The dog scratches his ears a lot. The dog shakes its head - what to do? For cat owners

It is important for every dog ​​owner to know what condition the dog's hearing is in. This will allow weekly checks to identify changes. According to the standard, the dog's ear should have a lot of sulfuric discharge, light brown, odorless.

Sometimes pets, when they wake up, shake their ears a lot, sometimes scratching them at the same time. If dogs repeat this procedure often enough, then you need to be extremely careful, because this may indicate serious violations.

Signs of the disease

Some people wonder why dogs shake their ears, and is it a pathology? The basic indicators of ear disease in animals are the following symptoms:

  • The dog scratches his ears often, while vigorously shaking his head.
  • Sulfur deposits in the ears changed color, became red-brown, dark.
  • An unpleasant odor comes from the ears.
  • The painful side of the dog's head is excessively inclined downwards.
  • The body temperature of the animal rises, the dog whines from pain in the ear canal, part of the ear swells.

Root causes of violation

Often dogs shake their ears due to the development of otitis externa. The reason for this is:

  • Ear mites. These are small mites that live inside the ear. They can cause severe irritation, due to which the animal will systematically scratch the ear, thereby damaging its tissues. To eliminate such a pathological process, it is necessary to use preparations containing ingredients that destroy ticks. The source of infection can also be cats living with a dog in the same room.
  • Yeast or fungal infection. Because of it, the ear is very itchy, there is an unpleasant odor, reddish-brown discharge. This condition requires specialized medical care and the use of drugs.
  • Foreign objects. When a pet runs through thick and tall grass, stems or seeds sometimes fall into its ear. As a result, the dog scratches his ear and shakes his head. She often begins to keep her head slightly lowered to one side. Removing a foreign object on your own is a bad idea. It's best to take your dog to the vet. If necessary, he uses local anesthesia or strong sedatives.
  • bacteria. Many bacterial infections are secondary to a specific primary cause. As a rule, the selection of antibiotics is required to quickly eliminate the pathological process.
  • Skin diseases or allergies. In this case, it is important to establish a diagnosis and carry out specialized treatment, entrusting the animal to a competent veterinarian.
  • Ear shape. The structure of the ear can sometimes become a prerequisite for the development of an inflammatory process. If the ears are long and drooping, then their ventilation is very low. Excessive hair in the ear canals of terriers and poodles often contributes to the retention of sulfur secretions in the ears. This is fraught with an inflammatory process.
  • Elimination of the pathological process

    With ear disease, it is important to establish an accurate diagnosis and immediately begin treatment, because the dog's condition may worsen. Then the treatment will be very expensive. The smell from the ears will begin to spread throughout the house. Due to the acute pain caused by the disease, the dog will become aggressive and irritable, especially if you touch his ears.

    You can not treat the animal at home. Practice shows that such an approach is usually useless. You should seek advice from an experienced veterinarian as soon as possible. After all, if you delay and start the disease, then it will become chronic, and only surgical intervention will eliminate the disease. The sooner the owner of the animal turns to the veterinarian, the faster the dog will recover.

    A qualified doctor will help prevent the suffering of a pet, who needs to clearly describe all the symptoms that disturb the animal. After examination, the veterinarian will prescribe the best method for treating the identified disease.

    Preventive measures

    The following tips will help you avoid ear infections in your pets:

    • Animals should be carefully combed, not missing the underside of the ears.
    • The dog's ears must be dried after bathing.
    • Excess hair inside the ear is best removed by trimming or plucking. But this must be done carefully. It is better to ask the veterinarian to show how such procedures are carried out. If the vertical ear canal is not kept clean and free, otitis externa may occur.
    • Do not clean your ears too deeply. The surface must be wiped with a piece of cotton wool, which is moistened with a weak disinfectant solution. This should be done only with your hands, and not with any objects.

    Compliance with these rules will allow the pet to remain healthy.

