The best guard dogs for the home. Guard dog breeds with photos and names The best guard dog breeds

Since ancient times, people have trusted the protection of their homes to dogs, so today watchdogs are a matter of course, especially when it comes to the private sector. These pets work well, preventing outsiders from entering the territory entrusted to them, but each of them has its own approach to business. Today there are many guard dog breeds, most of them are large animals with a ferocious look, but these are far from all the qualities that are required to be the best of the guards.

Watchdog - what is he

Special requirements are imposed on dogs called for watchdog activities:

Naturally, the dog must have a large size, excellent hearing, be hardy and smart - she will often have to act on her own.

Rating of the best guard breeds

Representatives of what breeds meet such strict criteria?

  • . A giant dog that rightfully tops the rating. Among the main qualities of Caucasians, independence and confidence can be noted. Such a dog needs an experienced owner who knows how to raise a formidable watchman. Representatives of the breed have protective qualities in their blood, so they do not need specialized training.
  • (SAO, alabai). These dogs are often compared with Caucasians and, indeed, there are certain similarities. But the CAO has a lighter constitution, they are more sociable and patient, they lend themselves better to learning. Alabai are also kept on the street, an aviary is best suited, but they need to be walked and given the opportunity to communicate with other dogs.
  • . A service dog breed that has never been recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, but is actively bred in its homeland. Outwardly, the Moscow watchdog resembles the St. Bernards, but in character it is more similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
  • . Another name for the breed - Stalin's dog, was bred for special military service. Black terriers have an original appearance - their curly coat even covers their eyes, but this does not prevent them from vigilantly watching what is happening around them. Such a pet is not suitable for beginners, as it is rather wayward and stubborn.
  • . Representatives of this breed worked on farms for a long time - they grazed herds and guarded the master's property. Long wool with abundant undercoat allowed them to work in harsh climatic conditions, and its white color protected from overheating. The South Russian Shepherd Dog is an excellent guard and companion, but it is worth considering that its coat needs more careful care.
  • . The ancestors of these dogs are the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog, they were once used for baiting animals, guarding and fighting. Bullmastiffs, of course, are not so ferocious, but they do not lack fearlessness and endurance. You can keep such a pet in an apartment, but, one caveat - they have increased salivation.
  • . Among the closest relatives of the Cane Corso are gladiator dogs, which have been valued since the time of Ancient Rome. After the dogs were no longer used in war, they turned into hunters of large predators. Later, Cane Corsos became unsurpassed guards - vigilant and stern. The modern representative of the breed is a devoted pet, getting along well with other pets, taking care of the younger members of the family. He needs regular communication with his family, but is not intrusive.
  • . A working breed of dog, its representatives are also suitable for guarding apartments and the local area. They are well trained, have the necessary suspicion and endurance. Such a pet will not make noise unnecessarily. You can keep a Rottweiler both on the street, but not on a chain, or in an apartment. Do not forget about their short hair - they need an insulated booth. Caring for such a pet is simple, but it needs compulsory education and training.
  • . This versatile breed can also work as a watchman - smart, seasoned, uncompromising. Such a dog will not make a fuss in vain, he is able to hold the intruder until the owner arrives. You can keep a German Shepherd both in the house, apartment, and on the street. But there are several nuances - shepherd dogs shed heavily, chains do not fit, they require enough space.
  • . A serious working dog with many virtues. Dobermans make excellent guards, bodyguards and watchmen. The endurance of these dogs allows you to rush into the attack only in the presence of a serious threat, according to statistics, they are less often than others mentioned in attacks on humans. Such a pet must be educated and trained, developing abilities.

Guard dog breeds are pets, affectionate and devoted to the family, ready to defend people, territory and property. Naturally, jokes are bad with such serious dogs, which is why owners should remember about responsibility - the animal needs socialization, education and training.

We note right away that guard dog breeds differ from fighting and security dogs, because the dog must constantly be on the territory of the house or enterprise, and not near the owner.

