When glasses with holes are used. Are perforated glasses useful?

People who have vision problems now have the opportunity to use many special programs and tools aimed at improving their health. Popular today are glasses with holes, designed to correct vision.

They are effective for people of any age whose activities require increased visual load. Experts recommend wearing such corrective glasses not only for the treatment of eye diseases associated with impaired vision, but also for the prevention of their development.

Indications for the use of glasses

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • presbyopia;
  • astigmatism of various pathologies;
  • asthenopia - fatigue or eye strain;
  • anisometropia - unequal power of vision of the two eyes.

It is not recommended to use corrective glasses for divergent strabismus and nystagmus, they will not help solve such health problems, but can only aggravate the course of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to use glasses with increased intraocular or intracranial pressure.

How do eye trainers work?

Before you buy a remedy for solving vision problems, you should find out how glasses with holes work in practice. The therapeutic effect of the simulator is based on the diaphragming of the light flux.

The holes on it are made in a certain sequence, which makes it possible to increase the depth of field. Based on this property of the simulator, all objects with the greatest visual acuity fall into the retinal zone.

The main advantage of eyeglasses with holes lies in their ability to relieve stress from tense eye muscles and load the weakened ones. The result of such an impact on the organ of vision is the removal of fatigue. With prolonged and regular use of such a device, visual acuity can be increased.

Another feature of medical glasses with holes is the removal of psychological stress with their help. The famous physician W. G. Bates, the author of an effective non-drug method for restoring vision, argued that relaxation of the psyche and the achievement of a state of rest become important for recovery.

The thing is that in people with poor eyesight, the muscles of the eyes are in constant tension, and this is adversely reflected in their general condition. Relaxing the eye muscles, the corrective device has the same effect on the entire body, so there is a slight relaxing effect.

Types of glasses

A variety of corrective glasses with holes suggests the presence of cylindrical or conical holes. Before you buy a training device, you should try several types of glasses.

The frame for simulators can also be different: metal or plastic. There is a concept of belonging of the frame by age and gender - adult, child, male or female. Corrective glasses for children are no different from those for adults, except for the size of the frame.

How to use training glasses

Having learned how hole glasses work in practice, they still need to be used correctly in order to solve existing vision problems. Many people make a big mistake when they wear exercise equipment all day long.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to use them no more than 30 minutes a day. If your professional activity is associated with increased visual load, you need to use simulators for 10 minutes during each hour of work.

Another important point on how to use glasses with holes so that they are beneficial is not to look at one point, because a “frozen look” will only lead to muscle strain. It is important to make the eyes constantly move, not focusing on one object: the more objects you examine through the holes, the higher the healing effect will be.

Eye exercises

You can enhance the therapeutic effect of glasses with holes for vision, if you use them to perform special exercises.

If you have vision problems, it is useful to perform the following exercises:

  • Close your eyes for 10 seconds and relax;
  • Hang a small picture on the window, 1 cm long and 1 cm wide, stand at a distance of 30 cm from it. Look into the distance for 2-3 seconds, then look at the picture and linger on it for 5 seconds;
  • Close your eyes tightly and open them;
  • Roll your eyes first in one direction, then in the opposite direction;
  • Follow the movements of the finger, bringing it closer to the tip of the nose, and then moving it away;
  • Remove your glasses and blink rapidly for a minute.

Each exercise must be repeated 6 times.

Fedorov's glasses, mesh, perforated, diffractive, training - all these are glasses with holes that have become incredibly popular today to improve vision. Constant stress on the eyes of a modern person at work and while relaxing at the computer, ultraviolet radiation, unbalanced nutrition, bad habits and stress - all this inevitably affects the state of the organs of vision. Hereditary predisposition also plays a role: today whole families with children and grandchildren are registered with an ophthalmologist. And sooner or later, almost every person notices that he sees worse, the visual picture is blurred, black dots flash before his eyes. What to do in this case?

