A rash all over the body in a child causes. Rash in a newborn: localization and possible causes

Children are born with very sensitive skin, so the first months of a baby's life are often marked by the appearance redness and rashes. A rash often forms not only on the face of the baby, but also on other parts of the body. Parents should pay special attention to such rashes, since this can be either a normal skin reaction to the external environment or food taken, or a deviation, an indicator of any disease.

Types of rash and the causes of its formation

The term "rash" refers to various rashes on the upper layers of the skin, which can be infectious, bacterial or viral character. It is formed under the influence of one of these factors and leads to itching, redness and swelling of the skin. The rash contributes to the violation of the uniformity of the skin and favors the development of various kinds of infections.

There are various classifications of rashes in newborns, which differ in the nature of their formation, in the nature of the rash, in the place of their occurrence.

There are the main types of rash in a newborn:

As you can see, there are a large number of reasons due to which rashes occur, so only a pediatrician can say with accuracy what type of rash this or that baby has.

Hormonal rashes

In the first weeks of life, a newborn is faced with hormonal changes in the body, due to which, approximately in the third week, his mammary glands increase, his genitals swell, the skin is affected by a rash.

This is due to the fact that after birth, the hormones of his mother (that is, female) are still present in the body of the baby, which affect the sebaceous glands of the child, which, in turn, are not yet adapted for normal operation, therefore they give a short-term failure in the form of a large formation of fat. Because of this, a rash is formed, which spreads mainly on the face of the baby, but can appear singly on the chest or neck.

Such a hormonal crisis passes with time, so parents have no reason to worry. The rash in the baby that accompanies this period similar to common acne, which contain dense purulent contents, like a millet grain.

This type of rash is unique to babies, so the hormonal rash is also called neonatal. It should be noted that when this type of rash occurs, the newborn is in good health, his behavior and body temperature do not change.

A hormonal rash does not need to be treated and should clear up on its own within two weeks. However, you should not allow combing acne, as an infection can get into the opened wound. From time to time, the affected areas can be treated with a decoction of chamomile.

Rash in infants caused by allergens

Any external irritants affect the delicate skin of a newborn, since this organ in infants, as mentioned earlier, is very sensitive. AT can act as irritants to act as food that his mother consumes, or an adapted mixture, clothes, household chemicals, various environmental influences. Therefore, contact, food and respiratory allergies are distinguished in this category.

The main symptom of an allergic rash is small red rashes that form on the entire skin.

Food allergies have the following symptoms:

  1. dry, flaky skin;
  2. reddened cheeks;
  3. itching in the affected area;
  4. the appearance of dry skin in the form of scales on the head;
  5. swelling of the skin and mucous membranes (very rare).

A food allergen can be found in mother's milk, as well as in artificial formula or other complementary foods.

For respiratory allergies the allergen is found in the inhaled air and can cause a run from the nose and eyes, sneezing, a rash on the handles.

To find out if the rashes are allergic, you need to give the baby antihistamine drops. If the rash begins to pass, then an allergy is taking place.

Rash on the body of a newborn of an infectious nature

Sometimes rashes on the baby's body are caused by viral infections that can seriously affect the health of the baby. Besides the rash symptoms of a viral disease there may be an increase in body temperature, indigestion, febrile phenomena.

In this case, only a pediatrician can make a correct diagnosis, since various diseases can “hide” under the above symptoms:

  1. Measles and rubella These diseases are predominantly for children, since they are most easily tolerated in the first three years of life and practically do not carry any complications at this age. They are characterized by a rash of a large scale, which merges into spots, while there is an increased body temperature, aches and chills.
  2. Chickenpox. This disease is also best endured at an early age. A rash with chickenpox spreads throughout the body, while each pimple contains liquid and, when spontaneously opened, a crust forms on it. After the crust falls off, a spot remains in this place, which disappears over time.
  3. Thrush. Rash in a newborn with this disease localized on mucous membranes and looks like a white patch. The disease has a fungal nature, therefore it is treated with appropriate drugs.
  4. Scarlet fever. Symptoms of this disease are a rapidly spreading rash throughout the body and an increase in the tonsils. When the rash passes, flaky spots remain in their place. Scarlet fever is contagious, so isolation of the child for a period of ten days is required.
  5. Roseola. A common disease in children, while the rash on the body of a newborn resembles rubella rash. Three days later, the rash spreads from the face to the whole body. Also, the high temperature (around 39 degrees) persists for three days and practically does not subside. Areas where the rash is concentrated are itchy and flaky.

Drug allergy and contact dermatitis

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a type of allergy as medicinal. Such an allergy appears as a reaction to taking vitamins, syrups, antibiotics, ointments, and vaccinations. It resembles a red rash, which tends to "merge" into formations that are very itchy. With the abolition of the allergen drug, the skin heals quickly.

Contact allergies can be caused by chemicals found in laundry detergents, baby soaps, shampoos, bath foam, and synthetic clothing. This type of allergy is easy develops into contact dermatitis, characterized by the formation of scaly areas of the body or crusts. With this type of allergy, a rash in a newborn is formed only on those parts of the body that interacted with the allergen.

