Treatment methods for hyperprolactinemia, as well as why men have a violation. Hyperprolactinemia in men: a hormonal cause of infertility

Currently, there are many different diseases, among which an important place is occupied by hormonal disorders. The hormonal background of both men and women is unstable. It may change depending on physiological state or in the presence of any disease. Great importance has a condition such as hyperprolactinemia. It is characterized by an increased content of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Each hormone in the body performs certain functions, there are norms for its concentration, the excess of which affects health.

An interesting fact is that prolactin is produced not only in the female body, but also in the male. Undoubtedly, its concentration is many times less. Nevertheless, this hormone is involved in various processes, including the normalization of sexual function, which is very important for men. Often there is an increase in its concentration in bloodstream, in this case, there is a syndrome of hyperprolactinemia. Severe pathology is often hidden under its mask, therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Let us consider in more detail why hyperprolactinemia occurs in men, what is the etiology, clinical symptoms and treatment given state.

Prolactin and its importance for men

For the male body, prolactin is very important. It contains a protein made up of a large number amino acids. There are 198 of them. Prolactin is able to form in 3 main forms: small, medium and large. Promotes the release of this hormone adenohypophysis. In humans, dopamine is an inhibitor of prolactin. It reduces the concentration of prolactin when injected into the cavity of the pituitary vessels. There are hormones that, on the contrary, increase its concentration in the blood. These include serotonin and thyrotropin.

Prolactin performs a number of functions in the male body important functions. First, it regulates sexual function. Of great importance is the fact that if its production is disturbed, erectile function suffers. Secondly, it affects the synthesis of sex hormones and male germ cells. Thirdly, it increases the body's resistance (immunity). Fourth, from the concentration of prolactin in to a large extent depends on the activity of spermatozoa, which is very important during fertilization. In addition, prolactin is involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism.

What is the normal concentration of prolactin?

To tie Clinical signs that occur in men with hyperprolactinemia, it is necessary to know its normal content in the bloodstream. Its norm is very low and is only 2.5-17 ng / ml (75-515 μIU / l. It is important that an increased level of this hormone occurs in medical practice much more often than low.

There are conditions such as macroprolactinoma and microprolactinoma. In the first case, the hormone level exceeds 200 ng / ml. Very often, eye function suffers. Microprolactinoma (idiopathic hyperprolactinemia) is characterized by a prolactin concentration of less than 200 ng/ml.

In the event that the increase in concentration is moderate (40-85 ng / ml), then this indicates the development of carniopharyngoma. A similar level can be observed when taking some medicines or with hypothyroidism. Often, hyperprolactinemia is observed intermittently. This may indicate the presence chronic diseases. An interesting fact is that prolactin production can change throughout the day. Wherein circadian rhythms unable to control it. For example, hyperprolactinemia occurs when a person is sleeping. It can be at any time of the day. The increase in the level is not carried out immediately, but 1-1.5 hours after a person falls asleep. Upon awakening, the level begins to decrease.

Etiology of hyperprolactinemia

The doctor must know not only the signs and treatment of this condition in men, but also be able to determine the possible causes of hyperprolactinemia. The most important reasons are various diseases pituitary and hypothalamus. Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia may indicate an infection. It could be encephalitis, meningitis. Quite a few important role play traumatic injuries: irradiation, rupture of the brain stem, hemorrhage in the hypothalamus. The function of the hypothalamus may be impaired as a result of cirrhosis of the liver or renal failure.

As for hyperprolactinemia against the background of impaired activity of the pituitary gland, tumors (prolactinoma, mixed adenoma, somatotropinoma, and others) are of paramount importance. An increase in prolactin is possible with empty sella syndrome, craniopharyngoma, and some other pathological conditions. Often in men, hypothyroidism can cause prolactinemia, herpetic lesion. Conventionally, the syndrome of hyperprolactinemia in men can be divided into several forms: caused by damage to the pituitary gland, hypothalamic origin and iatrogenic (drug-induced).

