The formation of cracks on the big toe: treatment and prevention. The skin on the arms and legs cracks - causes. Why does the skin on the fingers and toes crack, and what is the most effective treatment

The maximum load is on the human legs. The skin in the area of ​​the heels and toes is prone to cracking, which leads to pain. The situation is aggravated while wearing shoes, the patient cannot walk or stand for a long time. The causes of cracks in the fingers of the lower extremities are physiological and pathological.

In the first case, we are talking about a strong load on the limbs, wearing small and tight shoes, and an unsuccessful pedicure. Leveling such an etiology is not difficult, and the problem is being solved. In case of illness, treatment is focused on the source. Often, cracked toes are complicated by a fungal and bacterial infection.

For treatment, drugs are used that accelerate the regenerative processes, promote rapid healing. When the fungus is used antimycotic properties. If microbes have penetrated the cracks, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Why the skin on the toes cracks - external and internal reasons, how to restore the skin and what prevention is - we will consider further.

What is this article about?

Etiology of cracked toes

For treatment, varnishes are used - Lotseril and Oflomil, Exoderil cream helps well.

Treatment of dry and painful cracks

Treatment of cracks is necessary, otherwise negative consequences occur - the lack of therapy leads to an increase in the number and depth of existing cracks. A fungus or infection easily enters the wound, which only exacerbates the picture.

For dry cracks, accompanied by pain, drugs containing vitamin D, tocopherol and retinol are used.

Well helps Shostakovsky's balm. It provides antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The tool promotes rapid tissue repair. After application, a film is created that prevents the penetration of infection.


  1. Pathology of the liver.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Allergy to the composition.

For quick healing, use lotions soaked in a decoction of chamomile, yarrow, calendula inflorescences.

Ways to repair cracked skin at home

You can independently cope with the problem at home if the cause is external factors. In the presence of a fungus and a bacterial infection, the qualified help of a doctor is required.


An affordable drug that promotes skin regeneration. Patient reviews note that you can get rid of the problem in five procedures. At home, make a mask based on glycerin. To do this, mix two tablespoons of warm water, a spoonful of flour and the same amount of honey, 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

Apply homemade cream to the lesions for 20 minutes. After washing off with warm running water, use a fat cream. Any fat can be used as an alternative to glycerin.


This component helps with cracks, regardless of the etiology of development. Used as a mask. A small amount of the substance is melted in a water bath, allowed to cool to an acceptable temperature. Cracks are covered with liquid wax. Let dry. After putting on socks, leave for 12 hours. Better to do before bed.

Damage to the skin of the legs periodically appear in 70% of the population and cause serious discomfort in a person's daily life. A provoking factor for the occurrence of cracks in the legs is dry skin.

A decrease in moisture in the tissues leads to stratification of the epidermis, this is accompanied by painful sensations, other unpleasant symptoms, and even complications. But, unfortunately, the loss of moisture in the epidermis is not the only reason for the formation of cracks; there are still many significant prerequisites for the manifestation of this defect. The reason for the formation of cracks in the legs can be both external irritants and internal problems of the body.

External causes

  1. Uncomfortable shoes;
  2. foot fungus;
  3. Poor foot hygiene;
  4. Prolonged walking barefoot.

The appearance of cracks in the legs often signals the presence of serious problems in the body. In fact, gross defects on the legs are only a consequence of a specific disease; it is impossible to get rid of them with the help of ointments alone.

Internal causes

  1. Various pathologies;
  2. Acute form of diabetes;
  3. Hormonal changes in the body;
  4. Lack of vitamins and malnutrition;
  5. Long-term use of antibiotics and other drugs.

In order to find out the cause of the formation of crusts on the legs, you need to contact the nearest clinic and pass the necessary tests. This problem should not be ignored, as it may just be the visible tip of the iceberg. Any disease is best treated in the early stages, avoiding complications.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment is prescribed in the presence of a fungal infection. In cases where lesions on the legs are not of an infected nature and their appearance is due to other factors of influence (rubbing, corns, etc.), softening and healing creams based on medicinal herbs are used. But if a fungus is detected when a patient contacts a dermatologist, complex treatment with drugs containing potent substances will be needed.

