Temperature in puppies of large breeds. Increased body temperature in a dog. Causes of high temperature

As with humans, body temperature is a very important indicator of a pet's health. If any signs of illness appear - fatigue or refusal to eat, the first thing to do is to determine if your dog's temperature is normal. In this article, we will tell you what exactly is considered the norm in small and large breeds, as well as before childbirth and during pet illness.

dog body temperature

If a temperature of 36.6 ° C is considered the norm for a person, then for a dog this figure is slightly higher. Normal body temperature in dogs is between 37.5°C and 38.5°C. In small puppies up to a year old, this temperature is half a degree higher and can reach about 39 ° C.

But in the case of dogs, you always need to take into account the individual characteristics of the animal's body and know what indicator is normal for your pet. To avoid confusion, you can measure it several times with your pet, and do this when he is absolutely healthy, and then remember or write down the indicators.

Age, body weight, the period (for example, before childbirth or after childbirth) in which the measurement took place - also affect the numbers on the thermometer. So, the normal temperature in dogs of small breeds (Toy Terrier, Shih Tzu, Pekingese) is usually slightly higher than in large ones (Labrador, Rottweiler, Mastiff). It can be overestimated even in a situation if the pet is under stress, has recently played actively or has been in the sun in the heat of summer.

The temperature in puppies may rise due to the fact that they are teething. This usually occurs between the ages of 3-9 months.

Changes in indicators can be harbingers of the approaching birth of a dog. As a rule, before giving birth in all breeds, it decreases by 1 ° C, and sometimes even by 1.5 ° C, and then returns to normal. Usually it begins to fall a day, and sometimes even two days before the birth of the animal.

If a pet had contraindications to pregnancy, then such a process of the birth of puppies is called pathological childbirth. With the pathology of childbirth, the body temperature of dogs increases by 0.5-1 ° C.

In any case, it is worth clarifying that the animal's body temperature of 39 ° C is not an indicator of danger and it is not worth making hasty conclusions about the disease. But if the measurement result is very high, 40 ° C or more, and also with various accompanying symptoms: lethargy, apathy or loss of appetite, the dog must be shown to the doctor.

Ways to measure temperature in a dog

Measurement in dogs of all breeds and sizes at home, as well as at the veterinarian, takes place using a conventional thermometer. The procedure is carried out rectally, so it is better to take an electronic thermometer, which measures the indicators in half a minute. Mercury may not be suitable, in a row the dog will be able to stand even for five minutes calmly with a foreign body in the anus. The thermometer for the dog must be individual!

Usually, pets of any breed tolerate the procedure easily, after a while the animal even stops noticing it, it is absolutely not painful and does not bring much inconvenience, so it is very easy to learn how to take measurements yourself at home.

How to measure a dog's temperature:

  1. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly, baby cream or Levomekol gel. After that, you need to reset the indicator on a mercury thermometer or reset the electronic one.
  2. You can insert a thermometer as a dog lying on its side, and one that just stands on its paws. The tail should be lifted up and gently insert the device to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, leaning against one of the walls of the rectum.
  3. To measure the temperature, the animal must lie or stand still, the first time the pet may be frightened, so it is better to talk to him affectionately, reassuringly. A pet can be taught a command, such as "Treat", so that she knows what procedure she will be doing.
    4. Next, the thermometer is pulled out, the indicators are noted, the device is washed after use with soap and wiped with alcohol.

There are also infrared thermometers that measure data through the ears of an animal, but their price is much higher than that of electronic or mercury ones.

Before childbirth, as well as after the birth of large and small breeds, thermometer readings can be taken every hour, and then recorded in order to know how the process is going.

What to do if the temperature is high or low

Changes in indicators, a decrease or increase in the dog's temperature, should alert the owner. If there are concomitant symptoms: the animal refuses to eat and treats, he has diarrhea or vomiting, general weakness, then this may be a sign of illness. The pet needs to be taken to the doctor, consulted, tested and started to carry out the prescribed treatment.