Drug-induced hyperprolactinemia

Symptoms of an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin can be observed when taking certain medications. These include funds from the group of antidepressants, such as Amitriptyline, Haloperidol, Imipramine. Similar action may have blockers calcium channels such as Verapamil. Of great importance in the development of hyperprolactinemia are dopamine blockers: "Metaclopramide", "Domperidone", various antipsychotics and drugs of the phenothiazide series.

Symptoms of elevated prolactin levels can be observed when blockers act on the body. histamine receptors such as cimetidine. Opiates and cocaine preparations are of some importance. Separately, it is necessary to highlight such a medicine as "Tyroliberin". Representatives of the group of adrenergic inhibitors, such as Reserpine, Carbidopa, Metiodopa, are capable of causing hyperprolactinemia in men.

Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in men

In men, the signs of an increase in the level of prolactin in the bloodstream will differ from those in women. The most common manifestations of this condition are a decrease in sexual desire and potency. Similar symptoms may be psychogenic cause, therefore, the doctor must first rule out hyperprolactinemia in men. Osteoporosis is common. In men, it is less pronounced than in women. In the presence of a pathology of the pituitary gland (macroadenoma), men may be disturbed by headaches. In addition, with an increase in prolactin, visual acuity decreases in some cases.

In a part of sick men, gynecomastia is detected during examination. It is characterized by an increase mammary glands. This symptom s in men can be determined visually or by palpation. With hyperprolactinemia, true gynecomastia occurs, which is characterized by an increase in tissue volume. It can be physiological or develop against the background of existing diseases. There are 3 stages of gynecomastia: proliferating, intermediate and fibrous. The first is reversible.

Since prolactin is involved in sexual function, with its increased content, erectile dysfunction and the production of germ cells (spermatozoa) can become manifestations. These symptoms are very dangerous because infertility can develop. Less common in men are galactorrhea, bone pain, neurological symptoms. In some cases, symptoms may include weight gain, a rash. They are much less common.

Establishing diagnosis

To make a diagnosis of elevated prolactin levels, the doctor must take an anamnesis, including patient complaints, evaluate symptoms, laboratory and instrumental research. First of all, the doctor should conduct a general examination. In the presence of changes in secondary sexual characteristics (gynecomastia, testicular changes), the diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia is most likely. Of great importance is the process of development and puberty of a man. To identify the pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, CT or MRI is performed. To exclude hypothyroidism, you will need to evaluate the level of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). To determine hypogonadism great value represents testosterone levels.

Basic diagnostic sign- an increase in the concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood. For determining possible cause hormone increases are carried out various samples and stimulation tests. They help to exclude the presence of a tumor and indicate the drug etiology of this condition in men. The most common is the test with thyroliberin. It is carried out very simply. First, thyroliberin is administered at a dose of 200-500 mcg. This is done in the morning hours intravenously on an empty stomach. Blood must be taken from men before the administration of the drug, after 15 minutes, half an hour, an hour and 2 hours.

Normal at healthy man after about 15 minutes, an increase in prolactin levels is observed. The concentration increases by 2 times or more. If there is a tumor, then the reaction will be weakened or may be completely absent. If there are other reasons, then the concentration of the studied hormone increases by 100% or more, but this does not always occur. Along with this, a test with Metoclopramide can be used. It is a dopamine antagonist. In addition, sick men should be consulted by a neurologist and an oculist if there are visual symptoms.

Treatment of this condition in men is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause. If a similar affliction caused by taking medications, then treatment with them must be stopped or replaced with other medicines. Whatever the etiology, the main goal of treatment is to normalize the level of prolactin, correct conditions such as lactorrhoea and hypogonadism. In a situation where the nerves or organs of vision are affected, the treatment is aimed at normalizing their activity. Today there are various drugs for the treatment of this hormonal disorder. One of the most effective is the drug "Parlodel".

