Avitaminosis: Fast vitamin help to the body! Usually in the spring, vitamin deficiency manifests itself with such symptoms. Symptoms of the development of beriberi

We usually have joyful and pleasant expectations associated with spring, but the reality often turns out to be completely different. It is difficult to enjoy life when you are overtaken by general lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, hair becomes dull and brittle, the skin begins to peel off. All these symptoms are signs of spring beriberi.

Causes of beriberi

In fact, what is called beriberi in everyday communication is not. Avitaminosis- a disease caused by the complete absence in the body of one or another vital essential vitamin which can lead to very grave consequences. IN modern world it is almost impossible to get such a lack of vitamins, except for cases when, for one reason or another, they are simply not absorbed by the body.

IN Everyday life we are dealing with another phenomenon - hypovitaminosis, that is, a condition caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is hypovitaminosis that causes various ailments, which are especially acute in the spring.

This is natural, because in winter period fresh fruits and greens are much less than in summer. And those that we eat do not contain so many vitamins. By spring, in vegetables and fruits, albeit fresh, but stored for a long time, the amount of vitamins is halved. As a result, the decrease in the level of vitamins and microelements in the body, which began in winter, by spring reaches the stage when it causes external manifestations- the same spring beriberi.

Manifestations of spring beriberi

The main symptoms of beriberi include:

  • increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased attention;
  • deterioration in the condition of hair and nails;
  • the appearance of poorly healing cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases.

All of these symptoms do not necessarily occur at the same time. These or other symptoms directly depend on which vitamin is lacking in the body.

So, redness, peeling, dermatitis, rashes and other signs of beriberi on the skin are most often associated with a lack of B vitamins (in particular, B2). Bleeding gums and poorly healing wounds indicate a lack of vitamin C in the first place, as well as vitamin E.

The appearance of vitamin deficiency on the face and skin can be caused by a lack of vitamin D. And a decrease in the amount of vitamins D, E, A, B2 and PP causes separation and increased fragility of nails and other signs of vitamin deficiency on the hands.

How to treat beriberi?

Avitaminosis is still a disease, and it needs to be treated. Many people think that in the summer, when a lot of vegetables and fruits appear in the diet, everything will go away on its own. Often, if vitamin deficiency does not appear on the hands or face in the form serious problems, people do not think at all about how to deal with beriberi in the spring.

But you can't let things go by themselves. After all, even with food we do not always get necessary complex vitamins and microelements. In addition, to obtain the required norm of vitamins, an average person must eat up to one and a half kilograms of various vegetables and fruits per day, which is unlikely.

Therefore, at the first signs of beriberi, you should drink a course of vitamins. Poly vitamin complexes are sold at any pharmacy, but it is better if the choice is agreed with the doctor. On average, the course lasts a month, take vitamins better in the morning with water without gas.

Prevention of spring beriberi

In order not to lead to the onset of symptoms, it is worth thinking in advance about how to prevent spring beriberi. It will help here balanced diet with the use of those foods that contain the necessary vitamins.

Finally, spring has come, the sun has appeared, but ... the mood and well-being are below average, and the reflection in the mirror is not encouraging. Most likely, you do not have enough vitamins. Our body is a very complex system, which can get sick from a long-term lack of even one component. This is true for vitamins too. After all, these substances play a significant role. They are involved in all physiological and biochemical processes of the body, so it is clear that the absence of one of

components introduces an imbalance. The absence or lack of vitamins in the body is called "avitaminosis". And most often this condition is observed beriberi - a mass condition. Its symptoms are present in 60-90% of the population. It seems that there is nothing to go to the doctor with, but the state of health is disgusting.

Spring avitaminosis. Symptoms

  • State chronic fatigue, increased drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Peeling skin, dull thin nails.
  • cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth that do not heal well.
  • Reduced vision, especially in low light (in the evening).
  • Decreased concentration and attention
  • Exacerbation of existing diseases, susceptibility to colds.

Most reliable way avoid this state or return to normal - adjust good nutrition. In winter, we are often tempted by "unhealthy" products, which include pasta, bakery products, semi-finished products, meat. In cold weather, it is very important not to forget about fruits and vegetables. Then you won't have to suffer in the spring. Spring beriberi is perfectly “treated” with just the right and reasonable approach to nutrition. This method is much

more effective than taking medicines or vitamin complexes. If there is no opportunity to improve nutrition, then you can and should use vitamin complexes. But there is nothing better than natural products.

