Care and frequent problems in children after ear piercing. The hole from the earring in the ear is festering: treatment after the puncture The ears are inflamed at the puncture site in the child

Ear piercing is an important event in the life of every girl. For parents, this procedure raises many questions regarding the most favorable time for a puncture and subsequent care of children's ears. There are times when the wound does not heal for a long time, blood or pus is released from it. What to do in such situations so that the joy of the child from the presence of jewelry in the ears is not spoiled?

How are children's ears pierced?

The three modern methods of ear piercing are the use of a needle, the System 75, and the use of a gun. You should choose one of them after visiting a doctor who will study the anatomy of the child's ear and the characteristics of his body.

Baby piercing needles are rarely used, although a needle wound by an experienced piercer heals faster than a gun wound. The thing is that in this case, the tissues of the lobe are not torn, but, as it were, moved apart.

Stages of ear piercing with a gun:

"System 75" is a more advanced way of piercing the ears, which uses a device that resembles a stapler. The working part of this device is disposable, that is, sterile. The needles used are sharpened in a special way, contributing to a quick and even puncture.

During the procedure, there is no noise, that is, the child will not be afraid. The main task of parents who have chosen this puncture technique is to see that the specialist uses disinfected tools and sterile gloves during work.

Stages of a puncture using "System 75":

  • marking and disinfection of the urine;
  • installation of a disposable cartridge;
  • placement of the working area above the mark and punching through the skin with the simultaneous installation of the earring by pressing the trigger;
  • hole processing.

How long does a wound heal after a puncture?

It is impossible to determine the exact time after which children's ears heal after piercing. Everything is individual and depends on the age of the baby, the state of his immunity, the presence or absence of contraindications and the correct processing of the urine.

Experts note that, on average, a wound after piercing in children heals within one and a half to two months. It should be remembered that the treatment of pierced ears should not stop 4-5 weeks after the procedure, even if rapid healing is observed.

The time of year has a direct impact on the duration of wound healing after piercing. In winter, healing may be delayed due to the constant wearing of a warm hat that will touch the earrings.

The ears will heal longer in babies under 2 years old, who constantly strive to grab the earring and rub their ear. For this reason, mothers of such crumbs should more carefully monitor the treatment of puncture sites and ensure that the lobes are more often at rest.

How to take care of the puncture site?

It is very important to follow all the recommendations for caring for the ears, which were given in the salon where the piercing was performed. Wind and cold air can cause prolonged healing and problems. For this reason, the child should wear a hat. In summer, girls usually wear special bandages made of thin knitwear. In addition to the wind, they will perfectly protect against dust and dirt getting into the wounds.

The most difficult thing is to care for pierced ears of children under two years old. They often touch and pull on new jewelry with dirty hands. For this reason, experts recommend sealing a fresh wound with a special medical glue. This tool comes off after a certain time on its own, while the healing process will not be extended, and the infection will not get into the wound.

With abundant discharge from piercing wounds, ointments such as Miramistin or containing chlorhexidine (Chlorcin, Depantol, Hexicon) can be used. The names of these funds can often be found in the instructions for caring for pierced ears.

What to do if there are complications?

Inflammation, suppuration, and hardening of the puncture site are complications of healing. With their presence, you should not even think about self-treatment. The necessary assistance can be provided only after examination by a doctor. When the wound becomes infected, an increase in body temperature and a general deterioration in the child's condition are possible. In this case, the timely help of a professional is required. If you postpone a visit to the doctor, there is a risk of developing serious complications that require long-term treatment.

The lobe is red and swollen

A swollen and reddened ear after it has been pierced should be regularly washed with potassium permanganate until the swelling disappears. During processing, it is important to carefully move the earrings. Hands must be disinfected. Usually the tumor when using a weak solution of potassium permanganate disappears after a few days. The photo shows what a swollen lobe looks like after a piercing.

Often, doctors prescribe the use of antibacterial ointments:

  • Levomekol;
  • Tetracycline ointment;
  • Celestoderm.

If the ear is very bothering the child, you can use painkillers. Babies are allowed to give funds based on ibuprofen or paracetamol at an age dosage.

