Petit Brabancon (photo): a proud kid with a wide soul and playful character. Brabancon: features of education, breed standard and care Petit Brabancon description

A large round head on an almost square well-shaped body with well-developed muscles and bubbling energy - these are the five Brabancons, which, with all desire, cannot be called "sofa" toys. In their tiny body beats the heart of a real fighter. Small dogs with characteristic funny faces, smart eyes and docile disposition have been conquering the hearts of people for several centuries.

The brave crumbs from the Belgian province of Brabant guarded the stables and farmsteads from hordes of rats, guarded houses from intruders, were favorites of royal families. Like all representatives of griffins, small smooth-haired Brabancon birds get along well with people, playful, they are excellent companions for both small children and the elderly.

The breed, which almost disappeared during the Second World War, thanks to the efforts of breeders, received a literal new birth. Their popularity among lovers of decorative dogs is constantly growing.

The history of the origin of the breed

The province of Brabant in Belgium has become world famous for one of the smallest dogs in the world.. An ordinary yard dog, usually living in the alley or near the owner's cattle and barking at uninvited guests, hunting for game that is accessible to him in size - mice and rats, thanks to a chain of random, and then quite intentional crossings, has become not only a faithful guard of privileged stables, but and a favorite of the inhabitants of the royal chambers.

Griffins d, Ecurie, considered the ancestors of the five Brabancons, served as stable dogs in the 16th century. Small shaggy creatures hated rats, so they were kept where rodents posed a real threat: next to horses, cattle, on ships carrying goods. Brave defenders were depicted more than once in the art canvases of that time.

It is interesting! Belgian griffins are wire-haired small dogs, inherited from the Belgian yard and German color, coat structure, very peculiar appearance and beard. At the end of the 16th century, the breed was crossed with pugs, which led to a change in coat color and length.

More than once, breeders interfered in the development of the breed. Rough-haired and requiring special care, Affen Pinschers were just shaggy beasts without hairdressers, and pugs gave griffons short hair. The King Charles Spaniel and the Toy Spaniel, often referred to as the Papillon, contributed to the breed.

It is precisely the number of ancestors that the five Brabancons owe to the variety of colors, in which black-fawn and red always predominate, a black mask on the muzzle, a clear line of transition from the nose to the forehead.

Petit is one of the branches of griffins. Brussels and Belgian griffins have a richer coat, a muzzle is decorated with a beard. And only the Petit Brabancons have short hair and willingly demonstrate their protruding lower jaw. The high-set tail with a kink and taillessness, sometimes found in birds, are also a “merit” of a succession of ancestors.

Noble and fearless, besides very funny-looking dogs from Brabant came to the court of the nobility in the literal sense. They quickly turned into boudoir dogs that entertained the owners in moments of boredom, could travel with them without causing much trouble.

Warm in cold bedchambers, scare away and kill rats, which a couple of centuries ago were full of in the royal chambers. Despite the rather frightening name, these representatives of the Belgian griffins have always responded with love and care to the love of their owners.

It is interesting! Birds often not only slept with their owners, but also ate with them from the same table. One of the monarchs, Queen Draga of Serbia, let her favorite taste every dish offered to her, fearing poisoning. And when another attempt to kill her was nevertheless made, the dog died in the hands of the mistress, having managed to save that life.

At the end of the 19th century, the Petit Brabancons were first presented at a cynological exhibition and simply shocked the audience. The original appearance of dogs raised them to the peak of popularity, they began to breed charming crumbs almost everywhere.

The breed with official standards was described at the beginning of the 20th century and declared a national treasure in Belgium. The Second World War almost destroyed the birds; there were almost no purebred representatives of griffins left in the homeland. It was possible to restore the breed of Belgian crumbs only thanks to individuals preserved in England, America, and other countries.

Appearance, description

Despite its small size, the Petit Brabancon is perfectly built, has well-developed bones and muscles. The round and large head slightly violates the proportions, the body is almost square.

Connoisseurs note not only the elegance and dexterity of the movements of the famous griffins, but also the charisma of the bird, their face-like muzzle with intelligent eyes cannot but arouse sympathy.

breed standard

According to show standards, a petit brabancon must be bright red, black and fawn, or mixed.. A black “mask” is allowed and considered the norm. Older dogs may have white “splashes” on their bodies, coat with this color is not considered a defect in dogs older than 7 years. Young individuals with a color in which white spots are present are culled, do not participate in exhibitions, breeders deprive them of the opportunity to bear offspring.

It is interesting! According to breed standards, parents - Griffons can be representatives of one of the branches, mom and dad Petit Brabancons are not required at all. And if in a litter of red Brussels or black Belgian griffons, in which blood flows and Brabancons, a baby bird has appeared that meets the standards, it may well be of interest both as an exhibition specimen and as a future parent.

In addition to color, there are several other very important criteria:

  1. Height at the withers from 16 to 26 cm.
  2. Weight - not less than 4, but not more than 6 kilograms.

The head is round, large, with a clear line of transition from a high rounded forehead to an upturned nose. The length of the muzzle is 1.5 cm. The lips fit snugly to the teeth, of medium thickness, the upper one should not sag, the edging is rich black. One of the features of the breed is the ability to mimic, very similar, according to many, to the human.

