American boxer dog breed description. German boxer, the kindest guard. Character, training, education of a pet

The German Boxer is a strong, active dog with a sociable disposition. The breed is excellent for service, security purposes, sports education, family maintenance. The glory of aggressive behavior is not justified in practice. The dog will be affectionate, obedient, get along with children without problems with proper upbringing.

The Boxer is the result of crossing English Mastiffs with Bullenbeisers. According to these data, we can conclude that the roots of the breed go back to the period BC.

The ancient Romans and Greeks bred military Molossians from Tibetan Great Danes. Later they were distributed in the northern and central parts of Europe. There, breeders mixed Great Dane hybrids into English Mastiffs. At the same time, bullenbeisers were popular in Germany - small brave dogs for protecting livestock, hunting and baiting large wild animals.

Bullenbeiser is one of the ancestors of the German boxer

It is impossible to trace the exact moment of the appearance of the familiar breed. The first identical images date from the end of the 19th century. Munich resident Georg Alt conducted experiments on mating tiger bullenbeisers with mastiffs and dogs of unknown origin. A fawn-white male appeared in one of the litters - the first representative of the modern German boxer. The ability to discipline, intelligence, high endurance and healthy aggression quickly made the dog attractive to serve people. In 1894, three followers of Alta began to stabilize the new cross. In 1895 the first nursery was opened. In 1904, the Kennel Club of America approved the official standard.

The etymology of the name of the breed is not exactly established. According to the first version, it was tied for the similarity of the muzzle with a boxing glove and the characteristic movements of the front paws in battle. According to the second assumption, the word "Boxer" was adopted by Europeans by chance and was originally used in Germany to refer to all dogs in general.

Description of the breed

The average life expectancy is 10-13 years, depending on the quality of the conditions of detention.

German boxers are distinguished by a muscular, lean body of medium height. The relief of the muscles clearly appears under the skin. The skeleton is strongly built, with a pronounced posture, stable slender legs.


The parameters of height, weight, exterior are documented:

The weightMales - 27-35 kg;
females - 25-27 kg.
Height at the withersMales - from 57 to 64 cm;
females - from 53 to 63 cm.
in proportion to the body;
cubic shape. With a slight bulge at the top
MuzzleMassive. Approximate in width to the skull;
upturned nose. With a black flattened tip;
dark mask;
dry. The shape of the bones shows through under the skin
JawTense. Leaning forward, has a warlike appearance;
strong symmetrical teeth. They are not visible when the mouth is closed.
EarsSet high (sharp if docked);
hanging quietly in the usual state;
sticking up in an excited state
normal look without aggression;
slightly convex;
small size
body bodyMuscular;
square shape. The length and height at the withers are almost equal;
with a short, straight back;
deep chested;
with a tucked up belly;
with a wide arched loin
limbsSet wide apart;
rear - with muscular thighs;
front - massive forearms, elbows pressed to the body
TailSet low;
long, thin, mobile by nature
Wool qualityShort length;
tight to the body;
ColorBrindle. From golden to dark brown;
ginger. From light yellow to red tone;
sharp lines;
white spots on the muzzle, chest, neck, legs, no more than 1/3 of the total color

The most noticeable marriage of the standard is the color with a predominance of black, white, gray. Pure white "albino" boxers are extremely rare (less than 25%) and prone to deafness more often than others. Next in prevalence is malocclusion, congenital malformations of the skeleton.

On a note! Ears and tails of German boxers for the exhibition were required to be docked until 2002. For 2018, the operation is prohibited in Europe. In other regions, the action is carried out at the personal discretion of the dog owner.


Healthy German boxers behave balanced and calm. The causeless aggression of such dogs is a myth. Negative rumors arose because of the love of negligent owners for deliberately pitting their pets. The breed is physically hardy, capable of highly competitive struggle even with large animals, but does not attack just like that. From the annoying contact, he will rather move away and observe from the side. Fighting qualities will show instantly in case of danger. Only with frequent irritants, mental disorders, they have reduced patience, they are constantly in intense readiness to fight.

Mentally healthy boxer - cheerful and active

In a calm state, representatives of the breed are affectionate, friendly to other animals and people. They easily become attached to all family members, but they single out an unconditional leader for themselves. They do not tolerate prolonged loneliness, they begin to indulge in despondency and longing. They are excellent nannies for children, they constantly guard them, entertain them with games.

The temperament of males is more cocky than that of females. They start up activity with great willingness, splash out emotions. Entertaining fights are loved since childhood, they can get carried away, move on to tougher tricks. Given this feature, it is necessary to teach the dog to control the force, to stop on command. More often this feature is manifested in communication with unfamiliar relatives. With old friends, boxers are much neater and more polite. They tend to choose equal opponents. The weaker ones are instinctively protected.

Boxers are real defenders

On a note! An unbalanced character (too cowardly or evil) is considered a marriage of the standard. Such individuals are not allowed to mating, clubs and exhibitions. The psyche of a dog depends on purebredness, upbringing, correct conditions of detention from birth. That is why it is dangerous to acquire puppies in random places.

They have high intellectual abilities. They are inquisitive about training, they quickly understand what is required of them, they carry out commands without any problems. Prefer positive reinforcement and variety in learning, can become stubborn if bored. In business, a well-bred boxer will show patience even with monotonous work. Therefore, the breed is often taken as an escort to moving vehicles, galloping horses, to security stationary events.

Video - A story about the German boxer breed

Conditions of detention

Boxer is one of the most unpretentious dogs to living conditions. Activity and size do not at all prevent such dogs from living in apartments of a modest area. They behave quite calmly in the house, they wait for walking to run.

Even before buying a puppy, you should consider a few nuances:

  • equip the place. It is better to choose a sunbed spacious. Boxers sleep in a ball, but like to stretch after waking up, they often play with toys in their corner. Soft bedding should be expanded as the dog grows. The "bed" must be removed from batteries and drafts. At the same time, the pet must constantly see the owners in sight. Only in this case, he will rest calmly, without unnecessary worries. Lack of control over what is happening makes boxers nervous;
  • buy ammunition. A collar with a leash will be required almost from the first weeks of life. Early accustoming facilitates the process of socialization in the future;
  • choose entertainment. Toys must be safe. Both a puppy and an adult dog can chew and swallow "prey". While the educational process is going on, it is better to remove wires, shoes, plants (especially poisonous ones) higher. Balls, ropes, frisbees, teethers and everything similar will do;
  • determine the time and place of walks. Boxer requires walking at least 2 times a day for 1 hour. You will need playgrounds for active games, since measured walking will not allow you to throw out energy and stretch numerous muscles.

The breed should not be kept outdoors. Short coat with zero undercoat does not contribute to warming in the cold at all. Such four-legged animals easily catch cold in drafts and high humidity, and in the open sun they easily overheat to heat stroke. With free range on the site, you should take care of the constant access of the dog to the house. For the same reasons, walks in too hot and cold weather are best reduced.

