Colors in the Chinese Shar Pei breed Color genetics in Shar Pei. Shar Pei dog (photo): a devoted dog with an amazing appearance Shar Pei fighting dog or not

Researchers call China the birthplace of the Shar-Pei. During the excavations of ancient tombs, archaeologists found many clay figurines of a dog with characteristic features of the breed - numerous folds on the body and a frowning, as if offended muzzle. The finds allowed us to conclude that the rock is about three thousand years old.

But there is no consensus on the origin of Shar-Pei. With equal degree of persuasiveness, some scientists argue that the Shar-Pei descended from the ancient mastiffs, others from the smooth-haired variety of the Chow Chow. In ancient China, Shar Pei were used as a hunting, guard and even fighting breed.

Characteristics of the breed

Dogs of this breed are up to half a meter tall and weigh up to 25 kilograms. Live up to 12 - 15 years. The skin on their body forms numerous deep folds. They are concentrated mainly on the withers, on the frontal part of the head, and also near the base of the tail. The tongue is an unusual, dark purple or blue-black color.

The coat is short and harsh, without undercoat, its color is varied, although the name of the breed is translated from Chinese as “sandy wool”. In fact, 14 types of coloring are distinguished, and among them the most popular colors are:

  • black,
  • blue (quoted especially highly),
  • isabella (pink-pearl),
  • sable (wool at the base is light, at the ends - dark),
  • cream (lightest).

Unlike dogs of other breeds, the shape of the Shar-Pei's head is similar to the head of a hippo - both in its outline and in how proportionally large it is in relation to the body. The shape of the eyes is almond-shaped, but they still need to be clearly seen, because the dog seems to frown all the time - such is the breed standard. The tips of the small ears hang down. Paws are strong, widely spaced. The tail is set high. The body is muscular.

Character features

The biggest misconception is to present the Shar-Pei as a big plush toy and treat it accordingly. This is a serious dog (remember that the Chinese developed its fighting qualities), sometimes aggressive towards people it does not know, or towards some other animals. Children are friendly, if only the children grew up with her in the same family, before her eyes.

These dogs are distinguished by high intelligence, they catch the nuances in the mood of the owners, understand them and, surprisingly, they themselves make some decisions based on the information received. In general, the owners are very fond of, devoted to them and may even experience a feeling of jealousy.

However, which characterizes far from all four-legged friends, Shar Pei is unobtrusive: when the owners return from work, they will not jump like a little one, make a puddle or offer toys for general entertainment.

They are not very easy to train, because they consider themselves leaders, they love independence and independence.

The nature of this dog will not allow her to bark for no reason, as is often the case with representatives of other breeds. For example, if a stranger just walks by, Shar Pei will only follow him with his eyes. If a stranger tries to open the gate and get inside, the Shar Pei will bark until the worried owner comes out to sort out the situation.

The characteristic of this breed is such that a sharpei will not be advised to get a person if he himself:

  • not a natural leader
  • afraid of dogs
  • never had a pet before,
  • Doesn't have time to work with a new pet.

And another important note: it is unacceptable for one of the owners to be strict with the sharpei, and the other (for example, the wife) is too soft. This disorients the dog, which is important to distinguish who is in charge in the house, and for whom he, the Shar Pei, can become a leader.

Choosing a puppy

If it doesn’t matter for you who to take - a boy or a girl, be guided by the following signs: girls are complaisant and affectionate, boys are brave, energetic, but very often stubborn. The age of the puppy at purchase is from one and a half to two months. The baby should look cheerful and active.

How much does such a purchase cost? Fifteen to twenty thousand rubles. If too little is requested for a puppy, this is a reason to be wary. It is best to deal with a reputable breeder and get all the necessary documents from him.

Sharpei care

One of the most difficult moments is swimming. Shar Pei perceives the care of his “fur coat” and “hat” as an unpleasant test. The fact is that while bathing, there is a great danger of water getting into the ears of a pet. Its auditory canals are very thin, and if water gets inside - the dog, which means that its owner will face big problems, there is a high probability of ear infections. Therefore, before water procedures (and they still need to be done, about once a month), the dog's ears are plugged with cotton swabs.

Shampoo is certainly used "dog", some others can provoke skin irritation. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly from all the numerous folds, rub with a brush to comb out dead hair. To speed up the drying process, dry the coat both behind the ears and in the folds. By the way, the ears themselves should be cleaned with a cotton swab, slightly dipped in vaseline oil.

Comb the coat one to three times a week. You need a rubber brush with short teeth.

Keeping a sharpei in the house will require the skills of a manicurist from its owner. When cutting the dog's claws, which grow very quickly in representatives of this breed, one must be extremely careful. Examine the claw to the light, the vessels inside will be clearly visible. When cutting, it is important not to reach them and not damage them. Do not use scissors, for these purposes it is worth purchasing a special nail cutter.

Shar Pei's eyes also require special care. Don't worry if your pet's eyes are a little festering in the morning. This is a normal story, the main thing is that there are no such problems during the day. But if the dog’s eyes are constantly watery, it’s worth dealing with it.

Most likely, an eyelash got inside the eyelid, remove it with a napkin. If this happens to a puppy too often, it is likely that the eyelid turns a little (due to congenital structural features) and you will need the advice and help of a veterinarian.

By the way, sharpei do not like to be stroked on the head. Do you know why? Representatives of this breed have a very small viewing angle, and your caress reduces it even more. Hence the unfriendly reaction, and sometimes even spiteful.

Healthy lifestyle

For sharpeis, these are walks (a total of one to two hours a day) and a balanced diet. By the way, the dog does not like to walk in the rain, for it it is tantamount to swimming - the same risk for the ears.

Caution is also required in food, since allergies are quite common among Shar-Peis. New feeds are introduced into the diet carefully, little by little, observing the well-being of the pet. Babies are fed 2-3 times a day, adult dogs - 1-2 times.

The menu should include special ready-made feeds, vitamins. If you are preparing food for your dog yourself, give preference to meat (lean), cereals and vegetables. The consistency of the food should be thick, but the soup is fraught with disorders of the digestive system. And, of course, under the ban - salty, sweet, pickled, smoked, nuts and fruits with stones.

The Chinese Shar Pei breed has been around for a long time. This dog was bred as a guard, hunter and dog fighting dog. In our article, you can see the Shar Pei breed in the photo, video, read the description of the standard of these dogs and learn how to feed them.

Origin story

The Shar Pei breed originated in a province located in southern China, where it was valued as a hunting, guard and fighting dog. Some scientists consider the breed to be quite ancient, but there is no conclusive evidence for this yet. Chinese dog statues, which have been attributed to the Han Dynasty (200 BC), have similar features to the Shar Pei breed, but share features with other dogs, such as Pugs.

After the emergence of the People's Republic of China, dogs of this breed in the country were practically destroyed at the behest of Mao Tse Tung, who believed that they were a symbol of useless luxury. And, if not for the work of one person, namely Matgo Low, who was a lover of these dogs, the breed could have become extinct.

Thanks to him, a number of Sharpeis were brought to the USA in 1973, where they began to breed. In 1978 the first national show of these dogs was held, and in 1991 Shar Pei was accepted into the American Kennel Club. In Russia, this breed appeared for the first time only in the early 90s.

Description of the breed

The name "Shar Pei" can be translated as "sand skin", which very well characterizes the bristle-like short hair of the animal. This breed is very recognizable because of the folds that are collected on the body of the animal a lot.

However, these animals are not very popular, which may be a good thing. After all, unscrupulous owners often breed dogs, not taking into account its pedigree qualities, health and temperament. With such an attitude, the breed often deteriorates, loses its original appearance and acquires “bad” qualities. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to dogs in the 1980s, when, after such experiments, the breed had to be restored, eradicating its bad character, external flaws and setting the correct breed standard.

Appearance and breed standard

The Chinese Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog, reaching a height of 51 centimeters. Such a dog can weigh up to 35 kilograms. Its main characteristic is the skin, gathering wrinkles on the head and the whole body of the animal, except for the tail. This dog has a large head with a broad and flat muzzle. Sharpei's nose, according to the description of the breed standard, is large, often black, but sometimes light colors.

Also a feature of the breed is its tail, thick, tapering towards the end, it is set very high. According to the breed standard, the tail can be curled into a tight ring or simply curved towards the back. What the tail looks like can be seen in this photo.

The Shar Pei's coat is short and has no undercoat, so the dog practically does not shed. There are three types of dog hair length: horse, brush and bear hair, varying in length, but it cannot be more than 1.5 cm.

The color of the Sharpei is divided into several types. One of them suggests the presence of a mask and the so-called "belt" on the body of a black animal.

The color of such dogs is:

  • black;
  • cream;
  • deer;
  • red deer;
  • mahogany (red);
  • isabelian;
  • delut blue.

Another type of color of these animals does not include black and is:

  • cream;
  • apricot;
  • red;
  • chocolate;
  • purple;
  • isabelian.