Most patients do not want to wear glasses or immediately agree to vision correction surgery. After all, glasses, as has already been proven, do not improve vision, they are addictive to the eyes, and over time it is required to change glasses to stronger ones. And the operation has a number of contraindications and is not available to everyone. Instead, people turn to Google, start looking for ways to restore vision without surgery and without optical correction devices. And almost immediately they encounter mesh glasses for vision correction. What is it, how does it work and does it help? Let's figure it out, taking into account the reviews of doctors and experienced patients.

Hollow-out glasses are the standard spectacle frames, but instead of regular glasses for vision correction, black plastic plates are inserted into the holes. These plates have small and numerous round holes arranged in a special order. It is believed that it is thanks to this peculiar pattern of holes that glasses have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the human organs of vision.

It is believed that the whole secret of the miraculous effect of glasses is in the shape of the holes and their location.

The indications for using this device are as follows:

  • Myopia (nearsightedness) of a low degree.
  • Hypermetropia (farsightedness) of any degree.
  • Astigmatism of various forms.
  • Rapid eye fatigue with constant stress and stress.
  • Age-related deterioration of vision (decrease in accommodation).
  • Different refractions on the right and left eyes.

In addition, this simulator can be used even by those who do not yet have any vision problems, but their eyes constantly receive heavy loads when doing small work, when working at a computer, while driving a car, etc. Hole glasses are also suitable for the prevention of myopia in schoolchildren.

How training glasses work

The mechanism of action of perforated glasses is based on the principle of a camera obscura. When a person looks at an object through a small hole, the circle of dispersion narrows, due to this the visual picture becomes clearer and clearer. At the same time, the eye muscles are trained and strengthened, the ability of the eyes to focus increases. As a result, vision also improves.

This is due to the fact that without load, the eye muscles relax, lose their tone, as if “lazy”. Focus is disturbed, and vision falls. And if you constantly train your eyes, this will not happen. Or at least the process will be much slower. In addition, getting used to constant stress, the eyes are less tired when working at a computer or with documents, when reading, sewing or driving a car. To summarize, with regular training, you can get the following effect:

  • restoration of vision;
  • strengthening of eye structures;
  • prevention of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism;
  • reduction of eye fatigue;
  • increase in working capacity.

Useful advice: in order to restore vision faster and more completely, it is recommended to use glasses in parallel with performing special exercises.

If you decide to seriously take care of your vision without resorting to surgical methods, combine the regular wearing of glasses with massage and special gymnastics

What do the doctor's say

Professional ophthalmologists do not deny the possible benefits for the eyes of training glasses with mesh plates. But at the same time, they clarify: to obtain an effect, an integrated approach to solving the problem is necessary. Relying on a miracle and only on Fedorov's simulator would be extremely imprudent. If we talk about effectiveness, then it is rather a prophylactic agent, rather than a therapeutic one. There is no officially confirmed evidence that this device can correct serious visual defects.

The Ministry of Health of Russia does not prohibit the use of this simulator to restore vision, if the patient has made such a decision. But special medical studies about its effectiveness have not been conducted.

As for the numerous positive reviews, ophthalmologists are convinced that the placebo effect is working here. The impressionable patient is convinced that this remedy is safe and effective, diligently uses it every day, exactly as indicated in the instructions - and notes some improvements. However, whether this is actually so can only be confirmed by an examination by a doctor. Moreover, glasses can cause harm, which few people know about. Therefore, you should not start using them without consulting an ophthalmologist and his approval.

It has not been officially proven that glasses can actually improve vision, so ophthalmologists do not advise placing high hopes on this device.

Patient reviews

Patient reviews are quite diverse. Users are already accustomed to a variety of “scams” ​​on the Internet, therefore they are prejudiced against advertised remedies for the treatment of a particular disease, and sometimes all at once. Corrective eyeglasses are no exception. However, many admit that they have actually noticed improvements after regular training.

Victoria, 28, St. Petersburg:
“I have used such glasses with holes, and I can say that they really work. They were recommended to me by a doctor, I bought them and started wearing them for a quarter of an hour three times a day. Within two weeks, I noticed that my eyes were less tired. And now I notice that I can distinguish objects at a distance better. True, along with this I did exercises and took special vitamins for the eyes. But if everything is done in a complex and correctly, then the effect will be, this is not a divorce.