The wound is bleeding

If blood flows from the wound at the very beginning, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to damage. However, if one or both lobes continue to bleed after 2-3 weeks, you should be wary.

Discharge from the puncture wound after a few days should not normally be bloody. Usually they have a transparent color, as the lymph fluid comes out - the so-called ichor. If the wound bleeds for a long time, an unpleasant odor has appeared and the color of the discharge has changed, it's time to sound the alarm, as infection has most likely occurred.

There are cases of so-called hyperemia, when the area around the wound is filled with blood, while the lobe becomes very red due to impaired blood flow in the vessels. Bumps can form on the lobes, which are very sore and bleed when pressed. The reason for such seals lies in the injury of the vessel during piercing, which provoked the inflammatory process.

Also, bleeding from the wound may be the result of an allergy to metal or a reaction to the insertion of earrings with a larger hook diameter than the puncture itself. The only solution to this problem is often only the removal of jewelry.

Whatever caused the discharge from the wound, they must be removed in order to prevent the ear from festering. To do this, you can wipe the lobes and studs of earrings with a solution of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. The use of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is also recommended.

Puncture fester

Before taking measures to treat ureters that have begun to fester, you should determine the cause of this. If the discharge of pus was noticed due to the change of earrings, you must immediately return the old ones.

Regular treatment of the wound with hydrogen peroxide and medical alcohol helps against suppuration of a fresh puncture. If the cause of swelling and suppuration of the ureters lies in the infection getting into the wound, serious medications cannot be dispensed with.

For processing, use Chlorhexidine, Celestoderm ointment or Zinc ointment. With the help of these funds, inflammation is removed and healing is accelerated. From folk remedies for the treatment of ears, aloe juice, tea tree oil, a solution of sea salt and tincture of calendula are often used.

Treatment should give results in 7-10 days. Otherwise, you need to see a doctor who may recommend removing the earrings and treating the lobes until they are completely healed. A second puncture can be made after 2-3 months.

Why do ears fester from gold earrings after changing jewelry?

It also happens that a child’s ears healed perfectly while wearing salon earrings, and when putting on gold ones, they began to swell and fester. What is the reason?

Experts identify the following factors that can provoke this phenomenon:

  1. The child has a special sensitivity to gold (allergy). Such a case requires the abandonment of gold jewelry and their replacement with others (for example, from medical metal).
  2. Irregular wear. If earrings are rarely worn, the puncture site can gradually tighten and decrease. For this reason, regular wearing of jewelry is recommended.
  3. Choosing the wrong model. Earrings can be too heavy or have a very tight, uncomfortable clasp, which can cause the earlobe to become inflamed.
  4. Incorrectly executed puncture. If the puncture site was determined incorrectly, there is a risk of damage to the vessel, which will cause constant pain in the ear. This situation requires healing of wounds and re-puncture afterwards.

Almost every mother of a girl dreams of piercing her child's small ears as quickly as possible - having matured, the child is unlikely to voluntarily agree to such a manipulation. All this is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but do not forget that just piercing your ears and hoping for their independent healing is definitely not worth it. The success of the trouble-free wearing of earrings lies in proper care from the first day after the piercing of the earlobe.

So that the child's ears do not fester after a puncture, they must be properly looked after.

Why do ears fester after a piercing?

Any intervention in the body from the outside does not pass without a trace. Especially if it is a child's body. An ear piercing is a kind of mini-surgery. It should only be carried out by a person with a medical education. Do not trust the health of your child to the first employee of a beauty salon.

If, after a puncture, the wound fester, most likely during the procedure all the rules of sterility were not observed. This is just one of the causes of problems with a pierced earlobe. There are a number of factors that contribute to the long healing of the ear wound:

  1. Water got into the wound. No wonder experts warn that you should not wet the puncture site for 2 days.
  2. Improper wound care. When your earlobe is pierced, don't forget to take care of it. Special care involves the treatment of the puncture site with antiseptics with the obligatory turning of the earring. If you let everything take its course, the ears will heal for a long time, and pus will continue to stand out.
  3. There is no air circulation between the lock of the earring and the lobe. Most often, this problem occurs with stud earrings. The lock is too tight to the ear, due to which moisture is formed and suppuration occurs. That is why it is recommended to buy the first earrings with a classic eyelet lock. They are more convenient to turn daily to treat the ear.
  4. The metal of which the earrings are made is not suitable for a child. In salons, a puncture is made with medical alloy earrings. Allergy to such material rarely occurs. If nickel is included in the composition, then the body is likely to give a negative reaction to its presence. Often, changing “simple” earrings to gold ones solves the problem with inflammation of pierced ears.

