What composites are reliable beautiful veneers of teeth. Composite veneers for front teeth and reviews with photos. What are the quality criteria for composite veneers

Various problems with teeth worries many, so few can boast of perfect and completely healthy teeth. In addition, with age, they wear out, they are struck various infections that cause cavities and further tooth decay.

If a back teeth not visible, then the front ones are always in sight and almost everyone can see the slightest damage. For these purposes, special microprostheses were developed - composite veneers. These products allow you to hide even small defects, make the tooth even, give it natural look and hides all defects. But still, before resorting to the installation of these tools, it is worth carefully studying their main features.

Attention! Usually, veneers are installed only at the request of the patient; for this, it is not entirely necessary to have indications. As a rule, these funds are used to improve the shape and color of the teeth, and also if the patient dreams of having a Hollywood smile.

But still, there are some indications in which veneers are installed:
  • ugly and uneven shape of teeth;
  • the presence of a pronounced yellow tint of the anterior incisors;
  • change in shade after depulpation;
  • the presence of an erosive process of enamel, for example, after a tooth has been chipped off due to any reason;
  • wide spaces between teeth with an ugly shape, as well as turned crowded incisors;
  • can be used when other recovery methods have not provided the desired results.

Composite veneers are a method aesthetic correction smiles of the patient, which is used for cracks and chips on the teeth, discoloration, curvature of the teeth, large interdental spaces.


Important! Before resorting to the installation of composite veneers, you should pay attention to contraindications, sometimes the doctor may suggest alternative ways restoration of teeth.

Do not use veneers in the presence of the following indications:
  1. If the patient has a reverse or direct malocclusion;
  2. If a person is actively involved in wrestling, boxing and other sports, calling the process tooth decay;
  3. It should not be installed if there are no chewing teeth in the oral cavity;
  4. The presence of certain bad habits in which teeth are used for other purposes, for example, opening beer bottle caps with teeth, cracking nuts, seeds, biting nails and others;
  5. Structure inner surface on the part of the tongue, it has an increased degree of destruction or a seal is installed there, which is large;
  6. In the past, treatment was performed using resorcinol-formalin.

Also, some people may have very thin enamel. Before installing veneers, the enamel layer is removed, and the installation of these elements is performed on the surface of soft dentin, which has reduced strength.

Porcelain veneers can also be placed on severely damaged teeth, and composite veneers can be placed on other incisors, but they must be matched in the same shade.

Types of veneers

Usually, all veneers are divided into types depending on the material from which they are made. In total, there are three types of these products:

  • ceramic microprostheses. Plates of this type are made from zirconium dioxide, porcelain, which has a medical purpose. This type of veneers is widely used among many patients, because it has increased strength, and its color does not change even after a long period of use. Ceramic plates have a small thickness, its size is only 0.3-0.5 mm. By outward signs ceramic products do not differ at all from the structure of natural teeth;
  • composite veneers. This type of record is in low demand. The thing is that these microprostheses have long been outdated and they are rarely used anymore, this is due to their lack of long term service, as well as low strength. In addition, compared to ceramic, they do not look quite aesthetically pleasing;
  • porcelain veneers. These products are part of the Hollywood laminates group. The size of the plate thickness of this type is only 0.2 mm. These products are durable and long lasting. In addition, their installation does not require additional turning of the teeth.

Veneers are thin shells that are placed on the front surface of the teeth in the smile area. They are necessary for aesthetic correction defects in the dentition - in particular the color and shape of the front teeth.

Manufacturing features

Depending on the type of veneers, the methods and features of their manufacture have some distinctive features. In order to choose the right products, you should carefully consider the options for manufacturing ceramic and composite veneers.

Ceramic veneers

The manufacturing technology of ceramic veneers provides for several options:

  1. During the first method, the ceramic material is applied in layers, which are then fired. Using this method, non-pressed type ceramics are produced;
  2. In the second method, pressed-type ceramics are produced. During manufacture, the molding is formed under the influence of high temperature. Unlike non-pressed records, these products have an increased service life.