Also, the best guard dogs from our list have the following features:
  • the dog does not come into direct contact with the attacker, but only notifies the owner about it;
  • animals live in a separate house or booth, usually kept on a chain;
  • small and small dogs can guard just as well, but a large pet inspires more fear;
  • a watchdog needs to be constantly trained and trained;
  • the dog must be able to make decisions on its own and respond to strangers;
  • inherent endurance and unpretentiousness in terms of climatic conditions;
  • the dog must be incorruptible;
  • a guard dog must have a high level of intelligence and a physically developed body.

The best pets in the matter of protecting a house or apartment who are included in the top watchdogs consider:

  • Moscow watchdog.

Although they are more suitable for a private house, and not in an apartment.

It is important to understand that when guarding an apartment, the dog should have its own place, insulated and with bedding.


Height - 67 cm

Weight - 58 kg

This is a large breed of dog, with musculature and a strong body, broad chest. The coat is short and close to the body. The main color is brindle, fawn, red. By nature, these animals are distinguished by affection and love for their master, they are active, learn quickly, and are hardy. The owner's commands are executed the first time, ready to stop the attacker or someone else.


  • devotion;
  • ease of training.


  • often make decisions on their own, not obeying commands.


Height - 70 cm

German Shepherd

Height - 65 cm

Weight - 35 kg

Also the best watchman for home and apartment The German Shepherd is considered to have a high level of intelligence and a good memory. It has a large body, strong paws, thick coat of black, spotted shade. The breed was bred for protection, hunting, searching for people and drugs. The character is characterized by activity, obedience, balance, leadership. The German Shepherd can be taught several types of commands at once.


  • can even be a companion and guide;
  • loves children and the whole family.


  • The dog needs approval and attention from the owner.

German boxer

Height - 60 cm

Weight - 30 kg

The coat is short and smooth, the color is red, brindle, it has strong paws. The German boxer is inherent in loyalty, obedience, calmness, loves children and his family. He learns quickly and executes all commands the first time. Used as a guide, companion, guard, detective or watchman. Distrustful and suspicious of strangers.


  • learns quickly;
  • almost does not get sick.


  • protects the owner and family rather than the house.


Height - 68 cm

Weight - 50 kg

Large, working dog, coat - short and shiny, color - black with red spots. It has a broad back and a large neck. The dog is active, hardy, ready to work hard and endure different climatic conditions. inherent devotion, ingenuity and fearlessness. But they are aggressive, require training, training, long walks and attention from the owner.


  • hardy and can withstand even a person;
  • learn quickly.


  • You need to walk a lot and pay attention.

Russian black terrier

Height - 75 cm

Weight - 60 kg

A medium sized dog with a strong body and good health. The paws are muscular, the coat is thick and dense, the color is black, sometimes with gray spots. Russian easily tolerates any climatic conditions, does not go overboard with food, almost does not get sick. It is easy to learn, quickly remembers commands, but requires attention from the family. The dog makes decisions on its own, is friendly to other animals, and is reliable.


  • hardy, not pretentious in choosing a place of residence;
  • calmly reacts to familiar people.


  • will require training and attention.

Height - 70 cm

Weight - 50 kg

The dog has a massive body, short neck, strong paws and a large head. The coat is straight and hard, the color is black, red, fawn and brindle. The instinct contains protection and protection, they are able to learn new commands. The character has strength, endurance, devotion, moderate aggression and suspicion of strangers.


  • basic commands do not need to be taught;
  • only listens to the owner.


  • long and constant workouts.

chow chow

Height - 55 cm

Weight - 30 kg

The dog belongs to one of the oldest breeds, was bred for protection and protection. It has a wide back, a massive body and a large head, paws are short. Wool - thick and soft, color - cream, black, blue. devoted to the owner, almost not aggressive, but very suspicious of strangers. They are hard to learn, stubborn and make their own decisions. It is better to keep in an apartment, because the pet is not too active.


  • quickly remember commands, get used to their place in the house;
  • do not require long walks.


