What does a Belgian Shepherd look like? Malinois (Belgian Shepherd): description and characteristics of the breed, price of puppies, photos and reviews. Belgian Shepherd Training

Medium sized working dog. Not appearance, but service qualities have been polished for centuries and were a priority in breeding. In this article we will talk about the history of the breed, the distinctive features of the character of the Belgian shepherds, the features of education and maintenance, we will give advice when choosing a puppy.

View features

The dog breed Belgian Shepherd combines working qualities:

  • shepherd;
  • assistant;
  • protector;
  • hunter;
  • security guard
  • bloodhounds.
Thanks to these qualities of character, the Belgians successfully serve in the police and the army, looking for people, drugs and chemicals. Belgian Shepherds, having a stable psyche, absolute obedience and professional instinct, are often found at work in places of destruction and landslides after natural disasters and natural disasters. In emergency situations, they show the best of their qualities.

This breed of dog is extremely hardy and tireless in work due to its medium-sized size, developed muscles, body flexibility and speed of movement. It should be noted the extreme jumping ability of dogs of this breed, a three-meter barrier is not the limit that a Belgian can overcome. These qualities, combined with grace, phenomenal learning and training abilities, make these dogs regular participants in sports competitions and competitions.

It should be noted that these dogs are boundlessly attached to the owner. In an emergency, if the owner is in danger, from a calm and vigilant guard, the Belgian Shepherd instantly turns into a fearless beast, ready to protect the owner at any cost.

Important! Keeping a Belgian in an ordinary apartment is strongly discouraged.

The exception is cases when the owner leads an active lifestyle and is able to provide his pet with a sufficient amount of physical and mental stress, which is very difficult in the cramped space of the apartment. Belgians are recommended for very active people, whose professional activities are related to sports, service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, army or customs.

According to external signs, four types of Belgians are distinguished:

  1. malinois- the coat is short, yellow-brown, red-brown or red;
  2. Tervuren- coat is long, bright red or red-brown;
  3. - hair is long, fluffy, black;
  4. Lakenois- hair is hard, gray, red, fawn or red-brown.
malinois- a variety of the Belgian Shepherd Dog, which has received the greatest distribution in the vastness of our country. And this is quite natural, since of all the types of Belgian shepherds, it is the Malinois that is the most efficient and hardy. These dogs have an amazing sense of smell and absolute fearlessness when protecting their master. The muzzle of the Malinois is decorated with a black mask, as if drawn with charcoal.
Tervuren outwardly similar to the Groenendael, except for the color of the coat. The Tervuren has a long, fawn or bright red coat with black hairs at the tips. The Tervuren is the largest of all Belgian species. This is an example of symmetry and grace. The dog is very mobile and active, agile and fast, it just needs a large living space.
Groenendael due to its black color and long hair, it acquired a noble and mysterious look. Such external attractiveness had a negative effect on performance, as breeders began to pay too much attention to shows and exhibitions to the detriment of developing the working qualities of the breed. It turned out to be a faithful companion dog, but not a service dog.
Lakenois- the least common type of Belgian Shepherd in the world. The Laekenois's tousled coarse coat, combined with a beard, mustache and eyebrows, makes it look like a terrier. Due to the fact that too few puppies appeared in the litters, which received the external signs of the breed inherent in the Laekenois, frequent inbreeding was practiced. The dog turned out to be efficient, but vicious. As a result, Laekenois have the poorest health of all Belgian Shepherd varieties.

Photo and description

  • Home country- Belgium.
  • Breed recognition- FCI, UKS, AKC, KCGV, ANKS, SKS.
  • Height at the withers of males- 60–66 cm, average 62 cm.
  • Male weight- 25–30 kg.
  • Height at withers bitches- 60–66 cm, average 58 cm.
  • Bitches weight- 20–25 kg.
  • Lifespan- 12–15 years old.
  • Content- a private house.
  • Temperament- active.
  • Color- dark fawn or red with blackening on the muzzle and ears.
  • Wool- short, tight, dense with a fluffy undercoat.
  • Body- square format, muscular, strong.
  • Posture- proud with straight shoulders.
  • movements- a little mincing, fast and light.
  • Head- set high.
  • Eyes- dark brown, smart look.
  • Ears- standing, triangular.
  • Nose- black.
  • Tail- thick, fluffy.
  • Character- Balanced, very active and alert. Suitable for family keeping.
  • Education- easy.
  • accommodating- difficult to get along with other dogs, cats and domestic rabbits.
  • Attitude towards children- positive if the dog grows with the child.

Pet character

Malinois are very smart, intellectually developed, easily trainable dogs, capable of independent decision making. In the character of the Malinois, there is a need to develop these qualities. Peace and tranquility are not characteristic of the Belgian Shepherd. This breed is active, energetic and curious. If you do not direct this irrepressible energy into a “peaceful channel”, or rather into useful work, then the pet will find entertainment for itself that may not please the owner at all.

The Belgian is shown early socialization - you should accustom your pet to the society of people as soon as possible. Otherwise, the animal may grow suspicious, shy or even aggressive. The same can happen from a lack of attention to the animal on the part of the owner.

These dogs are confident and fearless. An owner with an equally strong character is suitable for them, who can become an authority for his pet, otherwise the Malinois will take the role of a leader in the family. But it is impossible to physically punish or raise your voice at the dog, since this breed has a fine nervous organization. And yet you need to raise a pet in severity, but not excessive, so that it does not turn into cruelty.

Malinois are very attentive, by gestures and facial expressions they are able to catch the slightest change in the mood of the owner. If the owner is upset or offended and refuses to communicate with his pet, this will be the worst punishment for a devoted dog. Most often, the Belgian chooses one owner for himself, but he will behave obediently with the rest of the family. With children, Malinois are quite patient, but still it is necessary to explain to the child that this is not a toy, you should not bother the dog or run around and wave your arms so that the hunting instinct, which is well developed in the animal, does not suddenly work.

Dogs of this breed are very loving and protective of their family. The relationship of the Malinois with other animals is not very simple, this applies to both dogs and cats. Belgian Shepherds are very fond of chasing cats, chasing cyclists and passing cars.