It is a dopamine receptor stimulant. It helps to inhibit the production of prolactin, while not affecting other hormones. Take it orally during the period of eating 1/2 tablet with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. In this case, the dose must be increased to 2-4 tablets per day, but not abruptly, but gradually. Treatment with this drug has contraindications. These include arterial hypertension uncontrollable, high sensitivity the male body to this tool, heavy mental disorders, ischemic disease hearts.

Along with it, treatment may include the use of Bromkriptin and its analogues, Distinex, Abergin and others. "Abergin" is an analogue of "Parlodel". It is very important that some men have resistance to the main drug for treatment. AT last years synthesized new drug, which is called "Norprolac". It has fewer side effects, is able to normalize the level of gonadotropic hormones. His daily dose is 0.05-0.175 mg.

Other treatments

Treatment includes not only the use of drugs. Surgery or radiotherapy may be used.

Surgical intervention is indicated if men have a large tumor that destroys the Turkish saddle, squeezing the area of ​​the decussation optic nerves, prolactinoma, which is resistant to drug therapy.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the tumor itself. If it is a microprolactinoma, then the normalization of the hormonal status is observed in approximately 60-90% of men, if there is a macroprolactinoma, then this indicator decreases. It is of great importance that in the latter case more likely development of hypopituitarism.

As for radiotherapy, this method of treatment is optional. He is shown in postoperative period or with insufficient effectiveness of drug therapy. Treatment of hyperprolactinemia should be individualized and aimed at eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Drug treatment is recommended at the very beginning, since most drugs act quickly.

In a situation where after treatment in men the testosterone level does not normalize (remains low), then androgens are prescribed. Thus, hyperprolactinemia in males is rare and can be dangerous due to its complications, in particular the development of infertility. For successful treatment it will be necessary to establish the underlying cause, since an elevated level of prolactin is not a disease, but a syndrome under which a more severe pathology may be hidden.

Hyperprolactinemia - pathology endocrine system, in which the amount of the hormone prolactin in the blood serum significantly exceeds the norm (15-20 ng / ml).

Most often, this violation is observed in women, however, men aged 25–45 years are not immune from it.

Since prolactin is involved in spermatogenesis, increasing the effects of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, an increase in its level leads to impaired reproductive functions and male infertility.

Characteristic symptoms hyperprolactinemia in men is associated with the fact that due to an increase in the level of prolactin, the secretion of testosterone decreases.

Therefore, pathology manifests itself in the following signs:

  • decreased potency and sexual desire;
  • a decrease in the amount of ejaculate and the inability to conceive a child;
  • slight reduction in testicles and penis;
  • breast enlargement (gynecomastia) and milk secretion;
  • metabolic disorders and obesity;
  • soreness and fragility bone tissue;
  • headache, depression, insomnia, fatigue, deterioration of memory and attention;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Sometimes the disease for a long time is characterized only by sexual dysfunction. In this case, misdiagnosis is often made.

If you have problems with potency, be sure to take a blood test for hormones.

The reasons

Hyperprolactinemia can be long-term or short-term.

A short-term increase in prolactin levels may be associated with food intake, sleep, stress, sexual intercourse, or exercise. exercise. This condition does not last long and is not considered a pathology.

But prolonged hyperprolactinemia - serious illness, which is called by a number various reasons.

Physiological causes:

Pathological causes:

  • injury, cyst or tumor in the pituitary or hypothalamus (prolactinoma, adenoma, craniopharyngioma, meningioma, glioma, germinoma);
  • infectious diseases brain (encephalitis, meningitis, neurosyphilis);
  • systemic diseases(sarcoidosis, lupus erythematosus);
  • infiltrative and garnulomatous processes (tuberculosis, histiocytosis);
  • diseases internal organs(cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, prostatitis);
  • endocrine pathologies(adrenal dysfunction, hypothyroidism).

Sometimes hyperprolactinemia develops as a result of taking certain groups of drugs: drugs, dopamine blockers, neuroleptics, antidepressants, calcium or histamine receptor antagonists, and antihypertensive drugs.

Most often, after the abolition of these drugs, the man's condition returns to normal.

In some cases, the cause of the pathology cannot be identified. Then they talk about idiopathic hyperprolactinemia.


