Cavalier King Charles Spaniel black and tan. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: all about the breed from A to Z. The best companion for your children

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an English dog breed that is very popular among all segments of the population. This small dog with strong hunting instincts adapts perfectly to urban conditions and is ideal for the role of a companion. In today's article you will find a detailed description of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and recommendations for caring for him.

History reference

The origin of this breed is shrouded in mystery. It is known for certain that the first mention of such animals dates back to the 9th century. They were brought to Britain by Celtic travelers. A few centuries later, breeders managed to get a breed of miniature dogs, distinguished by excellent hunting qualities. Despite the fact that their main purpose was to capture pheasants, ducks, rabbits and other small game, they quickly won the love of the court nobility and became an adornment of luxurious interiors.

The greatest flowering of the breed fell on the reign of Charles II. In the palace of this king, several such dogs lived at once, which were considered full members of the family. Later, Charles II even issued a decree allowing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, reviews of which sound exclusively in a positive way, to freely appear in any place, including the English Parliament. As a result, by the middle of the 18th century, representatives of this breed finally moved to soft sofas and practically ceased to be used as hunters. All this entailed and exterior changes. Dogs not only decreased in size, but also acquired a more rounded skull with a slightly flattened muzzle. They received official recognition only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Appearance description

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog with a memorable exterior. It immediately attracts attention with its harmony and diminutiveness. On a beautiful rounded head with a smoothed occiput and a wide flat forehead, there are large expressive eyes with tight-fitting eyelids and black edging and long drooping ears covered with rich, decorative hair.

Under the square body with strong bones and developed, but not visualized muscles, there are two pairs of strong, straight limbs with small, well-pigmented pads and curved dark claws. On dense brushes with fingers gathered in a ball, there is a decorating hair that forms feathers.

A harmonious, moderately long and slightly sloping neck smoothly merges into well-developed shoulders, prominent withers, a broad, strong back and a slightly arched strong loin, ending at the base of a gradually tapering, finely pubescent tail.

Representatives of this breed have a well-defined sexual dimorphism. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girl is much smaller than the boy. They are much sleeker and more sophisticated. Despite this, the dimensions of the animals are not divided by gender. The most important role in the process of conducting an exhibition examination is played not by the size, but by the harmony of a particular dog. Nevertheless, the standard establishes the framework into which representatives of this breed must fit. So, the average weight of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is from 6 to 8.2 kg with growth varying between 30.5-33 cm.

Wool and color

The compact body of representatives of this breed is covered with soft silky fur, which gives them a special charm. Straight or slightly wavy outer hair should be dense, but at the same time light and elastic enough. In dogs that have reached puberty, a decorative coat appears, forming feathers on the paws, tail, ears and lower body.

In terms of color, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel standard allows for four possible variations, including:

  • White chestnut. This is the most common color. There are red-brown markings on a basic pink and white background. Spots can be localized in the area of ​​​​the ears, cheeks and body.
  • Black with red tan located in the groin, on the paws, ears, chest and eye sockets. In this, there should be no white spots on the body of the animal.
  • Tricolor. There are black and red markings on the main pearl background. On the head of a dog of this color, there must be a white blaze descending to the muzzle and lips.
  • Red (ruby). This color suggests the presence of a uniform saturated shade without black or white hair.

Dogs with a violation of the arrangement of tan marks do not meet the standard and are excluded from breeding.

Character features

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, whose photo can be seen in today's publication, has not only a pretty appearance, but also a wonderful disposition. Due to the natural nobility, it can become not only the pride of its owner, but also a devoted friend. This peaceful and calm dog is almost never sullen or aggressive. She gets along well with children and sincerely attaches herself to all members of the host family. This miniature dog needs constant contact with a person, and being alone for a long time makes him depressed. A yearning animal can whine, bark, and even spoil the owner's property. Therefore, it is not recommended to start it for those who do not have enough free time.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, whose reviews are mostly enthusiastic, cannot stand the hustle and bustle. Therefore, it almost never causes inconvenience. He is not quarrelsome and easily finds a common language with other pets. Despite the calm and docile disposition, he is very playful and active. This little dog loves long walks. With visible pleasure, he will run after any moving objects, whether it be a stick thrown by the owner or a neighbor's cat. On a walk, representatives of this breed behave very intelligently and never initiate fights. It willingly follows the owner and shows friendliness towards strangers.

Education and training

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is naturally intelligent. These cute little animals have excellent memories and are easy to train. They instantly understand what is required of them, and quickly learn new commands. Since these dogs cannot stand rough treatment and strict intonations, in the process of their upbringing, you need to act as patiently and gently as possible. In response to the love and affection shown, the dog will gladly fulfill any of your commands.

