Companion dog breeds are not very active. Companion dogs of the breed are the best for an apartment, children, with protective qualities for protection, defenders of the house

If a before a man the dog was needed more for help - as a guard and a hunter - now they are looking for a companion dog for the apartment - an animal, communication with which gives positive emotions. An animal can keep company during a walk, entertain on lonely evenings, and keep children busy when parents have no time.

They choose a friend depending on personal preferences, but there are basic criteria that a companion dog must meet that do not depend on the breed.

Requirements for a four-legged friend

The animal should not be large, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for him to live in an apartment, and others will feel some inconvenience.

Immediately you need to think about caring for your pet, how much time you can devote to its appearance. There are breeds with long hair, which require mandatory daily care.

Yorkies, Afghan Hounds, Pekingeses and many other breeds will have to be combed daily. It takes a lot of time to care for animals that need to be trimmed - remove dead hairs by plucking - Airedales, Giant Schnauzers, Kerry Blue Terriers.

If we neglect the maintenance procedure, then hairline or covered with tangles, or will look unpresentable. This will reflect on general condition animal.

Before you get an animal for a city apartment, you should have an idea about the breeds of dogs - each has individual not only external features, but also cultivated internal qualities - temperament, a tendency to dominate, and so on.

A city dweller hardly plans to spend the whole day at home. If you got an energetic Doberman, a dog hunting breed- taigan, for example, or greyhound, Belgian Shepherd, then you should not be offended when, after coming home from work, you find that everything is turned upside down at home. An energetic pet, which was bred to be in constant motion, got bored, and gave a possible outlet for his energy.

You should not think that you will be able to “wind out” the dog, allowing him to run freely on weekends. These breeds need many hours of daily exercise.

If you do not plan to spend a lot of time on the training ground, then you should give up the dream of having a fighting animal at home in advance. It is practically impossible to independently educate a physically and morally strong individual, with an initially laid dominant, without the ability. Pit Bull Terrier, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, alabai - these breeds require a firm hand. They are not inferior to Rottweilers, Boxers, Huskies, Malamutes, Great Danes.

Soft, like a plush toy, and seemingly good-natured Chow Chow, requires heightened attention to himself, otherwise the house turns into a dominant.

All dogs should be educated - even poodles and dachshunds can turn into domestic monsters if left unattended and connived - but at least it is possible to deal with them on your own.

Any member of the family should be able to cope with an animal in the house - walk, feed, put in place. Wouldn't it be scary if a first grader, after coming home from school, had to stay alone with a Caucasian, whose history of the breed includes several generations of stern warriors and guards?

There are dog breeds that have fewer health problems than other representatives of the canine genus. It is to them that attention should be paid.

The following breeds require the greatest health care.

  1. Mastiffs, St. Bernards and similar, large animals. In pursuit of size, they got problems with musculoskeletal system. In addition, up to six months purebred dog you can't go down stairs. Will someone be able to take a walk pretty large puppies? And an elderly mastiff and a disconnected elevator in apartment buildings can create a serious inconvenience. It is worth thinking about this in advance.
  2. English Bulldogs snore at night, they can hardly tolerate climate change, and they can have heart problems in the heat.
  3. Dachshunds make excellent companions while young and healthy. AT adulthood they have increased risk get paralysis of the hind legs.
  4. because of skin folds mastino-Neapolitano - by the way, very large, and sharpei often develop blindness.
  5. In older German shepherds, due to the structural features of the body, a violation of the structures of the pelvic joints occurs, which means that problems with urination appear.

When they get an animal, they think little about how comfortable the pet will be. And it depends on how reliable he will be a companion.

Breeds that are suitable for living in urban apartments and can become good companions for family members, regardless of age:

  • Golden retriever;
  • Labrador;
  • pug;
  • Airedale;
  • collies - regardless of coat length and size;
  • poodles of any size;
  • scotch terrier;
  • scottish terrier.

