internal massage, the specialist examines the abdomen of his client to identify any existing ligament injuries. After the examination, he proceeds directly to the session. This procedure can be used both for therapy and for diagnostics of the body. When pressed, the doctor can check the skin-visceral connections and draw conclusions about the malfunctioning of any organ with the identification of the nature of the disorder.

Visceral self-massage of the abdomen

The main principle of this type of massage is to influence the abdominal area. Before performing self-massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov, it is necessary to take into account chronic diseases, pain, work-related disorders genitourinary system, stool regularity. Only after that it is possible to make an introductory palpation of the abdomen, i.e. diagnosis by touch. It is necessary to independently carry out this type of massage at home in a gentle mode:

  • Before starting, the abdomen should be soft, without seals and swelling.
  • It is necessary to start the massage with shallow and light pressure on the upper area abdominal cavity.
  • After that, you need to massage with light movements and press on the entire cavity.
  • Pressing should be done with the fingertips and the entire surface of the palm.
  • Then the movements should pass through the center of the upper abdomen with smooth, but deeper palpations.

Internal organs massage

After preparation, a massage of the internal organs of the abdomen is performed, which involves a careful advance to the navel zone:

  • Massaging the pancreas, which is located at a distance of 2 fingers from the navel, is performed thumbs. pressure on given area there is a deep, and the patient at this moment should be relaxed.
  • Similar pressure is performed in the stomach area.
  • Next, the intestines are worked out, for which movements are performed next to ilium, then - going along it and along the line of the colon.
  • Then the genitourinary system and kidneys are worked out. In the first case, pressure is applied under the area pubic bone and the bladder, and in the second, the space next to the kidneys is carefully worked out.


Reflex zones according to A. Ogulov are the fruit of whole life observations and research that have made the work of modern massage therapists easier. But this technique therapy of internal organs is not suitable for everyone, because. in some cases it can be harmful general health patient. The list of contraindications for a technique called visceral massage consists of:

Video: visceral self-massage

Forerunner Visceral Practice

Venous and lymphatic congestion, spasm, prolapse of internal organs relative to each other are the most common cause occurrence of pathological conditions of the body. Suggested methodology external influence on the internal organs of the abdomen, the method of Ogulov A.T., makes it possible to effectively eliminate these pathologies.

In the process of visceral practice, the specialist performs dosed pressure on the diseased organ with his hands, at the required angle, according to certain laws.

As a result, the functions of organs are restored and normalized, and this, in turn, affects the state of the body as a whole, life expectancy, working capacity, and psycho-emotional state. Since time immemorial, massage of the internal organs has been used in traditional medicine as a means of helping to survive in extreme conditions. Heavy physical work, household injuries, as well as wars were the main reason for this.

Various injuries and injuries accompanying the life of a person of that time forced people to look for ways to eliminate such phenomena. And of course, the most basic indication that forced people to deal with the stomach is pain. Relief of the condition of the victim at the first moment of injury or illness through massage of the internal organs made people engaged in such activities think about finding additional funds, which would later help in his rehabilitation. Herbs, leeches, bees, pots, charms, etc. were such means that enhance the recovery process.

For example, pots were placed in order to organize hematomas on the body. Hematoma, as we can now say, considering this topic from a scientific standpoint, solved the problem of local immunity, activated metabolic processes at the place of their placement on the patient's body.

Leeches were used to improve the blood supply to organs and blood extraction.

Conspiracies for the psychological and mental support of the suffering, etc.

Today, such healing techniques are called visceral practice.

It is generally accepted that the art of massage came to us exclusively from the countries of the East: China, India, Thailand and Tibet. But it turns out that Slavic culture also gave the world a unique technique, the popularity of which is only growing year by year. Since ancient times, a very common method of treating and relieving pain in Rus' has been the so-called "correcting the abdomen."

Healers and healers rightly called this part of the body the main one in the human body. Pressing with their hands on the abdominal cavity, they affected the 18 vital organs located here. important organs thereby helping to get rid of the disease. Due to its effectiveness, this technique has survived the centuries, and today each of us can maintain health with the help of visceral or old Slavic self-massage of the abdomen.

