Atonic colitis of the intestine. Colitis. How is the treatment

One of the varieties of chronic inflammation of the intestine is atonic colitis. The disease is characterized by dystrophic phenomena in the tissues, as a result of which the motor activity of the colon is reduced. Violation of motility leads to the accumulation of feces in the hollow organ, their compaction. Gradually, a “blockage” of hardened feces forms in the intestine, which can only be cleared with powerful enemas.

The precursor of the pathology is the spastic type of the disease, in which prolonged constipation is observed. If the functional disorder is not treated, this leads to the death of the cells of the mucous membranes and the thinning of the walls of the digestive organ. Atrophic processes eventually affect the nerve fibers and the intestine ceases to function normally.

The reasons

Atonic colitis develops slowly, that is, it has a chronic course. Both exogenous and endogenous factors contribute to the onset of the disease. Pathology is most often diagnosed in the elderly and those leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Dystrophic phenomena in the large intestine occur due to the following reasons:

  • malnutrition: irregular meals, diet abuse, lack of fiber in the diet, consumption of unhealthy foods (fast foods, snacks, etc.);
  • physical inactivity, sedentary work;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • frequent stress, emotional overstrain;
  • long-term medication;
  • frequent bowel cleansing with enemas, laxatives;
  • diseases of the rectum;
  • endocrine disorders.


The manifestation of atonic colitis increases as the disease progresses. At the initial stage of the development of atrophy, the disease has the same symptoms as functional bowel disease - diarrhea or constipation. The pathology is characterized by a decrease in the motor function of the organ, a regular violation of the stool. Over time, constipation becomes more prolonged, a person cannot empty himself for several days.

Other manifestations of the disease are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • bloating, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • pain in the abdominal region;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • an increase in body weight;
  • increased gas formation;
  • the presence of blood in the feces;
  • general ailments: weakness, loss of strength, irritability.


The diagnosis of atonic colitis occurs in the standard way:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • physical examination;
  • passing blood, urine, feces tests to detect inflammation, helminthic invasion, bacterial infection and a number of other indicators;
  • the patient undergoes irrigoscopy, colonoscopy, which help to see the morphological changes in the organ, assess the condition of the mucous membranes.

Methods of treatment of intestinal colitis of atonic type

The main treatment of the disease is to take medication and diet. The patient is also recommended to increase physical activity, walk more, and massage the abdomen. The abdomen is massaged in circular motions clockwise. If you do this procedure daily, then the motor-evacuation functions of the organ will improve.


Medicines are prescribed for symptomatic and restorative therapy:

  • pain is relieved with antispasmodics - Drotaverine, No-shpa;
  • feces are softened with mild laxatives - vaseline or castor oil;
  • peristalsis is restored with the help of cholinesterase inhibitors - Proserpine, Amiridine;
  • concomitant dysbacteriosis is treated with probiotics and prebiotics - Laktrofiltrum, Linex, Hilak forte;
  • general well-being is improved by vitamin and mineral complexes, B vitamins and folic acid are especially useful.

Atonic colitis of the intestine categorically cannot be treated with medications without the knowledge of a doctor, as this can aggravate the situation.


Surgical intervention may be required for intestinal obstruction (pseudo-obstruction), in other cases, the disease is treated conservatively.

Folk methods

You can remove inflammation in the colon, reduce painful symptoms and eliminate constipation with the help of folk remedies. It is useful to drink teas and decoctions made from medicinal plants. Decoctions can be used to cleanse the colon with an enema, but you should not do this often, as this can aggravate the course of the pathology.

Effective means:

  • infusions of chamomile, mint, sage, St. John's wort or calendula drink half a glass before meals;
  • enemas with chamomile or St. John's wort are done at night for two weeks;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil is consumed three times a day, a teaspoon before meals.


In atonic colitis of the intestine, experts recommend eating light food that does not require a significant load on the digestive tract for digestion. It is necessary to exclude all "harmful products" - fast foods, ready-made sauces, canned food, smoked meats, sausage products. You should eat only healthy and non-greasy food.

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • eat in small portions, but often, up to six times a day;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day;
  • chew food thoroughly or grind to a mushy state;
  • be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, sour-milk products in the daily diet.

Dried apricots, figs, prunes, boiled or baked pumpkin and beets contribute to the elimination of constipation.

Innovative treatments

Today, colitis with degenerative tissue lesions is treated with stem cells. The transplanted cells restore the nerve endings that died along with the old cells. Thus, the peristalsis of the organ is normalized.

Another innovation is electrostimulators. They work on the principle of pacemakers, that is, they force the colon to contract and push the stool to the anus.


What you need to do in order not to get sick with atonic colitis of the intestine:

  • Eat healthy, healthy food regularly and in a balanced way;
  • move more, walk more;
  • if constipation occurs, do not abuse laxatives, but consume more fiber so that defecation occurs naturally;
  • once a day, eat a tablespoon of bran, and in the morning drink a glass of fermented milk product;
  • timely treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Atonic colitis is characteristic of the elderly and senile people.