Blue, or blue delute, and lilac wool look very exotic, and the most popular are cream and apricot.

For those who are interested in how many years Shar Pei live: on average, a dog lives 11 years. The lifespan of an animal depends on the quality of its nutrition, lifestyle and care.


The Chinese Shar Pei is a very independent breed. He is devoted to his family, but keeps aloof from people he doesn't know. He seems to enjoy his time with his owner more than with other dogs. Calm and self-confident, the dog seems to intuitively understand his human and his family.

It so happened that the character of Sharpei is distinguished by independence and strong will. He protects his family, which characterizes him as an excellent watchman, he recognizes any threat well. Since at one time this breed was used as a fighting dog, he may well put his fangs against the enemy, man or dog.

Conditions for keeping a dog

These cute dogs with a bagel tail can live comfortably both in an apartment and in a private house. They do well in confined spaces as long as they receive daily play and exercise. The presence of a backyard for a dog is not necessary, but if it is, then the animal will definitely appreciate it.

This breed of wrinkled dogs is very fond of and will gladly accompany the owner anywhere. However, Sharpeis are not very friendly to other dogs due to their past. Because of this, they cannot be let off the leash when walking.

Dogs are very sensitive to heat, so running partners are unimportant. They do not tolerate heat well, walks with Sharpei in warm weather should not be too long. It is preferable if the animal will wait out the hottest time of the day at home, under a cool air conditioner or fan.


The coat of dogs of this breed is not very long, sheds little and, according to the description of the owners, practically does not smell. It does not require much care, it will be enough to clean the pet's coat from head to tail once a week with a special rubber brush or a grooming glove. This will help remove dirt and dead hairs. Frequent bathing can be irritating to your pet's sensitive skin, so grooming includes bathing no more than once every 12 weeks.

It is very important to properly and thoroughly dry your pet after taking a bath. If you forget to dry the places between the folds of the skin, a fungal infection can develop. After bathing these dogs, it is important to dry them with a towel.

Care is also required for the ears, claws and teeth of the pet. In order to remove plaque from a dog, special treats are used that allow the dog to gnaw. To get rid of bad breath, you need to take care of your dog's teeth every day and clean them with a special toothpaste.

If you not only see, but also hear how the pet runs along the parquet, clattering on the floor, then its claws have already grown too much. Caring for them is simple: they need to be carefully trimmed with scissors or a special tool.

Sharpei ears are very prone to irritation and infection, so they should be checked as often as possible, and dirt removed with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution for cleaning animal ears. When caring for a dog, it is important that when bathing, water does not get into her ears.

Ideal Diet

Caring for a pet includes choosing the right diet for him. There are two types of dog food - natural food or ready-made dry food. Doctors, cynologists and just dog lovers argue about the correctness of one or another type. There are a lot of food reviews on the internet. But you cannot compare, for example, a well-chosen natural diet with an economy class food, just as you cannot compare a premium food with bone broth nutrition.

But it is impossible to feed Shar Pei, like any other dog, according to the mixed type, this can be said for sure. These two types of diet require completely different enzymes to digest, so a mixed diet can disrupt the stomach and cause unpleasant illnesses or allergies. I would like to remind you that Shar-Pei is a very allergy-prone breed of dog, so this rule should be followed unconditionally among breeders.

If you have chosen to feed your dog with a ready-made dry product, then you should purchase only good proven food, preferably specifically for this breed of dog. Economy food for feeding this dog should not be considered.

If feeding a dog with natural food seems to be the best solution for you, then here is the diet plan for Sharpei:

  1. From generation to generation, these dogs were fed rice, which is due to their territory of origin. Therefore, 20-30% of the diet is occupied by this particular cereal.
  2. 40-50% of a dog's daily diet is meat. For starters, as a protein base, the dog can be fed with boiled sea fish (herring, blue whiting, cod). So there is less chance of encountering an allergy in a pet. Then they try to give any one type of meat. What the dog does not respond to with a skin reaction is left in the pet's diet - this can now be fed to the animal constantly.
  3. The remaining 20-30% of the diet for this breed is vegetables. Shar Pei can only be fed with white-green vegetables, such as cabbage or zucchini. Vegetables should be boiled or grated.

The dog can be given eggs once a week if they are not allergic to the skin. It will be good to add fruits to the dog's diet: sometimes you can feed it with green apples and bananas, but citrus fruits should be avoided.

With a natural diet, the pet may not have enough vitamins. They need to be given to the dog additionally.


Like many breeds, Sharpei puppies need education and early socialization. He must be taught from childhood to be friendly and calm towards various places and sounds. Early socialization and training of Shar-Pei guarantees that the puppy will grow up to be a full-fledged dog, without fears and unnecessary aggression.

Sharpei puppies, according to the owners, study well, they can be sent to a special training school or deal with it on their own. By inviting guests home, walking in crowded parks, going on picnics, or simply introducing your dog to neighbors in the yard, you can teach him to be friendly and improve his social skills.

Possible diseases

Shar-Peis are prone to certain types of diseases, especially those that concern his skin. Not all Shar-Peis experience these diseases, but every owner considering this breed should become familiar with them.

Diseases that the owner of Sharpei may encounter:

  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • malignant tumors;
  • dysplasia of the knee and hip joint;
  • demodicosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • pyoderma;
  • dislocation of the patella;
  • bloating;
  • cutaneous mucinosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • twist of the century.

FCI standard (FCI-Standart #309 04/14/1999) Chinese Shar Pei any solid color is allowed, except pure white (albino). Literally, this means that any Shar-Pei that does not have spots, streaks, tans and a saddle fits into the color standard. However, in reality, until recently, not all solid colors could be officially registered. In the color register there were no such rare colors as isabella, lilac, isabella dilut. Therefore, breeders were forced to register them, "fitting" them to the colors closest in appearance. So, Isabella was registered as deer, cream, and lilac as chocolate and blue. Isabella dilut was registered as apricot dilut or cream dilut. Needless to say, such registrations only added to the confusion in the pedigrees, became the cause of the appearance of "artifacts" in breeding and gave rise to incorrect conclusions for novice breeders of the breed.

At the end of 2005, at the official level, an attempt was finally made to systematize the colors in our breed. The result of this work was a new color register, officially approved by the RKF breeding commission. The color registration of the Chinese Shar Pei must henceforth be done in accordance with this new registry.

Below is a list of accepted color names, a description of phenotypic traits. Also, to help breeders, a basic genetic decoding of Shar-Pei colors and the basic principles for obtaining them are given.

I. Register of colors registered by the RKF (for the Chinese Shar-Pei breed)

Since 2005, the following colors are subject to registration (exact names are given):

red deer
Chocolate dilut
Apricot dilut
red dilute
Cream dilute
Isabella dilut

For the time being, the "sable dilute" color remains outside the scope of this official list, despite the fact that it actually exists and is a dilute derivative of the sable color. The difficulty with legalizing this color is that even the sable color is not always accurately identified by breeders and judges. Therefore, the identification of sable dilut at this stage was considered even more difficult. Breeders who produce puppies that can be identified as sable dilut will still be forced to register them as apricot dilut (this color is the closest phenotypically to sable dilut).

II. Phenotype. Description of the appearance of standard colors in the Chinese Shar Pei breed.

Phenotype Any observable feature of an organism. It is formed under the influence of the genotype (an individual set of genes), but is not an external repetition of the genotype, because the same phenotype may be the result of a different set of dominant and recessive genes.

The color as we see it with the naked eye is the phenotype. For example, there are two black dogs in front of us. The black color is what we see. However, we know that the first dog is from red and chocolate parents, and the second dog is from blue and cream. Based on this knowledge, we say that the first black dog is a carrier of red and chocolate genes, and the second is a carrier of blue and cream. By saying so, we are talking about the genotypes of these dogs, and we understand that they are different. But outwardly, we have two dogs that are completely identical in color.

Another example: we have two dogs in front of us, whose color we identify as apricot dilute. At the same time, one dog has a chocolate nose, and the other has an almost pink nose. In matings with red masked dogs, the first will produce red and fawn puppies (and possibly dilute), and the second dog in the same combination can produce some red (fawn) and part black puppies (or even a completely black litter). In this case, we also have two apricot dilute dogs with completely different genotypes, which can only be identified experimentally (in certain matings). Genotypes will be discussed later. In the meantime, let's describe the phenotypes, i.e. appearance of dogs of each standard color.

At the same time, for convenience of description, we will immediately divide all colors into "basic", i.e. having black/slate pigment, and "dilute", i.e. having a brown pigment, or generally devoid of dark pigment.

Main colors:

Black. Dominant color in Shar-Pei. It can have shades of blue-black (very rare in adult Shar-Pei, even if they are born as such), very dark brown, olive, and also a brown tint. Many black Shar Pei have a "dirty" black coat. As a rule, such dogs are born from red (deer) and chocolate parents, or at least one of their parents was not black. Some shades of black color breeders among themselves call "silver sable". Perfectly black color in Shar-Pei is a rarity. Sometimes because of the presence of a brown or blue tint in black puppies, breeders call them "brown" or "blue". We recommend that you do not mislead yourself or the future owners of these puppies, and register them as black (which they are phenotypically and genotypically, despite the presence of wool sheen).