Earrings for piercing are best purchased in a specialized salon from a special medical alloy

Hygiene during the procedure

The piercing procedure itself requires serious preparation in order to avoid unpleasant consequences after the puncture. Before manipulation, it is recommended to visit a therapist to assess the general condition of the baby, and an allergist. It is he who must determine the presence or absence of an allergy to nickel, which is part of almost all jewelry.

The choice of the salon where the procedure will be carried out should be approached as seriously as possible. Find out what instrument will be used for the puncture. For small children, a silent disposable gun is ideal, it also guarantees absolute sterility when used. Girls of school and adolescence are recommended to make punctures in a high-quality piercing salon, where the operation will be performed almost painlessly using a special needle, as in the photo.

The specialist does not have the right to pierce the ears if there are abrasions, wounds, cuts near the puncture site. Wait for them to heal completely and only then come to the salon again.

If the master observes all the rules of hygiene, the ears heal quite quickly and without complications. The rules are simple:

  • the presence of a specialist in medical education;
  • work only in surgical gloves;
  • treatment of the earlobe before the puncture with disinfectants.

Ear care after piercing

So that after the piercing of the ears the lobe does not become inflamed, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations for caring for the wound. They should be given by the master cosmetologist performing this operation. Most often, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine are prescribed for treatment. Less commonly, medical alcohol is used as an antibacterial agent.

Immediately after the procedure, the ear is treated with an alcohol-containing agent. Peroxide is used if blood is coming from the wound. Processing is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with Chlorhexidine and, without removing the earrings, wipe the earlobe in front and behind. Do this very gently - do not rub the wound or put pressure on it.
  2. The first 2 weeks, the treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day, then gradually decreases to 2 times a day, but continues for the next month.

To speed up healing, you should not use brilliant green and iodine, use peroxide or alcohol daily. From this, the wound dries excessively, but does not heal.

How to treat suppuration?

Before treating suppuration, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Only a doctor can help any mother in this. Methods of treatment are also determined by a specialist. If the ears fester, you can use pharmaceutical preparations or use folk remedies.

If the ears fester some time after the piercing, then hydrogen peroxide is traditionally used in combination with one of the following antibacterial ointments for therapy. First of all, you need to treat the festering lobe with hydrogen peroxide. However, there is no need to remove the earrings. After treatment, an ointment is applied. It can be tetracycline or zinc ointment, Levomekol, Celestoderm.

When there is mild inflammation, you can use proven folk remedies:

  • Aloe juice. Aloe leaf should be cut into 2 halves and applied to the inflamed lobe. Sheets are replaced every 2 hours.
  • Baths with sea salt. For best results, fully submerge your ear in salt water.
  • Calendula tincture for lubricating the ureters is used as a wound healing and disinfectant.

Calendula tincture has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is used for healing wounds and suppuration.

It is urgent to consult a doctor if the earlobe becomes bright red, the child complains of pain in the ear, a dense ball is felt at the puncture site, which causes discomfort to the baby when pressed. If the inflammation of the lobe is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, fever, purulent discharge from the wound, do not delay calling an ambulance. In this case, it is obvious that infection of the whole organism occurs, and it is very important to prevent the virus from entering the brain.

When should the procedure not be performed?

  1. propensity to allergies;
  2. any skin diseases, up to eczema and dermatitis of all kinds;
  3. diseases associated with the circulatory system;
  4. diabetes;
  5. pathology of the endocrine system;
  6. reduced immunity.

Neglect of contraindications is fraught with serious consequences. These are signs such as loss of sensitivity, metabolic disorders, malfunctions of some organs and systems.