Etiology and predisposing factors

A dog shakes its ears as a result of a parasitic invasion, the same otodectosis, often otitis media in a dog occurs after an allergic reaction (atopic, food, contact or drug allergy). Also, the causes of inflammation of the outer ear in dogs is the ingress of foreign bodies, the development of a tumor or obstruction of the ear canal. Keratinization disorders, diseases of the skin and sulfur glands also become causes of otitis media.

Some breeds of dogs are more likely to get otitis

Breeds of dogs with hanging auricles and an external auditory canal covered with hair are predisposed to it - spaniels, retrievers, terriers, poodles, etc. Dogs with a "hanging" shape of the auricle, a narrowed auditory canal are also more likely to suffer from otitis media.

Ear infections in dogs

Rupture of the eardrum contributes to the development of otitis media. Without treatment, otitis media leads to thickening and fibrosis of the walls of the external auditory canal with a decrease in its diameter, an increase in the secretion of apocrine glands located in the epithelial layer. In the future, calcification of the ear cartilage is possible.

Diagnosis of otitis media in dogs

As a result of otitis, the dog shakes his head, scratches his ear, abrasions on the ears are often found, and pain is noted. When examining the auricle in a dog, attention is paid to the presence of neoplasms, foreign objects, ticks, the presence and nature of exudate.

Typical symptoms of otitis media are:

  • purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • earache;
  • the animal shakes its head;
  • head tilted;
  • auricle scratched;
  • redness and swelling of the external auditory canal;
  • obstruction is noted;
  • dogs can flatten their ears.
Often, the ear plug interferes with proper examination and diagnosis, in which case the shell should be treated first, and then re-examined. To do this, use carbamide peroxide, sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate (with a waxy secret). As the discharge thins, treatment with saline, chlorhexidine, begins. Once the ear has been cleaned and dried, a detailed examination and evaluation of the tympanic membrane can begin.

In the first days of treatment, washing is performed 1-2 times a day, then, as the symptoms disappear, once every 2-7 days. Local preparations are used frequently and in sufficient doses:

  • sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate;
  • urea peroxide;
  • boric acid;
  • ethanol;
  • acetic acid;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • boric and salicylic acids.

Features of the treatment of otitis media in severe cases

When the tympanic membrane is ruptured, only sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or diluted acetic acid is applied topically. Irrigation of the external auditory meatus in dogs with severe otitis media should be done with extreme caution due to the possibility of tympanic membrane rupture. Glucocorticoids are not prescribed to pregnant animals. It should be borne in mind that some local remedies can cause irritation or an allergic reaction, which leads to a worsening of the condition.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is indicated for significant obstruction of the external auditory canal, tumor, as well as the development of severe inflammation of the middle ear. It is necessary to supplement the operation with therapeutic treatment to eliminate the disease in the remaining part of the ear.

Advice to beginner dog breeders - calm down. In most cases, when a dog scratches its ears and shakes its head, this is not a sign of a dangerous disease. First of all, pay attention to the nature of the symptoms. Each of the signs of the disease (pain, discharge and ear) may have features that indicate the causes of the problem.

Varieties of symptoms

  • The pain is constant and itchy, the dog in this case scratches the ear.
  • Another type is a sharp pain, while the pet moves its head reluctantly, can walk, tilting it to the side, the affected ear does not give into hands, snaps.
  • Sometimes the pain is not clear, uncomfortable, the dog gives an ear, does not whine, but at the same time walks with his head tilted.
  • If there is leakage from the ear, then pay attention to its nature. How long has the symptom been present and how quickly did it develop?
  • Exudate is thick with a yellowish or greenish tint putrid with an unpleasant odor. Or, conversely, the discharge is watery, colorless and odorless.

The dog may have other symptoms that may not be immediately apparent. At elevated temperatures, the dog eats reluctantly, keeps warm, her nose is hot and dry. If the ear of a dog is swollen, then this can be detected by comparing both ears, while one will be slightly larger than the other. Also feel it, the swollen ear is abnormally soft, thickened.