To make it easier to defeat spring beriberi, you need to have an idea in which foods which vitamins are:

Vitamin A: carrots, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, apricots, corn, nettles.

B vitamins: B1 - baking, oats, rice, yeast, pork and beef meat, nuts, egg yolk and beans. B2 - milk, meat, fish, yeast, fresh vegetables, cereals (to preserve this vitamin, the absence of an alkaline environment is necessary).

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, apples, sea buckthorn, strawberries, strawberries, herbs, cabbage, potatoes, sorrel, red pepper.

Vitamin D: dairy products, fish fat And various varieties red fish, yolk and butter.

Vitamin E: rosehip, yolk, green vegetables, vegetable oil.

In order to get rid of or not to earn spring beriberi, you need to eat right. This means that every day your diet should consist of all food groups. There is not a single product in the world that contains all the substances necessary for life, therefore vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and meat should be on the menu every day. Especially in winter and spring, when spring vitamin deficiency looms on the horizon.

Spring avitaminosis is low content in the human body vitamins of groups B, C, A, E, D, K. Of course, without such substances, normal life is not possible. A significant lack of vitamins leads to scurvy.

It should be noted that the concept of "avitaminosis" characterizes complete absence vitamins in the body. The lack of such substances is correctly called hypovitaminosis. This is the term used by qualified doctors.

Spring beriberi needs treatment, since such a condition harms human health, deprives him normal working capacity and life activity. It is very important to monitor the state of health in the spring, when food is the least rich in nutrients, and the body has depleted its reserves of such components since last season.

Vitamin deficiency in the body has its own symptoms that you should be aware of.

If a smaller amount of vitamins is supplied with food than is consumed, this affects all organs and tissues of the body.

Mucous tissues begin to function incorrectly. Bone tissue can be destroyed, muscles weaken. The skin becomes dry.

Reduced immunity. A person feels a breakdown, which is accompanied by bad mood. IN adolescence may slow growth. Derivatives of the skin - nails, hair lose their attractive appearance.

Vitamin A deficiency in the spring, first of all, is reflected in top layer skin. It starts peeling and peeling off. Nails become very brittle, acquire a dull shade.

In babies, signs of dermatitis and diaper rash appear on the skin.

Spring beriberi with an insufficient amount of retinol, also called vitamin A, is accompanied by a weakening of visual acuity.

When a person enters a light space from a dark one, the picture before his eyes may blur. The organs of vision with a deficiency of retinol take longer to adapt to insufficient lighting in dark rooms.

Spring, during epidemics respiratory diseases beriberi affects human immunity.

Increases the likelihood of getting the flu or SARS. IN severe cases may slow down the process of new cell division.

slowing down mental activity which can lead to failure in school or work. Such signs of vitamin deficiency are not uncommon today.

IN without fail this condition should be treated and preventive measures. Very often, the cause of beriberi is malnutrition.

It should be noted that hypovitaminosis can be detected by laboratory tests. The concentration of vitamin A in the blood should be more than 0.7 µmol/l.

Vitamin B1

All B vitamins are called beauty vitamins for a reason. In the spring, its deficiency is very often formed.

Signs of beriberi, in which the body lacks vitamin B1, are as follows:

  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • gagging;
  • discoloration of the tongue, which becomes bright red and dryish;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased tendon reflexes;
  • visual impairment;
  • irritability.

When a similar beriberi is detected, treatment should consist in the intake of vitamin B in the body. There are drugs in the form of injections and tablets. In the spring, for the purpose of prevention, you can take special vitamin complexes that are sold in any pharmacy.

There should be no less than 14.8 mmol / l of vitamin B1 in the blood. Otherwise, hypovitaminosis can be diagnosed, which will be accompanied by all the symptoms listed above.

People with liver disease are especially susceptible to this condition. gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of vitamin deficiency consists, first of all, in the use of foods rich in this useful component.

Among them are the following:

  • oatmeal;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • ordinary yeast;
  • peanut;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • pork meat.

Vitamin B2 is also called riboflavin. This component is extremely important for the development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Its deficiency can affect the development of the neural tube of the fetus. Vitamin B2 affects immune responses in the body. It is very important to prevent vitamin deficiency of such a substance in people with visual impairments, as this can aggravate the disease.

Sometimes a lack of riboflavin causes stomatitis. Can be compacted skin, including in the region of the eyelids. In babies, such beriberi can cause convulsions, since vitamin B2 affects the nervous system.

The concentration of such a substance in the urine should be at least 100 mcg per day.

