The favorites of the French monarchs are the Papillon "Butterfly" dog breed: description and characteristics. Papillon - the perfect lap dog Papillon dog character

Dimensions:Height: 20-28 cm. Weight: 1.5-5 kg
Character:Cheerful, cheerful, friendly
Where is used:Decorative pet, companion dog
Lives:12-16 years old
Color:White with patches of any color

The Papillon dog got its name due to its ears, which resemble the spread beautiful wings of a butterfly. If you want to have a small dog in your apartment, the Butterfly Papillon is the perfect option. At one time, she was an essential attribute of noble ladies at the French court. The article gives a characteristic of the breed, the history of origin, a description of the appearance, how to care for, what to feed. A more visual representation of the Papillon and Phalene breed is given by the photo and video materials posted in the article.

Origin story

Papillons are a very ancient breed of decorative dogs, the first mention of the breed occurs in the 15th century. In those days, the dog was called the Continental Toy Spaniel, later it was called Papillon, which is translated from French as a butterfly. The image of this dog can be seen on the hands of affectionate housewives. These dogs were favorites of court ladies.

The ancestor of the modern Papillon was that spaniel with floppy ears. In the seventeenth century, at the court of Louis 14, a puppy was obtained with erect ears resembling the spread wings of a butterfly. Thus, the Papillon or Papillon breed appeared. The butterfly dog ​​was for a very long time the most popular breed in the French court.

In the 20th century, English breeders crossed the Papillon with the Spitz. It was a successful mixture of breeds, the result of which was a significant improvement in the coat, it became thicker and shiny, the appearance became healthier and richer.

Characteristics of the breed

The Continental Toy Spaniel, called the Papillon, is a lively, decorative dog that is perfect for home keeping both in the house and in the apartment. If there are mice in the house, the dog will even help get rid of them, as he is an excellent rat catcher. Despite its small size, it is a fearless protector of its owner. It can serve as a faithful companion for a long time, since the life expectancy of papillons is 12-16 years. Papillons, like all small dogs, need education and socialization.

Appearance and standard

The Papillon dog breed has a luxurious appearance. They have a naturally harmonious physique: the muzzle is small and graceful, the body structure looks fragile, but the bones are strong, well-developed muscles and strong joints. The head is round with a smooth transition from the forehead to the nose. The nose is rounded, slightly flattened, with a black pad. The eyes are low set and almond shaped. Ears can be upright in the form of butterfly wings and hanging, respectively, the dogs are called Papillon and Phalene. The muzzle of a dog emphasizes its intelligence.

Phalene and Papillon - toy spaniel breeds

The neck smoothly passes to a wide chest. Papillon's belly is tucked up. The long tail is covered with lush hair, bent upwards. Paws are long, reminiscent of a hare, with black or light claws. Papillons are distinguished by their light, graceful gait and aristocratic demeanor. The height at the withers can be from 20 to 28 cm, the weight of mini papillons is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, the standard is from 2.5 to 5 kg. Males differ little in size from females.


The Papillon's coat is shiny and wavy. According to the standard, no curls and curls are allowed. There is no undercoat, so the hair has a rigid structure. The hair on the muzzle and head is short, a kind of collar is formed on the neck, fringe is on the ears, lush “panties” are formed on the outer side of the thighs. On the tail, the longest one can reach a length of up to 15 cm. To make the coat look harmonious, hair on the paws between the fingers is allowed, but it should not form “slippers”, but only visually lengthen the paw.

The video from Diana Smirnova tells about Papillons and Phalenes, their description is given.

Pets of the Papillon breed have colors that depend on the color of the spots. The main color of Papillons is white. It is considered ideal if the white color is more than 50% of the total color. Predominance of white on the muzzle is not desirable. There is a raincoat color: the back and head are painted in some color, the rest of the hair on the body is white.

Characteristic colors for the breed:

  • white-sable: white and sable colors;
  • tricolor: a combination of white, black and red;
  • black and white.

Spots of any color are possible, but the pattern should not be blurry. A white stripe is welcome on the muzzle.


Cheerful, cheerful and funny, the Papillon is simply created to be a pet and is able to perfectly play the role of a companion. But despite the good-natured nature, dogs of this breed can be wayward, so Papillon puppies require education and training from the first months. According to breeders, Papillon plays well with children and pets.

They do not show aggression if properly trained. So that the Papillon puppy does not show aggression when it becomes an adult dog, it is necessary to accustom him to socialization from puppyhood. As soon as the puppy is vaccinated, it must be taken out into society and taught to communicate with other societies. It is necessary to monitor the communication of the puppy with the children, to stop his attempts to bite the child in the game. Friendly bites should not be ignored, the Toy Spaniel has a powerful bite and may well bite painfully.