On the chain, boxers wither away from boredom, physical inactivity, lack of communication.

On a note! You can help your pet in the cold with special dog clothes.

How to care for a boxer

Like any other dog, the German Boxer requires hygiene, training, proper diet and health care. All products, objects, manipulations need to be taught from an early age, then there are no problems with resistance.


Type of procedurefrequency, processInventory, allowable means
BathingDue to sensitive skin, full bathing is not more than 2-3 times a year. The rest of the time, manage with local removal of dirt stains. After water procedures, be sure to wipe dryWater 30-32C.
All products are hypoallergenic:

Dog shampoos (including dry ones);
baby wipes;
wet towel

paw washingDaily after a walk. Wipe dry. It is important to clean the areas between the fingersWeak water jet;
wet towel;
dry towel
Trimming the nailsAt least once a month. Make sure that your fingers do not bend or bend.
Walking on asphalt helps nails wear down naturally.
Nail clipper for dogs
CombingOnce a week, according to hair growth. Finish by stroking the body with a piece of soft cloth. This will calm the pet and add shine to the coat.Soft brush;
a special mitten made of silicone or fabric;
suede leather
Cleaning of ears, muzzle folds, nostrilsWeekly. Wipe all folds, holes with a napkin wound around your finger. You can pre-dip in a veterinary disinfectant. Redness, pus, bad smell - a reason to check for infection in the doctor's office.
Every day, clean the remnants of stuck food from the muzzle.
Soft damp cloth;
wet wipes;
veterinary solution
Teeth cleaningThree times a month. Be sure to examine for the presence of tartar, inflammation of the gums, ulcers and wounds. If present, contact your veterinarianToothbrush for animals;
silicone tooth brush for babies;
veterinary toothpaste
Eye washDaily after walking to avoid inflammation. Moisten the cloth with warm boiled water, wipe, removing the dischargeCotton pads;
clean towel;
boiled pure water


The choice of natural or ready-made food is carried out not only according to the views of the owner, but also on the basis of veterinary tests. Boxer is a breed prone to allergies, individual food intolerances. Prior to analysis, it is better to choose specialized food for sensitive dogs.

In general, you should follow the rules:

  • balance. In any type of food, the ratio of 3 parts of meat - 1 part of cereals and vegetables should be observed (for a puppy, the reverse proportion). Ready feeds are selected according to composition. The natural diet consists of beef and its offal (tripe, heart, kidneys), zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, oatmeal, buckwheat. In the absence of negative reactions, fish, rice, corn flakes, fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese), boiled eggs are acceptable. Add vitamin complexes. In the cold, food is made more fatty, warm and liquid;
  • safety. Products must be fresh, of high quality, clean. Meat in a semi-boiled form, raw only with confidence in the seller. Spices, sweets, smoked meats, pickles, canned food, chicken and other fragile bones are prohibited;
  • portions, feeding frequency. The breed is gluttonous. The serving size is selected with a veterinarian based on the type of activity, health. On average, about 300-500 g of food is required three times a day;
  • abundance of water. Clean drinking should always be in the public domain. The water is changed with every feeding.

After eating, the pet should be allowed to rest for about an hour. Activity on an empty stomach is fraught with intestinal problems.

How to train a boxer

Training is a mandatory item in life with a boxer. Correction and training allow you to remove conflict in the character of a pet, develop protective functions, and increase the ability of a dog's self-control. The procedure will also be required for exhibition activities. Preparing for exits always has its own specifics.

The easiest way to train is to contact a professional cynologist. This is especially true for adult animals. Knowledge of animal psychology greatly increases the chances of early success. There are clubs and specialists in every city.

Education on their own must begin before the age of 18 months of the dog. Between 1.5 and 3 years of age, boxers go through a "transitional age", so it will become more difficult to focus them.

At the beginning of the path, simple commands “to me”, “sit”, “paw” are used. The result is backed by a treat. Change of scene, game situations, commands in the process of physical activity allow the boxer to learn new information quickly and cheerfully.

Important parts of training are firmness and consistency. Perseverance is expressed in repeated repetition, a calm, confident tone. Violence, screams are not allowed, lead to mental disorders. Every habit takes time to build, regular reinforcement with repetition.

One of the main aspects of socialization with people and animals is the behavior of the owner himself. Friendly, calm reactions to strangers set an example, conveying a mood of absent danger. A leash is required until stable behavior.

Video - An example of training a boxer

Boxer Diseases

  1. Allergies, skin reactions. Food, fleas, plants, atopic dermatitis.
  2. Digestive difficulties. Intestinal torsion, poor patency, swelling are frequent companions of a poor diet.
  3. genetic abnormalities. Deafness, aortic stenosis, visual impairment. Individuals with mixtures of blood, albinos, are more often exposed.
  4. Eye diseases. Inversion and eversion of the eyelids, conjunctivitis. Consequences of improper care, infection, physical injury.
  5. pelvic dysplasia. Hip joints are often detected at the age of six months by lameness, dragging, curvature of the legs.
  6. Spondylosis. Deformation of the spine up to paralysis. Dogs from 5-6 years old are susceptible, especially with increased physical activity.
  7. Hypothyroidism. Thyroid problem. The first symptoms are hair loss, spots on the skin, frequent rashes.
  8. Oncological diseases. Frequent after 5 years.
  9. brachiocephalic disease. Too short muzzle interferes with normal breathing. Wheezing, shortness of breath.

All pathologies must be treated under the strict supervision of a physician. Otherwise, you can harm your four-legged friend.


The cost of a German boxer puppy on average ranges from 10 to 35 thousand rubles. Much depends on the previous owner, his costs for a puppy, color and blood purity. On the international market, price division is carried out by class:

  • pet - about $ 250. This includes dogs with a marriage of the standard, defects that are not life-threatening. Suitable for communication, but not suitable for exhibitions, breeding;
  • Brid - about $ 350. Completely healthy dogs with a quality pedigree, suitable for reproduction. More often bitches;
  • show - from $ 500. Boxers with a complete absence of vices, perfect for exhibition activities, breeding. Reference individuals.

In any class, the price may vary depending on the number of vaccinations and documents at the time of purchase.


The best place to buy a boxer is specialized kennels. In many, you can arrange for the transportation of a puppy. Before buying, they will offer to get acquainted with the dog, explain the nuances of care. The cattery always remains a support in any situation, helps to carry out breeding with a minimum risk of marriage, to raise pets healthy physically and mentally.

  • Nikenk-War-Hard. St. Petersburg, pos. Levashovo;
  • Ergobox. Moscow;
  • From Russia with love. St. Petersburg;
  • Ipolbox. Voronezh;
  • From the world of Angelica. Yekaterinburg.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the appearance, behavior, activity, character.

Pros and cons of the breed

The German Boxer is a breed with its own strengths and weaknesses. Summing up, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

Cons common to many breeds. Boxers have much more pluses and according to the reviews of the owners.