In addition to serious responsible service, the Belgian Shepherd has proven itself as a guard of a house or a fenced area, as a companion for morning runs, as a guide dog for blind people. Malinois love to travel with their owner, run, play with a ball and a flying saucer.

It is better to keep the Belgian Shepherd in an outdoor enclosure, especially since representatives of this breed are adapted to changeable climatic conditions and adverse atmospheric phenomena.

History and emergence

Belgian Shepherds are descended from herding dogs. who grazed sheep on the territory of modern Europe since the 16th-17th centuries.

Shepherd dogs were not similar in size and color, but they had one main common quality - they grazed flocks of sheep perfectly. In addition, they could protect the owner and pets from predators.

In 1650, the first description of dogs is found, outwardly similar to modern Belgian shepherds.

Did you know? Translated into English, a shepherd dog is a sheep dog, that is, a dog with a sheep, more precisely with a flock of sheep.

In 1891, an exhibition took place in Belgium, at which 117 dogs of the Belgian Shepherd breed were shown for the first time. Only 40 of the submitted dogs were allowed by the judges for further breeding. The following year, the first detailed description of the breed standard appeared. But this standard has not received official recognition.

Over the following years, a lot of work was done to "correct the mistakes" made in the original description of the breed standard. And by 1910, the breed standard was completely corrected and approved. Of course, the color diversity of the representatives of the breed caused a lot of discussion and controversy (they do not stop to this day), but the physical data, character and working qualities were clear, understandable and indisputable.

Only three types of Belgian Shepherds were described by the 1910 standard.: Groenendael, Malinois and Laekenois - black long hair, with red-brown short hair and gray rough hair, respectively.

The owners of dogs that differed in color from the described standard united and continued to breed dogs of all colors, including brown and gray. In 1885 the two clubs merged and created the four types of Belgian Shepherd Dogs that still exist today: Groenendael, Malinois, Laekenois and Tervueren.

Throughout the history of the existence of breed standards, disputes regarding the color scheme of representatives of the breed have not subsided. They have not stopped even today. They flared up most sharply between Belgium and France.

What should a puppy look like?

Before getting a Malinois puppy, the future owner must be honest with himself and answer a few questions:

  1. Do you have enough free time to devote to your pet?
  2. Do you have the necessary experience in raising dogs?
  3. Do you lead an active lifestyle?
  4. Do your living conditions allow you to keep a Malinois?

Only if all the answers are positive, you should start choosing a Belgian Shepherd puppy. General recommendations will be as follows.

  • Determination of the sex of the future pet. It should be noted that the cables are more capricious, strong and outwardly solid. Females are more accommodating, kinder and more obedient than males.
  • Puppy age. It is ideal to take a puppy to the family at the age of 2-3 months. This is the age when the puppy is already smart enough to start learning and getting to know other people.

Important! When choosing a puppy, it is quite easy for an inexperienced person to become a victim of an unscrupulous seller. The fact is that Malinois puppies do not have obvious characteristic signs of the breed.

It is advisable to get to know your pet's parents. At a personal meeting, assess the working qualities of the animal, assess its character. Do not blindly trust the puppy's pedigree. It would be very useful to get the advice of a professional who has spent more than one year breeding dogs of this breed.

You can buy a puppy in a specialized nursery. There he will be given the necessary vaccinations, about which the owner will be presented with the relevant documents. In serious kennels, they will additionally conduct special testing of the puppy, according to the results of which, with a high degree of probability, one can assume what the character of an adult animal and its working qualities will be like.

In the nursery, the price of a Malinois puppy ranges from $400 to $1,000. The price is directly proportional to the number of eminent ancestors in the puppy's pedigree.

Are there any differences in caring for a Belgian Shepherd?

malinois- unpretentious in the content and care of the dog. They were bred specifically for keeping outdoors, and they endure adverse atmospheric conditions and the whims of nature without problems. Reliable protection from any bad weather is wool with a thick undercoat.

Wool and bathing

A distinctive feature of the Malinois is a coarse, matte, thick, water-repellent coat. Therefore, you should not try to ensure that the Malinois coat becomes soft, silky and shiny. Moreover, frequent bathing of the Belgian with detergents can ruin the coat. You can bathe a Malinois no more than twice a year with a minimum amount of special shampoos for dogs.

Did you know? In the homeland of shepherd dogs - in Belgium, dogs of this breed are not bathed at all.

It is forbidden to bathe puppies under one year of age so that they do not catch a cold.

Malinois do not need a haircut, their coat is already quite short.

Hygiene of teeth, ears, eyes

Your pet's teeth, ears, and eyes should be checked daily.

Ears should be cleaned once every two weeks. and wipe them with a damp cotton swab.

It is good for teeth and gums to periodically feed soft tendon cartilage to dogs. To prevent the formation of tartar and massage the gums, the pet should purchase special heavy molded toys made of rubber or dense rubber at the pet store. From childhood, you need to teach your dog to brush his teeth with a special brush and paste.

Once a week it is supposed to wipe the eyes of the animal with a cotton pad, soaked in warm boiled water.

It is also necessary to carry out preventive treatments for worms every three months, for fleas - once every two months. Claws cut only if necessary as they grow back.

Physical activity

Malinois, like any Belgian, walks in the park twice a day is definitely not enough for her. Shepherd simply needs running and active games, classes and training. The animal is tireless, will be happy from the opportunity to follow commands and serve its owner. The shepherd loves fresh air and space very much, so it will be right to keep it in the yard, having built a shelter from wind, rain and snow.

With pleasure, she will guard her yard and patrol the territory entrusted to her. The Malinois has a need to be busy, to feel important.

Nutrition Features

Despite the fact that the Belgians are not demanding in food, without a high-quality balanced diet, they will not have a thick coat with a fluffy undercoat, a strong developed skeleton, and the main working character traits will not fully develop.

The owners of Belgian Shepherds can be divided into two camps: some are staunch adherents of dry food, while others are natural food.

