The smartest dog breeds. smartest dogs Top 10 smartest dogs

For each owner, their dog is the most intelligent, wonderful and beautiful - and rightly so. But for those who are just deciding to get a dog and do not yet know which breed to choose, Canadian scientists have conducted research and compiled the TOP 10 smartest breeds.

The University of British Columbia is one of the top 40 universities in the world, famous for its scientific research. Scientists of this educational institution conducted a series of studies and published 10 breeds with the most pronounced learning abilities.

Tests were held on 147 different breeds accepted by the International Canine Federation (FCI) and the Canadian Kennel Club (KKC).

This list cannot be called the only true one, since the ability to learn is not always an indicator of “mind”, in the sense in which people are used to representing. Moreover, not all breeds listed in the FCI studbooks were tested, there are also bred lines not recognized by the International Cynological Federation.

There are a number of domestic breed lines that are absolutely not inferior in intelligence to the notorious German Shepherd - but not recognized by the FCI. I would like to add to everything else - Canada is far away, many breeds are simply not there, which are in Russia.

Absolutely not deservedly not included in the list of the smartest breeds:

All of the above breeds lend themselves perfectly to training, but for some reason (known only to the Canadian scientists who conducted the tests) did not make it to the list of the most intelligent dogs.

10th place -

Number 10 on the list is the Australian Cattle Dog.. Heeler is a small energetic dog that requires a lot of attention and love from the owner. It lends itself well to training, but requires daily physical exertion, like any shepherd. Moderately friendly when growing up with children - shows remarkable patience with their antics.

Special hair care is not required, it is enough to comb out dead hairs with a furminator once a month. There is also no need for frequent washing. The coat is not thick enough to keep the healer in an aviary in winter.

Despite its compact size (the largest individuals are 50 cm, weight is only 15 - 20 kg), the Australian Cattle Dog has tremendous stamina and strength. Can be used as a shepherd for farmers, affectionate and gentle companion for families with children. With the appropriate training, it can become a hunter or a guard. The price of healer puppies varies from 25 to 55 thousand rubles, depending on the breeding class.

9th place -

9th place deservedly given to the Rottweiler. Strength, beauty, intelligence and power in one dog. A fearless protector of the owner and an affectionate, gentle pet. Due to their training abilities, Rottweilers often become winners of sports competitions with dogs such as IPO, weight pulling, big ring, mondioring and even obedience. It can be tolerant of children if you teach a pet to a child from puppyhood. Requires physical and mental activity, especially the first year and a half of life, then they become calmer.

Short hair is not too annoying to care for, you need to comb it out about once every 2 weeks, during the molting period once every 2-3 days. Frequent washing can dry out the skin, bathing is considered nominal no more than 1 time in 2 months. Coated with a moderate undercoat, the Rottweiler cannot be called a "frost" breed, but prolonged exposure to the street in frost is not recommended.

The Rottweiler is strongly attached to the family, it is hard to endure separation. Ready to sit unobtrusively in the corner, wait until the owner pays attention to him, but at the same time, does not lose sight of his beloved owner. The change of owner for an adult representative of the breed is a real tragedy. Often, after a family change, against the background of stress, they begin to get sick or refuse food. You can buy a Rottweiler puppy for 15 - 35 thousand rubles.

8th place -

On the 8th place is a Doberman. A smart energetic companion for active people, if necessary, turns into a fearless bodyguard. There is no pronounced instinct for the protection of the territory, but thanks to the mind and ingenuity, he is able to learn this. With constant contact with children, from puppyhood, she will become an excellent and reliable nanny.

Suitable for almost all types of services and sports training. Developed hearing and sense of smell, together with intelligence and a desire to learn, makes the Doberman an unsurpassed companion of sports and military cynologists. Constantly needs mental and physical activity, not suitable for lazy and melancholy people.

Almost no undercoat, not suitable for life in an aviary. In the cold season, it is recommended to use special clothes for walks. Does not need frequent washing and combing. It is recommended to wash the Doberman 1 time in 2-3 months, comb out 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Prices for Doberman puppies from 10 to 40 thousand rubles.

7th place -

A small dog that rightfully deserved the 7th place in the ranking."Papillon" in French means "butterfly", the name of the breed was due to its ears. Visually, they are really very similar to the wings of a butterfly. A miniature, exclusively apartment dog, back in the Middle Ages it was a favorite of the upper strata of society for its elegance and quick wit.

Great for families with children, has a friendly disposition. Aggression and hostility is a vice of the breed. He enjoys learning various tricks, remembers commands for a long time without lengthy training.

Wool requires attention, the hairline is not very thick, but long. For this reason, the Papillon needs to be brushed frequently to keep the coat from matting. After walks, especially in spring and autumn, constant washing of the paws and abdomen is required, since the size of the dog (no more than 28 cm and a maximum weight of 5 kg.) does not allow you to stay clean. You can buy a Papillon puppy for 30-50 thousand rubles.