Deer. This is probably one of the most ancient Shar-Pei colors, because. the name "sand-haired dog" (in Chinese something like this: "Sha-pi do") could refer not only to the texture of the coat, but also to its color. Variations of this color are shades of golden, sandy. From light to quite saturated, but without redness. A particular distinguishing feature of the fawn color is the transition from a darker to a lighter shade (sometimes much lighter) in such places as the inner sides of the thighs, the "mirror" around the anus, the inner sides of the forelegs, the underbelly and chest. At the same time, most deer shar-pei with the "horse" coat type can have a fairly uniform light deer color. Often in everyday life, the deer color is called "fawn", "sand" or "red". Similar names for the fawn color can still be found in the official pedigrees of some Shar-Pei. However, the name "deer" is subject to registration, because under "fawn" and "sand" one can also understand cream, and under "red" in general, all variations of colors - red, fawn, isabella, and all their dilute derivatives.

Red. One of the most common colors among modern Shar-Pei. Variations from deep red (like the Irish Setter) to light tan. The main element of the color is red, which is absent (or weakly expressed) in deer-colored dogs. The most fashionable is the so-called. mahogany color - very bright, juicy red, like an Irish setter. Despite the fact that breeders have long distinguished this color as a completely independent unit, it is registered as "red" in official documents. Another name for the red color, which can be heard in everyday life and seen in some pedigrees, is "red". This is not entirely correct, because "red" is a very voluminous designation, which can include both deer and red colors, and their dilute derivatives. The red color is one of the most uniform light colors in the Shar-Pei. Unlike the fawn color (and red-fawn), the red color is practically devoid of transitions from dark to light, has no lightened areas on the thighs, abdomen, etc.

Red deer. This color is singled out solely for the convenience of breeders who may have difficulty identifying colors in puppies at the time of their activation. In fact, a red deer is a light red, not saturated color, it can be quite "variegated", i.e. have the main features of the fawn color (whitish places under the tail, on the belly, etc.), but at the same time be more red than the fawn color. Since the intensity of the color and shade (red or sand) in some puppies becomes apparent only after the first molt, errors in color identification during registration of the litter (at 45 days) are not ruled out. If the breeder is in doubt about whether the color should be correctly recorded as red or fawn, it makes sense to record it as "red fawn". The owner of the puppy, if desired, will always have the opportunity to make color adjustments, having received a description from an expert breeder at one of the monobreed shows.

Cream. Variations from almost white to the color of boiled condensed milk. Dark shades of cream are sometimes called "apricot" color, which is not entirely true. The apricot color is a dilute derivative of the deer color, as will be discussed below. Sometimes inexperienced breeders mistakenly refer to the cream color as white. White color in Shar Pei is not allowed. In addition, the cream shar-pei has a darker (sandy, brownish) coat on the back, tail and, in particular, on the ears. The presence of a mask or blackening around the nose is mandatory. Due to the peculiarities of the genotype, most cream dogs have a weakened pigmentation of the nose and other traditionally "black" places on the body of the dog of the main color. The weakness of the black pigment of the nose is called "licked" or "snowy" nose - this is a pink or very lightened nose against the background of a dark mask (blackening). Not all experts like such noses, however, creamy Shar-Pei with a well-pigmented black nose are extremely rare. Since, as a rule, cream coloring inevitably, due to the characteristics of the genotype, entails a "licked nose", experienced breed judges should be aware of this specificity of cream-colored dogs and not reduce the ring score for this. Also, in cream Shar-Pei, often the lack of black pigment is expressed in an incompletely stained tongue (which should be dark purple). This trait is already undesirable even for cream dogs.

Sable. The most controversial color in our breed. Often, the experts themselves are not sure which dog is in front of them - sable or black-backed. But in genetics, this color has a very clear designation, which we will talk about later. In the scientific literature, this color is called "zone gray". In Shar-Pei, it transforms into "sable". Outwardly, this color looks like a gray coating on the Shar-Pei's body, sometimes extending onto the muzzle and partially onto the paws. Since only guard hairs are zoned, the density of the gray coating is more intense where there are more accumulations of guard hairs - back, tail. There is no gray coating on the legs below the elbow and hock joints. The difference from the black-and-black color is fundamental - the outer hair of the sable color is not solid black, but zonal, very light at the root, red in the middle and black at the end. The length of the zones varies, often the red zone (middle) is shorter than the other two, and this gives a more intense sable color. If the red zone is longer, then the sable color is less intense.

Blue. From delicate smoky gray to dark gray, slate coat color. The nose of light blue dogs is usually darker. In dark blue - merges with the general background. There are no separate varieties of blue, such as "blue" and "blue dilut". For all blue Shar-Pei, one name should be used - blue, since these are dogs that have the same genotype, and the word "dilyut" implies the presence of qualitative differences in the genotype, which we will discuss below. Breeders need to remember that the blue color is a weakened black, and, like black, belongs to the pigmented group. The production of black pigment still occurs, but in a smaller volume and the pigment granules in the hair are discontinuous, islands, so visually this color looks like blue - from dark to very light. Here is a simple analogy for understanding what blue is: if you take black paint and add water to it, you will get a certain shade of gray, the intensity of which will depend on the amount of water in the paint. But the essence remains the same - it is still black paint. But dilute dogs have no black "paint" in principle. The mouth and tongue of the blue Shar-Pei are dark lavender or dark purple, depending on the "dilution" of the black pigment. The light lavender tongue of the Blue Shar Pei should be considered a lack of pigmentation. in fact, the gene that dilutes the black color to blue has almost no effect on the pigmentation of the tongue, nose, paw pads, etc. "details". The skin is also bluish. Blue is one of the most fashionable colors and relatively young. The first blue Shar Pei was born at the end of 1985. The pursuit of color fixation in the breed has played a bad joke on the conformation of blue dogs. Show dogs are very rare among Shar-Peis of this color, and at exhibitions, blue dogs, as a rule, strongly lose to other Shar-Peis, especially classic colors. The most common conformation problems for blue Shar-Peis are: large ears, light bones, thin legs, small head, often narrowed muzzle, narrow chest, spotted tongue.

Isabella. Pinkish-cream with a blue or gray tint. A derivative of blue and "red" (red and fawn) colors. At a superficial glance it can be classified as fawn, light red or even dark cream, however, dogs of this color have the attributes of blue dogs: a gray or slate nose, the same distinctly gray, not black, mask on the muzzle. The presence of this dark blue mask or gray-blue coating on the muzzle is mandatory. In addition, unlike cream, red and fawn colors, Isabella's coat has a bluish, silvery or cold dirty pink tint, without red. May have a darker, grayish (bluish) or pinkish gray strap on the back and blackouts on the ears. Experienced breeders easily distinguish Isabella in newborn litters, especially if they also have deer or red puppies. Newborn Isabella can be silver apricot, silver pink, and even silver white. An inexperienced breeder may mistake a newborn deer puppy for Isabella, because. often they are born almost grey. About the cases in which the birth of Isabella is possible, and in which not, will be discussed below.

Dilute colors:

Chocolate dilut. The color name speaks for itself. It is a chocolate color, ranging from very light "milk" chocolate to quite dark, rich "bitter" chocolate. Tongue - lavender, paw pads, nose, anus - chocolate. If it seems to you that in front of you is a chocolate shar-pei, but you are not sure about it, take a look at the color of the eyes and tongue. The iris of the Chocolate Shar-Pei is dark yellow to light brown, and the tongue is light lilac. If your "chocolate" Shar-Pei has a blue tongue, it is black with a brown tint. In fact, the name of the color "chocolate dilut" is "butter oil", because. non-diluted chocolate color does not happen. In other breeds of dogs, the term "brown" is used to designate the same color, but genetically it is the same color.

Red dilut. A red dilute color is commonly referred to as any red color that does not have black pigment. At the same time, at the genetic level, the red dilute color can be obtained in two completely different ways, which will be discussed in the next chapter. You should be aware that a red dilute dog may have a mask on its muzzle, but this mask will be chocolate in color, not black or gray. The difference will be apparent when compared to a standard red mask dog. Similarly, a red dilute dog may have a chocolate nose, chocolate paw pads, and anus. In this case, the tongue of such a dog will be light lavender, like a chocolate dilute dog. With a certain combination of genes, the red dilute dog looks completely monochromatic, without the slightest hint of chocolate coating on the muzzle, pillows, anus. However, she has a rather dark lavender tongue, which is often mistaken for very good pigmentation. The genetic nuances of this color will be discussed later.