  • without training and training, they become lazy and disobedient.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

Height - 63 cm

Weight - 40 kg

The dog has a large body, strong paws and long hair, the color is white, gray, gray-piebald. By nature, it is a smart, self-confident and active dog that makes decisions on its own. Easily gets along in any conditions, devoted to the owner, but aggressive and cautious with strangers. The South Russian Shepherd Dog considers the house to be its own, so it starts guarding it from the age of two. Requires upbringing and attention, otherwise it will rush even to family members.


  • protective qualities are laid down from birth;
  • loves the family, does not let strangers near it.


  • constant practice and training.

If you choose a defender for an apartment or a small cottage, then it is better to pay attention to breeds of medium size, but with fighting and guarding qualities. These pets are easier to maintain and train.

Man and dog are a duet that arose at the dawn of time. As the conditions of existence changed, the purpose of four-legged friends in our lives also changed. Appeared decorative, fighting, hunting areas in the selection, but most of all at all times guard dog breeds were valued.

How to raise your friend

Watchdog and guard dog are somewhat different areas, primarily in training. This must be taken into account when you come to classes in a cynological group. Intelligence and a balanced nervous system are very important for a watchman. Even height does not always play a role, since the watchman's task is to notice the danger in time and warn the owner. That is why aggression is considered an undesirable quality, otherwise the dog will react to any noise and bark constantly. A good watchman, on the contrary, is not seen or heard until the moment when his intervention may be required. He perfectly distinguishes between ordinary noise and sounds that carry a threat.

Below we will analyze in detail which guard dog breeds exist, but for now, let's define the role of a guard dog. Its function is a protective guard service. Just active actions, attack, persecution and detention - this is their strong point. They receive a much deeper training course, but this is often necessary for special security structures, police or border services.

Genetic features of the breed

Often breeders convince buyers that puppies have innate qualities that are quite enough to perform certain duties. Indeed, some breeds are better suited for watchdog or security work, but you should not rely only on what is in their blood. At best, your born watchman will lie down in an aviary or, conversely, bark 24 hours a day. At worst, you will get an aggressive beast, which is very dangerous.

Guard dog breeds today are represented by such a variety that without special knowledge it is easy to get confused. Each of them has its own characteristics, which we will discuss later. But we must remember that without special training, these data may not be disclosed.

The main breeds of guard dogs

You can teach guarding almost any dog, not necessarily thoroughbred. Sometimes mongrels can be much smarter and smarter and, despite their relatively small size, give a loud signal of danger. But certain stereotypes and ideas have developed in society, therefore, if they say the phrase "guard dog breeds", usually people mean such breeds as:

  • German Shepherd;
  • rottweiler;
  • doberman;

This list is far from complete, among those who can adequately carry out guard duty, one can single out the Bullmastiff, American Bulldog, Dutch Shepherd Dog, Bernese Shepherd Dog, Akita, Ridgeback, Malinois, Bobtail, Boxer and many others.

In general, the ability to carry out guard or security service for a dog is more often a question not of breed, but of education. It takes a lot of effort and time to grow a smart dog with excellent working qualities from a playful puppy.

Pride of Russia

There are domestic breeds in our country that are most adapted to the local climate and are used as watchmen almost everywhere - in the private sector, cottages, enterprises and areas with increased control (strategically important objects, places of detention.

First of all, these are the famous and popular Caucasian, Asian, South Russian and East European Shepherd Dogs. They are distinguished by their impressive appearance, that is, they are able not only to signal danger, but also to seriously scare the robber. Their thick fur helps them endure the harshest weather conditions, which is not uncommon in Russia. They are the best guard dogs imaginable. The list continues with wonderful breeds - the Moscow Guard Shepherd and the Russian Black Terrier. Next, we will talk in more detail about the features of the most famous breeds so that the reader can make the right choice.

Features of large guard rocks

The first on this list is the Chelyabinsk guard dog. These are charming "bears" with a maximum of advantages. It was bred by crossing the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and St. Bernard. This smoothed out the aggressiveness inherent in Caucasians, and added to the new breed of courage of a true rescuer, made an incredibly faithful and devoted friend. Much more often sounds another name by which this breed of dog is known. The Moscow watchdog is the same tribal group, only the blood of the Russian hound has been added to it.