6th place -

A miniature copy of the collie, an incredibly intelligent breed, deservedly received 6th place in the list of the most intelligent dogs. Shelties, contrary to popular belief, are very distant relatives of collies. Very good-natured and attached to the owner of the dog, it is hard to endure separation. They love to bark, but due to the desire to please the owner, this is easy to correct. Gentle with children, the Sheltie is an ideal nanny dog.

Very active, perfect for sports competitions such as agility. Knows how to adapt to the mood of the owner, if necessary, can become unobtrusive and calm. But you should not abuse this quality, Shelties need a burst of activity.

Hair care needs to be very thorough.. Dense thick undercoat must be combed every 2 - 3 days, during the molting period - every day. Sheltie washing is a complex procedure. In winter, it is not recommended to wash the representatives of the breed, since the dense undercoat dries for a very long time and a pet with wet hair runs the risk of getting sick in frost. You can’t use a hairdryer - hot air can dry out the hairline, and the outer coat will become lifeless and brittle. The price of a sheltie is 20 - 35 thousand rubles.

5th place -

On the 5th place - good-natured, energetic, affectionate Labradors. They love outdoor activities very much - fetching a ball, swimming, walking in the forest. One of the kindest breeds, it will never harm children, you can safely leave a child for such a nanny. In the absence of sufficient stress, physical and mental can exhibit destructive behavior.

To understand who a Labrador really is, you need to remember one case that has already passed into the category of anecdotes: in one of the training schools, during endurance testing, sausages were placed in front of the dogs, which were forbidden to be eaten without a command. The winner was a Labrador who ran all over the row and ate all the sausages. Then he returned to his place and patiently waited for the command to eat his own.

Labradors have a special paw structure that makes them excellent swimmers.. A very sensitive sense of smell, thanks to which they are used in the search for drugs or people. A very strong nervous system and remarkable mental abilities that allow you to work as guides for blind and visually impaired people. Good-natured disposition, thanks to which, these dogs have become leaders in canistherapy.

Hair care is minimal - you need to comb out only a couple of times a week. During molting - every other day. Washing a Labrador more than once every 2 months is unacceptable. You can buy a puppy for 5 - 35 thousand rubles, depending on the titles of the parents.

4th place -

A close relative of the Labrador and 4th place in the TOP of the smartest breeds is the Golden Retriever. The character is almost identical to the Labrador Retriever. The same wonderful and kind nanny for a child, the same affectionate and loving companion. Perhaps the only drawback of golden is its absolute unsuitability for security service. Aggression and viciousness is a vice of the entire line of retrievers; such dogs are forbidden to be used for breeding.

The Golden Retriever is suitable for hunting (fetching a bird from the water), canistherapy, searching for drugs (or people during disasters). Can work as a guide for people with disabilities. He copes well with sports training - obedience, agility and the like.

It is necessary to comb out the golden 3-4 times a week with a comb with frequent teeth, during the period of seasonal molting - preferably every day. It is enough to wash 2 times per season (3 months). The average price of a golden retriever is 35 - 45 thousand rubles.

3rd place -

Deserved 3rd place in the German Shepherd. One of the most unique and versatile breeds is a strong, courageous, hardy, intelligent dog. Representatives of the breed are widely used in almost all areas of "dog professions". It learns very quickly, remembers commands for a long time without frequent repetitions. Very attached to the family, attentive and condescending to children. Ideal for active people, in the absence of activities, she invents them for herself - which can be destructive.

He is not afraid of either heat or cold, he can easily live in an apartment, house, aviary. Under any conditions of detention, several nuances are important - good socialization and daily walking. Without a surge of activity and attention from the owner, he suffers greatly.

Careful hair care is not required - 3 times a week it is enough to walk with a slicker brush, during molting you need to comb out every other day. Often it is not necessary to wash German Shepherds, especially those that live in an aviary - 1 - 2 times a year is enough (during the warm season), for apartment dogs it is considered the norm 1 - 2 times per season. Prices float from 5 to 40 thousand rubles (puppies of working breeding are more expensive).

2nd place -

No wonder poodles are often used in circus numbers, 2nd place rightfully goes to this particular breed. Smart, affectionate, devoted to the owner and family creatures, love children, adore active games. They learn with pleasure, they want to be liked by the owners - from this the training of the poodle turns into a joyful event for both the owner and the dog.

A small toy poodle can be a great companion for a family with children. And large representatives of the line can also become excellent guards, with proper education. They are actively used for staging circus performances, in sports such as freestyle, agility, obedience.

Poodle coat needs a professional groomer's hand. This dog has no undercoat, and the outer coat grows identical to a human hair. The poodle does not shed, it does not need to be combed out, but it is necessary to cut it from time to time. Due to its unique coat, it belongs to hypoallergenic breeds. You can buy a poodle for 7 - 35 thousand rubles, depending on the breeding class.