The teeth should be undershot, the lower jaw protrudes noticeably forward. The incisors are set correctly, form clear parallel and perpendicular lines. Tightly closed jaws completely covered by lips. The tongue should not fall out of the mouth, it is completely placed in it.

The nose of the Brabancon is rounded, the nostrils are oval and clearly divided. The upturned back is visually noticeable, the tip is raised and as if laid back. The convex part of the forehead and the nose are located on the same line. The tip of the nose - the lobe - should also be on the same level with the eyes.

The eyes of the bird are set wide, round, but not protruding, tightly closed for centuries. The color can be any shades of brown, but as saturated as possible. Breed defect: obliqueness, convex or very light eyes.

The ears are of a regular triangular shape, in the lower third they break if not docked, the tips are inclined towards the muzzle. Large ears or ears, the tips of which are lowered to the sides, are acceptable, but are considered shortcomings. If the ears are docked, then they are pointed, they stand.

The shape of the body is square, the length of the back is almost equal to the height of the dog. The back is straight and strong. The neck is strong, of medium length, the chest is broad, excellent, but not excessively developed. The sternum is convex, the ribs are drawn back, they should not be barrel-shaped or sunken. The abdomen is tucked up.

Paws are even, with well-developed muscles. The pads and nails are black, the toes are tightly pursed. The tail is set high, vertical, docked two-thirds of its length. In recent years, the owners try not to dock the ears and tails, so that the tip of the tail is slightly lowered towards the back, but does not touch it, does not twist.

These are the main standards that are monitored at the exhibitions of five Brabancons, with breeding breeding, breeders adhere to them.

Character petit brabancon

In the past, a rat hunter and a brave defender of the royal chambers, now the little bird is a sofa dog, a companion dog, a great companion for children. Devoid of aggression, people-oriented, the Brabancon is an excellent family dog. However, the blood of the fighting ancestors always makes itself felt when it comes to protecting the owners. The breed has retained the best qualities of stable dogs, birds are excellent swimmers, they despise danger, are devoted to “their” people, which sometimes becomes a problem.

Dogs are very sociable, need constant attention, although they are not intrusive, they do not recognize strangers. Leaving a pet for a few days, you should make sure that there are people who are well known to him, with whom he has already communicated, otherwise the bird may become depressed, the baby will decide that he was betrayed, abandoned.

Dogs are distinguished by physical endurance, able to remain active for a long time, inquisitive, they are not too afraid of overheating or hypothermia, so this is a great company for children. They are often purchased as pets for teenagers, but it should be clearly explained to the young owner that the Brabancon is not a living toy, but a friend, an equal family member, with his own needs and character traits.

It is interesting! The charisma of birds has won hearts for centuries, observing the reaction of these dogs to everything unknown, new, even connoisseurs are amazed, because the muzzle of an animal, like a human face, is capable of reflecting emotions. Surprise, alertness, joy, even disgust are clearly visible.

If the owner took the dog on a hike, he will lead his squad, running ahead to reconnaissance and surveying the area for threats. You won’t have to blush for her at the reception, the dog knows very well how to behave surrounded by important persons. But even here he will look around in search of dangers and threats to the owners. You can be sure that even in relation to outsiders, he will not show unreasonable aggression.

Brabancon will never be left without friends: he is very loyal to other dogs, friendly to most animals. He is implacable only to rodents, but there is nothing to be done, the blood of ancestors is stronger than education. Great love of birds is used not only by people, but also by cats. The main thing is to make sure that the adult purr does not offend the dog, because the bird will constantly be eager to play with him.

Brabancon is attracted to everything new and unusual, in the apartment it does not cause much trouble, but on the site his hunting instincts can take over. Plantings, garden decorations and all kinds of figurines can suffer if a dog smells a rodent. Care must be taken to ensure that the pet, carried away by the chase, does not break out of the fence and does not get into trouble.

Many future owners are interested in which gender is more devoted to the owner. Here the answer is unequivocal - gender does not matter, the breed has always been focused only on people, on meeting their needs. Dogs perfectly understand their owners, in a mystical way, as if they feel them. This applies to both males and females.

Petit Brabancon will be wary of any stranger. No persuasion will help here. At first, the dog will assess the threat, carefully watching what is happening, he will patiently endure admiration and affection, but he will not take his eyes off the guest. If nothing arouses suspicion, after a couple of visits a person will become a friend, because the breed is not offended by intelligence and memory.

By temperament, the dog is suitable for choleric, sanguine people, but phlegmatic people, and even more so melancholic people, should not start it.

It is interesting! Brabancon remembers a lot of words, expressions, intonations, so words about communication are not just words. It is believed that the intelligence of this dog is much higher than that of relatives. It is compared with the intelligence of a child of 3 years at least.

With this pet, you really need to talk, socialize from an early age, so that the dog feels confident at exhibitions, strives to show its best side. The sweet expression of the muzzle makes the pet forgive a lot, but you can’t fulfill all his whims so that the dog does not turn into a tyrant.

