Su Jok therapy is international. Natalya paninasu-jok therapy. Feedback principle

People are constantly trying to find a panacea that would save them from physical and mental illness. Great success in this was achieved by Onnuri Medicine (English abbreviation, which stands for "Healing available to everyone"). Onnuri is an ancient universal healing technology for correcting energy imbalances. The basis of the treatment according to the Onnuri system is based on fundamental philosophical knowledge about the structure of the Universe, the laws of nature and the human body.

Su-jok therapy is one of the practical areas of Onnuri medicine

Healers practicing Onnuri medicine believe that it is the imbalance at different energy levels that is the cause of all chronic and inflammatory physical diseases, but also leads to many neurological and psychiatric problems. Similar problems can occur in both adults and young patients.

Therapy with Onnuri methods is carried out through a variety of effects on the energy Chakras and Meridians, which are projections of twelve organs not only on the limbs (hands and feet), but also on the ears, tongue, and other organs. There are many videos on Onnuri methods that give an idea of ​​the energy structure of the body.

One of the practical sections of Onnuri medicine is the widely and universally used today su jok therapy, first introduced in 1986 by Korean professor Pak Jae Wu. This unique technique is based not only on the ancient teachings of Korean, Indian, Chinese, Tibetan and Egyptian physicians, but also on modern knowledge of the art of acupuncture.

Park Jae-woo discovered that all the internal organs in the body have their own correspondence points on each hand, and later he discovered them on the feet. In case of diseases of any organ, the point on the foot and hand corresponding to this organ becomes painful. Pak Jae-woo called such a system of influence on the body Su-Jok (from Korean Su in translation is a brush, and Jok is a foot).

Health problems that su jok helps with

Clinical data from medical examinations have reliably proven that sujok therapy can cure almost all chronic diseases and acute diseases that have been unsuccessfully tried to cure in other ways. Any acute pain syndromes are removed almost instantly. There are almost no restrictions and contraindications for this method. The Su-Jok system is great even for children, which has been repeatedly demonstrated on video, this is also confirmed by the reviews of the parents of small patients.

Su Jok can quickly and effectively help with many physiological, emotional and neurological problems: it quickly relieves nasal congestion and discharge, relieves shortness of breath and cough, and helps relieve heart and spinal pain. Su jok techniques are often used to lose weight and relieve addictions such as smoking and alcohol. Panic attacks and depression in adults, enuresis in children - in all these and in many other cases, Su Jok therapy is very effective.

Indications and contraindications for su-jok therapy

Practice has proved the highest efficiency of su-jok. Sujok therapy methods are recommended for young children and adults.

There are conditions in which sujok therapy should be used with extreme caution. Such conditions include, for example, a certain age (relative to people over 70 years old and children under one year old), pregnancy, acute course of certain diseases, etc.

In addition, a sufficiently qualified and experienced person should be engaged in magnetic therapy in Sujok therapy, since this type of Su Jok has a high probability of developing complications.

Who is eligible for sujok therapy

To start using sujok therapy, a person will need to undergo a special training course, moreover, from an experienced specialist with positive reviews. This is necessary so that you understand what and how to do, learn how to correctly find correspondence points, and understand which correspondence system is best to use in each specific case.

It is almost impossible to learn this without the help and advice of an experienced specialist, since you will not receive reliable information in any book or on any website. And books on Su-Jok are needed in order to discover something new for yourself, deepen your knowledge, “peep” when you have forgotten something, because it is very difficult to remember everything.

After passing the appropriate training, this technique is available to each person for self-help. If necessary, you can teach emergency su jok techniques even to children.

Su-Jok system of correspondence points

Su Jok therapy involves several special correspondence systems:

The main advantage of the Mini System is the ease in determining the correspondence point due to their small size. In addition, since the correspondence points are concentrated in large numbers on the hands and feet, the Su Jok Mini Systems allow one-time exposure (for example: massage, warming, seed therapy) to effectively carry out healing an organ or a large area on the body, which is convenient when working with many diseases.

When conducting healing based on Mini-Systems, one must take into account the placement of projections of internal organs and other parts of our body in other standard su jok systems. This information is most easily perceived through photos and videos.

Variety of Su Jok Therapy Methods

Sujok is known in many ways, among them:

  1. Massaging;
  2. Acupuncture (stimulation with needles);
  3. Magnetotherapy (treatment with a magnet);
  4. Seed therapy;
  5. Exposure to heat (heating with wormwood and juniper cigars, as well as moxas);
  6. Exposure to improvised means (it can be a small pebble, a metal ball, sticks, asthenia needles, etc.);
  7. Light therapy.