Reading time: 3 min.

Most dogs understand between 165 and 250 words, signals, and gestures, can count up to five, and can solve simple math problems. The most intelligent representatives of the species are well oriented in the area, operate simple mechanisms, experience joy, anger and disgust. Stanley Koren, a professor at the Canadian University of British Columbia in Vancouver, created and published a rating of the most intelligent dog breeds in the book "Intelligence of Dogs". The rating was based on the ability of four-legged human friends to learn and execute commands. Stanley Koren included in the top ten dogs that understand a new command in less than five repetitions and complete it on the first try 95% of the time. And although many cynologists consider this approach subjective, the scientific research of the professor and numerous studies in the USA and Canada have proved its validity. So, Big Rating magazine presents smartest dog breeds in the Top 10 ranking.

Country of origin: USA

Lifespan: 12 - 15 years old

Growth: 51-58 cm (male); 46-53 cm (female)

The weight: 15-32 kg

Fits good: for experienced owners

An exceptionally quick-witted dog that responds quickly to commands. The Australian Shepherd is slightly tiring due to its excessive activity, it needs constant occupation at least something: work, play, walk. Dogs of this breed are immensely devoted to the owner and suffer greatly from lack of attention. The Australian Shepherd gets along well with children and pets, but only on the condition that he grew up next to them. These dogs are: smart, loyal, hardworking, distinguished by courage and responsibly carry out all assignments. The Australian Shepherd is a first-class guard for the family, home and territory. She is wary of even unfamiliar people, intolerant of strangers and sometimes aggressive towards other dogs. This is a dog: a companion, a rescuer, a family friend, a shepherd and a wonderful assistant to law enforcement agencies. Because the Australian Shepherd is prone to a high level of dominance, this breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders, sedentary or lethargic people.

Country of origin: Germany

Lifespan: 9 – 11 years old

Growth: 61-69 cm (male); 56-63 cm (female)

The weight: 43-59 kg. (male); 38-52 kg. (bitch)

Fits good: for experienced owners

Dogs of this breed: strong, courageous, intelligent, stern, independent and aloof, distrustful of strangers, aggressive towards other dogs. At the same time, Rottweilers are controllable and balanced. This is an extremely hardy, energetic and efficient dog. Being immensely loyal, the Rottweiler is always ready to courageously protect the owner. They tend to choose only one particular person for close relationships. The Rottweiler will not suit a timid or inexperienced owner as it requires proper training and proper handling. A persistent trainer with positive teaching methods will be able to get a great success out of a Rottweiler. This dog needs firm discipline, constant training, regular mental and physical activity. The Rottweiler gets along well with children, provided that he is not bothered. But an overdeveloped guarding instinct requires vigilance when communicating with strangers.


Country of origin: France

Lifespan: 12 - 16 years old

Growth: 20 - 28 cm

The weight: 3 - 5 kg

Fits good: for inexperienced owners

Loyal dog with a cheerful temperament. It owes its name to its beautiful, butterfly-like ears. The deceptive appearance of the papillon makes it look like a classic tame dog, only representatives of this breed will not sit on the owner's lap, watching the world around them. Papillon is too energetic for that. At the first opportunity, this dog will rush after a butterfly, a moth, a mouse, or any other living creature of a suitable size for it. Very early socialization is important for Papillon puppies, as babies tend to bite at the first imaginary danger. With proper upbringing, the Papillon develops a balanced trusting character, but it is difficult to completely eradicate the curiosity of these dogs. Papillons not only get along well with other pets, but also enjoy playing with them. Dogs of this breed are intellectuals. It's pretty easy to train them.

Country of origin: Canada

Lifespan: 10 – 13 years old

Growth: 56 - 61 cm (male); 53-58 cm (female)

The weight: 27 - 36 kg (male); 25 -32 kg (female)

Fits good: for inexperienced owners

Reliable patient dog, loving physical activity and human attention. Labradors are always ready to walk and play. They can play with children, animals, enthusiastically take part in any family event. It is easy to train this dog, because it is patient and obedient already by nature. Labradors left unattended for a long time can, out of boredom and resentment, make their own adjustments to the design of the room. The happiness of these dogs lies in continuous movement and play. Therefore, a country house will become an ideal home for a Labrador, and a dog placed in an apartment will need additional walks in the park. This breed can be a real challenge for owners who are not ready to deal with a large and overly active dog. It is precisely because of this hyperactivity that dogs of this breed are rarely classified as intelligent breeds, because the process of their formation as a person lasts the first three years of their life. It is possible to train a Labrador to think about his actions, but to cure excessive friendliness will not work.