Symptoms and diseases

Symptoms Brief description of the disease What to do
  • The dog has lost his hearing or has become hard of hearing, shaking his head
  • Ears do not scratch, there are no signs of pain, there is no suspicious discharge
  • Sulfur plug in the ear
  • The plug clogs the ear canal, so hearing loss is observed
  • Dog shakes its head trying to clear its ear
  • This is not a disease, so there are no other symptoms
Do not clean the ear yourself, as this can damage the eardrum or injure the ear canal.
  • The puppy does not hear, does not respond to commands from the moment of its purchase
  • He does not shake his head, his ears do not itch, they do not hurt, there is no discharge

Many genetic pathologies

For example, it may be the complete absence of a hearing aid or simply an excessively narrow ear canal.

  • The dog is already old, and in addition to deafness, other disorders are observed (reaction inhibition, poor vision).
  • Poor vision is indicated by the inability of the pet to recognize the owner at a great distance (50 meters).
  • You can easily guess about lethargy by playing with a pet.
  • If the symptoms are not permanent, recur periodically, then perhaps they are signs of ischemic attacks, and this is fraught with a stroke.
  • If the symptoms appear constantly, then this indicates an increasing sclerosis of the brain - a consequence of the narrowing of blood vessels.
It is better to show the pet to the doctor.
  • The dog often shakes his head, scratches his ears, and may whine.
  • When viewed inside the ear, granular black discharge is visible. You can find dark warts with a bluish tinge
  • The pain reaction when touched is weak or not detected at all.
  • The problem is ear mites
  • A blood-sucking insect completely or partially bites into the skin.
  • Dark warts are nothing more than the belly of a tick swollen with blood

Removing them is quite simple, you can drip an ear mites remedy into your ear yourself.

But then, you still need to see a doctor.

  • The dog's ear hurts, she shakes her head. Does not allow to touch the ear or whines when probing.
  • Discharge from the ear may become red or yellow and have a fetid odor.
  • When examining the inner surface of the ear, if signs of inflammation (redness, induration) are found.
  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the outer ear (pinna or ear canal).
  • A characteristic sign - the problem is often observed in only one ear

The problem is serious, though not dangerous.

Otitis media can be caused by fungi and bacteria. The drug is prescribed depending on the pathogen. You must be prescribed by a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory topical or systemic agents are also commonly prescribed.

  • The dog shakes its head, does not scratch it with its paws, but at the same time rubs its head on the floor.
  • On examination, no discharge is visible, signs of pain are not detected.
  • Foreign body (grain, blade of grass) in the ear
  • When water enters the ear, the same symptoms are observed, but they quickly pass when the water evaporates.
Take your pet to the doctor, the veterinarian will get the item, if necessary, tell you how to treat the dog's ears.
  • Loss of balance and hearing, vomiting, head tilted
  • The dog does not shake its head, but rather tilts it to the side.
  • Loss of balance is visible when the pet tries to walk.
  • There is vomiting or nausea (vomiting) for no apparent reason (nothing was fed or fed the same food).
All this points to inflammatory processes in the inner or middle ear. Such a disease can be caused by microorganisms or be the result of an injury to the inner ear.

Despite the eerie signs, the disease is treated, but it can take one to one and a half months until full rehabilitation.

Treatment depends on the causes of inflammation (trauma, mites, advanced otitis)

Antiemetic and anti-inflammatory systemic drugs must be prescribed

  • The ear is swollen and hung, it hurts.
  • When examining the skin in the area of ​​the ear and auricles, a swelling with a bluish tint is detected.
  • With a sagging ear, a specific place of the “bend” is groped, as if it were broken.

A common cause of these symptoms is an ear injury. As a result, a hematoma is formed, which the owner will not immediately see under the coat.

Sagging indicates damage to the ear cartilage - the "skeleton" of the ear.