You can call the veterinarian at home or take your pet yourself.

Here's what to consider if you're taking a sick animal to the vet:

  1. If the pet's temperature is high: 40°C or higher, you need to apply a bottle or ice pack to his body, especially in hot weather;
  2. If the indicators are below 36.5 ° C, then a heating pad is placed next to the animal to avoid hypothermia, you can turn on the heating in your car or open the windows in the heat.

As for how to bring down the temperature in a dog or raise it, it is worth noting. You should not give any medications on your own before taking it, especially if you are expecting a pet to give birth. Only a specialist, a veterinarian, can make a correct diagnosis after examination. He will give him treatment, and any drugs taken before taking it will distort the results of the tests.

A high temperature, over 40 ° C, or its fall in an animal of any breed can be caused by such diseases as: plague, piroplasmosis, infection with worms, endothermitis, allergies. Any injury can lift it: extensive cuts, sore bites from other dogs, abscesses. Some increase can be observed after vaccinations.

Video "How to measure the temperature of a four-legged friend"

This video clearly shows how the procedure for measuring indicators of a pet takes place (video author: me and my tail).

The temperature in a dog is one of the most important indicators of a pet's health, it is she who will tell the owner if something is wrong with the pet. Any owner should be guided in such matters as normal thermometer readings, how to measure the temperature of a pet, and what to do if he has a fever. It is to these questions that we will give quite comprehensive answers in our article.

Do dogs always have the same temperatures?

Not all dogs have the same thermometer readings as the norm, it depends on which breed this animal belongs to. Puppies or adults of small breeds have higher rates than animals of large breeds. This factor is influenced by the intensity of metabolism.

When an animal is under stress, such as a visit to a veterinary clinic or a trade show can lead to a more agitated state, these rates increase. High temperature in pets is also observed during estrus, in the heat, after a long load. The body temperature of each individual pet is individual, so it is better for the owner to know what temperature is considered normal and will not cause concern for the pet's condition.

What is the normal temperature for dogs?

A healthy animal has indicators from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but they can vary from different factors. Below is the temperature norm for different breeds of animals:

  • Puppies of small breeds 38.6-39.3, adults from 38.5-39.0.
  • Puppies of medium breeds 38.3-39.1, adults 37.5-39.0.
  • Puppies of large breeds 38.2-39.0, adults 37.4-38.3.

A factor such as the indicators of a thermometer is influenced by the time of year, if it is hot outside, then an increase of 0.5-1 degree is possible.

In a pregnant dog, you need to regularly measure the temperature, because you can determine the approach of childbirth using this indicator, it decreases to 1.5 degrees.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a fever?

If the animal has a rise in temperature to 40 degrees, then first of all you need to remember what events happened to him the day before. Maybe he experienced some kind of stress, maybe there was a trip on public transport or a visit to a veterinary clinic. But in any case, when observing a fever in a pet, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary in order to start treatment as soon as possible. When an animal has a fever, it is necessary to bring it down quickly. To bring down the fever in your pet as quickly as possible, you need to do the following activities:

  • Put ice on the neck and thighs of the animal.
  • The pet's coat should be moistened with cold water.
  • Give small portions of water to the dog.
  • Open windows help to bring down the heat of the animal a little with the pet lying on the floor.
  • You can try to bring down the fever with the help of wraps with a wet and cool towel. It is especially good to reduce heat with the help of water vapor from the forehead, neck and inner thighs.
  • When a dog has a high fever and a visit to the veterinarian is not possible, you can give the pet Nurofen or Paracetamol. But you don’t need to abuse this method, because a pet’s fever can cause a rather serious illness.
  • When the fever in the animal appeared as a result of a reaction to the teeth, then you can bring it down at home by mixing ampoules: diphenhydramine, no-shpy, analgin. If the injection fails, then you can try to drink through the mouth.

It is not necessary to give antipyretic drugs without consulting a veterinarian, as they can do more harm than good.