Often, along with the methods of su jok, such additional methods of naturopathy as iridology (using the iris of the eyes) and mudratherapy (the method of using the energy of the fingers) are used.

Special instruments for Su-Jok therapy

When conducting su jok therapy, the healer uses a variety of methods to stimulate energy points.

The most commonly used tools are:

  • microneedles;
  • moxa;
  • massagers;
  • magnets;
  • natural stones;
  • metal stars.

But the best effect (for example, for weight loss) is given by the use of plants and their parts:

  • stems;
  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • fruits;
  • needles;
  • petals.

Su-Jok therapy is a very effective and at the same time accessible technique for almost every person, the use of which allows you to get rid of many physiological, psychological and emotional problems, and also aligns the energy field and helps to achieve harmony.

Treatment method su jock allows you to establish a connection between modern Western medicine and the knowledge accumulated over the millennia of Eastern medicine. The efficiency and simplicity of the method contributed to its spread in many countries.

Learn the basics of su-jok in order to alleviate the condition of yourself and your loved ones in case of illness without the use of drugs, able to anyone.

Su-jok method introduced in 1987 by South Korean professor Pak Jae-woo. The method is based on ancient Tibetan traditions. The author of the method significantly supplemented the traditional approaches to acupuncture (acupuncture).

What is the essence of su-jok therapy?

"Su" means in Korean "brush", and "jock" is translated as "foot".

The essence of the method is based on establishing a correspondence between the internal organs and points of the hands and feet. Thus, the hands and feet are a kind of “remote controls” for managing health.

To understand the structure of the medical system needs to be analyzed how the structure of the hands and feet repeats the structure of the human body, which will determine the points and zones necessary for stimulation in the event of a disease.

Su jock therapist stimulates these points of correspondence with needles, heating with special wormwood cigars (moxas), miniature magnets, light radiation of a certain color, biologically active seeds, which helps the body cope with the disease on its own.

In addition to a special tool, correspondence points can be activated and improvised items- with a scribbled ballpoint pen, a match, a fingernail.

Seeds in su-jok therapy are of particular importance because they contain information about the future properties and medicinal effects of the plant. It is no coincidence that seed therapy was introduced only a year later than the general su-jok therapy.

The essence of seed therapy in that the skin receptors in the area of ​​the su-jok-point and the seeds exchange the phytoncides contained in the seeds, pectins and other beneficial substances of the shells and seed juice.

As a result, the point is informed about the correction of the state, the endocrine glands are activated, self-regulation is launched, which leads to self-healing. Sometimes the use of seeds on the points of correspondence of the hands and feet gives a greater therapeutic effect than the direct location of the seeds on diseased organs. Seeds stick to the desired points with adhesive tape.

With the right choice
plants for seed therapy, the treatment will be most successful, however, even if the seed of the disease or the organ does not fully correspond, the therapeutic effect will be provided by the action of the universal vitality inherent in the seed and mechanical stimulation of the point.

Bean or pea seeds, apples, buckwheat grains or black peppercorns and much more are suitable for su-jok therapy. Seeds must to be alive, i.e., retain the ability to grow. Also, pieces of suitable shape cut out from pepper patch or mustard plaster are glued to the correspondence points.

The hands and feet are similar in structure to the body. Points on the hands and feet are located in strict order, in a reduced form, they reflect the anatomical structure of the body.

In case of organ disease a signal wave is sent from it to the correspondence point and excites it - the point swells and becomes painful. When the correspondence point is stimulated, the healing wave is sent to the organ and normalizes its function.

Attention! Su-jok therapy points are naturally stimulated even when working with hands, walking and running, which confirms the old truth that movement and work are the best medicine for all diseases.

With a lack of natural stimulation, it is possible that a person gets sick. In this case, conscious stimulation of the points will help to recover.

The author of the method claims that in su-jok therapy there is no need to study hundreds of books and study for a number of years, as well as to memorize and learn anything. What has been learned can be easily forgotten, but if you understand the basics of the method, then it can be apply for life.

Attention! The article describes only the standard su-jok systems of correspondences of the hand and foot.

Of all existing compliance systems most often the hand matching system is used due to its easy accessibility for manipulation and the greatest similarity to the body. The head, two legs and two arms (five parts of the body protruding from the body) correspond to the five fingers extending from the palm.