Antifungal drugs include the following types of ointments:

  • "Clotrimazole";
  • "Lamisil";
  • "Thermicon";
  • "Terbinafine".

In advanced cases of fungal infections on the fingers and soles of the feet, an additional oral intake of antiviral agents and antibiotics is prescribed. A fungal infection is a rather insidious disease, in order to avoid recurrence of the disease, you should follow the doctor's recommendations and in no case interrupt the prescribed course of medication.

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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If the cause of the formation of cracks in the legs was the mechanical effect of external factors, moisturizing creams with the addition of medicinal herbs will help.

Now the market offers a wide variety of cosmetic products for foot skin care.

Most popular creams:

  • "Radevit";
  • "Carmol";
  • "Nutraderm";
  • Allga San.

Vaseline and glycerin are good for especially dry skin. Shostakovsky's ointment has an excellent healing effect in the treatment of cracked legs.
Allergy sufferers are often recommended cream "Zorka", it is almost completely natural and does not contain any fragrances. Diabetics for the treatment of cracks in the legs are prescribed oil for foot baths "SixtuMed". In case of violations caused by the endocrine system of the body, hormones are additionally prescribed.

Folk methods of treatment

Alternative methods of treating this disease are quite effective and are not inferior to medicines from a pharmacy. If the stratification of the skin was initiated by a fungus, it is better to refrain from self-treatment at home. If the cracks arose for completely harmless reasons, you can safely proceed to treatment with herbs and homemade ointments. There are many ways to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of dry skin: make foot baths, lotions, body wraps, apply ointments. Each of the methods is effective in its own way and helps to cope with the problem.

Several ways to get rid of cracked legs at home:

soda and salt

Soda and salt should be diluted in hot water and soak your feet in it. The proportions are as follows: 1 tsp. soda and salt per liter of water. You need to do the procedure daily, while soaring your legs for at least half an hour.

Decoction of medicinal herbs

For the treatment of cracks in the legs, chamomile flowers are usually used, herbs such as: celandine, succession and plantain. Oak bark is good for the skin. Calendula is an excellent wound healing agent with anti-inflammatory effect. The collections of the listed medicinal herbs will help to cope with cracks in the legs. All that is needed is to prepare a bath for foot procedures with the addition of a decoction of herbs and soak your feet in it.

Applying lotions

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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Cracks in the legs are treated with honey, applying it at night. For added effect, put warm socks on your feet.

A mixture of hercules and olive oil is good for dry skin on the feet. The flakes are poured with boiling water, and let them brew, after which olive oil is added. The mixture is applied to the cracks formed and wrapped with cling film on top. The duration of this procedure is two hours.

Cracked toes are a type of dermatitis in which the skin bursts, becomes dry, rough, and painful. If you accurately determine the cause of the occurrence, undergo a course of treatment, then you can quickly get rid of the problem.

Cracks in the fingers and feet can result from:

  1. Wearing unsuitable shoes (tight or wide shoes made of materials that do not allow the skin to breathe, which provokes a violation of microcirculation).
  2. Fungus (a common occurrence in case of non-compliance with the rules for visiting public baths, pools).
  3. Atherosclerosis (skin becomes thinner, damaged due to stagnation of blood).
  4. Patients with diabetes suffer from dry, cracked skin on the feet.
  5. Malnutrition, beriberi.
  6. Neglect of hygiene, hydration.
  7. Mechanical damage (the skin becomes rough from walking barefoot, unprofessional pedicure).

Localization features

The place where the skin has burst depends on how long it takes to heal. The crack near the swollen or hardened little finger heals longer, it must be treated in a complex way: smear with cream products with antiseptic properties.


The negative influence of the environment and destroy the upper layer of the epidermis. Due to the loss of elasticity, the skin on the toes cracks, forming deep and painful wounds. Shoes made of artificial materials, synthetic socks and tights cause excessive sweating, diaper rash occurs. This is repeated, thickening of dry skin grows, which cracks, causes pain when walking. For the thumb, “flip flops” are a threat - a kind of slippers that are held on the leg by fastening between the fingers. Such a device can rub, and with prolonged wear, calluses and cracks appear. Damage becomes the optimal place for the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, a fungal infection affects the interdigital region. The skin turns red, peels off, itching and an unpleasant odor appear.