Raising a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy is based on the same principles as training any other breed. It should begin from the first days of its appearance in your home. After the puppy adapts a little in a new place, it can be taught to a nickname. After he begins to joyfully run to the call, you can gradually complicate the task by introducing new commands. So that in the future the dog does not cause inconvenience to either you or others, it must definitely pass a basic obedience course. It is important not to allow the baby what will be forbidden to an adult animal. If you do not want your dog to lie on your sofas in the future, then never allow him to climb there.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel adapts perfectly to life in city apartments. He is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention. But there are several important nuances that any caring owner should pay attention to.

To preserve the natural luster and silkiness of the coat, it is recommended to comb it periodically with a special brush. This simple procedure not only helps to eliminate dirt, dust and dead hairs, but also improves blood circulation. To enhance the effect, you can use special sprays sold in every modern pet store.

No less attention is demanded by the long hanging ears of the animal. Due to the tight fit to the head, they are poorly ventilated. In addition, they accumulate a large amount of sulfur and dust. Therefore, they must be systematically wiped with cotton pads. So that this procedure does not cause discontent of the dog, it must be taught from the puppy.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel needs regular brushing. It is advisable to do this no more than twice a week with a soft brush and a special paste. During the procedure, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to injure the gums of the pet.


Representatives of this breed are highly active. In order for them to have the opportunity to splash out the accumulated energy, they need to be walked. It is advisable to take the animal outside at least twice a day. While being outdoors, the dog will be happy to run after the ball and participate in other outdoor games. Such activity will positively affect the well-being and mood of the animal.

Since the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, whose photo is presented in this publication, does not tolerate cold well, it is advisable to wear winter overalls in frosty weather. In autumn, experts recommend purchasing a waterproof suit for your pet. Wearing clothes will keep your little one safe from many health problems, including colds and skin problems. Therefore, the purchase of dog clothes can be called not the whims of the owner, but an important necessity.

Features of the diet

Many years of experience of professional breeders who own Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennels show that preparing a menu for these dogs requires certain knowledge. The fact is that many representatives of this breed have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract and a tendency to allergic reactions. Therefore, it is desirable to feed them with industrial food of super premium or holistic class.

Those who still decide to give their pet natural products should remember that the basis of the dog's diet should be fresh raw meat. It can be beef, lamb or poultry. Several times a week, offal, such as the heart, liver or kidneys, should appear on the animal's menu. In addition, you need to make sure that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, whose reviews are very positive, regularly receives eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt and cereals. Owners who feed their dogs natural food should not neglect the use of special vitamin and mineral supplements.

Since representatives of this breed are prone to gluttony and a quick set of extra pounds, they must be limited in food. To avoid obesity, the dog should receive a strictly adjusted daily allowance of food, calculated taking into account its age, weight and level of physical activity.

Health and longevity

Representatives of this breed are prone to a number of diseases that are hereditary or acquired. One of the most common problems is mitral valve stenosis. The occurrence of this disease may be the result of a genetic predisposition or the result of poor care. The disease is characteristic of both young and elderly animals. It adversely affects blood circulation. Heart murmurs are considered the first sign of the development of stenosis. A sick dog requires individually tailored treatment and can live a full but relatively short life.

An equally common ailment affecting the livestock of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is heart disease. It can be both congenital and acquired. The disease manifests itself in the wrong structure, deformation of the walls or valves of the heart muscle. A set of therapeutic measures is selected individually, taking into account the general condition of the dog.

Among other things, gentlemen have a predisposition to arthritis. This is an inflammation of the joints, provoked by pathogenic microorganisms or an immune response. The disease is accompanied by strong painful sensations and is subject to complete or partial healing.

The next common disease is osteoarthritis. This pathology leads to degenerative changes in the cartilaginous tissues of the joints. It develops in a latent form and manifests itself in the acute stage, accompanied by severe pain.

Some puppies of this breed are born with a congenital anomaly called a soft palate. This ailment causes a lot of suffering to the animal. It is expressed in the wrong structure of the upper palate, provoking spasms. A sick dog often coughs, sneezes and cannot eat normally. This problem is not completely curable. But modern veterinarians have developed a whole range of measures aimed at stopping an acute condition.

In recent years, cases of allergic reactions have become more frequent among the livestock of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. The cause of this disease can be dust, food, fabrics, alloys, or an insect bite. This pathology is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, hair loss, hyperactivity of mucous membranes or skin itching.

As for life expectancy, with proper care, it can reach fifteen years.

Choosing a puppy

To buy a dog, it is advisable to contact a professional breeder who owns a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel kennel. Only in this case you will be completely sure that you are purchasing a purebred animal that meets the breed standards and has a complete set of documents. It is important to understand that a real breeder will never sell a puppy that has not reached the age of three months and has not been vaccinated.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: owner reviews

Most people in whose houses representatives of this breed live claim that they are very devoted and affectionate animals. They are distinguished by high intelligence and good learning ability. Despite their miniature size, these dogs are endowed with excellent hunting instincts and require long daily walks. Keep an eye on your pet when you are outdoors, as he can get carried away sniffing out any smell and get lost.