Prevention of beriberi is the use of foods rich in this component, and the intake of vitamins inside. It is advisable to include in the diet milk, eggs, almond nuts, baker's yeast, peanuts, mackerel.

Vitamin C

This component is very important for maintaining good immunity. If its deficiency is observed in the body, this entails the disease of scurvy. In severe cases, the elasticity of blood vessels is lost. This leads to the formation of bruises on the body and bleeding gums.

Such manifestations are caused by an insufficient content of collagen, in the formation of which ascorbic acid is involved. Anemia may develop. IN advanced cases teeth fall out. Avitaminosis, accompanied by a deficiency ascorbic acid, worsens general well-being slows down thought processes. A person feels lethargy and loss of strength.

If avitaminosis is accompanied viral infection, it is especially important to make up for the lack of a component. Exist special tablets ascorbic acid. A large amount of it is found in citrus fruits, bell pepper, greens, pineapple, avocado, broccoli, horseradish, radish.

Vitamin D

It is very important to understand that with a lack of vitamin D, the most different forms hypovitaminosis.

In this case, the fragility of the bones is observed, since this component performs a building function. bone tissue, because it is responsible for the content of calcium.

Deficiency can lead to depressive states and emotional stress.

Pain in the muscles and head may be felt. Moreover, this type of beriberi is often manifested by problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The person may feel nauseous, suffer from diarrhea and loss of appetite. dangerous manifestation is osteoporosis, which is quite difficult to treat.

Insomnia and weight loss are also symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. This component is synthesized in the body. This is facilitated by eating fish, dairy products and exposure to the sun. Thanks to ultraviolet rays, this vital substance is produced. This fact is very important to consider in the treatment of beriberi.

A set of measures for the treatment of beriberi

With a significant deterioration in well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only laboratory research able to identify the problem and help in the formulation accurate diagnosis. In the spring, the number of visits to the doctor increases, because it is at this time that hypovitaminosis makes itself felt. In severe cases, vitamin injections are prescribed.

If the disease is not running, special vitamin complexes help. There are drugs intended for children, adolescents and adults, pregnant women. You can separately purchase tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid.

All vitamins are divided into two large groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. For their normal absorption, it is very important to drink enough a large number of water and eat food rich in healthy fats. The diet should be balanced, contain a large number of vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish.

Spring avitaminosis is a frequent and widespread phenomenon. To prevent its development, you need to eat right, give up different diets for weight loss, vegetarianism, fast food. It is very important to monitor the condition of the child, since vitamin deficiency negatively affects his development.

Strictly speaking, beriberi is extremely serious illness, which is very difficult to earn. Enter the words "scurvy", "pellagra" or, for example, "take-take" in the search box - and admire what happens to people who for a long time lived without vitamins C, PP and B1, respectively. Impressive, right? Fortunately, nothing like this will happen to you.

Helped us:
Shulamith Wolfson
Employee of the nutrition clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, pediatrician

What usually happens to us at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, doctors call polyhypovitaminosis, or vitamin deficiency. There is a conflict between the desired and the actual: for the full functioning of the body, day after day, a certain amount of useful substances, and he receives a living wage, and even less.

But there is good news: the spring lack of vitamins is quite easy to make up if you make adjustments - and not so global ones - in your diet and learn some culinary tricks. Just keep in mind: one-time promotions, like making a fruit smoothie - a glass a week, you can’t do it, an operation "Vitaminization" should be carried out thoroughly and without interruption.. Judge for yourself. Fat soluble vitamins, for example, A, D, E, accumulate - provided that there are more of them than required, but with water-soluble ones (these are all the handsome men of groups B, C), the situation is different: their excess is simply excreted in the urine. So you need to feed the body regularly.

Choose frozen fruits and vegetables

Unfortunately, beautiful and appetizing fresh fruits and berries "made in very far away" during the long journey to our supermarkets lose a significant part of their usefulness. Therefore, at the beginning of spring, switch to frozen gifts from gardens and orchards. With rapid industrial cooling in native fruits and berries, up to 95% essential substances (special value in the off-season, of course, has vitamin C).

Eat dried fruit

Yes, these useful goodies: they contain a lot of B vitamins and provitamin A. True, too bright and elastic dried apricots and raisins are not suitable: in the process of proper drying, the fruits necessarily darken and shrink, and those that retain suspiciously smooth sides must have been treated with something something not good for health. Leave the dates boiled in sugar syrup without attention and look for dried fruits. Candied fruits from papaya, kiwi, watermelon or pineapple, although they look pretty, are also absolutely useless in vitaminization.

