2 x month old puppy. Raising a puppy from an early age. Consider feeding times and diet

The transition from mother's milk to solid food can be quite difficult for a puppy. The baby begins to receive food that requires careful chewing, masters his own place for feeding and requires constant access to clean drinking water. The frequency of feeding at this age reaches 6 times a day, it is better to distribute these periods evenly so that the puppy gets used to a certain regimen. Another important point concerns the introduction of new foods into the diet. If it is possible not to take the baby away from the mother, it is worth introducing complementary foods gradually, replacing milk feedings with regular food. For kids living separately, the menu will have to be drawn up taking into account the necessary balance of substances. But the question arises: what to feed the puppy for the first 2 months - special food for dogs or homemade food?

What to feed a puppy for the first 2 months: the pros and cons of dry food

The modern pet food industry offers optimal conditions for those who want to get the maximum benefit for their pet. Moreover, from three weeks of life, a pet can already receive delicious diet food. True, dry and soft foods should be classified as premium or professional line (for breeders). Most often, when buying, it is the seller who explains the principles of choosing food and gives advice based on the already established food preferences of the baby. Mixed nutrition in this case is excluded - it is not necessary to give food from the human table, as well as cereals, curds and other goodies. In high-class feed, everything you need is already there. Any treats in the diet should be no more than 1/10 of the total nutrition. The rest is healthy and healthy dry food. It is worth adding that up to 1.5 months all feed is crushed, soaked in milk. After the formation of milk teeth, the puppy receives a dry diet in its usual form. The frequency of feeding is reduced gradually, reaching 2-3 times by 6 months.

We form a home diet

How to feed a puppy for the first 2 months if you decide to cook his food yourself? First of all, a balanced diet should include four items:

  • calcium, for strong bones - it is found in cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir;
  • protein products - mainly meat of different varieties, pork is not desirable;
  • source of carbohydrates - to replenish energy reserves;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Meat is given to puppies in boiled form, porridge is boiled. They give boiled vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes, prepared as for baby food. In total, food volumes should be 80 g per kilogram of body weight. 50% of the diet is meat.

It is best to start training a puppy at a young age. Some of the simplest skills are taught to a puppy from 1.5-2 months.

Starting the educational training of a puppy, you need to remember the following: training should be carried out from simple to complex, do not require the puppy to perform overwhelming tasks, do not use strong stimuli so as not to frighten the puppy and not injure the still weak nervous system, monitor the reaction and attention of the puppy in training process, limiting the influence of external stimuli.

To develop the initial obedience skills, puppies need to be trained 15 minutes a day. Some puppies can only handle short lessons. For such puppies, you need to conduct 5-minute classes 3 times a day. Highly it is important to praise him for every correctly performed action: unfixed reflex disappears very quickly (slows down).

From about 3 months of age, the puppy is introduced to “distraction factors” (new phenomena of the outside world that frighten or distract the puppy) during regular walks. The introduction of distractions should go in sequence from weaker to stronger, this also includes accustoming to shots.
FROM 5 months of age for service dogs, the initial guarding, stalking and arresting exercises can begin. From the same age, more solid disciplinary principles should be introduced (moreover, one should move from game to discipline easily and imperceptibly).

During this period, it is especially necessary “to strive to visually show the contrasting concepts of “can” and “impossible”, i.e. rewards and prohibitions, remembering that only the brightness of these impressions and their regular repetition will ensure success in work.

Basic commands

Absolutely all dogs should know the most basic commands - from Great Dane to Chihuahua. You can decide for yourself which commands your dog should know. Apart from the fact that each dog should know its name, feeding and walking regimen, the following list of commands can be offered:

  • "To me!" (this is how they call the dog to themselves);
  • "Sit!" (the dog must sit down);
  • "Lie!" (the dog should lie down);
  • "Beside!" (the dog should go next to the owner, to the left of him);
  • "Walk!" (with this command they let the dog run around);
  • "Stand!" (the dog must stand up or stop if it was moving);
  • "Place!" (the dog must remain in the indicated place).

Starting from the very beginning

Name training a puppy

A two-month-old puppy gets used to the nickname in about a week.

When offering food, playing with him or caressing him, call him by name. The puppy will quickly associate pleasant emotions with this word.

At least the first week of the puppy's stay in the house, don't call him by his name to scold him. Never forbid a dog anything by saying its name in an imperative tone. The name of the dog must be used just to get her attention.

Feeding mode

Teaching a small puppy to a feeding regimen is much more important than it seems at first glance.