This is a serious dog, which with mother's milk absorbs the ability to guard. Absolutely not suitable even for a very large apartment. This is a large and strong animal, the weight of a male can reach 90 kg, height is more than 66 cm at the withers, which needs movement. The dog needs to do business, and if you lock it in an apartment, it can damage property out of boredom.

This is an incredibly intelligent dog breed. The Moscow watchdog will not make an extra sound until the service requires it. She is not fussy, not too sentimental, she needs an object for protection, some life purpose. Her character is not too harsh, much softer than that of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, but growing up occurs late, so it is necessary to work on socialization and education. Of the advantages, good health, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and climate can be noted. The long coat provides excellent protection but needs daily brushing to keep the dog looking good.

Before acquiring a representative of a large breed, whether it is a Chelyabinsk guard dog, a Muscovite or a Caucasian, think about whether you can afford the cost of its maintenance. A growing puppy will require colossal amounts of raw and cooked meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vitamins and more. In order for a dog with heavy bones and correct proportions to grow from a small and fluffy ball in one year, you will have to invest heavily in its nutrition.

The menu of an adult four-legged friend is also quite expensive. Twice a day he should receive a large bowl of meat with cereals (this can be a variety of cereals). Moreover, the percentage of meat should be more than 50%. The best option is 70% meat, the rest is porridge.

Rottweiler - a true bodyguard

The historical purpose of these dogs is to guard the herd. Much later, for intelligence and devotion, they began to be used in security and watchdog activities. There are many opinions about how to raise and train a Rottweiler. In fact, you just need to love him, and gently, but confidently and consistently show what not to do.

Everything else the Rottweiler knows himself and will protect you and your property without sparing himself. There are many cases when an untrained puppy covered the owner with his chest, receiving a bullet or a knife stab for him. This speaks to the devotion inherent in these royal dogs. Today, Rottweilers are also used as watchdogs. They have an excellent, balanced nervous system. Having met a thief who entered the house, the dog will block his exit and block the movement until the owner arrives. The robber will only have to stand motionless under scrutiny. And all this happens without empty barking.

Rottweilers are easy to keep in an apartment. They are practically odorless and the short coat does not require much maintenance. Shedding occurs twice a year, but if you are not ready for such an inconvenience, you should not get a dog. The Rottweiler is somewhat phlegmatic, which will allow him to sleep peacefully while you are at work. But in severe frosts on the street, he freezes, so he is not suitable for working as a watchman at strategically important facilities.

Classic Guard - German Shepherd

Who has not watched the famous film "Come to me, Mukhtar!" and did not admire the mind and ingenuity of the dog? Most often, it is the German Shepherd that is chosen for work in the police, at the border, for service associated with risk, and for situations where it is sometimes necessary to act independently, without the owner's command.

They are fairly large dogs. Guard or service, it is not so important, these are just the nuances of training and the features of practical service. The main thing is that they have a formidable appearance, a sharp mind and endless devotion to man. From this breed one should not expect disobedience, striving for dominance and aggression towards the owner.

Excellent breed, can guard a private house or apartment. There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the German Shepherd. If possible, go to the exhibition. Surely there will be a couple of handsome men with long, flowing hair. These are the best guard dogs of the German Shepherd breed. Seasonal temperature drops will not prevent them from fulfilling their duty to the end.

Gorgeous doberman

Beautiful, taut like a spring, pointed forward like an arrow, the Doberman is an example of elegance. Medium height with short hair, it is suitable only for domestic keeping. If you look at dog breeds with photos, then the proud posture of the Doberman will immediately attract attention. But it is only suitable for very dynamic people, as it is a choleric dog. She constantly needs to be on the move, run a lot and play.