Little finger

Often there is a crack under the little finger on the leg, he suffers from bruises and injuries. The little finger swells, a fungus can get into the cracks, which, if left untreated, spreads throughout the foot, creating unpleasant sensations in the form of a burning sensation.

Other fingers

The index, middle, and ring fingers are not protected from accidental strikes. Inattention to small wounds, dryness and peeling leads to the fact that the pads and phalanges can crack. Damage near the nail indicates the presence of a fungal infection that makes it itchy and worried about other family members, the disease is contagious and easily transmitted through common items of use.

Cracks on the folds and on the inside require special treatment due to inaccessibility. Constant friction and mechanical impact when walking interfere with rapid healing. You need a special way to get rid of the problem.

Treatment Methods

It is better to solve any problem at the initial stage. At the first signs of cracks, you need to contact a dermatologist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a phased treatment:

  1. Establishment and elimination of the cause of occurrence.
  2. Reducing the mechanical impact on the problem area (recommends wearing soft and comfortable shoes made of quality materials that prevent the appearance of diaper rash).
  3. With fungal infections, the dermatologist prescribes drugs (Exoderil, Miconazole), which have a complex effect on the focus of inflammation and eliminate the accompanying symptoms.
  4. In the presence of purulent inflammation, antibiotic therapy is performed.
  5. Application of healing type ointments based on Panthenol, Solcoseryl gel or Shostakovsky balm.
  6. The use of protective plasters, arch supports.
  7. Compliance with hygiene with antibacterial agents, it is required to dry the feet with blotting movements and apply moisturizers.
  8. For deep cracks, hardware processing may be required.
  9. A balanced diet is prescribed to make up for the lack of vitamins.

Medicines have contraindications, before using during pregnancy, you should consult a specialist.

X-ray will not help to identify the cause of the crack, it is pointless to do it.

In diabetics, the treatment regimen differs from the traditional one in that it is absolutely impossible to keep your feet in hot water. Only warm water with the addition of SixtuMed oil, which has an antimicrobial effect. The resulting solution will gently cleanse the skin of impurities and improve access for the therapeutic effect of the balm of the same brand, aimed at eliminating the fungus, moisturizing and healing.

The resulting cracks can cause severe pain to the delicate and sensitive skin of a child, it is necessary to take timely measures and lubricate the damaged area with preparations based on Panthenol (Bepanten, Dexpanthenol), which accelerate the regeneration process and alleviate the condition.

How to repair cracked skin at home

Dry skin on the fingers and heels can crack without mechanical action, then people turn to traditional medicine for help, which recommends many remedies. To eliminate the fungus, the feet are washed with laundry soap, which disinfects and relieves inflammation.

  • Reduce the depth of cracks, soften the skin of the bath with the addition of soda. You should keep your feet in water for 30 minutes, then wipe, lubricate with a moisturizer.
  • Pure petroleum jelly is an excellent folk remedy for treating cracks under the little toe on the leg. To achieve the effect, you need to apply a thick layer of Vaseline, put on socks at night.
  • Liquid honey is applied to problem areas, a bandage is made on top. A few nights - and the skin of the feet will return smoothness.
  • At home, you can independently heal wounds with alcohol and iodine with the addition of acetylsalicylic acid. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture should be put in a dark place for a day, then lubricate the problem area several times a day. Alcohol dries and relieves inflammation, it is necessary to additionally lubricate the feet with cream.

According to the reviews of people who have tried traditional medicine, the result is noticeable the very next day. Full recovery occurs only with regular use.

How long do they heal

Pain when walking, itching and burning make a person constantly think about the problem and the timing of its solution. How long does it take for cracks to heal? Subject to timely measures taken and the precise execution of the treatment algorithm, small indentations on the fingers heal in a week. Deep damage, accompanied by a fungus, will have to be treated with complex therapy. They will take 2-3 weeks to heal.