Each time feeding will allow you to stress-free, gradually accustom the puppy to commands. The baby will quickly learn that tapping the bowl on the floor is a pleasant signal that is associated with receiving food. This signal can be accompanied by the puppy's name. In a matter of days, he will learn to run at your call. Much later, you will replace this call with the command "Come!", which the dog must immediately obey.

During this very early training period, you can teach your puppy to sit when he is waiting for food. Show him a bowl of food, but do not give it by saying "Sit!"(or calling his nickname), and at the same time gently and persistently press your hand on the lower back so that he sits down. Once this happens, place a bowl in front of him.

This reflex is fixed quite quickly, since the puppy is very receptive to simple commands repeated constantly and persistently.

Toilet training

Most dogs are clean from birth. As soon as the puppies begin to move independently, they stop dirtying the nest. This property of innate cleanliness is used in toilet training.

Therefore, the baby can be left in a box or drawer for the night (or for a time when you cannot monitor him). So he will learn to endure and ask.

If possible, take your puppy outside about every hour. His physiology at the age of 2 - 4 months is such that he still can't "endure" until a certain time of the walk.

If not, arrange for him a certain place for the toilet. Take him there after every feeding, sleep, etc. Praise him for the "correct" puddle.

Scolding a puppy can be caught at the crime scene, only such a punishment will be effective. If you haven't seen it, it's best to remove it without saying anything.

Leash and collar training

For a small puppy, a soft collar is most suitable, light and tight fitting.

Put on the collar for the first time before feeding or before any other pleasant procedure. Being distracted, the puppy will not pay attention to the collar at first and will quickly get used to it.

During the acclimatization period, the puppy can constantly walk in the collar. Do not remove the collar at the first "demand" of the puppy better distract him with a game. If the collar causes too much protest or even hysteria in a very nervous dog, remove and postpone collar training until better times.

When it's time to go for a walk, attach a leash to the collar. A heavy chain is not suitable for a puppy, which will “bend” it with its weight. Use a leather or nylon leash with a light carabiner to keep your little one comfortable.

First time do not pull or pull on the leash- let it hang freely, and the dog follows you (or you follow him) voluntarily.

You should not allow the puppy to be especially fond of playing with a leash. He must understand that the leash restricts his movements and he cannot behave uncontrollably on the leash.

A special collar - a parfors ("strict" collar with spikes) is put on during the training of commands and only when necessary. If the dog obeys perfectly, there is no need for such a collar. But a “strict” collar can be indispensable when practicing the “Next!” command.

Team "Come to me!"

The ideal time of day to train the owner approach is 7-16 weeks. During this period, puppies need the presence of "flock members" and can quickly master this command. It is desirable to have time to form the behavior of the dog before the onset of her “stage of independence” (a kind of canine “transitional age”), which lasts from about 4 months to 1 year.

Call the puppy by name and say (with a good intonation) the command “Come!”. When the puppy comes up, praise him, give him a treat.

If the puppy is too busy playing and does not respond to the command, call him, and then crouch or run away from him. This will get the puppy's attention and he will come to you. Don't forget to reward him right away. In no case should you call a dog with a threatening intonation.

If the dog does not respond to the command "Come to me!" and does not want to receive a promotion, take a long leash. The dog can move freely, but at the same time, you can call him at any time by pulling on the leash and saying the command.

An adult dog is taught not just to approach, but on command to approach, go around the trainer from behind and sit at his left leg. This skill is also practiced, only the dog is not just pulled by the leash to itself, but each time it is circled behind itself and seated at the left leg. Such requirements for the execution of the command “Come to me!” exist in the general course of training.


This is a "prohibitive" command that requires mandatory execution. "Ugh!" should not be encouraged as other teams; rather, the execution of the command will allow the dog to avoid unpleasant sensations.

Team Fu! should be pronounced in a low voice, reminiscent of a growl. When the command is repeated, the intonation should become more threatening.

When the puppy is very small, the undesirable action must be stopped gently, but persistently. Let's say a two-month-old puppy gnaws on a table leg. Say the command and move the puppy to another place, for example, on his rug (but not on the sofa! This will already be an encouragement).

If the puppy persists, distract him with a sharp unpleasant sound (for example, a rattle) and also say the command. When the puppy grows up, more serious punishments can be used to stop the unwanted action: jerking the leash, slapping, etc.

When prohibiting, it is very important to use the right moment in time. Shout "Fu!" should sound exactly at the moment when the dog does something inappropriate, and not a second later.