Noticing the danger, she will rush to defend with a formidable bark, but the Doberman does not know how to think and make decisions on her own, therefore she works well only in tandem with the owner. More suitable as a bodyguard and living in a private house or cottage, so that there is where to throw out energy.

Stately Commander

This is a real king among dogs, majestic, stately and serenely calm. The guard dog of the Commander breed was used in the mountains to protect the herd from wolves. They cultivate such qualities as wisdom, the ability to analyze the situation and make an independent decision, fearlessness, courage and vigilance 24 hours a day.

This makes the Commander one of the best representatives of guard dogs. Their unique coat grows in cords, does not shed and is completely odorless, dry or wet, and insulates from the heat. In the cold season, you can’t leave it on the street, it will freeze.

Immediately imagine all the difficulties of caring for such wool, because you need to choose thorns and grass tangled in long cords. Combing and bathing the commander is problematic, you can cut it, but then it will lose all its natural beauty until the hair grows back.

German dog

This is a patient and kind dog that will take small children under its guardianship and will carefully protect adults. This is a real member of the family, smart, reasonable, with a completely accommodating character. Thanks to a stable nervous system, he will not make a lot of noise and bark at trifles. But they are wonderful guard dogs. Photos will help you choose exactly the color that you like best. The most elegant are marbled dogs, followed by yellow, brown and black. Do not forget that this is a large dog that needs a lot of movement.


This is a real sleepyhead, an incorrigible phlegmatic who will not annoy with endless jumps and requests to play. The best friend of children, he allows you to crawl on himself, pull his ears and fly. If the pestering gets too annoying, he will try to slip away to his place.

The Bullmastiff is silent, you will never hear him bark, but in an extreme situation he will not wait for a command, but will immediately move on to action. This is a soft, sleepy "ottoman", but we must not forget that at the same time a serious guard dog. He needs the basics of obedience and training. Initially, it was bred to protect forest lands and detain poachers. Such qualities as strength, perseverance, endurance, good learning ability and the ability to cope with several armed people at the same time have been polished from generation to generation.


As already mentioned, one cannot rely only on innate qualities, they appear with proper upbringing. If you have a serious dog, be it a German Shepherd, Commander or Moscow Watchdog, training is necessary. You will receive serious lessons in classes with instructors, but you need to know the basics from the first day you took your baby. Forget about physical punishment, it will embitter the dog and minimize your contact with it.

A short calm remark should be given, always the same. All voice commands should be positively reinforced. You can’t hysterically shout “Come to me!”, Even if you give the command for the tenth time, and the baby does not obey. Better take a treat and praise the puppy that ran up. Be sure to play with the dog, praise it, it must know that you love it, then any training will be easier.


Today we have considered many wonderful breeds, from which you can choose the representative who will be your personal friend. All of them are good in their own way, they have a set of individual and general qualities, they are excellent watchmen who can be entrusted with the protection of their property without fear.

Since the main purpose of such animals is to protect the house from evil people, then, first of all, they must have excellent hearing, vigilance and sensitivity in order to raise their voice at the slightest hint of danger. At the same time, such guards must be smart and know when to really bark, and not mindlessly bark at all the people passing by the yard.

The size of the animals used for protection, in principle, does not matter much, because their task is not to attack and detain suspicious people who are in the protected area. All that a guard dog has to do is to warn the owner about the intrusion by voice and scare away uninvited guests. In many cases, this is enough for not too brave attackers to give up their idea and retreat.

Therefore, a guard dog does not have to be large, but very small too. The ideal option is medium in size, with a fairly powerful voice, but does not require too much food for its sustenance.

By nature, the guard dog should be moderately aggressive so as not to rush at all people entering the territory of the protected area. At the same time, he should not be cowardly in order to protect the owner and his property in case of danger.

The density and length of the animal's coat also matters. For a guard dog, it is important that it be long enough and dense, because it will have to sit outside all the time, including in winter frosts.

For this reason, representatives of short-haired breeds, no matter how attractive protective qualities they possess, are unlikely to fit in areas with harsh climatic conditions. But such guard dogs are suitable for southern regions, where they can tolerate slight cold without harming themselves.

