What causes vision loss. Signs of pathologies of the optic nerves. Bilateral drop in vision

We receive more than 90% of information about the world around us through vision. The eye muscles work several times more than all the rest in human body. The protein of the cornea and lens can withstand temperatures up to 70 degrees. About how to protect your eyesight and what's in modern world it can still be spoiled - in an interview with an ophthalmologist, Dr. medical sciences and Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Poznyak.

Nikolay Ivanovich Poznyak
ophthalmologist of the highest category, scientific director Eye Microsurgery Center VOKA
Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus
doctor of medical sciences, professor

Lack of visual hygiene

Increased information load on a person, visual fatigue eye when working at a computer and mobile devices in recent times considered excessive to our eyes. This is one of the factors that can lead to vision loss. It is enough to take the subway at rush hour to understand that in the next 30-40 years ophthalmologists will not be left without work. Not only boys and girls “sit” in gadgets, but also older generation. It's a big visual load. If a person also has factors that reduce work oculomotor muscles and visual apparatus, then increased fatigue is guaranteed.

Visual problems are partly due to the fact that, when looking at the screen, we blink less. The tear film is destroyed, the cornea dries up. Discomfort for the eyes is exacerbated by improper lighting of the workplace, and screen glare.

Such behavior, according to the doctor, eventually leads to eye diseases. If a person still smokes, often and excessively consumes alcohol, then thereby more provokes a decrease in vision and a deterioration in health in general.

To save your eyesight at the modern pace of life, it's a good idea to develop your own mode of working at the computer. None of us works for 30 minutes and does not go to rest. We tend to come to work and sit in front of the computer for the rest of the day. You need to try to arrange active pauses. For example, several times during the day to play table tennis. You can also look out the window (into the distance). Computer relaxation programs with light-visual effects have been developed. You can choose them for yourself on the Internet.

Improper nutrition

The doctor explains that vision problems are often associated with the state of other organs and body systems.

We often neglect proper nutrition and eat unbalanced. Insufficient consumption minerals: zinc, copper, selenium and vitamins A, E, group B, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and other micro and macro elements - leads to an imbalance in metabolism. The body's resistance to infections may decrease harmful factors external environment.

The professor notes that there should be a measure in everything. Excessive intake of vitamins (including tablets) can be harmful. For example, increased amount vitamin A causes liver dysfunction.

It is important to understand that an increased intake of blueberries or carrots will not significantly improve your vision. It is important to eat holistically and nutritiously at all times. Yes, blueberries have a certain amount minerals and vitamins of group C. Carrots contain carotene, but it will be useful for the eyes only when heat treatment and combined with fat. Simply put, if you want to lean on carrots for the sake of vision, sauté it for vegetable oil and eat like this.

By the way, the teeth are directly connected with the eyes. If there are problems with the teeth, then a permanent, chronic infection can easily have a negative effect on the eyes. That is why, before eye surgery, ophthalmologists strongly recommend healing all caries and solving other problems with the teeth.

Another reason for the fall in vision is not the lack of work. eye muscles, but insufficient physical activity the person himself. Just the eye muscles work more than all the rest in our body.

Prevention of eye diseases can be a special training of the oculomotor muscles, which increases the reserves of the eye. However, the result of such training usually lasts no more than 2-3 weeks, and only when they are constantly engaged. That is why it is better to give preference not to eye training, but to minimize situations that impair vision.


We must not forget that the predisposition to the development of many diseases is inherited. Quality and visual acuity is no exception. Myopia, glaucoma, corneal and retinal dystrophy can be inherited. That is why it is important to observe the hygiene of vision, the mode of work and rest.

The doctor says that vision can deteriorate at any age. However, there are age periods when visual disturbances are more common. For example, at healthy person, past the age of 40, presbyopia develops - a deterioration in near vision due to the natural loss of elasticity of the lens that occurs with age. It is the latter that is responsible for the focus of vision. In general, after the age of 40, it is necessary to check the state of vision annually, especially paying attention to intraocular pressure and the state of the retina.