Team "No!" different from "Fu!" name only: pronounced faster and easier. Which command you choose to ban is up to you. An adult dog will understand “Fu!”, “No!”, And “Enough!”, And other forbidding words.


This command, similar to the command "Fu!", is necessary for weaning from loud, unreasonable barking. The principle of training here is as follows: a barking dog is distracted in some way, the command “Quiet!” is given. and cheer when the dog has stopped barking.

Here, too, the moment of encouragement is very important: the dog must clearly associate the reward with the cessation of barking and at the same time understand that she achieves what she wants not by barking, but vice versa.

In order for the dog to associate the reward specifically with the cessation of barking, pause: the dog has stopped barking, wait a bit and, if the barking does not repeat, give a shout.

You don't have to train your dog to bark at all. Praise any dog, even the smallest one, for displaying a watchdog instinct. But you can “guard” not so loudly: lightly pinch the dog’s face, saying “Quietly, quietly”, teaching you to give an alarm signal only with a growl.


The place of the puppy should be determined immediately after he got into your house. The dog's place is its "impregnable fortress". puppy never cannot be forcibly pulled out of his place. Even for punishment, the dog must leave the place voluntarily. It is especially important to explain this to children: a dog that has gone to its place should not be touched.

At the beginning of training, the dog must be sent to his place on demand. First, the puppy is taken there, saying: “Place!” and stroking. When the dog goes to the place on its own, it is encouraged.

When the “departure to the place” has been worked out, they begin to learn endurance: the dog must remain in place until it is given a permissive command.

Put the puppy in place and give the command. To prevent him from leaving if he does not want to follow the command, put on him a regular or jerk collar and a leash. When he makes an attempt to leave, firmly and decisively stop him, put him in his place and start all over again.

It is very important not to overwork the puppy here. First, get him to sit still for at least a few seconds, reward him for this, gradually increasing the time of "sitting" in place.

This skill will be very useful for a puppy on a training ground when it will be necessary to work out endurance. It is also convenient at home: if the dog interferes, it is sent to the place, and it stays there as long as the owner needs.

"Show me your teeth!"

At the command "Show your teeth!" (which is given in an orderly intonation), the owner puts his right hand with his palm under the puppy's muzzle, and the left hand on top of the muzzle. Having repeated the command one more time, he spreads the puppy's lips with the thumbs of both hands and examines the teeth. If the puppy does not resist, praise him and give him a treat.

Dental examination is carried out daily, then the puppy will quickly get used to the procedure and will not mind when it is necessary to show his teeth at an exhibition or training ground.


At the age of 1.5-2 months, the puppy is taught to sit down, for which the command “Sit!” is pronounced in a clear, calm voice. and at the same time raise a hand with a delicacy above the puppy's head, bringing it back a little. The puppy will raise its head to look at the treat and sit down. As soon as the puppy sits down, repeat the command after it in an affectionate tone, say “Good!” and give the puppy a treat.

After repeated repetitions of this technique, the puppy will learn the skill, and in the future, instead of a treat, it will be possible to pronounce only the exclamation “Good!” and pet the puppy.

Additional commands

These are commands that are not included in the general training course, but the training of which is useful for any dog. Each owner himself will determine such necessary commands. Here are some examples.

Team "Car!" sounds when you and your dog approach the road. The dog should stop and wait for your instructions. In principle, this is the same as the command "Stand!". You can teach to be afraid of cars, or at least be careful about them.

If the dog likes to chase the car, at the moment of this action the dog is stopped by a jerk of the leash, a blow, you can throw some object at the dog, etc. In extreme cases, an electric shock collar is used, which is controlled from a distance: the dog seems to be free, the owner not nearby, but at the moment of committing an incorrect action, the dog receives a rather sensitive blow.

When you train a dog to stop doing something wrong, it's very easy to make a mistake and give the reward at the wrong time. The dog may decide that it is rewarded for the action.

The dog must be able to behave properly on a leash. Often a dog on a walk itself gets tangled in a leash and confuses the owner in it. To avoid this, the dog is taught commands "Beside!", "Forward!" etc. In addition to these commands, it is convenient to teach the dog commands "Go around!" and “Leg!»

"Go around!" means to go around an obstacle, for example, a tree, so as not to get confused by the leash. On this command, the dog goes back in the direction of the lead and bypasses the obstacle. It is not difficult to teach this team: when the dog, walking on a long leash, went behind a tree, pull the leash and command "Get around!". When the dog has walked around the obstacle and "unraveled" from the leash, praise him. After some time, the dog will learn what is required of it, and will do it itself, without waiting for the command.