What happens to a dog when it has a fever?

When a pet has a fever, his body experiences serious changes, which include:

  • If the rise is above 40.5 degrees, then dehydration occurs, the pet has a reduced appetite, the heartbeat quickens, lethargy and apathy appear.
  • Especially serious changes occur in the body when rising above 41.1 degrees. At this time, the dog's fluid loss approaches critical levels, in connection with which cerebral edema and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs appear. The pet develops heart palpitations, shortness of breath, wheezing, loss of consciousness, convulsions, impaired motor processes, urine outflow worsens, which causes poisoning of the body, hemorrhage. All these changes can lead to the rapid death of the dog.

How to take a dog's temperature?

Some owners believe that a dry nose can tell if a dog has a fever, but this is a myth. A dry and warm nose is not an indicator of a pet's illness and a reason to visit a veterinarian. Measurements are best done with an electronic thermometer, because it is safer to use. The animal must have a separate thermometer, it does not need to be used for people.

Before taking measurements, it is better to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. Measurements should be carried out rectally, so you need to calm the animal, gently talk to him, treat him with yummy. When measurements are taken for the first time, it is best to take them with a dog lying on its side. The thermometer is inserted into the anus of the animal, a calm atmosphere should reign around, it is better to hold the pet so that it does not harm itself. After this procedure is over, you need to disinfect the thermometer and reward the animal with some kind of treat.

If the dog is looking for the coolest place in the house, then you need to pay attention to this, maybe he has a fever? It is necessary to try to surround him with care and attention, rather bring down the temperature, while it is important not to put off visiting the veterinarian for a long time. Only he will prescribe the right treatment.

Body temperature is the main indicator of health for people and for our smaller brothers. It determines how the pet feels. That is why it is so important to know temperature indicators (normal, hyperthermia, hypothermia), be able to measure temperature and provide first aid on your own.

Causes of fever in dogs

Body temperature is not a constant value in dogs. It can change during the day or depending on the age and sex of the animal, its physiological state, intensity of physical activity, environmental conditions.

However, there is such an indicator as "normal temperature", which includes an interval, not a single digit. In dogs, the temperature is from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but even in this case, age and size are taken into account:

  • for decorative breeds - 39-39.5;
  • for large dogs - 37.4-38.3;
  • for medium - 37.5-39;
  • for puppies - 38.2-39.3.

Based on these indicators, you can determine the average temperature of the pet and take appropriate measures when raising or lowering.

Causes of hyperthermia:

  • stress;
  • viruses, infections;
  • poisoning;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • overheating, hypothermia of the body;
  • recent childbirth;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • teething (in puppies);
  • joint diseases;
  • the immune response of the body (with allergies);
  • sepsis.

If you see that your pet's temperature has risen by two degrees or more, especially if it has reached 41, take action immediately! It is quite possible that the cause is some dangerous infectious disease (distemper, leptospirosis), and delay is fraught with serious complications, even death.

A tendency to hyperthermia is observed in German Shepherds, Boxers, Pugs and French Bulldogs, Chow Chows, as well as in individuals with a hyperexcitable character and fluffy white dogs. Quite often, the temperature can rise in Cocker Spaniels.

Main symptoms

Many owners believe that the first sign of a fever is a dry nose. It would be wrong to rely on this symptom, since the animal can have a dry and hot nose, for example, immediately after waking up from sleep.

Here are more sure signs of an increase in temperature:

  • weakness, apathy, decreased physical activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea, vomiting (in some cases);
  • convulsions;
  • light tongue and lips;
  • the desire to get comfortable in a cool place, on the floor;
  • redness of the skin (partial).

Another common mistake among inexperienced dog breeders is to consider any increase in temperature, even a slight one, as a signal for action. During the day, it can fluctuate within one degree, and this is also considered the norm. However, if other signs are present in addition to hyperthermia, then a visit to the veterinary clinic should not be postponed.