Veneers are tightly bonded to the tooth surface and have optical, mechanical and biological properties the same as human tooth enamel. This is what made ceramic veneers popular in the restoration of teeth.

Features of installing ceramic veneers:

  • first, the tooth is grinded, this is required for the further installation of veneers;
  • then a special mixture with a fast-acting structure is applied to the surface of the teeth. An impression is made from this mixture, with the help of which the future micro-prosthesis is created on a computer;
  • after that, turning and manufacturing of plates is performed;
  • the inner surface of the veneers is processed with a special tool that is designed to apply a surface with a rough structure. This is required for better adhesion of the plate to the teeth;
  • during the production of veneers, temporary micro-prostheses are installed on the surface of the teeth;
  • when attaching permanent laminates, temporary ones are removed. Installation of permanent veneers is performed on a cement mixture

Features of the manufacture of composite veneers

Composite veneers are made using two technologies:

  1. During the first method, composite microprostheses are performed on site in the dentist's office. Usually these products are called direct or therapeutic. During the procedure, the doctor removes the top layer of enamel. Next, a layer-by-layer light-polymer material is applied to the surface. Gradually, the surface of the teeth is restored, and all damage and defects are corrected;
  2. During the second method, the plates are produced in laboratory conditions. Before manufacturing begins, the enamel is removed from the surface of the teeth and an impression is taken. Based on the cast, a composite veneer is made.

Composite veneers are made directly in the patient's mouth from composite materials by layering them. Composite veneer technology is similar to artistic restoration teeth.

Description of composite veneers

Composite veneers in recent times began to be in low demand, the reviews of many patients reveal many negative qualities.
Many dentists recommend using composite plates that are made in the laboratory because they are much better and stronger than products that are made right in the dentist's office.

Important! In 90% of cases, exactly those veneers are used that are applied by the dentist right in the office. Typically, a layer of composite material applied to the front of the teeth looks like a large filling, which costs much more than a conventional restoration of teeth.

During the installation of the veneer in the office, the doctor grinds the incisors and applies a layer of material. Then the technician, using special laboratory equipment, gives it the necessary color and transparency.

The direct method of making a veneer in the oral cavity: the doctor evaluates the condition of the teeth - the color of the composite material is selected - the teeth are turned - a veneer is formed from composite materials - the veneer is turned and polished.


Compared to ceramic veneers, composite materials have a number of negative qualities:

  • compared to ceramic products, these plates have low aesthetic qualities. Sometimes, after installation, there is a clear difference in the color of the veneer from the natural color of the tooth enamel;
  • teeth with composite plates quickly lose. Over time, composite veneers become dull, yellowish, and the shade may become darker. But ceramic and porcelain plates never change color, their shade is fully preserved throughout the entire period of use;
  • composite microprostheses have low strength. After installing them, it is not recommended to crack nuts, eat hard foods, vegetables, fruits. But products that are made of pressed ceramics or zirconium are characterized by increased strength, they do not collapse even under impact;
  • when performing layer-by-layer overlaying of light-polymer overlaying of material under artificial lighting in dental office does not allow to achieve the desired shade, because high humidity tooth reduces the quality of the base. In addition, there are a large number of colors of composite material for veneers, so many may experience serious problems with the choice of the desired shade. But in any case, no matter what color is chosen for the veneer, it will still differ from ceramic or porcelain plates.

When neglecting their teeth, patients injure them. bad habits can lead to yellowing of the veneers, as well as breakage. In this regard, you will have to make a new veneer or crown on the tooth.