With everything is extremely simple and clear:

  1. Balance. The composition and nutritional value of the food are indicated on the packaging. It is very difficult to determine whether the Belgian's natural diet contains enough macro- and microelements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, necessary for the body.
  2. Possibility to choose food according to the needs of a particular animal. The packaging indicates the purpose and compliance with the sex, age and degree of physical activity of the animal (food is developed separately for adult males, lactating bitches or puppies).
  3. Price. Even the most expensive dry food will be cheaper than a high-quality, varied natural diet, which will include the required amount of meat, fish, etc.
  4. Saving time. Feeding a pet with dry food practically does not require time and effort from the owner. All that is required is to pour food into a bowl and pour water.

Despite all the above advantages of dry food, properly organized natural nutrition will be much more useful than dry food. Moreover, it is not always possible to trust what is written on the packaging of pet food.

The natural diet of a Belgian should contain high-quality meat, sea fish, eggs, vegetables, dairy products and cereals from a variety of cereals. The most preferred cereals are buckwheat, barley, rice, wheat. Butter and vegetable oil should be present in the shepherd's diet. Sometimes you can give your pet seasonal fruits, and if necessary, add vitamins to the diet.

If the Belgian trains a lot, then he should be fed twice a day at the same time.

Training and education

Thanks to the developed intellect and phenomenal memory, the Belgians are very easy to give in to. It is only important that so that classes are regular, without the use of rudeness and cruelty. The Belgian Shepherd is so attentive that it is able to notice changes in the owner's facial expression, his gestures or body movements, which will indicate praise or disapproval. Sometimes it seems that the Malinois can read minds.

The experience of communicating with different people will enable the animal to independently draw a conclusion about whether the person in front of him is good or bad. If the Belgian does not learn to understand strangers, he will be suspicious of every stranger.

Important! Training should start from early childhood, as well as the acquaintance of a Belgian with a large number of strangers.

The upbringing of a shepherd dog must be strict, strong-willed and confident, as the animal is prone to dominance. If a good relationship is established between a person and his four-legged friend, then education will not cause difficulties. Moreover, classes will give the dog great pleasure, because this dog is extremely focused on its beloved owner. It is important to choose the right moment of reward and punishment, otherwise the wrong behavior of the animal may form.

If the owner does not have experience in animal training, then it is better to entrust this to a professional. With non-professional education, the animal may be afraid of strangers and new places or become aggressive.

The proof that Malinois are perfectly trainable can be the fact that this breed of dogs often wins in competitions. Competitions consist in overcoming the stand with obstacles in the minimum time.

About breed diseases

Belgian Shepherds are among the healthy and hardworking dogs throughout their lives. Malinois are on average 12–15 years old and even more.

Genetic diseases are mainly inherent in Laekenois- the smallest species of the Belgian Shepherd. The reason is the frequent inbreeding that breeders resorted to when breeding this species.

It is possible to identify some diseases that are not often, but still found in Malinois.

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - volvulus of the stomach.
  2. Joint diseases - and
  3. Vision problems - retinal atrophy and cataract.
  4. Hormonal disorders - problems in the thyroid gland.
  5. Diseases of the nervous system -.

Shepherd dogs often experience injuries due to increased mobility and activity. First of all, the paws of the animal suffer.

There are cases of allergic reactions in Belgians. Of the products, citrus fruits and nuts are considered potentially allergenic, allergies to pollen and flowering plants are possible.

If Malinois lead a "sofa lifestyle", they are prone to obesity. Excess weight causes not only physical discomfort to the animal, but also affects mental health.

Of course, a shepherd dog will not be able to grow up healthy without strict adherence to the vaccination schedule.

If you're still in doubt about getting a four-legged Belgian friend, talk to Malinois owners about it. They will unanimously describe their pet as an exceptionally loyal and intelligent family member.

If there is a dog that is ready to accompany its owner on cycling, hiking, jogging and even swimming, then this is the Belgian Shepherd. This dog is positioned as very active and energetic, strong and loyal. Initially, it was one group, which was called the shepherd dogs. Later, four types were distinguished, which in some countries are recognized as separate breeds. So, today there are Malinois and Groenendael, Laekenois and Tervuren. Moreover, each name has its own specific meaning, and the representatives of the species themselves have their own description, which is due to objective factors. But in order to understand what this species is, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with its history.

national dog

Adolf Rijul is a veterinarian who lived in Belgium and in 1891 he set out to breed a dog whose breed would receive national status. To do this, Riyul used the genes of animals of the same type, which at the same time had medium dimensions and erect ears. As for the color and length of the coat, the dogs differed in these parameters, and among the "experimental" specimens there were individuals with an average length of wool, and long-haired and short-haired. Initially, it was the length of the coat that was supposed to become a distinctive characteristic of the animal. The first standard appeared in 1907. But the standard was not uniform, but included as many as four variations. At the same time, for some breeders, all four types are one breed of Belgian Shepherd, while for others they are different.

Medium-coated dogs should only be black, and today this type is known to us as the Groenendael (see photo).

Dogs with short hair and yellow-brown or even charcoal coloration are called Malinois (see photo).

Sheepdogs with long hair and an ash-gray color are called Laekenois (see photo).

And finally, the Belgian Shepherd with long hair and a red-coal color is called Tervuren (see photo).

The Belgian Shepherd breed got its name because its representatives were bred in Belgium. As for the names of its varieties, then:

  • Grünendael is the name of the town where the breeder Nicholas Rose lived who bred this type;
  • Malinois is also the name of the city, which is better known to contemporaries as Malin or Mechelen;
  • Laekenois is the name of the royal castle, in which not only noble people lived, but also ordinary shepherds guarding the herds, accompanied by dogs with stiff and very coarse hair. It must be admitted that the Laekenois is probably the smallest species of the "Belgian" and the price for it is the highest;
  • Tervuren is also the name of the city where the creator of this subspecies lived.

Some breeders believe that these are different breeds, the Kennel Federation recognizes them all as species of one. And, despite the fact that the dogs, in principle, differ in appearance, which is confirmed by the photos posted above, they are all positioned as a single breed.

Features of each subspecies

The photo shows the difference between the representatives of this breed, which primarily comes down to the length of the coat and suit.