Team "Nogu!" given to a dog when the leash gets tangled between its paws. Release the entangled paw by saying: “Leg, leg!”. Over time, a slight tug on the leash will be enough for the dog to free the tangled paw.

Swimming lessons is to accustom to the water, as all dogs can swim from birth. Many dogs willingly and gladly go into the water, some are afraid of the water and very few hate the water.

Teach your puppy to go to the water first, then wet his paws, gradually get him deeper and deeper. An example is very important here: a puppy that does not want to go into the water will gladly follow you or another dog. If the puppy is scared, leave him and start the lesson again a little later.

Other necessary commands such as "Home!", "Sleep!", "Eat!", "Give me the ball!" and so on, are also learned by the method of encouragement.

The next stage of training - the general course of training - is necessary primarily for service dogs.

Training puppies and raising them are two different things. Although in the process of growing up a puppy, both of these concepts should go side by side, complementing each other. Separately, these ways of influence cannot exist, otherwise you can get a trained dog, but at the same time it will be completely ill-bred and vice versa. In this article, we will only talk about training.

It is best to start training from 2 months of age. It would seem, what can be taught to such a puppy? A lot, actually. A dog at this age is already beginning to understand commands such as sit, lie down, get up and even bring something small, and the dog already understands the call command perfectly. Despite the small age, a small dog can already walk next to the owner and, if he stops, sit down at his feet. All that is needed is the attention of the owner, who is constantly engaged with the pet.

Do not forget that every dog, like a person, has its own individual characteristics not only of the psyche, but also of physiology. It should be remembered that the main reaction at this age is food, i. food is very valuable for your pet. Thus, for an incentive in the field of training, it is necessary to stock up on a favorite treat.

The touch of the hands of its owner for a pet means encouragement and affection. For the purpose of praise, these movements are invaluable and timely, but if the wrong dog posture is to be corrected, then this should be done with caution, as the dog will become euphoric at the touch and completely forget about your commands.

Self-control of the owner himself is very important during training. A puppy at this age is guided by the timbre of the owner's voice, his facial expressions and even behavior.

An important point as a denial of a pet in the process of training will be ignoring it. It is permissible at this time to say "bad" by using a low timbre of voice. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to pull the leash, spank the dog or shake it. By such behavior, you will achieve nothing from the dog, except for the complete refusal of submission.

The most common misconception during training is the exposure of the dog to the leash. Up to almost 5 months, the dog leash is used exclusively as a means of control, which prevents the dog from leaving the working area. The leash is held by hand or foot. In no case should you pull the leash just to change the position in the desired position. Constant jerking will only lead to the fact that the pet will not work without a leash. That is, it is worth letting him off the leash and he will immediately forget all the commands.

In terms of time, continuous work with the animal cannot last more than 15 minutes. A certain command can be worked out no more than 5 times in a row, otherwise it is fraught with overload for the nervous system of the animal.

The pet must work exclusively with a positive mood and finish it in the same way. It is better to start training before feeding, while the dog should have time to go to the toilet. A pet that has eaten will want to sleep and will not be able to assimilate orders, the same goes for the toilet.

A small pet needs to find the right collar and leash. The collar should not put much pressure on the throat. There are a number of exercises to train your dog for them. For the first time, it is recommended to wear this ammunition at home, so that the leash drags freely behind the puppy.

Learning the first commands

Teams should be started in a quiet home environment so that the pet is not distracted.


Saying “Sit” to the animal, you need to show him a treat.

When the puppy becomes attracted to food, begin to lead this piece up so that he crouching begins to reach for him.

After this has happened, you must re-say the command and treat the pet. Try not to touch it during the learning process.

"To me"

This command should be pronounced at the moment when the pet is close to you.

As soon as the baby runs up to you, wait until he sits down, as with the “sit” command, and treat him.


While exploring, beckon your baby with a small piece. Wait until your pet is interested, and hide the treat under your arm, pressing it to the floor.

To get to the yummy, the baby will lie down. Repeat the command again and reward the animal.


Take a piece of treat in your hand and hold it at eye level with your pet. The movement of the hand should be stopped as soon as the puppy begins to move.

Confidently repeat the command and treat your four-legged friend for success. This should be repeated several times.


Before you start learning this command, you should exhaust the puppy a little, so save it for last.

Fasten the leash and train the dog to move near the left leg.