It is possible to cure a hematoma, but it is not always possible to restore broken cartilage. The sooner you take your pet to the doctor, the better the chances of recovery.
  • Scabs on the ear and redness of the skin under the hair.
  • At the same time, the dog shakes his head, his ears hurt.
  • A characteristic feature is that scabs are observed only on the white part of the auricle that is not protected by hair.
These are the symptoms of sunburn. The pet can be cured on its own, it is enough to smear the ear with sunscreen and anti-inflammatory agents, try to avoid the sun. If this does not help, then see a doctor.
  • The dog's ears become inflamed, abundant dark brown discharge with an unpleasant odor is visible on the inside
  • The ears hurt at the same time, the dog shakes his head, tries to scratch his ears.
  • Sometimes profuse discharge from the eyes or the dog "sweats" the chest and armpits (gets wet)
  • A characteristic sign - inflammation occurs unexpectedly, just as unreasonably disappears.
  • Allergy
  • In general, the disease is very similar to otitis media. Actually, it is often complicated by it, as a result, both diseases are observed in the dog.
First of all, you need to take anti-allergic drugs, as well as identify the cause of the allergy.

How to give your dog pills

For the treatment of problems with the ears, ointments are used and, less often, systemic preparations in the form of tablets. Most preparations can be given with food, as they are tasteless or taste good. Some funds will have to be given to the puppy by force:

  • To do this, lift the dog's head up and open the mouth, put the tablet on the root of the tongue and close the jaws, while continuing to keep the head in a raised position.
  • The task is to wait for swallowing movements, then open the mouth and make sure that the tablet is swallowed.

Hematoma treatment

When a dog’s ear hurts from an injury, the doctor should decide what to do with it. In addition, it is necessary to differentiate the injury from an insect bite, which an amateur owner is unlikely to be able to do.

  • With a hematoma, the doctor initially applies a pressure bandage. This is done to stop bleeding, usually 4-5 days are enough for this.
  • After that, the hematoma area is opened, and dried blood clots and dead tissue are removed.
  • With extensive damage, stitches are applied, and the ear is wrapped and fixed with a bandage on the head. After 10 days, the tissues heal and the sutures are removed.

Diagnosis and treatment of ear mites

An important difference between an ear mite and otitis media is that both ears itch and become inflamed at the first.

  • With otitis media, the disease usually affects only one ear, but exceptions are possible.
  • A dark brown or black discharge is visible on the inner or outer surface of the ear, usually in the form of grains or crusts.
  • As a rule, they are of a thick consistency, like an ointment, with otitis in a dog, a more liquid exudate flows from the ear.

All these differences are important, but they may not play a decisive role, since tick damage to the ear is often complicated by otitis externa. It is possible to distinguish the first from the second only when examining a scraping from the ear in the laboratory under a microscope. When making a diagnosis, acaricidal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. It is also necessary to pre-clean the ear.

How to clean your ear

Clean the ears with a solution of furacilin. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of hot, but not scalding water. A swab or cotton wool is moistened in water and the ear is cleaned from the inside. Dried crusts or exudate in hard-to-reach places are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in furacilin solution.

Important! Do not stick a cotton swab deep into the ear canal, it is harmful and dangerous

Acaricidal agents are prescribed by a doctor in the form of ointments, aerosols, drops. The most common means:

  • Leopard, Surolan, Epi-otic, Stronghold, Otoferonol, Oricin, Otodin.
  • Bars is the most popular, because its price is about 200 rubles, the cost of other drugs varies between 800-1200 rubles.

Since adults and larvae are very different, and the drugs act only on mature ticks, it is necessary to treat the dog's ears 2 times with an interval of 7-10 days. The doctor will tell you the exact period, it depends on the type of tick and the prescribed remedy:

Diagnosis and treatment of otitis media

It can be distinguished due to the fact that pus with an unpleasant odor flows from the dog's ears. The cause of inflammation is natural skin bacteria, which become a source of problems only when the pet's immunity decreases. Usually, an examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis, less often a scraping is taken from the inner surface of the ear to exclude ticks.

Acute otitis media is not a dangerous disease, it quickly resolves with the appointment of antibiotics and symptomatic therapy, complete with local treatment. For local use, drugs are prescribed for inflammation, pain, itching. Dried exudate is removed with hydrogen peroxide, and the sores are treated with antiseptics.