The only thing that scares off many potential owners who are interested in how much the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel costs is the rather high price. For a purebred puppy of this breed, you will have to pay from 600 to 1800 dollars.

Brief description of the dog

  • Other possible names: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
  • Adult growth: on average 30-33 cm.
  • The weight: from 4 to 8 kg.
  • Characteristic color: more often tricolor, black with bright red spots, ruby, blenheim (reddish-white).
  • Wool length: long, wavy.
  • Lifespan: 10-14 years old.
  • Breed advantages: playful, cheerful, loyal, even-tempered, good with children and pets, smart.
  • Breed Difficulties: are stubborn, they love to play pranks, hair care is required.
  • Average price: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel costs between $500 and $1,500.

The history of the origin of the breed

In the past, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was very popular with all of the English nobility, from royalty to their courtiers. According to breed research, this is a cross between , and a dwarf spitz.

The first mention of these four-legged aristocrats can be seen on canvases of the 16th century. In some paintings there are even images of Queen Elizabeth I in the company of King Charles. According to some reports, a puppy of this breed was found in the folds of a dress after the execution of Mary Stuart.

The breed got its name thanks to the great love for these dogs of two again crowned heads: Charles (Charles) I and his son Charles (Charles) II. For my son, this love was to some extent reminiscent of mania, thanks to which more than a hundred small, cheerful dogs ran around the yard. When Charles's father died, his faithful dogs did not leave his bed until the end. After that, the son decided to name the breed in honor of his father.

With the appearance of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, there is also a legend of its own. She is associated with the battle for Blenheim and the Duchess of Marlborough, who nervously waited for news and tried to control herself, stroking her beloved white and tan dog on the head. After this fight, five puppies were born, and all had a mark on their heads that resembled a fingerprint. Later this white rhombus was called "Blenheim spot".

When William IV became King of England in the 19th century, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were subjected to rigorous selection. The king liked more flat-faced dogs, which he ordered to be selected from all litters. And the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels familiar to us with a normal muzzle turned out to be in danger of extinction.

But by a lucky chance, in the 20s of the twentieth century, an ordinary American, Roswell Eldridge, wanted to acquire the same cute dog, which he had repeatedly seen in pictures with the English nobility, and went to England for her. By that time, almost all dogs were with flat muzzles.

Having learned that occasionally in the litters he still comes across the puppies he needs, he began to select them and started breeding just this kind. And already in 1928 it was created King Charles Club and First Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed standard set.

Both types of dogs were called simply King Charles until 1945, and then breeds were divided into simply Charles Kings and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. And in the same year, the English Kennel Club recognized the breed of such unusual spaniels. And in 1955, she received recognition from the FCI.

Despite the fact that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was bred in the UK, the breed is most widespread outside of its homeland in the United States. And in England, short-nosed Charles Kings remained popular.

The purpose of the breed

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has only one purpose - be a faithful companion to their masters. Basically they are planted as decorative lap dogs, which can serve as living toys for both adults and children. And also it's excellent show dogs.

Description of the character of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

Cute, funny and always cheerful dogs, in addition to their external beauty, have the same lovely character. They absolutely do not know what anger and aggression are, and peacefully treat not only their masters, but also to outsiders. They also get along wonderfully with other animals that they try to involve in their games.

Despite their mobility, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are very calm and can sit on their hands for a long time. They really like the attention paid to them. True, sometimes they provoke this in a rather unusual way, by stealing and hiding some thing, such as slippers.

There are quite a few breeds that are loyal to their owners. But in the case of gentlemen, everything is much more serious.

They are so bored that they can even refuse food, not to mention games.

They also need companions to play with and are happy to play pranks with children or kick a ball. It is also worth noting them intelligence and ability to learn quickly. Therefore, you can easily teach the gentleman various tricks.

Video with an overview of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

The subtleties of the breed, as well as advice on care, feeding, what problems may arise - all this can be found in the video review.

How to choose a puppy

Sometimes babies are still born in litters different type. If you are looking for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, then take a closer look at the muzzle, as these puppies have more elongated shape.

A small and active bully should have soft and shiny coat, as well as cold and wet nose. These are some of the signs of a well-groomed and healthy puppy.

And if you are interested in the question of how much the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel costs, then first decide on the purpose of acquiring it. A companion cavalier in the role of a sofa dog will cost much less than a promising potential show class medalist. The choice of such a puppy is taken much more seriously and even sometimes they use the help of an expert who understands the intricacies of the breed standard.

Dog names

When considering a name for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, keep in mind that it is breed of little aristocrats. Accordingly, it is better to call it in the spirit of English traditions. By the way, the British treat their pets with great respect, and often in relation to us you can hear such prefixes to the name as miss, sir and even lady.

For lovely ladies, names are suitable: Candy, Amalia, Molly, Becky, Dayana, Stephanie, Daisy.