Country of origin: Scotland

Lifespan: 12 - 15 years old

Growth: 6 - 12 kg

The weight: 14 - 20 kg (male); 12 - 19 kg (female)

Fits good: for inexperienced owners

The Scottish Shepherd is a great companion and a wonderful family friend. Sheltie: active, loyal, gentle, intelligent, kind, great with children. Properly socialized at an early age, this dog will always warn the owner of the presence of a stranger and will not let him into the house. A stranger will not scratch this dog behind the ear. Although the Sheltie has a reputation for being a noisy dog, it can always be trained to sing 2-3 times. Dogs of this breed are contraindicated for people with a lack of free time for a pet. A bored Sheltie is prone to destructive behavior. Dogs of this breed tend to idolize the owner and please him in every possible way. This is a completely "family" breed, she needs communication, love and constant hugs. It is vital for these dogs to feel part of a close-knit family. Shelties dislike unstable environments, loud noises, and tense atmospheres.

Country of origin: Germany

Lifespan: 12 - 15 years old

Growth: 66 - 71 cm (male); 61 - 66 cm (female)

The weight: 30 - 40 kg

Fits good: for experienced owners

The Doberman is very energetic and always alert. These fearless, obedient and loyal dogs are excellent watchdogs. They treat family members with love and affection. The dog's reputation for being very angry has developed as a result of its frequent guard use. After all, the Doberman is extremely strong and has impressive dimensions. They only attack, exclusively protecting a person or property. The likelihood of an attack from a Rottweiler is an order of magnitude lower compared to a Pit Bull, German Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute or Rottweiler. A properly trained Doberman Pinscher can become a wonderful family pet, a loving and devoted protector. These dogs are quick learners and love to please their owners. Dobermans have different temperaments: it is easier for some to focus on the whole family, for others on one particular person. Males of this breed tend to dominate. Bitches are less stubborn. But proper training can smooth out all these nuances.

Country of origin: England

Lifespan: 10 – 12 years old

Growth: 56 - 60 cm (male); 50 - 56 cm (female)

The weight: 27 - 36 kg (male); 25 - 32 (female)

Fits good: for inexperienced owners

Sociable and loyal dog, able to become a wonderful pet and friend for the whole family. Patient and gentle with children, gets along well with any other pets. The Golden Retriever is absolutely averse to aggression, loves people and does not tolerate separation from the owners. Of the dogs of this breed, you can’t make a watchman or a guard, of course they are able to bark at a stranger, but then they will definitely try to make friends with him. An energetic dog will be happy to bring a stick or any other object, and even more so thrown into the water. After all, these dogs were originally bred to retrieve game from the water. Golden Retriever: imposing, calm, collected, sensitive and tolerant. The high level of intelligence of the Golden Retriever guarantees a quick and productive training of any representative of this breed. Such a dog can perfectly cope with the role of a guide, therapist or assistant for people with disabilities.

Country of origin: Germany

Lifespan: 12 - 14 years old

Growth: 60 - 65 cm

The weight: 55 - 60 kg

Fits good: for experienced owners

Strong, determined and self-confident dog. The German Shepherd is a fearless protector and devoted friend. Once recognizing its owner, this dog will not only please him in everything, but will also be able to fight for him to the death, and she will not take strength and determination for this. Alert to strangers, German Shepherds are always on guard, making them ideal guards and bodyguards. That is why representatives of this breed are often perceived as a service dog. But a properly trained German Shepherd can make a wonderful pet for a family with small children. After all, they are able to love and protect at the same time. Sheepdogs get along well with children and other animals. They have a stable temperament and a wonderful character. Having properly trained a shepherd dog, you can be sure that she will behave properly in the current situation. That is why German Shepherds are so in demand: policemen, rescuers, blind and deaf people.

Country of origin: Germany, France

Lifespan: 12 – 18 years old

Growth: 28 - 60 cm

The weight: 7 - 23 kg

Fits good: for inexperienced owners

An extremely intelligent dog capable of not only performing circus tricks, but also working as a lifeguard or observer. The poodle is an excellent swimmer and can save a drowning person. There are large and small poodles and even hunting poodles. The largest representatives of this breed are excellent bodyguards. The Poodle is a smart and loyal dog, very playful and easy to train. Due to their high intelligence, these dogs require constant mental and mental stress. And if you neglect the training of a poodle in good manners, then you can expect unpleasant surprises, since this dog will be self-taught. The Royal Poodle is an excellent watchdog, has a calm temperament, adapts well to any circumstances, gets along well with children and other dogs. Toy poodles are smart, quick-witted, playful, easy to learn tricks and eager to please the owner, but are not very fond of other dogs. Toy Poodles: Smart, funny, easy to train, but extremely sensitive dogs. They love to be the center of attention and can be quite jealous.