Make the length of the leash short. Let the pet calm down and say "Near", then feed him from your left hand.

Having fed 5 pieces in this way, make the pet sit down.

"Aport" and "give"

While playing with a puppy with a small toy, start teaching him to fetch the object. First of all, study what things are pleasant for the baby, and what he, on the contrary, ignores. Throw the toy a short distance, the command should be said when the pet runs after it. Until the puppy has released the object, it is necessary to intercept it by using the “give” command.

When the item is in your hands, reward the animal. It is possible that you will need the help of an instructor when learning these commands. There is nothing wrong with this.


This command is practiced immediately before going to bed, after the pet has refreshed itself. As soon as he begins to doze, take him in your arms and take him to where his place is directly, not forgetting to repeat the command.

Two months is the time when eating habits are formed in young dogs. Having laid the foundations of competent feeding in puppyhood, the dog will not have health problems associated with digestion and immunity in the future.

Dogs of different sizes have individual metabolisms. In addition, breed characteristics leave their mark on the genetic level, which must be taken into account when compiling diets. What and how to feed puppies at the age of 2 months depends on these factors.

There are two main types of puppy food: natural food and industrial rations. Manufacturers of high-quality food take into account the needs of dogs of different sizes, and it is easy for owners to choose food for a pet by simply choosing the desired gradation from the puppy line. With natural feeding, the situation is more complicated, because the owner prepares the food: here you can not do without elementary knowledge about the physiology of dogs.

Pets (both puppies and adults) are still carnivores, although over the centuries of domestication, their bodies have adapted to the processing of other forms of food: milk, grains, fruits, vegetables and fish.

In the process of eating food, the main components of the feed (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are converted into amino acids, glucose and fatty acids - all those nutrients that dogs need for the development of organs and the skeleton, as well as the formation of complex body systems.

Most of the "working material" gives dogs meat. Therefore, in feeding puppies, the emphasis is on high-protein diets - both dry and natural. Differences in feeding puppies of different breeds are based on the energy component of the diets.

Energy needs are influenced by:

  • puppy age;
  • physical activity;
  • anatomical features;
  • physiological state;
  • conditions of detention.

The main indicator that the puppy receives the optimal amount of energy from nutrients is its harmonious development, good health and cheerful mood.

The smaller the dog, the more energy it needs. Dogs of small and dwarf breeds have a high metabolism, they lose heat faster, respectively, and they need more nutrients to replenish energy costs. In addition, small breeds achieve physical development faster than large ones, and for this they need easily digestible and high-calorie food.

Due to inadequate exercise and an unbalanced diet, large breeds of dogs are prone to joint diseases and their improper formation, so chondroprotectors are added to the food for such dogs - special substances to maintain joint elasticity and nourish cartilage. In addition, large dogs are less mobile and prone to obesity, which is worth considering when buying a diet: it should contain the optimal amount of nutrients.

What to feed 2-month-old puppies of small, medium and large breeds: natural food

If the natural type of feeding is taken as the basis, then the basic principles for compiling a diet for puppies of two months of age will be as follows:

  • All products must be fresh, and food is prepared for one day.
  • Food is salted, but by the standards of human nutrition, it remains unsalted.
  • At least a third of the diet is lean meat.
  • Grains are taken with a low glycemic index.
  • Vegetables in the diet are required, as are dairy products.
  • Mandatory ingredient - fat and oil.
  • Do not forget about vitamin supplements.
  • Water is an essential component of the diet.

Read also: How and what to feed a French bulldog puppy: menu by age

An approximate list of products for compiling the diet of puppies of small, medium and large breeds at the age of 2 months is summarized in the table.

Nutrient SourcesProductsHow to give
SquirrelsLow-fat frozen scalded meat (veal, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit)Daily
Marine raw fish pieces (hake, perch, salmon, cod)Once a week
Raw egg (chicken, quail)Three times per week
Dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, cheese) and milkDaily
FatsVegetable and butter, animal fat (chicken, fish)Daily
CarbohydratesBuckwheat, rice, oatmealDaily
CelluloseVegetables, fruits (zucchini, carrots, cucumber, apple)Daily
Vitamins and mineralsFeeding (special vitamins for puppies)Daily
Bonescartilaginous partsTwice a week

Proportions of products for dogs at two months of age:

  • meat - 45%;
  • fermented milk products - 30%;
  • cereals - 15%;
  • vegetables - 10%.

Important nuances of feeding

Puppies of all breeds receive the same set of foods in the diet, with the exception of calorie content: small and dwarf breeds of dogs should receive high-energy food, and they should be fed more often and little by little.