What not to do with cracked fingers

  • You can not continue to walk in tight, uncomfortable shoes, this can aggravate the situation - dry skin will peel off and continue to crack. Treatment will not bring the desired result.
  • Neglect hygiene. Cleanliness is the key to health. At the end of the day, be sure to make a warm foot bath, apply a healing ointment.
  • It is not recommended to use hardware processing at home and in the presence of pustules, you can bring the infection into the blood.
  • Treat at home if dryness, cracking of the feet are caused by serious chronic diseases.
  • Visit public baths, saunas, swimming pools until complete recovery.

Ignoring the problem can cause serious harm to health, it is necessary to urgently respond to any changes in the body in order to prevent negative consequences, including damage to the joints.

Treatment is carried out quickly and efficiently only in the early stages, it is even better to exclude the appearance of a problem. Prevention consists in daily care of the limbs. Evening treatments with scrub, nourishing cream will help keep the legs smooth.

Relatively often, many people are overtaken by the problem of dry skin on the feet. This mostly happens during the hot season. Especially a lot of problems and painful sensations come from the fact that the skin between the toes bursts.

This phenomenon may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, redness and peeling of the skin. This entails inconvenience when walking, and an unattractive appearance of the foot.

Causes of bursting skin on the legs

The skin bursts due to various factors affecting the feet.

Therefore, to start treatment, you need to find out the cause of cracks and irritation between the toes:

  • wearing narrow, squeezing shoes;
  • due to walking barefoot in the summer, a lot of moisture is lost from the feet;
Walking barefoot is good, but don't get carried away
  • allergy to hygiene products or shoe material (other areas of the body are also prone to rashes, irritation and redness);
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diabetes;
  • fungal infection.

If most of the factors are easily eliminated, then in the case of a fungus, the situation is much more complicated. This is a fairly contagious disease called "mycosis". You can reward yourself with such a disease in public baths, saunas, swimming pools, on beaches and other places where many people go barefoot.

More often, fungal diseases affect people with weak immunity, who have vascular diseases of the legs or microtrauma of the skin of the feet.

Mycosis develops quite quickly and, if treatment is not started on time, it can affect the nail plates of the legs and hands. As a result, the nails lose their attractiveness, turn yellow, then exfoliate and crumble. And this already speaks of a rather serious stage of the disease, in which you can lose your nail plates altogether.

Problematic nails cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort

Furthermore, this fungus is able to spread to all internal organs and affect them.

Signs of skin fungus on the legs

An accurate diagnosis of the disease can only be made by a dermatologist based on a number of specific tests. But, initially, for every person whose skin between the toes bursts, it does not hurt to know some of the symptoms of mycosis in order to start treatment, for example, with folk remedies. If these treatments do not lead to the desired result, then you should definitely consult a specialist.

And the symptoms are as follows.

  1. The skin between the toes is slightly itchy.
  2. With a mild course of the disease, the cracks are hardly noticeable, but the skin is flaky and has a floury coating (as if sprinkled with flour).
  3. The appearance of diaper rash around the toes and the skin begins to peel.
  4. Quite pronounced cracks appear in the interdigital folds. The edges of the cracks are whitish or greenish and flaky.
  5. Cracks can be not only dry, but also weeping.

The most favorable environment for the reproduction of a fungal infection is a warm, wet foot.

Sweaty and softened skin of the interdigital folds is the best place for the rapid development of mycosis.

Medical treatment

Without proper treatment, cracked toes will not go away on their own. And even if many of the above symptoms have not yet been observed, it is better not to delay treatment until later, since the consequences of this disease are very unpleasant. The fungus itself is difficult to cure and, if medical recommendations are not followed, it returns again.

Examination of the skin of the legs by a specialist will make it possible to determine the cause of the problems

If the skin between the toes bursts, you should contact a dermatologist or mycologist. He will do a scraping of the affected skin and a number of other tests, after which he will prescribe treatment. Drugs are prescribed depending on the type and stage of the disease. Usually these are ointments, creams, baths and compresses. But in extreme cases, tablets are also used.