Negative consequences for the child

Negligent attitude to a wound that does not heal for a long time threatens with serious complications. An inflamed lobe can cause many ailments: tissue necrosis, infection of the whole organism, chronic inflammation. Hearing loss is not uncommon. With poor and prolonged healing, keloid scars may form at the puncture site.

Some experts believe that earlobe piercing is the cause of vision problems at an early age. Do not forget about neurological pathologies, for example, pinched facial nerve.

Ear piercing is a serious step that requires preparation. Only proper care will help you reward the baby with even more beauty, and not ugly scars at the site of an unsuccessful puncture.

Parents often turn to the surgeon with a problem, they pierced the child's ears, now they are festering. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. An infection that has entered the wound, an allergy to metal, and a number of other factors can provoke a purulent process. To alleviate the condition of the baby, you should treat the lobes with an antiseptic and apply antimicrobial ointment.

Causes of suppuration

Piercing is a small surgical operation, so it should only be trusted by professionals. If the puncture is performed incorrectly, then there is pain in the ear, which is accompanied by suppuration. This occurs for the following reasons:

  • Violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. It is very difficult to comply with these rules if there are no suitable conditions for this. Often the puncture site fester precisely because of the ingress of pathogenic microbes into it.
  • Water ingress on a pierced earlobe. In the first few days, the puncture site should not be wetted, in addition, cold and drafts should be avoided.
  • Wounds do not heal well if the child was previously very ill with inflammatory or infectious diseases. Doctors do not recommend piercing the ears immediately after the illness, it is better to wait a couple of weeks until the baby recovers.
  • Improper care of the puncture site also often causes inflammation. In the first 3-4 days, the hole should be constantly wiped with alcohol solutions and the earring should be moved.
  • A poor-quality alloy of jewelry is also often the cause of suppuration not only of fresh wounds, but also of holes that have long been pierced.
  • The hole can become inflamed due to too tight clasps on the earrings. Often the cause of suppuration is stud earrings, which fit very tightly to the ear and even squeeze it.

After a puncture of the ear cartilage, the likelihood of abscessing increases, especially if several holes are made at the same time nearby. This is due to the fact that cartilage takes longer to heal.

Doctors do not advise piercing the ears of a child in the hot season. In this case, the likelihood of suppuration of the ureters increases.

What to do

If a small child has a swollen ear, you should analyze what could have caused this. If this happened after changing the earrings, then we can talk about a low-quality alloy of the new jewelry. In this case, it is recommended to remove the new earrings and return to the old ones, the wearing of which did not cause such problems.

If the ear is swollen immediately after the puncture, then an infection can be suspected. In this case, it is recommended to wipe the ear with hydrogen peroxide or calendula tincture several times a day. In addition, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • At night, earrings must be removed so that during sleep you do not accidentally catch your ear on a pillow or hair.
  • The first time after the puncture, you should carefully care for the wound, wiping it with antiseptic agents.
  • If the wound does not heal for a long time and the baby's ear continues to fester, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps, during the puncture, an active point or a vessel was touched. This requires treatment under medical supervision.

Some particularly sensitive people are allergic to the metal. In this case, even a short wearing of jewelry leads to the fact that the ear burns and hurts. The only way out will be to change the earrings for products made of precious metals.

According to the observations of doctors and women, suppuration of the ears rarely begins when wearing gold earrings. Therefore, if jewelry once led to an inflammatory process, it should be abandoned in favor of gold.

How to treat ears after piercing if they fester

If the ear is festering after a puncture, then various antiseptics, which are in stock in the pharmacy, will quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. For treatment, you can use not only alcohol solutions, but also ointments with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. On the advice of doctors, Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine can be used.

Before applying ointments to festering lobes, they are pre-washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is very important to keep weeping wounds clean.

If you don’t want to remove the earrings in order to prevent the holes from overgrowing, then the temples are also thoroughly wiped each time with alcohol and rotated in different directions. Once every few days, jewelry is still recommended to be removed and kept in medical alcohol.