Similarity can be traced both by the above number of protruding parts, and by the level of location, direction, proportions of sizes and the number of segments of these parts.

Separately, the system considers the similarity of the thumb with two phalanges to the head and neck, and the significance of the head in comparison with other parts - the head controls the trunk and limbs, and the thumb freely touches the palms and fingers corresponding to the trunk and limbs.

Stop by level similarity to the body takes second place after the hand due to the insignificant difference between the foot and the hand - the fingers are shorter, there is no isolation of the thumb.

Three parts of limbs(foot/lower leg/thigh and hand/forearm/shoulder) correspond to the structure of the four toes or hands (except for the thumbs).

So, palm match the torso, the thumb to the head, the little finger and index finger to the arms, and the ring and middle fingers to the legs.

Advice. It is easy to remember the correspondence system in su-jok therapy - the shortest part of the body is the head (like the thumb), and the legs are the longest (like the ring and middle fingers); hands, like the index finger with the little finger, are medium in size.

Foot conformity principles common with the principles of matching hands. The foot matching system is very effective due to the natural stimulation of the foot during movement.

At the beginning of the 1st century A.D. e. In China, the doctrine of Yin-Yang took shape. The beginning of Yin is darkness, the feminine, cold, peace, the unknown. Beginning Yang - light, masculine, warmth, movement, known and working.

torso It consists of the abdomen and thorax, separated by a diaphragm. To find the matching points on the brush, you need to find the aperture matching line on it. In the standard correspondence system, the aperture is projected twice.

Upper diaphragm projected onto the carpal line of life, which separates the palm from the base of the thumb. This projection helps to find correspondence points for organs in the chest, neck and head.

Lower Diaphragm is projected onto the wrist joint and serves as a guide for searching for projection points of the abdominal organs.

line of symmetry runs along the middle of the back and front surface of the body. The hand belongs to the Yang system, the foot to the Yin. The chest correspondence points are located when the thumb is pointing up. To search for correspondence points of the abdominal cavity, all fingers or toes are directed downward.

Yang-surface of the body exposed to sunlight, these are the outer surfaces of the arms and legs, and on the body the buttocks, back, occipital part of the head - all this is presented on the backs of the hands and feet.

To understand why the back and back sides of the hands and feet are exposed to the sun, and not the chest and palm with the sole of the foot, you need to imagine not a vertically standing person, but a person in the pose of an animal - on all fours.

When exposed to points back of the feet and hands, headaches, diseases of the spine, diseases of the kidneys and other diseases are treated.

Yin surface of the body- this is the inner surface of the limbs, chest, stomach and face. All these parts of the body are projected onto the palm and sole.

Treatment points are in the following way:

  • The part of the hand or foot corresponding to the diseased part of the body is selected.
  • The localization of the disease is assessed based on the belonging of the body surface to the Yin or Yang system, and the corresponding zones of the hand or foot are selected.
  • When the disease is located on the trunk, its localization is determined in relation to the line of the diaphragm, which makes it possible to determine the projection of the disease on the hand or foot.
  • If the disease is localized on the extremities, it is necessary to determine how it is located relative to the joints, which allows, based on the principle of equality in the number of segments, to project it on the fingers.

The point corresponding to the disease is characterized by a change in skin color, protrusion or retraction of the skin, a painful reaction to pressure. The key to successful su-jok therapy– the correct choice of stimulation points and their correct processing.

points on the body in standard system correspond to the points on the hand and foot. All that needs to be understood in order to find a match is that the anteromedian and posterior medial lines of the body on the hand or foot are not displayed as straight lines, but curved.

Line bend point on the hand and foot corresponds to the diaphragm. So, the anteromedian line (straight line) starts on the body from the genitals, passes through the position of the diaphragm and above to the top of the head.

On the palm the line starts from a point at the base of the ring and middle fingers, goes to the wrist joint (corresponding to the diaphragm), and then bends and goes to a point on the ball of the thumb.

All points anterior median line the bodies are projected onto the curved line of correspondence of the hand. Thus, the point of the thyroid gland is projected onto the point between the first and second phalanges of the thumb, and the point of the “third eye” (in the middle of the forehead) onto the pad of the thumb. The passage of the correspondence line on the sole is similar, the line bends at the end of the heel (correspondence to the diaphragm).