The best guard breeds

Perhaps the best home guard is the German Shepherd. She is fully endowed with all the qualities that a guard dog should have, and they are in her "balanced" state. This is a universal breed, purebred representatives of which are famous for:

  1. sharp mind and resourcefulness;
  2. balanced character;
  3. excellent trainability;
  4. good performance at work;
  5. obedience and unquestioning obedience to the master.

These animals are quite large and strong, have a formidable appearance and have thick fur, which makes them one of the best watchmen.

The Moscow watchdog is a breed of dog bred in the USSR in the post-war years specifically for security purposes. Among her ancestors are Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and St. Bernards, from which she inherited:

  • large sizes;
  • powerful body;
  • thick wool;
  • excellent performance qualities.

This is a large dog, calm and balanced, self-confident. Quickly makes contact with people, but, nevertheless, recognizes only one owner. In case of danger, he protects him fearlessly, without hesitation. Due to its large size, a rather large area is required to maintain the Moscow watchdog.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an ancient breed of dog, bred by the Caucasian highlanders, who from ancient times helped them graze sheep. Animals have:

  • large body;
  • physical strength;
  • courage;
  • decisiveness.

Dogs are loyal to their own, to strangers - suspicious. The thick coat of animals protects them from hypothermia and allows you to keep them outside all year round.

Asian Shepherd or Alabai. This breed of wolfhounds was bred for the same purpose as the Caucasian Shepherd, so its representatives are distinguished by their impressive growth, strong and muscular body, aggressiveness towards other dogs, as well as towards strangers.

The South Russian Shepherd Dog is a dog whose homeland is considered to be the southern regions of Ukraine. This is a large animal with long light hair.

Differs in devotion, ingenuity, independence and self-sufficiency. Great for protecting large yards.

Other large guard breeds for the home

Not only shepherd dogs are suitable for security service, but also other, smaller breeds of dogs. For example, you can safely entrust your house and everything in it to a Rottweiler. This is a fairly large and strong animal, well-built, hardy and muscular. It has bottomless energy, fearlessness and clearly understands the task assigned to it. At the same time, dogs of this breed are aggressive, serious and stubborn, so they need competent training.. Loyal and obedient to the owner, only if he is recognized by them as the undisputed leader.

The Giant Schnauzer is a large and loyal black dog, with an excellently developed territorial instinct. Representatives of the breed are easily trained and trained. It is not easy to deceive them - they are smart, incorruptible and immediately recognize deception. Equally well, these dogs protect any area of ​​​​territory, both small, just a few acres, on which private houses are located, and huge industrial facilities.

Dobermans are a breed bred in Germany to protect people, so they can also be kept privately as guard dogs. They are not as powerful as sheepdogs, but have a harmoniously built slender body, high and strong legs. Friendly to the owner's family and friends, but dislikes strangers. Seeing them, they bark loudly, but if this is not enough, they may attack. A fleeing person is pursued and rushed at him.

Bullmastiffs are guard dogs bred in the British Isles to guard forests. They are the result of cross-breeding of large mastiffs and grasping bulldogs. Animals of large sizes, with a massive head, have an impressive and menacing appearance. But by nature they are calm and balanced, therefore, without a reason, they do not show aggression.

Bullmastiffs are capable of independent decision-making and learn quickly, are distinguished by patience and understanding of discipline, and take their duties seriously.

The Border Collie is another English breed. Its representatives are considered one of the most intelligent guard dogs. These are strong and strong animals of black and white color, insightful, intelligent, but in order to maintain health and mental abilities, they need constant physical and intellectual stress.

Akita Inu. This is the original Japanese guard dog breed, whose devotion is known to the whole world. Animals are brave and alert, calm and not aggressive. They will not bark silently and for no reason, but they will not leave the real danger unattended. They protect the territory entrusted to them well.