The occurrence of prickly heat

Miliaria does not pose any threat to the health of the baby, but gives him a lot of inconvenience. The rashes look like small round and dry formations that occur at the site of increased sweating when exposed to clothing, a diaper, a diaper, or other irritants. The rash can be in the form of individual pimples or as one large spot.

Thermoregulation in infants is still poorly developed, so prickly heat often occurs in the folds of the body, especially if the baby is wrapped in a hundred clothes. Most often, the inguinal, axillary, lumbar, cervical and ear regions suffer from this type of rash.

The appearance of prickly heat affects created humid environment, poor hygiene and high temperature. In order not to provoke the occurrence of prickly heat, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the diaper or diaper, do not wrap the baby too much and carry out hardening procedures.

Diaper dermatitis

It looks like small rashes that occur due to the baby being in wet diapers or diapers for a long time. The natural bowel movements of a child cause irritation of the skin, which can also lead to diaper rash, and even to erosions and weeping sores.

If a rash in a newborn is a consequence of diaper dermatitis, then it is necessary to wash the child after each diaper change, and you should pay serious attention to the quality of these very diapers: they should be from hypoallergenic materials are certified and fragrance free. It is also worth periodically giving the baby air baths, leaving it naked so that the skin “breathes” freely, and lubricate the affected areas with a cream that includes zinc oxide.

Atopic dermatitis

This disease manifests itself as a reaction of the child's immunity to external stimuli: dust, wool, hygiene products, household chemicals, plant pollen. The rash looks like small bubbles of liquid, gradually merging together and then covered with a dense crust. Such a rash most often affects the hands, cheeks and knees of the child.

Atopic dermatitis is a fairly serious allergic disease.

Newborns have extremely sensitive skin, so all kinds of rashes are a frequent companion of the first weeks and months of a child's life. However, parents should be careful about any irritation and redness in the baby. The detected rash may well turn out to be not harmless hormonal pimples, but infectious elements.

All rashes in infants can be divided into 3 groups:

It is possible to determine what kind of process in the child's body manifested itself with skin symptoms by the nature of the rashes, their appearance, localization zones and concomitant phenomena, for example, temperature, signs of intoxication. In any case, if there is even the slightest doubt, the newborn should be urgently shown to the pediatrician.

Neonatal pustulosis, aka milia, is the medical name for the hormonal "bloom" of the skin in babies. This is a small red rash in a newborn that appears during the first days of a child's life and is localized on the head, face and upper body (neck, back). Hormonal rashes may look like pimples with a white “head” rising above the surface of the skin.

The reason for this phenomenon is a change in the endocrine status of the child. His body is rebuilt to life outside the mother's womb, the blood is cleansed of the remnants of female hormones that find a way out through the surface of the skin.

With adequate hygiene, infantile acne disappears in a couple of months without any treatment. However, a hormonal rash in newborns can become a source of fungal contamination. They are part of the normal skin flora, but under certain conditions they are dangerous.

Types and signs of an allergic rash in infants

The skin of a newborn sensitively reacts to any irritants, both from the outside and from the inside of the body. Pathogens can be food, household, chemical, natural factors that can provoke an allergic rash in newborns.

food allergy

Small pink pimples and scaly areas of hyperemia appear on the cheeks, less often on the child's body in response to allergens from food entering the digestive tract. Such a reaction is quite understandable in babies who have already begun to receive complementary foods: the first juices, cereals and mashed potatoes. According to modern WHO recommendations, to prevent allergies, a child can be fed no earlier than 4-6 months, depending on the presence / absence of breastfeeding. Complementary foods are introduced according to the schedule, sequentially and gradually, carefully observing the reaction of the body.

However, in newborns, there can be no talk of foreign food. They receive either infant formula or mother's milk. In both cases, it is impossible to exclude an individual reaction.

In a baby who is on artificial or mixed feeding, the mother needs to carefully choose the mixture, paying attention to age compliance, hypoallergenic composition and pediatrician's advice. Having fed the crumbs for the first time with a new mixture, you need to monitor whether it will cause unpleasant symptoms: a rash, liquid foamy stools.

Red flaky cheeks indicate that the mixture contains allergen ingredients. Digestive problems indicate individual intolerance to individual components of artificial milk, for example, with lactase deficiency. An unsuitable mixture must be replaced.

The mother of the baby does not need to monitor what the baby eats, but it is necessary to strictly control her own diet. Breastfeeding women are advised to follow a special diet that excludes potential allergens and gas-producing foods:

  • citrus;
  • red vegetables and fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • whole milk;
  • canned food and smoked meats.

Many young mothers are so afraid of allergies in a child that they limit their menu to buckwheat, kefir, green apples and dry cookies. Do not eat so poorly and the same type. A nursing woman needs high-calorie and varied food, but it is advisable to introduce new foods gradually, no more than once a week, always waiting for the child’s reaction or its absence.

contact allergy

Like a rash in a newborn, household allergies can appear all over the body. It occurs in places where the child's skin comes into contact with potentially hazardous substances. Where can an infant come into contact with allergens? Dust, pets, woolen things can provoke a skin reaction in a child.