These little pets are very devoted to the owner. They always catch the mood of the owner and try to adapt to it. They do not like to be left alone, this can even cause stress for the dog. Dogs are very vulnerable and will not tolerate rough handling. Papillons are playful creatures and sometimes seem to be indifferent to others, but if the puppy is given more attention, then he will grow up to be a self-sufficient and well-mannered dog.

Papillons are very active, so it is advisable to give them the opportunity to be outside longer. They will not refuse to play outdoor games at home, so you should provide your pet with various toys.

Because of their nature, papillons are positive. They are always in a good mood. If you want a fun show, he can arrange it for you. A cheerful muzzle will amuse with its appearance any sad owner, looking into his eyes.

The dwarf toy spaniel easily learns various tricks, even if the dog is not specially trained for this. He has a lively mind, excellent memory, is able to independently learn commands. You can train your dog at home. Papillon is perfect as a first pet for a child over 10 years old, as well as for people who do not have dog training skills.

Conditions for keeping at home

Due to its small size, it is easy to keep the Continental Toy Spaniel in an apartment or at home. The main thing is to equip him with a place to rest and eat. Dogs of this breed are unpretentious and require minimal care. You can travel freely with them, they easily adapt and get used to a new environment if the owner is nearby.

According to the owners, Papillons like to sleep with the owner in bed, but this depends on the preferences of the owner. If you wish, you can allow the pet to sleep next to you. These are clean animals and, despite their hunting instincts, they do not have the habit of falling out in the garbage or some kind of "incense" like other dogs.

The dog can be trained to relieve himself in a diaper or in a tray. But at the same time, the papillon needs to be taken out for a walk, at least for half an hour, since he needs to be in the fresh air.


Papillon butterfly hair requires special care, because it is the pride of the breed and a distinctive feature. It needs to be combed out daily with special brushes and mittens. Hygiene care consists of trimming the belly hair and trimming the hair around the pillows and between the toes. In hot weather, it is better to cut your pet. The owner chooses the hairstyle according to his taste. If the dog participates in exhibitions, then it is advisable to do professional grooming.

You should bathe your dog when it gets dirty and there will be a need for it. If you bathe more often, then the protective layer is washed off from the wool and skin of the animal. For bathing, you need to use a special dog shampoo, there are many different care products for long hair. Some breeders bathe their pets with platinum blonde shampoos to keep their pets white.

By the condition of the coat, you can judge the health of the dog. The coat should be clean, thick and shiny.

If the papillon butterfly sheds heavily or the coat has faded, the awn is cut and thin, then the pet is not in good health. The standard moulting period for papillons is 1 to 2 weeks, molting occurs in spring and autumn. If the dog sheds at other times or the hair splits, then you should check it with a veterinarian as soon as possible to find out the reasons for this condition. In addition, you need to add vitamins to the dog's diet. Adult dogs and Papillon puppies need different types and doses of vitamins. Hypervitaminosis is as dangerous as vitamin deficiency.

The claws of the animal require regular care, they need to be sheared as they grow. You should also keep your eyes and ears clean. Eyes can be wiped with cotton swabs moistened with a solution of chamomile or water. Ears can not be cleaned with cotton swabs, it is better to wipe with a cotton swab dipped in oil. There should be no plaque on the ears.

Optimal Diet

The appearance of the dog and its health depends on how you feed the pet. Nutrition must be balanced. The dog's diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. You should not feed the papillon from the table. If it was decided to get a dog, then there is no need to save on its food, because the general condition of the dog depends on its quality.

When feeding, it is necessary to avoid foods that can affect the color (carrots, seaweed)!

The Papillon puppy needs foods containing calcium, as his skeleton and bones are just being formed, he can get injured during outdoor games. Papillons do not suffer from allergies, have strong teeth and a good digestive system, so you can feed them both natural food and ready-made industrial food.

Puppies are fed at first 5-6 times a day, gradually transferring by 6 months to feeding up to 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to accustom the dog to discipline and regimen, so you need to feed at a certain time of the day. The dog's menu should consist of plant foods and meat. Food must always be fresh. The dog needs constant access to water. The Continental Toy Spaniel is prone to obesity, so the dose of food should be monitored so that he does not overeat.

Possible diseases

All small dogs are prone to viral diseases, so they need to be vaccinated. Papillon puppies receive their first vaccination when they are two months old, followed by a month later. In the future, vaccination should be performed once a year. Before you get vaccinated, you need to drive out the worms. Before vaccination, make sure that the dog does not get sick, since vaccination is prohibited during inflammatory processes.