Veneer technology

In order to produce and install veneers with high quality, it is recommended to perform all necessary recommendations and rules:

  1. On the first preparatory stage complete examination of the oral cavity. At this stage, old fillings are identified, which must be removed. New fillings are installed in place of old fillings, their surface will create a high adhesion to the veneer;
  2. Next, the doctor, together with the patient, selects the desired color for the future veneer. The selection takes into account the wishes of the patient, as well as the natural shade of the teeth;
  3. Then the top layer of enamel is removed, thin layer with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 cm. Also at this stage, old fillings are removed and new ones are installed;
  4. After that, using a special material, the doctor makes an impression of the teeth on which the veneers will be installed. The impression is sent to the laboratory;
  5. Immediately after the impression is taken, a temporary micro-prosthesis is installed on the surface of the turned teeth. It is needed in order to provide increased protection to the teeth from the effects of various negative factors;
  6. Technicians in the laboratory, on the basis of the cast, cast the model from plaster material. Then, with the help of special computer programs veneers are being made. The pressing method produces plates from a porcelain base, zirconium plates are machined;
  7. At the final stage, a permanent veneer is installed, the temporary plate is removed. Installation is done using special pastes that have special colors. It is important to choose the right shade of paste, the color of a healthy tooth depends on it.

Important! After the installation of veneers, it is necessary to properly care for the teeth and constantly monitor them. Do not use them for other purposes, for example, for opening bottle caps, cracking nut shells, biting nails.

In addition, it is necessary to perform regular cleaning and rinsing of the oral cavity using special solutions with an antiseptic effect. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, you can keep composite veneers in good condition for a long time.

What are composite veneers?

recovery technology and restoration of teeth with the help of overlays has long gained great popularity around the world. Special plates are made from different materials: ceramics, composite, zircon oxide and others. When using composite veneers, made from a special filling light-curing material, the process of installing overlays greatly benefits in comparison with other analogues in terms of time costs.

On the initial stage the use of composite veneers, their quality left much to be desired. However, today, thanks to research, improvements and many years of experience with this material, dentists from different countries, quality finished product significantly improved and even approached the properties of ceramic overlays.

The result of the restoration of anterior teeth with composite veneers

Manufacturing and installation methods

There are two ways to make these overlays: indirect and straight(therapeutic veneers). For the first procedure pre-treatment tooth is identical to ceramic plates. Turned first upper layer enamel, then an impression is made of the teeth on which veneers are to be installed. A mold is cast according to the cast and overlays are made on the basis of it. The dentist installs the finished plates on a composite adhesive.

The essence of making a veneer by the direct method is to prepare it at the very first visit to the dentist on the tooth itself. In this case, the same material is used as in the indirect version. The only difference is the impact on the overlay with high pressure or temperature, which is possible only in laboratory conditions. As a result, the overlays made by the first method are much stronger, but the restoration of teeth composite veneers made in a direct way there is a significant plus. To use them, the doctor does not have to grind the entire front part tooth. Only the part that is subject to change is dissected.

Apply indirect method it is better if the patient needs to fix several teeth at once. In this case, he will visit the doctor twice instead of once, but much less time will be spent. With minor damage and correction of one or two teeth, it would be more logical to use a direct composite veneer. Moreover, its cost is much lower than that of the indirect one.

Photo before: installing a veneer on a tooth with a chip Photo after installation


Even though before ceramic onlays composite is quite far away, yet they have a number of advantages even compared to ceramics:

  1. There is no need to grind teeth for veneers entirely when using onlays made by the direct method;
  2. The process of production and installation of composite plates takes much less time compared to ceramic ones. In some cases, the patient can get by with one visit to the dentist;
  3. Composite restoration veneers are convenient to use for minor defects and irregularities, while the tooth itself will not be damaged by preparation;
  4. Restoration with composite is reversible;
  5. With the use of composite material, in most cases, it is possible to achieve a final result that matches the natural color and shape of the teeth. There will be no effect false teeth, as when using first-generation ceramic onlays;
  6. Achieving high strength of the composite is possible due to the increase in its particles;
  7. The cost of a composite material is several times lower than the cost of ceramics.


And yet, despite all the advantages listed, composite veneers also have disadvantages, because of which many patients prefer to put ceramics.