  • Meat is given in pieces(if this is the first complementary food, then a bracket is made first). The dog must develop the jaws and provoke the change of milk teeth, and the digestive tract must learn to "work" with solid food.
  • Porridges are cooked on the basis of broths, milk or water. They add oil or fat. Feeding with a cereal mixture is possible. Hercules is better not to cook, but to soak in a hot vegetable or meat broth.
  • Vegetables are stewed or steamed. They are mixed with meat or given in their natural form. Oil can also be added to vegetables because some vitamins are fat soluble.
  • Dairy products- a very important component of puppy nutrition. It is a source of protein and calcium, but sometimes a puppy has a loose stool for milk or cottage cheese. The source of indigestion is determined empirically, excluding products with a possible reaction. Often the body of dogs does not accept fatty dairy products, and in this case, "milk" with a low fat content is used.

  • Sometimes the puppy's body does not process cow's, although, as a rule, this happens closer to six months. In this case, the puppy can be offered goat's milk or do without it.
  • Fruit it is useful to give it raw so that the puppy learns to chew on solid food that helps prevent tooth decay.
  • Vitamin supplements are given according to age and breed characteristics. You can buy them at any pet store and get advice on how to use them.
  • There is such a thing as "meat porridge". This is a complete diet for a puppy, made on the basis of protein products, vegetables, cereals, broth with the addition of an egg. The meat is chopped or twisted into minced meat and mixed with other products (ready-made), not forgetting the vegetable oil.

Unwanted foods in the natural diet

It is not difficult to make a diet from natural products, but it is important to understand that dogs and people are not arranged in the same way, and some “human” products are categorically not suitable for them.

The list of unwanted and even dangerous products includes:

  • canned food;
  • sugar, spices, seasonings;
  • spicy and salty food;
  • smoked, pickles;
  • floury, sweet,;
  • river fish, seafood;
  • tubular;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • sausage.

Read also: How and where to bury a dog? Rules and basic mistakes

The fact that the puppy willingly accepts handouts from the hands of the owner does not mean at all that he needs this food.

Products from the list of undesirable products for ornamental breeds are especially dangerous. It is rare that owners think about the ratio of a piece of food and the weight of a pet: a dose of dangerous ingredients can be fatal for a baby.

The mode and norms of feeding a puppy at 2 months

The diet is one of the main conditions for competent feeding. Getting used to eating "by the clock", the puppy's body begins to produce enzymes at a certain time, which is the key to good digestion.

Puppies aged 2 months eat 5 times a day. How the diet is distributed throughout the day often depends on the preferences of the puppy or the preferences of its owner. Many breeders give cottage cheese with kefir in the morning feeding, and meat at the last meal, before going to bed. Others argue that kefir at night is much healthier. It is not difficult to build a regime, the main thing is to withstand it afterwards.

The portion size is individual for each dog (even puppies of the same litter). It depends on metabolism, living conditions, stressful situations, temperature, coat and other factors. On average, it is considered that a dog needs a volume of food that is 5-7% of its weight per day.

It is worth watching the pet: does the food remain in the bowl or does the baby ask for supplements, is he active during the day, what kind of stool does the puppy have. Only practice can help in selecting the portion required for each dog individually. The most important criterion for the fact that the volume of the daily dose of food is chosen correctly will be a stable weight gain and moderate fatness of the puppy.

Overfeeding is dangerous for dogs of any size, age and breed. For puppies, this is doubly important, since at a young age organs and bones are formed and the “base” is laid for the correct functioning of all body systems.

Feeding two-month-old puppies with industrial feed (drying, canned food)

If the type of feeding the puppy is dry rations is adopted, the following aspects must be considered:

  • What type of food was before the puppy appeared in a new home.
  • What brand and class of food was in the diet.
  • breed features.

If the puppy ate natural products or another type of dry food was used in feeding, it is necessary to make a smooth transition according to the principle of gradual replacement of products.

This method is necessary for the gradual development of the necessary groups of enzymes in the intestines of the dog in order to prevent food poisoning and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Within 2-3 weeks, the puppy is offered a new food in small doses, with a daily increase in the amount of a new product.

The grade of dry food is very important for a puppy, because not all industrial diets can meet the high needs of a growing dog in animal proteins.

How to choose dry food

Foods that best meet the nutritional needs of dogs should contain the optimal percentage of protein. Today, super premium products and holistic products meet such requirements.

