Prazitel for dogs of small and large breeds. Prazitel for cats and dogs. Reviews for Prazitel for dogs

1 ml suspension contains:

  • praziquantel - 50 mg,
  • pyrantel pamoate-140 mg,
  • fenbendazole -100 mg
  • Auxiliary components: olive oil.


When administered orally, praziquantel is rapidly absorbed in the intestine and distributed in organs and tissues, excreted from the body mainly in the urine in a metabolized form; pyrantel pamoate and fenbendazole are partially absorbed in the intestine and excreted from the body mainly with faeces in the recommended doses, it does not have an immunotoxic, sensitizing, embryotoxic and teratogenic effect.

Indications for use

Prazitel® plus suspension is prescribed to dogs for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes with nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm infection), cestodosis (taeniasis, dipilidiosis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, mesocestoidosis) and mixed nematode-cestodosis invasions.

Dosage and method of application

Prazitel® plus suspension is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for dogs once in the morning feeding with a small amount of food or is forcibly administered using a dosing syringe at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 10 kg of dog body weight.

Preventive deworming of dogs is carried out once every 3 months, as well as 10 days before vaccination.

Shake the vial with the suspension thoroughly before use.

A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives are not required. Special instructions: Pregnant bitches are dewormed in the second half of pregnancy, lactating bitches - 3 weeks after birth with caution under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects

Prazitel® plus suspension is well tolerated by dogs of different breeds and ages.

Side effects and complications when using the drug Prazitel® plus suspension in accordance with these Instructions for use have not been established.

Individual intolerance to Prazitel® plus suspension components is possible. In this case, the use of the drug is stopped.


not identified.

Interaction with other drugs

Prazitel® plus suspension should not be used concomitantly with anthelmintic agents containing piperazine.

Release form

dark glass bottles with a first opening control cap, packed in cardboard boxes complete with a dosing syringe and instructions for use. The volume of the suspension is 10 ml.

Prazitel is available in the form of light yellow flat-cylindrical tablets (0.32 g), packed in cardboard boxes, as well as in the form of a suspension. Belongs to the group of moderately dangerous medicines. One box may contain 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 pills. Subject to the recommended dosage, it does not have a teratogenic, sensitizing, hepatotoxic effect. Well tolerated by the body of animals. It is acceptable to use for cats of all breeds, kittens, starting from 9 weeks of age.

One tablet of Prazitel contains: 5 mg of praziquantel and 50 mg of pyrantel pamoate. As additional components are used: lactose, potato starch, croscarmiose sodium, calcium stearate.

According to the instructions, Prazitel for cats should be stored in dry, cool, protected from UV rays, light places at a temperature of 0-23 degrees. From the date of issue, the shelf life is three years.

Pharmacodynamics, properties

Prazitel tablets belongs to the group of combined antihelminthic veterinary drugs. The main active components provide a prolonged, complex effect on various types of cestodes, nematodes.

Pamoate pyrantel is slowly absorbed in the intestine, providing a prolonged action of the anthelmintic. Promotes the rapid natural release of worms from the digestive tract of animals. It is excreted from the body of cats in 30-48 hours with feces.


Prazitel tablets are prescribed by veterinarians to cats for prevention, treatment

  • nematodes;
  • cestodosis;
  • toxoscarosis;
  • dipilidiosis;
  • mesocystoidosis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • alveococcosis;
  • uncinariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • mixed helminthic invasions (nematode-cestode).

The therapeutic effect in cats from taking Prazitel in tablets or suspension is noted in 95-100% of cases.

Instructions for use

The dosage of Prasitel is calculated taking into account the body weight of the animals: 1 tablet per four kilograms of the cat's weight. An anthelmintic for the treatment of helminthic invasions is used one-time, individually in each case. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian.

It is best to give the veterinary medicine to the cat an hour before the morning feeding. Tablets can be crushed into powder and mixed with your pet's favorite treat, for example, minced meat, canned food, sausage, raw meat.

When taken orally, it is permissible to forcibly put the tablet in the pet's oral cavity, on the root of the tongue. Fix the mouth with your hand for a few minutes until a swallowing reflex appears. Prazitel, previously crushed into powder and mixed with milk or water, can be poured into the cat's oral cavity using a conventional syringe without a needle on the cheek. For convenience, use a special introducer syringe, which can be purchased at pet stores, veterinary pharmacies.

When diagnosing severe helminthic invasions, it is permissible to re-use Prasitel with an interval of 10-12 days. In order to prevent infection with worms, an anthelmintic in the indicated dosage can be used every three to six months. If the cat walks on the street - preventive deworming is carried out every three months.

Before carrying out therapeutic, prophylactic deworming, there is no need to give laxatives, to keep the animal on a starvation diet for a day. Prazitel should not be combined with other veterinary drugs based on Pyrantel.

Side effects and contraindications

Prazitel in tablets is a low-toxic, safe anthelmintic drug. Side effects, if the cat does not have an increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as with strict adherence to the dosage indicated in the annotation, are not noted.