A decrease in the motor function of the intestine leads to constipation and, as a result, to hemorrhoids. A full intestine and difficulties in emptying it lead to a decrease in appetite, a decrease in vitality, lethargy, and a loss of interest in life. Patients develop an unhealthy complexion.

There is also bloating with simultaneous weight loss. To facilitate bowel movements, patients constantly use laxatives, enemas. The disease is aggravated by forced immobility due to various diseases (fractures, postoperative period, etc.), which sometimes leads to complete intestinal failure and the development of functional colonic obstruction - "fecal blockage". When a finger is inserted into the rectum, dense "fecal stones" are determined, which must be removed.

With atonic constipation, there is a lack of independent stool for 3 or more days, sometimes there is also a lack of urge to empty the intestines, which leads to bloating, lethargy, fatigue, and the formation of "fecal stones".

Treatment of atonic colitis

Such complementary components as diet, herbal medicine, therapeutic enemas, drug treatment act as a treatment.

Also, with atonic colitis, the use of vitamins B1 and B6, pantonenic and folic acids, sometimes in combination with B vitamins, as well as oil and vegetable laxatives, is prescribed. Of the oily laxatives, vaseline oil is more preferable, which lubricates the intestinal wall without irritating it, softens the feces and thereby promotes bowel movements. Apply inside 1-2 tbsp. in a day. Olive oil is taken orally 50-100 ml on an empty stomach, followed by 200-300 ml of mineral water. Castor oil has a positive effect (15-30 ml per day), but it is better to use it for occasional constipation, since with prolonged use the intestines stop responding to it.

In general, atonic colitis is less than other types of colitis, requires medical treatment.

Diet for atonic colitis

When choosing a diet, the following is taken into account:

  1. 1. The absence of irritating natural (spicy spices) and artificial (preservatives) components in food.
  2. Food should be high-calorie, but at the same time easily digestible. At the initial stages of treatment, it is recommended to eat boiled or steamed food. In the future, you can eat moderately fried foods. Smoked meats are not recommended.
  3. The ratio of animal and vegetable products depends on the type of intestinal disorder. So, with irritable bowel syndrome or functional diarrhea (accelerated bowel movement), protein products, preferably of animal origin (except for whole milk), should prevail in the diet. Fermenting products (grape, plum juice) are also undesirable. Dairy products have a positive effect on the work of the intestines. Plant foods should be thermally processed and should not contain coarse fiber.

With atonic constipation with reduced activity of intestinal contractions, it is advisable to eat a significant amount of fiber: fresh vegetable and fruit juices, boiled vegetables, fresh vegetable salads; bread mixed with bran or wholemeal flour.

With atonic constipation, the use of steamed bran before meals often gives a good effect: 1 tbsp. pour bran with boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for 5 minutes, then drain the water and eat bran with the first serving of food. Boiled beets, steamed peeled pumpkin also stimulate the work of the intestines. Eating dried fruits such as figs, prunes and, to a lesser extent, dates, activates the bowels. This activation is explained by the ability of dried fruits to swell in the intestinal lumen, which prompts their accelerated expulsion.

Video - what to do with constipation

Colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa leading to persistent constipation. Several varieties of the disease are noted, although the causes of formation and the course have similar signs. In young people, an acute, chronic type of pathology is most common, and in the elderly - atonic colitis. The filling of the intestine is formed due to a violation of defecation, then constipation may occur.


Colitis is the most common gastrointestinal disease. Inflammation of the colon mucosa becomes a consequence of the influence of external factors that have entered the internal organs of a person - viruses, bacteria, in addition, endogenous processes can become the cause.

You should not try to cope with the disease on your own, since antispasmodics, laxative enemas will show a short-term result, and then they will only worsen the situation, the intestine will stop contracting itself. Therefore, treatment should be carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

The course of colitis occurs in 2 forms. Determining an accurate diagnosis is difficult due to the similarity of symptoms, and in order to establish the degree of development, it will be necessary to undergo a number of clinical, laboratory studies.

The forms of the disease are as follows:

  1. Chronic - children and people from 45 years old are susceptible to the disease. It is characterized by prolonged constipation, capable of appearing and suddenly disappearing for a while. There is an inflammatory process in the colon.
  2. Acute - the elderly are at risk. Disposable bowel movements difficulties. It is easier to eliminate this form than chronic. And most of the time it doesn't happen.

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient must describe the symptoms in detail.

The reasons

Factors in the development of atonic colitis of the intestine are diverse. Inflammation appears due to external causes or processes that occur in the human body, due to the influence of medications.

The most common causes of colitis are:

  • psychological, physical stress;
  • the development of infectious diseases, the presence of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age-related changes;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • allergy;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • intake of foods that disturb the walls of the rectum (sweets, alcohol, spicy dishes);
  • consumption of drugs (painkillers, antibiotics, narcotic drugs);
  • incorrect operation of the abdominal cavity.