Remarkably in the role of companions and devoted friends, mutts have proven themselves. Only in this case, you should not take them from the street. Breeders of breeds will surely find “mistakes” from oversight - wonderful cute puppies who inherited the noble qualities of one of their parents and brought up at home.

Such dogs demonstrate a good-natured disposition, are not afraid of people, and will gladly keep them company.

Special Requirements

When choosing a companion dog for children, you need to proceed from the age of the baby. Even a teenager finds it difficult to hold onto a large animal, and it can cause pain or injury to a toddler just by playing around. The dog's ideal weight should be less weight child.

Small breeds require careful handling. If the baby pulls on a greyhound or Yorkie, they are able to turn into a fury and inflict serious injury. Requires careful handling Pomeranian, chihuahua and pekingese.

Having played out, the child can hurt a gentle four-legged friend - this should also be taken into account.

Sometimes young mothers do not think that taking a frisky puppy and a baby for a walk, they will receive two children at once. Will you be strong enough to keep track of the scattered pets?

If a teenager loves to ride a bike, then a Dalmatian will be his best friend. Such a dog will be both a guard and a companion. The dog is able to run for hours after the bike and will protect the child if necessary.

Girls are more careful than boys, and for them you can choose a poodle or a chihuahua. You can play with such a dog, even tie bows. Rottweiler and Doberman will quickly subdue the baby, and - if he refuses to obey - they can educate like a dog - bite.

Best Breeds for Kids:

  • beagle;
  • Irish Setter;
  • West Highland White Terrier;
  • poodle;
  • Airedale;
  • Golden Retrievers are medium-sized dogs, cheerful and sociable by nature.

Sometimes the owner wants to take the dog so that it "works" at the same time as a guard and entertains the child. These requirements are met, perhaps, only the Giant Schnauzer. It contains such qualities as courage, fearlessness, the ability to respond quickly. In addition, he is distinguished by unpretentiousness, easily gets along with people and is gentle with children.

From the point of view of cynology, the so-called companion dogs fit the description "a dog is a man's friend". Breeds should be obedient and as comfortable as possible to keep. What kind of dogs are advised to have as companions?

In the FCI classification there is a special section "Toi and companions". It has more than thirty breeds specially bred for keeping in apartments. But many of them, as a result of selection, have become so delicate and fragile that they are more toy than companion dogs. breeds toy dogs become sooner child than friend. For the role of a companion, you can choose a dog of a different category.

What are the requirements for companion dogs?

Companion dogs are made by single people, the disabled and the elderly who need a true friend; as well as families with children, to educate the child in responsibility and kindness. Companion dog breed special requirements:

    ease of care and maintenance;

    unpretentiousness in food;

    obedience, ability to train;


    low need for physical activity.

For companion dogs of any breed training is important. Even the most clever dog can become cunning and impudent without education. The main thing is not to spoil the puppy - it is in childhood that the standards of her behavior are laid.

Best Companion Dog Breeds


The smartest breed in the world. Ideal companion dogs- kind, smart, unpretentious in food, live up to 18 years. The only drawback is their magnificent coat, which requires regular combing or a practical haircut.


The Miniature is second in ability to the Poodle and is considered one of the best breeds companion dogs for people who cannot walk their dog regularly. These dogs can be litter box trained. But their silky long wool also needs brushing.

cocker spaniel

best friend children. Joint walks always turn into fun game. They are very friendly, and a pretty face touches anyone. But before buying a puppy, you need to decide who will take care of the pet's coat.

Golden retriever

Golden Retrievers are good companions for families with children and the elderly. They not only faithful friends, but also natural healers, this breed is most often used in canistherapy. Retrievers are not prone to dominance, rarely bark. The only difficulty is that - a large dog, it is uncomfortable to keep him in a small apartment.


playful and cute pugs are firmly attached to the owner and do not step back from him. Their coat does not require care, and the size is acceptable for a city apartment. Being strict with a pug is very difficult, but necessary, because malnutrition can harm the fragile health of the pug. Before buying, you must read the rules of its content.