Particular attention is given to underwear, diapers, bed linen, which, as a result of washing with unsuitable household powders, rinses, become real hotbeds of allergens. At risk are baby creams, shampoos, foams, wipes, diapers. Cosmetics and hygiene products, even those designed specifically for babies, do not guarantee the absence of side effects.

drug allergy

Antibiotics, vitamins, medicinal syrups are often the culprits of a red rash in babies. Discontinuation of provoking drugs quickly leads to the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

If the fact of drug allergy is established, the drug should be replaced with a safer analogue. Instead of sweet syrups, it is preferable to use other dosage forms, such as suppositories.


An itchy rash all over the body in a newborn, turning into blisters of various shapes and sizes, is called hives. Urticaria is a severe form of skin allergy, dangerous.

If a child develops a rash that resembles a nettle burn, call an ambulance immediately. Such a reaction can occur to any allergen: food, household, etc. - and often goes away spontaneously. However, the infant may immediately develop choking. An attack of urticaria is best removed immediately, without waiting for the consequences. There is a risk that it will take a chronic course with regular relapses.

One of the common causes of red rashes on the skin of an infant is prickly heat. This is not an allergy in the conventional sense of the word, but this disease also has an immunological character. Redness, small tubercles occur in response to irritation of the skin in places of increased sweating.

Due to inadequate heat transfer, a rash may appear on the forehead of a newborn under a cap, in the folds on the neck, in the groin, on the back, under the armpits. Heat and high humidity indoors, outdoors, warm clothes on a child that are not suitable for the weather, prolonged contact of the body with sweat are factors that contribute to irritation of the baby's skin.

To avoid prickly heat and diaper rash, the child should be dressed according to the weather, not wrapped in “a hundred clothes”. There is a good rule of thumb: wear one more layer on your baby than on yourself.

To eliminate prickly heat of the baby you need:

  • keep in dry and clean linen,
  • change clothes more often
  • ventilate the skin;
  • wash off sweat in a timely manner;
  • lubricate the affected areas with baby cream with D-panthenol;
  • use powder in areas of high humidity.

Diaper dermatitis

A rash on the pope of a newborn in contact with wet diapers, diapers, is called diaper dermatitis. Liquid feces and urine irritate the delicate skin of the baby, first causing irritation, then diaper rash, cracks, weeping sores.

You must follow the rules of strict hygiene:

  • do not limit yourself to wet wipes, wash your baby with every diaper change;
  • choose quality diapers;
  • more often leave the child to "holopop";
  • use a protective cream under diapers;
  • at the first sign of a rash on the pope, lubricate the irritation with healing creams based on zinc oxide - Desitin, Sanosan, Drapolen and analogues.

Atopic dermatitis

This allergic disease with an immediate reaction is manifested by an itchy blistering rash that tends to merge with the formation of crusts. Atopic dermatitis can be triggered by contact and respiratory allergens, as well as natural factors. In infants, rashes are most often localized on the cheeks, arms, on the inside of the thighs, on the buttocks.

Outside of exacerbation, foci of dermatitis are manifested by peeling and a small rash. If in the cold the baby's cheeks instantly become red and rough, you can suspect the presence of a disease. In any case, the doctor is engaged in the diagnosis, he will also prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Infectious rashes in newborns

Viral infections accompanied by rashes can be dangerous for a newborn. Unlike a common rash, these diseases are always accompanied by other symptoms: lethargy, fever, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, as well as specific signs. In addition, childhood infections are contagious for anyone who does not have lifelong immunity to them.

Small blisters with cloudy contents, after opening, covered with itchy crusts, are the first sign of chickenpox. First, a rash appears on the head of newborns, on the stomach, then on the limbs, on the mucous membranes.

The temperature usually rises sharply, can reach high values. Until all the bubbles burst and dry up, the baby is a carrier of the infection. The average recovery time is 3 weeks. At this time, the rash must be lubricated with drying agents - brilliant green, strong potassium permanganate. From itching, you can give drops of Fenistil and apply the gel of the same name to pimples - as directed by a doctor.

Scarlet fever

An itchy rash of deep red color with localization on the neck and upper body in a child? He may have contracted scarlet fever. Symptoms appear quickly enough - within a day after contact with the patient.

Other characteristic signs of scarlet fever are inflamed tonsils and the absence of a rash in the nasolabial zone. For 10 days, the baby must be isolated. During this time, the rash should pass, leaving behind flaky spots.

If at first the baby had a fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis began, and only after 2-3 days a rash appeared, this may be a sign of measles. Papules appear on the face, spread throughout the body. In appearance, they are protruding above the surface of the skin, bright red, tend to merge.

The contagious period lasts 5 days from the onset of the rash. By its end, the spots begin to disappear, leaving flaky areas with hyperpigmentation.