As mentioned earlier, atonic colitis occurs in the mature population, but today you can find inflammation of the colon mucosa in young patients. The intake of unhealthy foods, alcoholic beverages, a sedentary lifestyle lead to the appearance of atony.


Due to a decrease in intestinal motility, constipation occurs, a functional disorder of the ICD organ often causes hemorrhoids.

It is possible to establish this form of the disease by the following symptoms:

  • bowel movements do not occur for more than 3 days;
  • feeling of pain in the rectum, abdominal region;
  • change in intestinal motility;
  • flatulence;
  • increased gas formation;
  • swelling of the peritoneum;
  • the vitality decreases;
  • loss of appetite, and with it weight loss;
  • malaise, weakness.

With the longest difficulty in defecation, intoxication of the body occurs. Then the signs of manifestation are as follows: fever, blanching of the skin. Appetite may not be disturbed, but the weight still falls. To all this is complemented by vomiting, nausea.

To adjust the stool, a person has to use laxative enemas with. Often the disease is complicated due to immobility, which occurs due to the presence of a certain ailment, which causes a complete violation of the functions of the intestine. As a result, an obstruction is formed, leading to a fecal blockage. If you insert a finger into the anus, you can feel the hard parts of the feces, they must be urgently eliminated. But with ulcerative colitis, on the contrary, a person suffers from diarrhea.


To establish the disease, you should consult a proctologist. Manipulation of the detection of atonic colitis requires a palpation examination of the lower region of the peritoneum, this is necessary to determine the pathological sites. Additionally, a coprological analysis is performed. In stools with colitis, leukocytes, fiber, blood impurities, mucus can be seen.

To recognize this form of colitis and its location, the diagnosis will include an instrumental study of the intestinal area. Performing such an event, the necessary material is taken for a biopsy. Each procedure involves advance preparation (special diet, bowel cleansing).


For a favorable treatment of colitis, an integrated approach is required:

  • usually a person is prescribed certain medications, multivitamins;
  • with persistent constipation, the doctor may prescribe laxatives;
  • in very rare situations, if colitis is provoked by hereditary diseases, surgery will be required, in which the pathological zone of the intestine is excised;
  • additionally, exercise therapy is used for atonic colitis;
  • the disease is favorably affected by therapeutic massage of the abdomen, as well as microclysters with local medications;
  • physiotherapy will help to cope with the pathology.

When the pathology has become chronic, the patient will be offered to visit sanatoriums using mineral waters a couple of times a year.

Medical therapy

To treat the disease and eliminate fecal masses will help:

  • antispasmodics (Papaverine, No-Shpa) - relieve pain;
  • drugs that normalize peristalsis (Trimedat, Motilak);
  • laxatives (Microlax, Mucofalk) - soften the feces;
  • enzymes, probiotics (Creon, Laktofiltrum) - contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • rectal suppositories (Posterizan, Ichthyol) - provoke the urge to defecate;
  • oil enemas - facilitate the process of fecal discharge.

In advanced situations, constipation can be cured with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. An excellent remedy is Salofalk.


Proper nutrition in atonic colitis will speed up the healing process and improve the well-being of a person. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • eat at least 5 times a day in small doses;
  • exclude fried, spicy, fatty foods from the menu;
  • eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products;
  • Delete alcoholic drinks, soda from the menu;
  • reduce the intake of flour, sweets;
  • do not supplement dishes with spices, seasonings, various additives.

Eating should be easy, freely digestible. After a sharp weight loss, you will need to try to replenish the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.


We must try to prevent the development of the disease. Prevention includes the following actions:

  • implementation of dietary nutrition;
  • in time to carry out therapy of an acute form of the disease;
  • eat more coarse fiber;
  • exclude snacks and hunger strikes;
  • walk in the fresh air and temper.

Although at the moment atonic colitis can be cured without difficulty, it is still better to try to prevent its development at all. To do this, you should lead an active lifestyle, do not eat food that irritates the intestines.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Atonic colitis is a chronic disease of the large intestine. It is common among older people. Pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and difficulty defecation. Constant constipation can lead to serious intoxication of the body. Therefore, it is important for every person to know about the symptoms and treatment of atonic colitis in order to prevent serious complications in time. Next, we will consider in detail the causes and methods of treatment of this disease.

Forms of colitis

Colitis is an inflammation of the lining of the large intestine. There are several forms of this disease:

  • atonic;
  • spastic;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • ulcerative.

The most common are spastic and atonic colitis. What is the difference between these two forms of pathology?

Both types of disease are accompanied by severe constipation. Their symptoms are very similar. However, in atonic colitis of the intestine, a delay in defecation occurs due to weak peristalsis. The muscles of the gastrointestinal tract are in a relaxed state. Because of this, feces move very slowly through the intestines.

