How to help your four-legged friend get rid of the ear mites? Remember! puppies' ears usually get dirty much faster than adult dogs. Since the glands that produce earwax work a little more actively. It goes away with age. Ear cleaning is one of

A puppy may experience retarded development if it is infected from a sick bitch. Puppies infected with ear mites are more susceptible to the disease than adult dogs.

Most owners tend to spend self-treatment. Such cases are not uncommon.

However, the exact cause of the disease cannot be determined. What symptoms of ear mites occur, how to treat the disease, read the article.

general information

Ear mites in dogs are an organism from a subclass of arthropods, a class of arachnids. The actions of the ear mites are very unpleasant. On the inside of the ear, it gnaws holes in the skin.

It eats lymph, particles of the dermis, multiplies, lays eggs, which turn into adults in a month. For some time it can be on other parts of the body, or in environment.

Its dimensions are small, no more than one millimeter. You can only see it under a microscope. This disease is contagious. Can be transmitted from one animal to another.

You can easily bring it to the apartment after a walk on your shoes, on other items. The owner of the pet is not threatened by this disease and is not dangerous, it will not be transmitted from a dog, a cat.

Photo of an ear mite


According to statistics, serious complications occur in less than ten percent of dogs with otodectosis. There is no need to panic. However, you, as the owner, are responsible for your dog.

In addition to ear mites, there are other diseases of the ears. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that this is really otodectosis in a dog, and not, for example, otitis media. How can these diseases be distinguished?

To otitis have a high disposition dogs with long hair, long ears. Who have a narrow ear canal, for example, a Rottweiler, a German shepherd. Symptoms of otitis, otodectosis are approximately the same.

Otitis is not contagious. His reasons:

  • decompose accumulations of earwax;
  • viruses, infections;
  • cold water;
  • in auricle hematoma;
  • hit foreign object into ear.

Sweet in the dog's diet, food changes most often cause allergic reactions.

How to determine

Examine the ear canal the right way definitions ear scabies in dogs. Need to clear cotton swab ear passage. Put the contents on a white, black sheet of paper.

The contents are viewed through a microscope. veterinary clinic. This is how scraping is done. If it is an ear mite, then you can see small gray, white dots that move.

In any case, contact the specialists, even if you have not encountered this disease for the first time, do not self-medicate. your dog in best case can lose his hearing, at worst - death.


The initial infection without any complications is treated quite quickly, simply. Medicines, fortunately, in our time it is enough for this:

  • Aurikan;
  • Amit;
  • Anandin Plus;
  • Amitrazine;
  • Leopard;
  • Deternol;
  • Demos;
  • Decta;
  • Dana;
  • Otovedin;
  • Otibiovin;
  • Otoferonol Gold;
  • Otokan;
  • otovedam;
  • Tzipam.

Dry crusts in the ears must first be soaked before applying the drop. Instill hygienic ear lotion, baby oil, or vegetable oil, hydrogen peroxide.

Wait a few minutes. dogs small breeds, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, can be wrapped in a towel. Keep the big ones with an assistant. Almost all dogs have a hard time this procedure.

They start whining, turn their faces away, run away, bite, scratch. It is unpleasant to clean the ears, and if there are ticks, it is also painful. Thoroughly clean the ear canal with a cotton swab.

The medicine may remain on the crusts, do not get on the ticks, so clean thoroughly. According to the instructions, instill drops, close your ear, massage at the base of the ear for several minutes.

As soon as the drops fall on the skin affected by mites, the dog will experience pain. She will start to break out, squeal - hold on tight. Do the same procedure for the other ear.

After two weeks, repeat the procedure, as drops kill adults. Almost no effect on eggs. At yorkshire terrier first pluck the hair from the ears.

The action of drugs

To drop off more likely got on the skin, not on the dog's coat. From unpleasant procedures Special injections can help you.

Some drugs (Ivermek, Otodectin) have categorical contraindications for individual breeds dogs - bobtail, collie, sheltie. Also contraindications for diseases of the kidneys, liver, pregnancy.

These drugs should not be used on puppies. Although they have proven to be effective, they should be used carefully and strictly only as directed by a veterinarian.

The action is long - up to a month they have drugs Advocate, Frontline, Stronghall. Their single use leads to good result. The only problem - high price.


Ticks in the environment can be within a month. To avoid reinfection bathe your dog with tick shampoo. You can use an additional collar against ticks.