With rubella in a child, the rash does not rise above the skin, but looks like small red spots. Rashes do not occur immediately, but after signs of an inflammatory process:

  • temperature;
  • cough;
  • red throat;
  • enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes;
  • vomit;
  • loose stool.

Spots appear on the face, then move to the body. After a day, they begin to turn pale, but the risk of infection remains for about 5 days. Contact with rubella is prohibited for pregnant women due to the risk of fetal pathology.


Externally, this disease is similar to rubella. At the onset of the disease, the temperature suddenly rises to extreme values. For three days it is kept at a high level, and then decreases with the appearance of a flat rash. The exanthema passes in a few days.

Since a rash is a symptom of many diseases, treatment cannot begin without proper diagnosis. The baby needs to call a doctor and strictly adhere to medical recommendations. It is forbidden for newborns to give medicines on their own, except for children's drugs for fever and approved antihistamines - to relieve itching and swelling.

The hormonal rash does not require medical treatment. It is enough to carry out daily hygiene measures:

  • bathing in water disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, or with the addition of antiseptic herbs - chamomile, celandine, string, lavrushka;
  • air baths;
  • frequent change of linen;
  • appropriate clothing for the weather;
  • the use of things made from natural fabrics, without seams and fasteners;
  • refusal of tight swaddling;
  • maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room.

Treatment of an allergic rash is carried out at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. In addition to acne, irritation and peeling, the baby has other manifestations - dryness, anxiety, sneezing, loose stools.

The task of parents is to eliminate all provoking factors from the living space of the newborn:

  • eliminate allergens from the diet;
  • remove animals from the apartment;
  • avoid accumulation of dust, pollen;
  • to care for the sensitive skin of a baby, use children's products of pharmacy brands (for atopics);
  • wash clothes with a hypoallergenic powder based on soap chips;
  • mom temporarily forget about perfumes and cosmetics, do not wear wool and synthetics.

In case of an allergic rash, the affected skin of the child should be lubricated with drying agents (pointwise), bathing in chamomile and in succession alternately, left naked for air baths.

It is important to restore the normal functioning of the baby's digestive tract, to stick to breastfeeding as long as possible, and not to rush into the introduction of complementary foods. Nursing mother - to follow a diet.

The appearance of a rash on the body of a baby becomes a cause for serious unrest. Rashes can be infectious, viral or bacterial in nature. So that the trouble does not take you by surprise, parents should learn as much as possible about this skin pathology in advance.

Types of rashes

There are several types of rash in newborns and infants. The causes, characteristics and place of its occurrence directly depend on the type of pathology. Experts say that not every rash requires special treatment, it depends on the cause of its occurrence. In this regard, the following types of skin rashes in infants are distinguished:

  • hormonal rashes (acne);
  • allergic rash;
  • infectious pathology;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • prickly heat;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • diaper dermatitis.

The symptoms of a food allergy are:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • redness of the cheeks;
  • the formation of scales from dry skin on the head;
  • swelling of mucous membranes.

The food allergen can be an adapted mixture, complementary foods or mother's milk. Respiratory allergies occur as a result of the body's reaction to an inhaled allergen. Therefore, the main symptoms are: sneezing, copious nasal mucus, swelling. A secondary sign is the appearance of an allergic rash on the body of a baby (most often on the handles). If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. To determine whether the rashes are allergic, the specialist will prescribe an antihistamine. If, as a result of its use, the rash subsides, then it was definitely caused by an allergen.

Separately, it should be said about allergies to drugs. These include:

  • syrups;
  • ointments;
  • vitamins;
  • given vaccinations.

The main symptom of such an allergy is the appearance of a red rash all over the body of the baby. Over time, it merges into formations that itch a lot and cause discomfort to the baby. With the abolition of the allergen drug, the skin heals quickly enough.

contact dermatitis

Allergies can be caused by contact with chemicals found in laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, body cream, synthetic fabrics, etc. If left untreated, the allergy will develop into contact dermatitis. It is characterized by the appearance of peeling on the skin and the formation of crusts. This type of allergy provokes the appearance of a rash on the body of the baby only in the place where there was contact with the allergen.


The name of the disease speaks for itself. The urticaria rash looks like a big sting caused by stinging nettles. The child experiences constant discomfort due to itching. If the urticaria is not treated, then large blisters with liquid inside will appear at the site of the rash. They can be of any size and affect different parts of the body. Urticaria is considered a severe form of allergy and can cause Quincke's edema.

The causes of a rash in infants all over the body with urticaria are as follows:

  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • severe stress;
  • infection;
  • tight straps on a car seat or elastic bands on clothes;
  • the presence of helminths in the child's body.