Posterior line begins at the anus (correspondence - a point at the base of the ring and middle fingers, but already on the back of the hand), and also bends at the wrist joint of the hand (corresponds to the diaphragm), and ends at the top point of the head (end of the thumbnail). On the back of the foot, the line of correspondence of the posterior median line of the body bends at a point lying at the transition of the foot to the lower leg.

When finding a match zones of the Yin-side of the body on the palm and sole and zones of the Yang-side of the body on the back of the hand and foot should be oriented relative to the locations of the anteromedian and posterior median lines of the body and their correspondences on the hand and foot. Practice on yourself, try to draw a correspondence diagram, you will succeed.

Having studied the standard system of correspondences of body points to hand and foot points described above, you will be able to unmistakably find zones of projections of organs and alleviate the condition by influencing the points, thereby affecting the organs.

Watch the tutorial video on Su Jok Therapy below:

SuJok is one of the directions acupuncture, the method of which is based on the impact on certain biologically active points hands and feet. In Korean, Su means hand and Jok means foot. This type of therapy was developed by the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo in the eighties of the twentieth century.

Story SuJok began in 1986, when the first publications appeared in the international press about the essence of this technique. Soon, the effectiveness and simplicity of SuJok therapy led to its wide distribution not only in Korea, but throughout the world. Suffice it to say that in many countries SuJok is an integral part of state health and education programs.

SuJok is based on the view of the human body as unified energy structure where all processes are interconnected. It is believed that the disease is caused by a violation of harmony in the energy body, and the manifestation of the disease on the physical level is just a symptom. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to direct the healing effect directly to the energy level.

The SuJok technique is based on the concept that between the human body and his hands and feet there are conformity. This is most clearly seen in the example of a brush. The thumb corresponds to the head, the index and little fingers correspond to the hands, the middle and ring fingers correspond to the legs. The back of the hand is a projection of the spine, the surface of the palm under the thumb is the chest, the middle of the palm is the abdominal cavity. There are special diagrams that show the correspondence of each point on the surface of the palm of a body part or organ.

SuJok diagnostics is performed as follows. With the help of a special stick or needle, a sequential effect on biologically active points is carried out. In those places where pain occurs (the so-called " oh-point"), it is necessary to carry out certain procedures in the future. These procedures include:

  • mechanical massage;
  • a magnetic field;
  • the biological power of living seeds;
  • warming up;
  • color.

There are several varieties of SuJok that appeared later, all of them are associated with the discovery of the correspondence of the human body not only with the hands and feet, but also other parts of the body: Auricle(homosystems of auricular su-jok therapy), scalp(scalp - su-jok scalp therapy), language and etc.

Supporters of SuJok therapy note the following advantages of this method:

  • painless– treatment can be carried out without the use of needles, which saves the patient from fear and discomfort. In addition, it is safer, as there is no risk of injury to the hand or foot due to improper handling of the needles.
  • Possibility self use- each person can easily master the SuJok technique for self-healing and restoring the disturbed harmony of his body.
  • High efficiency. Perhaps the appearance of the first results of treatment, the weakening of the symptoms of diseases, an increase in overall well-being within a few seconds after the start of treatment.
  • Absolute security. It is stated that SuJok cannot harm. In extreme cases, if used incorrectly, the treatment will not give any effect.
  • Versatility. Since there are projections of all organs and parts of the body on the hands and feet, the SuJok technique is applicable for the treatment of the whole organism.
  • Efficiency of treatment. SuJok - can become peculiar " Ambulance"if a person is in a critical situation and cannot count on receiving qualified medical care in the near future.

An interesting way of influencing biologically active points is seed therapy. The advantages of this technique are absolute painlessness (no needles are used) and the ability to make the most of the power of nature contained in the seeds. With the help of seeds, as well as various other parts of plants (leaves, fruits, cuttings, petals), biologically active points on the hands and feet are stimulated. There is a practice of influencing seeds directly on a sore spot, but it gives a lesser effect than working through projections according to the SuJok method.

The principle of action of seed therapy lies in the fact that parts of the plant fill the energy points and meridians with vital energy and useful substances, and also absorb destructive negative energy. All this has a positive effect on the organs corresponding to these points. When selecting seeds, many factors are taken into account: plant properties, color, shape and characteristics of the seed itself. It is important to note that even with wrong"The location of the seeds, the treatment will give a positive effect, due to the saturation of the body with the life-giving energy of nature.