Birds can also manipulate their owners if they are allowed to. For all their tenderness, they remain hunters, predators, so a certain strictness in education will not hurt. But not cruelty, not screaming, not jerks, but precisely persistent severity and exactingness without humiliation.

Only then will the Petit Brabancon show the best qualities, show that he is a wonderful companion and faithful comrade, a devoted being who will never let you down.


Like most small dogs, Petit Brabancons live quite a long time. With proper care, timely vaccination, on average, birds live 14 years, but there are also centenarians. Brabancons who lived to the age of 16 are not uncommon, and to the last they retain their mind and peaceful disposition.

Petit Brabancon is convenient to keep both on a large plot outside the city and in an apartment, they can be easily accustomed to the tray, they are neat and clean. But you can not deprive the bird of daily walks, an active lifestyle is the key to the health of the pet. Walking is best, holding the baby on the harness.

The dog will not intentionally run away from the owner, but it can be carried away by hunting. You can run freely, like any dog, on specially equipped areas, this will save the dog from many troubles.

Care and hygiene

The short coat makes it easy to care for. Once a week, the Brabancon must be “combed” with a furminator or a special comb to remove dead hairs. The dog loves to bathe, but at least 2 times a month it is worth washing it with special shampoos.

Of course, in inclement weather, it is also worth washing the dog after a walk. Be sure to dry the coat thoroughly with a special towel or hair dryer if the bird is accustomed to its noise.

Once a month you need to clean your ears, especially. You will need cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide. The inside of the auricle is treated, the ear canals, if necessary, will be cleaned by the doctor.

Dog claws are cut with special tweezers to avoid delamination and fungal infections. Care must be taken not to injure your fingers.

The eyes are wiped with cotton pads, removing particles of dirt. A healthy dog ​​rarely needs such procedures, and if the eyes are festering, urgently see a veterinarian.

It is interesting! To brush your teeth, it is best to purchase special bones - toys.

Often, Brabancons have problems with their eyes and teeth, so every six months the dog should be examined by a veterinarian. It will help to identify diseases at an early stage, show how to carry out basic procedures if the owner does not succeed.

Feeding the Petit Brabancon

A proper diet for a small pedigreed dog is important for many reasons. It will help the bird to keep active and cheerful, flexible and balanced character, will not lead to complications due to obesity or malnutrition, which happens quite often.

Today, manufacturers offer a large selection of dry and canned dog food for different breeds. It is necessary to carefully read the recommendations, strictly observe the dosages corresponding to the age and size of the dog, and purchase food from trusted sellers.

Important! You should not feed your pet the same things that people eat: adopting the habits of the owners, the dog will not refuse soups and bread, but this can damage the growing body, spoil the exterior, and lead to diseases of the bones, stomach, pancreas.

The food recommended for this breed should be in which the composition of vitamins and minerals is clearly balanced, there are enough nutrients for growth and development, active games for the birds. Pour into the cup exactly as much as the dog can eat at a time. But clean water in the bowl should be constantly.

The Petit Brabancon menu must contain natural products. Raw and boiled offal, meat is mixed with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, boiled vegetables.

Cottage cheese up to 6 months is given 3-4 times a week. Boiled fish without bones - at least 1 time. From 2 months, puppies can be given cartilage of veal, beef, from 4 - raw bones. Under the ban for such breeds, chicken bones, with which the baby can get hurt, choke.

But the bones are a delicacy, so you need to give them out after the “main dish” is eaten. Apples, pears, bananas and other fruits may also please Brabancon, in reasonable quantities they will only benefit.

Diseases and breed defects

Expectant mothers require special attention: like most small breeds, childbirth is difficult, most often birds are born by caesarean section. During pregnancy, the bitch should be observed by an experienced doctor who is well acquainted with the breed, able to provide assistance.

Important! Timely vaccination is mandatory, despite very good health, dogs easily pick up viral infections, and their treatment does not always bring good results.

Smooth-haired dogs need long winter walks; after baths, they are thoroughly wiped with a towel or dried with a hair dryer so as not to catch a cold. Dangerous for birds and overheating, a long stay on the beach in hot weather can result in sunstroke.

But more often than not, veterinarians have to deal with obesity in birds from overeating. Being left without owners for a long time, dogs, like people, begin to seize longing and boredom, absorbing food in incredible quantities for such a small body. It is required to stop attempts to treat Brabancon with sweets, to give an additional portion of food, a piece from the table.

Pancreatitis, ulcers, caries and other troubles, along with obesity, will make you spend a lot of time and effort on treatment.

Education and training

Care, love, sincere interest in the normal development of the pet will help to avoid problems when training dogs. They are genetically inherent good manners, the ability to behave according to the circumstances. The intelligence of the Brabancons allows them to perfectly assimilate commands, complaisance - to execute them clearly and accurately. Without shouting, humiliating dignity with a bird, you can achieve simply amazing results when teaching not only the basic commands, but also all kinds of tricks that these dogs adore.

Petit Brabancon researchers put forward several versions of the origin of the breed. Most agree that sometime in the middle of the 19th century, it was formed by crossing a Belgian wirehaired stable dog (Griffin d'Ecurie), a black pug, an affenpinscher and a toy spaniel. The Belgian grooms who laid the foundation for breeding did not keep records, but griffins in their current form became known sometime between 1870 and 1880.