Do not forget to treat the floor in your home with a special solution against ticks. Also treat all things that the dog has had direct contact with.

With insufficient single course of treatment, or the appearance bad smell from the dog's ears, pus, contact your veterinarian immediately. He examines her for complications.

Otitis media in dogs is difficult to treat and takes a long time to heal. Do not take the initiative without the advice of a veterinarian to avoid severe complications. Do not indulge in self-medication.

ear mite quickly gets used to most drugs. Therefore, repeated use of the drug may not bring a positive effect. Use drops, sprays on the withers, tick collars for prevention.

What do you know about ear mites in dogs? Have you ever experienced this disease?


Symptoms of ear mites in dogs

The first signs of ear scabies are the appearance of itching in the dog, which intensifies as the disease progresses. The dog shakes his head, rubs his ears against various objects or corners, combs his ears with his claws, up to the formation of abrasions and deep scratches. Over time, in a sick animal, non-passing festering wounds and bald patches are formed.

With ear scabies, exudate begins to stand out from the ears of a sick dog, first serous, and then purulent. It mixes with the feces of the ear mites and dries in the depressions and folds of the pinna, forming crusts and scabs that are gray-brown in color and have a very unpleasant odor. The appearance of such secretions is the main symptom of ear scabies.
Ear mites infestation

Ear scabies occurs in dogs as a result of infection with an ear mite from sick animals (cats, strangers or stray dogs). The disease is often diagnosed in young animals under the age of four months. In this case, the mother is the most common source of infection.

Complications of ear scabies

Wrong or untimely treatment ear mites in dogs can lead to such formidable complications like inflammation of the middle ear, perforation of the eardrum, labyrinthitis, meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), arachnoiditis (inflammation of the soft and arachnoid meninges). All these complications can lead not only to total loss hearing in a sick animal, but even serve as the cause of his death.

Ear Mite Treatment

Before starting treatment, you should definitely make sure that the cause of your dog's discomfort is precisely the infection with ear mites. To do this, show the dog veterinarian who, on the basis of the examination and the results of the analyzes, will put correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The most common treatment for ear scabies in dogs is the following drugs: Otovedin, Aurikan, Tera Delta, Mastiet Forte or Otibiovin. Please note that these medicinal products are not intended to treat a dog without the participation of a veterinarian.

These medicines come in various concentrations various substances that are detrimental to ear mites. All these substances are poisons! Therefore, never treat a dog without a doctor's prescription, because. By doing this, you can not only not help her, but rather harm her. In addition, during the treatment, very carefully monitor the health and behavior of the dog. Be sure to inform your veterinarian if they change even slightly. The first signs of concern are a rash, redness, and increased itching.

Treatment for ear scabies in dogs advanced cases it takes much longer and, unfortunately, it is not always effective.

Tags. Buy a Yorkshire Terrier in St. Petersburg. Yorkshire terrier mating in St. Petersburg. Buy a Yorkie in St. Petersburg.

How to instill drops with ear scabies

Before making direct instillation ear drops the dog's auricle should be cleaned of dried exudate, tk. otherwise, the effectiveness of the use of drugs will be very low. To clean the dog's ear, you can use ordinary cotton swabs. Many veterinarians advise soaking cotton swabs in green tea infusion, and then using them to remove plaque and crusts that have accumulated in the auricle of a sick dog.

Separate sticks should be used for each ear to prevent possible transfer of ear mites from one ear to the other. Instillation of drops should be carried out in both ears, even if only one is affected by the disease. Do not exceed the dosage of the medicine given to you by your doctor. After instilling the drops, massage the base of the animal's ear so that the drops are evenly distributed over its auricle and enter the ear canal.
If, after an illness, after a while, a relapse of the disease is observed again, then this may indicate either an incorrectly performed treatment, or that the dog has reduced immunity.

Prevention of infection of dogs with ear mites

Prevention of infection of dogs with ear scabies is quite simple and consists in following very simple rules:

Regularly inspect the dog's ears for any discharge, especially those that are brownish in color;

Clean your dog's ears in a timely manner with cotton swabs;

Do not allow your dog to communicate with other animals during the walk, and especially with stray dogs and cats;

Regularly carry out medical prophylaxis of otodecosis using special collars, sprays and shampoos. Most often, drops and sprays from such well-known manufacturers as Frontline, Merial, Bayer and Bolfo are used for such prevention. But speaking of efficiency drug prevention infection of dogs with ear mites cannot be said about the fact that all these drugs can cause in animals varying degrees allergic reactions. Therefore, when using them, the owner must carefully monitor the health of the dog and, if the slightest deviation appears in it, immediately stop using otodecosis prophylaxis.