This is exactly the case when the name of the breed speaks for itself. This is a strong, muscular, very energetic animal. The breed got its name due to its prominent muscles and the habit of fighting with its front paws. By the way, this breed is considered one of the most hardy. These qualities give boxers excellent chances to "get a job" in the police or security. Often they are chosen as pets.

From the history of the breed

Boxers are distant relatives of Rottweilers. Their ancestors were hunters. They used their qualities to catch wild boar, bear or deer. Their large jaws with a pincer bite allow them to grip their prey tightly. In addition to hunting qualities, boxers are also excellent shepherds.

They were selected in Europe until the 1900s. Large individuals were called Danzig Bullenbeisers, and small ones were called Brabant. It is the latter that are the closest ancestors of modern boxers.

The word bullenbeiser itself means "one that bites bulls." They called all dogs of pickling breeds, which have differences in color and external data. The St. Petersburg Kunstkamera boasts a stuffed animal of such a dog. This animal was brought from Holland by Peter the first. Even the biggest dreamer is unlikely to come up with the idea that this animal is the ancestor of boxers.

It is a fact! The representative of the boxer breed has earned the title of honorary donor. A pet named Winston is known for regularly donating blood to the needs of his fellows. American veterinary clinics often perform the transfusion procedure. Boxers have a universal blood type that suits dogs of all breeds. With the help of Winston, the lives of other animals were repeatedly saved.

The final version of the appearance of boxers was formed at the end of the 18th century. The red and brindle dogs had the same wide and short muzzles as their Molossian ancestors. Due to the fact that the dog had a protruding lower jaw, while grasping the victim's teeth, he could breathe freely. To avoid injury during fights, the tails and ears were docked for the dogs.

Bullenbeisers were used for hunting purposes. They patiently waited for the bull to approach and clung to him with a stranglehold until the owner gave the command to let go. The goals of centuries-old selection were to improve the professional qualities of this breed.

The new breed, resulting from selection, was given the name boxer. After several decades, they all began to be called boxers. Some individuals had an interesting feature - the division of the nose into two parts. These individuals were considered true boxers and were called binosed. The first of the famous owners of boxers is considered to be the Bavarian robber Matthias Klosterman. On many engravings there are images of him along with his four-legged friend. Naturally, such an animal made a very vivid impression on the people of that time.

It is a fact! The artist A. Bryullov depicted Princess Golitsyna together with her four-legged friend, the progenitor of boxers, the Brabant bullenbeiser.

Boxers defender

After the invention of firearms, pickling dogs were sent to a well-deserved rest. Thanks to butchers and cattle breeders, boxers remained helpers of people. But for other purposes. They were used for security purposes and as shepherds.

In order to improve the working qualities of animals, they began to cross with representatives of the old English bulldogs. As a legacy from them, representatives of the boxer breed received a large and short head, a wide body, and the presence of white spots in the color.

Despite the long history of this breed, at the end of the 19th century, German merchants treated these dogs with disdain. The proposal to include Bullenbeisers in the stud book caused outrage among breeders who prefer other breeds.

The trainer with a good reputation F. Robert, who showed sympathy for the representatives of this breed, protected the four-legged shepherds. From his own experience, he concluded that boxers are more efficient in their tasks than similar animals of other breeds.

His efforts led to the fact that in the 85th year of the 20th century, representatives of this breed were allowed to participate in exhibitions. F. Robert's support gave impetus to the creation of a German boxing club and the development of the first breed standards. At the end of the year, the first exhibition was opened, in which fifty representatives of this breed took part.

Some of the exhibited animals had a wolf's mouth. The rest looked more like representatives of the bulldogs. One third were distinguished by an elongated body and a long muzzle. Breed standards have been repeatedly refined and changed. Representatives of the breed of white color were deaf from birth and were subsequently excluded from breeding.

Boxer creators

Soon, representatives of this breed became extremely popular and in demand so much that their numbers significantly exceeded their competitors.

The purpose of the selection was to improve the exterior of the animal, and not working qualities, as it was before. Only real artists could improve the aesthetics of bullenbeisers. In the 10th year of the 20th century, the Shtokmans created a sculpture of an ideal dog in their opinion. Mrs. F. Shtokman was involved in the creation of this project. She, together with her husband named Philip, founded a nursery where they improved this breed.

Shtokmanov faced obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. When Philip was called to the front, Mrs. Friederum had to raise the child alone and take care of the numerous residents of the nursery. Fortunately, she achieved her goal in her breeding work and even avoided bankruptcy.

It is a fact! Representatives of the boxer breed were trained to perform civic duty. During the First World War, they served as guards and signalmen. 60 individuals originally from Bavaria were recruited to help German soldiers.

breed standards

German boxer puppies have their ponytails docked, and this gives the animal a somewhat comical look when they wag their booty. Boxers are descendants of English and German Bulldogs, crossed in the 50s of the 19th century. These animals were invented for the purpose of participating in dog fights and bull-baiting. After many years, aggression was eliminated from the breed by selection. They are very attached to children, have a kind and playful character. Nevertheless, you should be careful about the games of boxers with kids, since the dog is obviously stronger.

Representatives of this breed should have the physical activity they need daily. They can be kept inside an apartment or house, subject to regular active walking. Limiting the physical activity of boxers can cause problems in communicating with the animal.

Note! German boxers are very sensitive to heat. For this reason, you should not walk them in the sun.

Compared to their relatives, the Rottweilers, they are smaller in size, but have a more formidable appearance. Their body has an angular rectangular shape. Boxers have this type due to the large skeleton and developed muscles. The vigorous movements of the boxer express his physical strength and noble character.

The shape of the head shows the origin of the representatives of the breed from ancestors intended for bull-baiting. The skull is cubic in shape with a slight bulge at the top. On the muzzle, the transition from the forehead to the nose is pronounced. The tip of the nose is slightly raised and flattened. The lower jaw is wider than the upper, so it protrudes about one and a half centimeters.

Initially, when the breed appeared, the ears and tail were always docked. A little later, when boxers were no longer used for bullying, traditionally they continued to do so. This procedure gives the representatives of the breed characteristic features of appearance. In Europe, 16 years ago, such manipulations were banned. Changes were also made to the breed standards.

Permissible colors have not changed for decades. Representatives of this breed can be brindle or red colors of any shades with a black mask. The presence of white marks is permissible, but not more than 30% of the area of ​​the entire body of the animal. By the way, boxers - albinos are not recognized by breed standards. Since most often they are born deaf, there are constant disputes between breeders about them.

Representatives of this breed of dogs are endowed with strong nerves, complaisant character and personality. They are very kind to their owners, easily find a common language with others and adore when they are given attention. As a rule, their outward calm indoors is replaced by excessive activity in nature. Boxers like no other breed require constant physical activity. These active and energetic pets love adventure and fun. They like to study everything so much that on walks they begin to sniff everything in a row, amusingly “grunting” at the same time.