Frequent visits to 3D and 5D cinemas, as well as baths and saunas

When visiting 3D and 5D cinemas, the stress and strain that the eyes experience when trying to create the illusion of a three-dimensional picture is enormous. To avoid negative effect, it is recommended to observe moderation in watching such films.

It is better to enjoy them no more than 15-20 minutes. In this case, the screen should be located 15 meters from the audience. In that case, it's harmless.

Baths and saunas are too uncomfortable for the eyes. heat air, humidity and dry steam for a long time. Under their influence, blood circulation increases. Then there is an extension eye vessels and redness of the eyes. If there are no problems with vision, everything goes away on its own. If there is, the disease may worsen. These same factors can cause dry eyes.

That is why before the bath some people with hypersensitivity It is recommended to use moisturizing preparations - drops for the eyes. Banal squinting or blinking at the slightest discomfort will also help.

Nature has thought of everything so that the proteins of the cornea and lens have increased thermal stability. Normally, the body's protein can withstand temperatures up to 45 degrees. While the proteins of the cornea and lens are not afraid of temperatures up to 70 degrees.

Our body is thought out to the smallest detail. The eyes are no exception. They can work at the limit of the possibilities inherent in nature, but not for long.

We receive the lion's share of information about the world around us with the help of visual perception, so the first question, when suddenly the vision deteriorates: "What should I do?"

There are two main reasons leading to a decrease in vision: any disease or conditions in our lives that not only worsen the health of the eyes, but also provoke the development of a variety of ailments.

Why does vision deteriorate?

As a rule, we ourselves are to blame for the perception, not fulfilling the elementary safety standards in relation to our basic about the world around us. The eye can be called a high-precision instrument, which should be treated carefully and carefully.

Basically, the problems are associated with the constant use of a computer, tablet and other gadgets that we use at work, at home, in transport and in general wherever possible. Let's figure out why vision is deteriorating from a computer, what to do in such cases, how to help your eyes.


The main cause of eye problems is constant tension, leading to overwork of the organ. Prolonged work at the computer without the obligatory rest in such cases, improper illumination of the workplace, even just reading in transport - all this leads to fatigue eye. As a result, vision deteriorates.

What to do in such a situation? Change your habits drastically and give your eyes a rest. As such a holiday, a special one has long been developed that allows them to relax.

  • Unfavorable environmental conditions, smoking and alcoholism undermine the health of the eyes no worse than computers.
  • Our passion for fast food, chips and other products Food Industry, it is not clear from what it is made, is unlikely to benefit the body.
  • Overuse biologically active additives and medicines again, it won't do you any good.
  • Permanent stressful situations, mental and physical overstrain also do not contribute to normal functioning organism as a whole, and hence the eye in particular.
  • Viral and can also lead to a decrease in visual acuity.

Aging of the tissues of the eye

Unfortunately, over time, we do not get younger, so all tissues of the body are subject to aging, including the retina. The pigment contained in it begins to break down, as a result of which vision deteriorates. What to do after 40 years, when the approach of old age is already felt? Of course, it is impossible to stop the process, but it is quite possible to help the eyes. Even if you do not experience any problems with your vision, and it still remains almost perfect for you, it still makes sense to help it continue to remain in this state. Make it a rule to use "live" vitamins that are good for the health of your eyes.

Moreover, the importance similar substances has long been proven, and all products containing maximum amount useful components are well known. These are blueberries that can be used as fresh, and in blanks or dried. Cherries, carrots, garlic, parsley and other vegetables are now quite available fresh at any time of the year, and in fact they contain the largest number useful substances, which not only heal, but also prevent aging of the tissues of the eye.