For example, the Groenendael is a long-haired black Belgian Shepherd that is distinguished by its luxurious, shiny coat. Looking at the photo, it seems that Groenendael is dressed in a fur coat made of perfectly smooth material. Black color gives the animal mystery and a kind of Gothic. It is this feature in appearance that attracts fans all over the world and Groenendael puppies are always in demand. The price for babies is positioned in the middle segment.

If you look at the photo, you can see that his colleague in appearance is similar to the Groenendael Tervueren. This Belgian Shepherd also has a long and smooth coat, but it is not black, but reddish-brown. Bright red-red areas with black inclusions are somewhat reminiscent of the color of a wild deer and give the appearance of the animal a special piquancy. The price of tervuren is also in the middle segment.

A few Laekenois are dogs that have a hard coat and a fairly diverse color scheme. So representatives of the breed can be fawn or red, and at the same time have black patches on the muzzle and tail. Also, the standard of this subspecies allows the presence of white spots on the fingers and chest. Given that the Laekenois can hardly be called a widespread species, puppies are more expensive than cubs of other varieties. The price of Laekenois belongs to the high segment.

And finally, the Malinois is also a Belgian Shepherd, but which is distinguished by short hair and a yellow-brown or reddish color. The photo clearly shows that the Malinois has dark patches at the tips of its short fur coat and a black mask on the muzzle. The description of these animals indicates that the Malinois are the most active and hardy among the rest of the Belgians, and their character is the most docile.

A little about temper

To say that the Belgian Shepherd is a hardy dog ​​is an understatement. Both puppies and adults of this breed are capable of prolonged physical activity and endure even difficult conditions. Although, why test your pet for strength, especially since neither his loyalty, nor his devotion, nor his mind needs proof. The nature of animals is ideal, as for a dog. That is, in relation to strangers, the Belgian Shepherd is very wary. But in relation to its owner and family members, it is an attentive, gentle and very sensitive creature.

With the mind and ingenuity of the representatives of this species, everything turned out no less successfully than with endurance, activity and vigor. The Belgian Shepherd catches everything on the fly and understands his master perfectly. Well, if we add to this an excellent memory and a genetic ability to analyze the environment, it becomes obvious that this is not just a beautiful dog, but also:

  • excellent guard;
  • excellent watchman;
  • funny playmate;
  • good companion;
  • and even in some places a very good nanny-nurse (the nature of the beast is suitable for this role as well).

True, in order for an animal to be just like that, it is necessary to educate it, however, as well as train it, with an eye on its character. The Belgian Shepherd does not tolerate screams, violence and other manifestations of rudeness on the part of the owner. Moreover, as a rule, there is simply nothing to be angry with this beauty.

Parameters and features

The breed standard exists both in the appearance of individuals and in their psycho-emotional state. The nature of the animal also has a certain standard that must be met.

If you look at the pictures, then the Belgian Shepherd is an animal whose weight does not exceed 35 kg, and grew up to 62 cm. At the same time, graceful females can weigh only 28 kg and have a height of no more than 56 cm.

The standard does NOT allow the following characteristics:

  • aggressiveness or cowardice, which are considered not even innate qualities, but the result of improper upbringing and training;
  • the presence of pigmentation on the ears, eyelids and nose;
  • weak shoulders;
  • overly straight shoulders;
  • a tail that is carried too high;
  • loose limbs.

The breed standard also calls for a black mask on the muzzle, and does not allow for color discrepancies. The main thing to remember is that this breed has as many as four varieties and each of them has its own color standard.

Are there any problems?

Probably the most difficult thing to care for, or rather, to maintain a Belgian is food. That is, simplified nutrition is not suitable for the normal development of representatives of this species. Every day the animal should receive a new menu rich in vitamins and minerals. Belgian Shepherds: Both puppies and adults are very fond of meat. But to ensure a normal diet, meat must be combined with other products, including vegetables, cereals and cereals. Well, in order for the animal to grow up beautiful and, most importantly, healthy, first of all, the diet must be rich in protein, which is contained in:

  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • eggs.

But the pet should receive carbohydrates along with buckwheat, pearl barley, rice and wheat porridge.

As for care, this is a breed, one of those few varieties that are not recommended for bathing, even if the dog is preparing for the exhibition. And in order for your pet to be really happy and feel comfortable, there can be no talk of any content on a leash.

Among the Belgian Shepherds, the Malinois breed stands out. A strong animal has great strength and a strong character. The breed was bred in the 19th century. The Malinois quickly gained popularity due to similar qualities to the German Shepherd. Owners value dogs for their intelligence, easy learning and excellent guard qualities. This breed is often chosen as a companion and devoted friend.

History of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois

The final formation of this breed occurred in Mechelen. This small town in French sounds "Malin", - it is from him that the Belgian Shepherd breed got its name.

The Malinois belongs to the famous four Belgian Shepherds. In the early autumn of 1891, the National Club of the Belgian Shepherd Dog was formed by the famous professor and veterinarian Adolf Rijul. Riyul set a goal to develop a herding variety of dogs with certain standards. Of the hundreds of proposed options for breeding the Belgian Shepherd, 40 breeds were selected. Breeding was done by professors and veterinarians, who subsequently rejected several more types of dogs, whose owners decided to organize a separate club for breeding their breeds. Later, the new community merged with the main club, and finally four varieties of the Belgian Shepherd were bred with standards for color and coat type:

  • Tervuren- long-haired with a red-red color, combined with a black mask and bloom;
  • Lakenois- coarse-haired with a uniform red or ashy color;
  • malinois- short-haired with a red-brown color and a "coal" mask;
  • Groenendael- long-haired with a uniform black color.

In other countries, these varieties of shepherd dogs are recognized differently. For example, Canada and the United States, when referring to the Belgian Shepherd, mean only the Groenendael breed; They consider the Malinois and the Tervuren to be separate breeds, and they do not even perceive the Laekenois as a sheepdog.

When the Malinois was just hatched, professionals paid more attention to its working qualities, and not to external data. . As a result, breeders got a real shepherd a - an excellent and reliable assistant who was able not only to graze and protect livestock, but also to protect the shepherd himself from the attack of dangerous animals.