Vitamin complexes

If the skin between the toes does not burst very intensively, this may be due to a lack of vitamins. In this case, a multivitamin complex is usually prescribed.

Fungal diseases are usually treated with ointments and creams. But in some cases, vitamins A and E will benefit, as they help soften the skin.. Vitamin preparations can be taken orally or lubricated with cracks in the legs for faster healing.


With a more aggravated nature of the disease, tablets and antifungal drugs - antimycotics are prescribed. The essence of such treatment is the entry of the drug into the blood and its accumulation in the tissues. Because of what, the fungus is destroyed within a few weeks after taking the pills. It is necessary to stop taking the drugs only with the permission of the attending physician.

Antimycotics are bad for the liver

The main drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases are:

  • terbinafine,
  • Ketoconazole
  • Itraconazole

  • fluconazole,
  • Griseofulvin and others.

The drug is prescribed depending on the type of pathogen. With an incomprehensible infectious fungal disease, broad-spectrum tablets are prescribed.

Ointments and creams

Since mycosis is a rather dangerous and intractable disease, complex treatment must be applied to it. In addition to internal preparations, local ones are also prescribed - ointments, creams, lotions, varnishes, baths and masks. They have, as a rule, a wide range of actions - antifungal, antibacterial and wound healing.

These include:

  • Ketoconazole
  • clotrimazole,
  • terbinafine,
  • miconazole,

  • Bifonazole,
  • Oxyconazole,
  • Econazole,
  • Lamisil and others.

The prescribed preparation is lubricated with the skin affected by mycosis twice a day until the signs of the disease disappear completely. And then apply another 2-3 weeks to eliminate the recurrence of the fungus.

If mycosis has affected the nail plate, you need to carry out a special procedure to remove the infected areas of the nail. To do this, steam the nail in the bath and cut off these areas.

It is better to do this procedure in specialized rooms. It's called a hardware pedicure. This is a painless procedure for removing dead skin particles and nails affected by mycosis with a special pedicure machine. It is done 1 time per month until the fungus is completely eliminated.

Affected nail plates are treated with special therapeutic varnishes:

  • Lotseril,
  • Oflomil,
  • Exoderil
  • Batrafen,
  • Exoderil and others.


At the end of the treatment, you can use creams with panthenol and levomekol, tar ointment or sea buckthorn oil. A two percent solution of salicylic acid will also have a beneficial effect on the skin at the final stage. After it, you need to sprinkle the treated areas with talc, which is an excellent antiseptic.

Talc can generally be used throughout the treatment of the disease, as it absorbs excess moisture well, but it does not dry out the skin and reduces friction.

Before applying ointments and creams, antiseptics are also used. For example, when washing feet, manganese or furacelin are added to the water.

Zinc ointment has a good drying agent. You can apply compresses with Domeboro powder. It is dissolved in water and a compress is applied for 20 minutes.

If the skin bursts, you can dry it between your toes with a 25% aluminum chloride solution, which also has a negative effect on the fungus. You do not need to dilute the product, just moisten a swab with it and treat the affected areas.

It is necessary to carry out this procedure three times a day until the disease disappears completely, and another 2 weeks after, to eliminate the visible symptoms of the fungus.

Folk recipes

Since the fungus is a difficult-to-treat disease, treatment is recommended strictly under the supervision of a doctor. But, since the approach to eliminating mycosis is usually complex, you can use, along with medicines, traditional medicine - foot baths, oil masks and compresses, alcohol tinctures and homemade ointments.

Foot baths

As a rule, when the skin between the toes bursts, there is a rather painful sensation. To reduce it, you need to soften the rough skin and treat the wounds with healing and antifungal agents. Baths with slightly hot water are used to soften. You can add infusions of herbs to the water - calendula, sage, medicinal chamomile or large plantain.

Herbal baths - a good antiseptic

Most often, a bath with a soap and soda solution is used. For this, 2 liters. boiling water take ¼ bar of laundry soap and 1 tsp. soda. The soap is crushed and everything is thoroughly mixed in water. When the water reaches a temperature so that you can hold your legs, make a bath for 30 minutes. After steaming the legs, the skin is smeared with a cream with chamomile or lard.