Sergey, 36, Nizhny Novgorod:
“If doctors recommend something that is not officially patented and is sold only on the Internet, then they have a rollback from this. I do not believe that a piece of plastic with holes can somehow help with myopia or astigmatism. This is scientifically unsubstantiated. Personally, I do not believe that such glasses can really help. And yet, this is pressure on the psyche - to constantly close your eyes from the light. I DO NOT think that this can be useful and an adequate doctor would recommend it.”

Anastasia, 31, Moscow:
“Let me tell my story about these glasses. More specifically, the story of her husband. He became interested in this subject after being broadcast on TV, as he works a lot at the computer. Looked like, looked and found them in a regular pharmacy. They cost about 600 rubles, although, in my opinion, even with a case, their red price is no more than a couple of hundred. My husband wore them regularly, even worked at the computer. What conclusion did we come to after two weeks of testing: yes, the glasses work, but only as long as you wear them. As my husband explained to me, the effect of peeping through the keyhole works here. Through a small hole, the picture seems very crisp and clear. But as soon as you take off your glasses and expand the focus to the usual one, everything is blurry again. In addition, it is not clear at all why there are so many holes. Because a person really looks only through one - through the one that is located opposite the macula, on which the image falls. That's all. In my opinion, it is foolish to buy such a device to improve vision, if it does not heal, but only creates such an illusion while wearing them. Then it’s better to have ordinary glasses or contact lenses right away. ”

Many patients are ready to test perforated glasses and even note a positive result, but admit that they only work in combination with other methods to improve vision.

How to use exercise glasses

Once again it is worth repeating: glasses with perforated holes only give results if they are used regularly and according to all the rules. They consist, according to the instructions for use, as follows:

  • It is impossible to wear glasses with perforations for a long time from the first day. It is recommended to wear glasses for the first few days three times a day for 5-15 minutes.
  • If during the wearing of the simulator there are uncomfortable sensations, then the training should be interrupted. Re-wearing glasses is allowed only after two hours.
  • To fully adapt to the simulator, it will take an average of two weeks.
  • You can not wear glasses in a hole in a dark room or at night, as the organs of vision will be excessively strained. In this case, the points will hurt instead of giving a positive result.
  • After the final addiction to Fedorov's glasses, they should be worn for about an hour a day. The maximum time is three hours. You should not wear them for five or six hours in a row in order to get the expected effect sooner. Instead, vision may worsen even more, as the eyes will be strained.
  • If a person does not have visual impairment, but he spends several hours in a row at the computer, then it is recommended to wear mesh glasses for 10 minutes every hour. Then the eyes will receive optimal relaxation, visual acuity and performance will be maintained.
  • To get the maximum effect from this therapeutic and prophylactic device, you should not focus on one object while wearing glasses. It is better to constantly move your eyes from object to object, then the action of the simulator will be felt faster.
  • It is not recommended to perform any work and actions with piercing and cutting objects while wearing black glasses: there is a high risk of injury to the hands. Ideally, wear them for a quarter of an hour during a break in work or household chores.
  • The optimal number of hours of using glasses per year has been established. In the first 12 months of regular training, the total hours of wearing glasses should not exceed 300. If training continues, then the number of hours should be reduced.

Useful advice: it is important not only to use training glasses according to the manufacturer's instructions. Of great importance is what kind of glasses are used. Since the ophthalmologist does not select such devices and can only give general recommendations, the patient must independently prepare for the purchase of the simulator and approach the purchase responsibly.

It is better to purchase perforated glasses in a pharmacy or in an optician in person, rather than ordering them on the Internet, then you can try them on and see the shape and diameter of the holes on them

How to choose

It is not recommended to buy glasses with a mesh at random. Although the mechanism of action does not change, models from different manufacturers have plates of different thicknesses, holes on them are also in a different order and may differ in diameter. It is on the holes, or rather their shape, that you need to pay attention first of all. They are of two types:

  • cylindrical;
  • conical.