Tags. Buy a Yorkshire Terrier in St. Petersburg. Yorkshire terrier mating in St. Petersburg. Buy a Yorkie in St. Petersburg.

Ear cleaning is one of the most important things you can do to keep your dog's ears clean and healthy. When carrying out this procedure, choose a quiet place free from children.
A daily examination is enough to make sure that the ears are healthy, the amount of sulfur is not increased, there are no foreign bodies ...
Before starting any cleaning of diseased ears, it is important to clarify the diagnosis. Not every case ear infection caused by ear mites, although many people tend to think so. Ear diseases usually called bacterial infections, hypothyroidism (decreased function thyroid gland), and allergies.

If the "quivering owner" will clean healthy ears too often, the body will react to such cleaning as the presence of a foreign body, which must be removed by additional excretion of sulfur. This, in turn, may lead to the development inflammatory process. But if you notice “dirt” (foreign bodies, sulfur clots) or inflammation (reddening and thickening of the skin) in the ear, not to mention other signs of the disease (see “Diseases of the Dog Ears”), then cleaning is a must!

Dog fixation.
If your dog is not given and tries to escape during the procedure, it is best to fix it. To do this, you need to swaddle him with a towel like a small child.

Place a large towel on the table, and place your dog near the front end of the towel. Wrap each side of the towel around the dog's torso. Turn the bottom free edge of the towel over and wrap it around your body, leaving only your head free. Hug your toy, pressing with one hand, your other hand will be free.

Never insert anything into your toy terrier's ear canal without proper fixation. Observe general rule:: you should brush your ears with outward movements towards the exit of the ear canal. Do not use sharp objects for cleaning, as they may cut the tissue covering the ear canal and damage eardrum.
You will need:
  1. Any therapeutic and prophylactic drops (lotions) intended for cleaning the ears of dogs. (Otonazol, Otodectin, Poliseptin, Otoferanol, Otokan, Otoferonol plus, etc.).
  2. Cotton swabs and sticks.

The first necessary action is to wipe off the dirt that is on the surface with gauze. Pulling the ear slightly, partially fill it with the cleaning solution: carefully put 2-4 drops of ear cleaner into the ear canal and massage the ear (you should hear squelching). By lifting the ear, you allow the cleansing solution to flow down the ear canal to where the infection is and exudate accumulates. After the canal has been partially filled, the base of the ear canal is lightly massaged. Most pets find this manipulation enjoyable.

Wipe the ear canal dry, removing any debris along the way.
Let your toy terrier shake his head. Then use gauze to soak up the liquid that comes out of the ear. Keep a close eye on the health of your dog's ears, dirty ears are a cause for concern, and neglected sore ears are just a torment for the animal.
Give a few drops of the drug, never inject the drug into dirty ear. Most pets tolerate daily cleaning and medication well.
Remember! puppies' ears usually get dirty much faster than adult dogs. Because the glands that produce earwax work a little more actively. It goes away with age.
In older animals and in dogs with reduced immunity (having had viral diseases, prone to allergic reactions) it is necessary to look into the ears especially often, since they are prone to the occurrence of otitis media and eczema.
Did you notice in the depths ear canal foreign body, or an insect that you cannot remove yourself.

Despite cleaning, earwax discharge or signs of inflammation (bad smell, redness and roughness) skin) are enhanced. Washing may be required in some cases ear canal by inserting a catheter into the infected ear. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. In others, it may be related to the general viral disease(carnivorous plague, otodecosis).

Most often, the contents in the ear with otodectosis are black, crumbly, similar to ground coffee, but the final diagnosis can be made after examining the smear under a microscope.


To begin with, you should consider the symptoms and signs that will help identify the disease and, accordingly, treat it faster.

So the symptoms are:

  • the domestic dog begins to constantly shake its ears;
  • the main sign is that the dog scratches his ears, subsequently wounds from claws appear on them;
  • the pet becomes restless - it may try to scratch its ears on furniture or other objects;
  • in some cases, appetite may be lost.

These symptoms apply to any otitis media, including those caused by ear mites.