  • Crusts and pus are removed with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Then moisten the surface of the ear with Chlorhexidine. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.
  • Also, twice a day, the inner surface of the ear is lubricated with Bepanthen and 4-5 drops of Sofradex are instilled. The cost of each drug (except for hydrogen peroxide) is 200-300 rubles.
  • To eliminate inflammation and facilitate skin cleansing, systemic preparations Serrata and Liarsin are used - both 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The main symptom of inflammation of the inner and middle ear is dizziness and complete or partial deafness. To make a diagnosis, the tympanic membrane is viewed. With inflammation of the middle ear, it will protrude. The base of the ear is palpated, the movements of the pupils are observed, an X-ray or other studies may be prescribed.

Despite serious and terrible symptoms, the disease is not dangerous and the animal will definitely recover. Antibiotics, antihistamines, antiemetics, sedatives are prescribed. Usually the disease goes away in one to one and a half months.

  • Of the antibiotics, penicillin preparations are prescribed: oxacillin or amoxicillin. Both are often used in tablet form - 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Alfaserk reduces dizziness, small tablets are given 1-2 times a day.
  • There are a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, you can use Dicloran - 0.5 tablets 2 times a day.
  • Antiemetics are given before each meal - Bonin 12-25 mg 2 times a day.

sunburn treatment

If the pet is not let out in the sun, walk with him in the shade, then after a couple of days the inflammation disappears on its own. To prevent complications (skin infections) and to alleviate the condition of the animal, you can give him first aid and carry out simple treatment. Remember that if the temperature rises and the condition of the pet worsens, it must be immediately shown to the doctor.

  • To begin with, you can sprinkle the animal with warm water from a sprayer.
  • Or make a compress from a cloth soaked in water at room temperature. Please note that the water must be warm, it is forbidden to use cold.
  • Give your dog plenty of fluids, do not wash the skin with soap.
  • Protect your pet from the sun, especially between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • For the skin, use the Panthenol spray, it must be applied to the skin 2-4 times a day, it is inexpensive - 200-300 rubles.
  • In order for the skin to heal faster and scars do not form, you can use vitamin E capsules. You can buy it for several thousand or a couple of hundred rubles, we recommend that you watch it in pharmacies, the price is lower, and there are more guarantees.
  • To do this, pour the oil from the capsule and lubricate the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with it.

Allergy treatment

Find out the cause of the allergy. If you have recently fed your pet a new food, then the reason is clear, otherwise you need to find out what caused the reaction.

  • To eliminate the skin reaction, dogs are given Tavegil or Suprastin. The doctor should prescribe the dose for you, but you can figure it out yourself - 0.5 tablets per 10 kg of animal weight, or half a tablet for a small pet, a whole one for a medium-sized dog and 1.5-2 for a large shepherd dog.
  • To do this, you first need to transfer the dog to a diet. You can start giving your pet natural food (cereals, meat) or buy special non-allergenic food. For example, Hill's, Canine Allergen-Free, Feline, but keep in mind that this is quite expensive - 2-3 thousand rubles for a package of 3 kilograms.
  • As soon as you have transferred the animal to an anti-allergenic food and got rid of the signs of allergies, start introducing other foods into the diet. Start with natural food and gradually move to canned food.
  • To make the “discovery” method safer, do not give your pet a full dose of new foods, mix the “test” with non-allergenic specialty food.
  • To remove allergens on the first day, you can give your pet Enterosgel in the form of a paste. A tube of 200 grams costs about 250-300 rubles, 50 grams is enough for one dose. Special methods for feeding are not needed, animals like pasta, and they eat it willingly.

Ear disease is a common occurrence in pets. They make it known by their behavior. The dog scratches its ears, starts shaking its head, can drive its ear along the ground. The animal's mood changes, appetite often disappears, and the temperature rises.