One of the first depictions of a small Brabancon, late 19th century, pencil drawing.

Each of the breeds involved in the appearance of the breed has left its own unique features. The rough-haired affenpinscher and grooms' dog conveyed the rough coat preserved in the coarse coat of modern griffons. The pug, a favorite of mid-19th-century Victorian England, captured its color and smooth coat.

The black and tan King Charles and the red Toy Spaniel left a legacy in the form of sometimes born griffins with a kinked tail, webbed feet or no tail at all. It is in these dogs that the most pronounced desired head type is often found.

Crossing the pug, miniature spaniel and affenpinscher contributed to the appearance of a domed skull, large expressive eyes and a flat muzzle of a modern baby. Petit Brabancon went from a unkempt stable rat-catcher to the delightfully handsome man we know today.

Description of character and upbringing

Petit Brabancons are intelligent yet sensitive dogs. They do not tolerate rough handling, blows or excessive shouting. When a Brabancon is learning, he needs variety to keep his interest. Training methods that include praise, clickers, treats, and patience work best. Breeders should encourage owners to attend puppy classes and elementary courses. Classes help curb the temper of the dog and give the owner confidence in managing the pet.

Forced training methods do not work. Forced to do something, the griffins refuse to work.

For example, trying to catch a dog before leaving for work eventually turns into a “catch me if you can” game that ends in complete defeat for the owner.

However, they do well under kind, persistent, and gentle management. Lure into the cage with a treat will achieve the desired result. A win-win training strategy in which both participants are satisfied must be used consistently and persistently. When using incentive methods, it is easy to find a common language with the trainer.

modern exterior

The mind and thirst to please the owner make the small Brabancon wonderful participants in competitions in agility, tracking, obedience and submission.

Leash training should begin at 6-8 weeks of age. Griffins often show exemplary stubbornness when first confronted with a leash. Due to their small size and sensitive nature, they are not recommended to be kept in a family with small children, who can unwittingly be rude to the dog or just get bored.

Griffins make great pets for families with older children, single couples, singles, anyone who is willing to dedicate themselves to the health and well-being of their griffon.

Video of Petit Brabancon's performance at agility competitions:

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!

A decorative small Belgian griffon will become a wonderful partner and a full-fledged member of the family. The Petit Brabancon puppy is a playful, loving, human-oriented dog breed. It lends itself well to training, the pet has a cheerful, calm disposition without excessive aggression. No wonder the ancestors of this dog immediately after breeding became the inhabitants of the Belgian royal court.

What is petit brabancon

Have you dreamed of having a Griffon at home for a long time? In Belgium, a breed of small dogs was bred, which are characterized by strong attachment to their owners, curiosity, and dexterity. This is the Brabancon or Belgian Griffon. Since its main task is to be a good faithful companion, the animal does not show aggression towards people. Visually, the Belgian griffons are similar in muzzle to pugs, but their body is taller and more slender.

History of the breed

These decorative dogs were bred by cynologists in Belgium in the province of Brabant (nothing to do with Barbados). This is where the name of the breed came from - Petite Brabancon (that is, small) or Brabant Griffon. For the first time such dogs saw the light in the 19th century after crossing with the King Charles Spaniel. Since Griffons were mixed with pugs, animals with two varieties of wool were obtained. They were supposed to fight rodents and protect the royal crew.

Description of the breed

These dogs are wonderful companions who are very attached and follow the commands of their owners only. Pets do not show malice towards strangers and are characterized by a calm disposition. Until a very old age, dogs are fast, require constant attention to themselves, regular games. Griffons are much easier to care for than other ornamental breeds. Raising a pet is worth it, like a child of three years: to show sufficient severity, not to leave one for a long period, to teach something new. The compact size allows you to take your dog anywhere.


The Lesser Brabancon is distinguished from other Belgian Griffons by its smooth coat, several color variations, and lack of a beard. The dog has a square body constitution: from the shoulders to the buttocks, in correct proportions, there are as many cm as at the withers. The skeleton and sternum are strong. The muzzle looks large and expressive. Due to the protruding forehead and black lips, he gives the impression of a self-confident dog. The eyes are set wide apart, but not protruding. Although the nose is short and recessed, the pet does not make the same sounds as bulldogs and pugs.

breed standard

The maximum height of the withers of the Brabancon is 26-32 cm. Such a run is due to the possible weight of the dog - from 3.5 to 6 kg. There is also a miniature Griffon Brabancon, which weighs 2-3 kg. This size does not meet the standard and is an exception. The tail is docked by 1/3 according to the rules: it remains set high, raised up. If docking is not carried out, then the tail should be directed to the back, not twisted. The ears are small, the lobes hang forward. After cupping, they should be set high and have a pointed shape.

Coat type and color

The Brabancon is a short-haired dog breed. The standard color is red (red) or reddish tint of wool, there may be small blotches of black on the mustache and muzzle. There is a separate variety of Brabancons - black suit, with age it acquires an ashy color. The length of the wool does not exceed 2 cm. It feels like a soft wire to the touch. A sign of the Belgian Griffon is a dense, hard coat of black (black and tan) suit, and the Brussels Griffon is a red color. Griffon Brabancon can be of the same colors, stands out with short hair among the rest.