General appearance
the continental toy spaniel is a tiny "edition of the deluxe spaniel", of normal and harmonious build, with a thick coat, a muzzle of modest length (it is shorter than the skull), with a graceful yet intelligent expression, a proud gait and free elegant movements . The length of the body is slightly larger than the height of the dog.

the parts of the head are proportionately related to each other, the head as a whole is comparatively lighter and shorter than the head of high and medium spaniels. Viewed from the front and side, the skull appears somewhat rounded between the ears; some individuals have a hint of a depression. The muzzle is shorter than the skull, thin, tapering towards the nose, but in no case should it be turned up. The bridge of the nose is straight and, when merging with the forehead, forms a clearly defined angle. In heavier dogs, the base of the bridge of the nose is not as distinct as in smaller dogs, although the angle should not be straight.

small, black and round, slightly flattened on top.

highly pigmented, thin, dense. Teeth: strong enough, even normal bite.

tongue should not be visible. If the tongue is constantly stuck out, or not retracted when touched, the dog is disqualified.

rather large, well open, very broad, almond-shaped, not prominent, set rather low, in line with the base of the bridge of the nose. The eyes should be dark and expressive, the eyelids well pigmented.

the skin of the ears should be thin but strong enough to hold them open. Both in the prick-eared subspecies and in the lop-eared variety, the ear cartilages should not end in a too noticeable tubercle (checked by hand to the touch). The ears are set close to the back of the head and are separated from each other by a distance at which a slightly rounded skull is visible.

Lop-eared subspecies (falen)
The ears are set high, well above the line of the eyes, in the normal position they are completely dropped, but nevertheless very mobile. They are covered with wavy hair, which can be very long, which gives the dog a charm.

Erect-eared subspecies (papillon)
the ears are set high, the auricles are wide open. In normal position, the ears are raised and form an angle of approximately 45° with the head. In no case should they be pointed, similar to the ears of a Spitz. The last defect should be severely penalized. The inner side of the auricle is covered with silky: wavy hair that reaches the edges; the outer side is covered with a long wavy fringe, which far overlaps the edges of the ears. Mixing the two subspecies often results in a dog with partially drooping ears (only the tips of the ears hang down). This position of the ears is a serious shortcoming.

Shoulder joints and shoulder blades are well developed, proportional, forming a normal angle and well fixed.

Front and hind legs
straight, rather thin, although the dog should not look long-legged. The knees are normally bent, all four feet are parallel when viewed from both the front and back.

the foot should be oblong (hare type), fully supported by the pads. The mines are strong, ideally black; brown and white dogs may have slightly lighter nails (white nails are not considered a fault in completely white dogs, or in dogs with white feet if the overall pigmentation is normal). The soles are thin with good pads, tufts of fine long hair forming points may be noted between the pads.

of normal length, withers slightly sloping.

Chest: Broad and arched. The girth is measured between the last two ribs and should be more or less equal to the height at the withers. The ribs are well distributed.

Backline: Should not be too short, arched or sunken; the loin is strong, slightly arched.

set high, rather long, with a long fringe forming a beautiful plume. When the dog is animated, the tail is carried high above the body; the tip of the tail may lightly touch the back; the tail should not be curled, or lie flat on the back.

the coat is thick, shiny and wavy (but not curly), with no undercoat. The hair is not soft, but elastic and outwardly silky; smooth and relatively thin. In general, the coat resembles that of the small English spaniel, but differs significantly from the Pekingese; on the other hand, it should in no case be similar to the coat of a spitz. On the head, front side of the paws, back side of the paws from the knees down - the coat is short and smooth; on the body - medium length hair, elongated in the neck, where it forms a shirt-front, elegantly falling over the chest. The ears and back of the forelegs are covered with long hair; the back of the thighs is covered with thick hair. Fine tufts of long hair between the pads are permissible, provided they do not make the foot look awkward, but, on the contrary, make the foot more graceful and elongated. The length of the hair of some dogs with thick hair reaches 7.5 cm at the withers, and long hair on the tail can reach 15 cm.

any color is allowed. All dogs, even solid whites, should have well-pigmented lips, eyelids, and in most cases a black nose.

maximum height at the withers - 28 cm.

The weight
minimum weight 1,500kg.
There are two weight categories:
1. Up to 2.5 kg - for males and females.
2. From 2.5kg to 4.5kg - for males, from 2.5kg to 5kg - for females.

proud, free, light, graceful.

flat skull, apple-shaped head, domed skull like an English Toy Spaniel. Too rectangular or insufficiently emphasized base of the bridge of the nose. Convex or concave bridge of the nose. Small, bulging, too round or light eyes, and also, if a white eyeball is directly visible when looking directly. Any nose color other than black. Pink dots on eyelids or lips. Too deep, or worse, incomplete bite. Crooked forelegs, knotted knees, any position of the hind legs that deviates from the normal parallel position, including the feet. Poorly developed back. Feet turned inward or outward, claws not touching the ground. Single or double finger-like processes on the hind legs are undesirable and are considered as a defect depending on the beauty of the dog, in which case they should be removed. Curled tail, tail lying flat on the spine, or hanging to one side. However, it should be noted that this remark applies only to the tail itself, and not to long hair hanging in tufts. Thin, soft or sticking out coat; straight or curly hair, the presence of an undercoat that gives out an admixture of Spitz. Convex or concave back.

a pink nose, or a pink-flecked nose.
Deviations in any direction from the correct bite (upper and lower incisors do not touch)
immobile or permanently protruding tongue.

