The Spanish Mastiff is an obedient giant animal with a kind heart. Spanish mastiff: description of the breed, character, photos and reviews of owners Care and health

Popular with dog breeders. They are chosen by those who want to see a good guard and a devoted friend in their pet. In our article we will talk about the description of dogs of this breed, their character, as well as all the intricacies of caring for them.

Performance evaluation and information

Very large sizes. The growth of males can exceed 77 cm, and weight - 60 kg, bitches of a slightly smaller size - 72 cm and 50 kg, respectively. But, despite their size, dogs of this breed are calm and restrained, they are not characterized by an unreasonable manifestation of aggression.

Their color is varied, but the most common shades are black, yellow and brindle. The skin hangs in folds on the muzzle and all over the body.

Giving a description of the Spanish mastiff dogs, special attention should be paid to the mind of the animals of this breed. They perceive the words of the owner and lend themselves well, but at the same time require increased attention to themselves.

Origin of the breed and purpose

The birthplace of dogs of this breed is Spain. The mention of the Spanish mastiffs as a separate breed is found in the 15th century.

They appeared as a result of crossing dogs of different breeds and selection for such qualities as size, endurance, good reaction, lack of aggression towards the owners, intelligence, attentiveness. Such dogs were needed by the local population as helpers in cattle breeding. Spanish mastiffs were engaged in the protection and protection of the herd from predators.
The beginning of the modern breed is associated with the birth of the piebald mastiff Machaco in 1906. In the middle of the 20th century, breeders selected the largest representatives of the Spanish Mastiff in order to breed the largest dog in the world.

Did you know? Cattle breeders left only four puppies from the litter of the Spanish mastiff, believing that the mother could only feed so many babies.

Despite the gigantic size of these animals, their physique is proportional, these dogs cannot be called clumsy.

Appearance - requirements for the standard

The breed standard was approved in 1981. The modern Spanish Mastiff is larger than its ancestor. The male must be at least 77 cm tall and the female must be at least 72 cm tall. However, a taller height is preferred: a minimum of 80 cm for males and a minimum of 75 cm for females.

Did you know? The thick coat of the Spanish Mastiff allows him to easily endure frost below -30° FROM.

  • The eyes are small, almond-shaped, mostly dark. The look is smart and attentive.
  • The ears are triangular, hanging, of medium size. Located above the line of the eyes. When the dog is calm, they are lowered; when excited, the Spanish Mastiff raises them slightly.
  • Life expectancy is 10 to 12 years.

The nature of a born guard

Spanish mastiffs have an even, balanced character. They are not aggressive and do not attack without a warning growl.
Spanish farmers still use them to guard their herds, which these animals do brilliantly thanks to their large muscular body, intelligence and powers of observation.

Mastiffs are very devoted to the owner, they react subtly to the manifestation of affection. With children, a dog of this breed behaves like a nanny, subconsciously perceiving them as members of the pack who need to be protected.

They get along well with other animals, including cats and large dogs. At night, the Mastiff's hunting instincts are aggravated, so he can behave restlessly.

Which owner is suitable?

It must be taken into account that the purpose of the dog is protection, therefore, in communicating with her, the owner must immediately take a dominant position. It is important for a pet to see authority in him, then training and education will pass without any problems. The Spanish Mastiff is suitable for an owner who leads an active lifestyle., will be able to take the dog for jogging and long walks, but it should be remembered that large loads are contraindicated for animals of this breed.

Training and training originally a farm dog

Spanish Mastiff puppies require early education. It is necessary to prevent the development of bad habits in them: biting and standing on a person with their front paws. If such habits remain in an adult mastiff, he can unintentionally knock down and harm a person.

It is not difficult to train these animals, they willingly obey the owner, following the commands. Proper upbringing will be the key to easy training.

In education, the method of encouragement is recommended, these dogs are very fond of being praised and treated to delicious food for the good execution of the command.
But we should not forget about rigor, perseverance and patience during pet training.

How to choose a puppy and the price for it

When choosing a puppy, you need, first of all, to pay attention to the breeder and the pedigree of the parents of the future pet.

The health of a puppy can be judged by its appearance. He should have clean ears, a moist nose and a soft coat. The future pet should be active, but not aggressive.