English bulldog

Behind the outwardly severe appearance, it is easy not to notice his kind soul. Although bulldogs are a fighting breed, their calm and somewhat phlegmatic disposition makes them completely harmless even for children. In care, bulldogs are so unpretentious that they are called "dogs for lazy people."


Great companion dog for kids. Medium sized breed with short hair. very active and playful, but at the same time obedient. Even a child of ten years old can train a beagle, and this will give him real pleasure.



02.05.14 14:10

A dog should become a true friend to its owner. It is worth noting that not all breeds of dogs are good companions. Often people choose one or another breed, because it is now considered fashionable, modern, and everyone wants to have such a dog.

But if you really want to find yourself a good companion, a friendly and respectful pet, you should pay attention to those breeds that will be presented in this article.

What should be considered when choosing a companion dog?

  1. Your pet should be easy to manage, not aggressive and rebellious. Aggression should be shown only if she or her owner is in danger. A dog will never make a good companion if it is not trainable.
  2. For urban areas, it is better to choose those breeds that do not need in large numbers physical activity, since the activity of a pet in the city is often limited to small apartments and a small area for walking.
  3. Companion dog tolerates long walks, including in public transport. A dog that gets tired quickly or cannot tolerate transportation will not be with you. for a long time. What is a companion then?

Best Companion Dog Breeds

This is a unique breed of dog that was originally bred for hunting purposes. Today, a pet can become a great friend to any person who loves her. They have a friendly disposition, and their miniature size allows them to easily adapt to life in urban environments. Terriers love frequent walks and remember commands well.

This breed is responsive and playful. By nature, Cocker Spaniels are sociable and love to be around people. Such a companion will never betray you. Remaining faithful to the end of life.

These dogs are very playful and love to play. They always need to be the center of attention. Despite some pranks, the Welsh Terrier simply adores his owners, so he will listen to all their commands. The pet will follow you even into the fire, even into the water.

This small and active dog has a bold character. As a rule, the Spitz quickly becomes attached to the owner and in some cases behaves too jealously. In relation to this breed, you cannot afford brute force, otherwise you will lose a companion as quickly as you gained one.

Cheerful dog with a lively character. The pug gets along well with children, strongly attached to its owners. Most often, these dogs are kept in an apartment. However, she will gladly go for a walk with her master to keep him an interesting company.

The dog is waiting to be cherished and pampered. At the same time, she behaves very nicely towards children. Pekingese demands special attention and worries. In return, he responds with great devotion and love.

Despite the horror stories surrounding this breed, you will not find a sweeter, kinder and more smiling creature. However, when getting yourself a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, you must understand that this dog needs a firm hand and good training.

Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds and there is a lot to love about them. Unpretentious in maintenance and training, retrievers will become a kind and affectionate member of your family.

The star of the film "Cats vs Dogs" won the audience not in vain, because he is incredibly playful, good-natured and smart. Having got yourself a little beagle, you will never regret your decision.

Another world-famous breed of dog, and all thanks to the movie "Mask". A charming dog, which, however, requires frequent walks and movement, otherwise you can say goodbye to your favorite shoes and sofa.

Yorkie is the most popular breed decorative dogs. And all because a real terrier lives in this small body, with a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy and a very big heart.

Favorite dog of the English Queen and the most charming animal in the world. A kind, active and funny "biscuit" will delight you and your entire family for many, many years.

All dogs of these breeds will become indispensable companions for you, who will accompany you wherever you go.

The purpose of pets is loyalty and love for their owners. Therefore, companion dog breeds are gaining more and more popularity. Such pets are unpretentious in content, get along well in apartments, which is especially important for urban residents who are deprived of contact with nature. Let's get to know the representatives of the friendliest breeds closer.

This term appeared not so long ago - when the working qualities of dogs ceased to play a key role for a person. Kindness, devotion, care, accommodatingness came to the fore. The person began to look for a pet not an assistant, but a friend who would wait for him after work, walk with him in the park, and go on trips.