In addition to the above signs, the owner will be able to determine that the pet's ears hurt by the following symptoms:

  • discharge of a yellowish fluid from the ear;
  • abscesses;
  • bad smell from the ear;
  • covering the auricle with brown flakes;
  • combing.

The causes of animal diseases are different:

  • allergic reaction to food (feed change or "human" food);
  • ear wound;
  • water penetration during bathing;
  • mites or bacteria.

Ear problems in dogs

All breeds of dogs are prone to ear disease, but most often they happen to individuals who have long floppy ears. This is due to the fact that they close the ear passages from ventilation and a moist, warm environment is created there that is beneficial for the development of microbes and bacteria. The most common ear problems in dogs are:

  • otitis;
  • hematoma caused by trauma;
  • eczema;
  • ear mites;
  • ear fungus (otomycosis).

Otitis There are middle, inner and outer ear. The causes of otitis media in dogs are bacteria, mites, cold water, foreign bodies, chronic diseases, and poor animal care.

The first sign of inflammation is the smell from the auricle, hot ears. The onset of inflammation almost always develops into a chronic one. Otitis in dogs can appear over and over again. It is impossible to get rid of it forever. The main thing is control over the condition of the auricles, as well as prevention.

Otitis media and inner ear already a more serious disease, as well as its consequences. The defeat of the inner ear sometimes leads to further penetration of microbes and damage to the brain. With such a disease, the dog loses balance, falls or spins in a circle in one direction (of a sore ear), bumps into objects, stumbles.

This is a serious diagnosis that requires antibiotic treatment to prevent infection. It is better to entrust this matter to the veterinarian.

Hematoma. The ears are a very fragile organ, even minor damage, including bites from other dogs, can lead to bruising. In spaniels, dachshunds and other animals with long ears, frequent shaking of the head can lead to hematomas.

The swelling is hot to the touch and soft. The dog's claws can damage it, so blood and a wound appear. The wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide, if possible, a bandage is applied.

But only a doctor can open a hematoma. He makes an incision to release blood from the resulting cavity, if necessary, stitches.

Eczema. This disease is a consequence of external stimuli (dust, chemicals, water, earwax). The inner surface of the ear turns red, swells. Sometimes covered with watery blisters. The dog becomes very nervous, constantly shaking his head, itching. Liquid flows out of the bubbles, the color of which can be from light to dark brown.

Soothing drops, such as Ottinum, will help relieve itching.

tick bites. The dog becomes infected with ticks mainly from other sick animals. Ticks, settling in the dog's auricle, cause constant itching and irritation, inflammation. They are the reason for the appearance of brown flakes. Although often a brown coating does not appear with a tick-borne lesion. A sign of infection is manifested in the constant scratching of not only the ears, but also the eyes, as ticks can move around the body.

Modern medicines are able to get rid of ticks in one application. But such medicines should be given to a pet only after consulting a doctor, since their dose is calculated individually based on the weight of the animal.

Otomycosis- This disease is also called fungal otitis media. Otitis caused by infection weakens the body's defenses, which provides a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Ticks also contribute to this, leaving small wounds with their bites. Animals suffering from allergies are more prone to fungal otitis media. If you do not immediately start treatment, the fungus can go to the whole body. The animal, constantly scratching, carries bacteria with its paws. Untreated ear fungus leads to deafness.

Treatment and prevention of ear diseases

It is better to entrust the treatment of all diseases to the veterinarian, but it is possible to alleviate the symptoms and prevent the onset of the disease at home. So, if otitis media of the middle and inner ear requires treatment with antibiotics, antihistamines in a clinical setting, then it is quite possible to get rid of ticks at home. It is only necessary to comply with a prerequisite - to treat other pets.

Prevention will help protect the animal from the occurrence of ear diseases.

It is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. When bathing a dog, care must be taken to ensure that water does not get into the ears. It is better to wash the head area with your hands, without pointing a watering can on it.
  2. Try to keep your pet away from sick animals.
  3. Don't let your dog get cold.
  4. Regularly clean the ear passages from sulfur and dirt. And for this, ordinary wet wipes for children are suitable.
  5. Trim hair if it gets into the ear.