Characteristics of the Malinois

In the process of breeding the Belgian Shepherd, the quality characteristics of the breed increased. Today, the Malinois can be used to work not only in the field of cattle breeding. The police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and customs use this breed along with German shepherds. The Belgian Shepherd has established itself as an excellent bloodhound and an excellent guard. On the Internet you can find a lot of videos with competitions and contests where dogs of this breed participate.

Proportions and sizes of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois

Photo of this Belgian Shepherd breeds can always be found on the internet. In Russia, the Malinois is still rare, as there is little information about it.

Although the Tervuren occupies a leading position in terms of size and speed in the four "Belgians", this does not affect the valuable qualities of the Malinois. In any ring and test, she can surprise with her flexibility, strength and speed, despite her average size. The shepherd dog has a muscular body and has a proud and graceful posture. If its owner is in danger, the dog turns into a fearless and formidable beast.

He has the following indicators in height and weight:

  • 60-65 cm, 25-30 kg for a male;
  • 55-65 cm, 20-25 kg for the bitch.

The head is in proportion to the body, although from the side it may appear elongated. The triangular-shaped ears are slightly rounded and carried high. The shepherd dog has a rounded nape and a sloping forehead, directly passing into a tapering bridge of the nose. A thin dark groove runs from the forehead to the bridge of the nose. Intelligent almond-shaped eyes; the iris is a rich dark brown hue. Eyebrows are characterized by mobility and expressiveness. Tightly fitting lips are characterized by black pigmentation. The Malinois is characterized by a tight scissor bite, a powerful jaw and white teeth. The Sheepdog is known for its beautifully arched and muscular neck, which is taut and free from wrinkles.

The Belgian Shepherd has a strong and muscular body. Bitches are often characterized by an elongated body, and in males, the length of a wide and even back should be equal to the height of his body. The appearance of shepherd dogs is close to a square format. Deep and moderately wide cage with elongated ribs. Malinois has a rounded croup and a high set wide tail with a curved tip.

The shepherd dog is distinguished by well-developed equidistant paws with strong relief muscles. The dog is characterized by wide strong hips. These characteristics give movement freedom and sweep.

Color and wool

The main indicators by which the Belgian Shepherd lines were separated were the color and type of coat. The Malinois has a short coat and dense undercoat. Such a cover well protects the body from negative weather conditions. On the breeches and tail, the hair becomes more magnificent.

The color of the Malinois can be red-brown or light yellow. The charcoal color is present on the muzzle, lips, ears and around the eyelids.


The Malinois Sheepdog has a special mind and a strong character, so she needs careful training and a good upbringing. She will become an ideal protector and obedient dog only with a kind and skillful owner. If this shepherd dog is left without training, then it will become uncontrollable and completely independent. Therefore, professionals immediately warn about this people who decide to choose this particular breed. A very active and strong animal always needs work and outdoor activities. Long walks and running after the owner on a bicycle will not be enough . Training lessons and agility will be essential for the Malinois. An ideal option for a dog would be shepherd or security work.

Shepherd can be imposed on the owner if she gets bored. Puppies and even adults can play pranks. But usually this breed is characterized by seriousness. Malinois does not show aggression towards the owner and people she knows, but for strangers and people whom she sees for the first time, the dog will be dangerous. This line of the Belgian Shepherd is distinguished by a well-developed watchdog instinct, which makes it necessary to socialize it at an early age.


After acquiring a puppy, the owner must immediately establish psychological contact with him. Raising a Malinois will not be difficult if the owner will pay due attention to his dog, teaching him commands. This breed is highly trainable., as it respects and loves its owner if he is kind to her and spends a lot of time and effort on her training.

Dog training should be carried out by a person with a firm, but not rude character. Malinois is characterized by an instant reaction, she quickly masters all the commands. In order for the shepherd dog not to form a stubborn character, it must be encouraged in time for good behavior and blamed for disobedience.

If you are unsure of your abilities, then it is better to provide training to a professional who will temper the character of the dog and teach all the necessary commands.

In public places, a shepherd must be walked in a muzzle. The dog is taught to the ammunition at an early age.

Malinois does not require complex care.

  • Short coat of a beautiful color is combed once a week with a dry brush with sparse teeth.
  • So that the undercoat does not lose its original qualities from shampoos, the dog should not be washed often; Puppies under 1 year of age should not be bathed.
  • Ears are cleaned once every 2-3 weeks.
  • Every day you need to examine the eyes, teeth and ears of the dog.

Walk your pet regularly and for a long time. Walking should be combined with active exercises.

The hardy breed rarely gets sick. But possible errors in the diet and general maintenance of the dog, as well as genetic characteristics, can lead to diseases such as gastric volvulus, dysplasia, cataracts and epilepsy. Sometimes there are disorders with the thyroid gland, which are successfully treated.

In order for a dog to grow up strong, healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to draw up the right diet for it. Numerous disputes about natural food and dry food do not make it possible to decide what will be best for the dog. Malinois eats any food, the individual location of the pet to one or another type of food will help to choose a certain diet.

Buying a dog

Before buying a puppy, you need to determine exactly whether you can take on such a responsibility. The Belgian Shepherd needs not only care, but also active education and communication, which will take a lot of time.

If you decided to buy a malinois, then you need to find out all the necessary information about this breed from the seller, who should tell you everything about the upbringing, training and care of the dog. Preliminary additional information with reviews of the owners of this breed can be searched on the Internet.

Babies become quite independent and ready for education at the age of two weeks, then they can already be purchased. It is necessary to buy a puppy from reliable breeders with the provision of documents with a pedigree and vaccinations.

Puppies can cost between $600 and $1,000. The price varies depending on the parents baby. If adults are characterized by the presence of all standards in appearance and character, take an active part in various competitions and even have awards, then the price for a puppy will be high.

Loyal and devoted shepherd dog with a rich history is considered one of the best breeds. According to the owners, Malinois make excellent defenders and guards, but only with proper upbringing and serious training.

The Malinois is a dog for those who are able and willing to work long hours. She approaches the owner faster than the German Shepherd, but also surpasses her in activity.