Puppies should be bought at least 1.5-2 months old. Before that, for a balanced character, they need close contact with their mother in the future.
The answer to the question: how much does a Spanish mastiff puppy cost depends on the purpose for which it is purchased. There are such classes of dogs:

  • Pet class. The main purpose of such a dog is to be a friend and companion, it is not intended for breeding and exhibitions. The price of such a puppy is 600-750 US dollars.
  • Brid class. Animals intended for breeding, but not participating in exhibitions. The price of a puppy is 850-1200 US dollars.
  • Show class. The best representatives of the breed participating in exhibitions and capable of becoming the founders of a new kind. The price for such a Spanish mastiff puppy is 1300-2500 US dollars.


In order for the Spanish Mastiff to feel comfortable and develop properly, it is necessary to provide him with suitable living conditions.


Acquiring these beauties to live in conditions is not the best idea, it will be crowded for pets there. It is better to settle them in a private home.

The Spanish Mastiff is unpretentious, but he needs fresh air and space. You can settle dogs of this breed in an aviary, having built it taking into account providing the pet with shade in the summer months.


The Spanish Mastiff sheds twice a year. In addition, the undercoat of these dogs is thick, and there will be a lot in the house. If there are allergy sufferers in the house, you should think about the possibility of introducing this dog.

The coat of these born guards requires special care. There are brushes for combing dogs that remove already shedding hairs and dead skin cells.

Important! The procedure for combing wool will be more efficient if you use a comb with metal teeth.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

The eyes and ears of the pet need periodic inspection. When dirty, wipe them with a cotton pad moistened with an antiseptic solution or water. If pus or a bad smell is found, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Spanish Mastiffs should have their teeth brushed weekly to prevent tartar. If stones have already formed, they must be removed by a specialist.

Long nails interfere with Spanish Mastiffs when walking and can deform their paws. Therefore, twice a month it is necessary to cut the claws of dogs.


Bathe the Mastiff once every two weeks or when the dog is very dirty. Frequent bathing will wash off the natural fat layer of the dog, and this is unhealthy.
Soap and shampoo are recommended to be used only in case of severe contamination of the pet. During frosts, you should refrain from bathing your dog.


Dogs of this breed are prone to obesity, which can threaten them with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To avoid this fate and always keep the dog in shape, it is necessary to take long walks with him, which should take at least an hour. During this time, the dog should actively run and warm up.


Spanish mastiffs are not picky eaters, they need to be fed twice a day: the first time no later than 10 am, the second - at about 7 pm. The amount of food depends on the time of year - in summer the dog needs an average of half a kilogram per day, in winter its amount must be doubled.
You can feed the mastiff with special dry and wet food, not forgetting to add natural food to his diet, for example, fresh meat.

Important! The mastiff's digestive tract does not accept pork, so it is necessary to completely exclude it from the pet's diet.

If the owner aims to feed the pet with natural products, then most of the diet should consist of meat, and a smaller part of cereals, vegetables and dairy products.

Health and characteristic diseases

When caring for a Spanish Mastiff, special attention should be paid to his health. The pet needs to be properly fed and given feasible physical activity.

The most common diseases that the Spanish Mastiff is prone to:

  • hip dysplasia. Excessive physical activity of mastiffs at the age of puppies can lead to this disease;
  • eye diseases: cataract, torsion of the eyelid. It can be a birth defect as well as the result of an injury;
  • eczema of the skin. Poor nutrition, inappropriate care products or poor living conditions can lead to this disease;
  • torsion of the stomach. It can be provoked by physical activity after eating. In this case, urgent medical intervention is necessary, otherwise the animal may die.

Spanish Mastiffs need to be vaccinated on time. Modern veterinary clinics offer a universal vaccine that protects the animal from several diseases at once.

The Spanish Mastiff is a dog that, despite its large size, has a kind and sympathetic character. With proper care and upbringing, he will develop properly and delight his owners.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Origin of the Spanish Mastiff

The breed owes its origin to Spain. It was here that as a result of crossing the Celtic guard dogs with the Iberian mountain shepherds, a breed of dog called the Mastiff appeared.

The history of the existence and development of this breed goes back many centuries. From the very beginning of the practical use of dogs of this breed by humans, their main purpose was to perform guard duty. In addition, mastiffs are born hunters, able to cope with such large animals as a wild boar or a bear.

As a result of constant selection work aimed at improving and developing the breed, a new variety of it has appeared - the Spanish Mastiff. An excellent breed that has inherited and developed all the best qualities obtained from the parent breed. It was standardized in 1982.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Description of the characteristic features of the breed

Spanish mastiffs have a wonderful temperament. They are characterized by kindness and loyalty towards their masters. Regardless of the surrounding circumstances, they are constantly ready to help, showing hostility to enemies.