Breed features

This dog is considered an excellent companion that becomes a member of any family. Brabancon gets along well with people and other pets. The dog is easy to train and retains playfulness, curiosity until old age. Such a dog will be able to raise even the elderly. Brabancons are considered the intellectuals of the canine world because of the ease of working with them, memorizing many words and their meanings.

The decorative breed is bred as a companion for humans, so it does not have aggression. The psyche of the Brabancon is balanced, the dog is not vindictive, has a sense of humor, and does not know how to harbor a grudge. Due to the great attachment to the owners, small Belgian dogs do not tolerate parting with them. Going on vacation, it is better to take them with you.

The nature and training of the Brabancons

The appearance of a griffon in the family is compared with the upbringing of a three-year-old child. The dog instantly grasps everything on the fly, shows interest in everything, loves to play and be the center of attention. All events in the life of the family are experienced by the tribal pet no less than the rest of the members. The dog senses moods and adopts them. Due to the fact that the small Brabancon is characterized by sociability, the dog needs to be socialized as soon as possible. The more attention the dog gets, the more he tries to show his best side. This must be controlled in preparation for exhibitions.

You can not indulge all the whims of the griffon, but excessive severity will not give results. Correct behavior can only be formed by regular training, developing obedience. All attempts to bite or growl should be stopped, and prohibitions should be enforced if they are not followed. Having a cute expression of the muzzle, the Brabancon remains a predator. Develop a clear feeding schedule so that the dog does not ask for food every 5 minutes. Top dressing is possible only with training.

This breed does not give many worries to the owners. The dog does not need to be cut, only combed once a week with a furminator, which should always be at hand. Bathing with special shampoos for dogs should not be done more than once a month. It is recommended to dry the animal's hair with a hair dryer after water procedures - this will help to avoid hypothermia. In winter, it is better to refrain from swimming. After a walk, you can simply wipe your paws with a damp cloth.

Sometimes it is necessary for an adult and a small Brabancon to cut the claws with a special nail cutter. This will prevent crumbling and breaking of the claw plate. It is important to trim only the extra rounded part of the nail, carefully bypassing the finger. Every week you need to clean your ears with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Don't go too deep with your ear sticks. When a dark crust appears on the ear, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

How to feed

A purebred dog requires a special feeding regimen. Ration should be well thought out. A healthy pet is constantly on the move, in the game, so the amount of calories received must satisfy this rhythm of life. It is recommended to put the bowl on a stand to maintain your posture. The correct conformation of the dog will be obtained if, when feeding, the muzzle is in a natural position, does not fall below the line of the chest.

At first, the pet will eat 4-5 times a day, and walk the same amount on the street. After reaching 6 months of age, you can gradually transfer Brabancon to 2-3 feedings. As a treat, you need to start giving soft raw bones and beef cartilage. Dog refuses to eat bones? This may indicate dental disease. In this case, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Health and disease petit brabancon

The pet's immunity is good, but it should be kept away from sick individuals. When caring for a dog, it is important to do the appropriate vaccinations on time, then the animal will be healthy. The first vaccination should be done at 2-2.5 months. Always remove worms before vaccination, limit communication with animals that have not been vaccinated. Possible diseases of this dog breed:

  • overheating with prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • problems and diseases associated with the eyes;
  • respiratory ailments;
  • during childbirth, as a rule, Brabancons are given a caesarean section.

dog needs

Due to the fact that the Brabancon is easily attached to family members, the pet may refuse to eat from the hands of a stranger. Leaving the dog at home for a long time, it is better to entrust the care of him to a close and familiar person. The best option would be to take the Griffon with you. Since this breed requires attention, it is recommended to constantly walk with it at every opportunity, play, teach new tricks. The dog gets along well in the apartment, it can be taught to the cat tray. Communication with their own kind is very important to her. Life expectancy is 13-14 years.

Cons of the breed

The disadvantage that Brabancon can have is excessive love for its owners and a constant need for a splash of energy. It is important to be near the dog as much as possible, walk it regularly. You need to make sure that the smooth-haired Griffon does not pick up everything from the ground. From an early age, it is necessary to stop this tendency so that the pet does not get poisoned. When training, it is worth encouraging a four-legged pet, praising, persevering. Reviews about the Brabancon breed are only positive, it can be recommended to families with children, the elderly.

Choosing a puppy

Regardless of what kind of Brabancon you are going to buy in Moscow or another city, his puppies can be completely different. It is worth remembering that the small Brabancon does not have a beard and has a smooth coat. A healthy individual always communicates with everyone he sees, willingly runs to get acquainted. Ears and eyeballs must be clean, the tip of the docked tail does not twist in a breeding pet. His parents must be winners of show competitions if the dog is bought to participate in them.