  1. First of all, such overlays are subject to color change under the influence of external factors. So over time they can darken;
  2. The main disadvantage of composite veneers is their fragility, due to which the period of use is significantly reduced;
  3. Composite overlays are subject to abrasion, and their surface cannot be polished to perfect condition;
  4. For more long use the patient is advised to follow special diet, namely, do not eat highly coloring and very hard foods;
  5. It is not always possible to match the color of the composite to the natural color of the tooth, since the color palette is rather limited;
  6. There is a high probability of chips, cracks and the formation of defects along the edge of the plate;
  7. A lot in working with the composite depends on the doctor, since the manufacture takes place without the participation of special equipment.


Based on the above disadvantages, it is possible to assess the risk of installing light-cured composite veneers and draw up a list of obvious contraindications for which it is better to use ceramics or even choose a crown as an alternative restoration option.

  1. In the presence of a reverse or direct bite, the installation of overlays on the teeth is highly undesirable;
  2. Tendency to bad habits, damaging teeth, will quickly render the composite unusable (after installation, you can not gnaw seeds, pencils, nuts, nails, open packages and bottle caps with your teeth, etc.);
  3. Athletes involved in dangerous species sports, it is useless to put overlays, because at the first strong blow they will be broken;
  4. For bruxism or pathological abrasion enamel composite veneers will not help for a long time;
  5. It is not recommended to restore badly damaged, weakened, crooked, and very short teeth with overlays;
  6. Before installing the composite, it is imperative to cure caries, otherwise it will continue to destroy the tooth even under the lining. The same applies to sore gums.

Before deciding to install composite onlays, be sure to consult with your primary care physician. He or she may recommend another treatment option for you.

Veneers - closing technology outer surface front teeth with an aesthetic material that restores the shape and color of the tooth. Veneers are made from different materials - ceramics, zirconium oxide and composite. Here we will talk about composite veneers.

Composite veneers for direct method are made directly on the tooth in the dental chair by a dentist. What is the difference? There will be no fundamental difference in the material. Composite veneers are made from the same composite in both versions. But the dentist will not be able to work on composite veneers in the oral cavity with high temperature or pressure. A technician can. Therefore, the composite veneers of the technician are stronger than those of the doctor. Although this difference when using the latest generations of composite materials is negligible or does not exist at all. Here are examples of how we do direct composite veneers.

Composite veneers are made from a composite, a special filling material. When dental composites were just beginning to be produced, their qualities and properties were far from perfect. Now composite materials have approached the properties of ceramics. Many consist of both composite and ceramics. Composite veneers offer significant advantages over ceramic or zirconia veneers. Since under direct composite veneers, not the entire tooth can be processed, but only the part that needs to be corrected in shape or color. Direct composite veneers have this colossal advantage. Differences from other veneers.

If these were composite veneers made by a technician, all of the healthy outer areas of the teeth would have to be treated. Irrational.

Indirect composite veneers are especially convenient when there are several of them. The patient spends in the dental chair not an hour or two for each veneer, but only two hours, no matter how many veneers are made. One hour is needed for preparation for veneers and impressions, the second, in a few days, to install composite veneers. Indirect composite veneers are rational for large violations of the tooth surface. If the defects are small, then direct composite veneers will be much more optimal.

Thin onlays for teeth produced by layered spraying are called composite veneers. They differ from the usual ceramic overlays in that they are made immediately in the mouth. Such plates are called therapeutic, they are made in just one visit to the dentist.

The doctor applies a reflective composite on the frontal surface of the tooth - these places are the most successful for installation, since they almost do not experience any load during chewing. Composite materials are similar to dental materials and are durable with proper care. They are ideal for masking small incisor pathologies such as: small chips, ugly color. This is a great alternative to more expensive ones (they are called direct).

So, let's figure out what composite veneers are (they are also called indirect), and why you can choose them to mask defects in the dentition.