Who else can be used as watchmen

Not only huge wolfhounds or universal German shepherds are able to guard the owner's property. Smaller dogs can do this too. For a small private house, it is quite suitable:

  1. Airedale Terriers. These guard dogs come from the English county of Yorkshire. Animals of medium size, with a build characteristic of several breeds of terriers and curly hair. Airedale Terriers are brave and smart, not aggressive and fearless, so they can become excellent guardians of the house and yard.
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier. The breed was bred in the USA in 1936. The dogs are also medium in size, stocky, strong, with a large head. They are active, fearless, endowed with a peculiar intelligence and contradictory character, therefore they are suitable only for an experienced dog owner. They are well trained, not aggressive, but do not like to sit on a chain, so they must live in an aviary.
  3. Mittelschnauzer or miniature schnauzer. Outwardly and in character, they are very similar to a larger Giant Schnauzer and have all its advantages: they are serious, fearless, easily trained, reliable and devoted to their owner.
  4. Welsh Corgi. This is an old Welsh breed, originally used as a shepherd, therefore belonging to the sheepdog family. These are squat animals on short legs, with a long body and a medium-sized head topped with large erect ears. They are mainly brought up simply as family pets, as they are characterized by liveliness and love of life, love for people, especially children and even cats. But the calm, docile nature of these dogs, their small stature and “unrepresentative” appearance do not prevent them from honorably fulfilling their duties if the owner suddenly decides to entrust them with the protection of his home.
  5. Schipperke. This is a Belgian guard dog breed. Animals of small stature, with thick black hair, nimble and energetic. Despite their small size, Schipperke are brave and will never let strangers into the territory they are guarding. Those who do not take them seriously, and ignore the warning in the form of a shrill bark, can be bitten painfully. To their own, these animals are very affectionate and patient.

As you can see, many dogs of completely different breeds can become excellent watchmen, one has only to prepare them for this.

How to train guard dogs

In order for a puppy to grow into a good guard, you need to deal with it. Just like that, without proper training, the dog will not learn anything. At best, she will not obey the owner well and execute commands every other time, and at worst she will become completely uncontrollable.

Guard dog training should begin at an early age. She is able to remember elementary commands already at the age of 3 months, and after 4 months you can start full-fledged training. It is better if a professional who knows exactly how to deal with dogs does this. Well, if this is not possible, then the animal will have to train on its own. Information on how to do this can be found on thematic forums or purchase training materials: CDs and books.

In contact with

Guard dogs are great for people who want to secure their home and acquire a new family member. First of all, pets - defenders are designed to notify the inhabitants of the house about the invasion of the territory, to have the ability to instantly concentrate and respond correctly to a possible danger. But keep in mind that such dogs are more suitable for experienced owners, because they need special education and care. However, there are breeds that would suit inexperienced breeders. Each pet must undergo a serious training course with professionals in order to ensure maximum protection for the home and owners, as well as to respond correctly to various stimuli. A guard dog is not only safety, but also a great responsibility.

First of all, future owners should think about several things:

  1. Where do you plan to keep the animal? Not all dogs tolerate cold and heat equally well while in an aviary. The size of the pet also plays a role. Large animals are not suitable for keeping in a small apartment.
  2. Are there children in the house? Certain breeds of dogs have a complex character and do not recognize anyone other than the owner.
  3. Are there other pets in the house? There is a risk that the caretaker will not get along with other pets.

Based on the answers to these questions, you should decide which dog is best for a particular family.

The most popular guard dog breeds are:

One of the most elegant and aristocratic watchdog breeds. Dobermans have established themselves as fearless dogs that reliably guard their family. However, such a dog needs to be shown who is in charge in the house, otherwise it simply will not listen to the owner. Dobermans lend themselves well to training, thanks to their innate intelligence and passion.

Peculiarities: minimal grooming, ambiguous character, recognize only one owner, suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Good-natured strong protector to protect the house. Suitable for owners with an active lifestyle. Dogs of this breed get along well with children, do not show inappropriate aggression with proper upbringing. But they are wary of strangers and in case of danger they will immediately begin to protect the owners.