A gentleman can be called: Byron, Sherlock, Drake, Darcy, Alcor, Prince.

Careful care requires the coat of a gentleman. It needs to be combed daily, especially under the paws, where it gets tangled quickly. Two or three times a month, it is required to cut out the overgrown hair between the pads and in the ears, but at the same time it’s good. If necessary, trim the nails. And also regularly monitor the absence, and it is better to use various preventive measures.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel does not require such a procedure as a haircut. But bathe them once a month or a little less often with the use of a special shampoo. This procedure will have to be performed more often if the dog gets smeared during a walk. In case of slushy weather or frost, it is recommended to purchase overalls, and maybe even boots.

Cavaliers are indoor dogs and do not need many hours of walking, although they will be very happy about it. For convenience, such a dog can be trained.

As soon as you bring the puppy home, immediately indicate its place. It is better if it is a small soft sunbed. In general, as a rule, these funny creatures choose a chair for their rest.

Possible health problems

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are healthy dogs. But with improper or irregular care, eye problems may also appear. Indulging in forbidden foods or can lead to digestive problems.

In addition, gentlemen have some genetic diseases such as syringomyelia/Chiari syndrome, spinal disc prolapse, mitral valve disease, knee prolapse, and cancer. They are also susceptible to infectious diseases, from which they are saved on time.

Fortunately, these problems are not very common. But even with a slight malaise or increase, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Puppy and adult dog food

Natural nutrition that suits a gentleman, first of all, should consist only of fresh and high-quality products. Their food is very similar to ours, but only correct and healthy.

This menu includes:

  • lean boiled meat or liver, cut into small pieces;
  • chicken or turkey;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal.

Be sure to give dairy products but not sweet and without additives. Boil the cavalier once or twice a week egg, and also give boiled sea ​​fish no bones.

If you are an adherent of dietary nutrition, then you can feed your pet the same things that you cook for yourself, including soups. And don't forget a bowl of clean water.

For your pet, premium dry or canned food is also suitable. But you need to select it according to the requirements and age of the pet.

Briefly about training

Because Cavalier King Charles Spaniels big naughty and lovers to play, then it must be carried out in the appropriate form. Cavaliers very smart and are able to learn any commands and even tricks. Together with your pet, you can learn the principles of pitch and go, agility or learn to dance with a dog, that is, freestyle, which is considered the highest degree of training.

All training must take place in friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Cavaliers are accustomed to unquestioningly obey a person and try to please him in everything, if only to earn an additional portion of attention and affection. That's why do not skimp on praise and encouragement.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a compact family dog ​​that will appeal to both children and adults. With such a cheerful naughty you will not be in a bad mood. But if nevertheless this happens, then a sensitive gentleman will try to console you, silently sitting next to you.

They do not like to bark at all, but they can be live bells and notify the whole house about the arrival of a guest. They treat all strangers very kindly and playfully, and only a few representatives of the breed show shyness and distrust.

Cavaliers incredibly loyal and very longing for their beloved master. They need to feel affection, care and attention in relation to their aristocratic nature. If they do not receive it in full, then get ready for the fact that things will begin to disappear in the house.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are generally funny dogs and very big fans of fooling around. And very often they involve other pets in their games.

Smart and able to learn quickly cavaliers can fully live up to their name and become your freestyle partner. They are generally very capable students who are very pleased to teach something. And by surrounding the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with care and love, you will make him a wonderful companion who will firmly take one of the main places in your heart.

In the article I will consider the conditions for keeping interesting and funny dogs of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed. You will find out if there are varieties of this breed. What character and temperament are endowed with representatives of this breed. Are they trainable?

Many of us watched the American TV series Sex and the City. His character Charlotte was the owner of an entertaining dog with long ears and a charming muzzle. The breed of this little dog was the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

If you dream of such a pet, then you should read this article and get fully acquainted with the conditions of keeping, feeding, caring for and character of these dogs.

Description and characteristics of the breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

First mentioned in descriptions dating back to the 13th century.

Initially, the Germans and Austrians sang songs of praise to these dogs. According to historical data, it is considered that they came to the territory of Great Britain thanks to the Celts in the 9th century.

At first they were used as hunting dogs, but soon they won the hearts of ladies from high society and those close to the royal court and turned into decorative dogs.

But their popularity did not last long. After the reign of the Stuart family, William III of Orange ascended the throne, and since he could not stand spaniels, the Cavaliers were replaced with pugs.

The name of the breed was in honor of King Charles II. Carl is translated from English as "Charles". The king had nothing to do with breeding the breed, but during his reign, the royal cocker spaniels were very popular.

Van Dyck, Titian (late renaissance period), French painter Antoine Watteau and other artists famous in the art world depicted on their canvases "Cavalier King Charles spaniel".

Appearance has become what we know it today relatively recently. A huge contribution to giving this breed uniqueness and its breeding was brought by the American breeder Roswell Eldridge.