The unique component of SuJok therapy is the impact color. Like other SuJok tools, this technique is most effective in the initial stages of the disease. Color is best used to treat ailments that appear outside - various redness, swelling, itching, etc. The method of treatment is simple - just paint a point or surface of the body with a colored felt-tip pen or stick colored paper (with a colored surface to the skin). What colors and in what cases it is better to apply? With redness, until pain has appeared, you need to use black. From swelling and itching - green helps. Strong, but not constant pain - removed in red. With severe and constant pain, the appearance of ulcers, it is necessary to apply yellow color.


The Su-Jok therapy method is a universal method of treating various diseases without the use of expensive drugs, as well as providing first aid in case of emergency. This method is simple and effective, does not require significant material costs, deep medical knowledge and complex skills, uses simple tools. This method can be fully mastered by every person, regardless of age, and applied in everyday life with the benefit not only for their health, but also for the health of their loved ones. It is enough to understand the principle of Su-Jok therapy once in order to use it all your life. This is without a doubt the best method of self-help.

Su-Jok therapy is a fairly young method of alternative medicine. It was discovered only 25 years ago, the first publications on this technique appeared in 1986. The founder of Su-Jok therapy is the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo, who devoted more than 30 years of his life to the development of this technique.

Su-Jok therapy is a kind of corporal reflexology and is a set of therapeutic techniques used to influence biologically active points (acupuncture points). In terms of its effectiveness, the Su-Jok therapy method surpasses many well-known methods of traditional acupuncture. Biologically active points are special points located on the surface of the human body, and as treatment methods they are pricked with specially designed needles (acupuncture), cauterized and heated with mocasmas (warming sticks), exposure to a modulated wave of light and magnets, etc. Of course, the impact on biologically active points with needles, magnets, energy, acupressure require a long preparation and it is better to trust specialists in this field. In the hands of a beginner, such maneuvers of influencing biologically active points can cause irreparable harm to the body. But Su-Jok therapy is an ultra-modern method of influencing only the hand and foot, with which it is simply impossible to harm yourself. If this technique is not applied correctly, the desired result will simply not be.

In its modern form, Su-Jok therapy is the successor of reflexology, which originated about 500 years ago in Korea. The main principle underlying the Su-Jok therapy method is the fact that various organs and parts of the human body correspond to certain areas of the hands and feet. That is, the human hand and foot are reflexively connected with various parts of the human body and have receptor zones that are a reflection of internal organs, muscles, and the spine (su-jok correspondence points). Soo in Korean is a hand, and Jok is a foot. When a pathological process occurs in any organ and part of the body, painful correspondence points appear on the hand and foot, which have a reflex connection with this organ. When exposed to these points, impulses are formed that go to the focus of the disease and indicate to the body the pathology that needs to be dealt with. And the body, in turn, takes measures to get rid of the pathological process. At the initial stages of this process, the use of SuJok therapy methods promotes recovery, prevents exacerbation of chronic diseases and prevents the development of severe consequences in emergency conditions. With the help of Su-Jok therapy methods, you can also fight excess weight. In addition, the so-called meridians, which are the energy lines of the body, are projected onto the hand and foot.

Thus, the Su-Jok therapy technique has a number of features and advantages over other types of non-traditional oriental medicine.

1. This method is safe, versatile, and highly effective.

2. Significantly expands the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities.

3. Effectively fights (reduces or completely stops) pain syndrome of any origin, regardless of nosology.

4. Relatively rare side effects.

5. Significantly reduces the time of treatment and further rehabilitation.

6. Allows you to effectively influence the type and nature of the pathological process.

7. Can be used as an independent method of treatment or in combination with other methods. The combination of Su-Jok therapy methods with pharmacological agents dramatically increases the effectiveness of the latter, and in some cases even reduces the need for drugs.

8. Allows you to diagnose the pathological process at the early stages of development, when even modern diagnostic studies are powerless.

9. The main directions of the Su-Jok therapy method are preventive, health-improving, diagnostic, and therapeutic.

Chapter 1
A bit from the history of Su-Jok therapy

As already mentioned, the founder of Su-Jok therapy is the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo.

The professor's life was going well - studying at the university, scientific work, a good family and his father's inheritance, sufficient for a comfortable existence. However, despite his academic degrees, the professor did not succeed in business and he quickly lost all his wealth. The professor realized that something completely new had to be started. He faced the suffering of people a lot and dreamed of finding an effective way to cure all ailments. In his memory there were two unusual cases where acupuncture helped in the most amazing way. One childhood memory is of his brother suffering from a skin condition. Neither medicines nor ointments helped, but once they were advised to turn to acupuncture and after the first session the skin cleared up.