It should be borne in mind that the boxer is still that badass and naughty. They easily find a common language with animals with whom they live in the same house. Outside the home, the boxer behaves completely differently in relation to four-legged friends. They can chase cats and get into conflicts with other dogs.

With strangers, boxers have a difficult relationship. They are not inclined to burst into annoying barking, but they bark very loudly several times in a row, thus signaling the approach of a stranger. If a boxer is properly brought up, then his protective qualities are manifested in the best possible way, without creating any problems for the owners.

With all his noble and wrestling qualities, the boxer is endowed with amazing sensitivity and childish spontaneity. He will not use his power to get what he wants, he knows how to negotiate, while showing his intelligence. He always finds a special approach to each family member, which he then uses for his own purposes. From the very first moment, after the appearance of a puppy in the house, it is required to establish certain boundaries.

Boxers may well be kept by people who do not have experience with dogs.

Interesting fact! The happy owners of dogs of this breed at one time were such world-class celebrities: Robin Williams, Sylvester Stallone, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Vertinsky.

Features of care and maintenance

First of all, attention and love from the owner is important for boxers. Everything else excites his dogs not so much. Dogs of this breed do not require special care. Their coat is very short and does not need to be combed. You can bathe the animal only occasionally in case of strong need. If they are only slightly soiled, it is quite possible to do with a damp sponge dipped in warm water to wipe the contaminated area on the body.

But the eyes of the dog require increased attention. Due to the peculiarities of their appearance, grass, dust, pollen of plants can get on them. Therefore, they need to be examined several times a week and wiped with a cotton pad dipped in clean, barely warm water. If the eyelids are reddened or swollen, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian to prescribe an ointment.

After walking, it is necessary to wipe the paws with a damp sponge and inspect for mechanical damage. If the paw pads are injured or have cracks, they must be treated with an antiseptic, and then moistened with creams or cosmetic oil. Also, the appearance of cracks on the paw pads of the animal indicates deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements. It is worth introducing vitamin complexes into the diet of the animal.


Boxer nutrition is a whole science. As a rule, they have a fairly good appetite and eat everything. At the same time, they very rarely sort out food, which can lead to various unpleasant consequences, for example, to obesity. To prevent this from happening, the owner of the dog must take full responsibility for the diet of the pet. He is obliged to strictly control the quantity of food, its quality and content. For nutritional advice, it is best to contact the breeders from whom the puppy was purchased. As a rule, they themselves share information about how they feed and keep dogs.

Basic Rules:

  • food should be at room temperature or slightly higher;
  • leftover food or food should not be left in the bowl;
  • after eating, at least 2 hours should pass before a walk or active physical exertion;
  • Boxers should never be overfed.

The correct ratio of meat and cereals in one feeding should be 1/3 (1 part of meat to 3 parts of porridge with vegetables) for adults. Puppies and pregnant females should be fed in a 2/3 ratio.

Diet basis:

  • meat;
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • cereals: oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • boiled liver;
  • dairy products;
  • special feed.

Benefits of the boxer breed

They are wonderful companions and family friends. They have excellent security and service qualities. They like to feel the attention and love of their owners. Suitable for active people who love and understand dogs. Most of them are healthy and positive. People who are or were happy owners of boxers say that it is better not to find a pet.

If you need a modest and quiet dog for joint wallowing on the couch in front of the TV, then this breed is certainly not suitable. But they will make an excellent company for people who love sports and outdoor recreation. Ensure the safety of property and owners. They will add colors and real dog love, devotion and mutual understanding to life.


Depends on many factors and is approximately $ 250 per individual with a minimum set of documents and from $ 80. - on an animal for the soul and home. For a puppy of titled parents, you will have to pay a much larger amount, starting from 500 US dollars and more.

Video: dog breed German boxer

For many, the fighting breed of dog causes fear. And not in vain. Such a dog is full of aggression and uncontrollable character. Surprisingly, the German boxer also belongs to the "fighters". But his complaisant and good-natured disposition does not fit into the framework of such pets. Kindness and playfulness distinguish the German Boxer from other fighting breeds. Until the dog senses a direct threat to his owner and his family. Let's get to know this handsome man better!

A bit about historical roots

As the reports of researchers show, the ancestors of boxers are Tibetan Great Danes, which appeared in ancient Rome and Greece. They appeared on the territory of these countries even before our era. These dogs were used to "create" military "copies" - Molossians. And how many centuries these large, aggressive and bloodthirsty dogs inhabited European countries! They acted both as a reliable guard and as a pickling dog for a large forest animal. And what can we say about "gladiator" dog fights! The first descriptions of the boxer appeared only in the middle of the 19th century. But their ancestors, called brachycephals, lived in Germany long before that.

The breed of dog is a German boxer, which has developed due to the mixing of the bloodlines of bullenbeisers, bulldogs and mastiffs. Starting in 1896, the German boxer began to conquer the world. Fans of this breed even opened their own club dedicated to this incredibly beautiful dog. Look at the photo of the dogs of the German boxer breed: what to become, what posture, what a deceptive appearance! Behind external aggression lies good nature and complaisant character. Since then, this breed of dog has been used as a search and guide dog. They also served in the police and the army. For courage and dexterity, pets were especially liked by their owners.

Look at the photo: like a dog and ready to rush and tear his opponent, but no. Breeders tried to preserve not only positive qualities: endurance, quick reaction, dexterity; but also to add poise and kindness. The breed got its name due to the special manner of the dog to play: he sorts through the air with his paws, as if boxing. Owner reviews speak frankly: this dog is the best for living in a family. To do this, she has all the necessary qualities.

Description of the breed German boxer

German boxer dog (see photo) of medium height - about 60 cm at the withers, weighing 25-32 kg. The physique of the dog is stocky, the whole body has a square shape (the height of the animal and its length are approximately the same). This physique is consistent with a deep and wide chest, as well as a strong back with a slight slope to the pelvis. However, the dog should not look squat. On the contrary, the German boxer dog (see photo) has a proud posture and stately appearance. This is largely facilitated by the dry muscles of the animal, a lean stomach, and also, though massive, but correctly placed limbs without curvature. The boxer's tail is straight and long. The neck is strong and muscular, of medium length.

The muzzle of the German boxer dogs (see photo) is distinguished by a slightly upturned nose, a slightly protruding lower jaw and high, thin ears hanging forward. When docked, the ears acquire a pointed shape, and they are also given the correct setting. Of course, not everything is about the breed, but the look of the dark eyes of the German boxer can tell a lot. Curiosity, energy, but not aggression can be traced in it.

The skin of dogs is tight-fitting, without forming any folds, except for the forehead and cheeks. The boxer's coat is short, hard, and tight. The characteristic colors for the German boxer dog breed (see photo) are considered to be only two: red and brindle. The range of colors of the red color varies from rich red to light yellow. Brindle coloration can vary from golden to dark, dark. If you refer to the breed standard and look closely at the photo, you can see that the stripes should be in the form of clear lines.