If the parents suspected urticaria in the baby, then you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Rash of an infectious nature

Sometimes a large or small rash on the body of a baby can be caused by an infection entering the body. Then other symptoms are added to the skin rashes: fever, lethargy, whims, indigestion, etc. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, so if these symptoms appear, you should contact the clinic. Infectious diseases, accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the skin of the baby, are as follows:

  • Rubella and measles. These are children's pathologies that, at the age of up to three years, are relatively easily tolerated and have no consequences. With rubella, the primary symptoms are coughing and sore throat, and the occipital lymph nodes may become inflamed. The rash in such diseases merges into spots and may be accompanied by chills, fever, fever.
  • Chickenpox. This disease is also better to get sick at an early age. The chickenpox rash gradually spreads throughout the body and looks like small red pimples with liquid inside. When the bubble bursts, a crust forms in its place.
  • Scarlet fever. It is characterized by the appearance of a small red rash on the body of a baby (first on the face, and then spreads to the whole body). A distinctive feature is a clean nasolabial triangle. After the rashes pass, flaky spots remain in their place. At the same time, the baby has inflammation of the tonsils. Scarlet fever is a contagious disease, so the child will need isolation for 10 days.
  • Thrush. This is a fungal disease characterized by the appearance of a rash on the mucous membranes. It looks like a white patch. The disease is treated with antibiotics only.
  • For this exclusively childish pathology, rashes are characteristic, as with chickenpox. They are very itchy and flaky. At the same time, the child will develop a high temperature, which can last up to three days.

When rashes appear in a baby, which are accompanied by alarming symptoms (fever, cough, fever, etc.), parents should call a doctor at home. This will avoid infecting other children. You should not self-medicate, as improper or delayed treatment of any of the above diseases can cause serious consequences.

Prickly heat

A colorless rash on the body of a baby with a pinkish tinge may appear as a result of improper skin care. Most often this happens due to excessive wrapping of the baby. Thermoregulation in babies is still poorly developed, so most often prickly heat occurs in the folds of the body. The axillary, inguinal and lumbar regions are particularly affected. Eruptions in prickly heat are small, round and dry. They do not cause discomfort to the baby and do not pose any threat. To avoid prickly heat, it is necessary to carry out the processing of folds in a timely manner, regulate the room temperature, carry out hardening procedures and do not wrap the baby.

Diaper dermatitis

The appearance of a small-dotted rash on the body of a baby can be caused by a long stay in a diaper or diaper. The natural bowel movements of a child often cause skin irritation and even the formation of small sores in the groin and on the buttocks. If the baby has a diaper rash, then it should be thoroughly washed after each diaper change. It is also necessary to arrange air baths several times a day and pay attention to the quality of diapers. It is better to purchase diapers made from hypoallergenic "breathable" materials. Affected areas can be lubricated with a baby cream containing zinc oxide. The appearance of diaper dermatitis in a baby should not be ignored, since a bacterial infection can join it, requiring antibiotic treatment.

Atopic dermatitis

This pathology can be caused by heredity or adverse environmental factors. Atopic dermatitis can also develop as a result of the reaction of the child's body to dust, animal hair, household chemicals or plant pollen. The description of a rash on the body of a child, characteristic of pathology, is as follows: small bubbles with liquid, gradually merging into spots with a dense crust. The affected areas are more often the hands, knees and cheeks of the baby. Atopic dermatitis refers to a number of serious pathologies of an allergic nature. The disease is often accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the causes is based on the appearance of the lesions, the location of their localization, as well as the analysis of concomitant symptoms. Against the background of a rash, serious pathologies can develop, so it should not be ignored. Alarming symptoms that require an immediate call to the doctor are as follows:

  • increase in body temperature to high levels;
  • the rash spreads rapidly and is accompanied by severe itching;
  • a sharp deterioration in the general well-being of the baby;
  • development of edema;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • headache;
  • fever and chills.

A dangerous symptom will also be the appearance of stellate hemorrhages on the skin in places of rashes. This may indicate a meningococcal infection. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as fever, monotonous cry of the child, the appearance of a petechial rash (small hemorrhages). If you do not seek medical help in time, then there is a risk of developing sepsis (blood poisoning) and meningococcemia (the pathogen enters the bloodstream). Such complications usually cause anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome.

The main treatment for a rash in babies is aimed at eliminating the cause of its appearance. If the rash is of an allergic nature, then you need to eliminate the allergen, adjust the mother's diet and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment with antihistamines. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs. Such a condition as acne does not require treatment, after 2-3 weeks it disappears on its own. Diaper dermatitis and prickly heat require special care for the baby's skin and certain temperature conditions in the house. In addition, it is possible to use ointments containing zinc oxide. To treat a rash caused by an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs aimed at eliminating the pathogen. In addition to the medical treatment of a rash in a baby, prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to use powders, drying creams and baths with medicinal herbs. However, it should be remembered that the use of even such harmless means can have negative consequences. Therefore, in any case, it is better to first consult with a specialist.

What to do is prohibited

If the baby has a rash on the skin, parents are strictly forbidden:

  • touch pimples with your hands and squeeze them out;
  • open bubbles;
  • abuse greenery.

It should be remembered that any coloring matter quickly penetrates the baby's skin. Even a harmless, at first glance, brilliant green remedy can harm the baby if a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body is lubricated with it. When a rash appears on the baby's body, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that he does not comb it. Any open wound is a direct path to infection. You can buy special thin mittens for your baby and put them on his hands during this period.