Some surgeons advise piercing the ears of children not with a gun, but with a sterile medical needle. In this case, the risk of infection is much lower. After a puncture, you immediately need to put earrings made of gold or silver into them.

Folk recipes

You can cure the festering ears of a child with the help of folk recipes. These methods will help if it is not possible to go to the pharmacy:

  1. Cut off an aloe leaf, wash it and dry it with a towel. Cut off a piece of the leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply the fleshy side to the wound on both sides. You can fix the leaves with adhesive tape or just hold your hand for 15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2 times a day.
  2. If the ears of a child fester from the earrings, then it is recommended to lubricate them with an ointment made from butter, pine resin and boric acid. Resins and oils are taken in ½ teaspoon, boric acid is added a pinch. Everything is melted in a steam bath and the problem area is lubricated.
  3. It will help eliminate inflammation and saline solution. To do this, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of hot water and cooled slightly. Pour the saline solution into a pile, bring it to the ear and dip the lobe into it. Hold for 5 minutes, then blot with a sterile bandage.

If the girl's lobes began to fester at the puncture site, then the following recommendations must be followed:

  • In the first two days after the puncture of the lobes, you should not wash the baby's head.
  • Comb your hair with great care, especially if it is long. If the hairs catch on the earring, the child will experience severe pain.
  • For a week after the ear piercing, you need to change the pillowcase every day. It is pre-ironed with a hot iron.
  • If the ears are pierced in winter, then you need to monitor the cleanliness of hats.

It is important that the ears are kept clean at all times. Dried secretions are carefully wiped with a cotton swab moistened with peroxide, and then wiped with tincture of calendula. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 3-4 times a day. You should wipe not only the lobe, but also the earring.

Immediately after the puncture, the piercing site can be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with Miramistin. This solution has a pronounced bactericidal effect, but does not bake like alcohol.

How to prevent festering

To prevent suppuration of the ears after a puncture, you need to carefully choose a beauty salon. Many doctors recommend putting on gold earrings right away, but if the ears were pierced with a gun, then a child can walk with carnations for a couple of weeks.

If parents know that their daughter is allergic to various metal alloys, studs should be discarded and normal gold earrings should be put on right away.

If the lobes suddenly began to fester in the crumbs and no home treatments help, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to antibiotics of a large spectrum of action.

The ear is festering after a puncture - the problem is familiar to many of the fair sex, and the question of why is very relevant. In most cases, suppuration of the lobe occurs a couple of days after this event. However, women who wear earrings for a long time can also face such an unpleasant situation.

If wearing your favorite earrings or getting a piercing in your ear causes you significant discomfort, feel free to seek the help of a specialist, since in some cases this problem can hide quite serious complications.

Ear piercing is, first of all, a surgical manipulation, albeit a small one, but still. Therefore, this procedure should be treated with all responsibility. An irresponsible attitude entails a number of detrimental consequences.

Immediately after the puncture

Consider the main reasons that can affect the process of wound festering immediately after a puncture:

  • Unskilled specialist - many prefer to entrust such a serious matter to their girlfriend or neighbor, rather than turn to a qualified specialist. Therefore, most of the incorrectly performed procedures (an important point or vessel is touched) entail various problems.
  • Wrong care procedure - after you have visited the master, the ears should be subjected to thorough care. It should be noted that it is impossible to change the earrings prescribed by a specialist in advance, since even the slightest contact of improper metal with a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin causes irritation and a number of other problems.

After some time

In some cases, inflammation may occur after some time. Namely:

  • Earrings made of simple metals - most lovers of earrings made of low-quality material are faced with this problem. Not only metal can cause pus, it can be too hard and tight fastener.
  • The predisposition of the body - ear piercing may be contraindicated. Most often, a contraindication is diabetes mellitus, congenital malformations, bronchial asthma, hepatitis.
  • An allergic reaction is a fairly common cause of suppuration. The best treatment option is to limit contact with a possible allergen, that is, for some time you will have to not wear earrings.