Today, “animals are popular in England, but as for Russia, representatives of this breed can be found very rarely in our country.

The difference in the growth of Prince Cavaliers directly depends on gender. So males reach 35 centimeters high at the withers, females - 25.

Based on the standards and characteristics of the breed, there are four acceptable colors:

  1. Black with bright red tan.
  2. Ruby, in reality dark red color.
  3. "Tricolor" includes the presence of three colors - piebald, black and fawn.
  4. "Blenheim", that is, on white wool with a tint of sea pearls, there are spots of a chestnut shade.

On average, they live 10-12 years, but with perfect care they can live up to fifteen years.

Rules for maintenance and care

Wool plays only a decorative function and that is why it does not need to be cut or trimmed. There are also a few more mandatory, but not complicated rules, so that the pet always has a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

  • After every walk be sure to wipe the paws and muzzle damp cloth.
  • Bathing should be done only when the coat has become dirty, or at intervals of two weeks.
  • Periodically combing wool, this is especially important during molting (spring and autumn).
  • Particular attention in care should be paid to the hanging ears of the Cavaliers. Once every 5-6 days, gently wipe the ears with a cotton pad.
  • Feeding. Nutrition "Cavaliers" can be done in two ways: natural and dry.

If you choose a natural food, then in the dog's diet (cereals, dairy products, beef, veal, chicken (without bones), vegetables), you must include additional feeding with vitamins and minerals. This is required in order to make the diet the most balanced.

When feeding ready-made dry food, it is best to give preference to specialized premium class food. They are more balanced and include the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The breed is moderately active. They only need one long walk a day, lasting about an hour.

As for the place where the Cavaliers are kept. Keeping such a delicate creature on a chain or in street conditions is blasphemy. An apartment with a certain place and down duvet - that's it for them.

dog character

Dogs from the breed "Cavaliers" are companions. From the first minutes of getting into the family, they study the rhythm of the life of their owners and merge into it very quickly. Show special love to small family members.

Animals are smart enough. Excellent for training. They love everyone. Innate friendliness is exactly the character trait that distinguishes them from other representatives of spaniels. For them there are no enemies, only friends and an interesting world around. These dogs do not have security qualities at all, so you should not expect protection from them.

They feel the mood of their owner, and will never bother if he is not in the mood.

When properly trained, the breed dogs are intelligent and dignified in public. They will never show aggression or disrespect.

The cheerful disposition of the animal predisposes to games and a great pastime, both within the walls of the house and on a walk.

Previously, ladies of high society treated nervousness and depression by communicating with these dogs. In other words, Cavalier is a living antidepressant dog.


Since the "Cavaliers" are companion dogs, and they are highly oriented towards the owner, they lend themselves perfectly to training. To teach a dog good manners, you do not need to turn to specialists, but just read a couple of books on training and train the dog yourself.


The most common disease in representatives of the breed is heart disease. Mainly:

  1. Chronic valvular disease.
  2. Legg-Perthes disease. Miniature dog breeds suffer from this disease. It is accompanied by necrosis of the femoral head.
  3. Disease of the intervertebral discs.
  4. Hydrocephalus. Occurs rarely. Small dog breeds suffer from this disease.
  5. seizures.
  6. There may be problems with the respiratory system due to a slightly flat muzzle. Dogs snore in old age.

Due to the lack of activity, Cavaliers can gain excess weight, which affects the functioning of the heart.

To avoid buying a problematic, sick Cavalier puppy, first of all, you should pay attention to the medical documents of his parents and pedigree.

The first vaccination against distemper is performed at two months of age, only after deworming. Initially, you should not vaccinate yourself, it is better to contact a veterinary clinic. And then follow the instructions of the veterinarian.

Puppy cost

Since these dogs are not popular in our country, there are few nurseries specializing in breeding. Babies "Cavaliers" are quite expensive.

A puppy without documents that will not participate in exhibitions is estimated at 45,000, but an exhibition copy with a full package of documents costs from 85,000 rubles or more.

The most famous kennels for breeding "Cavaliers" are:

  1. "Tomhof", Moscow;
  2. "Russian pride", Lipetsk;
  3. "H'yutaun" settlement Dubna (Tula region);
  4. "Carlin Bright from Tsarskoe Selo", St. Petersburg.


The mating age for males and females is different.

For girls, it is best to start the denouement after the 3rd estrus, the age of the dog is about 2 years. Boys are 2 months later.

That's all the wisdom of breeding "Cavaliers". Otherwise, they knit naturally.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are amazingly bright and sunny dogs that always arrive in good spirits. They are ready to communicate and learn new things. Their love for the owner has a special aura, because the "Cavaliers" are companions until the end of their days.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an aristocratic little hunter. His business card is large, expressive, slightly sad eyes and a funny, flattened muzzle.