The appearance of a rash on the body of a baby can be either an independent phenomenon caused by changes in the internal environment of the baby's body, or a symptom of a serious infectious disease. Therefore, any rashes on the baby's skin should not be ignored. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary observations and prescribe adequate treatment.

For parents, their baby is the best. They try to do everything possible to protect it from the negative effects of the environment. However, this does not always work out. Sometimes the baby has spots of unknown origin on the body. It could be a teething rash, an allergic reaction, or something else. In any case, parents need to know what types of rashes exist in order to be able, if necessary, to diagnose the condition of their child.

There are many types of rashes that occur on the abdomen, neck, chest, back, buttocks, groin, arms and legs, chin, and around the mouth.

To determine for what reason these pimples appeared, you need to contact a pediatrician. Only he can clearly determine what the child has for the rash and how to deal with it.

The main types of rashes:

  1. Infectious rash.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Dermatitis (contact, atopic, diaper).
  4. Rash resulting from the use of drugs.
  5. Neonatal eruptions on legs.


All types of rashes can be divided into two main groups: hormonal and allergic. Consider the causes of the rash in each case.

The manifestation of allergies

Allergic rash is most common among infants. There can be many reasons for its appearance.

  1. Mom wants to diversify her child's diet, tries to constantly add something new to it. Of course, this is worth doing, but gradually. If you introduce a new product, wait for the reaction of the baby's body, whether redness appears at the mouth or not. Only then can you try something else.
  2. Often pimples on the back can appear after a massage using baby creams and oils. Carefully study their composition, there may be allergens. Only when you are sure that the baby is not allergic to the components, you can use the purchased massage products.
  3. If a child is breastfed and he has a small red rash around his mouth and on his neck, this is a reaction to infant formula.
  4. Too early introduction of complementary foods. An allergy near the mouth can be a signal for parents that the child's body is not ready for new products.

Hormonal rashes

Acne is very common in young children, especially in the first few weeks after birth. Most often, a hormonal rash can be seen on the baby's neck, on the cheeks and under the hair. It is important to know that these spots on the skin are not dangerous and do not put other people at risk of infection.

The simplest rules of hygiene will help get rid of the problem. If after a few weeks of following them, the spots do not disappear, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, he will prescribe special ointments. After them, everything can pass the very next day.

Types of rash

Skin rashes in a child can be of different types. After determining the desired, the causes of occurrence are also identified.

Spots of red

small rash

Almost always, babies develop a small rash against the background of an allergic reaction of any origin. In this situation, it is important for parents to eliminate the root cause.

The use of various ointments will only remove external signs, and identifying the allergen and isolating the child from it is already a solution to the problem.

Often spots on the body and chest appear after massage. Parents believe that it should be done with various purchased oils, but do not look at the composition of the product. Try using natural ingredients for massage - and the allergy will pass.

Locations of the rash

You can determine why the child has spots on the body by their location.

On the face

  • a sharp change in temperature;
  • genetic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy;
  • disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines.

Very often, a rash appears on the neck and around the mouth in infants due to diathesis. Moreover, children are susceptible to illness, both on breastfeeding and on artificial feeding. Having received a share of the allergen, the body reacts with rashes around the mouth and on the neck - red. To get rid of them, the child must follow a diet for some time.

On the body

  1. If the spots on the abdomen and back, on the chest are of a light shade and do not merge together, this means that contact allergies have become the cause of their occurrence. Maybe it's washing powder or other detergents. Try to eliminate the cause and see if the spots on the stomach and back disappear.
  2. If the spots on the stomach and neck first had a white color, then they turned red and merged together - this is already a reason for panic. This sign is evidence of intoxication of the body. The baby needs to be urgently hospitalized to remove the allergen.

On the stomach

Minor rashes in the abdomen sometimes indicate serious diseases. Only a qualified doctor can establish the true cause of their occurrence.

Possible ailments:

  • prickly heat;
  • staphylococcus;
  • blood diseases;
  • rubella;
  • lichen;
  • scarlet fever.

If symptoms are found in the form of a rash, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the disease of the baby.

On the pope

If small pimples began to appear in the baby on the priest and in the groin, this indicates a failure to comply with hygiene standards and rules. Intimate children's places require constant care, otherwise it is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

What can help with a rash in the groin and on the pope? It:

  • drying ointments;
  • constant change of diapers, panties and bed linen;
  • air baths;
  • bathing with herbs (if there is no allergy).

If you follow these simple rules, the rash on the pope will pass very quickly. The most important thing is to never forget about them.

The best prevention for any rash is hygiene. If you don’t want to further treat your child for allergies after massage, for spots on the pope, on the chin and at the mouth, on the chest, just bathe the baby more often and always follow the composition of the products and food used.