Males should have two normal-looking testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Any deviation from the above points should be considered as a defect or vice, depending on the degree of severity.

As you know, it is man's best friend, but not every breed from the canine family has a good character, high intelligence and is easy to give in to. However, there are types of dogs that nature has awarded with outstanding qualities in these areas, and later they were developed and strengthened by breeders. Papillon (Papillon) can rightfully be considered one of these breeds. In this article you will find all the necessary information regarding the Papillon: a detailed description of the breed, the nature of these dogs, as well as tips on caring for these pets.

Description and photo

Looking at photographs of this animal, an analogy arises with such breeds as, primarily because of their rather small size. In general, this type of dog is very well suited for older people who already find it difficult to keep up with more frisky dogs and hold back larger individuals if necessary. For the characteristic standing of the ears, the papillon was nicknamed the "butterfly dog".

Did you know? Paul McCartney, knowing that dogs are capable of distinguishing ultrasonic whistles, recorded similar sounds especially for his beloved Scottish Shepherd at the end of the song “A Day of Life”.

Appearance and breed standards

Lifespan: up to 13-16 years.

The weight: male - from 3.5 to 4.6 kg; female - from 3 to 4.2 kg.

Growth: on average from 20 to 30 centimeters.

Character: kind, friendly, smart, cheerful, hardy.

Color: black and white, sable, reddish white, white and brown.

Home country: Belgium, France, Spain.

Application: decorative indoor dog.

The Papillon Continental Toy Spaniel is the owner of a very characteristic and bright appearance, once you see a dog of this breed, you will love them forever and with all your heart. The head of this dog is fully proportional in size to the body. The muzzle is somewhat smaller in relation to the head, pointed laterally, but not too sunken. The transition zone from the forehead to the muzzle is quite pronounced. The Papillon dog breed is characterized by a round nose, which has a black tint and a slight flattening in its upper parts. The nose is straight, not upturned. The bones of the jaws are strong, arranged in the usual manner for dogs. The tongue is normally not visible and under normal environmental conditions does not fall out.

The eyeballs are quite large, wide open, have an almond-shaped incision, they are not characterized by bulging, the landing on the head is rather low. The inner edge of the palpebral fissure is at the level of the articulation of the brain part of the skull with the front. As a rule, the eyes have a dark tint, and the eyelids are painted in a dark color.

Papillons are those representatives of this breed of dogs whose ears are erect, while the variety with recumbent ears is called phalene. On the whole, the ears should not be too thin, the fit on the skull being close to the occipital bone and fairly wide. The ears are quite mobile and well pubescent, the longest hairs are closer to the edges.

The neck is of medium length, with a slight arch at the nape. The lumbar region has a slight bulge. Chest - wide enough (chest girth is comparable to the height of the dog), the ribs lend themselves well to compression. The abdomen is tucked up, sometimes slightly sunken. Paws - straight, rather strong, front and hind legs are in strictly perpendicular planes. The tail has a fairly large length, completely covered with hair.

papillon character

These dogs are distinguished by great devotion towards their owners, they have a rather cheerful and lively character. Looking at their appearance, one might get the impression that this breed belongs to the kind of dogs that always sit quietly on their owners' laps, but this is not so. They are quite energetic and very often like to hunt and play with small animals like butterflies, grasshoppers and small rodents.

Small puppies of this breed must be taught good manners from birth, even before they begin to open their eyes, since they are characterized by one significant flaw, which is that in response to any fright, they begin to bite. In this regard, they need to be accustomed to a person from early childhood and strive to develop a trusting and calm disposition in them.

Any papillon shows great curiosity in relation to the world around him, coexists very well with any other pets and always involves them in his explorations and games. These dogs are distinguished by their pronounced intellectual abilities, they are easy to train and always obey their owners.

Did you know? Since dogs, unlike humans, do not have the enzymes responsible for breaking down theobromine, which is part of chocolate, you should not give them this delicacy, as it can cause significant damage to their nervous system and heart.

The history of the breed

France is considered the birthplace of this breed, where it was artificially bred as a result of crossing a spaniel with a Chihuahua and Spitz imported from eastern lands. This process began in the middle of the XYI century, and these dogs acquired the appearance characteristic of modern representatives of this breed in the middle of the XYII century.