Diseases leading to visual impairment

Not only modern technologies and the proximity of old age are responsible for the decline in vision, although today this is perhaps the main cause of problems. Exists enough diseases that impair vision. What to do when the eyes suddenly stop seeing well, and instead of a clear picture - a veil? This is already a cause for serious concern, since such abrupt change visual perception indicates a serious disease that can lead not only to a significant decrease in vision, but also to its total loss. If vision deteriorated sharply, what should I do? You should immediately consult a doctor, without postponing the visit for later. In some situations, such as retinal detachment or burns, delay can lead to blindness.


If vision began to deteriorate, what to do next is quite clear. It is necessary to exclude from your life those factors that can affect eye health:

  • To begin with, review your diet and refrain or completely abandon bad habits.
  • Try to limit your time at the computer, TV and other gadgets. Take medications and dietary supplements only on the advice of a doctor and do not self-medicate.
  • Do sports for general strengthening body, not forgetting about gymnastics for the eyes.
  • In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out a more serious disease.

If you follow these simple rules that will be useful to the whole body as a whole, your eyes will appreciate such care. They will still see clearly and clearly both near and far for a long time.

Have you noticed that your eyesight has started to deteriorate? It's time to take all possible measures to restore it, or at least to stop the rate of fall.

If it is impossible to completely exclude communication with a computer and TV, then every 30 minutes you should give your eyes a rest: blink, look out the window, just close your eyes, sit in perforated glasses. The duration of such relaxation is 5-10 minutes.

Control your own posture at the computer

The back should be straight, knees at a right angle, feet pressed to the floor, and elbows on the table. From the eyes, the computer screen should be 50-60 cm away and located at their level. Ideal lighting - subdued diffused light.


  • Without raising your head, look up, to the right and left sides;
  • Make a move eyeballs clockwise;
  • Blink and close your eyes;
  • Draw the infinity sign with your eyes;
  • Focus on the tip of the pencil, moving the pencil closer and closer to the nose.
  • Each exercise requires 5 repetitions.

Drink a course of vitamins

or special vitamin supplements for vision correction.

  • Riboflavin solution (with visual impairment);
  • Prenacid, Lakrisifin, Cromohexal, Octilia (if vision loss is due to allergic diseases);
  • Vizin, Aktipol, Opatanol, Okumetil (for eye strain);
  • Mirtilene forte (increases visual acuity at dusk);
  • Vitrum Vision (restore vision with a strong load on the lens);
  • Tienshi (Chinese complex that completely heals the eyes);
  • Alphabet Opticum (multivitamins);
  • Vizualon, Tentorium Blueberry ();
  • Blueberry forte, complex (for any visual impairment).

The course of vitamin therapy (if the instructions do not contradict this) - 1 month. It should be repeated 2-3 times a year.


If due to long work redness of the eyes occurs at the computer and a burning sensation is felt, it makes sense to use it daily. They help the eye muscles relax, and this leads to the normalization of blood circulation and increased visual acuity.

Eat right

Enrich your diet with foods high content retinol, vitamins E, C, D, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein. These are almonds, Jerusalem artichoke, liver, oysters, garlic, herbs, carrots, spinach, corn, broccoli, red fish, olive oil.

Get an examination by an ophthalmologist

Repeat this regularly.

All of the above can be resorted to only if the fall in vision is provoked by visual overload.

Vision, falling due to the progression of any disease, will not recover on its own. Such diseases can be pathologies of the spine, problems with thyroid gland, eye injury. Even the accumulation of toxins can cause vision loss. In this case, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Visual impairment is a problem with which, with age or after heavy loads many face to face. However, you should not be afraid of it, because in the vast majority of cases this phenomenon can be corrected and very well. In order for you to know what steps can be taken when such an unpleasant fact is discovered, let's look at the causes, as well as methods for dealing with the main symptom.

Causes of eye diseases

There are at least a dozen reasons why people experience certain vision problems, and in each case they are individual. The most significant among them are:

  1. Genetic features (predisposition to certain diseases).
  2. Increased load on the organs of vision.
  3. Rough.
  4. Transferred infectious diseases.
  5. Endocrine diseases, including diabetes.
  6. Circulatory disorders.
  7. Pathology of the development of the spine.
  8. , chemical and radiation exposure.
  9. age-related diseases.