The second incident that affected the professor was that of his youngest son, who had been suffering from diarrhea for several months. The boy has already begun to lose weight. At this time, repairs were being carried out in their house and one of the carpenters volunteered to help the child. The next day, the carpenter performed a healing session with needles and the diarrhea stopped.

The hand and foot can be compared with a kind of remote control for the human body. And the great German philosopher I. Kant said that the hand is the brain that has come out.

So the professor believed in the effectiveness of acupuncture and decided to come to grips with this issue. To do this, the professor moved to China and entered the Institute of Oriental Medicine, while simultaneously studying acupuncture on his own from primary sources. One of the first books on acupuncture was "Nei Ching", then he studied a lot of literature on this topic and realized that the development of acupuncture as a science is not happening. The professor wanted to find something new, the key to the development of acupuncture. After long and meticulous research and clinical observations, the professor discovered an amazing similarity of the hand to the human body. He began to use this similarity in the treatment of patients with various, sometimes very serious diseases, and was amazed at the speed of the body's response. Having acquired great practical skills, in February 1987 he published the first article on the Su-Jok therapy method, and in March he founded the Su-Jok Therapy Institute in Seoul.

Currently, the Su-Jok therapy method is a powerful direction of alternative medicine, it has proven itself in the treatment of various diseases. The high efficiency of this technique and the simplicity of the methods contributed to its rapid spread in different countries. In many states, the Su-Jok therapy technique is included in state health and education programs.

Gradually, the list of diseases and conditions for the treatment of Su-Jok therapy is expanding. This is due to the fact that through biologically active points and reflexogenic zones on the hands and feet, you can influence any organ in our body. Su-Jok therapy uses a variety of schemes for influencing the hands and feet. The main ones can be mastered and applied to improve their health by each person. Su-Jok therapy methods are constantly being supplemented. If initially biologically active points on the hands and feet were warmed up, cauterized, massaged, plant seeds were applied to them, then at present they are affected by many physiotherapeutic factors.

Su-Jok therapy is inseparable from Eastern philosophy and its ideas about vitality, health, and diseases. SuJok therapy has certain principles, provisions and advantages over other methods of treatment. To understand all this, it is necessary to consider the theoretical part of Su-Jok therapy.

Chapter 2
Basic concepts and provisions of Su-Jok therapy

Su-Jok therapy is based on the impact on the energy system of the body. The regulation of the vital activity of the body occurs precisely thanks to the energy system. In Eastern medicine, there is such a thing as vital energy - qi. It affects the regulation of the body not only at the physical level, but also mentally, including mentally.

The vital energy qi consists of six components - the energies of heat, heat, cold, wind, dryness and humidity. A person is healthy and in a harmonious state when all six energies in his body are balanced. As soon as the energy system is unbalanced, health immediately deteriorates and various diseases appear.

Energy system According to Eastern ideas, a person consists of energy channels (meridians), energy centers (chakras) and biologically active points.

By energy channels the main streams of vital energy circulate, which comes from the internal organs. In the area of chakras they interact with the environment. Through the chakras, a person is cleansed of negative or excessive energy and receives energy from space. Thus, there is an exchange of information with the universal energy-information field. Biologically active points (BAP) and reflex zones on the body are reflexively connected with various parts of the body and internal organs. Therefore, by influencing them, it is possible to change the state of structures remote from them in the body.

Meridians, chakras and BAP are located throughout the human body. However, Su-Jok deals with the energy system of the hands and feet only. Therefore, the therapeutic effect of this method is only on biologically active points and zones on the hands and feet.

In Su-Jok there is such a thing as compliance system. It arose due to the fact that the human body can be projected onto the hands or feet. The same can be done with internal organs. Therefore, zones on the hands and feet are reflexively associated with them. The exact mechanism of this interaction is not known, but its existence is confirmed by official medicine.

With the help of Su-Jok, the circulation of energy in the human body is normalized and all diseases recede. Harmonization of energy flows is the main thing that a person needs for health and long life. That is why movement is so important for human health and life. For example, running and walking are useful because absolutely all the muscles of the body work at this time. From the point of view of Su-Jok therapy, these physical exercises still contribute to constant irritation of the plantar part of the foot, which means that all BAPs and reflexogenic zones located there are also irritated and regulate the organs and parts of the body corresponding to them.