Papillons can be found on the canvases of many paintings that depict the French nobility and nobles of that period, for example, the canvas called "Louis XIV and the family", which, next to a little girl, probably his daughter, depicts a small dog with a muzzle structure characteristic for modern phalenes.

Features of choice and price of a puppy

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the fact that it would be best to give preference when buying a proven nursery, whose name is well-known, and not make a purchase in numerous animal markets. You should also not be guided by the recommendations of your friends, who advise you to turn to little-known breeders, since they very often poorly monitor the purity of the breed.

In the event that you intend to acquire a pet solely for the delight of your eyes, then the only important criterion when choosing will be its attractive appearance, however, if you intend to participate in exhibitions with it, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Good pedigree puppy. It will also be a plus for him if his parents have already won prizes at any exhibitions and competitions.
  • High compliance with breed standards.
  • Compliance with the weight and physical data of the puppy with age norms.
  • Proportional addition of a puppy.
  • Symmetrical placement of limbs and tail.
  • Calm disposition and friendly character.
The answer to the question of how much a papillon costs may depend on the region where you live, the pedigree of the puppy and the wealth of the kennel where the purchase is made. On average, the price varies from 500 to 1200 US dollars.

The Best Conditions for a Butterfly Dog

These dogs do not tolerate low temperatures and high humidity very well, they can become seriously ill and even die if exposed to these factors, so it is best to keep them in.

However, it is advisable to take your pet out for a walk at least twice a day. In winter, it is best to reduce the walking time, but in the warm season it will be very useful to give the dog plenty of walks along the street and how to explore the surrounding area, which will allow him to better navigate and find his way home in case he suddenly gets lost.

Papillon is a breed that requires special care and maintenance. The health of your pet depends entirely on these factors, so in no case should you let the life processes of these dogs take their course. Everything requires strict control and assistance from the owner.

Hair care

The very first "bell" signaling adverse changes in the papillon's body is its coat. If it starts to climb and fades, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Normally, it has a pronounced density, very clean and shiny.

Important! Red and black Papillon coats are usually much drier than their lighter counterparts, so special creams must be used to moisturize it.

Maintaining it in this condition is the responsibility of every owner. For this, a dog is recommended several times a week, and during the period of increased molting - every day. This will not only save your home from hairballs, but also reduce discomfort for the dog.

Eyes, ears, claws, teeth

The eyes and ears of papillons without birth defects are rarely a cause for concern, they are not prone to souring, sulfur accumulation and pustular diseases. They should be processed only when you have decided to completely redeem your pet.

Claws require additional care, as growths often form on them, which must be removed in time. Also, between the fingers of this breed of dog there is a fairly pronounced woolly layer, which also needs to be thinned out from time to time.

Papillon teeth can be brushed once a week, or you can not brush at all, it depends on his diet and the type of structure of the jaws. After a thorough examination, your veterinarian can help you determine if your dog needs regular brushing.

How often to bathe your pet

Bathing a pet is worth it as its coat gets dirty. Usually, human shampoos designed for gray or blonde hair are used for this process. This is because such shampoos do not leave yellow marks on the coat, unlike most shampoos intended for bathing dogs.

Physical exercise

Papillons need regular exercise, so it is highly desirable to spend as much time as possible outdoors with them in the summer, where they can run and play to their heart's content. In winter, you can arrange active games at home, for example, throw toys at them and force them to bring them back or run around the apartment with him.

How to feed a pet

In general, feeding these dogs is not much different from feeding other breeds. There are no recommendations that would significantly distinguish his diet from others. The only important rule is not to allow food from the human table, since this is bad for the character, and not all human food is equally good for these dogs.

puppy diet

At a young age, Papillons should eat at least 5-6 times a day. There is no fundamental difference whether it will be standard or not, the main thing is to make sure that it is well balanced, that is, the content of the plant component in it does not prevail over the animal.

A feeding schedule will help teach the dog to discipline. The number of meals should be gradually reduced, and by six months it will be necessary to bring their number up to 2-3 times a day. The puppy must always have fresh and clean water available.

Adult Toy Spaniel Menu

The main secret of proper nutrition of this dog is its moderate feeding. After any meal, the pet is recommended to have a good rest. It is highly desirable to add fortified supplements and minerals to the feed, which will have a very positive effect on the processes of maintaining the normal tone of the dog's body.

In no case should these dogs be given sweets, food that contains a large amount of spices, onions and seeds. To maintain a healthy posture, it is recommended to place a bowl of food on a slight elevation so that the dog does not have to tilt his head during the meal.

Education and training

Papillons lend themselves perfectly to training, however, in order for the dog to recognize you as the “leader” and the owner of the house, it is necessary to give all commands clearly and loudly, thereby educating the dog in a respectful attitude towards you.