If excess prolactin is not eliminated in a timely manner, a man will face the following complications:

  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • infertility;
  • loss of vision;
  • osteoporosis.

benign tumor, which caused the disease, can eventually transform into a malignant one. If you do not get rid of the neoplasm in time, the disease will lead to death.


It is not difficult to identify hyperprolactinemia and its causes.

It is enough to go through a series of studies:

  • blood test for prolactin and hormones thyroid gland;
  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • x-ray of the skull;
  • ultrasound prostate;
  • fundus examination;
  • functional tests with cerucal and thyroliberin.

According to research results, hyperprolactinemia is divided into two types: caused by tumors and non-tumor. Depending on this, the treatment is selected.


Treatment of hyperprolactinemia involves taking medications or surgery.

Sometimes both methods are used in combination: before the operation, the patient is treated with drugs that reduce the size of the tumor.

Medical treatment

conservative drug therapy It is aimed at normalizing the level of prolactin in the blood and reducing the size of prolactinoma (if any).

The patient is prescribed the following ergoline and non-ergoline drugs that inhibit the secretion of prolactin:

  • on the basis of bromocriptine ("Bromocriptine", "Laktodel", "Parlodel");
  • based on cabergoline ("Dostinex");
  • "Abergin";
  • "Norprolac".

Bromocriptine-based drugs act faster than others, but have a lot of side effects.

The best remedy recognized as "Dostinex", which has a prolonged action, a minimum number of side effects and greater efficiency compared to other drugs.


Surgery is indicated when hyperprolactinemia is caused by a large tumor that is growing rapidly, compressing the optic nerves, or not responding to medical treatment.

In the same way get rid of cysts and metastases.

The operation is performed through the nose. Usually it does not take much time and effectively removes the neoplasm.

A microtumor of the pituitary gland is successfully cured in 65–90% of cases, a macrotumor in 3–40% of cases.

Treatment with folk remedies

However, there is no need to give up sedatives at all. herbal preparations: chamomile tea, decoction of valerian or motherwort, infusion of St. John's wort, hops or hawthorn. These funds will be withdrawn psycho-emotional stress, eliminate depression and insomnia, which will positively affect general condition sick.


To avoid the occurrence of hyperprolactinemia, a man should:

If symptoms appear that may indicate a violation of the production of prolactin, you need to be diagnosed by an endocrinologist. In this case, the disease will be able to capture on initial stage and heal as quickly as possible.

An increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood is called hyperprolactinemia.

Such a condition may be physiological, caused by various pathologies, or be primary. Hyperprolactinemia is less common in men than in women.

Its most unfavorable manifestations can be impotence, breast enlargement and pathological change testicles.

A blood test for the level of prolactin is carried out three times, in the morning, due to the physiological increase in the hormone at this time.

For men, the norm lies in the range from 140 to 260 honey per liter.

At a hormone concentration above 400 mIU per liter in men in a threefold test, a diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia is established, which can be idiopathic or caused by a pituitary microadenoma.

If the level exceeds 4000 mIU per liter, the presence of a macroadenoma is likely.

Hyperprolactinemia in men - symptoms

The clinical picture of hyperprolactinemia consists of the influence increased amount prolactin on the reproductive system, metabolic processes and signs of a tumor in the brain. Most frequent symptoms diseases in men are various violations sexual and reproductive spheres, ranging from the loss of interest in sex, a decrease in desire, up to a decrease in sexual characteristics, softening of the testicles.

For violation of potency in varying degrees up to 85% of men with hyperprolactinemia present complaints, in 15% of cases infertility occurs.

Arise discomfort during intercourse, ejaculation becomes painful. In men, the mammary glands begin to increase, which causes significant discomfort and aesthetic problems.

In about 8% of cases, galactorrhea occurs - a discharge from the nipple that looks like milk.

As in women, hyperprolactinemia in men can lead to changes in mineral composition bones and to frequent fractures. Common symptoms an increase in the level of the hormone will be a decrease in immunity, depression, episodes of irritability and aggression, sleep disturbances. A man will experience mood swings that were not previously characteristic of him.