What is the most common cause of our illnesses and ailments? Every organ in the human body is surrounded by a network of nerve endings and vessels. These are peculiar transport routes along which sensitive impulses pass, nutrients and oxygen are delivered, decay products, toxins and toxins are removed. When the work of this well-defined mechanism is disrupted for some reason, a spasm appears, venous and lymphatic congestion, weaken nerve fibers, which immediately affects the body, reducing its performance, causing rapid wear of systems and the occurrence various diseases.

Thematic material:

Besides, nature has provided a special mechanism for fixing internal organs with the help of ligaments. Their condition deteriorates significantly over the years due to aging, changes in the structure musculoskeletal system, posture disorders, sedentary image life and stress. As a result, the organs are displaced, their blood supply and innervation inevitably weaken, which leads to various violations at work.

Surprisingly, to eliminate such pathological conditions can be done without resorting to drugs and injections. The miraculous healing tool in this case is own hands person.

By pressing at the required angle on certain areas of the anterior wall of the abdomen, tapping, rubbing or shifting the deep layers, we carry out a healing massage of the internal organs.

Thanks to these actions, the popular technique received another name - visceral chiropractic(from "visceral" - inner, "hiro" - hand). As a result of such manipulations:

  • the correct position of the organ is restored;
  • stagnation is eliminated;
  • improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
  • relieves pathological tension in the muscles;
  • spasms go away;
  • pain sensations are reduced;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • functional disorders are eliminated;
  • V bloodstream thrown out a large number of enzymes, endorphin hormones and mediators - biologically active substances, conducting nerve impulses from one cell to another;
  • intestinal peristalsis and local immunity are enhanced.

Do not forget that the human body is a single interconnected system. Restoring the functions of one diseased organ improves overall well-being, evens out psycho-emotional state significantly changes the quality of life. Trying to get rid of the disease, you will definitely become slimmer and fitter - after all, visceral massage perfectly trains the abdominal muscles and helps to get rid of body fat.

Do not forget that visceral chiropractic is also effective method diagnostics. With the help of hands, a specialist can accurately determine how displaced the internal organs are or their functions are impaired.

Indications for carrying out

For a long time traditional medicine denied healing action visceral massage of the abdomen, calling the supporters of this method charlatans. But modern scientific observations proved the extraordinary benefits of the procedure, and now doctors often recommend it as part of complex treatment diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, chronic constipation, ulcers, flatulence;
  • excretory system: pathologies of the bladder, pyelonephritis, urinary incontinence, congestion in the kidneys;
  • liver, gallbladder (cholecystitis, pancreatitis) and pancreas;
  • heart and blood vessels, especially in rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • genital area in men and women;
  • respiratory tract: bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • thyroid gland;
  • skin;
  • of the spine (treatment of osteochondrosis is especially effective; through such therapy, even the hard-to-reach vertebra L5 can be set).

A healthy person also does not interfere with such a course. After all, as a result of it, immunity is strengthened, the endurance of the body and its ability to withstand the influence of negative factors, That is the best prevention various diseases. In addition, this is a great opportunity to get rid of extra pounds and a "life buoy" at the waist, without resorting to grueling workouts.

Evidence of the universal acceptance of visceral chiropractic as an effective diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic is the fact that training in self-massage of the abdomen has become a mandatory discipline in the preparation of polar explorers and astronauts for survival in extreme conditions and athletes to improve performance.

One of the most popular today non-traditional methods treatment of diseases of internal organs, the fight against overweight and improvements general well-being is an Old Church Slavonic belly.

Old Slavic massage of the abdomen is a special technique of pressing and tapping the abdomen with an impact on the internal organs, which was used to diagnose and treat many diseases by healers and healers in Rus'. Our ancestors believed that the stomach contained " abdominal brain"and, acting on it manually, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the physiological and psychological state person. Another name for this technique is visceral massage, which means internal.

Why do we need an old Slavic massage of the abdomen?

The human body is a system, and if even one organ does not begin to function at full capacity, this leads to disruption of all processes and development chronic diseases. With age, blood circulation is disturbed in the body, blood stasis, chronic inflammatory processes, spasms of organs and blood vessels occur, the tone of organs decreases, they prolapse, many people also suffer from overweight and body contouring. Visceral massage of the abdomen is designed to solve both internal problems of the body and external, aesthetic ones.

The suitable for women who cannot cope with a growing belly with diets and physical activity. In addition, abdominal massage

  • increases efficiency by 70%,
  • allows you to get rid of fat deposits and
  • give the figure the desired contours.