Features of the skin of babies

A child is born with skin that is not adapted to the environment. The kid got used to the fact that he was surrounded by water for nine months. It was an almost sterile environment. In this world, a baby is met by rather aggressive air and a mass of bacteria and other microorganisms that live on a person’s skin.

The load that falls on the skin of the crumbs in the first months after birth is enormous.

The baby's skin is thinner, it is almost two times thinner than the skin of an adult, and only by the age of 7 the child's skin becomes similar to the skin of his parents - in structure, thickness, biochemical composition. The granular layer is not sufficiently developed in the newborn and infant, and therefore the skin has a certain transparency, the blood vessels are located very close to the surface. That is why babies delight happy new parents with red, pink and even purple skin tones for the first time after birth.

The secret that covers the skin of the baby at birth has a neutral balance. Rather, it simply protects the skin from dehydration after a sudden change in habitat. But such a secret, unfortunately, cannot protect the child from bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can cause diseases and rashes. In babies of the first year of life, the sebaceous glands are actively working, but a lot of questions arise with the sweat glands, because their ducts are more than half closed by epithelial cells and the glands cannot work fully.

The main function of the skin is protective, but it is not sufficiently developed in babies, because thin and vulnerable skin, practically unable to withstand external threats, turns out to be an unimportant protector. Thermoregulation, which is also assigned by nature to the skin, is not developed in a child. Only with growth, the work of the thermoregulation center in the brain will normalize, and at the same time, skin heat transfer will improve. In the first year of life, the child is easily overheated or supercooled.

There are age-related features in the nerve endings of the skin of babies, and in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. That is why the skin of babies should be treated with great respect and care, in every possible way helping it to adapt.

You should also be careful about the rash, because it always says something.

Infants do not have an unreasonable rash, there are parents who cannot recognize the "signals" of the child's body. Let's learn this.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of a rash on the face and body of a newborn can be very diverse, given that his delicate and thin skin is extremely susceptible to everything that affects it. The most common causes of sudden rashes are:

Allergic rash is the most common. The most likely in infancy is a food allergy. The desire of a nursing mother to diversify and enrich her own diet with vitamins and microelements is understandable and worthy of respect.

But not all substances that enter breast milk, the child's body is able to digest and assimilate. Some proteins, which are not yet under the power of children's digestion, enter the intestines in their original state, and simply rot there, causing a violent skin reaction.

After some time, the baby's immunity begins to react to such antigen proteins, which leads to an autoimmune reaction. If the mother continues to “supply” the allergen to the baby with milk, then the reaction intensifies, since the immune system is already “familiar” with these antigens. Skin rashes are often formed in response to a detergent that is not suitable for a child, which is aggressive, to washing powder with which the mother washes things and bedding, as well as to medicines. An allergic rash can affect any part of the body, but most often it appears on the cheeks, on the chin, on the ears and behind the ears, on the shoulders and tummy.

Atopic dermatitis is always associated with a genetic predisposition to react to certain triggers.

Inflammatory reactions on the skin provoke both microtraumas and standard allergens, which include plant pollen, hair and fluff of domestic animals and birds, and chemical allergens. Especially dangerous is chlorine, which is part of ordinary tap water. Therefore, at the first signs of atopic dermatitis, all chlorine-containing products should be excluded, and water from the tap for bathing and washing will have to be boiled beforehand.

In children under one year old, such an ailment is manifested by extensive red spots with a rash that itch and give the child a lot of unpleasant emotions. Most often, atopic dermatitis manifests itself on the arms and legs, on the buttocks, on the cheeks, on the neck, on the head. Quite quickly it passes into the chronic stage and aggravates every time the child's body is affected by an unfavorable factor - illness, hypothermia, sweating or contact with something potentially allergenic, for example, with linen washed with adult washing powder, with a domestic cat, with ointments and medicines.

Hormonal rash most often occurs in children in the first weeks after birth. In some children, it manifests itself in a week, in others - during the first six months. However, in the vast majority of cases, rashes appear three weeks after birth, which is why the phenomenon is called the "three-week rash." Maternal hormones are to blame for it - estrogens, which the baby received in large quantities immediately before childbirth, when in the mother's body these hormones began to be released in shock doses. Under the influence of hormones, the same processes take place in the skin as in adolescents in the puberty period - the sebaceous glands are activated, their ducts are narrow, and therefore they quickly become clogged.

Such a neonatal rash for this reason is more often acne. Pimples are localized mainly on the face, nose, chin, forehead. Acne looks like single pimples with a yellow center, with white heads. Sometimes the ears and neck are also affected, less often the scalp. When an infection is attached, the rash can become pustular, but that's a completely different story.

Infectious rash is diverse and rich in clinical manifestations. However, she never comes alone, along with her appear (a little earlier or a little later) other symptoms of the disease.

Therefore, if the child has a fever, symptoms of intoxication, cough, runny nose or diarrhea appear, and at the same time or a little later a rash appears, most likely it is an infection.