In case of hypersensitivity to Prasitel substances, cats may experience an allergic reaction, profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting, depression, decreased response to external stimuli. Therefore, after deworming, owners in the first two days should carefully monitor the health of their fluffy pet.

Mild side symptoms after taking Prazitel, as a rule, should pass on the first day. If your furry's health continues to deteriorate, contact your veterinarian immediately. For subsequent treatment and preventive deworming, the veterinarian will select another effective anthelmintic for cats.

Prazitel is not allowed to apply:

  • severely emaciated, sick, weakened animals;
  • kittens under the age of one month;
  • with individual intolerance to active substances;
  • simultaneously with antihelminthic drugs based on piperazine;
  • pregnant, lactating females.

Complete elimination of the drug from the body of cats occurs after 24-26 hours. Before carrying out therapeutic, prophylactic deworming, we recommend that you consult with a veterinarian.

Prazitel (Prazitel) is a veterinary combined anthelmintic drug. The release form of the drug is flat-cylindrical tablets. One pack contains 2 tablets. The active ingredients of the drug are prazinquantel, fenbendazole and pyrantel pamoate.

  • Pyrantel pamoate paralyzes the muscular system of nematodes.
  • Fenbendazole disrupts the energy metabolism of nematodes.
  • Praziquantel paralyzes the muscular system of cestodes.

Indications for use

  1. Cestodosis (echinococcosis, alveococcosis, teniidosis, mesocestoidosis, dipilidiosis, diphyllobothriasis)
  2. Nematodoses (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, trichuriasis, uncinariasis, hookworm)
  3. Opisthorchiasis.
  4. Mixed invasions.

Prevention of helminth diseases is essential for dogs, as infection can occur in many ways. At the initial stage, the problem may not manifest itself, and the first signs appear already with significant organ damage.

Instructions for use

Tablets should be given with food during the morning meal. They can be embedded in a piece of meat, or crushed and mixed with porridge or minced meat. You can also force the dog to take the pill forcibly.

In case of violation of the terms of re-use, the scheme and dosage of the resumption of Prazitel's intake remain the same. The use of laxatives or a special diet, as when taking other anthelmintics, before and after the administration of the drug is not required.

Store tablets at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius and avoid direct exposure to sunlight. It is forbidden to use Prazitel after the expiration date. Before use consult a veterinarian!


For Prazitel, contraindications for use are as follows:

  • Individual intolerance to the components.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Taking products containing the active substance piperazine (Prazitel's action will be ineffective).
  • The period of the first half of pregnancy.
  • Up to 2 weeks postpartum.
  • Puppies are less than 2 weeks old.

The use of Prasitel in lactating females requires the advice of a specialist in order to possibly adjust the dose, since the components of the drug can be excreted through milk.

According to the degree of exposure, Prazitel belongs to the third class of danger. In established doses, it has no side effects, except for a possible short-term increased salivation.

drug overdose

Prazinquantel and fenbendazole have a high safety index. An overdose can occur along the pyrantel line, which has a moderate index.
With a significant overdose, the following symptoms are possible:

  • Profuse salivation.
  • Depressed state.
  • Intestinal disorder.

In case of severe manifestation of symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

Measures of personal prevention

When working with Prasitel, it is necessary to observe the safety and personal hygiene rules that are common when using medicines. You also need to store the drug in places inaccessible to children.
If Prasitel enters the body or manifestations of allergic reactions, you should consult a doctor. In this case, it is desirable to have with you instructions for use or a label from the drug.

Prazitel is an oral suspension or tablet.

The drug includes active ingredients: paraziquantel (3mg.), Pyrantel pamoate (30mg.) And fenbendazole (100mg.).

Suspension of yellow color with a white tint. The drug is presented in a dark polymer bottle of 20 ml, the cap on the vial with the control of the first opening. In the cardboard box, along with the bottle, there is a syringe dispenser.

The action consists in blocking non-muscular transmissions, disrupting the permeability of cell membranes, inhibiting a group of enzymes - cholinesterases, paralysis of the helminth occurs, which leads to death.

When taken orally, it is absorbed in the intestine in a short period of time and evenly distributed over the tissues of organs and excreted from the body along with waste products.

Complete elimination from the body in a natural way occurs within 24-48 hours from the moment of application.

The drug is considered moderately dangerous for warm-blooded animals, so you should strictly follow the instructions for use and dosage in order to avoid toxic effects.

Dosage of suspension and tablets, instructions for use

Prazitel is given to dogs for the treatment or prevention of intestinal nematodes and cestodosis.

The drug is allowed to be given to puppies over 2 weeks old.

For deworming dogs of small breeds, a dosage of 1 ml should be followed. preparation per 1 kg of animal weight. For animals weighing less than a kilogram, the suspension is given with the calculation of 0.1 ml to 0.1 kg of weight.

The drug should be given to the pet in the morning with a small amount of food, you can use the dispenser and inject the suspension onto the root of the tongue. No prior abstinence from food or drink is necessary.

Side effects

It is harmless at observance of dosages, however, in very rare cases, signs of allergy or intoxication are observed.