The average cost of a thoroughbred small Brabancon in Moscow is about 20,000 rubles. You can also buy cheaper. You can buy a Petit Brabancon puppy on Avito for 8,000, but keep in mind that the pet may not meet the breed standards. Here are some cost options with Avito:

Video: Belgian griffon

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Small Belgian dogs include: Belgian Griffon, Brussels Griffon, Petit Brabancon. These are decorative breeds of dogs, whose birthplace is Belgium and with the classification of which there are many problems. There are several different variations, but each organization names them differently and considers them to be separate breeds.

Most international cynological organizations distinguish three breeds: the Brussels Griffon (Griffon Bruxellois), the Belgian Griffon (Griffon belge), and the Petit Brabancon or Brabant Griffon (Petit Brabancon). Some clubs consider them to be separate breeds, while others consider them variations of the same breed, the Smooth Coated Griffon and the Wirehaired Griffon.

It would be technically correct to call all three breeds by their proper names, but this would create such confusion that it would be difficult to read. So I will call the dogs Brussels Griffons, as this is the most common name.

  • Despite the fact that dogs differ only in colors and coats, there is a lot of confusion around them due to different rules in organizations and clubs.
  • These are small, decorative dogs that were rat-catchers in the past.
  • They get along well with children, but only if they do not hurt or hurt them.
  • Monogamous, attached to the owner. It can take years to get used to another person.
  • Little centenarians who live up to 15 years, and sometimes longer.
  • Due to the structure of the skull, they can suffer from heat and overheating, you need to watch them at this time.
  • Extremely energetic, they need more activity than other ornamental breeds.

History of the breed

Small Belgian dogs all come from Belgium and one of them is even named after its capital, Brussels. The breed originated from dogs, the antiquity of which is calculated in millennia, but in itself is quite young.

A large number of different wire-haired dogs were called Griffons, some of which were hunting gun dogs or hounds.

Interestingly, small Belgian dogs are not actually Griffons. Most likely, the Belgians were familiar with the French griffins and called them that out of habit. And the Brussels Griffons and the Petit Brabancon belong to the Pinscher/Schnauzer.

Since the first mention of schnauzers, they have been described as having two coat types: rough and smooth. Over time, some breeds have become exclusively wire-haired, but only one of them has survived to this day.

For these dogs, the purpose was characteristic - they were rat-catchers, helping to fight rodents. One such rat-catcher was the Belgian Smousje, a breed now extinct.

Only the image in the painting “Portrait of the Arnolfini couple” by Jan van Eyck has come down to us, where a small, wire-haired dog is drawn at the feet of the couple. It is Smousje that is considered the ancestor of all small Belgian dogs, since another breed originated from him - stable griffons or Griffon d'Ecurie.

Despite the fact that the stable griffons were distributed throughout Belgium, they did not differ in uniformity and were very different in appearance.

However, this was the case with all breeds of that time. But they got their name because they traveled with the owners in carriages.

During the years 1700-1800 the Belgians continued to crossbreed the Griffon d'Ecurie with other breeds. Since they did not keep records, it is difficult to say what kind of mixing of blood took place. With a high degree of probability, we can assume that it could not have done without, incredibly popular at that time in neighboring France and the Netherlands.

It is believed that it is thanks to the pug that the modern Belgian Griffons have a brachycephalic structure of the muzzle, and the Petit Brabancons have a smooth coat and black colors. In addition, they were crossed with.

In the end, the stable griffon became so different from each other that different lines began to be called differently. The Petit Brabancon, or Smooth Coated Griffon, is named after the Belgian national anthem, La Brabonconne.

Hard-coated dogs, mostly red in color, became known as Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon, after the capital of Belgium. And dogs with hard hair, but other colors - Belgian Griffons or Griffon Belges.

Widespread throughout the country, small Belgian dogs were loved by both the upper and lower classes. By the middle of the 19th century, they also become fashionable, thanks to the appearance of dog shows and various shows. The first Belgian Griffon is registered in 1883, in the very first studbook - Livre des Origines Saint-Hubert.

Simultaneously with exhibitions around the world, a fascination with the standardization of local breeds begins, amateur clubs and organizations appear. The Belgians are not far behind, especially since Queen Henrietta Maria is a passionate dog lover who does not miss a single exhibition in the country.

It is she who becomes the main promoter of the breed not only in Belgium, but throughout Europe. It is likely that all more or less significant populations abroad of that time did not appear without her participation.

The Brussels Griffons found the greatest recognition in England, where in 1897 the first foreign club of breed lovers was created. Although it is not known when they first came to America, but by 1910 the breed is already well known and the American Kennel Club recognizes it.

Belgium saw some of the fiercest battles of the First World War and saw a significant decrease in the number of dogs. One was killed, others died of starvation or were thrown into the street. But World War II was even worse.

By its end, the Brussels Griffons had virtually disappeared from their homeland and much of Europe. Fortunately, a significant number survived in the UK and the USA, from where puppies were exported to restore the population.

In recent years, interest in decorative dogs has grown, including in the United States. The Brussels Griffon ranked 80th in the number of registered dogs out of 187 breeds approved by the AKC.

Despite the fact that these are rat-catchers, even today capable of fighting rodents, they are practically not kept for this. Almost all small Belgian dogs are companion or show animals.