In 1994, Stanley Coren (b. 1942), professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada), published The Intelligence of Dogs. This book has become a bestseller, it has already gone through 16 editions and has been translated into 26 languages ​​(there is no translation into Russian yet).
In his book, the author considers three aspects of the intelligence of dogs: instinctive intelligence, intelligence of obedience and adaptive intelligence. Instinctive intelligence allows the dog to perform functions that are already set genetically, for example, shepherding or guarding. Adaptive intelligence manifests itself when performing tasks with the help of its own forces. Obedience intelligence is the dog's ability to learn to follow human commands. It was the intelligence of obedience that formed the basis of the rating of the most intelligent dog breeds, which Stanley Coren presented in his book. Koren obtained data on the ability of dogs to perform various commands by interviewing dog training judges in the United States and Canada. The author himself admits the limitations of his approach to determining the intellectuality of a particular breed, since sledding or hunting breeds of dogs must have a significant degree of independence in order to successfully solve the tasks they face, for this reason they are less inclined to follow commands than domestic dogs. Therefore, despite the fact that sled or hunting dog breeds rank much lower than domestic breeds, this does not always mean that domestic breeds are unambiguously smarter. In addition, the author notes in his study that relatively recently bred dog breeds are more trainable than ancient breeds of dogs, the genotype of which is closer to that of a wild wolf;
Stanley Coren divided the dogs in the ranking into groups based on their ability to master and execute commands. AT group with the lowest learning ability(it takes from 80 to 100 repetitions to master a new command, the percentage of command execution from the first time is 25% of cases and more) the following breeds of dogs were included: Afghan Hound, Basenji, English Bulldog, Chow Chow, Russian Borzoi, Bloodhound, Pekingese , beagle, mastiff, basset hound, shih tzu. The dogs of this group took places from 80th to 70th in the ranking.

The next group is dogs with below average training ability x (learning a new command - from 40 to 80 repetitions, execution of the command the first time - in 30% of cases and more). The group included Bullmastiff, Lhasa Apso, Chihuahua, Bull Terrier, St. Bernard, Scotch Terrier, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Bobtail, Lakeland Terrier, Japanese Chin, Tibetan Terrier, Vendée Basset Griffon, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Chinese Crested Dog, Italian Greyhound , Maltese, Brussels Griffon, French Bulldog, Pug, Sealyham Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Skye Terrier. The dogs of this group took places from 69th to 55th in the ranking.

Places from 54th to 40th were taken by breeds with average trainability(learning a new command - from 25 to 40 repetitions, execution of the command the first time - in 50% of cases and more), these are Akita Inu, Boston Terrier, Irish Terrier, Welsh Terrier, Ibizan dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Wirehaired Fox Terrier, Sharpei , Whippet, Alaskan Malamute, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Dachshund, Great Dane, Boxer, Scottish Deerhound, West Highland White Terrier, Cortals Griffon, Greyhound, Otterhound, American Foxhound, English Foxhound, Tibetan Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, Bichon Frize, Siberian Husky, American Water Spaniel, Black and Tan Coonhound, Drathaar, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Pointer, Finnish Spitz, Saluki, Australian Shepherd, Kuvasz, Irish Wolfhound, Curly Coated Retriever, Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Fox Terrier, Bedlington Terrier.

Places from 39th to 27th place were taken by above average breeds(learning a new command - from 15 to 25 repetitions, execution of the command the first time - in 70% of cases and above), these are Dalmatian, Norwich Terrier, Clumber Spaniel, Pharaoh Hound, English Setter, Miniature Pinscher, Australian Silky Terrier, Affenpinscher, Norwegian Elkhound, Irish Setter, Kerry Blue Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Bearded Collie, Gordon Setter, American Staffordshire Terrier, Australian Terrier, Newfoundland, Field Spaniel, Samoyed Dog, Manchester Terrier, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Briard, Border Terrier , Flemish Bouvier, Airedale Terrier, Giant Schnauzer, Yorkshire Terrier, Puli, Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

Places from 26th to 11th were taken by dog breeds with excellent training abilities e (learning a new command - from 5 to 15 repetitions, executing the command the first time - in 85% of cases and above):

26th place - welsh corgi (cardigan):

25th place - Hungarian Vizsla:

24th place - Irish Water Spaniel:

22nd place was shared by the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Belgian Shepherd (Malinois).

21st place - Weimaraner:

20th place - American Cocker Spaniel:

19th place - Breton spaniel:

18th place was shared by the standard schnauzer, English Cocker Spaniel, Flat-Coated Retriever.

17th place - kurtshaar:

16th place was shared by Rough Collie, Rough Collie, German Spitz (Keeshond).