The first step is to teach the dog to cope with all its natural needs in one place in the house, then it is necessary that the dog learns its nickname and the simplest commands “sit” and “lie down”. Then you can proceed to more complex commands, such as “fetch”, “voice”, “wait” and “next”.

Important! Do not be discouraged if your undertakings are not successful the first time, training is a rather lengthy process and requires serious assertiveness and great effort. The training process can take place both on the street and in the house, the main thing is to stock up on the proper amount of dog treats in order to consolidate the formation of a conditioned reflex in a dog.

About health

There is a small list of diseases that are characteristic of this breed of dog, most of them can be identified upon careful examination before purchase, or they occur already at a fairly old age.

characteristic diseases

The following diseases are characteristic of this dog:

  • Entropion (eyelid torsion) is a disease that often affects newly born puppies, which consists in excessive spasm of muscle tissue, as a result of which the eyelid turns outwards, and the dog cannot completely close the eye.
  • Cataract is a disease that begins after the age of 10 years of the dog, which is characterized by the occurrence of clouding of the eye lens.
  • Corneal dystrophy is a pathological process characteristic of dogs older than 1 year, which consists in a decrease in the transparency of the cornea, progresses over time and leads to loss of vision in old age.
  • congenital deafness.

Vaccination Schedule

The vaccination schedule for this breed of dog includes the following vaccinations:

  • Against rabies - at 12-13 weeks, and then annual revaccination.
  • Against the plague - at 8-10 weeks, then another one a month later, and after the annual revaccination.
  • Infectious hepatitis - at 8-10 weeks, then re-introduction after 30 days, and annual revaccination.
  • Polyvaccine (against enteritis, canine parainfluenza, leptospirosis, trichophytosis and microsporia) - at the age of 1-6 months, then a month later and with repeated annual revaccination.

So, we hope that this article has helped you find out all the necessary information regarding such a dog breed as the Continental Toy Spaniel. Love, cherish and cherish your pet, and he will definitely delight you with his healthy appearance and joyful barking for many years!


FCI Standard No. 77 (04/06/1998)

translation from English: Romanenkova E.V.

ORIGIN: France, Belgium.

Date of publication of the previous standard: 09/17/1990


indoor decorative dog. FCI classification: Group 9. Toddler dogs. Section 9. Continental Toy Spaniels. No performance test.


A small luxurious toy spaniel, of normal harmonious build, with long hair, a moderately long muzzle shorter than the skull, a lively temperament, graceful but strong, with a proud bearing, with light and elegant movements. Slightly stretched.


In normal proportion with the body and correspondingly lighter and shorter than in Large and Medium Size Spaniels.


The skull is not too rounded either in profile or in front, sometimes a slight trace of the median sulcus appears. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is quite accentuated. In heavier dogs, the transition is less obvious, but still detectable; in very small dogs it is clearly marked without a sharp ledge.

NOSE: small, black and round, but slightly flattened above.
MUZZLE: shorter than the skull, graceful, pointed and not too sunken down the sides; should not be upturned.
BACK OF NOSE: straight.
LIPS: heavily pigmented, thin and close fitting.
JAWS AND TEETH: perfectly strong, densely spaced in the usual manner.
LANGUAGE: should not be visible; the fact that it is constantly visible or not removed when touched with a finger is a flaw.
EYES: rather large, well open, almond-shaped, not protruding, set rather low on the head, the inner corners of the eyes are in line with the junction of the skull and muzzle. Dark in color and very expressive; eyelids strongly pigmented.
EARS: quite thin but strong. Both in erect ears and in hanging ears, when examined by hands, the ear cloth should not end too sharply at the end. The ears are set on the head fairly far back, wide enough to show the slightly rounded shape of the skull.
- a variety with hanging ears is called PHALENE. The ears, when at rest, are set high, well above the line of the eyes, carried drooping, but nevertheless quite mobile. The dressed hair is wavy and can reach a length that gives the dog a pleasant appearance.
- a variety with erect ears is called PAPILLON. The ears are set high, the auricles (outer ear) are well open and hung; the inner edge of the auricle forms an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the horizontal. In no case should the ear be pointed vertically in the Spitz type, such an ear should definitely be rejected. The inner surface of the auricle is covered with fine hairs, also wavy, the longest hairs slightly extending beyond the edge of the ear. Outside, on the contrary, the ears are covered with long hair, forming a curly fringe, extending significantly beyond the edge of the ear. Crossing two varieties often results in semi-erect ears with dropped ends; this intermediate form of set-on is a serious fault.
NECK: medium length, with a slightly arched nape.