In the presence of a pituitary adenoma, pain in the head caused by compression brain structures. When the neoplasm is located in the region of the optic chiasm, there will be a decrease in visual fields and a decrease in visual acuity. Volumetric education in a closed cranium will increase intracranial pressure, sometimes there is liquorrhea - the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose.

CT and MRI are used to detect tumors of the pituitary and hypothalamus. To assess the secretion of prolactin, the doctor performs special samples with cerucal and thyroliberin.

nodules in thyroid gland cause a person to worry. The question is reasonable: “how to cure the thyroid gland so that the nodes resolve?” Here we will try to answer it in detail.


An increase in the concentration of prolactin in men may be associated with various pathologies, taking certain medications.

But most often, hyperprolactinemia in men occurs due to the presence of tumor formations of the pituitary gland.

All causes of the disease can be divided into the following groups:

  • pituitary tumors: macroadenomas and microadenomas synthesizing prolactin - prolactinomas; tumors that secrete somatotropin, gonadotropic and adrenocorticotropic hormones, craniopharyngiomas, thyrotropinomas, cysts;
  • hypothalamic lesions, which lead to infectious diseases of the brain structures and membranes, radiation, trauma to the gland, hemorrhage, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis; tumors of the hypothalamus (germinoma, glioma);
  • influence of diseases of other organs and systems: decreased thyroid function, trauma and surgery on chest, renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • medicinal reasons: taking antiemetic drugs (Metoclopramide, Motilium), neuroleptics, Haloperidol, Amitriptyline, opiates and cocaine, an overdose of verapamil, reserpine, benserazide.

In men, macroadenomas are predominantly detected, resulting in late treatment and diagnosis. Often, hyperprolactinemia leads to damage to the thyroid gland, manifested by a decrease in the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormones.

Such a state according to the principle feedback causes an increase in the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the pituitary gland, which entails an increase in the synthesis of prolactin. Treatment of hypothyroidism promotes regression of the symptoms of elevated prolactin.

The cause of hyperprolactinemia determines the tactics of patient management and therapeutic actions.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of hyperprolactinemia has the following goals:

  • normalization of the concentration of prolactin in the blood;
  • removal or reduction of a pituitary tumor;
  • elimination of discharge from the nipples;
  • restoration of visual fields.

If a disease occurs due to the adverse effects of any drugs, they should be discontinued or the dose adjusted.

Before surgical methods treatment is drug therapy. Inhibitors of prolactin secretion are used, men take Parlodel with meals at an initial dosage of 1.25 mg 3 times a day, rising to 10 mg per day. Parlodel may cause dizziness, decreased pressure, nasal congestion. The drug eliminates galactorrhea, reproductive disorders and restore vision.

A drug with less pronounced side effects– Norprolac, is a dopamine receptor agonist, inhibits the formation of prolactin. The dose is selected depending on tolerance, the starting dose is 25 mcg per day, after a week you can take 75 mcg per day. Maximum dose is 300 mcg. The drug is taken in the evening, before bedtime.

Abergin - Russian drug, which reduces the concentration of prolactin in the blood, a derivative of ergot. Effectively fights such manifestations of hyperprolactinemia in men as decreased libido, impaired potency, oligospermia. Can be used in preoperative period to reduce the size of the tumor and facilitate its removal. The initial dose is 1.25 mg, which can be increased to 20 mg. Against the background of taking sometimes there is nausea, drowsiness, rhythm disturbances.

Removal of the pituitary gland - hypophysectomy is performed in the presence of large neoplasms, compression of the optic nerves, and in case of ineffectiveness of drug treatment.

Hypophysectomy can be performed through various accesses. The most common is transsphenoidal, but rhinoseptal and subfrontal can also be used.

To reduce adenoma in combination with other methods of treatment, radiation therapy. Great importance in surgical treatment hyperprolactinemia has the development of microsurgery.