If you decide to take it purely for protection, without planning to devote much time to training it, it is better to immediately abandon this idea. With the first Malinois, we had a bad experience, we spent too little time on walks, and there was really no training. An uncontrollable creature grew out of the dog, which smashed everything in the house that came across it on the way. She practically did not obey me or my wife. I had to go to the trainer, who "corrected" the dog and taught us how to work with it correctly. Now she listens well, rarely naughty. If this happens, it means that we have not arranged enough active classes for her.

I also decided to get a Malinois. After the death of the old German Shepherd, a year passed, and I decided to get a dog again.

I learned about this breed only two years ago. It is a pity that in our country they are not yet as popular as the Germans. This is surprising, because they are superior to the Germans in many qualities.

Like any shepherd dog, the Belgian also needs maximum load and training. After the German, it was easy to deal with the Malinois, although it was noticeable that she was a more active dog. If you constantly deal with him, walk at least 3 hours a day, then there will be no problems with the dog. The dog is very energetic. If you want an active and cheerful companion, then the Belgian variety will be the best solution.

The Belgian Shepherd is both easy and difficult to train. If you immediately establish contact with a small puppy, show that they love him, and immediately indicate who is the boss in the house, then there will be no problems with the subsequent upbringing of the dog. We bought such a beauty about three years ago, she quickly received us, obeyed perfectly and carried out all the commands. Of course, she needs long walks and always with active tasks that she performs with pleasure.

He treats children positively, maybe because they were already in the family. I don't know how adults get along with new family members. But if you buy a puppy in a family with a child, then she will definitely make friends with them.

Brief description of the dog

Other dog names: Groenendael, Malinois, Laekenois, Tervueren.
Adult growth: male 60-66 cm, female 56-62 cm.
Belgian Shepherd Weight: male 25-30 kg, female 20-25 kg.
Characteristic coat color and length: Belgian Shepherd is divided into types:

  • tervuren- long hair, black muzzle and brown-red color;
  • malinois- short hair, black muzzle and fawn-red color;
  • Groenendael– long smooth black coat;
  • Laekenois- hard coat of medium length and reddish-brown color.

Lifespan: 10-12 years old.
Breed advantages: sociable, smart and quick-witted, moderately accommodating, an excellent watchman, gets along with children and other pets.
Breed Difficulties: there may be mood swings, slightly shy, with a lack of education sometimes becomes aggressive.
How much does a Belgian Shepherd cost? The average price of Belgian Shepherd puppies is from $350 to $900.

The history of the origin of the breed

The first Belgian Shepherd appeared by crossing other breeds in 1891 thanks to the Belgian veterinarian. His goal was to create an excellent herding breed that would become a national treasure. As a result, he managed to withdraw four type of this breed: Malinois, Groenendael, Tervueren and Laekenois.

All of them have the same disposition and characteristics, and differ only in the quality and color of the wool. These species received their names from various cities. Tervuren is the city where the first breeder of the species of the same name lived. The town of Mechelen or Malin gave its name to the Malinois species. Grunendael is named after the city of Grunendal, where it was bred.

And only a small and almost unrecognized Laekenois got its name from the castle of Laeken, in which, in addition to the nobility, shepherds-breeders of one of the breeds that participated in the selection lived.
In 1907, separate standards were officially adopted for each type of this breed.

The purpose of the breed

First of all, Belgian Shepherds - excellent shepherds and watchmen, in principle, this breed was bred for this. Thanks to their intelligence and endurance, representatives of this breed can often be found in the service of law enforcement or law enforcement agencies, as well as among rescue and search teams.

Characteristics of the breed Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherds have a sharp mind and a good memory. They are smart enough and can independently make decisions on circumstances without the participation of the owner.
Appearing friendly, but wary of strangers. Therefore, it is better not to allow strangers to come close, and even more so to stroke.

They are very devoted their masters and, if necessary, they will defend you and your home with fury.
Their shepherd nature affects their relationship with children. They often make wonderful and patient nannies who will obey the child. But you won’t expect much playfulness from them.

Since this is a working breed of dog, they require large and active physical exertion. These dogs will be happy to keep you company on a bike ride or on a hike. With a lack of exercise, they can develop nervousness and imbalance.

If the dog is not given due attention and it is not enough to educate it, very often they begin to show aggression even towards their owners. Therefore, this breed is not entirely suitable for beginner dog breeders who do not have good experience in keeping and raising large dogs.

The Belgian Shepherd does not tolerate even the slightest rude attitude towards him. Of all the species of this breed, the Groenendael is considered the most calm and balanced. He most suitable as a companion.

In Malinois, on the contrary, working and fighting qualities are more developed. Also, the Belgian Shepherd Malinois has a more short-tempered character. She is often brought in as a guard and watchman. This species takes an active part in various competitions.

Dogs of this breed require maximum free space and more suitable for outdoor content. Moreover, having a harsh Belgian hardening, they endure any weather conditions. Although Belgian Shepherds are cat chasers, they are often neutral towards other pets.

Video review of the breed

Whomever you choose as a pet (Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren and Laekenois), I recommend that you first see the description of the Belgian Shepherd breed in the video:

How to choose a puppy

After you have decided on the type, gender and purpose of your future four-legged pet, you are faced with the problem of choosing a puppy. Of course, it is better to take a puppy from a specialized nursery or from trusted breeders. Puppies are weaned from their mother and accustomed to new living conditions from the age of one month.

First of all, pay attention to the conditions of the mother and puppies. It must be dry and clean. Also ask about the number of puppies in the litter. The fewer of them, the stronger the kids, because they can get enough nutrition from their mother.

Be sure to take the puppy in your arms. He should not smell unpleasant and be moderately well-fed and well-groomed. The coat of a healthy puppy is smooth and shiny, without any bald spots and bald patches.
Also pay attention to a flat, without sagging back, even, without enlarged tubercles on the paw joints, protruding ears, mischievous shining eyes of the same color and a wet cold nose.