Bake and carcasses

Long-term heat treatment of products, and vegetables in particular, is the enemy of vitamins. Root crops - potatoes or beets - are best baked in their skins: valuable substances (vitamins C, PP and group B) will remain sealed under the skin (ideally, you need to eat the fruits with the skin). Vegetables that need to be cut into pieces, carcasses in a small amount water or cook in a double boiler: quickly, and therefore with minimal vitamin loss.

Rosehip decoction

It would be considered a spring elixir of health, if not for the vagaries of vitamin C, for which everything is usually started. A valuable, but fastidious frame has a habit of being destroyed by contact with metals, chlorinated water, when heated - in short, with any careless movement.

Therefore, you cannot:

  • bring the broth to a boil;
  • pour berries very hot water, as well as keep the drink in an open container (the vitamin will oxidize) and non-enamelled dishes.

cook porridge

Keep in mind that semolina or, for example, peeled rice, that is, white cereals, are almost useless for you in the spring - after processing, there are negligibly few vitamins left in them. What can not be said about pearl barley, oatmeal, brown rice and, of course, buckwheat - they contain much more vitamins of groups B, K, P, PP and E.

It is quite possible not to boil oatmeal: pour 2-3 tablespoons of cereal into a bowl, pour hot water over it and cover with a saucer. In five minutes, the porridge will be ready, and that's it. useful material will be preserved in it. With buckwheat, it is not forbidden to turn the same trick: in the evening, pour a couple of tablespoons of washed cereals with cold or slightly warm water and leave it on the table. During the night, moisture will be absorbed, you will receive a portion of ready-made porridge - and not a single vitamin will suffer.

Pay attention to cabbage

There is little sense in canned vegetables and fruits in terms of vitamin content. Another thing is a valuable fermented, that is, fermented, product - sauerkraut. It doesn't need to be washed. The brine itself is a very useful thing - the same vitamins splash in it as in cabbage. Based on it, by the way, you can prepare a dressing for any vegetable salad: mix two spoons of brine and a spoon linseed oil, add a pinch of ground sesame seeds and any spices - and you're done. Seaweed (kelp) and nori seaweed, which are usually swaddled with sushi and rolls, by the way, also contain a lot of useful things - for example, provitamins A, C and many B vitamins. Dry chopped seafood can be used instead of salt or simply added to different dishes from omelettes to salads.

Try sprouts

Soybean, chickpea, pea or wheat sprouts are a real warehouse of useful substances. Do not pass by if you see a plastic box with this good in the store. But keep in mind: the product is perishable and for long-term storage not intended. Bought - made a salad - immediately ate. If you want to tinker, start sprouting at home. Pour a glass of wheat grains into a deep plate, fill them with 2 glasses of water and put them in a dark place for a day or two. Then put the swollen grains on a wet cloth - and again forget about them for a couple of days. Then wash the germinated wheat and use it. That is, in the mouth.

Drink by the rules

Green tea is the most suitable drink for an organism exhausted by hypovitaminosis (it is known that dry leaves contain vitamins C, P, B2, K, PP, A, D and E). But learn how to brew it right. Pour some boiling water into a cup, cover and leave for a couple of minutes. Then throw it out, put the amount of tea you need and fill it with slightly cooled water. Cover the cup again and enjoy after 10 minutes.

Take care of the microflora

Useful substances do not always enter the body from the outside - for example, B vitamins are able to produce your own intestinal bacteria. True, for this the latter must be properly fed with fiber. Its excellent source is rye, buckwheat, wheat, barley and other bran. 20 minutes before meals, pour a couple of tablespoons of hot water, wait a bit - and eat (it's delicious, by the way). Just be sure to drink bran with water, necessary minimum- cup.

3 components of success

With enviable constancy at the beginning of spring, we are sleepy, weak, grow dull, our nails exfoliate. And usually we endure a couple of SARS in the spring. We also complain about heaviness in the legs, increased nervousness and poor appetite. And all this is a direct consequence of the traditional spring beriberi.

Actually, the term "avitaminosis" itself is not entirely correct in this case, because it means such an acute lack of vitamins in the human body that it borders on a serious pathological condition and even death. Remember scurvy, which "mowed down" gold miners on the Klondike and sailors on long voyages? This is the most formidable "fellow traveler" of beriberi after long-term nutrition one corned beef. A modern city dweller has only a certain lack of vitamins and microelements, which are called hypomicroelementosis, respectively.