Apricot dilut. This color could also be called "deer dilut", because. is its derivative. Outwardly, it is a light warm golden-red, namely, that "apricot" color. Like the fawn color, it may fade from darker on the back and head to lighter on the sides, belly and insides of the legs. Similar to a red dilute, it may have a chocolate mask, a chocolate nose, or be completely solid with no hint of chocolate pigment (pink-nosed apricot dilute). The difficulties with this color in identification and breeding are exactly the same as with the red dilute color. In the same way, there are two variants of the appearance of this color, which will be described later.

Cream dilute. The same as cream color, variations from almost white to the color of boiled condensed milk, but without black pigment. And, just like apricot dilut and red dilut, there can be two genetic types. Phenotypically, the former appears as having a heavily washed-out light chocolate pigment, while the latter appears almost white, with a virtually pink nose but a well-pigmented dark lavender tongue.

Purple. A color well known in the Weimaraner breed. It is still considered rare among Shar-Pei, although now there are more and more purple Shar-Pei. Variations from rosy chocolate to "warm" rosy blue or smoky silvery pink. At the same time, there are cases of the birth of very dark purple Shar-Pei, which inexperienced breeders can classify as chocolate dilutes, but they all have a "gray" coating on the muzzle, which is impossible in chocolate dogs. When compared with the standard chocolate color, the difference becomes apparent. The mask is not visualized (to match the color), the nose is to match the color.

Isabella dilut. The most recessive color in Shar-Pei. Grayish pink, in different variations, from light to saturated, but without dark pigment. At the same time, just as apricot and red dilutes have a chocolate mask, isabella dilutes can have a LIlac mask and a lilac ("gray") nose.

III. Genotype. Description of the genetic codes of standard colors in the Chinese Shar-Pei breed.

Genotype - it is the hereditary constitution of an organism, the individual totality of all its genes, which controls the development of the external features of the organism, i.e. his phenotype. Color as we see it can only tell us which dominant genes are in the dog's genotype. The presence of some recessive genes that did not affect the color, but which are present in the genotype, we can judge by the colors of the parents of this dog, as well as by what colors this dog produces in mating with certain partners. That is, only by experience. For example, we have a black dog from a chocolate father and a red mother. We can say with confidence that the genotype of this dog necessarily has a red gene and a chocolate gene. But if we have a black dog from two black parents, information about the recessive genes present in the genotype of this dog will not be available to us. In this case, it is possible to find out the carriage only in matings with partners of different colors.

Knowing the genotype of breeding dogs greatly facilitates the life of the breeder, and also prevents "artifacts" in breeding (for example, when a black puppy is "unexpectedly" born from two blue dogs, which in fact indicates that the bitch was mated to someone else) .

The Shar-Pei color, as we see it, has its own genetic code recorded in the chromosome. The chromosome is the carrier of genetic information. It is a unique set of genes for each dog. All genes in it are divided into pairs. These pairs are called "series". Series in books on genetics are usually denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet: A , B , C , D , E , K (only those series that are needed to understand the color of Shar-Pei are indicated). Each pair (series) is responsible for one trait that affects the formation of the dog's color. And the combination of signs gives the result in the form of a color that we see in a dog. Each series has at least 2 genes, called "alleles". Alleles are peculiar "mutations" of one original gene that have occurred in the course of evolution. Each series has a dominant gene (which suppresses the expression of other genes in its series) and a recessive one (a suppressed gene that can only appear if the exact same suppressed gene is paired with it on the chromosome). Genes affect not only those in the same pair with them, but can also affect other pairs of genes from other series. So, for example, a pair of dilute genes from the B series affects the black gene from the K series, and as a result we have a chocolate dog.

The color of a particular dog is the result of the work of a number of pairs of genes from different series.

In order to proceed to the description of each color, it is necessary to briefly explain the purposes of the six main series of genes that affect the formation of color in Shar-Pei (therefore, not all genes of each series are indicated, but only those that Shar-Pei of a non-defective color can have).

A - series responsible for the purity of the red color.

dominant gene BUT y- responsible for all variations of red colors (red, deer, isabella, including dilute ones - apricot, etc.).

recessive gene aw- gives a sable color. In the same series, there are further genes for black-and-tan, black and tan and recessive black colors. The first two are found in Shar-Pei of defective colors. The latter is not registered in Shar-Pei at all. If we trace the mutations of the genes of the A series, then the dominant color will be a solid red, then a sable sable, then a black-and-black, then black and tan, and finally a recessive solid black.

B - series responsible for the appearance of chocolate pigment instead of black. In fact, this series is responsible for all dilute colors that have a chocolate or lilac mask, or a chocolate or lilac nose.

Gene AT- dominant gene that gives black pigment. Black nose, or black mask on the muzzle, black hair tips in sable, black zones in black and tan dogs - this is all the work of a dominant gene b. Thanks to him, all the so-called. basic (non-dilute) colors, including blue and isabella.

Gene b- a recessive gene, or the so-called "chocolate gene", which gives a chocolate pigment instead of black. Since the gene is recessive, its manifestation is possible only in a pair with the same recessive gene. Presence of a couple bb leads to the transformation of the black pigment of the skin and wool into chocolate. Chocolate masks, chocolate noses, chocolate hair ends in sable dilute dogs, chocolate zones in chocolate and tan dogs - all this is the work of a couple. b.b. Colors such as chocolate, lilac, apricot dilut, red dilut, cream dilut, isabella dilut depend on this pair.

C - series, responsible for the intensity of the color.

dominant gene C- this is a saturated color (for example, bright red).

recessive gene cch- lightened color (cream, for example).

D– series, responsible for the formation of blue, lilac, isabella and isabella dilute colors.

dominant gene D- This is the gene for black pigment (in "red" dogs). It does not affect the red pigment.

recessive gene d- the so-called "blue gene" responsible for the blue color and its derivatives (isabella, lilac, isabella dilut). In fact, just like the "chocolate gene", the "blue gene" affects only the black pigment, transforming it into various shades of gray. Everything that is black in a dog with a regular color will be black in a dog with a double "blue gene" (a pair dd) will be gray (blue). For example, a black mask in a deer dog transforms into gray in a Shar Pei with a pair of blue genes. At the same time, the dog itself will no longer be deer, but Isabella.

E - series, which is responsible for the presence of the distribution of black pigment throughout the body of the dog.

dominant gene Em- a gene that gives a mask on the muzzle, dark tongue, dark paw pads, anus; moreover, in a dog of the main color it will be a black mask, a blue tongue, in a dog with a double chocolate gene - a chocolate mask, a rich lilac tongue, in dogs with a double blue gene - a blue mask and a blue tongue.

recessive gene E- This is a gene for the moderate distribution of black pigment throughout the body. A dog can have a black (chocolate, blue) nose but not a mask. Nails may be light.

The most cunning gene of this series, and the most recessive gene e- it prohibits the manifestation of black pigment in general. In fact, gene e"prohibits" the manifestation of black pigment, even if the genotype contains dominant genes for black pigment and black color (genes B, D, K). recessive couple ee may have only light colors with no black, chocolate or blue pigmentation. That is, these are completely "depigmented" colors. Despite the difference in genotypes with light colors that have a double chocolate gene, they have the same names, that is, red dilut, apricot dilut, cream dilut, isabella dilut. But at the same time, the tongue in dogs with a double her stays pretty dark. This recessive gene often plays tricks on breeders as it many of them do not understand the difference between dilute colors due to chocolate genes and depigmented colors due to genes that prohibit black pigment, since both are called "dilute" in the color registry. As a result, in the mating of two apparently dilute dogs, you can get black and red masked puppies.

K - series black color.

dominant gene To responsible for black, blue, lilac, chocolate colors. But it can also be contained in the genotype of dogs that have a couple of recessive genes. her. Since these genes simply block the expression of black pigment, the dominant black gene To hides from our eyes, and the dog may phenotypically look like cream diluted, apricot diluted, etc.

recessive gene k- these are all the usual non-black colors: red, deer, isabella and so on.

To understand how all these genes work together, consider the genotype of each color. The entry of the color genotype is done in one line, the genes are indicated in pairs, if we know both those genes that give the phenotype (color) and those of which we are already aware of the hidden carriage. But if we know for sure only the phenotype of the dog, and are not aware of what this dog carries in a hidden form, we write only dominant genes, and instead of a paired gene we write a dash, because in fact, this recessive gene does not affect the dog's phenotype.


Genotype:Ay- B- C- D- Em- K- oraw- B- C- D- Em- K-

(or the same, but instead ofEm- presentE-)

Since the black color is the result of the action of the dominant genes of all series, it can be a carrier of genes for various colors. Therefore, the receipt of litters with puppies of various colors from a black Shar-Pei should not be surprising. So, for example, a black dog with the following genotype: AyawBbCcDdEmeKk with different, correctly selected partners will give absolutely all acceptable colors.