Watch their behavior for a while and ask the owner of the dogs about it. He will be able to tell you more about their habits and already emerging features of the future character. Ask to provide documents for the mother and puppy metrics. And ask about possible hereditary problems with the behavior or health of the puppy. Conscientious breeders who value their reputation will not hide anything from you.

Dog names

When registering newborn puppies, breeders usually give them names, according to generally accepted rules. Officially, according to the documents, the dog will always bear only this name. If this nickname does not suit you, then you have the right to call the dog as it is convenient for you.

Often, before purchasing a puppy, future owners already know what they will call their little friend. But if you have not decided on this yet, then choose a nickname that emphasizes its peculiarity, intelligence or other qualities.

An example of nicknames for boys: Bruno, Dantes, Raj, Marcel, etc.
The girls are named: Dana, Irida, Dakota, Noise, Daisy, Jasper, Mirtha.
In any case, the last word is yours.

If you follow certain rules, then there is nothing complicated. From puppyhood, a dog needs to be trained in a certain place, and preferably outside of the house. To do this, the puppy first needs to be taken out as often as possible. An adult dog will have enough good and high-quality walks twice a day. If you keep a dog in an apartment, then after each walk wash her paws and stained parts of the body.

It is necessary to wipe the eyes daily with a cotton pad soaked in clean water. And also once a week, the auricles, thus preventing the appearance of an ear mite.
Belgians need to bathe no more than once every two months, and use special products for this.

Depending on the type of Belgian Shepherd, hair care is also different. This is easiest with a Malinois. This is a short-haired species that requires little or no grooming. Sometimes it is enough to walk over the body of the dog with a special glove or brush.

Tervueren and Groenendael are long-haired types and require increased attention. They need to be combed well every day with a special comb to avoid rolling wool. And also, if necessary, cut off excess hair between the fingertips.

Possible health problems

Overall Belgian Shepherd is in excellent health. Here, probably, genetic hardening by the harsh Belgian climate affects. But sometimes there are some problems. These include:

  • anterior and posterior joints. It is possible to confirm or refute its presence only by making an x-ray;
  • retinal disease (cataract), which can lead to complete blindness;
  • rare cases of epilepsy, which can result from overstimulation of the brain.

In any case, even with seemingly minor deviations in the behavior or condition of the pet, it is better to immediately show it to the veterinarian. This way you prevent the possible onset of any serious health problems.
And also do not forget to do prophylactic according to age in a timely manner.

Puppy and adult dog food

In the daily diet of both, and already an adult dog, protein products must be included in sufficient quantities. These are fish, meat or offal, eggs and milk or its fermented milk variants.

Fish and meat should be taken in low-fat varieties so that the dog does not have digestive disorders. As for the chicken, it is extremely it is undesirable to give tubular bones. They can significantly damage the esophagus and stomach. And be careful with oatmeal, as it weakens a little. It is better to mix it with other cereals.

Your pets will benefit from eating a reasonable amount of butter or vegetable oils. As well as fruits and vegetables. And from time to time, give your pets vitamins appropriate for their age.

Of course, you can also use dry prepared food, but only verified manufacturers. And also choose them depending on the needs of the dog. In such feeds, as a rule, all the necessary vitamins are already included.

Without fail, regardless of the type of food, the dog must always have clean water.
A small puppy needs to be fed 5-6 times a day. And with growing up, gradually transfer to feeding in the morning and in the evening. Try to regulate the amount of food and do not overfeed the dog.

Belgian Shepherd dog training

The Belgian Shepherd (Malinois and other types of it) is quite smart and well trained, so it usually does not bring any special difficulties. Here the main thing is to be patient and act firmly and clearly. If you doubt that you can do it yourself, then it is better to seek help from experienced dog handlers.

Before the start of training, a good, trusting relationship should develop between you, in which you will be an unquestioning authority for the dog. Feeling the slightest weakness on your part, she will easily show you all the willfulness of her character. During training, you should not emanate a drop of insecurity, and, of course, do not forget about praise and goodies.

And remember that dogs of this breed become aggressive from incorrect or insufficiently qualified training. And by doing so, you endanger others and yourself in the first place.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Belgian Shepherd captivates with its grace, intelligence and intelligence. it excellent companions and guards. She quickly adapts to any conditions, and also faithfully and faithfully serves her master. Active and temperamental dog not good for people who are accustomed to lead a more passive lifestyle.

The dog requires high-quality training and regular physical activity. With a lack of education, it becomes aggressive and unbalanced.

Such types of Belgians as Tervueren and Groenendael, very shedding and require daily grooming.

Belgian Shepherd has 4 varieties. with long black hair tervuren with long red hair malinois short red haired and wirehaired Laekenois. Of these 4 varieties, only the Laquinoa is not recognized by the American Cennel Club. The presence of several varieties of the same Belgian Shepherd breed is not due to different natural conditions in which they were bred, but solely by the conscious efforts of dog breeders, who managed to consolidate the morphological characteristics of the breed in just over a decade.

In this particular case, a person managed to create 4 types of dogs, differing from each other in color and coat, but identical in morphology and disposition. And all this thanks to the study of the laws of genetics that inspired the first breeders of the Belgian Shepherd.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

Belgian Shepherd Standard and Character

From the end of the 19th century and for almost 20 years, the director of the veterinary school, Professor Reil, was engaged in the selection of a breed for which until then there was no standard. Without his research and experience, the small dogs of various colors that accompanied sheep to pasture until the end of the 19th century would have undergone a qualitatively different evolution. Spread all over the world, the Belgian Shepherd has managed to win the hearts and minds of dog lovers with its gracefulness and remarkable character traits.

The head of the Belgian Shepherd has a clear outline. It is quite long and dry. The skull and muzzle are approximately the same length. The nose is black, with wide nostrils. The forehead is moderately convex. Eyes of medium size, neither protruding nor sunken. The shape approaches the almond-shaped. The look is lively, direct and intelligent. The ears are triangular in shape, set high and erect.

The height at the withers is 62 centimeters, the body is powerful, but not heavy. The chest is not very broad, but deep and drooping, as in all animals of great endurance. The croup is slightly sloping, broad but not too wide. The forelimbs have a compact skeleton and dry, strong muscles. Paws are rounded, with dense and elastic foot pads. The hind limbs are powerful. The thighs are broad and muscular. The shape of the paws approaches oval. The tail is of medium length, strong at the base. The coat is abundant, thick with a fluffy undercoat.