With any color on the muzzle there should be a kind of dark mask. White marks add aesthetics to the breed (see photo). Their presence is acceptable by the standard of a boxer. According to the description of the breed, a “defective” dog is considered white, gray, black with a lot of spots and stripes.

If the owner's plans include plans for a show career, then docking of the tail and ears should be completely forgotten. Since today experts strongly discourage such manipulations with the German boxer breed.

Character, training, education of a pet

The German boxer has a tireless, cheerful, nosy character. Life energy is overflowing. Even if you take a glimpse of a photo of a German boxer with a sad expression on his “face” when begging for a treat, you can immediately understand: he is a skillful manipulator and a quick-witted, affectionate dog.

This dog is very active. Her energy should be directed in the right direction and allowed to splash out the accumulated emotions during the game or a walk, otherwise the dog will be able to “relax” at home. As the reviews of the owners show, the dog discharges when chewing on wooden furniture, upholstery, parquet, and wall corners. Perhaps the German boxer acquired these qualities from his relatives. The price of his activity is crumpled furniture, walls and everything that gets in his way. Even if the owner of a German boxer knows everything about the breed and its training, but does not have time to entertain the pet, to give him relaxation, then it is better for such an owner to look at calmer, so-called "sofa" dogs.

The description of the breed also confirms that this breed shows not so much aggression as wariness towards strangers and dogs. This mostly applies to large dogs and adults. These pets treat children as gently, reverently and patiently as possible. They perceive human "babies" as their own. That is why, if you read some reviews of the owners, the German boxer is the best breed for families with small children. It is very important that the pet is socialized as early as possible, as this stage is considered the most important in the maturation of the dog. In this case, in a family where he is not offended, treated with love and affection, a dog of the German boxer breed will grow up as a fearless warrior, able to protect all members of his family from everyone and everything.

A little stubbornness can be called a hallmark of the breed. But despite this, pets willingly follow commands, quickly give in to training, and assess the situation at the speed of light. But in the process of education, one should take into account the "stubbornness" of the pet (in a good way). Basically, the owners claim that this breed is very loyal, gentle and attached to their family. In an effort to always be close to their owners, this dog has no equal. It is very important that a dog breeder, even a beginner, be able to convince his dog without the use of physical punishment. Then the dog will become a real member of the family.

Experts recommend buying a German boxer in kennels. Yes, the price of such puppies starts at about $300, but in this case, the future owner can be sure that the dog will grow up healthy and well-mannered without deviations in mental, moral and physical health. From the hands of the ads in the newspaper, you can buy a pet from $150. But no one will give a guarantee in the purebredness of the breed and complaisant character.

  • The nature of the future family member depends on genetics. If the puppy's parents are really fighting dogs and regularly participate in dog fights, then this factor will be inherited. Where is the guarantee that such a pet will not suddenly become unbalanced and attack the child?
  • Even if the parents were calm and accommodating, then people could treat puppies cruelly. In this case, anger and aggression will constantly slip into the character of the dog.

Boxer Grooming

Breed German boxer, picky about the weather. What does it mean? Dry hot weather can make your pet sick. A severe frost can lead to hypothermia, because the cold air does not have time to warm up in a short mouth. Also, wet weather with a chilly wind is not suitable for such pets. This does not mean that boxers are sissies. Not! The structural features of the skull and short coat do not allow the dog to walk for a long time in bad weather. In this case, it is better to purchase a raincoat or warm overalls.

With regard to care, this dog requires special care for the cleanliness of the eyes and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Moisture must not be allowed to accumulate here. I am glad that these pets are one of the few who like to swim. It is worth looking at funny photos, and immediately everything becomes clear. The owners are also pleased with the fact that boxers shed rarely and not intensively. There is no dog smell at all in rainy weather.

If you look at the photo, you can’t even imagine that such powerful and stocky dogs may have health problems. But they happen. Dermatitis, diseases of the joints, diseases of internal organs, teeth, ears, eyes - ailments that haunt a pet with improper care. Life expectancy averages about 12 years.

If you decide to get a pet, then you should take a closer look at this breed: the dog is sane, affectionate, gentle, with an accommodating character (with proper upbringing); German boxer is a dream for a happy family with children. Although the price is quite high, but you are buying a reliable and loyal friend for yourself and your family.

is a good friend for the whole family. He is a good guard and babysitter for children. In addition, the pet is very affectionate. Despite prejudices, the dog will not show aggression unreasonably. This is an active strong animal, the care of which is very simple.

Boxer dog is a good friend for the whole family

The Boxer is considered a very active and strong dog. It is perfect for a family dreaming of a cheerful dog that could protect all its members, and even would be perfect for keeping at home. Representatives of this breed have good health, athletic body. Boxers are considered to be quite fast. They can walk for a long time or run after their owner if he swims or rides a bicycle.

Boxers get along well with other animals, but this does not prevent them from chasing cats and birds during walks and games. They believe that everything in their territory is prey. That is why it is very important to control such hunting attacks in boxers. You need to train your dog to be obedient.

Boxers are considered service dogs. Among them are many orderlies, rescuers and those who work in teams. Due to the unusual structure of the muzzle, boxers cannot engage in normal searching, but there are those who excel at this business. In addition, these dogs are loyal and empathetic, which allows them to be lifeguards, therapists and even guide dogs. These dogs have high intelligence, and are also characterized by restraint and the ability to learn quickly. So it's no surprise that boxers are considered to be among the best working dogs.

According to the standards, the boxer's body should be wide, but compact. This is a square-shaped dog with pronounced musculature. The dog is a short-haired breed. As for docking, if the dog is born in a country where it is allowed, it can be shown at shows.

As for behavior and character, boxers are distinguished by a stable nervous system. They are balanced and easy to train. Still the main features are uncompromising attitude towards violators, playfulness and love for family members, especially children.

The head has a pronounced shape. The muzzle is strong, voluminous, wide. It is proportional to the body, does not look too massive. The body is square, the legs are straight and strong. The coat is short and close to the skin. The color of the dog is brown, brindle or red. The black boxer does not exist. The brown tint can be so dark that it appears black-brown.

White markings are allowed by the standards and will be an interesting decoration.

Features of this breed:

  • strong aggressiveness;
  • cowardly character;
  • poor management;
  • malocclusion;
  • light shades of eyes and eyelids not completely covered with pigment;
  • gloomy expression on the face;
  • a muzzle that resembles the shape of bulldogs or pinschers;
  • a small amount of pigment on the nose and lips;
  • kink of the tail and its low location;
  • cryptorchidism in the stronger sex;
  • a white shade that has spread to a third of the body or occupy half or more of the head.

When choosing a pet, be sure to check that all these traits are absent.