In order for a companion dog to meet all your ideas, rely on the following when choosing a breed: criteria:

  • miniature or the average size - the more compact the pet, the more comfortable it will be in the conditions of apartment habitation. If you are ready to devote the lion's share of the time to walking and physical activity of the dog, then you can consider more options. large breeds;
  • carelessness- choose dogs whose coat requires little to no grooming. Many breeds need to be brushed at least once a week, otherwise their coat will become tangled;
  • unpretentiousness in terms of physical activity City dwellers don't always have time for a long walk with their dog. Therefore, the breed is optimal for which small doses of outdoor visits are sufficient;
  • lack of aggression- the animal should be a pleasant company for the owner during walks, while not posing a threat to others. Some breeds are distinguished by an innate distrust of people and increased anger towards other animals;
  • obedience- An ideal companion is a pet that any member of your family can handle. Dog care should not be a problem even for a child;
  • good health- choose animals with which you do not have to visit the veterinarian often;
  • travel tolerance and trips in the car - if the pet cannot accompany you constantly, then what kind of companion is he?

Photo: Companion dogs

Companion Dog: Miniature Breeds

They are easy to learn commands, making them suitable even for beginner dog breeders. They quickly become attached to people, but have notes of independence in character. Therefore, you can not be afraid to leave them alone, pets will not be bored and "naughty".

Photo: Companion dog breed Yorkshire Terrier

Animals have an endless supply of energy, run and play around the apartment all day. It will be great if the owner complements the dog's indoor leisure with walks. Although the Yorkie can do without them.

The only drawback of the breed is grooming. Pets should be combed almost daily, but the procedure does not take much time, you will need no more than 10 minutes a day.

Pomeranian - breed traits:

  1. height - up to 20 cm, weight - up to 3 kg;
  2. differs by a fox muzzle and soft, wadded wool;
  3. It has different kinds colors, the number of which has exceeded a dozen, the most popular color is yellow-beige;
  4. unpretentious care - pet hair practically does not fall out, it does not need to be combed often, bathing occurs as it gets dirty;
  5. excellent learning ability;
  6. increased communication skills;
  7. get along well with children, serve as caring nannies;
  8. very active;
  9. The average cost of a puppy starts from 22,000 rubles.

An excellent companion is (German wolfspitz).

The birthplace of the breed is Scotland, average weight a pet is about 7 kg, and the cost of a puppy starts from 28,000 rubles. West has an interesting appearance: against the background of snow-white wool, black beady eyes shine like two embers. Under miniature size pet hides a real athlete and a brave "guy". Therefore, when walking with a Scot, you should be more careful, the animal can bully other dogs that are significantly larger than it.

Photo: West Highland White Terrier - companion dog

In order for the Vesta coat to remain as charming, it needs proper care - regular combing and bathing. This is where the shortcomings of the breed end. You should also pay attention to the diet of the Scot, it is recommended to give preference to purchased balanced feed.

German Spitz:

  • the breed was bred in Germany, weight - 6 kg, height - up to 25 cm;
  • a very devoted and sensitive character, a brave defender who will stand up for the owner in the face of any threat;
  • mischievous disposition, often behaves like a fidget;
  • there are various color variations, the most popular are red, cream and blue;
  • the breed is distinguished by endurance, has a strong immunity against many diseases;
  • unpretentious in care, however, to maintain a well-groomed appearance of wool, you should still comb out the fur coat once a week;
  • the price of a puppy is from 35,000 rubles.


An extremely pretty and friendly animal that was bred in China. The average weight varies between 5-6 kg. Pets have a very original and pretentious appearance: a noble beige color wool, monkey face, bulging black eyes. The breed is very sociable and cheerful.