What else is important to know

Despite the fact that at first glance the eye trainer with holes seems harmless, there are also contraindications to its use, and you should definitely pay attention to them. These include:

  • high myopia;
  • some forms of glaucoma;
  • a number of retinal pathologies - you should check with your attending ophthalmologist whether such devices can be used if you have been diagnosed with any dysfunction of the retina.

Many people feel discomfort when their eyes are covered with dark plates, experience anxiety, suffer from headaches.

Despite the many benefits, perforated spectacle therapy has its drawbacks. One of the most important is the psychological discomfort that many people suffer from when their eyes are covered with dark plates. For some, being in this position is unbearable, just like in a confined space. Therefore, this method of therapy is not suitable for them categorically.

A person is so arranged that without light he is uncomfortable, he falls into a depressive state. Regular insufficient light entering the eyes negatively affects the nervous system of patients, not everyone can withstand the full course of treatment.

The second, also significant drawback of using such a device is that sometimes perforated glasses reduce a person's ability to see with both eyes at once. Images received by two eyes may not be combined into a single and complete visual picture. Therefore, while using such glasses, it is recommended to regularly undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist and control the sharpness and quality of vision.

Summary: Do glasses with holes help - it is definitely impossible to answer. Much depends on what problem a person has, how serious the visual impairment is, and whether he himself believes in a positive result. Doctors do not recommend relying solely on this device, and in many cases even categorically against it as a cause of even greater visual impairment. However, there are enough people who order and purchase glasses with holes and are satisfied with the results.


on the use of perforating training glasses

You have purchased perforating training glasses manufactured by Alis-96 LLC. The instructions contain recommendations for the use of glasses, as well as information on caring for glasses. Before using perforated glasses, we recommend that you read the instructions.


Training glasses are used for nearsightedness and farsightedness, and are also used as preventive glasses for normal vision. Recommended for people experiencing intense visual stress.

  • false and true myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astenopia (accommodative and muscular);
  • presbyopia;
  • photophobia.


When using perforated glasses, the tension of the eye muscles that constrict the pupil is adequately reduced. An optimally relaxed (relaxed) pupil changes its focusing ability (accommodation) without unnecessary tension, increasing visual acuity far and near up to 2-3 diopters.

Improving the clarity of the image is due to two properties of training glasses:

  • The apertures of the lenses transmit no more than 7% of the light entering them. Basically, light reflected from the object in question falls on the retina through the central optical zone of the eye.
  • Due to the diaphragming of the light flux by perforated lenses, the depth of field of the image on the retina increases.


Several types of exercise glasses are produced, differing in the shape and material of the frames. Frames made of metal and plastic are conditionally divided into women's, men's, universal and children's.


When viewing an object (objects) through the holes of the glasses, a multiple (bifurcated) image is focused on the retina. As a result, the ciliary muscles of the eye change the curvature of the lens so that one clear image is obtained. When using perforated glasses when looking from one point to another (from one object to another), the work of the ciliary muscles becomes continuous and is training. Thus, perforation glasses make the ciliary muscles of the eye work additionally, a useful training load appears for weakened, unloaded muscles, and, conversely, overstressed eye muscles are moderately unloaded. This training effect, associated with the use of perforated glasses, prevents eye muscles from atrophying, slows down the loss of lens elasticity and normalizes metabolism in the eye tissues, preventing the appearance of cataracts and other eye diseases.


Perforated glasses are a frame in which opaque perforated plates with a thickness of 1.2 - 1.5 mm are installed as lenses. Through holes Ø 1.2 - 1.5 mm are placed in a hexagonal order on the plane of the lenses. The apertures are tapered to reduce glare (compared to cylindrical ones) and provide high definition of the object being viewed. A cutout (in some models of perforated glasses) at the bottom of the lens allows people with myopia to see up close without removing their glasses. Frames and lenses are made from environmentally friendly materials. The lenses of the glasses are made of safe non-traumatic plastic.


Perforated glasses are designed for men, women and children, have no age restrictions. The choice of glasses model depends on individual comfort when using glasses.


Perforated training glasses do not emit toxic substances into the environment and do not have a harmful effect on the human body. The use does not require additional precautions other than activity restriction (see below).