During the Renaissance, the duchesses wore it in their arms and complemented the interior of palaces with it. Today, the Charles Spaniel fits perfectly into the rhythm of the life of a modern person.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel brings peace and comfort to the house. His character is sincere and kind, he captivates from the first minute of acquaintance. Such a dog will not offend and will not bite. Because she doesn't. This trait makes her vulnerable in relationships with other dogs.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a lively breed. He will gladly share his favorite toy and bone. If the owners are busy, they won't bother. He will dutifully wait for attention to be paid to him.

Thanks to his natural gift, he knows how to feel the state of a person and adapts to it. A pet of this breed is ideal for both a single person and a large noisy family.

In society, Charles Spaniel behaves like a real gentleman. He does not make noise, keeps himself restrained and dignified. Sometimes this breed is called the Royal Spaniel and it justifies the name. In him .

The direct purpose of the breed is a friend and companion. The Royal Spaniel knows this from birth and strictly observes the rules of conduct. Having come to the house as a small puppy, he quickly becomes a full-fledged member of the family.

Charles Spaniel will become faithful companions in moments of relaxation, on walks and on long journeys. He will share your grief and joy. Look into his eyes full of tenderness, charm, love and all questions will disappear by themselves.

Attitude towards children

Charles Spaniel is ready to give a paw of friendship to everyone, but the main object of his adoration is children. He can literally do anything to them.

Will become his toy, pillow, nanny. This is because the “cavalier” is an eternal child in his soul.

Older children will be happy to play outdoor games. Run, jump, swim, chase the ball, carry a wand, lie on the couch - if only there was a beloved person nearby. This factor becomes fundamental when families with small children buy a Royal Spaniel puppy at home.

Attitude towards dogs

"Cavalier" is not a badass. He knows how to get along with dogs, does not get into a fight with them. And if he does not become friends, he will pass by, ignoring his fellow tribesman.

With domestic dogs will live soul to soul. He does not show jealousy and considers them members of the royal family, in which the main king is, of course, the master.

Attitude towards cats

With representatives of the feline world, the Royal Spaniel has a twofold relationship. He is able to eat well with her from the same bowl and sleep next to her. Alien cats can evoke the instinct of a hunter in him and he will certainly chase after them.

If you are not one hundred percent sure that your Cavalier Spaniel will quickly execute the “fu” or “come to me” command, do not let him off the leash in the city. Chasing a cat could cost your four-legged friend his life!

The need for training at home

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is smart from birth. However, it needs to be trained. At home, he is trained well, the thing is that there is no spirit of opposition in him. The request of a person is a law for him.

The key to success is a rewarding method of training, regularity of classes, love and patience. In the process of training, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed: mobility, friendliness and the desire to be in the spotlight.

Possessing an excellent memory, representatives of this breed grasp the science of learning on the fly. They try to please the owner, to please him with their ingenuity. Choosing a game method of education, you will definitely succeed.

Remember that the royal intelligence of the "cavaliers" allows them to master not only the science of training, but also the science of cunning and manipulation. If suddenly the dog lies on its side or tucks its paw, most likely this is a tricky move to pity you and beg for the treasured treat.

It will provide the “cavalier” with safety, and the owners peace of mind for his fate. Commands that a dog needs to know: place, near, fu, sit, lie down, wait, give.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can go through tough, or learn fun, circus tricks. He will be able to bring a newspaper, slippers, look for toys, hidden goodies, he can remember the names and names of objects.

Do not try to teach him to be evil and do not instill in him dislike for others. He is a kind "guy" and cannot be otherwise.


Aggression for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is an alien concept. He leads a peaceful and docile life. You can safely get a dog of this breed for those who are afraid of dog fangs.

The Royal Spaniel is a peaceful dog. It is not known when he showed aggression towards anyone. Sometimes they call him that - the Champion of peace and charm.

Features of education

A well-bred dog is the pride of the owner. Raising an obedient pet in a Cavalier Spaniel is not difficult. It is important to do this gently and purposefully. Explain to him what not to do, slightly changing the intonation of the voice. Praise for obedience and. It is forbidden:

  • bite hands and feet;
  • gnaw on furniture;
  • take other people's things;
  • urinate in the wrong place;
  • wake up early in the morning;
  • howl in the absence of people, bark;
  • pick up leftover food from the floor or from the ground;
  • chase cats and birds;
  • pull the leash.

Try to interest the puppy. Excessive severity, exactingness will hurt the puppy's psyche, in this case the dog may grow up cowardly.

Useful video

Watch an interesting video from one of the exhibitions, in which the owner of a dog of this breed will talk about the character of his pet.

When buying a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, many do not realize that behind its charm lies complex, painstaking care and upbringing.

  1. "Cavalier" is a child even at an advanced age.
  2. Responsibility for it rests on the shoulders of the owner.
  3. The dog will require special attention.
  4. The King Charles Spaniel is not a diaper breed, he needs a full range of walking.
  5. While eating, his ears get dirty.
  6. You can't scold him, you can't yell at him.
  7. The dog sheds and wool in the house cannot be avoided.
  8. It barks loudly, can dig the ground.
  9. Do not leave your four-legged friend alone for a long time.
  10. Once visiting a person’s bed, the “cavalier” will stay there to sleep forever.