Old Slavic massage of the abdomen

  1. performed using a special ceramic pot - similar to a jar, which
  2. placed on the stomach for 30 minutes, before the formation of a hematoma. Thus, blood circulation increases, stagnation is eliminated, toxins are removed, and rushes to the abdominal organs. fresh blood and, as a consequence, increases the local .
  3. After removing the pot, the doctor, using a special technique, presses the patient's stomach to relieve possible spasms, clamps and put all the organs in their places.
  4. To get a tangible therapeutic effect It is necessary to complete a course of seven procedures, one per week.
  5. To enhance the effect, visceral massage is often combined with hirudotherapy, , cupping massage.

What effect for the body will the Old Slavonic massage of the abdomen bring?

  • Improving blood circulation and eliminating stagnation of blood and lymph in the organs;
  • Return to the organs of the abdomen and small pelvis of the correct location;
  • Removal of clamps and spasms of internal organs;
  • Treatment of headaches, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hernias, pain syndrome etc.
  • Normalization of choleretic functions and excretion of bile;
  • Getting rid of;
  • Treatment of diseases women's sphere, incl. infertility and dysmenorrhea;
  • Diagnosis of pathologies of internal organs;
  • Prevention of many diseases;
  • Normalization of the functioning of other organs and systems, incl. cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous;
  • Reducing body fat and improving skin condition;
  • General health effect good health, cheerfulness and activity,

Old Slavic massage of the abdomen is a complex procedure, and it is carried out two hours after eating.

Women should not massage the abdomen during menstruation. Before the massage, the doctor examines the patient, interviews him in detail.

Old Slavic massage for the abdomen is not shown to everyone; under certain conditions, it is forbidden to carry it out. Contraindications include:

  1. oncological diseases,
  2. internal bleeding
  3. acute inflammatory processes with high temperature,
  4. open form of tuberculosis,
  5. thrombosis,
  6. stomach ulcer,
  7. mental disorders and some others, about which the responsible doctor will definitely warn.

Well, dear readers, one more unique technique to gain health and beauty in your arsenal has become more.

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I wish you that your health will only improve every day!

The internal organs is a profound effect on certain internal systems and fabrics. This effect is also called visceral chiropractic. Masseur through the front abdominal wall has the ability to provide Various types effects on organs: pressing, vibration, massage and shearing. All this allows the patient to feel a surge of strength and vigor, improve blood circulation, and stimulate muscle contraction. In this article, we will understand what visceral therapy is and how this effect on internal organs can help a person.

What is the essence of the procedure: why is it carried out and what is useful

The main goal of visceral massage is to normalize functional state all and fabrics. First of all, I would like to note that all organs in human body attached to skeletal bones with a special bundle. This bundle contains the blood supply systems, nerve impulses, filing nutrients and much more.

When a person's posture changes into the worst side, bundles for attaching organs can be displaced or pinched, then displace internal organs with them. Such a shift is fraught with impaired blood supply and lack of innervation. Consequently certain body begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients, its work is disrupted. In addition, innervation leads to the fact that the active brain centers can no longer normally control the functioning of the organ.

Did you know? Proper massage technique can reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

In addition to all this, a delay in metabolic products with a displaced organ begins. Such a delay in most cases provokes localized nucleation pathogenic microflora. The latter, in turn, can cause various inflammatory reactions organism. In addition, when one organ is displaced, almost the entire body (, tissues, and other organs) suffers.

Visceral massage of the abdomen will help normalize the structural state and localization of all internal organs. The massage therapist, using special equipment, probes violations in ligamentous apparatus and gradually returns them to their natural position. Some time later in normal condition all organs and tissues will return, and the patient will undoubtedly feel a surge of strength, and.

A bit of history

Since ancient times, when it was practically absent, people have tried to heal all sorts of diseases with the help of herbal preparations and massages. The medieval Persian physician Avicenna is one of the first healers to practice healing massages on his patients. He said that it is necessary to treat not individual organs, but the whole organism as a whole.

Visceral massage has been known to man since time immemorial, but many centuries ago it was called differently. They massaged the internal organs of the abdominal cavity in India, the Philippines and other countries. In Rus' similar actions were also used, hence the second name of visceral therapy came from - Old Slavic massage of the abdomen.

Important! Visceral massage of the abdomen is contraindicated in infectious lesions brain.