Gallery: boxer dog (25 photos)

Boxer dog (video)

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that the boxer is considered a short-haired dog, its mobility must be taken into account. So you have to pay a lot of attention to caring for your dog. Such a pet does not tolerate a sharp drop in temperature, heat, so you need to keep it only indoors (house or apartment), but there should be free access to the street and back. In the room you need to build a kind of sofa so that the litter is not located directly on the floor. You need to choose a place where there are no drafts. In the yard, it is additionally recommended to make an aviary with a floor of planks. In summer, the dog should have access to cool water. By the way, there are special vests with a cooling effect, so you can also use them while walking. But in winter, the pet should be insulated and use special clothes for dogs.

Since boxers are considered shorthaired, grooming is minimal. It will be enough to periodically wipe it as soon as it gets dirty. To do this, use a wet terry towel. A special mitten with a rubber base will do. During molting, you need to comb out the coat with a brush or comb. You need to bathe the dog only if he is smeared in the mud. To do this, use a special shampoo for short-haired dog breeds. You can also use dry shampoo for cleaning. You will need to apply the product to the coat, wait 5-10 minutes, and then wipe the pet with a napkin (only terry cloth is used).

The eyes of boxers also need to be looked after. As soon as discharges of dark shades appear in the corners, they are supposed to be removed with a soft wet cloth. If the masses are greenish in color and at the same time too abundant, then you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Ear care is also required, they need to be examined every week. If necessary, the ears should be cleaned. Cotton buds must not be used. It is necessary to moisten cotton swabs in a special lotion, and then wipe. By the way, the lotion can be replaced with an ordinary aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. If a liquid with an unpleasant odor appears in the ears, as well as crusts of a reddish or brownish hue, then you need to urgently take the pet for examination to the veterinarian.

One important procedure is brushing your teeth. This dog needs to be trained as a puppy. This will help keep the teeth in good condition, especially if the dog is fed soft foods. Raw beef bones can replace toothbrushes. You can buy special bones from the veins. Another option is toys like "dental", which have protrusions and spikes. Brushing your dog's teeth regularly will help prevent tartar build-up. Otherwise, they will then have to be removed at a veterinary clinic.

Dog food

When it comes to nutrition, boxers have a great appetite. They quickly eat whatever is in their bowl, so it is very important that the owner of the dog knows the rules of feeding. For an adult, a third of the diet should be meat, and the rest should be cereals and vegetables. In puppies, the proportion will be reversed. From meat for boxers, poultry is perfect (only remove tubular bones), tripe, meat from the head, beef heart, offal. Fishing is allowed. It is recommended to include fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese) and eggs in the diet. An adult dog needs to be fed 2 times a day. Puppies up to 4 months are supposed to be fed up to 4 times a day, and up to a year - 3 times. It is recommended to use additional vitamin and mineral complexes. In the cold season, food should be more liquid, fatty and warm.

About the breed (video)

boxer training

Like all service breeds, boxers require special training. Physical activity is very important, and they should be regular. It is recommended to start the first workouts as soon as quarantine is lifted. The puppy needs to be taught elementary commands: landing, stopping the action, approaching the object. It must be remembered that puppies cannot yet concentrate on the same thing for a long time, so they are quickly distracted. In this regard, training is recommended to be carried out several times a day, but their duration should not exceed a few minutes. For the correct actions of a small pet, you need to encourage - not only verbally, but also with a treat. Punishments cannot be used.

Systematic training at special sites should begin when the puppy is six months old. It is very important to choose a coach responsibly. At this time, the psyche of a small pet is only being formed, so in no case should punishment and harsh measures be applied.

Every walk should be interesting for the dog. It is necessary to train the dog not only to be obedient, but also to show various exercises, tricks. This will help the owner of the dog to establish good contact and understanding with her. This contributes to the development of the physical and intellectual. Socialization involves not only communication with other dogs, it is given no more than 10-30 minutes a day. The rest of the time the boxer needs to communicate with the owner. The dog needs to be taught to travel in vehicles (including public ones), walks in noisy places and along crowded streets, various skills. All walk plans should be varied. In addition, the command algorithm also needs to be changed so that the dog does not have stereotypes. The boxer will pass all the standards when he turns 1.5 years old.

No dwarf specimen will be such a reliable guard as a boxer. The advantages of this breed are that the dogs are not aggressive, easy to train, very affectionate with family members. They get along well with other animals, sometimes they are not tolerant of other dogs. In addition, dogs of this breed are of medium size. But, on the other hand, it must be borne in mind that pets require activity, movement and frequent physical activity. Be sure to train them. It must be taken into account that boxers do not tolerate heat very well, so, as a rule, it is very difficult for them in the summer. A dog cannot be kept outside (like a French Bulldog), it is simply not meant for it. The cost of puppies from kennels ranges from $500 to $1,000, but cheaper options can be found.

Attention, only TODAY!

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The Boxer is a beautiful, strong and large dog. Despite the fact that this breed has been used as a guard dog in Germany for a long time, it is quite widespread in large cities as a pet. This was facilitated by beauty, not very high aggressiveness, love, or at least loyalty to all family members. Nevertheless, this animal is able to continue to perform security functions, protecting the property and health of all family members.

The boxer dog breed is distinguished by mobility, playfulness and curiosity, retaining these properties until old age. When buying a puppy of this breed, of course, you need to evaluate your capabilities. Such a pet will require significant physical exertion and long walks. Only in this case he will be in good physical shape and will be able to look great. On this page of the site we will tell you in detail about the German boxer dog breed.

Boxer is a large dog, up to 30 kg. weight and 60 centimeters tall, and the cost of feeding her will be appropriate. When using dry food, an adult animal will need up to a kilogram of food per day, divided into three portions throughout the day, in order to avoid problems with the digestive tract.

A dog of this breed is prone to overeating, or simply put, it can thresh food non-stop. An overweight German boxer looks unsportsmanlike, so it is better to limit him in food. Another result of overeating can be stomach or intestinal problems.

Boxer dog - maintenance and care

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Six in a boxer dog is very short, which greatly simplifies the care of it. It consists only in regular cleaning with a soft brush. Do not use a hard brush, as the delicate skin of the animal will be injured. Six does not fall off and does not get confused, practically does not fly, and you can easily cope with such care on your own. Professional care may be required only for an exhibition copy, and even then only immediately before the show.

Unfortunately, such short hair has a downside, the animal does not like cold, dampness and drafts. As a result, your pet is prone to colds. If you are on a walk with a German boxer, got caught in rain or snow, when you come home, be sure to wipe the animal and dry the coat. The folds on the muzzle of this breed are shallow and, unlike the bulldog, you do not need to wash it.

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The color of the boxer can be solid: red or brown, brindle or spotted. In my opinion, the most beautiful monochromatic specimens. White spots are allowed, sometimes such pets look very impressive. The tail and ears are often docked and in my opinion the boxer dog looks better this way, but in Europe the docking of these animals is prohibited by the 2002 standard. The appearance of the dog is better to look at the photo.