Treatment of all ear diseases requires a course approach. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the disease, since in an advanced form it can lead to serious consequences in the life of your beloved pet.

“Why is the dog shaking its head” - such a question is often asked in veterinary clinics and on forums where dog breeders communicate. What is the reason for this behavior of the dog, and is it dangerous?

Let's start with the fact that this phenomenon can have many reasons. With their identification, as in the case of any other veterinary problem, the search for a solution must begin.

foreign body

A fairly rare cause for ear problems, but it does happen sometimes. Most often, the dog is annoyed by water that gets into the ear after swimming or washing. When bathing a dog, always make sure that the water jet does not get into the ear! It is difficult to do this alone, so it is better to involve assistants or take the dog to the groomer.

Sometimes an insect can get into the ear or a wax plug can get stuck.

The main signs of a foreign body: the dog constantly shakes its head, while the ears are absolutely clean. Do not try to remove the foreign body yourself! Be sure to contact a specialist. And it's not worth the hassle.

If your dog does not tolerate the road well, or there is a problem with transporting him to the clinic, call the veterinarian at home. Emergency veterinary care at home is an excellent solution in difficult cases, saving time and nerves. The range of veterinary services provided with home visits will solve almost any problem. An additional benefit of calling the veterinarian at home is to minimize stress for the animal, which is already having a hard time.


Ear inflammation most often occurs in dogs with long, floppy ears. This is a fairly common disease in breeds such as spaniels. But anyone can become a victim of otitis media.

Regularly clean the inner surface of the dog's ear, do not let it get cold, lie on cold or wet surfaces, sleep in drafts. If you have the slightest problem, immediately contact your veterinarian so that later you do not have to treat the disease in an advanced stage.

Ear mite (otodectosis, ear scabies)

A characteristic sign of otodectosis will be the presence of a gray-brown plaque on the inner surface of the ear and a characteristic unpleasant odor. In advanced cases, the ear mite begins to cause severe discomfort - the dog tries to scratch his ears with his paws, "butts" to scratch his ear on surrounding objects. Touching the affected ear causes acute pain.

In any case, treatment should begin with a veterinary examination by a specialist.

Abrasions and open wounds of the ear

Usually this is a consequence of some disease. His symptoms have already been eliminated, but the dog, combing the ear, scratched its inner surface, and now it is no longer annoyed by the root cause, but by the effect.

You can help the dog by treating the damaged area with wound-healing drugs. But you should be very careful not to get anything into the ear canal.

Closed head injury

Head shaking in dogs is not always associated with ear problems. A dog may shake its head for other reasons as well. One of them may be a closed craniocerebral injury.

If the dog has received a severe blow to the head, such as being hit by a car, then one of the consequences of the incident may be behavior in which he will shake his head.

Even if there is no external damage, be sure to contact a specialist! Closed injuries are very insidious, and it is quite difficult to predict the further development of events. But the sooner you intervene in the situation, the greater the chances of a successful solution to the problem.

Open wounds on the head

Dogs shake their heads to get rid of something that gets in their way. For example, a dried crust on a wound, an ointment applied or a dressing worn. If your pet has a head injury and is treated with some kind of topical medication or bandage, he will likely shake his head to shake it off.

Your task is not to allow the dog to do this, otherwise the treatment may drag on for a long time.

Impaired coordination

Stroke and the effects of plague in a nervous form can also be causes of head shaking.

This is where comprehensive advice is needed. Most likely, it will not be possible to radically solve the problem. But you can make the manifestation of these symptoms less pronounced, thereby making life easier for your pet.

And finally, let us remind you once again.

Self-treatment in most cases still ends with a trip to the veterinary clinic. If you are not sure about something, if you do not know how to do this or that manipulation, do not experiment.

Even if you can treat the dog yourself, the diagnosis and prescription should be made by a specialist.

Health to you and your pets!

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