Training glasses are used exclusively as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Due to the relatively limited visibility, any activity is not allowed with perforated goggles. It is forbidden to wear perforated glasses outdoors, use as sun glasses, driving glasses, etc.

To increase the effectiveness of training glasses, use a set of specially designed exercises.

A set of exercises for training the eyes with the use of perforated glasses.

At the beginning of the use of training glasses, discomfort may occur, the getting used to can take from several minutes to several days (with daily use). Try not to fix your attention on the holes, examine the objects around, look through the magazine. Make sure that you see objects more clearly with exercise glasses than without glasses. It is advisable to perform exercises in good daylight.

  1. Put on your glasses.
  2. Relax your eyes by closing them for 7-10 seconds. Do this after every exercise.
  3. Look into the distance for 2-3 seconds, then for 4-5 seconds. look at the tip of a finger located vertically at a distance of 25-30 cm from the face and lower your hand. Repeat up to 10 times.
  4. Close your eyes tightly, and then open your eyes (8-10 times). Make rotational eye movements first in one direction and then in the other direction (6-8 times). Look at the tip of the pencil, then bringing it closer to the eyes by 5-7 cm, then removing it (6-8 times).
  5. Stretch your hand forward, look at the tip of your finger, located vertically in front of your face. Slowly bring your finger closer, keeping your eyes on it until the image doubles. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  6. Watch 5-7 sec. on the tip of the finger, located at a distance of 25-30 cm from the face. Cover your left eye with your left palm for 3-5 seconds, then look for 3-5 seconds. two eyes. Do the same for the right eye (4-5 times for each eye).
  7. Without turning your head, slowly move your palm in front of your eyes from left to right and back. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
  8. Stand at the window at a distance of 30-35 cm from the glass. Put a dot on the glass at eye level. Watch 3-5 sec. per point, then 6-10 sec. into the distance through the window to individual objects (building, tree) and consider the details of these objects. Time of observation gradually (for 3-4 days) bring up to 5 minutes.
  9. Remove your exercise glasses and blink rapidly for one minute. Close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your fingers for one minute.


  1. Avoid dropping the glasses on hard surfaces, as well as mechanical stress that could damage the frame and lenses.
  2. Don't use too much force when wiping your glasses.
  3. Do not use solvents or aggressive liquids of any kind to clean perforated glasses. If your glasses become dirty, rinse them under cold running water and wipe gently with a dry, soft cloth.


The service life is limited only by mechanical damage to the frame or lens.


The kit includes:

  • perforated glasses;
  • plastic bag;
  • cardboard packaging.


Perforated glasses should be stored under the conditions in accordance with GOST 15150-69 in heated rooms at an air temperature of +5 °C to +40 °C, relative humidity of 50-70%. Storage conditions group - 2 (GOST R 51193-98).

During the period of storage and transportation, exposure to aggressive liquids and solvents is not allowed.


The manufacturer guarantees that the product complies with TU 9442-004-18257283-07.

The manufacturer guarantees the reliability of the connection of the lenses with the frame for 6 months from the date of the start of the operation of the glasses, subject to the care instructions specified in this manual.

Warranty period of storage - 1 year.

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Perforated (or perforated) glasses are not glasses in the general sense, as they are usually black pieces of plastic with small holes in them that you can look through.

It has long been known that if you look through a small hole made in a screen that is opaque to light, then visual acuity improves temporarily. This vision improvement technique was even used by snipers during World War II. What is the secret of this improvement?

The fact is that in a simplified form, the optical system of the eye can be represented as a converging lens (with an optical power of about 60 diopters), which focuses the image of the outside world on the inner shell of the eye - the retina. If you look at the figure below, you can see that a beam of rays parallel to the axis of the lens is refracted the stronger, the farther the beam is from the optical axis:

Rays traveling exactly along the optical axis through the center of the lens are not refracted at all. This is the secret of perforated glasses. In the following figure you see a simplified scheme of perforated glasses with one hole:

As can be seen from the figure, perforated glasses pass only a narrow beam of rays, which are practically not refracted by the eye. All other rays are cut off by the opaque part of the glasses. This means that a person looking through perforated glasses becomes much less sensitive to such refractive errors of the eye as nearsightedness or farsightedness. The person feels that his vision has become better. Moreover, the smaller the diameter of the holes in the glasses, the higher will be the visual acuity in them.