15th place - Schipperke:

14th place - Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren):

13th place - English Springer Spaniel:

12th place - miniature schnauzer:

11th place - Welsh Corgi (Pembroke):

Places from 10th to 1st were taken dogs with excellent training abilities(the ability to understand a new command in less than 5 repetitions, the execution of the command the first time - in 95% of cases and above):

10th place - Australian Cattle Dog:

9th place - Rottweiler:

8th place - Papillon:

7th place - Labrador Retriever:

6th place - Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie):

5th place - Doberman:

4th place - golden retriever:

3rd place - :

2nd place - poodle:

1st place - border collie.

The fact that the border collie is the smartest dog breed is confirmed by the legendary dog ​​of the border collie breed named Rico. He became the first dog to memorize more than two hundred simple human words. He not only distinguished these words by ear, but also understood their meaning. Its phenomenon was studied by scientists at the Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. It turned out that in addition to intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions, Rico had an excellent memory. He remembered all the words and commands four weeks after the scientists stopped the daily tests for a while.

Research scientists were extremely curious. For example, they placed Rico and his owners in one room, and the dog's favorite toys in another. The man called the name of the toy with a request to bring it. The dog coped with his task in 38 cases out of 40. Then a new object unknown to Rico was placed in the room with toys. When the owner asked to bring it, the dog in an unimaginable way guessed that the unfamiliar word meant a new thing and joyfully brought it. According to scientists, Riko had about the same abilities as young children who rapidly learn the language in the first years of life.

Hello, dear readers of our site "I and the World"! Remember in the movie "The Diamond Hand", one of the heroines believes that not a dog, but a house manager is a man's friend. Let's leave it to our opinion, and we'll talk about the smartest dog breeds. We will consider the top 10 friends of a person right now in the photo with the names, we will talk about the kindest and most devoted, about small decorative dogs, about beautiful and large, about friendly and watchdog helpers of a person.

Do not forget that proper feeding of the dog is the key to the health of your pet. If you feed your dog dry food, choose a food with a lot of meat in the composition.

Maybe someone will be surprised, but it turns out that dogs are able to recognize up to 250 words, count up to five and add and subtract numbers. Our ranking will show in the comparison of dogs of smart breeds. This gradation was made in 1994 by Canadian professor Stanley Coren.

Opens the Australian Shepherd list

This breed was bred by the Americans in the 20th century to work with livestock. They actively help the owner to graze sheep, goats, cows and even poultry. The Australians love to play actively, they are constantly moving. If they are kept in a city apartment, then at least three times a day you need to walk with them.

They learn very easily, know a lot of commands and are able to make their own decisions. On a walk, in their company, you can ride a bike or rollerblade, swim, go on long hikes. They love to play with children and please the owner. And they just like being around people.

9th place - Rottweiler

A very ancient breed, bred in Babylon as early as the 6th century BC. At that time, Rottweilers helped hunt lions and guard people's homes. A large, even powerful dog, calm, able to bravely protect the owner, but with strangers it is rather unfriendly.

The muscular body is very hardy and in general, it is a very athletic dog, with which in urban conditions it is necessary to constantly train.

Friendly and get along well with kids, but if there is constant noise and quarrels in the family, it becomes aggressive.

8th place goes to Papillon

Decorative, small and medium-sized dogs, which are bought specifically for an apartment in the city. They have royal ancestors in their family. There is a cartoon about musketeer dogs, probably many people remember it. So the little white dog, the favorite of the queen and the beloved of D'Artagnan the dog, is the progenitor of the Papillons. Take a look at their ears - "Papillon" in French means "butterfly" - does it really look like it?

These dwarf dogs have exceptional intelligence, so they should not be considered a living toy. They constantly frolic, study the world around them, catch fish in the pond, and butterflies and dragonflies in the park.

And the best part is that they know how to guess the mood of the owner. If you want to calmly read a newspaper, a playful dog will immediately sit next to you and will calmly wait for you to be free.

7th place - Labrador Retriever

The homeland of the Labrador is Newfoundland, and they were brought to the UK by sailors who were helped by dogs to pull the nets out of the water. They love to work and frolic in the water. A strong healthy fellow constantly charges everyone with cheerfulness and optimism. Loyal and kind, therefore they create an atmosphere of peace and happiness around them. Young families are trying to get these peaceful Labradors. They do not tolerate loneliness, and if they are left alone for a long time, they run away to look for the owner.

Able to be friends with everyone: cats, mice, children, even the postman and the janitor. They are ready to let everyone into the house - for the sake of friendship. Here are some loving ones! They are easy to train, but because of their playfulness they are often distracted.

6th place given to Scottish Sheepdog (Sheltie)

The Sheltie is a miniature collie. If you love Collie dogs, but can't get them because of their large size, buy a Scottish Shepherd. These are beautiful and small pets. But if you think that it will only decorate the apartment, then you are mistaken. Shelties are quite unfriendly and do not like flirting.