Main color brindle boxer standard, with the only difference that the coat of the brindle boxer is covered with black or dark stripes running towards the ribs. The color of the stripes should contrast markedly with the ground color, but the stripes should neither be too narrow nor too wide. White markings are not considered a defect and are even preferred, provided that they cover no more than a third of the total surface of the body. Dogs with too large white patches, as well as dogs that are black or any other color other than fawn, brindle or yellow, are not allowed to participate in shows. The coat of the Brindle Boxer should be short, shiny and close to the body. The black mask should only cover the muzzle and not extend beyond it.

Many are sure that white boxer- it is a rarity. In fact, they are born 25% of the total, but since the white boxer does not meet the American standard, as well as the FCI standard, many puppies, alas, are not raised by breeders. Tales about these dogs give rise to all sorts of fears. And as a result, people try to choose a pet of a different color. It is well known that white boxers are by no means sick, they do not have reduced immunity. There is no clinical evidence that the white boxer is more at risk for health problems. However, a white boxer is more likely to be deaf. Unfortunately, approximately 18% of white boxers are deaf.

The Boxer is smart, active and inquisitive. Ideal for dog breeders who enjoy an active lifestyle. The ingenuity of this breed is evidenced by the fact that it can be used as a guide for the blind.

They come from Germany, where they initially performed watchdog functions. Therefore, she is wary of strangers. But the modern boxer is an almost universal breed capable of performing various functions, since its trainability and quick wits are very high. As mentioned above, he can be a guide dog, guard dog, nanny, sport or search dog.

According to the most common version, the Molossian Great Danes, known since ancient times, are considered to be the progenitors of the German boxer, which gave rise to more than one breed of dogs. Unfortunately, the boxer does not have a very bright past - until the middle of the 19th century, he was used as a pickling dog and a participant in dog fights, therefore he had an overly conflicting and aggressive character. But, fortunately, in the future, the breeders managed to instill in boxers a softer character and make this gloomy dog ​​truly domestic. The English Bulldog, the Great Dane, as well as some breeds of terriers took part in the formation of the breed. The "premiere" of the German boxer took place in 1885 at the dog show in Munich, and the official breed standard was adopted in 1905.

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When training, it should be borne in mind that some specimens may differ in increased stubbornness inherited from their ancestors. Active training of this breed should start from 4 - 5 months. The boxer becomes an adult at about 3 years old and, with good care, lives up to 12-15 years.

Despite the fact that initially it is a watchdog breed, it behaves good-naturedly with other people's children, can get along with another dog, and sometimes even a cat, does not offend small pets. Being a very active dog, the boxer does not like to be left alone.

The fighting character of the boxer is surprisingly combined in him with good nature and tenderness for his masters, he is especially reverent towards small children and considers it his duty to patronize them and indulge their pranks. Strangers do not inspire confidence in this dog, and, having an excellent reaction and a stable psyche, he is always on guard, ready to stand up for his master in case of danger. But for nothing, this brave dog does not bark and only fights if provoked. By the way, of the dogs, the German boxer recognizes only his breed, he treats the rest with caution and even a certain amount of aggression.

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In addition to the previously mentioned tendency to catch colds, and as a consequence of possible rheumatism, there are hereditary heart diseases and a tendency to cancer. Quite a large percentage of puppies are born with deafness in one or both ears, there is a tendency to allergies, usually food.

The Boxer is not prone to pointless barking and therefore does not interfere with the neighbors. If the dog barked, you should definitely look at what excited her so much. This breed is distinguished by absolute fearlessness, devotion, self-confidence and endurance, lack of cunning and deceit.

Thoroughbred boxers should not have such a defect as increased salivation, as a result of which they soiled furniture and premises.


The powerful appearance of German boxers is not always a sign of general health. The immune system of dogs of this breed is quite sensitive, and therefore boxers may be prone to allergies. Proper nutrition is very important to them. The boxer's diet should not contain products "from the table", since salt, spices, sugar, fat and other components of human food can provoke allergic reactions. Boxers should be fed either specially prepared cereals and soups, or high-quality dry food.

Dogs of this breed are prone to some forms of cancer, so if tumors are found or even suspected, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more chances there will be to save the dog from premature death.

German boxers have a rather delicate digestive system. Wrong food, large portions can provoke such serious diseases of the stomach and intestines that the dog will have to be saved on the operating table. It is better to feed the dog several times a day in small portions, avoiding overeating. Some boxers may suffer from thyroid dysfunction called hypothyroidism. Due to a lack of hormones, the dog develops obesity, baldness, skin rashes, skin hyperpigmentation, and sexual dysfunction.

Hypothyroidism significantly impairs a dog's quality of life, but, fortunately, replacement therapy can bring the levels of essential hormones back to normal. Boxers are prone to colds, so they should not be kept in cold, damp rooms. Some breed lines of boxers may be predisposed to hereditary heart disease, so when choosing a boxer puppy, it would be useful to inquire about the health of his parents, as well as grandparents.

F.C.I. Standard No. 144 / 02.04.2001 / D

1. General appearance:
The Boxer is a smooth-coated, compact, medium-sized, broad-bodied dog with a square build and strong bones. The muscles are dry, well developed, relief. The movements are energetic, full of strength and nobility. A boxer should not look clumsy or clumsy, nor weak in body or light.

2. Important proportions:

The ratio of length and height:
The body is square, i.e. lines drawn through the extreme points: horizontal - through the highest point of the withers, and vertical - one through the extreme anterior point of the humeroscapular joint, and the other through the extreme posterior point of the ischial tuberosity, form a square.

The ratio of the depth of the chest and the height at the withers:
The chest reaches to the elbows. The depth of the chest is half the height at the withers.

The ratio of the length of the muzzle and skull:
The length of the back of the nose is related to the length of the cranium as 1:2 (the measurement is taken from the tip of the nose to the inner corner of the eyes and from the inner corner of the eyes to the occipital bone).

3. Behavior and character:
The boxer has a strong nervous system, he is self-confident, calm and balanced. His temper is of great importance and needs careful attention. His affection and loyalty to his master and the whole family and home, his sensitivity and his fearlessness and courage as a protector have been known since ancient times. He is affectionate in the family, but distrustful of strangers, cheerful and friendly in the game, but fearless in attack. He is easily trained due to his willingness to obey, courage and fighting qualities, his natural sharpness and excellent sense of smell. Being unpretentious and clean, he proves to be a pleasant member of the family and proves useful as a protector and companion, as well as a working dog. His character is honest and open, without falsehood and deceit, without cowardice.

4. Head:
Gives the boxer a distinctive look and should be in the right proportion with the body and should look neither too light nor too heavy. The muzzle should be as wide and powerful as possible. The beauty of the head is provided by the correct ratio of the muzzle and skull. When looking at the head from any side: from above, from the front or from the side, the muzzle must always remain in the correct proportion with the skull, i.e. should never look too light. The head should be dry and free of skin folds (wrinkles). However, wrinkles on the forehead appear spontaneously when the dog pricks up the ears with increased attention. From the base of the bridge of the nose, permanently marked skin folds fall on both sides. The black mask is limited to the muzzle, stands out clearly from the background of the head and should not give the Boxer a gloomy expression.