But this effect of improving vision, unfortunately, disappears when the perforated glasses are removed. We can only see better while wearing perforated glasses.

Can perforated glasses help people who, with the help of Dr. Bates' recommendations, are working to improve their vision? To some extent yes.

Perforated glasses can be helpful in bridging the gap between having to wear glasses and achieving clear vision without glasses. When combined with the Natural Vision Enhancement Method, they can be used in place of your prescription lenses, except when you are driving.

Perforated glasses are better than weak real glasses because they do not increase eye strain and, according to many practitioners, help to relieve this strain. Perforated glasses can also be used in place of sunglasses and are more beneficial to the eyes as they let some of the natural sunlight into the eyes.

These glasses are affordable as they cost less than $30. They do not work for everyone, and by themselves they cannot restore your former good vision. So it's still better for you to learn as much as possible about, and use hole glasses to replace regular glasses until your vision improves enough that you can safely do without glasses.

If you want to purchase high quality perforated glasses with detailed instructions for their use and an ergonomic case, just click on the image below.

In our age of computer technology is particularly acute. PCs, laptops, tablets and other modern achievements are undoubtedly useful and necessary, but they are the main cause of eye fatigue and visual impairment.

How much time does a person spend on a computer every day? The answers may be different, but it is perhaps difficult to find at least one who would not use modern technology at all. The vast majority of people spend every day from several tens of minutes to several hours working at a computer, playing games, communicating on social networks, watching their favorite TV shows, etc. And this is a significant strain on the eyes. Everyone knows about this, but they continue to spoil their eyesight, forgetting not only to do special exercises to relieve stress, but not even observing the recommended breaks in work.

Why does vision deteriorate?

  1. Excessive eye strain. Prolonged exposure to bright sunlight on daily, non-stop work at the computer; reading in poor light - all this leads to overloads that are extremely harmful to the retina. Neglect of elementary rules ultimately ends in failure.
  2. Lack of training for the muscles involved in focusing the gaze. We are talking about the ciliary muscles, the contraction of which affects the curvature of the lens. If a person stares at a computer monitor screen, at a book page or at a TV screen for a long time, these muscles practically do not work. And in our body, elements that do not perform their functions for a long time eventually atrophy. A decrease in the strength and endurance of the ciliary muscles leads to a decrease in visual acuity.
  3. Destruction of visual pigment. Retinal cells, which are responsible for the perception of visual information and the formation of a signal for the centers of the brain, contain a special substance, rhodopsin, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the eyes. In conditions of vitamin A deficiency, as well as with age, the visual pigment breaks down, which leads to visual impairment.
  4. Circulatory problems. For example, atherosclerosis of the vessels that feed the retina often causes a drop in visual acuity. Another disease in which the vessels of the eyes are affected is diabetes mellitus and its complication such as retinopathy (pathological changes in the walls of retinal vessels, as a result of which trophism is disturbed and retinal cells begin to experience ischemia).
  5. Dry eyes. Insufficient functioning of the lacrimal glands leads to the fact that the eyes dry, and this has a bad effect on visual acuity.
  6. Deterioration in eye function may be a symptom of the disease. Examples are not only pathologies of the organs of vision (cataract, glaucoma, keratitis), but also some other diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, pituitary adenoma).

What to do?

Are there effective methods to prevent a decrease in visual acuity or to correct if the latter does occur?

Everyone knows about gymnastics for the eyes, but for some reason not everyone does it. But these simple exercises are a very effective means of relieving fatigue during visual overload.

Glasses are already a method of correction. For prevention, no one wears them, it is not necessary and even harmful. By itself, it gradually reduces visual acuity, but for those who already see poorly, there is simply no other way out than the constant use of glasses.

However, glasses for vision correction (perforated glasses) are now gaining more and more popularity. Unlike ordinary ones, they do not contribute to a drop in vision when they are constantly worn; act mainly as a means of prevention, not correction.

and how do they work?