  • Bleeding gums when brushing teeth and appearing on their own small bruises
  • Reduced and, sleep and appetite disturbances
  • Cracks in the corners of the lips
  • Dry, pale, irritated skin with pimples
  • Increased response to any stimuli
  • or dull hair
  • Frequent colds
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases (on the lips, candidiasis, disorders of the intestinal and vaginal flora)

A characteristic sign of hypovitaminosis is that it does not help symptomatic treatment: the cream does not nourish the skin, hair masks do not work, valerian does not provide sleep, and coffee does not invigorate. And all this is natural, because only replenishment of vitamins and microelements will help here. What kind?

What vitamins do we lack in spring?

In the spring, a person most often lacks vitamins A, all B vitamins, as well as C, D and E - that is, the most basic, vital important vitamins.

  • Vitamin A is needed for the growth and differentiation of cells in all our tissues, it provides normal condition and functions of the skin and blood vessels, maintains normal vision, sex hormones are involved.
  • The B vitamins provide normal work central and peripheral nervous system, (which means they remove and normalize), adjust correct work muscles, improve protein metabolism in the cells of all tissues, contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
  • - a well-known antioxidant that will help to cope with frequent SARS and other diseases. It also maintains vascular elasticity and connective tissue, protects other vitamins from destruction.
  • Vitamin E is an active participant in the general metabolism, and is also "responsible" for tissue regeneration, the condition vascular wall, is an antioxidant and promotes normal functioning reproductive system person.

What trace elements are not enough in spring?

As a rule, spring lacks, first of all, the following macro- and microelements, which manifests itself in certain symptoms:

  • iron (weakness, lethargy, pale skin, hair)
  • iodine (memory impairment, edema,)
  • selenium (fatigue, hair, garlic taste in mouth)
  • calcium (exfoliating nails, dull)
  • magnesium ( increased nervousness tics, muscle cramps)
  • potassium (dizziness, weakness, convulsions)

Vitamin strategy and tactics

If you understand that spring has overtaken you, urgently work in two directions: change your diet and take multivitamin complexes.

Multivitamins. Despite the persistent opinion that synthetic vitamins“It won’t make any sense” and you only need to eat vegetables and fruits - this is not true. vitamins latest generation- these are high-quality, chemically pure compounds, they are balanced in exact therapeutic dose, practically do not cause any side effects. They are non-toxic, do not accumulate in the body, do not adversely affect the excretory organs - the liver and kidneys. But not everyone can afford to eat 2 kilograms of greens or vegetables, fruits, berries a day, and not everyone can afford it. Although, of course, the more foods in your diet in the spring plant origin, all the better. natural vitamins will be supplemented with synthetic ones. Agree, it is impossible to calculate your menu so accurately that absolutely all the microelements and vitamins you need are included every day. Taking a vitamin capsule will free you from calculations and the hassle of compiling proper diet.

diet . Be sure to try to have the following dishes and products on your table:

  • Any fresh herbs and lettuce leaves
  • Red lean meat and offal (liver, kidneys)
  • Fish (lightly salted or cooked on fire)
  • Eggs boiled in a bag
  • Sprouted sprouts of cereals and legumes
  • Unrefined and unrefined cereals
  • Fresh cottage cheese, kefir, milk
  • Any fresh vegetables and fruits just off the counter (they lose vitamins during storage)
  • Freshly squeezed juices (you can and should drink and vegetable juices eg celery)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Sour cabbage
  • Rosehip decoction

There are also some foods that contain the highest possible amount of vitamins and minerals. Remember, this is avocado, kiwi, coconut, sprouted grains of cereals.

For best result it will be useful to take care of your intestinal microflora and take within 3 weeks of drugs that contribute to its normalization. The digestibility of vitamins largely depends on the state of the intestine.

Little tricks for big things

As you know, almost all products in different conditions lose some of their vitamin value. To avoid this, you just need to follow some simple rules.

  • Do not keep vegetables and fruits in the sun and warm for a long time, store them in a cool and dark place.
  • sauerkraut, cucumbers, etc. store in brine.
  • Do not keep fruits and greens for a long time in water, which washes away vitamins.
  • Do not store food sliced, chop them immediately before laying them in the pan or (if about a salad) - before serving.
  • Do not overcook or overcook foods, keep cooking time to a minimum. For example, the soup can be turned off half-finished, cover the pan with a lid and wait until it “reaches”: at a temperature below the boiling point, vitamins will remain 2 times more.
  • Prepare for one day, not for future use.
  • Defrost meat and fish in the refrigerator, never in water.
  • Steam food and bake on the grill.
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