In the spastic form of colitis, the intestinal muscles are very tense, which leads to spasms. For this reason, feces are retained and do not leave the body. This can lead to the formation of hard stool stones.

The reasons

Why does atonic colitis occur? This disease always begins with an inflammatory process, which can be triggered by the following factors:

  • age-related changes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • transferred dysentery or salmonellosis;
  • food allergies;
  • abuse of spicy and starchy foods, as well as alcohol;
  • food poisoning;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking medications (antibiotics, analgesics, heartburn drugs).

At a young age, the cause of atony is most often a lack of physical activity. As a result of hypodynamia worsens and then inflammation occurs.

In older people, a chronic inflammatory process in the intestine leads to the death of mucosal cells. Due to a violation of tissue innervation, intestinal motility worsens and constipation occurs.


The main symptom of atonic colitis is problems with bowel movements. Patients suffer from constant constipation. This is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity, flatulence, pain syndrome.

Patients may not have stools for 3 days or more. In this case, patients do not feel the urge to defecate. In severe cases, fecal stones are formed, which have to be removed mechanically.


Intestinal atony can be complicated by intoxication of the body. A long delay in defecation leads to poisoning of the body with feces. This is accompanied by a deterioration in skin color, nausea, and vomiting. Patients begin to lose weight rapidly.

Blockage of the intestines with fecal masses can cause chronic obstruction of the digestive tract. This leads to severe pain and requires immediate surgical treatment.

Also, with prolonged constipation, hemorrhoids can occur. Due to strong straining, prolapse of the hemorrhoid often occurs.


During the initial examination, the doctor examines the history and palpates the patient's abdomen. In the abdominal region, at the same time, a seal is determined due to overcrowding of the intestine. If a patient is diagnosed with a severe blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, then he is urgently sent to the treatment room for treatment with water enemas.

Additional studies are also prescribed:

  • Colonoscopy. The large intestine is examined endoscopically. At the same time, a small piece of tissue is taken for microscopic examination.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This examination allows you to identify structural changes and inflammation of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Blood analysis. An increase in ESR and white blood cell counts indicates an inflammatory process.
  • Fecal analysis. Helps to identify the causative agent of inflammation (with infectious etiology of colitis).

Treatment Methods

Treatment of atonic colitis begins with the cleansing of the lower gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to free the intestines from feces and cleanse the body. For this purpose, therapy with water enemas and the drug "Microlax" (microclysters) are prescribed.

Next, you need to soften the feces and facilitate their discharge. However, these drugs should not be abused. Long-term use of laxatives leads to the fact that the intestine eventually weaned to work. In addition, tolerance is developed to the drugs, and the previous doses soon cease to work.

Therefore, laxatives can be taken only occasionally, when it is urgent to cleanse the body. Assign drugs of mild action on an oil and vegetable basis:

  • "Senade";
  • "Kafiol";
  • "Mukofalk";
  • "Castor oil";
  • candles with petroleum jelly, glycerin or fennel oil.

To stimulate motor skills, prokinetics are prescribed. These drugs interact with choline receptors and increase peristalsis. These drugs include:

  • "Neostigmine".
  • "Prozerin".
  • "Loperamide".
  • "Cisapride".
  • "Metoclopramide".
  • "Bethanechol".

Additionally, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed:

  • belly massage;
  • warming up the abdominal cavity;
  • gymnastics for the abdominal muscles.

These activities help cleanse the intestines. If the blockage is severe, fecal stones are removed surgically.


Patients with atonic colitis are prescribed a special diet. It is recommended to adhere to the following nutritional rules:

  1. From the diet it is necessary to exclude spicy foods, smoked meats and preservatives.
  2. Food should be boiled or steamed. Fried foods should be avoided.
  3. You should try to eat as many dairy products as possible. They enhance intestinal motility and positively affect the microflora.
  4. It is necessary to limit the use of bakery products. Starchy foods can cause constipation.
  5. Black tea, coffee and carbonated sweet water are excluded from the diet. These drinks can cause constipation.
  6. Gastroenterologists recommend eating dried fruits. Such food is able to swell in the intestinal lumen and increase the contraction of its walls.
  7. Include fiber-rich vegetables in your daily diet. These include zucchini, cabbage, carrots, beets.

You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day. Food should be taken in small portions. Under no circumstances should you overeat. Excessive consumption of food can cause persistent constipation.

It is very important to observe the correct drinking regimen. It is necessary to consume at least 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

It is useful to periodically use a remedy made from wheat bran. You need to take 2 tablespoons of the product and place it in a glass of warm milk. The composition is insisted for half an hour. This mixture should be eaten every day before breakfast. This tool improves intestinal motility.


How can you prevent atonic colitis? To avoid problems with bowel movements, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To live an active lifestyle. Low mobility leads to a serious deterioration in intestinal motility.
  2. Regularly do gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  3. Do not abuse flour. spicy and fried foods.
  4. Over the age of 55, visit a gastroenterologist regularly.