For their production, high quality raw materials are used, there are no GMOs and artificial additives - flavor enhancers, flavors and preservatives. Cereals are potentially safe for puppies because they do not contain gluten, which causes allergies from the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

One of the main indicators of the quality of good food is its high energy value and low feeding rate, which affects the digestibility of the diet and the health of the puppy in general.

When choosing a food, you need to pay attention to the composition: if the food is rich in protein, then its sources are in the first lines of the ingredient list, and they are as specific as possible.

Every new owner of a little four-legged friend is most concerned about the question of how to feed a puppy. After all, the more competently the diet is composed, the healthier the dog will grow. Of course, it is impossible to change some genetically inherent deviations in the structure, but it is possible and even necessary to influence the formation of the body with the help of proper nutrition and care.

How to properly feed a puppy?

Do you want to know what it is possible and what is the best way to treat a little fluffy so that he turns into a beautiful and healthy dog? Then we will try to delve into this difficult question. Experienced dog breeders do not consider this topic particularly problematic and feed the puppy, so to speak, “on the machine”. But the one who got a dog for the first time simultaneously has a million questions about nutrition and everything needs to be answered immediately, since a living being will not wait.

It is very important not to overfeed the puppy, breaking his stomach to an incredible size. Regular overeating is just as bad for the condition of the animal as malnutrition. Dogs of large breeds, quickly gaining weight, have every chance of getting problems with the joints.

How to feed a puppy with natural food?

The first thing the dog owner should understand is that the products for her should always be fresh. After all, for ourselves, we don’t buy meat a little cheaper and with a smell, do we? An animal should be treated with the same responsibility as your child. Food poisoning is a common occurrence in pets.

A dog at home is often fed with natural products. It will cost a little less than dry food, and the owner can always be sure of the quality. But you should immediately prepare for the fact that now you are waiting for frequent and regular purchases, heavy bags and constant cooking, because at first the puppy eats very often. If this does not scare you, let's get acquainted with the list of products that are required by the growing body of a dog of any breed.

Important! Never give a puppy food from your table - such food is categorically not suitable for him, even if it is fragrant borscht cooked with soul.

So, to feed a young dog, we need:

  1. Berries and fruits. Many dogs love fruits. But not all owners know if they can be allowed to eat them. You definitely shouldn't force a dog to eat something that is healthy if it doesn't want it. But if your dog enjoys crunching an apple or picking fallen apricots and at the same time everything is fine with his digestion, such a vitamin supplement is very useful. It is undesirable to give a puppy grapes and currants, which cause bloating and the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. You need to be more careful with stone fruits, which contain hydrocyanic acid, as well as with bananas - the puppy quickly gets fat from them.

Important! As an invaluable protein product, you can and should use egg yolks both in pure form and in the form of an omelet twice a week, but it is better to give quail eggs.

How to feed a puppy dry food?

Feeding a growing dog natural food is cheaper, but the cooking process is very time consuming. It is much easier to give your baby dry puppy food. It is properly balanced and there is no need for additional vitamins and minerals.

Feed comes in three classes:

  • Economy;
  • Premium;
  • Super premium.

  • Eagle Pack
  • Genesis
  • Diamond

Important! If you do not know what to feed your puppy best, and decide to transfer the baby from natural to dry food, then you need to do this gradually. The same applies to changing brands of food.

Please note that it is better to give dry food to a puppy in a soaked form. To do this, half an hour before feeding, crackers are poured with warm water to swell. You should never use broths for this - only clean water. On the packaging with food, the norms for each age are indicated. They should not be exceeded due to the risk of nutrient overdose. Owners should be aware that dry food is less than natural food due to its high concentration and calorie content.

Important! For those who give the puppy dry food, there is good news - the number of bowel movements per day will not be less than on natural food. So you have to clean up less.

How many times a day to feed a puppy?

Babies need as many meals as their age allows. The smaller the puppy, the more often it needs to be fed. At about a month old, puppies are allowed to feed on their own, gradually transferring them from milk feeding to regular food.

Look at the approximate feeding plan for the day;

  • up to two months - 5-6 times;
  • from two to four - 4-5 times;
  • from four to six - 3-4 times;
  • from six to ten - 3 times;
  • from ten to one year - 2 times.

Keep in mind that at night, namely from 22.00 to 6.00, the puppy should have a break. It does not need to be fed even if the baby whines at night. Firstly, this is a bad habit that will be fixed for life, and secondly, the stomach needs rest, that is, the time when it is free from food. So that the puppy is not hungry, at night he is fed with milk porridge or meat.