Over time, talented scientists in the field of biology and medicine have developed more and more new methods of therapy for various diseases. Massages gradually faded into the background and were used only in countries that lagged behind in development in the field of medicine.

Already at the end of the 20th century, people realized that purposeful drug treatment a separate body does not always give acceptable results. Sometimes after such treatment appear secondary diseases or "pop out" side effects. Then experienced doctors and scientists again turned to miraculous power visceral massage.

Research began on such therapy, and many scientists have proven the amazing effect of visceral chiropractic. Today it is widely used in many countries around the world. In Russia, visceral massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov, who is the founder of Russian school visceral therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Old Slavic visceral therapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • diseases and gallbladder (, gallstones);
  • chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (, gastritis, enteritis);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • prostatitis, cyst disorder;
  • pathology and urinary system;
  • damage to the skin;
  • migraine, pathological disorders ;
  • acute and chronic lung diseases (bronchitis,);
  • at general health.
But one should take into account the fact that visceral abdominal massage has its own contraindications. In some specific cases, such a procedure may bring more harm than benefit.
The main contraindications are:
  • inflammatory processes on the walls of the veins;
  • of a different nature;
  • tuberculosis in an open form;
  • infectious diseases that occur with an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° and more;
  • violations;
  • increased risk internal bleeding;
  • recent mechanical;
  • gangrene;
  • some ;
  • meningitis.
It should be noted that visceral massage can even be done. Such a procedure can accelerate the discharge from the genitals, but this is not a danger signal. On the contrary, in this way the body will quickly clear itself of harmful substances.

How to prepare

Before starting the visceral therapy procedure, doctors palpate the abdominal cavity and ask the patient for all kinds of acute and chronic diseases. First of all, it is necessary to accurately establish the indications and contraindications. If everything is simple with indications, then contraindications can be deeply hidden.

For this, it is necessary preliminary diagnosis in the therapist's office. Already directly in the massage therapist's office, the general state of human health is assessed, skin and language. If no contraindications have been identified, then proceed to a therapeutic massage procedure.

Execution Method

Old Slavonic massage of the abdomen should be painless, and since each person has an individual pain threshold the approach to each patient is different. Many people have a question about how often to do a visceral massage of the abdomen. In fact, it depends on the state of human health, indications and contraindications for the procedure.
Ideally, doctors prescribe about 10 procedures, but for some people one visit to the massage therapist's office is enough. If 2 or more sessions were scheduled, then they will be carried out as follows: with each subsequent session, the diseased area will be pressed through more and more. Thus, the body can normally adapt to mechanical influences from the outside.

Did you know?Julius Caesar was given massages daily. In this way, he tried to overcome epilepsy.

At the very beginning of the session, the specialist by palpation reveals painful and spasmodic zones in the abdominal cavity. Then, in fact, the massage procedure itself begins. You need to massage the stomach in a certain sequence, since functional disorders always develop in a certain pattern.

The specialist begins the massage procedure from the gallbladder area, then gradually begins to act on the liver, pancreas and colon. The main purpose of such a session is to push through the internal organs. It should be noted that the punching of each individual organ should take no more than 3 minutes. The specified time can be increased only during subsequent massage procedures.
One of the main features of visceral therapy is that in the first minutes of the procedure, a "rumbling" is observed in the patient's abdomen. It testifies that bile ducts open, and spasms eliminated. It is important to understand that pressure on various organs occurs with a well-defined force. If this rule is neglected, the patient may feel nausea, dizziness and severe pain in a stomach.

In addition to all this, visceral chiropractic is excellent method diagnosis of diseases of internal organs. A specialist using pressure and palpation can detect the localization of pathological changes.

Is it possible to do it yourself

Experts note that visceral self-massage is permissible only in cases where a person has all the knowledge necessary for such a procedure: he knows the exact location of the internal organs, their projections and possible localizations with physiological disorders, the sequence of exposure and the calculation of the force of pressing.

And even in the case of a high erudition of a person, it is necessary to do self-massage only using gentle technology, where it is necessary to minimize the pressing force. Be that as it may, it is best to contact a specialist who will conduct a session. Old Slavonic massage with the right technology.

Important!Visceral massage - effective procedure in the fight against incontinence and urolithiasis.

Now you know the scheme of visceral massage and positive effects from its impact. But it should be understood that only an experienced person can really help restore the normal functionality of internal organs. chiropractor. And all experimental attempts at self-massage at home can do more harm than good.

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