Today, in Europe, the Petit Brabancon, Belgian Griffon and Brussels Griffon are considered separate breeds and do not interbreed. However, in the UK and USA they are all considered the same breed and are crossed regularly.

Description of the breed

As already mentioned, various organizations recognize these breeds as both separate and variations of one. For example, three different types of small Belgian dogs are recognized worldwide, while the American AKC and UKC, only two.

However, almost everywhere the breed standard is identical and the differences are only in the type of coat and colors. First, let's look at the traits common to all dogs, and then the differences between them.

The Brussels Griffon is a decorative breed, which means they are very small in size.

Most dogs weigh between 3.5 and 4.5 kg and the standard states that they should weigh no more than 5.5 kg. But the standard does not indicate the height at the withers, although in most cases it is no more than 20 cm.

While in most large breeds there is a difference in size between opposite sexes, in small Belgian dogs it is not pronounced.

This is a proportionally built dog, although its paws are long relative to the body. They are not fat, but it is difficult to call them strong and elegant. Traditionally they had their tail docked about two thirds of the length, but today this is banned in many countries. The natural tail is short and carried high.

Dogs have a charming muzzle, albeit a brachycephalic type. The head is rounded, large, and the muzzle is short and depressed. Most dogs have a pronounced undershot bite, and wrinkles on the muzzle.

However, they are not as deep as in other breeds with a brachycephalic skull. The eyes are large, round, widely spaced and should not protrude. The facial expression is curiosity, mischief and friendliness.

The color and texture of the coat of the Brussels Griffon

This is the most common variation among small French dogs, with a dense double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense, while the top coat is harsh and wavy. The coat of the Griffon Bruxellois is of medium length, just enough to show its texture, but not so long as to obscure the contours of the body.

Some standards say that the Brussels coat should be slightly longer than the Belgian, but this is an indirect difference.

The main difference between the Brussels and Belgian griffins is in color. Only tawny browns can be called Brussels, although a small amount of black on the mustache and beard is allowed by most clubs.

The color and texture of the coat of the Belgian Griffon

They are almost identical to the Brussels, with a double and coarse coat. However, Griffon Belges come in a variety of colors, not just red. Most organizations recognize three basic color types for the Belgian Griffon.

Redheads, with a black mask; black with red tan on the chest, paws, above the eyes and on the edge of the ears; completely black.

The color and texture of petit brabancon wool

These are smooth-haired dogs, in addition, the coat is straight and shiny, up to 2 cm long. The absence of a beard is also characteristic of them.

In different organizations, excellent colors are allowed, but usually they coincide with the colors of wirehairs: red, black, black and tan. Although in some clubs only black color is recognized.


Brussels Griffons are not a typical toy dog, they are closer in character to terriers. This is an energetic and active little dog that takes itself seriously. All representatives of the breed will be great companions, but only in the right hands.

They form a strong relationship with the owner, the reverse side of which is attachment only to him, and not to all family members. It will take a lot of time and effort when the second person (even if it is a spouse) will be able to win the trust of a small dog.

Despite their confidence and attractiveness, they feel most comfortable in the company of a loved one.

They do not tolerate loneliness and yearn while the owner is not at home. Puppies need socialization to be confident and polite with strangers, but even the most well-mannered Griffons keep aloof with them.

Those dogs that have not been socialized will be fearful or aggressive even though they bark more than they bite.

They could be good watchdogs, if not for their size. However, they are observant and will always give a voice if something goes wrong.

Similar in many ways to terriers, Brussels Griffons differ from them in their level of aggression towards other animals. Most calmly perceive other dogs, even happy company. However, they still prefer the company of people and suffer from dominance. They like to be at the head of the pack and will take the place of the leader if the opportunity presents itself.

And they also like to perform loudly, in the presence of other people's dogs. While this behavior is more noisy than aggressive, it can be annoying to large dogs.

Many Brussels Griffons are also greedy for toys and food.

Avid rat-catchers in the last century, today they rarely chase other animals.

In most cases, they are much less disturbing to cats than other similar breeds.

Belgian dogs are quite smart and can successfully perform in obedience and agility. Some owners teach them tricks, but training them is not so easy. They are stubborn, rebellious, dominant and often challenge the human role in the pack.

In order for the owner to manage this dog, he must take the role of leader and constantly remember this. Yes, they can be trained, but it will take more time and effort than with other breeds.

The Brussels Griffon is one of the most energetic and active of all toy breeds.

This is not a dog that will be satisfied with a short daily walk, owners will have to find time for additional activity. They love long enough walks and run without a leash.

In addition, they love to run around the house and can do it tirelessly. If you are looking for a calm dog, then this is clearly not the case. If you can’t load her enough, then she will find entertainment for herself and it will become a nightmare for you.

These are well-known mischief-makers, they often need to be taken out of places where they could climb, then they cannot get out.

They like to get into problems, satisfying their curiosity. This should not be forgotten and left unattended for a long time.

In general, they are well suited for apartment living, but there is one circumstance that is important to be aware of. They bark a lot, and their barking is sonorous and often unpleasant.