An excellent remedy for fungus is a decoction of oak bark and succession. Any of these herbs is poured with boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. or boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes, then soar the legs in this infusion.

You can make baths from heated vegetable oil. As a rule, it is done in the evening. At the end of the procedure, put on socks.

Fungal infection intolerant to salt

If you daily do warm baths with saline for 10-15 minutes. per day, the disease will pass earlier.

Oil masks and ointments

If the skin between the toes bursts and hurts, oil-based products will be effective. It can be calendula oil, chlorophyllipt oil solution or castor oil. You can mix decoctions of the above herbs with oil, for better wound healing.

Oils are usually applied, either simply by lubricating the affected areas of the skin, or in the form of a mask for 30-40 minutes.

Onion-pine oil remedy works well. To prepare it, boil half an hour in a water bath pine needles in half with onion peel in a glass of water 1: 1. The cooled broth is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. butter and 1 tsp. camphor oil. Lubricate with such an ointment the skin affected by the fungus.

Pine needles and onion peel combined with oil is an effective remedy for the treatment of affected skin areas.

You can prepare a remedy from 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 0.5 tbsp. l. alcohol, 2 tsp. chamomile decoction and talc. This mask is applied for 40 minutes, then washed off and a nourishing cream is applied.

onion compress

Since ancient times, a compress made from gruel of fresh onions has been a success. It is applied to the steamed skin of the legs for the whole night, covering with polyethylene. In the morning, everything is washed off and smeared with a cream or ointment. At the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to do this procedure 2-3 times for recovery.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol not only dries the skin, but also eliminates fungi and bacteria.. Therefore, alcohol tinctures are an excellent remedy for the treatment of athlete's foot.

One such remedy consists of 100 ml of medical alcohol, 10 aspirin tablets and 1 vial of iodine. Store it in a dark glass bottle.

Aspirin, alcohol and iodine are components of a useful alcohol tincture for the treatment of fungus

You can also prepare such a remedy: take 25 gr. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 1 tsp. 10% ammonia. Wipe your feet with this product before going to bed and put on cotton socks.

How to take care of your feet

If your skin on your feet does not burst between your toes, this does not mean that you can neglect some personal hygiene rules regarding your feet, since the fungus is transmitted from infected people through objects and wet floors.

Let's list the main rules.

  1. Wash feet daily with soap.
  2. Wipe your feet well, especially between the toes.
  3. Wear clothes on your feet only from natural cotton or wool, without synthetics.
  4. Wear comfortable and loose shoes.
  5. In any public places (in saunas, on beaches), where they walk with open legs, wear slates.
  6. Do not use someone else's towel, shoes, socks and other personal hygiene products.
  7. Wash clothes and towels at high temperatures.
  8. Shoes, floor and bathroom or shower cubicle must be disinfected once a month.
  9. Avoid the appearance of cracks and wounds on the feet. If this happens, be sure to treat with an antifungal and antiseptic agent.

At home or in a public place - you must use your own towel

Summing up, we can safely say that it is better to prevent the disease in all possible ways than to treat it for a long time. But if you already managed to get infected with a foot fungus, you should definitely start treatment. And be sure to consult a doctor, and not treat yourself. After all, mycosis of the feet is not only contagious, but also intractable.

What to do if the skin is torn between the toes. Find out from the video:

How to quickly get rid of foot fungus with folk remedies? Watch video recipes:

A well-known doctor talks about fungal infections. Watch the authoritative video:

No one is now surprised by the problem of excessive dryness and dehydration of the skin of the body, as a result of which the skin on the toes in adults and children cracks. The peak of the problem falls on the summer period, when hot and dry air hovers around, and makes even the deepest particles of moisture in the skin evaporate. That is why you can understand why the skin between the toes cracks, because it is almost completely devoid of moisture. Although, dryness is one thing, and the fungus is another.