As already mentioned, the presence in the genotype of certain recessive color genes (diluted, blue, red) is often indicated by the ebb of the dog's coat. Now it is not uncommon to see dogs whose color could be classified as very dark "bitter" chocolate with a black mask. However, they are genetically black dogs and should be registered as black as they will produce both chocolate and black puppies when mated with chocolate dilute dogs. Black dogs, one of whose parents is blue or isabella, may give a bluish tint to the coat. But again, this is no reason to write them down as blue.

It should be borne in mind that black color cannot be obtained from two pigmented red, hart, isabella dogs, because they lack the necessary black K gene. Similarly black cannot be obtained from dogs with double chocolate gene or double blue gene. That is, for example, black puppies are not born from two chocolate dogs or two blue dogs.

Chocolate dilut

Genotype:Ay- bb C- D- Em- K- oraw- bb C- D- Em- K-

(or the same, but instead ofEm- presentE-)

This is a "dilute derivative" of the black color. With equal success, it could be called "black dilut". The difference between chocolate and black is only at the level of one pair of genes from the series b. The black color in this series always has at least one dominant gene. B, and the chocolate dilute shar-pei always has only two recessive genes b.b. This means, for example, that two chocolate dogs cannot produce black puppies or other puppies of the main colors - red, fawn, cream, isabella. Similar two chocolate dogs cannot produce blue puppies. Cases when black, red, blue, isabella puppies are born in a litter from two chocolate dogs, apparently, should be considered an artifact, and, obviously, the female was mated or mated with another male herself, which makes registration of the litter in the RKF impossible. At the same time, due to the presence in the genotype of the dominant black gene - K, - chocolate color cannot be obtained from two pigmented red, hart, isabella dogs who lack this gene.


Genotype:Ay- B- C- dd Em- K- oraw-B-C- dd Em- K-

(or the same, but instead ofEm- presentE-)

Blue color differs from black only by a couple of genes in the series D. The black Shar Pei has a dominant gene in this pair D, which is responsible for the full formation of black pigment in wool. And the blue dog does not have this gene, but has two recessive genes dd, which together give a "blurred" black pigment that is seen as blue to the human eye. For this reason, the blue color as well as the chocolate color is called "dilute". However, the nature of the occurrence of blue and chocolate color is different. Therefore, when mating blue and chocolate shar-pei, you can get a completely black litter.

It should also be remembered that the absence of a dominant gene in the genotype of blue dogs D makes it impossible to produce black or other colors that are not included in the "blue" group from two blue dogs. That is, two blue, blue and isabella, two isabella, blue and lilac, isabella and lilac, two lilac shar-pei at the genetic level are not able to give black, red, cream (with a black nose), chocolate, deer, apricot, cream dilute (without lilac pigment), red dilute, sable or sable dilute puppies. In a mating of two blue dogs, only blue, isabella, lilac and isabella dilutes can be born. Cream puppies with blue or lilac pigmentation can also be born in the mating of these dogs, but due to the lack of special names for these colors, they are also registered as cream and cream dilute.

As in the case of the chocolate color, due to the presence in the genotype of the dominant gene for black color - K, - blue color cannot be obtained from two pigmented red, hart, isabella dogs.


Genotype:Ay- bb C- dd Em- K- oraw- bb C- dd Em- K-

(or the same, but instead ofEm- presentE-)

Lilac color is obtained by a combination of two pairs of recessive genes - bb and dd. Each of the pairs is "responsible" for its color. The first is for chocolate. The second is for blue. But when these pairs are together on the same chromosome, a lilac color appears. Formally, a lilac dog can be called both chocolate and blue. It differs from blue only in that chocolate genes are added to the existing blue genes. And from a chocolate dog in that a couple of blue genes are added to the existing chocolate genes.

Please note that lilac differs from black in genotype only by the presence of recessive genes in B and D series. The rest is all the same. That is, lilac is a color that carries a dominant black gene. K. Just like the carriers of the black gene are black, chocolate and blue colors. Without this black gene, these four colors (black, blue, chocolate and lilac) would not have been possible. This leads to the following rule: red dogs with black pigment (they do not have the black geneKin their genotype) in mating with each other are not able to give birth to lilac, chocolate, blue or black puppies. When such puppies appear in a litter of red masked dogs, the origin of these puppies should be questioned (at least paternity should be questioned). It should also be remembered that, since purple dogs do not carry dominant B genes in their genotype, then in a mating of two lilac dogs, it is impossible to get blue dogs, because the blue dog genotype requires the dog to have a dominant B gene, and purple dogs simply don't have it. Two lilac dogs can only give lilac puppies or isabella dilute, they are not capable of more due to their genotype. Mating a lilac shar-pei with a chocolate one also cannot produce black, red, fawn or blue puppies, since both colors lack the dominant B gene, which is necessary for the formation of basic colors. That is, when mating chocolate that does not carry the blue gene with lilac, a completely dilute litter is obtained (but not blue!). In the simplest case, all puppies will be chocolate. Lilac and blue, lilac and isabella in a pair will always give at least blue puppies, and if there is a hidden chocolate (in blue and isabella) and red (in blue) genes in the partner’s genotype, also lilac, isabella and isabella dilute. Mating lilac and isabella dilutes will not give anything other than lilac and isabella dilutes (the second color is only if the lilac shar-pei carries the recessive gene k- gene, "not black" color).


Red masked dog genotype:Ay- B- C- D- Em- k.k.

The genotype of a red dog without a mask, but with a black nose:Ay- B- C- D- E - k.k.

The red color also applies to the main (non-dilute) colors. The difference from the black color at the genetic level - in a series of genes K. A red dog with black pigment does not have a gene for black coat color! This means that two red masked dogs cannot produce colors that require the presence of a dominant gene in the genotype. K: black, blue, chocolate, lilac. When a chocolate, black, blue, lilac puppy is born from two red parents (with a mask or with black noses), the origin of the litter in which they were born should be questioned. The breeder should be advised to conduct a genetic examination to establish paternity.

red dilute

At the genetic level, red dilute can be obtained in two very different ways.

Option 1:

Genotype of red dilut with chocolate mask:Ay- bb C- D- Em- k.k.

Ay- bb C- E- k.k.

Ay- bb C- D- eekk orAy- bb C- D- eK -

The difference between this variant of a red dilute color from just red is the same as the difference between a chocolate color from black or lilac from blue - a red dilute color does not have a dominant gene B in its genotype, and its place is taken by the recessive "chocolate" pair bb. A red dilute shar-pei produced with this combination of genes may have a chocolate nose or even a chocolate muzzle mask, chocolate anus and paw pads. The absence of chocolate pigment on the body is also possible, due to the work of another pair of recessive genes - ee, which prohibits the spread of dark pigment throughout the body. In this case, the tongue of such a dog will be light lavender. When mated to a chocolate color, such a dog will never produce black or other basic colors, nor will it produce blue. In mating with a lilac partner, such a red dilute dog will give only dilute puppies, in the simplest case - chocolate. For convenience, this color variant, obtained under the influence of the bb genes, is called "true dilut".

Option 2:

Red diluted genotype without chocolate pigment:Ay- B- C- D- eK - or Ay- B- C- D- eekk ,

oraw- B- C- D- eK - or aw- B- C- D- eekk

Outwardly, this red dilute dog looks completely monochromatic, without the slightest hint of chocolate coating on the muzzle, pillows, anus. However, she has a rather dark lavender tongue, which is often mistaken for very good pigmentation. Please note that dogs with the genotype Ay - B - C - D - eK- and aw-B-C-D- eK- have a black gene! This means that they can produce black puppies and other colors that require this gene. For example, with a red mask dog, such a dog can give black puppies (as well as chocolate, blue or lilac, if both have the corresponding recessive genes in the genotype). And with a chocolate partner, it can also give a completely black litter.

Red dilute dog with genotype Ay - B - C - D - eekk or aw-B-C-D- eekk will not produce black (chocolate, etc.) puppies mated with a red (deer, isabella) masked dog, tk. she does not have the black K gene. When mated to a chocolate or lilac partner, such a dog can produce a completely black litter. Therefore, the red dilute color formed by such a genotype is often called "pseudo dilute", thereby indicating that this outwardly 100% dilute color does not have a pair of chocolate (dilute) genes in the genotype. b.b. At best, such a dog is a carrier of a recessive latent gene b. At worst, he does not carry and will never give chocolate puppies.

It should also be noted that in the presence of a pair of genes ee becomes invisible and a couple of sable genes, because. pair her masks the appearance of black pigment in the hair (i.e. the black tips of the hairs lighten to light red).

Due to the difficulty in determining the genotype of a red dilute dog, the only way to test it is by experience. That is, mating with a chocolate partner will indicate whether a red dilute dog has a recessive gene b and how many - one or two (if there are two genes - the litter will be completely dilute, if there is one - in addition to chocolate puppies, puppies of the main colors can be born, and if the gene is absent - all the main colors). And mating with a red mask partner will indicate the presence or absence of the gene K, which forms a black color (this gene is suppressed by a pair ee, so it is "not visible"). If the gene is missing, the entire litter will be red. If present, some or all of the droppings will be black.