Important! If for some reason you missed a feeding, you should not give a double norm next time. Feed your puppy the same as you normally would to avoid overfeeding.

How to feed week-old puppies without a bitch?

Unfortunately, there are situations when the owner has to take on the role of the mother of the puppies, feeding them artificially. Feeding newborn puppies is not easy - you have to devote all your time to this. Not sure how often you'll have to feed your babies? You will have to do this every two hours.

There are several options for feeding a puppy / puppies left without mother's milk:

What to feed a month old puppy?

You are probably wondering at what age you can get a puppy? There is no single opinion on this matter. Someone thinks that it is better to be early, and someone believes that not earlier than 2-3 months after the end of the vaccination quarantine. Professional breeders can start selling puppies after activation, that is, at 45 days.

However, if the puppy is sold without a document, then you can buy it earlier. The owners start selling the young at the age of one month. At the same time, some of them are already feeding babies from three weeks old so that they themselves can eat from a bowl. Bringing the puppy into the house, you should prepare the necessary minimum of food for two to three days.

This list includes:

  • rice / buckwheat / oatmeal;
  • beef/chicken;
  • beef tripe or other offal;
  • pumpkin / carrot;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • milk and semolina.

In a month, babies need to be fed every three hours, each time offering a different meal. For example:

  • 6.00 - semolina;
  • 9.00 - oatmeal with carrots and meat;
  • 12.00 - cottage cheese with kefir;
  • 15.00 - rice porridge with vegetables and offal;
  • 18.00 - rice / buckwheat with meat and vegetables;
  • 21.00 - semolina porridge.

Please note that all meals of the diet should be as crushed as possible, but not on a blender, as the dog needs to learn to chew food. At first, the meat is given boiled, but after a week it can already be given raw in two of the three feedings. Food should be at room temperature or slightly warmer, but not cold or hot.

Important! The amount of food for a monthly puppy per day is calculated based on the breed - the larger the dog, the more food it needs.

What to feed a two month old puppy?

A dog at two months is strikingly different from himself a month ago. And all thanks to the fact that he gets good nutrition. At this age, for harmonious development, the baby needs all the same products as in a month, but in a volume already twice as large.

Keep in mind that at two months old, a puppy can already taste sea fish and seafood, but only if he is not allergic to it. Milk and milk porridge should be present in the diet for at least four months, but its amount should be gradually reduced, replacing it with meat feeding.

It will be useful for every owner of a small puppy to know that most of the meat ration at two months is already given raw. But at the same time, the pieces should not be large, since the baby still does not chew them, but swallows them whole and may choke. And besides, crushed food is better digested. But meat in the form of minced meat is not recommended, since it does not linger in the stomach and does not carry any nutritional value.

Do you know how many times to feed a puppy at two months of age? The number of feedings is already reduced by one, that is, food is already given 5 times a day or every 4 hours.

Important! A two-month-old puppy with itchy gums is allowed to give small amounts of white or brown bread crumbs.

What should not be fed to a puppy?

A puppy of any age, like an adult dog, should not be fed cold food, as well as hot food. In addition to this axiom, there is a list of products prohibited for puppies:

  • flour and bakery products;
  • sweets;
  • products that cause fermentation (legumes, cabbage, plums, grapes);
  • spices and spices;
  • roast;
  • excess salt;
  • sauces (ketchup, tomato, mayonnaise).

Important! Bones are not allowed in a puppy's diet. And not only chicken (tubular). Any bones, especially when boiled, bring only harm. The exception is broths on the bones and sugar bones for puppies as entertainment.

What else do you need to know about feeding puppies?

The topic of feeding a puppy is inexhaustible. Scientists are constantly making various discoveries in this area, trying to protect our furry pets. Feeding a puppy should be approached responsibly, as the foundation of a dog's health is laid at an early age.

It is very important for natural-fed babies to give various vitamins and minerals as a dietary supplement. After all, products cannot fully meet all standards. But for puppies receiving dry food, such an additive will be superfluous and even dangerous.

Important! In the autumn and winter period, puppies should be given fish oil with vitamins A and D for proper bone formation and the prevention of rickets.

And finally, the question of the need for salting food for puppies, which worries many. Here you should rely more on your intuition, and not on the advice of "experienced". The best option would be a pinch of salt once a day in some dish, such as porridge. But salting food for a dog as for yourself is definitely not worth it, as well as completely depriving a pet of table salt. In a small amount, all living beings need it for water-salt balance.

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