Do you want to bring a small and beautiful dog into the house so that it is smart, kind and obedient? If you need a cheerful friend and a savior from loneliness, then feel free to start the "Cavalier", you will not be mistaken.

In contact with

Indoor-decorative breed, of small stature, "compact" size, companion and favorite for the whole family.

Origin story

The exact origin of this small cheerful and dignified breed is not yet known. Various sources mention small beautiful dogs of white-black and white-red coloring back in the 9th century, when the Celts brought them to Britain. But they suggest that the birthplace of the gentleman is Japan or China.

Already in the XIII century, this breed became quite popular in the highest circles of society, especially in France and Britain. The ladies of the court fell in love with beautiful dogs for their grace and elegance; artists often depicted King Charles along with his owners on their canvases. But this beautiful breed was popular not only because of its appearance. For their speed and agility, the aristocrats took them with them to hunt, where they showed a high level of their skills.

Description of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed and the FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Purpose: companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 9. Companion and toy dogs. Section 7. English Toy Spaniels. No working test.
  4. General Appearance: A graceful, elegant, well-balanced breed with an intelligent and affectionate expression.
  5. Format: slightly elongated.
  6. Behavior/Temperament: cheerful, courageous, friendly, without aggression; no tendency to hyperexcitability.
  7. Head: Skull almost flat between ears.
  • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): Shallow.
  • Nose: Black, nostrils well defined; no light markings.
  • Muzzle: Wedge-shaped, the length from the base of the stop to the tip of the nose is approximately 3.8 cm. The facial region of the skull is well filled under the eyes. The manifestation of sharpness is undesirable.
    • Lips : Well developed, not pendulous.

  • Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong with a regular, complete scissor bite, upper incisors closely fitting externally to lower incisors, perpendicular to the jaws.
  • Eyes: large, dark, round, not protruding; well spaced.
  • Ears: Long, set high, with long profuse feathering.
  • Neck: Medium length, slightly arched.
  • Back: flat.
  • Loin: short.
  • Chest: Moderately deep, with well sprung ribs.
  • TAIL: Well set on, wags cheerfully in motion, but should not be carried much higher than the topline. The length of the tail is in balance with the body. Previously, the tail was docked at the discretion, removing no more than a third of it.
  • Forelimbs: straight, with moderate bone.
    • Shoulders: sloping.
    • The elbows are close to the chest.
  • Hind limbs: with moderate bone.
    • knee joints: well expressed.
    • hocks: There should be no "cow" or saber set of hocks.
  • Feet: Round, compact, tight toes, well padded and richly feathered.
  • Movement: Free, elegant, with strong drive from the hind quarters. Forelegs and hind limbs move parallel when viewed from front and rear.
  • Coat: long, silky, not curly. Slight waviness is acceptable. Lots of decorative wool. The coat of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is not trimmed.
  • Height/Weight Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
    • Height at the withers: 30-33 cm
    • Weight: 5.4 - 8 kg. Preference is given to a small, well balanced dog with a weight within this range.
  • Disadvantages / Defects: any deviation from the above is considered a fault/defect, and the severity with which the fault/defect is assessed is proportional to its severity and the impact on the health and welfare of the dog.
  • Note: Males must have two normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel color

    • Black and Tan: Black with tan markings above the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the inside of the ears, on the chest, legs and under the tail. Burned bright. White markings are undesirable.
    • Ruby: solid bright red color. White markings are undesirable.
    • Blenheim: Bright, well-defined chestnut patches on a pearly white background. Head markings are equally divided, leaving room for a valuable diamond-shaped marking (a unique feature of the breed).
    • Tricolor: black with white, with clear edges; with spots tan above the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the inside of the ears, on the inside of the legs, and under the tail.
    • Any other color or combination of colors is highly undesirable.

    This breed of dog is often associated with comfort in the home. And not by accident.

    By nature, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a graceful, graceful, sincere, kind, very cheerful and active breed. They cannot be mean, angry or noisy. They are very mobile, therefore they love various fun games, long exciting walks, get along well with representatives of other breeds, almost never get into a fight.

    Due to its ability to adapt to the mood of the owner of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, it is very good to start both a single person and a large family. She is friendly and funny and loves children very much. You can be sure that they will become best friends. Cavalier King Charles will never touch the baby, and will always stand up for the child.

    The breed fully justifies its name "cavalier", especially this can be seen at exhibitions.

    If the dog is brought up and trained correctly, then in public it behaves with restraint, with dignity and obediently obeys the commands of the owner.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel care

    Caring for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is fairly simple and easy. The breed has a long, beautiful coat that is not sheared or trimmed. But in order for the result to be noticeable and bright, first of all, you need to adhere to regularity.