Characteristic behavior in the family is a manifestation of tenderness, affection and the complete absence of aggression. At home, in the circle of people close to him, the Spanish Mastiff is restrained, calm, absolutely predictable and deserves all confidence. And the dogs themselves need a manifestation of attention, care and love from a person. For a normal life and development, they need space, so Spanish mastiffs rarely live in city apartments.

From a very early age, the Spanish Mastiff must go through a process of training and education, as a person cannot cope with an ill-mannered and untrained adult dog. Dogs of the described breed, depending on the requirements placed on them, can perform various services. These are reliable friends and helpers who will never leave the owner: no matter what happens.

As a result of purposeful selection work, nervous, cowardly individuals are practically not found among the representatives of the described breed. The courage and devotion of the Spanish mastiffs can be envied by the owners of dogs of other breeds.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.


Although at first glance it seems that individuals of this breed are inactive and clumsy, this impression is erroneous. In fact, this is a powerful, large dog, an excellent guard, hunter, fighter. The Spanish Mastiff has a beautifully built body, a large square head with a flat forehead. His nose is black and his lips are wet. A dog of this breed has either brown or hazel eyes, a calm look, and a developed, strong, slightly short neck. When viewed from the front, there is an impression of power due to the perfectly developed chest.

The forearms of the Spanish Mastiff are strong and strong. The limbs have well-developed muscles, and in the hind limbs it is more developed than in the forelimbs. The thickness of the tail decreases from the base to its end. The tail itself does not twist and does not lift up to the back. The longest hair on the tail, shoulders, chest. The color of the representatives of this breed has many options: red, apricot, brindle, gray.

The Spanish Mastiff is a dog with impressive dimensions: a height of at least 75 centimeters for a male and at least 70 centimeters for a female, a weight of at least 60 kilograms for a male and 50 kilograms for a female. Adult male occurs in the period from the third to the fourth year of life, and in females from the second to the third year of life.

The life expectancy of the Spanish Mastiff reaches eleven years.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Spanish mastiff puppy.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Photo of a Spanish mastiff.

Spanish mastiffs at first glance seem too big and formidable for family living and for fun games with children, but the first impression, as they say, is deceptive. These dogs have a long history with a reputation as an excellent shepherd and watchdog, but nevertheless they know how to be affectionate and never hurt those creatures that are inherently weaker than them. How to make the living of the Spanish Mastiff the most comfortable from an early age and will be discussed further.

Characteristics of the breed: Spanish Mastiff

The Spanish Mastiff is a heavy and huge dog. The Mastiff has been used by Spanish sheep breeders for centuries as a guard and shepherd. Dogs of this breed have always been known for protecting and escorting huge herds. Currently, this dog is often seen in shows, and it is also kept as a guard dog or as a companion dog.

The Spanish Mastiff is a calm and restrained friend of man, he will never show aggression just like that, therefore he deserves full trust. This dog is noble, gentle, invincible and strong. Despite the impressive size, the Spanish mastiff needs careful upbringing, because he is very smart and perfectly perceives the words of the owner. Mastiff should not be started by someone who cannot pay much attention to him.

Dogs of this breed need to be provided with early socialization and obedience training. This must be done so that in the future there are no serious problems with discipline, because it will be impossible to cope with an untrained dog. In addition, its owner is unlikely to be able to keep the mastiff in place, because for this it will be necessary to apply a large amount of physical strength.

The impressive dimensions of the dog are not a condition for the development of excessive aggressiveness in it. By the way, you can not allow the dog to be timid or cowardly, because this can seriously ruin her life. Thanks to its warm coat, the mastiff can survive outdoors despite the cold, but still a loving owner will probably want to build a warm booth for his pet to ensure his comfort.

The body of the Spanish Mastiff has interesting features.

The head of these dogs is large, has a square skull and a flat forehead. The mastiff's muzzle is deep and long. The nose is always black and has wide nostrils. Lips are black. The eyes are relatively small, slightly slanted, hazel or brown. The Spanish mastiffs have a slight drooping of thick eyelids, but the look is confident and very calm. The Mastiff's ears are small, thick, triangular in shape and not cropped. The teeth of this hunting dog are large, white in color and in a scissor bite.

The neck of these large mastiffs is relatively short, but very muscular, beautifully arched and set high.

The body of these dogs is distinguished by muscularity and breadth with a developed chest. It is interesting that in this dog the circumference of the chest exceeds its height at the withers. The mastiff's belly does not sag and is moderately tucked up.