Genotype:Ay- B- CcchD- Em- k.k.

(or the same, but instead ofEm- presentE-)

Apparently, a series of genes influences the formation of this color. C. Rich color gene C does not completely dominate the color lightening gene cch, so if they are paired, the color turns from a rich red to a "faded" fawn. There is also a theory about the existence of modifier genes that affect the saturation of the red color. This theory is also supported by the fact that it is impossible to get mahogany puppies from two deer dogs, even if both deer dogs have one mahogany parent. Whereas a mahogany dog ​​mated to almost any red dog can produce mahogany puppies.

At the genetic level, the fawn color differs from the black color in that it has a recessive pair k.k., that is, does not have a black gene. The mating of two reindeer shar-pei excludes the possibility of the birth of black, chocolate, blue, lilac puppies, because to obtain these colors, the dominant black gene K is needed, which is absent in deer dogs. In the mating of two deer dogs with a blue gene, Isabella puppies can be born. In breeding deer dogs with a dilute (chocolate) gene, apricot dilute puppies can be born.

Apricot dilut

By analogy with the red dilute color, in the same way there are two options for the appearance of this color. That is, just like red dilut, apricot dilut can be "true" and "pseudo". And, accordingly, either have a recessive pair of chocolate genes bb, or not have a chocolate gene at all (not be able to give chocolate puppies), and be a carrier of a black gene To.

Variant of apricot dilut with chocolate pigment:

Genotype of apricot dilut with chocolate mask:Ay- bb CcchD- Em- k.k.

Red diluted chocolate nose genotype (no mask):Ay- bb CcchE- k.k.

Red diluted genotype without chocolate pigment:Ay- bb CcchD- eekk orAy- bb CcchD- eK -

Variant of apricot dilut depigmented:

Ay- B- CcchD- eK - andAy- B- CcchD- eekk ,

oraw- B- CcchD- eK - andaw- B- CcchD- eekk

For details, see the description of the red dilute color. All the same restrictions and the same methods of checking the genotype. That is, for example, mating a depigmented apricot dilut with a red mask or chocolate partner can produce a black litter. Breeding an apricot dilute with chocolate pigment will not produce black puppies with a chocolate partner, etc. described for red dilute.


Genotype:Ay- cchcchB- D- Em- k.k.

(or the same, but instead ofEm- presentE-)

Difference from red and fawn colors - in the presence of a pair of recessive genes cchcch, which weaken the red pigment to a very light one.

It is impossible to get bright reds or fawns from two cream dogs. Cream with cream gives only cream (or cream dilut).

Cream dilute

Variant of creamy dilut with chocolate pigment:

Genotype:Ay- cchcchbbD- Em- k.k.orAy- cchcchbbD- EEkk

Variant of creamy diluted depigmented:

Genotype:Ay- cchcchB- D- eekkoraw- cchcchB- D- eekk

orAy- cchcchB- D- eeK- oraw- cchcchB- D- eeTO-

Thus, just like apricot dilute and red dilute, this color can be a true dilute (derived from chocolate genes). bb), and a pseudo dilut obtained from a pair of genes ee. The genotypic difference of cream dilut from cream will be exactly the same as deer from apricot dilut and red from red dilut. Restrictions and genotype checks are the same.

In the case of obtaining cream dilut due to genes bb, a light chocolate mask or coating is visible on the muzzle. If cream dilute is obtained due to genes ee is an almost white dog, without a hint of chocolate pigment, but with a tongue that is darker than you might expect.

If a cream dilute shar pei is born from two chocolate dogs, then there will always be two genes in his genotype bb, but it may contain the black gene To and give black puppies in combination with red dogs.


Saturated ("reddish") Isabella with a gray mask:Ay- B- C - dd Em- k.k.

Saturated ("reddish") Isabella without a mask, with a gray nose:Ay- B- C - dd E- k.k.

Light ("deer") Isabella with a gray mask:Ay- B- Ccchdd Em- k.k.

Light ("deer") Isabella without a mask, with a gray nose:Ay- B- Ccchdd Em- k.k.

"Sable" Isabella with a gray mask:awaw B- C- dd Em- k.k.

"Sable" Isabella without a mask, with a gray nose:awaw B- C- dd Em- k.k.

At this stage, it makes no sense to single out the sable Isabella as a separate color, because. this is a rare occurrence. However, the possibility of such puppies appearing in litters should be taken into account.

At the genetic level, the Isabella color can be described as both blue and red (red or fawn). The difference from the blue color is exactly the same as the difference between red or fawn from black - Isabella lacks the black color gene K.

It should be remembered that the Isabella color can ONLY be obtained from TWO blue-bred dogs. In this case, one of the dogs must be non-dilute (i.e., not have a pair of chocolate genes), because. Isabella needs a dominant gene to form B, as well as for any basic "red" color. If there are no blue (isabella, lilac) dogs in the pedigrees of the producers, and if the producers are not tested on blue dogs (did not give blue puppies), puppies from such parents as isabella should not be registered. In the event that the breeder insists that it was an Isabella puppy born in the litter, it is necessary to provide a description of this puppy to the expert after the first molt, when the color is already obvious, and only after that it is possible to make an amendment to the color of this dog in the general litter card and in the pedigree .

Isabella dilut

Variant of Isabella dilut with lilac pigment:

Genotype of isabella dilut with lilac mask:Ay- bb C- dd Em- k.k.

The genotype of the Isabella dilut with a lilac nose:Ay- bb C- dd E- k.k.

Variant of isabella dilut without pigment:

Genotype of isabella dilut depigmented (no lilac pigment):Ay- B - C- dd herk.k.

orAy- B - C- dd her TO-

In the first variant, at the genetic level, Isabella dilut differs from Isabella in that it has a pair of recessive chocolate genes. b.b. These genes transform all gray (weakened by blue genes dd) pigment to lilac. You can get this Isabella dilut ONLY from dogs that definitely have recessive genes for blue, chocolate and red (non-black) colors in their genotype. That is, both producers must have at least one gene: b, d, k.

In the second variant, the difference between Isabella and Isabella Dilut in a recessive couple ee, which makes the development of gray pigment impossible. This kind of color is extremely rare, since the color itself is still extremely rare.


The sable genotype is determined by a pair of aw genes that are recessive to solid red:

Bright ("red") sable with a mask:awawB- C- D- Em- k.k.

Bright ("red") sable without a mask, but with a black nose:awawB- C- D- E- k.k.

Light ("deer") sable with a mask:awawB- CcchD- Em- k.k.

Light ("deer") sable without a mask, but with a black nose:awawB- CcchD- E- k.k.

Sable dilut

Bright ("red") sable with a chocolate mask and chocolate zonality:awawbbC- D- Em- k.k.

Bright ("red") sable without a mask, but with a chocolate nose and chocolate zonality:awawbbC- D- EE k.k.

Light ("deer") sable with a chocolate mask:awawbbCcchD- Em- k.k.

Light ("deer") sable without a mask, but with a chocolate nose:awawbbCcchD- EEkk

Despite the fact that this color has not yet been officially registered, knowing the genotype of the color will help breeders to correctly identify it and use it in breeding. The difference between sable dilut and sable is only in the presence of a pair of genes b.b."Pseudo dilute" sables do not exist for the reason that a couple of genes ee hides any manifestation of dark pigment at all, so the presence of this pair of genes in the dog's genotype makes it completely identical to the usual red dilut or apricot dilut.

Outwardly, sable dilute looks more even than the main sable one, since all the black pigment in it transforms into chocolate, and as a result, the contrast between the red and chocolate zones in the guard hairs is much less noticeable. At the same time, when comparing a red dilute or apricot dilute dog with a dilute sable dog, the difference in color becomes quite obvious. Sable dilute colors can be born almost chocolate, and "bloom" as the coat grows and changes. When examining the outer hair, it is easy to notice the transitions from light to chocolate color. The back may have a more or less pronounced chocolate coating. In matings with chocolate dogs, this color behaves just like any other dilute color (true).

IV. From genotype to phenotype. Artifacts in breeding.

Despite the fact that genetics is a probabilistic science, and not everything in it can be calculated in advance, nevertheless, there are some axioms in color breeding that are not in doubt. Simply put, there are rules that are never broken.

Rule 1: from two black dogs you can get any colors if they are laid down in the genotype in the form of recessive genes.

Rule 2: from two red (deer) dogs with masks (with black noses) you cannot get chocolate, black, blue, lilac puppies, since red (deer) dogs do not have a dominant black gene K in the genotype, without which black, chocolate, blue and lilac colors are not possible.

Rule 3: Black, blue, red (fawn), cream or isabella puppies cannot be produced from two chocolate dogs. chocolate dogs in the genotype lack the gene for black pigment B, which is responsible for the presence of this pigment in the phenotype of the dog (mask or black nose in reds, completely black hair in blacks, gray hair in blues).