Compliance with these measures will help to avoid problems with the intestines.

Treatment of spastic colitis depends on the etiological factor that caused the disease, on the form and course of the pathology, the age of the patient, and also on the severity of clinical manifestations. The main interrelated therapeutic measures are: diet, drug therapy, traditional medicine, therapeutic enemas.

Basic principles

The choice of diet for spastic intestinal colitis is based on the following principles:

  1. Food should be natural, not irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa with natural ingredients, such as hot spices, and artificial colors and preservatives.
  2. Food should be easily digestible and at the same time high in calories. Cooking should be steamed or boiled, stewed. Fried, smoked foods are undesirable.
  3. The predominance of plant and animal products in the diet is determined by the type of intestinal disorder.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome or functional diarrhea, that is, a disorder with accelerated bowel movement, requires the predominance of animal protein products in the diet for spastic colitis. In this case, fermented milk products are useful, and undesirable products that are subject to fermentation are grape or plum juice. It is allowed to eat plant foods that do not contain coarse fiber and must be thermally processed.
  5. If intestinal disorders occur with delayed emptying, then it is necessary to find out the nature of constipation, that is, to establish whether it is spastic or atonic. It is on this that the predominance of animal or plant products in the diet depends. Spastic constipation requires approximately the same amount of animal protein and fiber in the diet. Coarse fiber is recommended to be limited.
  6. To increase the activity of intestinal contractions, a significant amount of fiber should be added to food. It is found a lot in fresh fruit and vegetable juices, fresh vegetable salads, boiled and stewed vegetables, wholemeal bread. To improve peristalsis, steamed bran is used, which is prepared as follows: one tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for five minutes. After that, the water is drained, and the bran is eaten with the first portion of food. Stimulates the work of the intestine boiled pumpkin or beets, as well as dried fruits - prunes, figs, dates. These products are able to swell in the intestinal lumen, which leads to their accelerated expulsion.

Diet for acute spastic colitis

The diet for acute spastic colitis is based on the exclusion or restriction of fatty, spicy, salty foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grain bread. It is necessary to eat fractionally: in small portions several times a day. This will help reduce diarrhea, reduce gas formation and make the patient more stable.

Diet for chronic spastic colitis

Dried fruits contain fiber, which has a positive effect on recovery

Treatment of chronic spastic intestinal colitis should begin with the most accessible and harmless way - keeping a diary of your diet.

Patients are advised to increase the intake of fiber: vegetables, fruits, beans, lactic acid products, dried fruits, bran and whole grain bread. It is necessary to exclude or at least limit products of animal origin, such as butter and fat, and it is also strictly forbidden to take alcohol, coffee, sparkling water and strong tea. You should avoid foods that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease or cause a spasm: chocolate, fatty meats, creams, cheeses, butter, whole milk.

Attention! If the patient's condition does not improve after following all the recommendations in nutrition, they resort to drug treatment.

Medical treatment

An individual approach is required to determine the tactics of treating spastic colitis. Combined and complex therapy relieves nervous tension, restores the motor function of the colon, improves digestion.

  • Medical treatment of spastic colitis is aimed at reducing the signs of inflammation. For this, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibacterial drugs. Long-term use of NSAIDs can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to the appearance of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antibacterial therapy consists in the use of drugs with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. But antibiotics can also have a negative impact on the condition of the intestine: disrupt the normal microflora and lead to the development of dysbacteriosis. To compensate for this side effect and restore the balance of microorganisms, it is necessary to use preparations consisting of live intestinal bacteria.
  • The intake of bacterial preparations that restore the intestinal microflora should be started after the completion of the course of antibiotic therapy.
  • To relieve pain, antispasmodics and painkillers are used.
  • To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and reduce the secretion of mucus, the patient is prescribed astringents and enveloping agents. Mucus, getting into the lumen of the intestine, irritates it and induces an accelerated expulsion of the contents. The mucus secreted by the inflamed intestinal mucosa is more aggressive than normal, which also irritates the intestinal wall.
  • With the development of dehydration due to diarrhea, infusion replenishment of the fluid lost by the body is indicated.
  • In addition, with spastic colitis, it is recommended to take enzymatic preparations and enterosorbents that reduce gas formation and bloating.
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • The use of laxatives, preferably oily and vegetable, as they give a good effect and do not irritate the intestinal mucosa, unlike chemicals.


How to treat spastic colitis if diet therapy and the use of drugs do not give positive results? In this case, local treatment of intestinal inflammation is prescribed with the help of cleansing and medicinal enemas.

Cleansing enemas

Cleansing enemas are divided into two types: those that act immediately and those that have a subsequent effect.