But they are easy to train. He reacts quickly to everything and acts intelligently in any situation. Waiting for an order, he carefully looks only into the eyes of the owner. She grasps everything on the fly, it is enough to show what is right and what is not. In no case should they be beaten, otherwise they will become vicious or vice versa cowardly.

The middle of the ranking is the Doberman Pinscher

This is a breed of service dog, bred in Germany. Dobermans are quite smart and outstanding personalities - there is pride and nobility in them.

They constantly need to be trained, otherwise they will grow up uncontrollable, doing whatever they want. But with constant attention from the owner, they are ready to give him all their love and tenderness.

In kennels, Dobermans are brought up to protect production facilities, and then they are just guard dogs. But if you get them at home, never leave them alone for a long time.

4th place - Golden Retriever

Calm and sensitive, easily learn everything new. Able to work continuously. In any difficult situation, they are able to help out not only the owner, but also his children, strangers and even other dogs. The Retriever is often trained as a guide for the blind. The reviews of such people are only positive: they will not leave, they will not be distracted, they will not suddenly rush after the cat.

Very useful for families with children with mental problems: with their calm nature, pets have a good effect on the condition of such children. For a house outside the city - this is the best breed.

3rd place - German Shepherd

Many believe that German Shepherds are descended from wild wolves. Is this so, nature is silent about this. Directors love to shoot them in films, because they perfectly understand what is required of them.

They can be used both in protection and for living in families. And in working with the police, they are simply irreplaceable. Border guards try to use German Shepherds to guard the borders. They can work with shepherds, guarding the flocks. They are good with children and excellent guides for the blind. These are all German Shepherds.

2nd place belongs to Poodle

If you think that Poodles are lap dogs or only capable of jumping in the circus, showing funny tricks, we will disappoint you. Poodles are very smart. They swim beautifully and are able to save a person. Although these curly-haired pets may seem calm cuties, large breeds can be loyal protectors.

Poodles of small breeds get along well in families with children, although it takes time to get used to if they are taken as adults. And thanks to a sharp mind, they are able to quickly and easily learn. He understands commands perfectly, but if he is mistreated, he can hold a grudge for a long time.

1st place is rightfully given to the Border Collie dog breed

This breed is considered the smartest in the world. These cute dogs were bred in southern Scotland. They turned out to be surprisingly hardy, swift when running and very smart. Unpretentious, loyal, able to move a lot. Indispensable for shepherds, ready to work all day without getting tired.

Affectionate and playful, but not distracted if required for business. They become very attached to their owners and serve them faithfully. It's funny when, having done something in the house, they hide "traces of the crime." With strangers, he shows politeness and detachment until he feels that there is no danger. But as soon as the guest begins to raise his voice, she is able to drive the stranger out the door. Such pets should be kept not in the city, but in private ones, because. they need constant movement and expanse.

We have presented a dozen smart dog breeds with photos and their personalities. If you want to get a dog in your home and have not yet decided on the breed, review this article again and we are sure that you will make the right choice.

Considered to be man's best friend, dogs are renowned for their loyalty, willingness to please and, of course, quick wit.
Owners value their pets and consider them family members, treat them
treats for dogs. They know that dogs are very smart, because they can be taught a whole range of tricks! However, the level of intelligence varies greatly from breed to breed. As you might imagine, measuring a dog's intelligence is not easy, however, there is an internationally recognized study that was done specifically for this. A book called The Intelligence of Dogs, published by Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, classifies dog breeds according to their level of intelligence. This classification is currently accepted as the official description of the differences between dog breeds in terms of their ability to learn. So, is your dog the smartest in the world? There is only one way to check this.
We present to your attention the 25 smartest dog breeds:
25. Hungarian Vizsla

The Hungarian Vizsla is a medium-sized dog bred for hunting birds and game. They are known for their excellent sense of smell and, as you can imagine, are easy to train.
24. Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is a medium sized strong dog bred in Ireland where it was used for hunting game and fowl. It is an energetic companion and is sometimes referred to as the clown of the spaniel family.
23. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is a small sized dog of the Spitz type. Their weight reaches 3.5 kilograms, and the height at the withers is from 13 to 28 centimeters. The Pomeranian is an intelligent dog, especially popular with the British royal family.
22. Malinois / Bernese mountain dog

The Malinois is a medium sized dog used for explosive and narcotic detection, search and rescue missions and so on, while the Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed bred in the Swiss Alps where it was used to help local shepherds.
21. Weimaraner

The Weimaraner is a short-haired dog breed bred in Germany for hunting big game. These are very cheerful and energetic dogs, notable for their unusual light gray or blue eyes. They are athletic dogs that are easy to train. They show excellent results in a number of disciplines of dog sports.
20. Cocker Spaniel

Originally bred as a hunting dog in the UK, the Cocker Spaniel is a small, long-haired dog from the spaniel family. There are currently two subspecies of this breed, the American Cocker Spaniel and the English Cocker Spaniel.
19. Breton Spaniel (Brittany)