Also, in addition to the main causes of vision loss, there are additional accompanying factors that stimulate this process. Among them, doctors call a decrease in human immunity, a lack of vitamins in the body, lack of sleep, stress, smoking and drinking alcohol.

A wide range of factors affecting the acuity of our vision suggests that, to one degree or another, each person is at risk of partial or complete loss of vision.

In order to avoid such an outcome, it is very important to carry out comprehensive prevention eye diseases.


Knowing the reasons for the deterioration of vision, it is not difficult to determine those preventive measures needed to restore it. These include:

  1. Refusal of bad habits, including smoking and alcohol.
  2. Regular visits to the optometrist timely detection and treatment of any ailments (it must be remembered that on early stages almost all of them can be completely cured with medication, which late stages practically inaccessible).
  3. Eye protection from chemical exposure and UV radiation.
  4. Compliance with recommendations on hygiene of vision, including ensuring the proper level of lighting at home and in the office, as well as the mode of work at the computer.
  5. Active sports that improve blood circulation and metabolism.
  6. Regular exposure to fresh air.
  7. Homemade baths and lotions based on herbs.

All these methods are quite effective in each specific case, therefore, in no case can they be ignored or considered primitive and obsolete.

By using them regularly, you will be able to avoid serious illnesses and even improve your health. current level visual acuity.

What to do if vision has fallen

In the event that you find yourself even minor symptoms visual impairment, should see a doctor immediately. The ophthalmologist is obliged, at your request, to conduct a comprehensive eye examination, study the conditions of your work and life, establish the reason for which the vision has fallen, and also prescribe a correction adequate to your case. If you take such measures in a timely manner, it is quite possible that you will be able to identify certain problems in the early stages. complex ailments and to cure them in time, thus avoiding loss of vision. If the specialist does not find serious illnesses in you, he will be able to select for you individual method of vision prevention, using which you can remove this symptom and return to normal life.

Many people with a slight deterioration in vision do not see the point in going to the doctor and try to solve the problem through folk methods, or completely ignore it.

Both the first and second options are not correct. The fact is that without a full diagnosis it is very difficult to establish true reason loss of vision, and therefore it is impossible to adequately treat it. Such an approach, as well as ignoring the problem, can lead to complications and other unpleasant consequences.

What diseases can this factor be a symptom of?

In addition to the main pathologies of vision, including myopia, (all of which are accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity), this symptom is also characteristic of a number of other ailments, including:

  • Violations intracranial pressure caused by circulatory problems.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • infectious diseases.

With such ailments, damage to the centers can occur. nervous system, due to which the vision of patients falls.

Normal and diseased eye

That is why, if you have never complained about the health of your eyes before, need to pay Special attention this symptom and seek immediate medical attention. You may need diagnostics from other specialists: a neurologist, a cardiologist, a therapist, but it will give you the opportunity to get the most complete picture disease and overcome it faster.

Modern recovery methods

Nowadays, ophthalmology has dozens of effective methods, allowing to cope with eye diseases, regardless of their causes and general symptoms. Full recovery visual acuity carried out using:

  • surgical treatment (especially for cataracts);
  • drug therapy;
  • correction with the help of night lenses (with weak myopia and hyperopia).

Also important are contact lenses various optical power, which can be soft, hard gas permeable. Selected for each patient individually.

The appointment of any of the above methods of correction is possible only after a full diagnosis by a specialist.

It is highly not recommended to independently make a decision on the selection of one or another remedy to eliminate visual impairments, since they can not only not give good result, but also exacerbate the problem with the wrong selection.

Regardless of whether you currently have diagnosed eye diseases or not, every effort must be made to avoid their occurrence in the future and help the body recover. normal condition eye now. For this, it is vital to general recommendations vision care. They are common to all patients. About these measures will be discussed below.