With timely treatment, hyperprolactinemia can be successfully treated. Recovering reproductive function, field of view. In general, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

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Hyperprolactinemia is a violation of the endocrine system of the body, characterized by an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Contrary to popular belief, the disease is often found in the stronger sex.

The value of prolactin for the male body

Despite the fact that prolactin is considered a "female" hormone, since its physiological increase is observed during pregnancy and childbirth, in male body its small content is also revealed. In men, hyperprolactinemia occurs 8 times less frequently than in women.

The hormone prolactin is protein in nature. It is secreted by the glandular region of the pituitary gland. Prolactin inhibitors include dopamine, and its stimulants include serotonin and thyrotropin.

Prolactin in the male body performs a number of functions:

  • Regulates sexual function;
  • Affects the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • Increases the activity and viability of spermatozoa, which is extremely important when planning conception;
  • Increases the body's immunity to infections;
  • Activates the synthesis of prostate secretion;
  • Participates in the regulation of water-salt composition.

Factors in the development of hyperprolactinemia

Often, an increase in the level of prolactin occurs against the background of an already existing pathology. Having determined the cause, it is possible to indirectly confirm the diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia. These factors include:

Pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system: pituitary tumor, tuberculosis, trauma, neurosyphilis, cystic formations, a symptom of an empty Turkish saddle;

  • The state of hypothyroidism may be accompanied by an increase in prolactin;
  • Liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis;
  • Chronic prostatitis and infections of the reproductive system;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • The appointment of certain medications that affect the synthesis of dopamine;
  • Functional hyperprolactinemia is caused by sleep disturbance, excessive physical activity, stress, hypoglycemia.

Diagnostic criteria

In addition to determining the blood test for the content of prolactin, which is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia, a number of diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Determination of TSH, T3, T4 and the functioning of the thyroid gland to exclude the state of hypothyroidism;
  • Examination of the fundus and determination of visual fields, the violation of which indicates a pituitary tumor;
  • Craniography in two projections with possible contrasting to identify the pathology of the structure of the Turkish saddle;
  • CT and MRI are performed if it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis or if other methods are ineffective;
  • ultrasound and rectal examination prostate conditions;
  • Pharmacological tests with metoclopramide and thyroliberin.

In order to make a definitive diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor conducts a series of laboratory diagnostic tests. Clinical manifestations can only alert the patient and force him to seek help from a specialist. The sooner the diagnosis of prolactinemia is established, the higher the patient's chances of recovery.

The reasons

Hyperprolactinemia in men is a neuroendocrine syndrome associated with an increase in the level of this hormone in the blood plasma. The reasons, causing an increase prolactin levels can be divided into several groups:

Diseases that disrupt the hypothalamus:

  • Neuroinfections.
  • Tumor processes in the brain.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • metabolic diseases.

Pituitary lesions:

  • Microprolactinoma and macroprolactinoma.
  • Mixed adenomas.
  • PTS Syndrome.
  • Craniopharyngioma.
  • Cysts of various nature.

Other diseases:

  • primary hypothyroidism.
  • Cirrhotic liver disease of any origin.


Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in men:

  • Obesity as a result of increased insulin resistance and cholesterol levels.
  • decline erectile function, potency and libido.
  • Breast enlargement.
  • Softening and reduction of testicles is possible.
  • At a young age, a violation of the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Oligospermia - a decrease in the amount of sperm secreted.
  • Decreased sperm motility.
  • Infertility, which leads to oligospermia and low sperm motility.
  • Osteoporosis is an increase in bone fragility due to a decrease in the amount of calcium in them.
  • Vegetative syndrome - depression, headaches.

Manifestations of hyperprolactinemia in men are significantly different from those in women. The main symptoms are decreased libido, sexual dysfunction and male infertility. At the same time, it is important to differential diagnosis with others pathological conditions, which may also be accompanied similar signs. AT adolescence puberty may be delayed.

In patients suffering from hyperprolactinemia, one of the complaints may be a decrease in secondary sexual characteristics. There is a decrease in the testicles and their softening, a decrease in hair growth.