Photo: Pug - companion dog

At an early age, dogs will run around the house all day as if their energy never runs out. In maturity, pugs prefer a more passive lifestyle, like to soak up the hands of the owner. Pets are very fond of the company, and loneliness is a real torture for them - therefore, such a companion is more suitable for families with children and the elderly. average price for a puppy - from 25,000 rubles.

shih tzu

A mysterious dog around which many legends are composed. The breed originates from Tibet. The weight of a pet reaches 6 kg, and the cost of a puppy starts from 27,000 rubles. Shih Tzu has a small, elongated body, a thick coat and round expressive eyes. The convex forehead emphasizes the sharp transition to the muzzle, making the dog look very serious.

The animal has a maximum life expectancy for dogs - more than 17 years! At the same time, they have developed immunity and are practically not susceptible to diseases. Despite the thick coat, the dog does not have a characteristic smell. The breed is very playful and inquisitive. At the same time, while maintaining subtle independence, so you can safely leave your pet alone and with peace of mind leave for work.


The breed was bred in distant Mexico and is the smallest in the world. The average weight of a pet rarely exceeds 3 kg, the cost of a puppy starts from 16,000 rubles. Despite its size, a real lion lives inside the dog - bold and powerful. The breed has a well-developed instinct for protection and protection.

Photo: Chihuahua - companion dog

The nature of the Chihuahua is somewhat wayward, in order to instill in her the right manners, you will need to spend time and make an effort. Excessive stubbornness of the pet is more than paid off by his devotion and kindness. Animals get along well with children, cheerful, love affection and care.

Representatives of medium breeds

  • ideal companion - ;
  • - the talisman of the pharaohs themselves, weighing up to 11 kg, has a kind and devoted character. Distinctive feature- The dog can't bark. The breed has an athletic build, short hair, practically odorless, very clean breed, playful, has an indefatigable supply of energy. The average price is 37,000 rubles;
  • fox terrier- bred in the UK, average weight is about 7 kg, has a comical appearance that makes you smile, the pet always listens attentively to the owner, while tilting his head to the side. The breed loves activity very much, so when you get such a dog, take private walks as a job. Price - from 20,000 rubles;

    Photo: Fox Terrier - companion dog

  • jack russell- bred in England, weight - up to 7 kg, has a devoted and charismatic character, the pet is very mobile and cheerful, has a thick hard coat. The Jack Russell gets along well with other animals, even with felines. The breed is not whimsical in care, it will accompany you on any trips and distances;
  • French Bulldog - the breed is of French origin, weight - up to 12 kg, the character of the pet is soft and docile. Has a strong curiosity. The Bulldog is perfectly adapted to life in the city. The pet is very smart, has an excellent sense of humor. Price - from 17,000 rubles;

  • - bred in England, weight - 10 kg, has playful nature, very friendly, easy to get in touch with. Pets are full of energy, they can spend hours on the street playing. They treat other animals well and are peaceful. Price - from 20,000 rubles;
  • miniature schnauzer- bred in Germany, weight 6 kg, known for its good character, very active, shows friendliness to other animals and people. The breed tends to bark frequently, even if there is no good reason for it. Quickly learn commands, very obedient. Price - from 12,000 rubles;

  • australian terrier- a pretty dog, weighing up to 7 kg, lends itself perfectly to training, grasps new commands on the fly, a very active and inquisitive dog. Shows signs of aggression towards other animals. Price - 27,000 rubles;
  • Cocker Spaniel- bred in the USA, weight up to 15 kg, takes training well, screaming and aggression should be excluded during training. The most popular colors are solid beige and two-color. The dog has a very pleasant aristocratic appearance. Loves physical activity and walks. Price - from 22,000 rubles;

  • eski- the breed was bred in the USA, the average weight is up to 14 kg, it has a long coat, the main colors are cream, brown, cream. Differs in a compact, but athletic physique, a magnificent collar stands out on the chest. Very active and hardy dog. Likes to frolic on the street and games with the owner. attached to people, but has independence. The price is from 38,000 rubles.

All large breeds, regardless of their size, are excellent companions and companions. They are well adapted for city life, they will feel comfortable even on small area. However, they also need time and a place for active spending, make it a rule - a daily walk with a pet, especially if the apartment is small and the dog literally has nowhere to turn around.