The Mastiff's forelegs have sufficient angularity to allow the Spanish Mastiff to move freely and gracefully. The nails are usually dark in color and short in length.

The tail of this large Spaniard is thick at the base and, when excited, tends to rise and curl, but not twist over the back.

The nature of the coat is coarse, it has an average length and a fairly thick undercoat. Longer hair is observed in dogs on the shoulders, chest and tail. The color of the coat is varied - from fawn, red, wolf, white and gray, and to black, red or brindle.

The movements of the Spanish Mastiff are distinguished by freedom, elegance, and pronounced strength in them.

Dimensions: weight, height

As with any dog, the size of females and males differ significantly. The height of the dog is determined by the height at the withers, which in adult males in normal physical condition is from 75 to 80 centimeters, and Spanish mastiff females are usually lower and reach a maximum of 70-75 centimeters in adulthood. Spanish mastiffs, both females and males, are rightfully considered heavyweights compared to other dogs. The smallest females at the age of one year weigh at least 50 kilograms, and as for males, their weight can be about 60, and in some cases as much as 70 kilograms.

Of course, all these indicators are considered average and it's okay if your dog falls short of these parameters. On the contrary, you need to start worrying when the dog is overweight, because this can provoke cardiovascular diseases, obesity, poor physical shape, and also a lack of cheerfulness in the dog in the future.


The nature of this dog is determined by its main occupation - the good protection of the flock of sheep. He is always self-confident and has an independent spirit, as he can do his job as a guard on his own, without the help of the owner. The hoarse barking of the dog scares enemies with confidence. Despite the fact that the dog may seem ferocious, it still has a big and kind heart. He always responds to a person with nobility and friendliness. Spanish mastiffs have a strong character and are able to remain calm even in negative situations. In conflicts, this dog retains his composure and will never attack without a warning growl or a low bark.

The mastiff serves his master very faithfully, showing him great devotion and subtly reacting to manifestations of love and affection. By the way, do not be afraid that a large Spanish mastiff can harm children and the elderly. On the contrary, it is in the genes of this dog to protect those who are much weaker than themselves. With the right upbringing, he becomes a reliable friend and faithful protector of young children. This breed has a unique ability to get along well with other animals, both small kittens and large dogs.

Thanks to the hunting instincts, the mastiff's behavior is restless at night, because it is during this period that he has an exacerbation of guarding instincts.

What to feed the Spanish Mastiff

As for food, the Spanish Mastiff is absolutely picky about it. Many mistakenly assume that a dog of such huge size has a large appetite and frequent need for food. But in fact, it is quite enough for an adult dog to eat twice a day. The first meal should be done no later than 10 am, and the second time the dog can be fed at the end of the working day, that is, at about 7 pm. The amount of food a Mastiff eats may vary due to climatic conditions and the seasons of the year. For example, in the summer, the Spanish Mastiff eats half a kilogram of food per day, and in the cold periods of the year, the dog needs an increased dose of up to one kilogram of food.

You need to feed the Spaniard with specialized dry and wet food. At the same time, one should not forget about adding minerals, vitamins, and nutrients to the diet. A real delicacy for a mastiff will be fresh lamb or rabbit meat. The digestive system of these large dogs does not accept pork, so we completely exclude this meat from the diet.

So, a puppy who is one and a half months old and is ready to receive independent food should receive it on average six times a day. It is in vain to believe that it will be quite enough for a small mastiff to eat only dry food. Even the highest quality food will not replace all the necessary elements that help the correct formation of the dog. When the dog is going through a period of active growth, it is recommended to add more fresh meat (low-fat beef), dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, milk) to the daily diet. Steamed vegetables (everything except potatoes) and fruits can be an excellent source of mineral supplements and vitamins. The main thing is to approach your puppy individually and take into account what he really likes. A puppy is considered physically healthy when its weight and height are fully consistent with its age.

It is believed that mixing different types of food in a puppy's diet is very dangerous for his digestive system. Therefore, if problems are observed when feeding with dry food, then it is better not to risk the health of your pet and start feeding it exclusively with natural products. The basis of the diet should be lean meat and homemade cottage cheese. If you want to diversify the dog's diet, then you need to be careful and introduce each new product not immediately, but gradually. By the way, it is better to give dry food to the dog in a softened form, that is, somewhat soaked in water at room temperature.