Su Jok is used in the treatment of various diseases and has many benefits.

1. This is a very simple and effective way of treatment. The impact on the biologically active points of the hands and feet is carried out according to a simple method, and the effect of this appears in a short time. Already after 1-2 sessions of Su-Jok therapy, you can feel an improvement in well-being, and after 5-10 sessions you can be cured or achieve a stable improvement in health.

2. This is a safe way to treat. There are a small number of contraindications for the use of Su-Jok. If the point or zone for exposure was not chosen exactly, then this will not bring significant negative consequences for the body. The change in state in this case will be used for diagnostic purposes and an experienced specialist in Su-Jok therapy will take it into account and make adjustments in the treatment. Su-Jok therapy can be used in everyday life on its own.

3. This treatment can be used for first aid, such as fainting, nosebleeds and other cases.

4. This is a universal way of treatment. With the help of Su-Jok therapy, many diseases can be treated.

5. It is a cost-effective way of treatment. It does not require complex technical equipment and expensive medicines.

6. This is an affordable way of treatment for everyone. Almost everyone can master the elements of Su-Jok therapy. The exception is acupuncture (acupuncture). Such treatment can only be carried out by a doctor with appropriate training.

7. This method of emotional regulation of the body. With the help of Su-Jok therapy, you can change your emotional state - improve your mood and performance, eliminate anxiety and anxiety. Su-Jok therapy helps to relax the body and increases resistance to stress. With prolonged regular use, this can lead to a change in character for the better.

Indications for Su-Jok therapy:

✓ diseases of the endocrine glands (obesity, diabetes, etc.);

✓ diseases of the circulatory system (angina pectoris, etc.);

✓ diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, etc.);

✓ diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal disorders, etc.);

✓ diseases of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, pneumonia, etc.);

✓ diseases of the nervous system (neuralgia, migraine, stroke, plexitis, paralysis, fainting, memory impairment, stuttering, etc.);

✓ diseases of sensory organs (eyes, ears, tongue, etc.);

✓ diseases of the genitourinary organs (sexual disorders, etc.);

✓ addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking);

✓ physical fatigue;

✓ side effects of drug treatment;

✓ impaired adaptation to changes in external environmental conditions;

✓ recovery period after injuries and operations.

The condition of the skin of the hands and feet can be used to diagnose diseases. For example, yellowness and increased keratinization of the feet and hands are observed in diabetes mellitus and a violation of carotene metabolism, reddish palms are characteristic of liver diseases.

There are contraindications for Su-Jok therapy:

✓ acute infectious diseases with fever;

✓ acute inflammation on the hands and feet;

✓ malignant tumors of any localization;

✓ varicose veins on the legs (contraindications for exposure to the feet);

✓ partial or complete fungal infection of the hands and feet;

✓ the presence of subcutaneous seals in the area of ​​the reflexogenic zone;

✓ warts and birthmarks located in the area of ​​the reflexogenic zone.

Since almost any disease affects not one, but several internal organs, it is advisable to simultaneously massage several reflexogenic zones located on the hands and feet at each massage session. In this case, the sequence of the massage does not play a significant role.

When conducting Su-Jok therapy, some individuals need to be careful. For example, if the patient is very weakened after an illness or is in a serious condition, then Su-Jok therapy should be started using the easiest methods (massage, warming up). Only after some time, after the condition improves, it is possible to move on to acupuncture, cauterization, hirudotherapy, etc. Su-Jok therapy should be carried out with caution for people who are in a state of emotional arousal. For them, it is also not recommended to carry out acupuncture and cauterization. Pregnant women should not be affected by any methods on BAP associated with the reproductive organs. If you are hungry or have not had enough sleep, then not all Su-Jok therapy methods are suitable for you, you should choose methods of light impact on the hands and feet.

In the process of Su-Jok therapy, dizziness and headache may appear. If they are strongly pronounced, it means that the BAPs for the effect were chosen incorrectly. If at the very beginning of treatment there is an increase in the signs of the disease, and then they begin to decrease, then this is a sign of effective treatment.

Su-Jok therapy is combined with other types of traditional and alternative medicine: herbal medicine, massage, manual therapy, aromatherapy, hirudotherapy, etc. It can be carried out as rehabilitation measures when recovering from serious illnesses and surgical operations.

Korean su-jok therapy is part of alternative medicine, which includes a whole range of treatments based on the use of different methods. According to its basic idea, all organs in the human body have a similar projection on the palms and feet. Failure in the functioning of any organ can contribute to disruption of the flow of vital energy, resulting in the possible emergence of various diseases.