Bacterial infections (pyoderma, pustular staphylococcal lesions, furunculosis) most often cause staphylococci that live on the skin of any person, and for the time being "sit" quietly. If the immune system is weakened, the child cannot resist microbes, they penetrate microcracks in the skin and cause rashes of various sizes and quantity, the hallmark of which is suppuration. Streptococci cause streptoderma, which is manifested by a small red rash on the arms, legs, face. Each blister is filled with a colorless liquid, after a break a crust forms.

Fungal lesions look like fragments of a small rash, strictly defined, with pronounced boundaries. At the same time, the rash does not contain pus or liquid, it is whitish, rather quickly, skin areas with such rashes begin to dry and peel off strongly. Most often, the hands and feet, the scalp are affected, colonies of fungi like to multiply in the eyebrows and on the eyelids, as well as in the mouth on the mucous membranes (the so-called thrush caused by fungi of the genus Candida).

Viruses do not cause a rash directly, but diseases accompanied by a rash. These are chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, herpetic infection. With each of the diseases, the rash is located in certain places and has its own distinctive features. So, the herpes virus of the first type is manifested by single rashes around the mouth, on the chin, in the nose.

With an extensive bacterial infection, in addition to skin treatments, the child may be given oral antibiotics. Most often, preference is given to penicillin antibacterial drugs enhanced by clavulanic acid - Amoxiclav, for example. If the bacterium is of hospital origin (the child became infected in the maternity hospital or in the children's hospital), then such a microbe is quite difficult to destroy; stronger antibiotics - cephalosporins and macrolides - are used for treatment. Simultaneously with antimicrobial treatment, the baby is prescribed drugs that contain live beneficial bacteria to avoid dysbacteriosis - Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin.

A rash caused by viral infections does not need separate treatment. It passes as the child recovers from the underlying disease. But in order to prevent the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection, local antiseptics can be prescribed. The use of drugs requires most herpesvirus diseases. Herpes simplex virus, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus infection, roseola, genital herpes are perfectly treatable with Acyclovir topically.

Fungal lesions require the longest and most thorough treatment. For this, antifungal ointments are prescribed, and sometimes antifungal drugs inside. After a two-week course, a short break is taken, and then the course is repeated in order to prevent the survival of individual representatives of the fungal colony.

Sweating and diaper rash

With prickly heat and diaper rash, it is important to reconsider the approach to baby hygiene. You should not bathe him in too hot water, the use of soap is minimized. It is important that the child does not develop new fragments of rashes from the heat. Therefore, in the room it is necessary to set the optimal parameters for the normal heat transfer of the little one.

The air temperature should not exceed 20-21 degrees, and the air humidity should be within 50-70%. Air baths are very useful for a child, so most of the time until he sleeps, it is best to spend naked.

It is necessary to treat the affected skin after evening bathing and in the morning, after waking up. If necessary, you can enter additional processing during the day. There is no need to hurry with the use of medicines. Most often, sweating can be managed by improving the care of the child's skin.

For bathing once a day, decoctions of string or chamomile are used, they are added to water, the temperature of which does not exceed 37 degrees Celsius. After bathing, skin folds and places where there is a rash are lubricated with agents that “dry” the skin. Baby cream is not suitable, it is designed to moisturize.Dexpanthenol

It is not necessary to smear the prickly heat on the head with anything. It passes immediately after the parents normalize the air temperature in the room to optimal values. In this case, it is advisable not to dress the child in a cap, let the scalp “breathe”, this is the best treatment for diaper rash.

To eliminate prickly heat in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs and priests, the above means are used - ointments, creams and powder. In addition, high-quality diapers impregnated with aloe balm or chamomile oil are chosen for the child. Change diapers more often than usual, avoiding prolonged contact of already affected skin with urine and feces.

For information on what to do with certain types of rashes in young children, see the following video.


Prevention of the appearance of a rash in newborns and children up to a year lies in reasonable and competent hygiene, in the proper care of delicate children's skin. There are a few simple rules that will help protect the baby's skin from possible troubles and diseases:

  • Bathe your newborn every day. However, it is worth using baby soap only once every 3-4 days. To wash the head, you can use soap for a baby up to a year old once a week. This will prevent the skin from drying out.
  • Don't rub your baby with a towel. After water procedures, lightly blot wet skin, a sufficient amount of liquid should remain in it.
  • Be sure to wipe the baby's skin with wet wipes, after massage with oils. A large amount of fat makes it difficult to "breathe" the skin.
  • air baths, naked, arrange a child every day.
  • Do not use ointments and creams as well as cosmetics that are not intended for use at an early age, even if they are great for adults and older children.
  • Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room where the baby lives.
  • Do not clean your home with household chemicals containing chlorine.
  • To have healthy skin, a child must eat right. Any mother's experiments with complementary foods can result in a rash.

It is desirable to introduce complementary foods in a timely manner, in accordance with the complementary foods calendar.

  • The protective properties of children's skin can be increased, strengthening the general and local immunity of the crumbs. For general protection, walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, and proper nutrition are important. For local immunity, contrast douches and hardening, which can be practiced almost from the very birth of a child, as well as massage and air baths, will benefit.
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