It is important that from early childhood the dog knows exactly the place where you can always find fresh water to drink. You need to make sure that the puppies do not intentionally turn over the bowls of water, otherwise this game will be impossible to stop later. The daily intake of the main product, that is, meat, per day is about one hundred grams, if we are talking about a one-month-old puppy. As they grow older, this dose increases to half a kilogram of meat. Remember that homemade cottage cheese should be introduced no earlier than the third month.

It is very important that the puppy during the first month of being in a new home follows the same feeding regime as the breeder. It is necessary to thoroughly consider the place where the new family member will live. An outdoor aviary with a safe shelter from rain and wind will suit him perfectly.

Fans of large and friendly dogs cannot do without the Spanish Mastiff, because he will become a reliable life partner for someone who will actually take care of him. But we must not forget that this dog is not a toy, but a self-sufficient person who needs to devote time, effort and money. Give your dog a lot of love and warmth and then she will answer you the same!

At the first glance at a Spanish Mastiff dog, thoughts immediately appear that this pet was clearly not created for living in families with small children. It seems only because of the huge growth and formidable appearance. What is the nature of these dogs? A description of the breed and the features of its content are waiting for you in the article.

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Breed overview

The Spanish Mastiff is a rather heavy and huge dog. Nevertheless, his character and behavior do not at all correspond to his external image. This is one of the most obedient dogs that requires special training and training in order to avoid troubles and problems in the future. According to the owners, this is a very discreet friend who will always remain faithful to his master in any situation.


Already, judging by the name, it can be understood that the country of origin is Spain. The Spanish Mastiff appeared thanks to a fairly long selection work. In the Iberian Peninsula, due to climatic conditions, animal owners were forced to drive their pets from one place to another, even for hundreds of kilometers. Of course, there was a danger in the attack of predators (lynxes, bears, especially wolves) on livestock.

It was in such situations that the Spanish Mastiff served as an excellent companion and guarded the entire herd, at the same time absolutely not intimidating pets with his behavior. Thanks to the protective instinct of these dogs, they have never been taught security work, it is in their blood. At home, this breed of dog is treated with great respect in the same way as shepherds.


The Spanish Mastiff breed is distinguished by a very large and powerful physique and a fairly large weight. According to the description, his head is rectangular in shape, its width and length are proportional. The forehead is flat, and the muzzle is deep and rather long.

The medium-sized eyes are triangular in shape and slightly slanted. Eye color is most often brown or hazel; the eyelids have a rather dense texture, thick, black, hanging down a little. The dog has a confident look, but at the same time, the look is quite calm.

Large white teeth with a scissor bite. The short neck, which is rather muscular, is slightly arched and set high. On the neck, the skin is thick and elastic, sagging. The whole body is muscular and powerful, the paws and the whole body are very strong, but not loaded.

The tail does not curl and, as described, should not be carried behind the back. However, during arousal, it can rise and bend in the shape of a sickle. The base of the tail is quite dense and thick.

Height, on average, is from 72 cm, and weight - from 50 kg. However, it is worth considering that the weight of the dog should be more. The photo shows how powerful this dog is.


How long do Spanish mastiffs live? The average life expectancy is 10-11 years. This is not such a high figure, because it is 13-15 years. With good care and enough attention, the Spanish Mastiff will live its entire life to the fullest.


Perhaps the character is one of the most interesting topics for talking about this breed of dog. And all because the character does not at all correspond to the appearance of a pet.

Having learned the traits of his character, it immediately becomes clear that this is one of the most faithful and friendly dogs.

A dog of this breed is very self-confident, confident in its strength. The Spanish Mastiff is literally overflowing with love, friendliness, loyalty and nobility. However, an interesting fact is that earlier these dogs had a more formidable character, but over time, these pets began to be used exclusively for domestic purposes. Accordingly, the character has also changed to a more modest and homely one.

According to the owners, these dogs are always very calm and very rarely show anger. Moreover, there have never been any cases of aggression, respectively, this dog deserves great confidence. Also, according to the reviews of many owners, this is a fairly smart and intelligent dog, which is distinguished by determination, but at the same time, nobility. In any case, most character traits depend not only on genetics, but also on the owner himself, who must teach his pet to be calm towards loved ones and angry towards enemies.

If you have children at home, even small ones, then the Spanish Mastiff is one of the most suitable options. You don't have to worry about big height and huge weight. In fact, the Spanish Mastiff is very friendly and is great with children.