If we are talking specifically about mycosis (skin fungus), then the situation with dryness only contributes to its progression, but is not the cause of its occurrence. There are always bacteria on the skin of the feet, but when the feet are overheated or hypothermic, as well as in the process of wearing narrow stuffy shoes, the foot fungus begins its activation. It is because of epidermophytosis (mycosis) that the skin between the toes and around them cracks, especially under the nails.

Reasons why the skin of the toes and heels cracks

Causes in children:

Particular attention should be paid to the problem if the skin on the toes of a child cracks, because the child's body is still being formed, which means that it is not ready to actively resist the fungus of the skin of the feet as an adult. True, often in children the cause of cracks in the feet is not due to a fungus. As a rule, the cause of the aggressor is an allergy: this is a food irritant allergen, and cosmetics or personal hygiene items in the form of soap or shower gel, and up to washing powder, which simply may not be accepted by the skin of the legs. In addition to all these reasons, do not forget about the active development of the child's body and its need for trace elements and vitamins, with a lack of which the skin of the legs will crack, peel and peel no less actively than from mycosis.

Causes in adults:

In an adult, everything is slightly different, because the body is formed and the balance of all elements has long been established, and what is missing is actively absorbed with food. But the moment of dryness of the skin could easily explain why the skin is cracking on the big toe. This problem is very easily solved, it is necessary to provide the feet with proper hydration with a pharmacy cream on cosmetic oils and with vitamins. And after bath procedures, remove dead skin particles with pumice stone, for faster regeneration of new skin cells.

Often the reasons why the skin on the heels of women cracks lie in their lifestyle and behavior. For example, if a woman is on a diet or limits the completeness of her diet because of her unwillingness to get better, she thereby limits the intake of vitamins A and E, without which the skin begins to crack. In addition, the abundance of cosmetics that girls like to use can dry out the skin of the legs and cause dryness and, as a result, cracks in the epithelium.

For approximately the same reasons, the skin on the heels of men cracks, though, in addition to the above factors, it is worth adding a higher physical activity during work during the day. As well as promiscuity in nutrition, it forces them to take an additional complex of vitamins for prevention, which men are usually not used to doing, and therefore acquire such a skin problem faster than women.

What to do if the skin on the fingers and heels cracks

It is vital for any organism, regardless of age and gender, to receive all kinds of usefulness and nutrients from a fresh healthy diet. But sometimes, even with good nutrition, not everything is absorbed into the body, and even more so, not everything reaches the skin of the legs. The problem arises - what to do if the skin on the heels cracks, how to treat such an ailment with folk home methods? The answer is simple: start eating foods with a high content of vitamins A, D and E. Your first and main treatment is proper nutrition.

When the skin on the toes cracks and bursts, the causes of what is happening are related to beriberi or hypovitaminosis, you should undergo a comprehensive course of vitamin therapy. And also in the diet to increase portions of such products:

  • fresh red and green apples;
  • if possible, fresh bell pepper (in season);
  • walnuts and almonds;
  • tangerines, oranges, kiwi;
  • olive and sunflower oil;
  • fresh carrots;
  • persimmons (in season) and dried apricots (year-round).

Folk recipes how to treat cracked heels

  • Apple vinegar : mix 1 to 1 water with apple cider vinegar, moisten the feet well with this mixture and wrap it in gauze, leave it overnight. In the morning, wash well with a pumice stone and lubricate with a nourishing moisturizer.
  • Onion ointment : finely chop two medium onions and pour them with a glass of warmed sunflower oil (not refined). Heat this mixture in a frying pan and brown the onion until golden brown. Then add a couple of tablespoons of melted beeswax. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, strain, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Lubricate her legs before going to bed for 1-2 weeks until the cracks on the feet and toes are eliminated.
  • Herbal baths : per liter of water, a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of herbs of dry nettle, sage and chamomile. After steaming your feet in such a not hot bath, let them dry and smear with a nourishing moisturizer. An excellent prophylactic.

As for the treatment of foot fungus, it is better to consult a dermatologist and take a smear from the skin to clarify the diagnosis. As a rule, in the usual case, the treatment is with corticosteroid ointment and antibacterial lotions.

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