Perforated glasses look like this: the place of glass lenses is occupied by dark plates with many small holes. The principle of their operation is based on the principle of diaphragming, that is, many focused beams of light fall on the retina through these holes, which significantly increases the clarity of the image.

Perforated training glasses increase visual acuity and help relieve tension from the muscles involved in accommodation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perforated glasses improve vision only temporarily. Their action is based on the iris effect described above, but after stopping the use of glasses, vision problems return again. So, despite the assurances of advertising, training glasses are not a remedy. They are good, first of all, for prevention, since their regular use helps prevent a further drop in visual acuity.

It is very convenient that even persons with absolutely normal vision can wear such glasses as a simulator for relieving fatigue. Perforated glasses are completely safe and do not exacerbate vision problems, unlike regular corrective glasses.

The duration of their use is limited by the instructions, but you can still wear them longer if you wish. The lack of harm from their use allows you to sometimes break the rules. Although, of course, in most cases, few people do it. The plates in place of the lenses significantly reduce the amount of sunlight falling on the retina, so it is uncomfortable to wear these glasses for a long time, especially in low light.

Perforated glasses require several days to adapt. At first, there is a feeling of a barrier before the eyes, discomfort due to a decrease in illumination. But with regular use of glasses, all these effects quickly disappear.

How to wear exercise glasses correctly?

Despite the relative safety, perforated glasses are not suitable for everyone. Even for them there is a list of contraindications:

  1. Glaucoma.
  2. retinal pathology.
  3. Progressive myopia.
  4. Nystagmus.

In addition, it is also important to wear perforated training glasses correctly. The instruction clearly advises to use them no more than half an hour a day. This time is more than enough to rest the eyes and restore their performance.

The light level is also very important if you wear perforated glasses. The instruction does not recommend using them with a lack of sunlight, since the glasses themselves have a darkening effect. If this rule is neglected, there is a risk of tiring the eyes. After all, the lack of lighting for them is a serious burden.

What do patients say about exercise glasses?

Opinions about this method of preventing vision problems differ, but positive ones still prevail. Many who have used perforated glasses leave reviews about them with the following content:

  1. Vision has ceased to deteriorate.
  2. decreased.
  3. There was an opportunity at home to do without corrective glasses. After all, simulators can be used when watching TV programs or working at a computer, without once again resorting to ordinary glasses, albeit good for correcting vision, but still unsafe when worn for a long time.

Some talk about the ineffectiveness of perforated glasses. Like, vision improves only when you wear them, and then returns to its previous state. But from the point of view of the purpose of these glasses, there is no contradiction here. Training glasses do not cure, their main task is to stabilize vision at the level that is currently available, to prevent further deterioration. Those who talk about inefficiency do not seem to understand exactly what perforated training glasses do. The reviews of these people indicate that they either did not read the instructions, or they were misled. Yes, advertising sometimes likes to endow these glasses with healing properties, but this is not entirely true.

What do the doctor's say?

Ophthalmologists often recommend that their patients wear perforated training glasses. Reviews of doctors about the latter, as a rule, are positive. Of course, no doctor considers these glasses as a remedy, since they improve vision only temporarily, and this effect is unstable. However, as a means of preventing more serious visual disorders, perforated glasses have proven themselves well.

It is only important to follow the instructions. Although glasses are positioned as completely harmless, the list of contraindications clearly indicates that they can still do harm if used ineptly.

Side effects

Some people have reported headaches, dizziness, nausea, and eye pain after wearing perforated glasses.

Why was it possible for all these unpleasant sensations to arise? Most likely, in this case, the glasses were worn for too long, possibly in poor lighting. Or maybe those on whom the glasses had such an unpleasant effect purchased a fake, and not an original product.

The use of exercise glasses in accordance with the recommendations (you can read about them above) is usually not accompanied by such effects.

A few words in conclusion

Vision is a very important component of a comfortable existence, which is why eye health should be treated very carefully. After all, it is always easier to destroy than to restore. Lost visual acuity to return, as a rule, is very difficult. So take care of your eyes. Don't forget to give them a rest from time to time, and don't be lazy to do regular exercises to relieve tension.

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