Traditional medicine (diet, diet, vitamins)

Almost all folk methods the fight against visual pathologies are aimed primarily at restoration of natural metabolic processes due to saturation of the body additional vitamins and minerals.

They may include:

  • Diet correction with the addition of carrots (contains vitamin A), blueberries, citrus fruits, dried fruits, beets. also in without fail dairy products are added to it to saturate with the necessary minerals.
  • The use of various infusions. For example, mistletoe (treatment of glaucoma), as well as eyebright (for various types pathologies).
  • Usage various oils for eye massage including geranium oils, burdock oil and other similar ones to which a person is not allergic. These funds also contain wide range vitamins, therefore, they can have an extremely positive effect on the condition of your eyes.
  • As local funds these methods also therapeutic compresses based on a decoction of chamomile and other herbs. In prophylactic whole, it is enough to carry them out twice a week.

It is extremely important to use traditional medicine methods to restore visual acuity as preventive ones. However, when serious illnesses, including glaucoma and cataracts, it is not recommended to base treatment on them alone. It may have backfire for Your health.

Eye charger

There are exercises for various eye diseases, the daily implementation of which can give a good healing effect and even improve your visual acuity. They are aimed at solution various problems vision and allow:

  • Improve eye circulation(exercise "curtain");
  • Train accommodation(all exercises aimed at consistent focusing of vision on near and distant objects);
  • Relax eye muscles(exercise "butterfly").

A set of exercises

Harmonious exercises for your eyes should consist of several different types of exercises.

For getting maximum effect from it, it is recommended to perform the exercises 2 times a day at the same time.

Already a month later correct execution exercises you can get the first result.


Video on how to restore vision.


As you can see, both in medical and in folk practice there are a lot of effective recipes that can save a person from vision problems. And, unfortunately, no one is immune from them, but there are effective methods although not preventing, but slowing down the process of vision decline. This is also exercises for the eyes, more about which is written, and, and ethnoscience. All that is needed to cure such ailments is to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and proceed to it. effective treatment. In this case, you will definitely get positive results in this case.

What does decreased vision in one eye mean? Usually, vision is reduced in two eyes at once, but a situation may arise when one eye begins to see worse than the other (i.e., vision decreases in only one eye). You should not leave this situation unattended, you should definitely go to a specialist and find out the cause of this symptom. Sharp deterioration vision in one eye can occur at any age and the cause can be a serious illness.

Vision in one eye may be impaired due to different reasons. Let's break them down.

Retinal detachment

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If the vision in one eye has dropped sharply, you see “flies” or a “veil” has appeared in front of the eye, retinal detachment may occur. This pathology can occur against the background of dystrophy of the peripheral zones of the retina and their rupture. Intraocular fluid flows into these zones, which leads to detachment of the membrane.

This disease can occur:

in people with myopia; due to injury; against the backdrop of others eye diseases; by inheritance; when working with heavy lifting and physical activity. In this case, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist using a special apparatus (slit lamp) once a year.

Leber syndrome

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A hereditary disease in which the cells of the retina and optic nerve are destroyed, while in just two to three weeks vision deteriorates and a “blind spot” appears in one eye, and after a few months it may appear in the second. Most often this disease affects men in active age, about twenty - thirty years old.

Although this is genetic disease, but it has been proven that some factors provoke it:

nervous shocks; abuse of tobacco and alcohol; impact toxic substances; use various medicines; transferred infections.

Only recently, scientists at the University of Miami managed to develop a method for treating Leber's syndrome.


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If you have a sharp deterioration in vision in one eye, and you also notice the following symptoms, that is, the risk of acute form angle-closure glaucoma.

With data accompanying symptoms you need to see a doctor:

sharp pain in the eye; the eye turned red and a veil appeared before it; sometimes disturbed by bouts of nausea and vomiting; increase in intraocular pressure.