Rule 4: from two blues, from blue and isabella, blue and lilac dogs, ONLY colors with a blue gene gene are obtained, i.e. blue, isabella, lilac. Obtaining black, chocolate, red and deer with a mask or black nose puppies is not possible due to the absence of the dominant D gene in blue, isabella and lilac dogs.

Rule 5: It is not possible to produce dogs with black or gray (blue) pigment from two dogs with chocolate pigment.

Rule 6: Two cream dogs can only produce cream puppies (or cream dilutions). Two cream diluted dogs can ONLY produce cream diluted.

Rule 7: You can't get blue or purple puppies from two Isabella dogs. It is possible to obtain only Isabella and Isabella dilut.

Rule 8: Two purple dogs cannot produce blue, isabella, or chocolate puppies. You can only get purple and isabella dilutes.

Rule 9: Two Isabella Dilutes can ONLY produce Isabella Dilutes.

Rule 10: Two sable dogs cannot produce solid fawn or red puppies, as these colors are dominant in relation to sable.

Rule 11: Black or any other color with black or gray pigment cannot be obtained from a chocolate and lilac dog.

Rule 12: from dogs with gray (blue) or lilac pigment it is possible to obtain cream puppies with gray (blue) or lilac pigment, which at this stage are registered as cream or cream dilute due to the lack of their own names.

These are just a few basic rules to avoid breeding mistakes. When receiving "artifacts" in litters, it is recommended to conduct an independent genetic examination to establish paternity and motherhood, or the litter is not subject to registration due to the dubiousness of its origin.

Among the many existing breeds of dogs, Shar-Pei stand out for their unique exterior, antiquity of origin. The Shar Pei dog is said to have originated in Tibet or Northern China over twenty centuries ago. True, according to an alternative version, the region of China adjacent to the South China Sea is considered the birthplace of the Shar Pei breed. Sharpei gifted to the world by the Chinese:

  • mysterious and exotic, like a pagoda,
  • ancient, like the Great Wall of China,
  • devoted as a clergyman to God.

Shar Pei puppies are like favorite soft toys from childhood. Before buying a sharpei, decide on the purpose of the purchase. Shar Pei are ideal as guard dogs: they are extremely distrustful, attentive, at the same time affectionate and sweet with family members where they live. The dog won't bite. Sharpei are harmless and remember good things.

The breed is aggressive towards dogs of other breeds, it is difficult for children to walk dogs, it is better not to trust them to walk.

Shar-Pei girls are characterized by the realization of maternal instinct, they will become friends of children. Shar Pei are not yard dogs, they are grown in an apartment, but they are perfectly adapted to the external environment.

History of the breed

Over the years, it is no longer possible to find out the truth. From the "material" confirmation of the origin of Shar-Pei, there are multiple references to ancient dogs that lived at the court of the Chinese emperors of the Han Dynasty. During archaeological excavations, figurines of animals were found that are very similar to dogs, which are considered the ancestors of modern Shar-Pei.

It is believed that initially the ancestors of the Shar-Pei helped the Chinese peasants to hunt, protect the house and property. This was facilitated by the qualities of sharpei (moreover, passed down from generation to generation): high intelligence, reliability and distrust of strangers. It is believed that the ancient ancestors of the Shar-Pei remained more like service dogs, periodically hunting.

At some point, lovers of gambling entertainment drew attention to the great potential of dogs. Due to physical features, the Shar Pei dog was suitable for participating in cruel fun. Sharpei began to be bred specifically for fighting with dogs, high aggressiveness towards animals began to be encouraged.

This enigmatic (and rare) breed of dog is named the Shar Pei due to its unique coat. "Sand dog" - this is the name of the breed translated from Chinese.


There are two versions of the birth of Shar Pei:

  • The first says that the Chow Chow breed, and the smooth-haired Chow Chow, became the progenitor of the dog.
  • The second argues that the ancient mastiffs became the ancestors of the dog.

The first version is supported by the presence of a blue tongue in the dog, which in the modern world is possessed by only two dogs - the Chow Chow dog and the Chinese Shar Pei dog. Given that the breed was bred as a fighting dog, muscular limbs, a strong physique and strong jaws contributed to the plan. However, as a fighting breed, the Chinese Shar Pei did not develop, could not compete with truly fighting individuals. Thanks to the fighting past, today's dogs have considerable fortitude, courage and self-confidence.

There are references to the use of dogs in hunting. References date back to the Han era. A sad fate awaited dogs in the last quarter of the 20th century - they became banned, as a result, the Chinese Shar Pei dog breed was lost. After a while, enthusiasts from Hong Kong sent their efforts to restore the breed, the dog reappeared at exhibitions.


Recently, the breed is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the rare breeds of dogs. Shar-Pei dog rings are always of great interest to visitors to dog shows. Now the threat of extinction does not threaten the breed. Of course, the modern Shar Pei is not similar, it is very different from its ancestors. Sharpei have become regular participants in cynological exhibitions. Over the past millennia, the Chinese Shar-Pei have managed to turn from an “amulet dog”, a gambling fighter and a “temple dog”, which were in antiquity, into excellent companions and show ring stars.

Scientists have proven that there are animals with the strongest biofield. Interestingly, Shar Pei is considered as such! In the west, the dog is used as a therapy dog. There are legends about how Shar-Pei treated their owners for incurable diseases, helped to find children lost in the crowd. Each dog owner will tell a lot of observations that testify to a unique gift.

Description and standard

When you look at a sharpei, a complete illusion is created that the dog's coat is soft, almost velor. But the first impression is deceiving. In fact, Shar-Pei's coat is tough.

When you look at the numerous photos of the Shar Pei dog, you can’t believe that cute small animals dressed in a folded skin, “sewn” as if “for growth”, were used as fighting dogs. The voluminous skin made it possible to reliably protect the dog from serious injuries. We note an interesting feature of the amazing breed - a dark purple (lavender) or black tongue. Because of the color of the Shar-Pei's organ, it is sometimes called the "Dog that licked the sky."

Today, the Shar Pei dog breed finds a lot of fans. Shar-Pei owners managed to appreciate the intelligence and complaisant nature of unusual exotic dogs. According to the standard, Shar-Pei allowed:

  • Various solid (no spots) colors except for white.
  • The most common colors are red, chocolate, cream, fawn or black.

Dogs belong to the type of molossoid dogs of small size. The main feature of the appearance of the animal is a wrinkled and folded body, head. As a result, sharpei have a non-canine appearance, comparable to small hippos or piglets. Breed characteristics:

The nature of the hat

The natural intelligence and good-naturedness of Shar-Peis is combined with some distrust and even arrogance towards strangers, which allows the dogs to be used as a good guard. The vast majority of breed Shar-Peis are attached to their owners, ready to give affection and kindness. Sharpei is friends with the master's children and is ready to patiently endure pranks.

Now the once fighting dog Shar Pei shows aggression only in response to a clear provocation of an outside dog or when absolutely necessary. not easy, with Shar-Peis it is more difficult than others. The owner can easily find out, however, sometimes Shar Pei is in no hurry to follow instructions.

Dogs are considered ideal family companions. They become indispensable companions, performing the function of a devoted friend and an excellent guard. Despite their small stature, shriveled dogs will stand up for themselves and loved ones. A description of the Chinese Shar Pei breed will not be complete without mentioning the intelligence of the dog.

Shar-Peis want to constantly be near the owner, share happy moments and sorrows, accompany them on trips and hikes. As a result, people who are not ready for such animal affection should not get dogs. Neglect of communication will be a blow for the dog and a complete disappointment in life. It is not allowed to leave a pet alone with you - there is nothing worse than loneliness.

To get a reliable friend and an excellent companion, forget that your favorite is a fighting dog. Do not try to cultivate aggression towards animals in your pet!

The main factor of interest is the unusual, attractive appearance of guests from China. When the Shar-Peis are small, they resemble a plush toy. Unusual comparisons are made by the Chinese, likening the ears of a Shar Pei to the petals of a tea rose; folds on the head - with the wrinkles of a wise old man; paws - with a head of garlic. A smart dog is easily trained to protect the owners, to do tricks.

The hunting instinct is deeply rooted in the dog. Sometimes sharpei catch mice better than any cat. The owners speak about the cleanliness of Shar-Peis. In a couple of days, after the first walk, Shar Pei puppies stop defecate at home, only representatives of this breed come clean from a walk even in bad weather. Puppies, not to mention adult dogs, do not gnaw on furniture, shoes.

Sharpei is independent, quick-witted, balanced and sociable. There are moments when dogs are immersed in themselves, the impression of meditation is created. Perhaps this is not a random impression.

Shar Pei is an excellent psychologist, he will find a way to the owner's heart before the owner guesses. Sharpei will easily understand whether the owner is suitable for the role of leader in the house, if you show weakness, the dog will willingly take on the role of dominant. To be a king (queen) is quite capable of being a Shar-Pei.