Osteoporosis is often diagnosed in patients with hyperprolactinemia. This is due to the demineralizing effect of prolactin by suppressing the secretion of calcitonin. Therefore, the risk of fractures in this group of patients is significantly increased. A patient with osteoporosis on the background of hyperprolactinemia may complain of bone pain. The symptom is quite specific, due to the destruction of the intraosseous structure.

Another symptom is migraine in the presence of a tumor formation of the pituitary gland. This is due to compression of the pituitary adenoma. nerve endings and cerebral vessels, as well as a violation of neuroendocrine regulation.

An increase in the level of prolactin indirectly affects the decrease in visual acuity. Hyperprolactinemia in men is due to possible compression of the optic chiasm by a growing tumor of the pituitary gland. AT advanced cases growing adenoma can lead to atrophy visual disc and blindness. For the same reason, another visual impairment is observed - loss of part of the visual fields (bitemporal upper quadrant hemianopsia).

Some patients have gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is detected during an objective examination and palpation as an increase in the mammary glands. A feature of gynecomastia with hyperprolactinemia is its true nature, that is, there is an increase in the volume of glandular tissue. There are three stages of this pathology:

  • proliferating,
  • intermediate,
  • Fibrous.

Proliferation is characterized by pathological growth of glandular tissue. Fibrous - its gradual replacement with connective tissue and sclerosis. The first stage of gynecomastia is completely reversible with adequate and timely therapy.

Perhaps the appearance of such a symptom as galactorrhea is a pathological spontaneous release of colostrum when pressing on the nipple or its spontaneous expiration. This symptom is not associated with the level of prolactin and can occur even with a slight deviation of the hormone from the norm. Galactorrhea is characteristic of pituitary macroadenomas and rarely manifests itself in microtumors.

rare, but hallmark is a neurological symptom. The patient may experience muscle pain, twitching, paresthesia.

An increase in prolactin in the blood can cause a diabetogenic effect by stimulating pancreatic beta cells. This, in turn, affects the development of tissue insulin resistance.

Sometimes hyperprolactinemia is accompanied by weight gain and obesity.

A hormonal disorder can manifest itself as a psycho-emotional manifestation in the form of depression, apathy, sleep and appetite disturbances, fatigue. Characterized by unmotivated behavior, very different from normal for this patient. A patient with hyperprolactinemia may become aggressive or, conversely, sentimental and good-natured.

If the adenohypophysis is damaged, its adjacent structures responsible for the synthesis of a number of hormones may be affected. In this case, the symptoms of hyperprolactinemia will be accompanied by signs characteristic of concomitant endocrine pathology.


Hyperprolactinemia in men, treatment:

  • Medical therapy
  • Surgical treatment

Now everything drug treatment comes down to two drugs that have good effect and have a minimum side effects– Parlodel and Norprolac.

Norprolac is used according to the scheme: the first 3 days, 0.025 mg 1 r / d, then 3 days, 0.05 mg 1 r / d, from the 7th day, 0.075 mg 1 r / d.

Reception of Parlodel begins with 2.5 mg 1 r / d, then the dosage is selected individually by the doctor.

Surgical treatment consists of various methods to remove the tumor. Least dangerous and most modern method It's a gamma knife.

With amenorrhea-galactorrhea, polycystic ovaries, pituitary tumors, disorders of the hypothalamus, insufficient production of thyroid hormones, with kidney disease cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune diseases, in chronic, when taking certain medications, for example, antipsychotics. In this regard, in order to reduce the level of the hormone, the underlying disease that caused its increase is necessary.

Since prolactin is a stress hormone, all folk methods are based on the elimination of nervous tension,. But, unfortunately, this does not contribute to the treatment of the underlying disease, since all the initial increases in the hormone are very serious and folk remedies powerless before these diseases. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate the prolactinoma and often without surgical intervention make it impossible.

specific folk methods to reduce prolactin levels does not exist. There is only general recommendations. Eliminate the cause of stress. To deal with nervous tension and insomnia take sedative fees based on motherwort, valerian. Good for balancing emotional condition St. John's wort, passion flower, common hop, lemon balm, prickly hawthorn, black elderberry. You can take natural "Novo-Passit", which helps to normalize sleep, relieve headaches caused by nervous tension, and also get rid of the "manager" syndrome.