If vision has fallen in one eye, this may indicate the presence of any pathology of the lens, for example: various types of cataracts (i.e. clouding of the lens). As a rule, this age change, but its appearance is also possible in connection with injuries, a disease, chemical poisoning or irradiation.

Possible cataract treatment conservative methods, just on initial stage diseases, but it is cured exclusively with the help of surgical operation- extraction of cataracts, in various ways.


This disease occurs in different ages but children are more susceptible to it. Strabismus is a disorder in the work of the eye muscles in one eye, due to which vision may fall on it. The sore eye, due to weakness in the muscles, gives an excellent healthy eye picture and eventually stops working, which leads to amblyopia.

Strabismus can be congenital (rare) or acquired. In the second case, it is associated with:

consequences of prematurity; diseases and the use of various medications by the mother during pregnancy; various eye diseases, ametropia; Trauma and damage.

The easiest way to fix strabismus is to childhood. That is why it is so important to see a doctor.


This disease is more common in children, in adults in Russia only in two percent of cases. Amblyopia develops against the background of:

strabismus; congenital pathology lens or cornea; differences in visual acuity between the eyes.

The organs of vision of the child develop up to the age of eleven, his eyes, adapting to the perception of the world around him, suppress the visual image obtained from the blurry eye with the good seeing eye. This is how "lazy eye" or amblyopia develops.

The disease itself does not go away, but children rarely complain if their vision begins to deteriorate. Therefore, parents are required to be vigilant. During this period, it is possible to correct the pathology if the cause is eliminated! However, at an older age, it is very difficult to reconfigure the eyes for proper functioning, which is why it is so important to detect it in time and start treatment.

Amblyopia can be cured by correcting the ametropia of the eye, using pleoptic methods, especially direct occlusion (turning off the healthy eye) and various physiotherapeutic actions. Diagnosis and treatment must be prescribed by a specialist - an ophthalmologist, sometimes a consultation with a neuropathologist is required.

eye injury

No one is immune from eye injury. If you have blind spots in front of any eye, this may be the result of injury. The injury can be mechanical or chemical in nature:

hit various kinds particles (mote, soap, varnish, shampoo, midges, and so on); mechanical damage(knife, glass, finger, injury, correlation, and so on); various kinds of burns (thermal, frostbite, chemistry, radiation).

The main conclusion that you must make is not to wait for the deterioration of vision, but to constantly undergo examinations from specialists, conduct healthy lifestyle life, be careful, walk as much as possible and not overstrain your body.

Unilateral decrease in visual acuityEye trauma and cataractsAmblyopia and strabismus

In old age visual function can be broken in both eyes at once. A completely different situation occurs when vision in one eye has fallen. This ailment may develop for various reasons.

What are the reasons sudden deterioration vision, and how to get rid of this problem?

Unilateral decrease in visual acuity

If vision in one eye has decreased, this may indicate the following pathological processes:

retinal damage; damage to the lens or cornea; some somatic diseases (diabetes); traumatic injuries one eye; amblyopia; strabismus.

In the event that a person’s vision has fallen, then most often the reason lies in the pathology of the optical system of the eye or a violation of innervation. AT optical system the eye includes the cornea, lens, vitreous body and retina. Making a correct diagnosis can be quite difficult. Decreased vision can be permanent or temporary. In the latter case, the function of the eye can be restored without any specific treatment. Not always a drop in vision is associated with some kind of disease. The cause may be stress, overwork, disruption of sleep and wakefulness, prolonged work at the computer.

If a person feels black spots or circles before the eyes (veil), then this is a sign of a rupture or detachment of the retina. This state requires surgical intervention. dark spot before the eyes may be a manifestation of other diseases, so a complete ophthalmological examination. Diabetes is a risk factor for vision loss in one eye. There is such a thing as diabetic retinopathy. It develops in the absence of treatment in most patients. diabetes. The mechanism of visual impairment is associated with damage to the vessels of the retina. On the early stages retinopathy patients may not present any complaints. Loss of vision in one eye indicates irreversible changes.

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