Why does the ear fester because of gold earrings

Wearing gold jewelry can cause pain and discomfort in the ear area. Experts identify 4 main categories of problems that can lead to discomfort:

  1. Skin sensitivity to gold - in this case, you will have to stop wearing gold jewelry. You can pick up jewelry made of medical metal. As a rule, such models are not capable of causing an allergic reaction.
  2. Rare wearing of earrings - with irregular wearing of jewelry, the puncture wound gradually heals. Therefore, it is recommended to wear earrings all the time, choosing the model that is most convenient for you, or wear it at very short intervals during a break.
  3. Wrong model - choosing the wrong model for your ear (too tight clasp, heavy, etc.), you risk getting ear inflammation.
  4. A puncture performed incorrectly - by choosing the wrong one, a vessel may be affected, which, in the future, will lead to constant pain. In this case, you will have to wait until the puncture site heals, tightens up and perform a new manipulation.

If even one ear begins to abscess, you should immediately consult a doctor. It would be useful for each representative of the fair sex to systematically treat the puncture site with hydrogen peroxide in order to avoid possible inflammation.

Important: doctors warn that wounds heal better at an early age. Therefore, the earlier the ears were pierced, the faster and easier the healing will be.

What to do if the puncture site fester

The first thing to do in this situation is to eliminate the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. If suppuration occurred as a result of replacing some jewelry with others, it is recommended to return to the previous ones, with which there were no such problems.

Jewelry made of precious metals (gold, silver) in very rare cases can cause an inflammatory process and allergies. Check out the following measures to prevent the development of discomfort:

  • Jewelry on the ears is recommended to be worn only during the day, and at night it is best to take them off so that you do not accidentally catch it in a dream.
  • Systematic and thorough hygiene behind a festering earlobe with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • If the wound does not heal over time, a doctor's examination is very important.

Solutions for processing

The best way to treat the ear for disinfection is medical alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. The salons offer a special solution that will speed up the healing process and prevent inflammation. You can also use antiseptics Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

It should be noted that not only the sore ear, but also the decoration is subject to treatment with antiseptic preparations.


If your earring hole is festering, antimicrobial treatment is required. For inflammation of the ears, the following medication ointments are most often used:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Celestoderm;
  • Solcoseryl.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect from the selected drug, before applying it, the wound should be washed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Do not smear the wound with several ointments at once, choose 1 or 2 drugs. Don't expect instant results. Ointment is recommended to be applied 2 times a day. And at night, if the puncture in the ear is very festering, you can apply tetracycline ointment. Children are recommended to treat the wound daily, turning the earring 2 times a day.

Folk remedies

As for traditional medicine recipes, it is best to use proven methods.

  • Aloe - you need to take a juicy leaf of aloe, cut it lengthwise, attach it on both sides of the diseased lobe. Then fix everything with adhesive tape. A new compress based on aloe is recommended to be applied after 2-3 hours.
  • Salt solution - sea salt is suitable for its preparation, although you can use regular salt. We take a wide dish (one in which it will be convenient to immerse a sore ear), pour a glass of boiling water, cool a little and add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Mix everything thoroughly until the salt crystals are completely dissolved, and immerse the earlobe for 5 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to blot the treated surface with clean gauze / bandage.
  • Coniferous-creamy balm - for its preparation you will need butter and coniferous balm. We combine a small amount of melted butter with coniferous balsam (ratio 1: 1), mix everything thoroughly and process 2 times a day.
  • Infusion of calendula - for its preparation, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped calendula, pour 1 cup of boiled water, insist for an hour. The resulting infusion is recommended to treat suppuration every day 2 times.

How to take care of your ears after a piercing

Care for newly pierced ears carefully and gently until the wound is completely healed. Consider the main points in proper care after the ear piercing procedure:

  • The first earrings should not be changed until the wound heals. The first earrings worn by the specialist are made of hypoallergenic material. It is allowed to change jewelry after 6 weeks.
  • Do not touch your ears, as you can instantly get an infection. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before cleaning.
  • Carefully use things that can catch an earring (hat, scarf, scarf, etc.) Also be careful when changing clothes.
  • Avoid contact with cosmetic products on the ear (shampoo, hairspray, conditioner).
  • Try to sleep on your back while the wound heals.


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