Socialization and training reduces the noise level, but does not eliminate it completely. If the Brussels Griffon lives in an apartment and is bored, then he can bark incessantly.

Most behavioral problems in toy breeds are the result of small dog syndrome. Small Dog Syndrome occurs in those dogs with which the owners behave differently than they would with a large dog.

They don't correct misbehavior for a variety of reasons, most of which are perceptual.

They find it amusing when a 1kg Brussels dog growls and bites, but dangerous when a bull terrier does the same.

That's why most Chihuahuas get off the leash and attack other dogs, while very few Bull Terriers do the same. Dogs with small dog syndrome become aggressive, dominant, and generally uncontrollable.


Dogs with different coat types need different care. Wirehaired (Brussels and Belgian Griffons) have much higher grooming requirements. In order for them to be in show form, the coat needs to be looked after a lot, it takes several hours a week.

They need to be combed often, preferably daily, so that the wool does not stray into tangles. Periodically, they need trimming, although the owners can learn it themselves, but it is better to resort to the services of a professional. The good side of this care is that the amount of wool in the house will decrease significantly.

But for a smooth-haired griffon (petit-brabancon) care is needed much less. Regular brushing, that's all. However, they shed and wool can cover furniture with carpets.


Small Belgian dogs are distinguished by good health. These are small centenarians, whose average life expectancy is 12-15 years, although it is not uncommon for them to live for more than 15 years.

Bypassed them and popularity, which leads to the emergence of irresponsible breeders, and with them hereditary diseases.

Genetic diseases are also found in them, but in general, the percentage is much less than in other breeds.

The main source of health problems in these dogs is the head. Its unique shape creates difficulties at birth and often requires caesarean section. However, less often than for other breeds with a brachycephalic skull.

The shape of the skull also creates breathing problems, and dogs may snore, wheeze, and make strange noises. What's more, short airways prevent Griffons from cooling their bodies as easily as normal dogs.

You need to be careful in the summer heat and monitor the condition of the dog. Although they are in much better shape than the same English and French Bulldogs.

Petit Brabancons are wonderful little dogs and great companions. In the past they were the favorites of kings, and now they are happily turned on by fragile and tender ladies who dream of a real friend. Of course, if this friend did not have time to become or

The history of the breed goes far back into the depths - it has been known for five centuries. Brabancons have been faithful companions of people since ancient times.

They used to do hard work. Petit Brabancons faithfully served the Belgian sailors, keeping company during long voyages full of dangers and harsh everyday life.

Attention! They bred the breed specifically for the extermination of rats.

For a long time, sailors used dogs of this breed for their intended purpose. Hence the Petit Brabancon dog breed has the ability to swim and the manifestation of genetically inherent hatred of rodents.

In the 19th century, there was a fashion for keeping small dogs at home, this period was the peak of the popularity of this breed. After a while, the petit-brabancon lost his hunting abilities and turned into a pet.

These charming creatures came to Russia relatively recently - at the beginning of the 2000s.

Brabancon dog breed: the photo conveys incredible charm in a rare moment of thoughtfulness of a puppy.

breed standard

FCI Standard No. 82 dated March 25, 2003 "Petit Brabançon".
Group 9 "Decorative and Companion Dogs".
Section 3 "Small Belgian dogs".
Standard weight: 3.5 to 6 kg.
Standard height: not established.

Petit (small) Brabancon - short-haired variety of the griffon family including the Brussels Griffon and Belgian Griffon breeds. They are all descended from a small, rough-haired dog called "Smousje", which lived around Brussels for several centuries.

Important proportion: the length of the body, measured from the humeroscapular joints to the buttocks, should be as close as possible to the height of the dog at the withers, i.e. the height of an individual is equal to its length.

Strong bones do not look rough. The head is large, rounded. The jaw protrudes forward, the eyes are dark in color, the ears are small and soft.

Important! Dogs of a red hue necessarily have a black mask on the muzzle. Light shades are considered a marriage, dogs with this color are removed from breeding.

Unlike the rough-haired types, the Petit Brabancon lacks a mustache and goatee. The paw pads are dark in color and not widely spaced. In the past, the tail of the animals was docked, but now dogs with a regular tail are allowed to show.

The weight of adults varies from three to six kilograms, and they grow up to sixteen to twenty-five centimeters in height.

The average life expectancy of petit-brabancons is thirteen to fourteen years. They rarely get sick, having excellent health.

Dense wool is smooth to the touch, shiny and shimmering, its length is about two centimeters. It may contain red, black, red-black and black and tan color.

Brabancon - dog breed: character and abilities

Petit Brabancons are extremely friendly and good-natured creatures. They, as a real family member, participate in the life of the owner and his relatives. Petit Brabancons are incredibly sensitive creatures, imbued with the human mood. Surprisingly, they know how to show sympathy, rejoice and grieve along with their beloved master. Dogs of this breed do not miss a single event in the life of the family.

Attention! The prevailing opinion is that petit-brabancons in terms of mental development are at the level of a child of three years.

They understand a lot from human speech, they can be capricious or, knowing that they will receive a treat later, behave decently. If you take into account the muzzle of the Petit Brabancon with a real human expression, it will seem that another full member of the family lives with you.

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