  • Enemas, acting immediately, stimulate the intestines due to the volume of fluid and its temperature. With spastic colitis, it is forbidden to use cleansing enemas with cold water, as this will lead to even more intestinal spasm. Patients are prescribed warm enemas with water up to 36 degrees. Water should be introduced gradually and evenly, controlling the level of pressure in order to avoid spasm and rapid eruption of incompletely injected liquid.
  • Enemas with subsequent action are set as follows: the liquid is injected into the intestine and left in it. The action comes after some time. Such an enema is given not with water, but with vegetable oil or a water-oil suspension, the volume of which can be different: from two hundred to five hundred milliliters. The oil is injected into the rectum, it spreads upward and separates the dense stool from the intestinal walls, gently stimulating peristalsis.

Medicinal enemas

The main purpose of medicinal enemas is the direct local effect of the drug on the inflamed surface. The most effective are infusions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory, enveloping and astringent effects. Medicinal enemas are used not only to treat spastic colitis, but also any other inflammatory bowel pathologies.

Calendula and chamomile infusions administered in enemas have a pronounced therapeutic effect. The volume of the enema should be five hundred milliliters, and the temperature of the infusion should be approximately 36 degrees. This will ensure optimal absorption of the working fluid by the inflamed intestinal mucosa. A colder solution is poorly absorbed and can lead to spasm, and a warmer solution is dangerous for mucosal burns.

Chamomile infusion is prepared as follows: one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted, filtered and injected into the rectum. It is necessary to keep the liquid as long as possible. Infusion of calendula is prepared in the same way.

Attention! To prevent injury to the mucosa during the administration of an enema, it is necessary to use soft tips, especially when performing an enema on your own. The course of treatment of colitis with medicinal enemas ranges from one to three weeks, depending on the condition of the patient.

A modern method of bowel cleansing, carried out in a hospital by qualified specialists, is hydrocolonotherapy. This is a fairly effective procedure used to treat spastic colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It consists in introducing a large amount of warm water into the colon, followed by evacuation. This cleansing method normalizes bowel function and reduces the level of intoxication in the body. Hydrocolonotherapy always requires the restoration of disturbed microflora with the help of eubiotics.


Folk remedies for the treatment of spastic colitis:

  • Onions improve intestinal motility, having a slight laxative effect. Onion juice is drunk regularly, one teaspoon three times a day before meals.
  • Anise tea reduces spasms and eliminates the accumulation of gases in the intestines. In a teapot, one teaspoon of dry or fresh anise is poured into a glass of boiling water, covered with a linen towel and infused for five minutes. Drink little and often throughout the day. Anise can be brewed together with dill for a faster onset of the therapeutic effect.
  • A glass of sauerkraut brine, drunk every time after a meal, helps to get rid of constipation.
  • Apples are well washed, rubbed and eaten five minutes after cooking. Do this several times a day. The first results will appear on the third day, but apples should still be eaten. The laxative effect of apples is explained by the presence of pectin substances in them, which treat well colitis and enteritis in children and the elderly.
  • Coltsfoot is a good remedy for treating colitis. Take a third of a teaspoon of powder prepared from its leaves, three times a day half an hour before meals, drinking it with honey water or hot milk.
  • To combat increased gas formation, such an infusion is prepared: five parts of chamomile flowers, five parts of oregano, one part of valerian root are taken, an infusion is prepared from these components, which is taken in half a glass twice a day.
  • A simple and affordable remedy for constipation is potato juice, which is taken one hundred milliliters three times a day.
  • To cope with chronic constipation and other signs of spastic colitis will help infusion of flax seeds, prepared from a teaspoon of flaxseed and a glass of boiling water.
  • Tea from viburnum berries is very effective in the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis.

Often a person is lost in the unknown: what happened to his intestines? An insidious disease encircles the entire abdomen. The patient is perplexed about what worries him, why constant constipation suddenly gave way to frequent diarrhea, and unbearable pain sometimes disturbs for hours ... Intestinal dyskinesia is a common disease among both adults and children. How to recognize the disease, relieve pain and normalize the functionality of the intestine?

Intestinal dyskinesia - what is it?

Dyskinesia or spastic colitis is a common ailment, especially among the female population. The disease is manifested by a whole complex of digestive disorders, small and large intestines. Irritable bowel syndrome is another name for dyskinesia. Against the background of pain, the functionality of the colon mucosa is disturbed. Consider the types of spastic colitis, the main symptoms, the causes of the manifestation of the disease and acceptable methods of therapy.