TOPLINE: not too short and not arched, but not sagging, however, not flat.
SMALL OF THE BACK: whole and slightly convex.
BREAST: broad, well let down. The girth of the chest should be approximately equal to the height at the withers. Ribs well sprung.
STOMACH: slightly pulled up.
TAIL: Set on more or less high, fairly long, profusely dressed, forming a fine dewlap. When the dog is in motion, it is carried up along the line of the back and curved, the tip may touch the back; should never curl up or lie straight on the back.
LIMB: straight, strong, graceful. The dog should not look upturned on its feet; when viewed from the front or back, the legs are parallel

SHOULDERS: well developed, well attached to the body.
SHOUMER BONES: of equal length with the shoulder blades, with normal articulations, well connected with the body.
pasterns visible in profile.

HOCKS: with normal angles.
PAWS: rather long, called "hare paws", rest evenly on their pads. Strong nails, preferably black, are lighter in brown-spotted coated dogs (white nails in white dogs or dogs with white feet are not a fault if the dog is otherwise well pigmented). The toes are strong with hard pads, between them there is a well-developed dressing dog made of fine wool, protruding pointedly beyond the tips of the paw.
MOVEMENTS: majestic, free, light and elegant.

WOOL: Coat without undercoat, abundant, glossy, wavy (not to be confused with curly), not soft, but somewhat resilient to the touch, with a silky sheen. Wools grow, adjoining; they are quite thin, slightly curved by a wave. In appearance, the coat resembles the English Toy Spaniel, but is definitely different from the coat of the Pekingese; at the same time, it should not have any resemblance to the coat of the Spitz. The coat is short on the muzzle, around the eyes, on the front of the legs and metatarsus. Of moderate length on the body, it becomes longer on the neck, forming a muff and frill, descending in waves to the chest; forms feathers on the ears and back of the forelegs; on the back of the thighs are loose trousers made of soft wool. There may be small tufts of hair between the toes, which may even protrude slightly beyond the paw, giving it not a heavy appearance, but rather more graceful, lengthening the paw. Some dogs in good shirt condition have hair 7.5 cm long at the withers and a 15 cm dewlap on the tail.
COLOR: all colors are allowed on a shirt with a white background. On the body and on the legs, the white color should predominate over the painted areas. The white color on the head is preferred in the form of a more or less wide star. A white marking on the underside (front) of the head is allowed, but predominant white on the head is a fault. In all cases, the lips, eyelids and, most importantly, the nose should be pigmented.

HEIGHT AT WITHERS: about 28 cm.
THE WEIGHT: two categories - 1) less than 2.5 kg for males and females. 2) 2.5 - 4.5 kg for males, 2.5 - 5 kg for females. Minimum weight 1.5 kg.


any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a defect or defect, depending on the degree of severity.

The skull is flat, apple-shaped or domed like a small English Toy Spaniel.

The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is too strongly or insufficiently accentuated.

The nose is not black.

The muzzle is hook-nosed or concave.

Lip depigmentation.

Undershot or especially overshot.

Eyes small, too round, protruding, light in color, visible sclera when looking straight ahead.

Humpback or sagging back.

Tail curled, lying on the back

Crooked front legs.

Knotted wrists.

Weak back.

The position of the hind limbs when viewed from behind deviates from the vertical at the knees, hocks and paws.

Single or double dewclaws on the hind feet are undesirable and a fault, so their removal is advisable.

Paws in size or clubfoot

Claws don't touch the ground

The shirt is white, soft or loose (ruffled); the coat is straight at the base or along the entire length; fluffy coat, undercoat indicates an admixture of Spitz.


Pink or mottled nose.

Excessive undershot or overshot when the incisors do not touch anywhere.

Tongue paralyzed or constantly visible.

NOTE: Males should have two normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Large ears, similar to the wings of a rare butterfly, cannot leave indifferent even the most ardent skeptic.

Savvy, grace, friendliness and friendliness to others - this is the description of the Papillon dog.

Many are mistaken that the small size of a pet is a guarantee of his calm disposition.

If you are planning on getting a pet that spends most of its time on its lap, the Papillon is definitely not the right fit for the role.

This is contrary to the life principles of Papillon butterflies: they love to look for fun activities on their own.

Consider the history of the origin of the Papillon dog breed, a description of the provisions of the standard, their character traits, as well as the basic principles of care.

The Continental Toy Spaniel is an ancient breed of miniature court dogs of France and Spain.

The Continental Toy Spaniel is divided into two varieties (according to the shape of the ears): Papillon and Phalene (with lowered ears).

The modern Papillon is more popular than its counterpart.

The rest of Europe was completely immersed in the Napoleonic Wars. However, breeders tend to separate them into separate breeds.

Currently, there is one breed standard for Papillons and Phalenes, which specifies a description of their parameters and defects.