Photo: Companion dogs of large breeds

Big dogs need proper diet, which it is not always possible to compile on your own, so you should consider buying finished feed. Large companion breeds are not aggressive, they behave calmly in the environment of other animals. Some species even get along with cats and rodents.

List of large companion dog breeds:

  1. american bulldog;
  2. English Shepherd;
  3. English Setter;
  4. afghan;
  5. blue lacey;
  6. big hound;
  7. Border Collie;
  8. brazilian terrier;
  9. welsh corgi;
  10. shepherd;
  11. doberman;
  12. retriever;
  13. kerry blue;
  14. jindo;
  15. mudi;
  16. wheaten terrier;
  17. oirazier;
  18. peruvian dog;
  19. hunting spaniel;
  20. sennenhund;
  21. Slovak chuvar;
  22. beauceron;
  23. Moscow watchdog.

For thousands of years, dogs have been the most faithful companions of man. In the distant past, a man needed a dog more for help, as a guard and a hunter.

Now, people are increasingly looking for a companion dog. Someone needs to brighten up loneliness, someone is looking for a nanny for children, and there are many more factors why people want to get a dog.

In this article you will find information that will help you choose the right friend for yourself.

What means?

When choosing companion dogs you need to clearly understand that there are some criteria that do not depend on the breed of dogs. You must consider the living conditions where you will bring a new family member, whether it is a spacious or cramped apartment, or maybe a private house. Based on this, you need to determine the size of the dog. You must also decide how much free time you will have for the dog, because you need permanent care and classes. Let's look at the sizes of dogs:

    small dogs considered to be those that weigh up to 10 kg. Surprisingly, small dogs are perhaps our biggest friends. Their appearance can vary from a fluffy little lump the size of a palm to a strong muscular individual. But in any case, you can take them with you anywhere.

    Medium are breeds from 10 to 20 kg. Medium sized dogs are the most popular. They certainly do not capture the imagination of the public as little glamorous dogs, or as big ones that scare away their appearance passers-by, but it fits more well into family life.

    large those who weigh 20-40 kg. This size of dogs is more numerous. Today the majority large dogs are companion dogs.

List of the best with photos and titles

Yorkshire Terrier

Most common among small breeds. Size: 23-24 cm, weight 2.5-3.5 kg. Hair care: laborious. Color: black and tan. This dog is a fearless perpetual motion machine. Hidden in his little body real personality, tenacious and stubborn.

This breed is characterized by nervousness, which can be easily eliminated if with early age accustom her to life in society. Unaware of his small stature, Yorkshire - desperate guard, and a family favorite.


The most common name is pygmy spitz, a miniature copy of a German Spitz. Size: 22-28 cm, weight 2-2.5 kg. Hair care: laborious. Color: orange, white, cream, sable, gray, blue, red-orange, brown, black.

This dog is an agile companion that can live in a family and in a city apartment. They easily adapt to life with children. Pomeranians lend themselves easily to obedience training at an early age.


Size: 55-62 cm, weight 25-36 kg. Hair care: medium. Color: black, yellow, chocolate. Labradors love the whole world, they are very cheerful, active, playful dog.

They are very fond of food and water, and are considered excellent swimmers. Labrador suitable dog for leading people active image life.

st bernard

st bernard huge dog with no less huge good heart,endless love for his family and master, which is ready to defend its leader, despite its moderately stubborn nature.

The St. Bernard is often depicted with a keg of rum around his neck. In fact, these dogs never delivered to their owners alcoholic drinks. It's just creativity famous artist Edwin Landseer, who depicted a St. Bernard in this manner during a visit to Switzerland in 1819.

People liked the idea and the image of a dog with a beer keg was firmly entrenched in the St. Bernard. The monks of Saint Bernard's Hospice used these dogs to search for and rescue missing tourists. It was from St. Bernard that the name of the breed came from (literally, the name of the breed from English is translated as "Saint Bernard").