Content Features

Dogs of this breed are absolutely not picky about food. It is enough to feed the dog twice a day. Dry or wet food is best. However, do not forget about minerals and vitamins, which should also be present in the dog's diet if you feed him your own food. However, puppies of this breed need to be fed according to a different principle, namely six times a day. Important in the care of Spanish dogs is the availability of always fresh water.

Also important in maintenance is hair care: it needs to be combed out regularly, because the dog climbs quite hard and otherwise the entire housing will be filled with wool. Regular practice is also important. Due to the large and muscular body structure, the Spanish Mastiff needs daily training and frequent walking, otherwise the pet can throw out all its emotions on loved ones. In summer, in hot climates, the dog needs to arrange a bath or shower, but without soap or shampoo.

We offer you to watch a video in which there are tips for caring for the Spanish Mastiff. Also in the video you can see how huge the body and muscles of this dog breed are.

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> Spanish Mastiff The Spanish Mastiff is a breed of dogs of the second group according to the international classification of breeds. The origin of the breed is the result of a mixture of fighting, guard and herding dogs. The main goals of breeding are the protection of cattle and farm plots, hunting for large animals - wild boars, bears. These days, they are often bred to guard private homes and large open areas. The birthplace of these animals is Spain.


Spanish Mastiffs are one of the largest dog breeds. Females are smaller than males, have an average size of 69 to 88 centimeters in height at the withers, a body length of more than 80 centimeters and a weight of 65 to 100 kilograms. Males grow from 77 to 90 centimeters in height, have a body length of more than 85 centimeters, and weigh from 80 to 120 kilograms. These dogs have a long fluffy tail - from 40 to 60 centimeters.

Mastiffs have a light, cream-colored coat, of medium length. Allowed, but less common - white, black or brindle. The maximum length of wool is on the nape and is about 6 centimeters. The coat is thick and dense, close enough to the body - which protects the animal from cold and mechanical damage.

The Spanish mastiffs have a powerful figure: large paws, a wide back, a thick neck and a massive head. The ears hang freely along the muzzle, with an inclination towards the nose. On the neck there is an area of ​​freely hanging skin, which perfectly protects the vital vessels from bites and scratches.

On the front paws of the dog there are 5 fingers and 5 claws, on the hind paws, as a rule, there are 4 of them. The build of males is more muscular and they are larger than females of the same breed. The bones are thick and strong.


Spanish Mastiffs tend to live less than smaller dogs. The average life expectancy is from 9 to 11 years. The final maturation of dogs of this breed occurs at the age of 3-4 years. The quality of nutrition and the amount of physical activity of the animal has a decisive influence on the life span.

To create conditions for a long life of a pet, it is imperative to provide medical support: vaccinate against the most common diseases on time, regularly inspect the coat and skin for irritations, fleas and ticks.

Features of maintenance and care

The best option for keeping a Spanish mastiff for both its owner and the animal itself is a private house with a plot and an aviary for a dog. There should be a bowl of water in the enclosure, but it should not be placed on the floor, but on a special stand, which is adjusted to the height of the animal - this is necessary to avoid curvature of the animal's spine. The same rule applies to food bowls. They feed the dog on the command “eat” or “you can” - this trains endurance in the animal.

The Mastiff needs regular and hard training to develop his natural abilities - strength, reaction, intelligence. The nature of the dog is slightly lazy in terms of training, so it is important to be patient and persistent in this matter. It is recommended to teach the dog commands with the help of a professional dog handler who will control the process at first.

To make life easier for yourself and the dog, you need to comb it out with a rubber brush several times a day. You can also wash the dog, but without soap and shampoos, but with the aim of letting it “refresh” on a hot summer day. It is important to regularly remove dirt in the corners of the eyes with a napkin, and wipe the eyes and the skin around them every few days with an antibacterial lotion to prevent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the dog's eye.

They feed the dog with meat, give bones and cartilage, cereals in meat broth, dairy products, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits. Be sure to add food minerals and vitamins. Once every six months, it is advisable to have an examination by a veterinarian.


Dogs of this breed are prone to a number of specific diseases: eczema, hip dysplasia, bursitis, gastric torsion syndrome. Therefore, it is important to know all the nuances of animal care and be sure to consult with breeders.

Suitable for

The best option for a pet is the Spanish Mastiff for those who are willing to devote a lot of time and effort to the care and training of such a large dog. In return, his owner receives devotion, excellent security qualities, a calm and good-natured character.

How to choose

Since the adult dog of this breed reaches a large size, it is important to choose the right puppy: it must have the right proportions, healthy coat, strong paws, and a dense tail. It is better to take a puppy with the tail raised up.

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