Peculiarities: can be kept in an apartment, used as service dogs, precautions should be taken when contacting people and animals that are strangers to the dog.

A large calm animal with an independent character. Carefully protect their territory from strangers and distrust all strangers. At the same time, the Tibetan mastiff shows patience and love to family members. A dog needs the company of people, so you can’t just forget about it and leave it in the yard. She will definitely remind you of this with a loud bark.

Peculiarities: get along well with other animals, recommended for keeping in an aviary, long walks are required.

The easiest animal to care for is the protector. Unfortunately, there is a stereotype that dogs of this breed do not shine with intelligence, but in fact this is not the case. With the right training, a boxer can be an excellent watchdog. The breed is characterized by strength, agility and incredible endurance. Ideal for people with an active lifestyle.

Peculiarities: suitable for inexperienced breeders, affectionate, get along well with other pets, can sometimes be noisy.

A popular breed that is highly intelligent and trainable, as well as impressive in size. Breeders should be aware that this breed needs prolonged exercise and walks. German Shepherds are exceptionally loyal to their owners, they have a protective instinct.

Peculiarities: get along with all family members, can be companions, intuitively feel the danger.

A watchman with a strong independent character that can overwhelm a weak master. Outwardly, this is an athletic graceful breed with its own charm. Ridgebacks need long walks and physical activity in the fresh air. At the same time, they can be kept both at home and in a city apartment.

Peculiarities: they lend themselves well to training, get along with children, can show aggression towards strangers, adapt to different climatic conditions.

Remember the dog from the movie "Hachiko"? Amazing devotion to the owner, intelligence and independence are the hallmarks of the Akita breed - Inu. The dog will protect the family, but is unlikely to bark at strangers, like most guard pets.

Peculiarities: balanced character, suitable for families with children, can be kept in an apartment, require long active walks.

One of the cutest guard dogs comes from Asia. Outwardly, they resemble small bear cubs. Chow Chows combine calmness, intelligence and independence, but at the same time they recognize and love their owner. Dogs of this breed are reasonable with a stable nervous system, almost do not make noise.

Peculiarities: they tolerate different climatic conditions well, sometimes they show stubbornness, they are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Noble and formidable appearance, developed muscles are characteristic of this Italian breed. Cane Corso are powerful dogs that instill fear in ill-wishers. They are very reasonable and will not show aggression without a good reason. The calm nature and patient attitude towards children make dogs excellent companions for small households.

Peculiarities: suitable for beginner breeders, have a good ability to learn, get along with other pets.

Hardy dog ​​of impressive size, which is more suitable for keeping in an aviary. By nature, the breed is balanced, but prone to dominance and self-confidence, so it is hardly suitable for timid owners.

Peculiarities: can get along with other pets, not suitable for inexperienced breeders, show aggression towards other dogs.

The most severe and large watchman, who does not get along well with other pets and is distrustful of strangers. However, the dog is very attached to the owner and family. Able to react immediately to a real threat.

Peculiarities: they combine the qualities of a watchman and a guard, they can show aggression towards strangers, they are suitable for keeping in a private house, they tolerate different weather conditions well.

Sensitive dogs with excellent hearing and vision, which makes them excellent watchdogs. "Rizens" are very active, because of which problems may arise during training. Despite the calm disposition in the normal state, these dogs will bravely protect the owners and their children in any threat.

Peculiarities: thorough grooming is required, they need long active walks, they are not suitable for beginner breeders.

A calm, good-natured, sedate giant, with one appearance scaring off ill-wishers. Dogs of this breed perfectly tolerate harsh weather conditions, which makes them excellent watchmen for private homes. Ready to attack at the slightest threat to the territory or owners.

Peculiarities: suitable for keeping in an aviary, get along with other dogs, are good with children, can be stubborn, not suitable for novice breeders.

Whatever dog the owners choose, it is important to remember that this is not just an animal, but a family member who requires love, care and attention. Only in this case, a reliable faithful watchman will appear in the house. Give love to an animal, and it will no doubt reciprocate.

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