To date, this breed is primarily great companion and another, has a fairly patient character. The only thing to pay attention to is copious excretion saliva and sensitivity to temperature changes. Bathing is quite easy, the dog does not kick and does not resist, shakes himself off carefully.

Golden retriever

Size: 51-61 cm, weight 27-36 kg. Hair care: medium. Color: from dark golden to cream. This dog has a golden character, of course, her eyes do not burn as much as those of Labradors, but this dog has a very great spiritual generosity. Water is the native element for retrievers. They are ready to splash in the water for hours.

This dog loves to run, so he will be very happy to run after the ball, which, as a rule, children like to throw to dogs. They are very patient and rarely bite. which is very important for families with children. The loving temperament makes the retriever an ideal companion for any family.

Size: 55-66 cm, weight 28-44 kg. Grooming: medium/labor intensive. Color: black and tan, white, black, sable. This dog is strongly attached to his family, the shepherd will be happy to participate in any joint activities.

The sheepdog is a faithful companion for anyone who wants to make a friend. German Shepherd very friendly towards her family, but alert and distrustful of strangers. Very good guard.



Size: 58-69 cm, weight 41-50 kg. Hair care: easy. Color: black and tan. Rottweilers are very intelligent dogs. great friends families, and reliable guards.


Size: 60-70 cm, weight 30-40 kg. Hair care: minimal. Color: blue, fawn, brown, black, with red spots, and sometimes with rare white marks. it good companion family friendly, very smart and easy to train dog.

But in order for you to be sure of safe behavior in society, with them you need to go to special training sessions. Doberman is devoted to one family member, only he will obey him. But love will unconditionally every member of the family.

Cane Corso

Size: 60-68 cm, weight 40-50 kg. Hair care: medium. Color: varied. Corso is very calm, but strong dog. He gets along well with children. He will guard and watch over them constantly. Excellent defender.

This dog barks a little if uninvited guests start to climb into a house or apartment, you don’t have to worry, he himself will calmly deal with them, without even disturbing you.

For an apartment

In order to get a dog in an apartment, you need to evaluate yourself as a person. This will determine how active, melancholic, calm or agile a puppy is for you.

For example, retrievers are ideal for cheerful people, and a French bulldog or pug is ideal for balanced and pedantic people. You also need to decide how much time you can devote to caring for or raising a dog. This will help determine the length of the coat. It will help determine the breed, if time is short, then it is better to choose an easily trained dog or, if there is time, you can get a more difficult one to train.

Here is a list of the best companion dog breeds for an apartment:

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Great apartment dog. He is sociable, easily gets along with children; clean; easy to get along with other pets; hardy. Difficulties: you should carefully monitor your health; needs to be brushed daily.


Requires minimal care, cheerful, playful dog. Good dog for both home and apartment. The only problem in that you need to watch his diet. prone to obesity.

An important plus of this dog is that the fearless heart of a defender beats in his chest, and he will always be ready to save his beloved master!


Cheerful, small dog that looks aristocratic. Has a convenient size; gets along well with children; devoted to the owner. Difficulties: can overheat and overwork, you need to monitor proper nutrition prone to obesity.

French Bulldog

A calm, devoted universal favorite, he has a very well-developed sense of humor, loves to be in society; It has good health unlike other types of bulldogs.

Boston Terrier

Very mobile, intelligent dog, always ready to play and walk. Attached to his master; gets along well with children; obedient; playful by nature; comfortable in size.

Difficulties: You need to carefully monitor the eyes, and protect from drafts, a difficult dog to breed and show.


A clown dog, very cheerful, playful, loves children, has a charming appearance, retains the character of a puppy all his life.

Good watchman; betrayed; dared. Difficulties: he likes to fight, but he tries not to offend his opponents less than himself.


Cheerful, loyal, intelligent dog. He has an even temper; betrayed; children can be trusted; easy to train; it is not difficult to prepare for the exhibition.

Difficulties: requires long walks; sheds.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Very active, kind, cheerful, playful dog. Despite the bad stereotypes, more and more wins the hearts of people. American fighting dog, which was bred for security purposes, as well as for law enforcement agencies. Its creation was done better by US biologists, and such a thing as a smell could give out the location of a dog or an entire detachment during special operations.