Symptoms of intestinal dyskinesia in adults

Symptoms of colon dyskinesia have significant differences in patients, so it is often difficult for a doctor to establish a diagnosis of the disease. Typical symptoms of spastic colitis:

  • Pain in the abdomen is the main symptom of the disease. Often the patient is not able to explain where it hurts, because the localization of pain is extensive.
  • Diverse nature of pain. It is a boring or aching, dull or paroxysmal, cutting pain that lasts from several minutes to several hours.
  • Another sign of illness is that the pain stops at night, but with the awakening of a person, it returns again.
  • Feeling pain in the intestines after meals, against the background of psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Spastic colitis is manifested by frequent bowel movements in the form of diarrhea.
  • Frequent constipation, followed by loose stools with or without mucus. Many note relief after bowel movements and the removal of gases that puff the stomach, cause bloating.
  • Constant rumbling in the abdomen also makes it difficult to feel comfortable. There are times when rumbling in the abdomen is the only symptom that manifests itself in dyskinesia, making it difficult to diagnose an insidious, hidden disease.
  • Patients complain of dull pain in the heart or back, sleep disturbance, nervousness, depression.

Types of disease

Colon dyskinesia is of two types:

  • as an independent disease in violation of intestinal motility, called "primary spastic colitis",
  • a disease occurring as a result of disturbances in the functioning of other organs of the digestive tract (liver disease and poor outflow of bile, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis) and hormonal changes in the endocrine system (the so-called "secondary colitis").

Judging by the clinical picture of the course of the disease, dyskinesia is distinguished with painful diarrhea, constipation and mucous colic (hypermotor colitis).

Spastic (hypermotor) dyskinesia

Hypermotor or spastic intestinal dyskinesia is manifested by an increase in its tone, the presence of spastic contractions. The patient is exhausted with constant loose stools, which is accompanied by cutting and colic. Abdominal pains are paroxysmal in nature. There is bloating due to the accumulation of gases (flatulence). Often the patient notices belching, feels heaviness, overcrowding of the intestines and abdomen.

Atonic (hypomotor) dyskinesia

Atonic or hypomotor dyskinesia is characterized by a sharp weakening of peristalsis and tone of the colon and, as a result, intestinal constipation occurs. This problem is often exacerbated by arching pains in the lower abdomen from the accumulation of dense fecal masses. Against the background of constant constipation, the general condition of the body worsens, the patient suffers from nausea, belching, weakness, constant mood swings. Chronic constipation of the intestine leads to the formation of hemorrhoids, fissures, rectal polyps.

Causes of intestinal dyskinesia

There is an opinion that primary spastic colitis occurs against the background of psychogenic factors: stress, tension, prolonged depressive states, negative emotions. The nature of the food consumed in the diet also makes its mark on the condition of the colon: a limited amount of fiber provokes the development of the disease. Primary dyskinesia is also justified by the penetration of pathogens of intestinal infection.

Secondary colitis is manifested due to past and chronic diseases of the abdominal organs (liver, pancreas, spleen, as well as the formation of ulcers in the stomach). Hormonal disorders (pituitary gland), diabetes mellitus are also considered harbingers of the disease in question - colon dyskinesia. Excessive use of antibiotics, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, psychotropic drugs is a sure way to the occurrence of secondary spasmodic colitis of the intestine.


The diagnosis of dyskinesia is based on the use of an exclusive exclusion method. Step by step inspection includes:

  • exclusion of dangerous pathologies of the large intestine (tumors, polyps, diverticulum),
  • coprological research,
  • analysis of feces for the presence of bloody discharge,
  • irrigoscopy,
  • endoscopy,
  • intestinal biopsy if necessary.

Learn more: intestinal diverticulosis - what it is, how to treat the disease.

Methods for the treatment of intestinal dyskinesia

Treatment of colitis is carried out both with a medical method and with the help of folk remedies. Often, doctors recommend approaching the problem of dyskinesia in a complex way, combining medications, herbal medicines, psychotherapy methods. It is important to always monitor your diet - nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins, fiber. A sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, juices reduces the risk of recurrence of spastic colitis. To avoid the development of the disease, prolonged constipation should not be allowed, that is, monitor emptying, avoid stress.

Medical treatment

The method of treating intestinal colitis depends on the type of dyskinesia:

  • With hypermotor colitis of the intestine, the use of laxatives is excluded, and antispasmodic tablets (no-shpa, papaverine) are prescribed.
  • For the second type of colon disease, enzyme preparations, choleretic agents, a combination of vitamin B1 and potassium chloride, metoclopramide are used.
  • To avoid constipation, patients are advised to take laxative plant extracts: buckthorn bark, senna, rhubarb, alternating them and ingesting no more than twice a week.

Antidepressants and antipsychotics are prescribed to relax the nervous system. Abuse of these drugs is unacceptable. Additional methods of therapy for dyskinesia (spastic colitis of the intestine) are considered psychotherapeutic methods: autogenic training, meditation, hypnosis, yoga and a physiotherapy complex of special exercises (exercise therapy). According to experts, the best therapeutic effect is the complex effect of existing methods for the treatment of dyskinesia.

special diet

  1. Products must be of high quality, without preservatives, dyes and various flavorings.
  2. Useful cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, wheat), but the use of rice should be limited.
  3. The daily diet should be diversified with a sufficient amount of fresh fruits, vegetables rich in fiber to restore the functionality of the intestines.
  4. It is good for chronic constipation of the intestine to drink juices on an empty stomach (apple, carrot, beetroot, cabbage).
  5. Drink a large amount of fluid per day (from 1.5 liters).
  6. Steam or boil food. Exclude fried, fatty, spicy foods from the diet.
  7. Do not use fatty sour cream, fatty fish and meat.
  8. Dairy products should be on the menu daily.
  9. Exclude flour products, sweets, white bread, white cabbage, garlic, radishes, turnips, mushrooms from the diet.
  10. Don't salt food.
  11. It is useful to drink a decoction of wild rose, but without sugar.
  12. Doctors, as a rule, give recommendations to eat fractionally, in small portions, at least 5-6 times a day. Don't overeat.