In addition to receiving medicinal herbs normalize the daily routine, alternate work with rest. Eat a balanced diet, do general strengthening procedures, exercise, harden, move more, give up alcohol and smoking, do not drink strong coffee and tea.

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for the production breast milk. In some cases, upon termination breastfeeding lactation can persist for several more years, which is not very good. Milk may appear in nulliparous women and indicate an increased content of prolactin in the blood. Only a specialist can help solve this problem.

You will need

  • - motherwort;
  • - Melissa;
  • - passionflower;
  • - red root;
  • - hawthorn;
  • - upland uterus;
  • - St. John's wort.


Address to the endocrinologist, the gynecologist, the mammologist or even to the therapist. Your doctor will give you a referral for prolactin testing. After receiving the results, it will be clear whether you need a course of therapy or not. The treatment prescribed by the doctor depends not only on the results of the tests, but also on the disease that caused the increase in the hormone. Pituitary tumors, polycystic ovaries, amenorrhea, kidney disease, and many other diseases can provoke excessive production of prolactin. More often it comes down to eliminating the disease, which contributes to the normalization of prolactin levels.

Prolactin is also actively produced under stress. If you have nervous tension, depression or other nervous disorders be sure to tell your doctor about it. You need a course of treatment sedatives. Take decoctions medicinal herbs: motherwort, lemon balm, passion flower. Detailed recommendations read on the package with the herb. If you do not tolerate phytocomponents, the doctor will prescribe you synthetic ones.

For normalization hormonal background suitable St. John's wort, red root, upland. But it must be long positive effect observed no earlier than 14 days later. In some cases, the doctor prescribes. Therapy is selected individually and may depend on many factors. Self-medication is completely inappropriate here.

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Pay Special attention on the quality of food. During the treatment period, it should be as varied as possible. Don't forget to exercise. If you follow the doctor's advice and promote treatment, it will soon drop to a normal level.

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Prolactin It is a special hormone produced in the brain. Its increase in the blood affects the work female body: there are failures of the menstrual cycle, infertility often occurs. How to reduce the amount of prolactin?


Usually increased content prolactin is associated with the appearance of neoplasms in the pituitary gland. If you long time can't you have changed menstrual cycle, then, first of all, it is necessary to establish the level of prolactin in the body. To do this, you need to donate blood for analysis. Before breakfast, the day before the delivery, do not have sex and do not go to the gynecologist.

If the level of prolactin turned out to be elevated, then before lowering it, it is necessary to establish the cause of the increase. These may be certain medical preparations. So, if you take reserpine or are treated with drugs containing estrogens, then prolactin is like the body's response to these medications.

With a pituitary tumor, prolactin also rises. To establish this cause, it is necessary to undergo certain examinations, including brain tomography. Sometimes even an x-ray can detect a tumor. In this case, doctors will prescribe treatment for you. Strictly follow all prescriptions of doctors. You may even have to go surgical intervention or irradiation. If the neoplasms are benign, then use bromocriptine, serocriptine or. But all these drugs are prescribed by a doctor.

At elevated level prolactin use most modern facilities- norprolac or. If you are prescribed these drugs - do not worry, they are effective and have prolonged exposure after taking them.

When prescribing Sebergin, a new drug to lower prolactin levels, be sure of its benefits. He has already gone through medical research and performed well. It is safe and effective.

To lower prolactin, tune in to long-term treatment. Most minimum time for healing. But cases where patients use drugs and more than a year. Throughout this period, you should regularly visit your doctor and periodically analyze the level of prolactin.


  • prolactin lowering agents

Prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland and plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system. An increase in the hormone can be caused different reasons. Only a doctor can diagnose hyperprolactinemia based on blood tests for hormone levels.

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