What to do at home

There is no single treatment regimen for hyperthermia, since this is not a separate disease, but a symptom, and it does not always speak of a pathology developing in the body of a dog.

Of course, you need to show the animal to a specialist in any case, but you can provide first aid at home.

In order for the body to begin to give off excess heat, it is necessary to lower the ambient temperature. It is enough to ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner for a short time. Ideally, the air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. Drafts are not allowed!

The dog should be overlaid with ice cubes (in the groin, neck, armpit), cover with a damp towel or slightly moisten the coat, make an enema with warm water. The pet should not be allowed to move a lot, as a lot of thermal energy is generated during the work of the muscles.

If the animal does not want to eat, you should not force feed, as problems may increase - diarrhea, constipation, bloating, vomiting. But a warm drink is very useful.

If the temperature is very high, an adult dog weighing 30 kilograms or more can be given one of the antipyretic drugs intended for humans. For small dogs, it's best to use baby fever medicine.

However, it is better not to risk it, since drugs such as Aspirin, Analgin, Paracetamol can cause side effects in dogs. For example, Ibuprofen is dangerous because it can provoke gastrointestinal bleeding, intense vomiting, and so on.

Possible Complications

Hyperthermia can have serious consequences for the body: disruption of the central nervous and digestive systems, changes in the water-salt balance, dehydration, excessive stress on the heart, multiple organ failure.

The prognosis depends on the diagnosis and timely treatment of the underlying disease. If the dog survives 48 hours after the start of therapy, then in most cases it is favorable.

Prevention measures

Often the problem of temperature rise lies in the careless attitude of the owner to the pet. It is necessary to control physical activity and time spent in the fresh air in order to prevent hypothermia, monitor the quality of nutrition, conditions and, of course, promptly respond to the slightest changes in the health of a four-legged pet.

The most important indicator of a dog's health is its normal body temperature. There are many factors that can change the temperature in one direction or another. It depends on the sex of the dog, its breed, physical condition, height, weight and other individual characteristics.

The temperature of the dog should be measured when it is in a normal state. If the owner knows what temperature his dog has, then he can find out about any problem with her health at any time.

Short-term temperature increase in dogs of any breed, it can arise from excitement, fear, or exercise. Of course, it still rises in hot weather, and in bitches during estrus.

A decrease or increase in the body temperature of a dog is the first sign of its illness, which is the norm.

What should you pay attention to?

Temperatures should be taken properly in dogs when:

  • she refuses food;
  • refuses water;
  • she has cramps, vomiting or diarrhea;
  • she has an elevated temperature of the nose and it is dry;
  • she is lethargic, has a pale tongue and mucus in her mouth.

The heat of this animal can be measured with any thermometer - conventional or electronic. Thoroughly wash the device and hands after measurement and wipe with alcohol.

What temperature should a dog have?

Any breed of dog, from small to large, must have an individual (normal) body temperature, it can range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees Celsius. There are some features that should be the norm:

Adult dogs:

  • large breed - 37.4–38.3;
  • medium breed - 37.5–39;
  • small breed - 38.5–39.


  • large breed - 38.2–39;
  • medium breed - 38.3–39.1;
  • small breed - 38.6–39.3.

How to take a dog's temperature?

For measurement, you can use an ordinary thermometer, but in this case you have to keep the dog in a calm state for about five minutes. It is better to use an electronic thermometer, with it the procedure will take about a minute. The pet must have its own thermometer.

The dog's temperature is measured through the rectum. Although the procedure is simple, it requires careful handling of your pet.

  • first, grease the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly or any greasy cream;
  • lay the animal on its side (you can stand), raise the tail and gently insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of about 2 cm;
  • the temperature measurement should take place in a normal environment so that the dog is not worried or frightened. Otherwise, the pet may jump up and injure itself by breaking the thermometer. During the procedure, you can feed him with all sorts of sweets;
  • be sure to praise the dog during the procedure and after.