Components of the front:

Forehead (facial part of the skull):
should be as graceful as possible and angular. It is slightly rounded, neither spherical and short, nor flat and not too wide; the occiput is not very high. The frontal furrow is only slightly marked and should not be too deep, it is only marked between the eyes.

The forehead passes into the back of the nose with a distinct ledge. The bridge of the nose should not be pressed into the forehead like a bulldog, but should not be lowered either.

Must be three-dimensional in all three dimensions i.e. should not be sharp and narrow, nor shortened or shallow. Its form is determined by:
a) jaw shape
b) the location of the fangs and
c) the shape of the lips.

The fangs should be large and as widely spaced as possible, due to which the nasolabial mirror is wide, almost square in shape and is located at an obtuse angle to the back of the nose. The front edge of the upper lip merges with the front edge of the lower lip. The curved front of the lower jaw, together with the lower lip, forms a pronounced chin. It should not visibly protrude from under the upper lip or, even less desirable, be hidden by the upper lip. The chin should appear clearly defined both when viewed from the front and from the side. When the mouth is closed, the incisors and fangs of the lower jaw should not be visible, in addition, the tongue should not be visible. The groove in front of the upper lip is distinctly visible.

Lips (flews):
Give the muzzle a complete shape. The upper lip is thick and fleshy, covers all the free space formed by the longer lower jaw, and is supported by the lower fangs.

Broad, black, slightly upturned, nostrils wide. The tip of the lobe is only slightly higher than the base.

The lower jaw is longer than the upper and slightly curved upwards. The shape of the bite in a boxer is undershot. The upper jaw is broad at the base of the forehead and tapers only slightly towards the tip. Teeth are strong and healthy. The incisors are located as evenly as possible in one line, the fangs are large and widely spaced.

The cheekbones should be developed, as well as the jaws, but they should not protrude. There should be a smooth transition from the cheekbones to the muzzle in the form of a smooth curve.

Dark, not small, prominent or deeply sunken. The expression of the eyes is energetic and intelligent and should not be threatening or prickly. The rim of the eyelids is dark.

Set on high, sharply docked, commensurate with the length and set vertically at the base of the skull, not too broad. Uncropped ears are of proportionate size, thin to the touch, rather small, set on the sides of the highest part of the skull. In a calm state, they lie close to the cheekbones, especially when the dog is alert - the ears turn slightly forward, hanging down forming a distinct fold.

remain natural, of a proportionate size, thin to the touch, rather small, located on the sides of the highest part of the skull. In a calm state, they lie close to the cheekbones, especially when the dog is alert - the ears turn slightly forward, hanging down forming a distinct fold.

5. Neck:
The upper line of the neck is in the form of an elegant arch with a clearly defined transition to the withers. It should be of sufficient length, round, strong, muscular and dry.

6. Trunk (Body):
Boxer has a square format. The body rests on strong straight legs.

Well expressed.

The back, including the loins, should be short, strong, straight, broad and very muscular.

Slightly sloping, somewhat rounded, wide. The pelvis should be long and wide, especially in bitches.

Rib cage:
Convex and deep, almost reaching to the elbows. The depth of the chest is equal to half the height at the withers. The forechest is well developed. Ribs well sprung but not barrel-shaped, extending well back.

Extends back in an elegant curve. The groin is short, moderately tucked up.

set rather high than low, docked short and carried up

more high than low set. The tail remains natural.

7. Limbs:
When viewed from the front, they are even and parallel to each other with good voluminous skeleton.

Shoulder blades:
Long and oblique, fitting close to the body, they should not be overly muscular.

Long, located at right angles to the shoulder blade.

Not too tightly pressed to the chest, but not spaced either.

They are located vertically, long, covered with dry muscles.

Firm, well defined, but not swollen.

Short, almost vertical.

Small, rounded, with closed fingers. The pads are thick with thick soles.

Hind limbs:
They have very powerful, dense and relief muscles. Seen from behind, they are straight.

Long and wide. The angles of the hip and knee joints are as less obtuse as possible.

Very muscular.

It should be so exposed forward that it touches the perpendicular of the thigh lowered from the iliac tubercle to the ground.

Hock joint:
Strong, well defined, but not bloated. The joint angle is about 140 degrees.

Short, slightly sloping, at an angle of 95-100 degrees to the ground.

Slightly longer than the front, with closed fingers. The pads are thick, with a dense sole.

Energetic, full of strength and nobility.

Dry, elastic, without wrinkles.

9. Wool:
Short, close-lying, hard and shiny.

10. 0color:
Red or brindle. Red is allowed in any shade from light yellow to red-brown, but medium tones (i.e. bright red) are most preferred. The mask is black. The brindle color is dark or blacker stripes on a red background running along the ribs. The main color and stripes must be different from each other. White markings are not prohibited in principle, and can even be very decorative.

11. Height:
Measured from the withers perpendicular to the ground passing near the elbow. Males: 57-63 cm. Females: 53-59 cm.

12. Weight:
Males: more than 30 kg (with a height at the withers of about 60 cm).
Bitches: Approximately 25 kg (height at withers approximately 56 cm).

Any deviations from the above characteristics are considered defects, the assessment of which is commensurate with the degree of these deviations.

Behavior and character:
Aggressiveness, malice, deceit, excessive excitability, lack of temperament, cowardice.

Lack of nobility and expressiveness, frowning, pinchero or bulldog head structure, drooling, showing teeth or tongue, too narrow or not enough volume muzzle, downturned bridge of the nose, light, spotted or unpigmented nose and lip edging, light eyes, the so-called "predator's eye birds", not painted edge of the sclera of the eyes, poorly cropped ears, not adjacent to the cheekbones, erect, raised or thrown back to the back of the head, not cropped ears, rose ears, skewed lower jaw, skewed incisor line, irregular arrangement of teeth, underdeveloped teeth, damaged as a result diseases of the teeth.

Short, thick and dewlap.

Excessively wide and too deep chest, sagging withers, sagging, humped or narrow back, long, narrow, sagging or humped loins, weak connection with the croup, sloping croup, narrow pelvis, sagging belly, sunken sides.

low set and tail kink.

Razmet (French stance), free elbows, soft pastern, oval or loose paw.

Hind limbs:
Weak muscles, too blunt or too sharp angulations, saber, barrel-shaped set, close hocks, cowhide, dewclaws, flat or loose foot.

Waddle movements, short step, amble, stilted gait.

Mask extending beyond the muzzle, too dense or too sparse brindle. Dirty main background. Indistinct borders of the stripes, ugly white markings, such as a half or completely white skull. Other colors not specified in the standard, as well as the number of white markings in excess of a third of the body surface.

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