  • Irregularity needs to be corrected.
  • Chips and microcracks;
  • Widened spaces between teeth;
  • Unnatural shade of enamel color;
  • Tooth shape changed in the course of trauma or abrasion;
  • It is impossible to carry out bleaching due to pigmentation, cracks or fluorosis;
  • Trema and diastema;
  • Slight displacement of the teeth in the vertical plane;
  • Defective filling (if it is stable);
  • Defects of underdeveloped teeth, hypoplasia, ameogenesis;
  • Irregularity of the tooth;
  • Cleft in front teeth.
  • pathological bite;
  • acute diseases of the teeth, gums;
  • night grinding of teeth;
  • tooth mobility;
  • pathology of worn teeth;
  • the nerve is removed;
  • thin enamel;
  • prognathia, progenia, gingivitis;
  • No chewing teeth(6th and 7th);
  • hidden enamel pathologies that will become apparent when installing composite veneers;
  • there is a lack of hygiene;
  • or participation in extreme sports.

Some of the contraindications are quite relative, after getting rid of them, the installation can be carried out.

Dmitry Sidorov


If veneers cannot be placed, a crown is used. These two types of dental structures are perfectly adjacent, if necessary.

Service life and care

Care is like teeth: brush daily with floss, toothpaste and brush, or irrigator. They are also polished, so you need to visit a dentist regularly.

There are a few more simple rules:

  1. When using composite veneers, you need to monitor the gums where they are in contact with it. Slight redness indicates urgent appeal to the dentist;
  2. It is necessary to remove plaque in a timely manner so as not to provoke. Suspicion of caries is a signal for the urgent removal of the veneer;
  3. If the veneer spoils diction, then you need to talk more - over time, this drawback will disappear due to addiction.
  4. In order not to break the plate, it is forbidden to gnaw and bite solid food.

When doing extreme sports, or while sleeping, you should take special care of your veneers. To prevent their breakage, special protective mouth guards are put on at night.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of composite structures is their price. Composite veneers are easy to install, they do not require expensive raw materials - this explains why high price. Installation does not take much time, a single visit to the doctor is enough. To get the job done, you don't need to take impressions and send them to a dental technician for veneers. Their production is performed in the presence of the patient.

Their main disadvantage is that with poor-quality installation, they do not fit snugly against the enamel, so over time, food debris can accumulate there and bacteria multiply, leading to the development of caries and inflammation of the gums. The following are some of their other shortcomings:

  • The aesthetics of composite veneers are worse than ceramic ones;
  • After a while, they darken, so a replacement is needed;
  • Composite is a brittle material;
  • Sometimes grind, become rough.
  • The composite is stained from food dyes, so you have to carefully monitor the food you eat;
  • At first, they interfere with chewing and talking normally;
  • You can not eat seeds and nuts - they lead to the formation of microcracks on the surface;

Composite dental materials have some limited color scheme. Therefore, sometimes it is not easy to choose a 100% natural color.

If this happens, then a competent dentist offers the patient the most suitable options to choose from. In about 35% of patients, no difference between the color of the plate and the “native” tooth can be noticed.

Dmitry Sidorov


They are not bleachable. Only natural enamel is bleached, and the plate is more dark color. It looks unattractive, so when the color of the enamel changes, they have to be changed.

Production and price

The procedure for making direct veneers is not as simple as it might seem. Since the composite material is mounted directly in the patient's mouth, the dentist cannot use high pressure or temperature. However, there is good news - the tooth is under minimal impact, so it is almost not injured.

Composite veneer is made in the following way:

  • doctor examines oral cavity the patient and analyzes the degree of damage to the teeth;
  • The color shade of the veneer is selected;
  • The teeth that are subjected to veneer are ground (the thickness of the worn enamel is 0.30–0.70 mm);
  • The composite is applied in layers to the desired surface of the turned tooth;
  • The tooth is polished, washed with water, dried. Then the surface is treated with a special solution that increases adhesion.

The cost of veneers largely depends on the reputation of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor. In the capital, prices are slightly higher than in regional ones. dental clinics. In polyclinics, the cost is in the range of 2500-3000 rubles. Elite dentistry is more expensive - about 15,000 rubles. Theoretically, a high cost indicates a better work of the dentist.