The Breton Spaniel, named after the French northwestern province of Brittany where the breed was bred, is a hunting dog used for hunting birds. With proper socialization and training, these dogs make excellent companions, pets and field game dogs.
18. Flat-Coated Retriever / Standard Schnauzer (Standard Schnauzer)

The Flat-Coated Retriever and the Standard Schnauzer together took 18th place. The Flat-Coated Retriever is an active dog with many talents and a great desire to please people. The Standard Schnauzer is a strongly built, stocky and highly intelligent dog that is easy to train.
17. Kurzhaar

The Shorthaired Pointer is a medium to large size dog bred in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. These dogs, as a rule, get along well with children, are smart, courageous, perky, eccentric, easy to contact and easy to train.
16. Collie / Keeshond (Keeshond)

In 16th place are collies and keeshonds, a pair of fluffy and charming dogs. The collie was bred in Scotland and northern England. This is a medium-sized dog, active by nature, which was kept as a helper, hound and just a pet. The Keeshond is also a medium sized dog with a plush, two-layer, silver-black coat with a curled up tail.
15. Schipperke / Belgian Shepherd

The Schipperke breed was bred at the beginning of the 16th century in Belgium. This is a small dog that was used to help shepherds. The Belgian Shepherd, distinguished by its black coat, is an active and loyal medium-sized dog that loves children.
14. Tervuren

The Tervuren, also known as the Belgian Cattle Dog, is another long-haired dog bred in Belgium that was used to help shepherds herd their livestock. Tervurens are very energetic, quick-witted dogs that always need something to keep them busy. They also love to compete in agility and obedience contests.
13. English Springer Spaniel

The English Springer Spaniel, bred in England in the 18th century, is a breed of hunting dog from the spaniel family. These dogs were used to fetch shot game. The average lifespan of an English Springer Spaniel is 15 years and these dogs are always eager to please. They are easy to train and ready to obey.
12. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer was bred in Germany as a mix between the Standard Schnauzer and one of the smaller dog breeds. These dogs were used to exterminate rats. Due to their intelligence and excellent disposition, dogs of this breed are among the most popular in the world.
11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been a favorite of the British Royal Family for over 70 years. This is one of the smallest herding breeds. These dogs are easily recognizable by their distinctive large and erect ears. These dogs love their families, are always ready to learn and are very easy to train.
10 Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is another herding dog breed bred in Australia for long-distance herding. These dogs are famous for their endurance, lively mind and ability to train. These dogs are ranked tenth on the list of the smartest dogs in the world.
9. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler, bred in Germany, is a large, hardy and muscular dog that was once harnessed and pulled carts loaded with loads. Nowadays, due to their calm disposition, lively mind and willingness to work, Rottweilers are used as rescue dogs, guide dogs or police dogs.
8. Continental Toy Spaniel

The Continental Toy Spaniel, easily recognizable by its characteristic long and fluffy butterfly-winged ears, is a breed from the Toy Spaniel family. This breed originated in France. The Continental Toy Spaniel is a popular dog breed renowned for its intelligence and cheerful disposition.
7 Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever, most commonly known as the Labrador Retriever, is a large and playful dog breed that originated in Canada, where they have been the most popular dog breed for decades. Labradors are famous for their intelligence and friendly disposition. They are often used as guide dogs as well as therapy dogs.
6. Sheltie

The Sheltie is a medium sized dog bred in Scotland where it was used to help shepherds. Shelties are active and energetic dogs that are always eager to please their owners, easy to train and ready to work hard.
5. Doberman

The Doberman is a medium-sized, short-haired dog. Initially, Dobermans were bred for protection, but now they have a friendly disposition. They are loyal and intelligent dogs that are easy to train.
4 Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is called Retriever because of its ability to retrieve shot birds and game. This large dog breed originated in Scotland. The Golden Retriever ranks as the 4th smartest breed in the world and is capable of performing various roles - guide dog, hunter's assistant, sniffer dog, rescue dog and many others.
3 German Shepherd

Despite being one of the most popular breeds in the world, German Shepherds are actually relatively recent. Initially, this breed was bred to help shepherds. However, it is currently being used for a variety of activities, including rescue operations, police and military work, and even filming.
2. Poodle

This breed was bred in Germany, but was further developed in France. There are several subspecies of poodles from toy to medium sized dogs. Poodles have a thick curly coat of various shades. These dogs are highly intelligent, they are very energetic and social, so they constantly need physical and intellectual exercise.
1. Border Collie

The Border Collie was bred in the area located on the border of England and Scotland. Initially, these dogs were used to help shepherds. These are extremely energetic dogs with exceptional intelligence, which is why they are in the first place in this classification. According to the study, one of the dogs of this breed learned more than a thousand words and performed the corresponding actions by hearing people say these words.

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