Choosing the Right Puppy

It is not difficult to buy a puppy of the breed. True, make your choice responsibly. It is worth going to exhibitions, looking at the best representatives of the breed, not trying to buy a puppy from an ad that came across on the Internet. Unfortunately, unscrupulous “breeders” got to the breed, selling puppies of unknown origin and inappropriate to the standard.

Such puppies often turn out to be sick. Instead of the joy of communicating with a pet, the owner has to deal with treatment, the cost of which is sometimes high. Remember, only a thoroughbred dog will please, and a mestizo can quickly disappoint.

Get a puppy in a good kennel, with the issuance of documents and instructions for keeping and feeding the dog. More often, the breeder will definitely give a certain amount of food with the puppy so that there is no sudden change in nutrition. In principle, it is possible to continue feeding Shar-Pei with the same food. Gradually, you will need to change puppy food to adult dog food.

Pet health

When Shar-Pei appeared in the country, people believed that dogs were not distinguished by good health. There is a misconception with the initial number of imported unhealthy dogs. Sharpei is often accompanied by diseases:

  • The main difficulty among Shar-Peis is considered to be entropy (turning of the eyelids), which arises (except for a genetic predisposition) due to excessive “skininess”. When the disease occurs, the eye is constantly injured by eyelashes growing on the wrapped edge of the eyelid, as a result, dogs often develop corneal ulcers or inflammation - keratitis. Dogs with similar diseases are not recommended for breeding, so as not to pass the defect by inheritance. Without timely surgery, the dog runs the risk of going blind.

Breeders are trying to fight against inversion of the eyelids in Shar Peis, to use exclusively “clean lines” in breeding. According to the standard, Shar-Pei, whose body and paws are covered with deep skin folds, are not considered high-bred. At the exhibition, the judges for such "excesses" are ready to lower the mark, even disqualify the dog.

  • Primary seborrhea - the secretion of fat on the skin, causes peeling and an unpleasant odor.
  • Sharpei fever is a little-studied syndrome that is unique to dogs of the breed, a hereditary disease leading to kidney failure.
  • Mastocytoma is a tumor that can develop on the internal organs, on the skin.
  • Glaucoma leads to blindness.
  • Food allergies and atopy are often reflected in the dog's skin.
  • Pyoderma is a deep skin infection.
  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear.
  • Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints, amyloidosis, prolapse of the lacrimal gland of the third eyelid and other diseases disturb the dog.

Probably, the dog will never bother you with sores and diseases, in general, Shar-Peis are considered a healthy breed. Dogs, like people, are individual, consider the characteristics of the pet.

Caring for the Chinese Shar Pei

Breeders, acquiring a Chinese Shar Pei, panic from the first days, deluded that the dog requires specific knowledge. The breed is no different from others in matters of care. The main thing is to periodically wash the dog and comb it.

Among animal lovers, such a breed of dog as Shar Pei is especially popular. The history and features of the distribution of the animal are ambiguous.

For many years, Shar Pei, whose origin is associated with China, were quite rare, but over time they became interested in many countries of the world.

The history of the origin of the breed

The Shar Pei is an ancient breed originating in China. It is believed that it comes from two now also known breeds - the Chow Chow or the Tibetan Mastiff. You can verify the similarity by looking at the photo of the Shar Pei, whose coat is not sufficiently reliable protection from severe cold weather.

However, compared to the ancient ancestors of the breed, modern dogs look less athletic, they have more folds and they have become smaller at the withers.

An interesting fact is that this breed belongs to a group of dogs that differs minimally from a wolf in DNA.

In southern China, Shar-Peis were used as working, hunting, guard dogs. Among the noble inhabitants, these animals had no value, however, due to the elasticity of the skin in hunting, they were indispensable - the ease with which the sharpei left the wolf's mouth was simply unique.

This property began to be used in the organization of dog fights.

With the change of the political system in China in recent centuries, these dogs were destroyed, as they were identified with prosperity. Thanks to emigrants, the breed was saved.

In the 70s of the last century, breeding work began to be actively carried out in the United States. However, the big disadvantage was that virtually all animals that exist outside of Asia are descended from 200 exported animals. This significantly affected the health of the breed.

The modern American Meat-Mouth breed type differs from the Asian Bone-Mouth relatives. The head of the Americans is more massive with a large number of large folds, and the animal itself looks thicker.

The breeders managed to improve the character of the dog by adapting it to the urban environment. But at the same time, there are frequent cases when sharpei puppies have poor health. That is why it is recommended to cooperate only with well-known and proven nurseries.

Description of the breed

Proportional, even in length and height, the sharpei can be up to 51 cm at the withers. And the body weight is 19-29 kg. It is characterized by a wide chest and the presence of wrinkles throughout the body.

Dogs are very strong, and the presence of folds is only misleading. The tail is not long in the form of a ring of regular shape.

It has a large head with a muzzle and skull that are approximately equal in size. The whole head is covered with folds. The tongue and gums are blue-black.

There are animals with a black nose, but, as a rule, its shade matches the color of the coat. Triangular ears are small in size, their tips droop towards the eyes.

Features of the description of the Shar Pei breed are due to the elasticity of the skin, which is very hard. Dogs have a single straight coat, smooth to the touch. In some varieties, the coat can lag a lot, creating a prickly feeling.

There are short-haired, long-haired species, as well as sharpei with "bear hair".

Pigmented color with black pigment of varying intensity can vary widely. There are about eight such shades - this is a pure black version, deer, cream, red, etc.

Also popular are 6 dilutes with no black pigment - chocolate, apricot, cream, etc.

Character features

The dog of the Shar Pei breed does not have a strictly designated type of character due to the uncontrolled breeding. Pedigree animals with an excellent pedigree are very predictable in behavior, get along well with all family members, and can demonstrate loyalty.

But at the same time they do not lose their independence and love for freedom. It is difficult to obey training, shows its attitude towards the owner with restraint.

It treats strangers with caution, but does not show aggression. At the same time, he perfectly feels his territory and protects it. The specifics of the Shar Pei dog can be clearly seen from her photo.

Socialized animals are calm in dealing with the child, but they do not tolerate rudeness and cruelty. Weak vision of the peripheral type causes a fearful reaction to sudden movements.

Shar-Peis do not get along well with other animals, so it is advisable to keep them alone. In conflict with other dogs, they are not inclined to retreat, protecting their territory and food.

Sharpei can also show aggression towards other animals, showing their hunting instinct. Therefore, in the same territory with cats, they will also have conflicts.

This is a naturally leader breed. The dog will always be ready to claim the role of leader of the pack. Therefore, in the process of education, the owner must initially show his supremacy. In the process of walking, it is advisable to use a leash, because in pursuit of other animals, a sharpei can simply run away.

This breed is well adapted to life in the yard and in the apartment. Excellent resistance to stress while walking. At home, they are active in moderation. They do not like water, mud and puddles on the street. The noise from them is negligible, and they are accustomed to the toilet very quickly.

How to care for Shar Pei

In care, these dogs are unpretentious, but they require regular combing. The disadvantage is the susceptibility to molting, especially during seasonal periods. For short-haired species, this problem is less pronounced.

But remember that Shar-Pei hair is a serious allergen.

Particular attention should be paid to the care of wrinkles, especially on the face. After all, it is here that the remains of food and water accumulate. The accumulation of fat and dirt can lead to serious inflammation.

Often there are questions about how to feed Shar Pei. The body of an animal needs protein of animal origin. Therefore, you should choose food rich in these elements.

Three main feeding schemes can be used:

A natural diet consisting of 3/4 protein and 1/4 raw vegetables that have been grated. You can add meat, poultry, dairy-type products to food. At the same time, the animal tears food, which means that it is required to give meat in pieces. You don't need to douse them with hot water.

Feeding complete dry food. It must be premium or super premium. At the same time, the dosage must be observed, often the brand of food should not be changed, it is important to carry out regular deworming. The risk of developing an allergy in an animal should also be taken into account.

Mixed nutrition with natural food and dry food. Here it is important to observe the regime - you need to feed twice. The first time dry food is used, and the second time - meat or a variety of offal. Useful mineral supplements.

But you can not mix food with meat. It is acceptable to soak the food in warm water or mix it with fermented milk products.

Animal health and possible problems

The life expectancy of Shar Pei dogs ranges from 8 to 14 years. This breed is characterized by susceptibility to a variety of diseases and poor health.

The most difficult is such a curable hereditary disease as fever. Due to the presence of a large number of folds on the muzzle, peripheral vision is weakened.

Numerous eye diseases are also of concern. And accumulations of fat and food debris are fraught with the occurrence of inflammatory and allergic processes.

Dirt can also accumulate in the ears, the structure of which does not allow proper cleaning of the canal. This can lead to ear inflammation.

A Shar Pei dog can be a great friend, guardian and just a pet. This is a freedom-loving animal that can not get along very well with other four-legged inhabitants of the house.

Shar-Pei calmly treats children, but is always ready to take a dominant position in relations with the owner.

Shar Pei photo

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