Dmitry Sidorov


If veneers are made with high quality and by a competent dentist, then they are 100% consistent with the color and shape. standing nearby teeth.

Veneer or crown?

Installing a crown on a turned tooth

If there are no contraindications to the installation of composite veneers, then it is preferable to use them rather than crowns. If there are contraindications, the dentist will definitely prefer a high-quality crown. The fundamental difference between these two dental structures is that when using a crown, the dentist must grind the tooth from all sides by approximately two millimeters. The tooth becomes like a "stump", sometimes the nerve is removed.

To install a veneer, only the top layer of enamel is removed - and not everywhere, but only on the front wall of the tooth, by 0.60–1.00 mm near the cutting edge.

The material for the installation of crowns, which is used in the restoration of the tooth, does not have the necessary aesthetic characteristics. Therefore, the installed crown does not look as good on the front teeth as veneers. Eating food leads to the fact that a dark stripe appears on the border of the crown and tooth.

Braces or veneers?

For many patients suffering from orthodontic pathologies, the question arises: which is better - braces or composite veneers? The answer to this question must be approached individually - the decision depends on how crooked the teeth are.

In fact, veneers can affect the external correction of teeth - others will not see the flaw. But in fact, he did not go anywhere, but only became disguised.

Composite veneers look attractive, correct some defects and are able to serve for a very long time. Installation of veneers is carried out taking into account medical contraindications: The need for their use should definitely be discussed with your dentist. Deciding which is best this case- crowns, braces or one of the varieties of veneers cannot be taken by the patient himself, a specialist consultation will be required.

Everyone needs an attractive smile. Modern techniques in dentistry, veneers can be made not only from a composite, but also from ceramics and zirconium dioxide. Each of the materials has its advantages and disadvantages, but composite veneers are the most inexpensive.

If there are bacon-flavored chips, wood-like plastic panels, false nails with a mother-of-pearl design, then what is worse than pearl-like false teeth.

What is a veneer? The best answer is to follow Kozma Prutkov: “Look at the root!”

Veneer (English) - veneer, veneer, surface layer. Veneer of culture - the visibility of culture (alas - this applies to many). When the word refers to dentistry, it simply means the thin lining of a tooth. Hence the different technologies for creating such a surface.

Hollywood veneers

If all teeth are healthy and a person is not satisfied with only the color or shape, then the most best way out– do nothing with them except disinfection, but try to correct the appearance using only thin overlays, which in this case are called Hollywood veneers. For example, if two large central teeth stand out from the others in their size, then instead of grinding and reducing them, it is enough just to increase the pair with overlays neighboring teeth left and right.

The photos before and after the procedure clearly show that striking changes are sometimes achieved by very modest means: a change in color and minor corrections in shape. To avoid the equine smile, Hollywood veneers are made as thin as possible up to 0.3 mm, and in order to distinguish them from the group of ordinary ones, brand names of the type are invented: lumineers, vivaniers ultraniers, etc.

Veneers for teeth

Tooth defectswhich are easily eliminated with Hollywood veneers:

  • irregular shape of teeth;
  • unsatisfactory color;
  • visible filling, traces of restoration;
  • enamel wear;
  • chips and cracks;
  • gaps between teeth (front or side).

Lumineers are thin ceramic overlays made individually, according to accurate casts of teeth. They have great strength, hardness, have excellent appearance, have transparency similar to tooth enamel . The durability and aesthetic qualities of ceramic lumineers justify their rather high cost. On the American website www.lumineers.com, the price of lumineers per tooth is indicated from 800 to 2000.

The cost of such branded ceramics Cerinate (USA) in Russia is indicated: from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. Discounts are explained by well-established relationships with the manufacturer. Such a high cost is associated not only with the lack of high-tech production in Russia, but also with very good application statistics, and in appearance such a thing looks beautiful and very expensive.

Composite veneers

Onlays for teeth made in the laboratory from impressions are called indirect veneers, composite or ceramic. Due to the high temperature required for ceramics, these veneers are only indirect.