During the revolutionary movement in France, the Continental Toy Spaniel was transported to Belgium, where they were bred.

Nevertheless, the difficulty lies in the fact that dog handlers cannot give a 100% guarantee that it will be a Papillon (even if both parents are purebred Papillons). The ears of these fidgets are installed after 18 months.

The current Papillon dog breed standard was adopted in 1998.

The head is rounded, the stop is well defined, the muzzle is pointed, neat.

The nose is small, black, rounded.

The lips are thin, well pigmented, close fitting.

The eyes are relatively large, well-opened, almond-shaped, dark, set closer to the nose.

Ears in Papillon dogs are erect, located on the top of the head. The outer ear is open, covered with small, thin villi.

On the outside of the ear, the hair resembles a fringe. The neck is not long, the chest is wide, lowered low, the tummy is slightly tucked up.

The tail is elongated, set relatively high, there is a thick dewlap. The tail should not lie on the back or curl. Straight, strong, graceful limbs.

The coat is dense, wavy, glossy, not hard to the touch. There is no undercoat. The length of the coat is shorter on the muzzle and on the front of the legs.

On the body the coat is of medium length, and on the neck it is more elongated, creating a kind of jabot.

Feathers are present on the back of the forelimbs and on the ears, voluminous panties are visible on the hips.

Any coat color on a white background is acceptable. The pure snow-white color of the Papillon (as well as with an admixture of blue) is considered a breed defect according to the standard.

The white tone should predominate on the body and paws, and be present on the muzzle in the form of a small mark.

The height of an adult Papillon at the withers is 20 - 28 cm. The allowable weight is 1.5 - 5 kg.

The nature of the dogs

Your purebred favorite Papillon is a devoted and joyful companion, with whom there is no dreary or boring time.

A depressive mood will forever leave a family with a papillon butterfly.

Despite its small size, it is a brave defender of its own home.

If the owner is in danger, he will rush at the enemy without a hitch. For families with children, the Continental Toy Spaniel is a real find.

They will gladly support any active activity, whether it is training or a fun run with the kids. Seeing a threat to the child, they will notify the owner with a loud bark.

The attitude towards papillons should not be rude and harsh, they do not tolerate excessive screams.

Butterflies have an excellent memory, they are able to foresee the actions of the owner.

They require increased attention and care. Although they get along well with other dogs, they should not be fenced off in an aviary.

  • Continental Toy Spaniel breed is not characterized by irritability and nervousness; puppies require early socialization.
  • Preschool children are not recommended to give small puppies, as they can cause serious injury.
  • You should not start the Papillon breed for families with kids.
  • if surgery is needed, papillons are too susceptible to anesthesia.
  • it is necessary to purchase a Papillon puppy from trusted breeders, otherwise you may receive a non-pedigreed pet as a gift.

By following the rules for caring for a Papillon dog, the owner will forget about the health problems of the pet and ensure the happy existence of the pet.

    Hair on the ears requires special attention, which needs to be brought back to normal on a regular basis. Otherwise, the luxurious fringe will turn into tangles.

    During the molting period, you need to comb the butterfly at least once a day with a slicker, so that later you do not collect shreds of wool in all rooms.

  • Papillons are wary of water procedures, so they should be taught to bathe from an early age. It is recommended to wash your pet with special shampoos no more than once a month.
  • Poor condition of the coat (dryness, dandruff, loss) may indicate a dog's health problems.

  • Get your eyes, ears, and teeth checked and cleaned regularly.
  • Trimming the claws is also worth every three weeks with the help of special nail cutters.
  • Every three months it is necessary to give the pet anthelmintic drugs, in the hot season to carry out the prevention of fleas and ticks.

The issue of nutrition of the Papillon must be approached with full responsibility so that the miniature dog does not have stomach problems.

It is better to learn about the diet and nutritional norms of a puppy from the breeders in advance.

The main taboo in nutrition is chicken meat and bones, which can harm a young body.

When choosing between natural and artificial nutrition, you should opt for a mixed one.

Since constant feeding with dry food can provoke not only constipation, but also an allergic reaction.

From the hands of the owner, papillons are ready to eat everything in unlimited quantities. Therefore, it is worth knowing when to stop and avoid overeating the crumbs.

Grasp the pet with your palms so that the thumbs lie exactly on the spine, and the others touch it on the sides (ribs are felt).

If the ribs are visible even without palpation, the Papillon is underweight. If the ribs are not noticeable under a layer of fat, the pet is clearly overeating, it is necessary to reduce the daily feeding rate.

Another controversial point is to give Papillon meat raw or boiled.

By subjecting raw meat to deep freezing, the chance of helminth infection is negligible.

It is possible to prevent infection with infectious diseases by buying high quality meat products from trusted sellers.

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