The therapeutic result of su-jok is directed to the entire body, but the main effect is only on the arms and legs, since these parts are a mirror image of the anatomy of the human body. According to doctors practicing in this field, therapy helps to get rid of pain in the back, neck, joints and other parts of the body. It also treats reproductive and digestive disorders, skin diseases, vision problems, etc.

The main essence of su-jok therapy

A noticeable result is achieved by influencing the bioactive points that are concentrated in the palm area and on the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. According to the theory, they have a direct connection with both internal organs and body systems. By influencing them in different ways, it is possible to achieve a calming or exciting type of result, thereby regulating the functioning of systems and organs.

Su-jok therapy can have an immunomodulatory, analgesic effect, including aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes.

A feature of such points is their close location to each other. They correspond not only to internal organs, but also to such parts of the spine as the thoracic, cervical and lumbar, as well as some joints.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully study the location of the points and their correspondence to the organs.

  1. Head - the point is located on the last phalanx of the thumb.
  2. Neck - second phalanx of the thumb.
  3. Face- thumb pad.
  4. Respiratory system- the junction of the thumb and palm.
  5. Intestines- the middle part of the palm.
  6. Spleen, liver and stomach- upper part of the palm.
  7. Heart, trachea, lungs, bones - tubercle of the palm.
  8. Pelvic organs- the point is located on the bottom of the palm.
  9. Legs- middle and ring fingers.
  10. Arms- little finger and index finger.
  11. Kidneys and spine- the back of the hand.

On the legs, the points are in the same order as on the arm.


Su-jok therapy is characterized by a number of advantages, namely:

  • Efficiency. If the technique is performed correctly, then you can achieve positive results in a short time.
  • Safety. In case of improper performance of actions, no harm is done to the body.
  • Availability. The rules for using the technique are quite simple.
    There are no contraindications and side effects.

Su-jok instruments

To stimulate energy areas, tools such as:

  • Special massagers.
  • Thin needles.
  • natural stones.
  • metal stars.
  • Magnets.
  • Moxa (small devices that are designed to warm the active point).

The dried parts of various plants, namely leaves, stems, seeds, cuttings and fruits, give the greatest effectiveness. To achieve a greater effect, special devices (needle balls, spring rings) are used in the complex, which help strengthen the body and increase its performance.

The required point for stimulation is determined using a wooden stick. To do this, press on the intended point. If there is a slight pain or twitching, then the active point has been found.

How is the treatment process

Su-jok in its work resembles auriculotherapy, which is based on a direct relationship between bioactive points and the brain. If acupuncture works with the meridians of the body, then Korean therapy interacts with the functions of the nervous system.

Directions for treatment

With this method of exposure, some painful symptoms can be alleviated.


You can eliminate a headache by acting on the pads of the thumbs on the hand or foot. For acute pain to go away, you need intense pressure on the point for several minutes.


The places responsible for the nasopharynx are located at the end of the first and beginning of the second phalanx of the thumb. Active pressure on these points will help relieve inflammation in the throat. After massaging, buckwheat grains are applied to these places.

To remove a runny nose helps to influence the middle of the phalanx of the thumb

To clear the bronchi, it is necessary to completely massage the entire thumb, making intense movements and pressure from the bottom up. After the procedure, a piece of mustard plaster is applied to the place of the point and left until a slight burning sensation appears.


If a person suffers from severe back pain or from an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, then with the help of massage manipulations of the back of the hand, painful symptoms can be significantly alleviated. Massage movements are carried out along the entire length, accompanied by strong pressure. It is necessary to perform the procedure every day.


To reduce the pressure, you will need to paint over all the fingertips with a dark marker. Then determine the painful part on the phalanx of the thumb and attach 2-3 grains of unpeeled buckwheat or radish to it.


You can additionally stimulate the points responsible for the legs. To do this, peppercorns are attached to the second phalanx of the middle finger or ring finger.


Su-jok therapy is considered one of the most harmless methods in alternative medicine. Can be used even by children. However, there are certain restrictions for its implementation:

  • Elderly people after 70 years.
  • Small children under the age of 1.
  • People with chronic diseases and acute course of the disease.
  • Pregnancy period.

According to this theory, many different diseases appear due to the failure of the subtle energy balance. An unusual technique is aimed at restoring the energy balance in the body and treating diseases without the use of drugs.

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