Symptoms that may occur with an overdose have not yet been established. With individual intolerance, which is quite rare, dogs experience salivation. Salivation passes by itself, does not require any intervention.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindicated in lactating females if less than 3 weeks have passed since childbirth. It is also not recommended for malnourished, weak and sick animals with infectious diseases.

Do not combine treatment with other similar drugs that contain piperazine.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The composition and consistency of the suspension are aimed at ensuring that the dog cannot clear the oral cavity of the drug on its own.

People with intolerance to the substances indicated in the composition should handle the suspension carefully, and in case of contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it is better to consult a doctor, after washing the place of contact with the drug with clean water.

Pyrantel also affects the muscles of the worms, but in a different way - by blocking neuromuscular transmission and depolarization between specific muscle cell receptors and nerve connections. Also, this substance blocks the action of a specific enzyme - cholinesterase, which provides nerve conduction. Pirantel affects only nematode worms. At the same time, helminth larvae in the migration stage (mainly in the lungs), as well as their eggs, are not sensitive to this substance.

Instructions for the drug for the dog

Prazitel is available in the form of tablets and in the form of a liquid suspension. There are variants of the drug in the form of a suspension for small dogs (with a small weight), for medium and large dogs, whose weight exceeds 15 kg.

Suspension for small dogs contains 3 mg of praziquantel and 30 mg of pyrantel; it does not contain fenbendazole. Suspension for medium and large dogs contains fenbendazole 100 mg, praziquantel 50 mg and pyrantel 140 mg. Tablets are available in only one type and contain 50 mg of praziquantel, 140 mg of pyrantel and 100 mg of fenbendazole. They are suitable for dogs of all sizes, but the dosage varies depending on the weight of the dog.

How to give the drug to dogs?

The instruction prescribes that the dosage of the suspension for small breeds is 1 ml per kg of body weight. Puppies weighing less than 1 kg are given 0.1 ml for every 100 g of weight. Large dogs are given 1 ml of Prasitel for every 10 kg of weight. The suspension can be mixed with food or poured directly into the mouth (poured on the root of the tongue) using the dispenser included in the package. Prazitel in the form of tablets is given 1 for every 10 kg of weight. For puppies and very small dogs weighing up to 3 kg, 1 tablet is divided into 4 parts, and for dogs weighing 4-5 kg ​​- into 2 parts. For prevention, the same dosage of Prasitel is used as for treatment.,

Prazitel for dogs is given once, and there is no need for additional laxatives and a starvation diet. In the case of intense helminthic invasion, the drug is repeated after 10 days. Prevention of worms is carried out once every 10 days. It is also desirable to “drive out” helminths 10 days before vaccinations and 2 weeks before mating. It is advisable to give Prazitel to pregnant dogs 3 weeks before birth and 3 weeks after them, and the drug can be given to puppies from 2 weeks of age.

Indications for use

Prazitel is prescribed to dogs for the treatment, as well as the prevention of such helminths:

  • Nematodoses (toxascariasis, toxocariasis, uncinariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm).
  • Cestodoses (alveococcosis, echinococcosis, mesocestoidosis, teniosis, diphyllobothriasis, dipilidiosis).
  • Opisthorchiasis.
  • Mixed worm infestations.

Prevention of helminthic diseases is necessary for dogs, since infection can occur in different ways. At the first stage, the problem sometimes does not manifest itself, and the first symptoms become noticeable with already significant organ damage.

Tablets should be given at the same time as food during the morning meal. You can introduce them into a piece of meat or crush and mix with minced meat or porridge. You can also try to force the dog to swallow the pill. Prazitel is used once for both treatment and prevention. Preventive deworming is indicated in such cases:

  • once every 3 months (planned);
  • 10 days before vaccination;
  • 14 days before mating;
  • in case of pregnancy - 20 days before childbirth.

In case of violation of the terms of repeated intake of prazitel, the dosage and the scheme for resuming its administration remain unchanged. Tablets should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +25, avoiding direct sunlight. Prazitel has the following contraindications:

    • Individual intolerance.
    • infectious diseases.
    • Exhaustion.
    • Taking medications containing piperazine.
    • Pregnancy in the first half of the term.
    • 2 first weeks after birth.
    • Puppies are less than 2 weeks old.

Taking prazitel by lactating bitches requires consultation with a veterinarian for a possible dose adjustment, since the components of the drug can be excreted in the milk.

According to the degree of impact, this anthelmintic belongs to the 3rd hazard class. In the correct doses (corresponding to the instructions), it does not cause side effects, in addition to the likely increase in salivation for a short time. It will also be useful to know how to treat gastritis.

drug overdose

The safety indices of fenbendazole and praziquantel are quite high. An overdose of specifically pyrantel is possible, the safety index of which is moderate. In case of a severe overdose, the following symptoms are likely:

  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Depressed state.
  • Strong salivation.

If there are signs of an overdose, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Personal safety

The use of Prazitel requires compliance with safety regulations, as well as personal hygiene, standard for drugs. It is necessary to keep Prazitel out of the reach of children. If this drug enters the body or if allergic reactions occur, you should contact your veterinarian. In this case, it is better to take the instructions for the drug with you.

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