Signs and causes of temperature deviation from the norm

Many dog ​​breeders determine it in their pet by the nose. They think that if the nose is dry and hot, then their pet is sick. All this is just a myth. Dryness of the nose should not cause the owner any concern. Dry and warm nose at night is normal, since animals do not lick it during sleep.

If the animal is healthy, then it is cheerful, eats normally, plays, actively reacts to all events around it. His coat is shiny and close fitting. A sick animal looks exactly the opposite, the first signs of the disease appear - fever, refusal to eat for a whole day, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, rapid breathing and heartbeat.

When observing the above symptoms, you should immediately measure the pet's fever, see if it is normal. The cause of the fever may be infection or any disease- plague, endometritis, piroplasmosis, heat stroke. The decrease occurs with worms, parvovirus enteritis and other diseases.

What should be done if the temperature is raised (lowered)?

If deviations occur, this means that the body begins to fight the infection or with some symptom of the disease. With its increase (decrease), you should not fight on your own. Normal indicators can be achieved at home, but it will not be possible to get rid of infection and disease.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor or call him at home. If the animal has thermometer shows above 40 degrees then you need to take it to the veterinarian. During transportation, something cold should be applied to his body. This must be done very carefully so that the dog does not overcool. When reduced - on the contrary, it is necessary to attach a heating pad to the body and cover with a blanket.

You can not give the animal medications at your discretion, this will only worsen the situation. Deviations from the norm in dogs happen only with infection, tumors, endocrine diseases.

In the veterinary clinic, doctors will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe necessary medicines. The owner will only need to follow these recommendations. If the dog gets better, you should not cancel the medication on your own. This is the business of the veterinarian, only he can be sure that the normal temperature will not change, the animal has fully recovered and nothing threatens its life.

The normal temperature in dogs is not the same as in humans. Quadrupeds are "hotter" than humans. It is important for pet owners to understand this issue, since temperature is one of the indicators of pet health.

Temperature norms

Normal for dogs is considered a body temperature of 37.5 to 39 ° C. These are generalized figures, since the indicator depends on parameters such as:

  • age and breed;
  • state of the body.

For example, in dogs of small breeds, the norm is 38.5 - 39.2 ° C, which is slightly higher than in large-breed representatives. This is due to the peculiarities of metabolism.

In addition, the temperature indicator can increase by 0.1–0.3 ° C during stress, in the summer, when traveling in a hot and stuffy car, and for bitches also during estrus.

It is noteworthy that during the period of pregnancy (dog pregnancy), the expectant mother becomes 0.5–1 ° C cooler.

That is, to determine whether the body temperature of a pet is in the correct range or not, a number of factors should be taken into account.

How to measure

It is important that the discomfort of the dog is minimal so that the next time he behaves calmly.

It is important to know that dryness in a dog's nose is not an indicator of fever. It must be measured by inserting a thermometer (preferably electronic) into the anus of the animal for 20–30 seconds. The procedure is responsible for the owner and unpleasant for the pet, therefore, it requires preparation and strict adherence to the algorithm of actions:

  1. In advance, you should prepare a thermometer and a cream (you can use "Children's"), which will facilitate its introduction.
  2. Calm the dog, lay on its side and move the tail.
  3. Insert the thermometer to a depth of 2 cm and hold, slightly leaning against the wall of the rectum. It is important to control the position of the pet.
  4. After the set time, remove the thermometer and record the readings.

What to do with high or low

The best thing a caring owner can do is wrap a sick pet in a soft blanket and immediately take it to the veterinarian.

Any deviation of indicators should be alarming.

High numbers may mean an inflammatory process. It is important to understand that a hot body is only a symptom of the disease, so it is not worth fighting the temperature before making a diagnosis.

The cause of an abnormally cool dog body can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • general decrease in tone;
  • intoxication;
  • significant blood loss;
  • body dehydration.

If the animal has an abnormal body temperature, you should not wait for everything to go away on its own. Sometimes the price of long human thought is a dog's life.

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