The reasons

In addition, it is known that on the street these animals often live in the grass. Therefore, arthropods can be transmitted to an animal through shoes in which a person walks down the street, or other things and clothing. Especially if the dog often sniffs your shoes or lies next to them. As for people, these animals are not dangerous for them.

Possible Complications

In some cases, when the disease is not treated during the first weeks after infection, internal deposits in the auricle will lead to the formation of a hematoma. That is, the blood will collect and dry under the skin. This problem occurs as a result of constant scratching. As practice shows, complications are observed in about 10% of dogs, but nevertheless, it is not worth the risk, treatment should be carried out on time.

Treatment Methods

It is necessary to treat the pet in such a way as to wrap it in a blanket in advance, since difficulties may arise at this stage. Especially if the dog is quite large - in any case, it must be held. Usage special means cause discomfort and pain in the dog, consider this. With help cotton swab you need to clean out all the dirt from the ear, it is desirable to get as deep as possible. Otherwise medication will remain on the crust, without affecting the tick.

Then use the medicine, in accordance with the recommendations for use, drop it into the auricle and massage the ear at the base. Two minutes is enough for this. Hold your pet's head tight similar actions carried out with the other ear. Duration of admission medicines carried out on average during the week, but in any case you need to consult a doctor.

Application of injections

Injectable medicines are also effective in helping to get rid of the problem. AT this case it is possible to treat a dog with such remedies at home, but the dosage is prescribed by a specialist. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that medications may be contraindicated. certain breeds. Injections are contraindicated in liver diseases, as well as in puppies, pregnant females and debilitated animals.

Ear mites under the microscope

Causes of otodecosis

The disease is caused by a small insect that is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. It, falling on inside ear of an animal, gnaws its way into the epidermis and settles there. It happens very quickly.

Ear mites are unable to long time be without an owner, therefore, infection of a dog is possible only from another dog or cat, in rare cases- from infected objects and grass. It is not uncommon for a person to bring a tick on his clothes into the house.

Important! Determining that a dog has otodecosis is quite simple. If a skin lesions are only in the auricle, then this is a sure sign of the presence of an ear mite. If the dog vigorously scratches its paw or stomach, then the pathogen is most likely different.

The ear mite is not just an unpleasant "guest" on the dog's body, as it represents real danger for good health. Otodekoz quickly spreads throughout the auricle, affects the eardrum and is able to penetrate through it deep into the ear canal.

An ear mite is dangerous only if it is discovered late. If detected in time, the disease responds well to treatment and, most often, passes without a trace.

Symptoms of an ear bream in a dog

The first symptoms appear a few days after the tick enters the dog's ear. The dog begins to feel severe discomfort in the auricle and shakes his head, trying to shake out the harmful insect.

Usually after this, the following symptoms appear:

If all or almost all of the signs were found, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Timely treatment will allow four-legged friend avoid complications and shorten the recovery period as much as possible.

Do not try to treat the dog yourself and buy drugs, even if you are sure of the diagnosis, as some diseases can cause some similar symptoms. The veterinarian will take the epithelium for analysis and identify the presence of the causative agent of ear scabies (if any), after which he will prescribe the necessary drugs.

At the first symptoms or detection of ticks of your pet, you must show the veterinarian

Treatment of ear scabies

After confirming the diagnosis, the dog is prescribed treatment at home with drops and ointments. Treatment consists of the following steps:

The range of drugs that help get rid of ear mites is quite large. The most common ointments are Aversectin and Amidel-gel, for drops - Dekta, Aurikan, Amit, Tsipam, Otovedin. The selection of the drug and the determination of the dosage should be handled exclusively by a doctor! These products are toxic and not suitable for all animals. Wrong dosage can cost the health and life of your pet.

Important: Ear mites in cats and dogs cannot be treated folk remedies without consulting a specialist. Most of the techniques that can be found on the Internet are detrimental not only to the tick, but also to the animal.

Prevention of ear scabies

It is impossible to completely insure your pet against infection with an ear mite, since the dog needs to go outside. But in order not to have to be treated once again, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the dog's ears to see the first signs of ear scabies. In order not to confuse dirt and sulfur with the waste products of a tick, you need to regularly (once a week) clean your pet's ears with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

To reduce the likelihood of infection, the veterinarian is recommended to purchase a special protective collar and periodically use a special shampoo.

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