The Tirvuren has a long coat, black and red with a black mask. The Malinois has a short coat, black and red with a black mask. The Groenendael is long and completely black. The Laquinoa is rough, rufous, blackish on the muzzle and tail.

With an excellent sense of smell and intelligence, the Belgian Shepherd can be used as a guard dog. She is distinguished by sociability, affection for the owner and tenderness for children. The combination of these qualities distinguishes it from other breeds, and therefore it is necessary to encourage and cultivate these natural properties in it. A shepherd dog, bred on the basis of careful selection, in character will no doubt be an ideal example of a breed naturally possessing excellent inclinations and impeccable balance.

Puppy education and training

The owner of the Belgian Shepherd must use all his insight and receptivity to understand the psychology of this dog. Provided there is a good relationship between the owner and the animal, the Belgian Shepherd is much easier than any other breed. Natural resourcefulness and lively curiosity makes her exceptionally receptive to the commands of the owner.

Today, this beautiful dog is used as a guard dog, but deep down in its being, the spirit of that little shepherd dog that accompanied the sheep to the Belgian pastures still lives.

The decision to include a Belgian Shepherd puppy in your family must be carefully weighed based on a number of considerations. In order to guarantee a harmonious and healthy development of the dog, and just as importantly, proper education, it is necessary to give him enough space and devote a lot of time.

Once you have dealt with these questions, move on to the next, of which the main one is for what purposes you are going to use the dog. In any case, before purchasing a puppy, it is advisable to seek the advice of an experienced dog breeder who has devoted years to breeding these dogs. Ideally, a puppy should be taken at the age of 10 to 16 weeks, since it is puppies of this age that those who breed them prefer to give into the hands of the owners.

In addition, during this period the puppy is already large enough and it is possible to put the first vaccinations on it. And yet, at this age, the puppy is already capable of learning. Another important aspect is the choice of gender. Many people are convinced that cables are much less of a problem than bitches. However, the bitch goes into heat twice a year, which is only 30 - 40 days in total, when, like a male, smelling a bitch from a distance of several kilometers, he is preoccupied and sexually aroused throughout the year. In addition, the bitch is kinder and calmer than the male and, as a rule, more obedient. But the male is more impressive, fast and much more independent.

The Belgian Shepherd can be an excellent guard and guard dog, but due to its intelligence and versatile abilities, it can also be a great show specimen, a reliable guide for the blind and of course a cheerful and devoted friend for all family members.

Raising a puppy requires a lot of effort from the owner. In the first months, it is important not to disturb him during the rest and try not to tire him either with the game or with too long walks. The puppy must first of all learn his nickname well, learn to walk on a leash and relieve himself in a once and for all established place.

The nickname should be as short and clear as possible. Over time, the puppy will learn to associate his nickname with caresses and attention. At this stage, you do not need to call the puppy by his name when you make a remark to him during the game or eating. Otherwise, he will be reluctant to respond to the nickname, since it will be associated with unpleasant sensations for him.

In the process of training a dog, in no case do not resort to coercive measures. Try to act with persuasion and persuasion.

A long process of adaptation to life next to a person has accustomed dogs to food that is not of animal origin. It should not be forgotten, however, that the dog is carnivorous by nature, and therefore the basis of its diet should be the noble proteins found in meat. The diet of our four-legged friends should include nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and mineral salts. There are already ready-made products on sale, whose composition is chosen in such a way as to satisfy all the needs of the dog for food.

Ready-made food allows you to build a dog's diet in accordance with its real needs, and provides the right balance between the main nutrients.

Care and maintenance

The presence of a Belgian Shepherd in the house requires certain hygiene rules. Remember that you should not bathe him too often, as even special dog shampoos can ruin the animal's coat. The coat may lose its stiffness and dullness. The fact is that the coat of the Belgian Shepherd Dog should not be too silky and shiny.

If you want to get rid of the characteristic dog spirit, use commercially available products, trying to spend them as economically as possible. Avoid bathing puppies that are under one year old as well, as they can catch a cold.

Dry brushing is essential on a regular basis. The comb for combing the Belgian Shepherd Dog should have sufficiently rare teeth so as not to pull out the hairs of the coat and undercoat. The comb must be carried out slowly and only over the coat. The brush, in turn, should be stiff, but not very thick.

Brushing an adult is done once a week, a puppy twice a week. But in no case should you cut the dog, as this will give the Belgian Shepherd a non-standard look and the coat will no longer grow to the desired length. Grooming also serves to prevent infection. The fact is that between the hairs of wool and on the skin, mites, fleas and itching can start. Ears, eyes and nose are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

The Belgian Shepherd needs space. And if after sunset it makes sense to keep her at home, then during the day she is against it. It is advisable to let her be in the open air, having provided shelter for her from wind and rain in advance.

Health and disease

Guaranteeing the good health of a dog depends primarily on proper planning. The parvovirus vaccine is given at 6 weeks of age and then repeated at 9 and 13 weeks and at 6 months. Vaccination against glanders, hepatitis and leptospirosis is given at the 8th week and repeated at the 3rd and 6th months.

Graceful and strong, the Belgian Shepherd is a working dog breed accustomed to outdoor life. Being a born shepherd, this breed also has all the qualities necessary for a guard and guard dog. Vigilant and attentive, she perfectly manifests herself in a variety of official functions.

Due to its qualities, the Belgian Shepherd often becomes a champion in competitions. During these competitions, the dog must overcome all obstacles located on the territory of the stand in a pre-selected direction within a limited period of time.

This is a rather difficult exam, which the Belgian Shepherd usually passes with flying colours, due to its excellent behavioral characteristics. Liveliness, ingenuity and speed of reaction make this dog an inseparable companion of a person whom he can rightly be proud of.

Photo of a Belgian Shepherd

Groenendael, photo gallery

Tervuren, photo gallery

Malinois, photo gallery

Laekenois, photo gallery

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