Composite veneers can be made directly in the mouth, on the teeth, with enamel ground by 0.3-0.7 mm. Prepared tooth etched with a special gel and an adhesive layer is applied that binds enamel and dentin with subsequent layers of composite material. Each layer polymerizes under the action of light of a certain wavelength, and for some photopolymers it is possible reverse process: if it is irradiated with light with a higher frequency, then the depolymerized material can be washed off with a solvent.

After the color is selected and the desired appearance of the tooth is formed, it is processed with cutters, ground and polished. The entire procedure can be completed in one session - this, along with the relatively low cost, is the main advantage of direct (directly on the spot) composite veneer.

The list of disadvantages of such a restoration layer is much longer:

  • composite veneers are noticeably inferior to ceramic veneers in terms of strength;
  • possible color change under the influence of vegetable dyes;
  • over time, the border of the restoration with composite veneer may appear;
  • low service life: every 5 years it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

At in large numbers problematic teeth, the procedure is delayed and even the lower cost does not justify the direct method.

The shiny surface of composite veneers relatively quickly loses its smoothness and requires re-polishing.

Indirect composite veneers are made in the same way as porcelain veneers in the laboratory, and their strength may be higher than those made in place. Strength and aesthetic properties of composite materials depend on particle size included in its composition, and a change in the size of the grains causes conflicting changes in properties.

Some features of composites

At a particle scale of about 30 microns, a material with maximum strength is obtained, but with the worst aesthetic content: it cannot be polished and quickly tarnishes. When the particle size is 3 orders of magnitude smaller (from 0.04 microns), everything happens smoothly and vice versa - a perfectly polished, color-resistant surface has insufficient strength suitable for filling only. We have to choose not quite the golden mean - hybrid composites with particles up to 2 microns.

Among other things, direct composite veneers require a lot of experience and skill from the doctor: do desired shape a tooth and picking a color is easy for a sculptor, but not for every doctor.

The usual contraindications also apply when installing composite veneers:

  • thinned enamel;
  • direct bite;
  • gnashing of teeth as a stable habit;
  • mobile teeth;
  • caries and inflammatory processes until the cure.

The cost of composite veneers, depending on the clinic and the complexity of the procedure, is from 2,500 to 15,000 rubles. In most conventional mid-level clinics, the price range is much smaller: direct veneers from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. But in composite, even under ceramic veneer, after 5 years defects may be found., that is, this is the maximum service life of such a material.

Ceramic veneers

Hollywood veneers, as the most sparing option, of course, are the most preferable, but it is not always possible to do without enamel turning. This procedure is not as simple as it may seem: all marginal points, especially near the gums require almost jeweler's precision and good modern instruments. The service life of ceramic veneers depends on the thoroughness of the turning and subsequent processing of the teeth, that is, everything is on the conscience of a particular doctor.

Reliable statistics on how lucky the average is with this Russian patient hardly exists. In other countries where the discipline of execution similar procedures no such doubt sampling surveys are being carried out patients. So, in Belgium, ceramic veneers were tested after 5 and 10 years of operation.

As a result, it turned out that after 5 years of using veneers, the likelihood of developing negative effects: secondary caries, edge permeability of the adhesive and other easily eliminated defects. In some cases, serious deficiencies in the performance of clinical procedures were cited as the cause. (It's in Belgium!). After 10 years of use, only 4% of ceramic veneers were in perfect condition. Most of the defects found were easily fixed.

Relationships Russian doctors and patients are incomparably different from European and American orders. The responsibility of our dentists to a bandit or official can be incommensurably higher than to an ordinary patient, even in the event of a lawsuit. In addition, some of them came to this profession only because of the opportunity to earn good money without looking back at their abilities.

Despite this good doctors we still exist, it is they that need to be looked for, deciding on an expensive procedure with veneers. Only a conscientious doctor can justify high price beautiful smiles. Porcelain veneers on carefully prepared teeth will last for many years, but still periodic inspection should be mandatory procedure as well as personal hygiene.

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