    Rememberthat by nature, animals molt 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, therefore, during this period, care should be more frequent and thorough to maintain the health of the pet, as well as keep the house clean.

    The first and most basic is wool.

    After the walk, be sure to wipe the puppy's paws and genitals with a damp towel, or rinse with a warm shower. It is advisable to bathe at intervals of 10 - 12 days or as it gets dirty, but not more often, in order to preserve the natural structure of the coat. When bathing, you can only use special shampoos and conditioners for the appropriate type of coat.

    It is necessary to apply detergents carefully, in the direction of hair growth, not to tangle or pull strongly. After bathing your King Charles Spaniel, pat dry with a towel and blow dry with warm air.

    Next, you need to thoroughly comb it with a special brush, and you will comb the wool and make an additional massage. The King Charles Spaniel needs to be combed every day in order to remove various dust and dirt from the coat, as well as to improve the blood circulation of the animal. In order to achieve the best result, it is advisable to purchase combs and brushes of different hardness and density of teeth. You can also use different special sprays that make combing easier, add shine and relieve static stress.

    Taking care of your ears

    Much attention should be paid to ear care. Since they are long and hanging in a spaniel, they usually accumulate a lot of dirt and sulfur.

    Ears should be cleaned regularly, gently and thoroughly with cotton swabs and wet pads, without penetrating deep into the animal's ear so as not to hit the eardrum. In summer, spring and autumn, more attention should be paid to the ears, as this is a favorite place for ticks, after a walk in the forest or after arriving from a summer house, be sure to check for their presence. If a tick is nevertheless found, it should be removed immediately and the area disinfected with appropriate means.

    How to properly remove a tick from a dog?

    Having found a tick, calm down and prepare all the necessary means:

    1. Tweezers
    2. Rubber gloves

    Be sure to wear rubber gloves and use tweezers to unscrew the tick from the dog's skin in a circular motion. Inspect the bite site so that there are no particles of the bug left, and treat with an antiseptic. Be sure to praise your pet, and give your favorite treat. Keep an eye on your spaniel's health over the next few days. If the dog is active, eats with appetite, he has no temperature, then the tick is not contagious. But if you notice the following symptoms, immediately show your pet to the veterinarian, as he is threatened with the deadly disease piroplasmosis (babesiosis).

    Symptoms of piroplasmosis (babesiosis):

    • high body temperature (39-42 degrees)
    • lethargy, apathy
    • refusal of water and drink
    • red-brown urine
    • yellow whites of the eyes
    • dog can't stand up on its hind legs

    Spaniel Eye Care

    King Charles eyes need some care. The eyes and the hair around them must be wiped with special napkins or cotton swabs dipped in warm water. You can use a soft cotton cloth, but it must be clean so as not to infect the eyes.

    To prevent inflammation, with a slight souring, it is recommended to wipe the eyes with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile infusion or weak brewing of black tea.


    The teeth of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel also need to be taken care of. To do this, there are various brushes and toothpastes for dogs. Teeth should be brushed 1-2 times a week, this should be done carefully so as not to injure the gums of the animal, trying to clean out all the remnants of food. For the prevention of tartar, include fresh tomato in your diet.

    Claws and paws

    Trim nails with a nail cutter 1-2 times a month. Paws after a walk wash, and inspect for damage.

    In winter, especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the paws, do not let the dog lick off the remnants of dirt and reagent from the snow, it can get poisoned. To prevent dry paw pads and small cracks, lubricate the spaniel's paws with olive or sunflower oil. Be sure to include 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil per day in your dog's diet.

    For a dog, it is very important to choose the right food - this is the key to the health and beauty of your pet. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as food, you can choose either a balanced diet for this breed, or natural food.

    In this case, the diet must have fresh meat:

    • never pork

    You can only:

    • beef
    • Veal
    • Chicken meat

    You need to include in your diet:

    • buckwheat
    • low-fat cottage cheese
    • a small amount of boiled vegetables
    • seasonal fruit

    Make sure that the animal always has clean water in the bowl, change it every day. Wash your food bowl regularly with hot water.

    To further support your dog's health, a variety of vitamins and minerals should be added to his diet. Be sure to choose the right place for your pet. It should be in a cozy corner where there will be no draft, passage or constant noise. Choose a pillow that is soft and comfortable.

    Walk an adult dog should be 2 times a day. Since the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is mobile and active, the walking time should be at least 1 hour, preferably with games and jogging. When you get a dog, you make a friend for life. For them, we are family and the most important thing in life. That is why they love us so infinitely and charge us with positive good energy.

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel disease

    • Heart diseases
    • Mitral valve insufficiency (stenosis)
    • Inflammation of the anal glands
    • Allergy
    • Diabetes
    • Arthritis
    • Epilepsy
    • Dislocation of the patella
    • retinal dysplasia
    • Hernias
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