By adhering to these simple recommendations, it will be possible to achieve significant success: intestinal motility will improve, preventing constipation. As a result, spastic colitis does not progress, but rather the opposite: intestinal dyskinesia recedes.

Folk remedies

Considering effective methods of non-traditional treatment, acupuncture and herbal medicine can be distinguished. Traditional medicine is used for a long time to achieve the desired effect and complete cure of the nelug. Folk recipes will help women during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Infusion for the treatment of dyskinesia of the colon

Ingredients: a mixture of oak bark, sage grass, motherwort, St. John's wort flowers, yarrow - 2 tbsp. l.

Indications: intestinal diseases, in particular spastic colitis or dyskinesia.

Application: prepare a medicinal infusion by pouring the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Filter and take before meals 100 ml four times a day.

  • Healing collection to restore normal peristalsis of the rectum

Ingredients: valerian root (1 tsp), mint leaves, chamomile flowers.

Indications: an infusion of the above ingredients is used for stool disorders, for the treatment of spastic (atonic) colitis.

Application: Take 1 tsp. each plant, pour a glass of boiling water. You need to insist at least 20 minutes. Strain and drink three times a day for half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Mineral waters will also help:

  1. With intestinal diarrhea, regular use of low-mineralized water will help (Essentuki 14, Jermuk). Drink warm before eating a glass of liquid. The allowable daily allowance is twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  2. For constipation, take mineral water of high mineralization (Batalinskaya or Essentuki No. 17). Nutritionists recommend taking 200 g three times a day for half an hour before meals.

To prevent the recurrence of constipation will help the inclusion in the daily diet of vegetables, fruits rich in fiber, bread with bran cereals. At the moment when abdominal pains become aggravated, they switch to a “sparing” diet. Its duration is 3-5 days. These days, it is recommended to use a boiled egg, low-fat chicken broth, rosehip broth, jelly. A compress on the abdomen has excellent efficiency:

  • Ingredients: vinegar - 1/2 cup, water - 3 liters.
  • Indications: a compress is used to relieve spastic colic, pain with dyskinesia.
  • Application: gauze is moistened in a vinegar compress and applied to the stomach. Leave for an hour.

Also, with spastic colitis, coniferous baths, paraffin applications are effective. The use of many of the above recipes in combination will allow you to enjoy life, and not experience constant inconvenience and pain associated with the disease. A person will perk up, and the disease will recede.

Features of the disease in children

Atonic or spastic colitis often occurs in early childhood. As in adults, in babies the disease proceeds almost the same way: constipation is replaced by diarrhea. With the spastic type of dyskinesia, the child suffers from abdominal pain, which does not go away even from a large dose of antispasmodic drugs. In a baby, it is easy to diagnose intestinal problems if the stomach is swollen, and your touch causes the baby to cry. In addition, in the presence of the following symptoms, the development of intestinal colitis is claimed:

  • the child refuses to eat (lack of appetite),
  • pallor of the skin,
  • physical activity is reduced.

Secondary manifestations of the inflammatory process in the large and small intestines in children:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight,
  • muscle dystrophy,
  • intestinal dysbiosis,
  • anemia.

At the time of treatment of dyskinesia, it is important to regulate the mode of physical activity, nutrition and rest of the child.

Often, dysfunction of the intestinal section of digestion begins due to a decrease in the amount of enzymes produced. Secondary spastic colitis develops as a complication of pancreatitis in a chronic form. The same condition of the patient is observed with improper functioning of the bile ducts of the liver. As a result of untimely supply of bile by the gallbladder, fermentation occurs in the intestines and an insidious, debilitating disease develops. A characteristic symptom in this case will be fatty feces with a small admixture of mucus.

How to help a child with a digestive disorder called colonic dyskinesia?

  • To relieve pain, apply a warm heating pad to the tummy, the effect will be in a few minutes.
  • If the child constantly suffers from constipation of the intestines, give him a laxative in the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • In case of frequent urge to defecate, a decoction of chamomile and calendula, a hard-boiled egg or thick jelly will help. take these measures before the arrival of the pediatrician.

Learn more about what is intestinal colitis - symptoms and treatment in adults.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky about intestinal dyskinesia in a child

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