Despite the military past and the aggressive features of the muzzle, he strictly refers only to the environment, respects his master. Unlike some breeds, he listens to only one leader, so you need to clearly distinguish the “commander” from the whole family. Teaching him with early years, you can eliminate aggression towards other dogs and cats. He perceives children as equal to himself, as members of the pack, brothers. Does not initiate game events, but can support the idea.

Excellent guard; fearless; gets along well with children. Difficulties: requires education from an early age; self-willed and stubborn.

bull terrier

Despite its rather ferocious appearance, the Bull Terrier is a very affectionate, playful, and very active dog. lovely babysitter for kids; good watchman; unpretentious.

Difficulty: Required early education; requires great physical exertion; very strong, you can not hold a leash to a weak person.

German dog

A wonderful friend and companion, a dog for the whole family. It's very hard to get him out of it. Despite his size, he easily gets along in an apartment, provided that they walk with him plenty.

Easy to get along with other pets. Difficulties: due to its size, it does not differ in longevity.

IMPORTANT: Don't choose a dog just because you like the breed. Be sure to weigh all the pros and cons

For the elderly

Older people are often lonely in an apartment, and a dog is a very useful gift for them. They will have someone to educate, pamper, and with whom to spend their days. But you need to choose a dog for pensioners that is calmer, so that it does not require great physical exertion.


They are very smart, unpretentious, and require less attention to their health, they easily adapt both to country conditions and to an apartment. The only difficulty is that it is impossible to predict what size the dog will have as it grows up.


Selfish, likes to behave like a king. Perfect for those who want to pamper and treat like their own child. It does not require long walks.

The difficulty is that you need to carefully monitor your health.


Happy to swim after a walk in slushy weather, obedient, understanding, can both play and lie on the couch watching TV.

The difficulty is that they are very vulnerable and sensitive; do not like children; they bark in vain, if not weaned from childhood.

English toy terrier

Charming, small, playful dog. Gives his heart to only one owner. Does not require special care. The difficulty is that he is distrustful and does not like strangers.

For a child

For children the most best dogs- these are (first, second and third) patient, who can endure a lot of games and caresses. Highly small dogs should not be bought for very young children, as children sometimes do not understand that they are hurting, and cannot control their strength. Small dogs don't know how to hold back.

Sheltie (Scottish Sheepdog)

This is a miniature collie. She is perfect dog for the child, even if the child severely tortures the dog, she would never allow herself to bite him.

She is playful, active, funny dog. Difficulties: Sheltie is distrustful of strangers; The coat needs to be groomed regularly.


The perfect dog for kids. She can play with them for hours and not be offended by their pranks.

The difficulty is that the beagle requires long walks; education should be undertaken by an adult, experienced family member.

Cocker Spaniel

Great friend for kids. He knows as much about friendship as no one else knows. And he can teach the child friendship. Enjoys apportioning.


A patient and very funny friend for children, although a stoic character hides behind a cute appearance. It doesn't require frequent care, but long walks are needed so that she does not let her energy go to the sofas and toys of the child.

Just look at this grandfather and his faithful, patient friend:

Border Collie

Hardy, patient, energetic dog. Great for kids. They are smart and resourceful. Gets along with children. IMPORTANT! Not suitable for urban living.

Useful video

Still afraid of staffs? But in vain! You need to be afraid not of the dog, but of the owner, who brought her to this. Watch this video and see:


We hope that this article will help you with choosing a companion dog for yourself. Do not forget that, dog friend person. Think twice before adopting a dog. So that later, due to lack of time, or an inappropriate lifestyle, you do not have to give it away.

Dogs understand everything, and feel the same as we do, only they cannot say.

And you already have four-legged friend? Or are you just about to get a dog? If we missed something in the article, you can add it in the comments. We are interested in your opinion. You can upload photos of your pets and talk about their antics.

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